Spend a weekend with me in Monaco for the F1 Grand Prix…
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    all right y’all we are officially here in Monaco they got your boy out here dressed up looking crazy we got all the homies inside Iman Mike thirst Alex all the boys a bunch of other people too that we just did this rally with we literally just drove over here all the way from London we’re going to be hanging out for the whole entire weekend we got a bunch of stuff planned we got parties we got the F1 Grand Prix we’re going to be literally watching it right here on the best turn I’m excited I’ve been to Monaco once before but never like this this time we’re doing it big we got a group of like 70 people it’s going to be lit man so I’m going to take y’all with us for the whole entire weekend take you guys with me on all these experience es and yeah another day another W let’s get it we out here in Monaco baby let’s [Music] goash [Music] flash we’re reaching the end of The Mod ball you know everybody all dressed up signing in the end of the flag started with signing the security deposit and now I’m signing the flag it’s the beginning of Monaco what happened when you got over here cuz I heard everybody in the group chat not just you but like I just seen the group chat was going crazy no it’s cuz it was very complicated to find where the car park is John and I were both grumpy and spending like 450k here at least like just give us just some designated parking yeah they didn’t look out at all they just F you guys like regular no you guys are just very it’s a French thing yeah French service I don’t know if you realized so how do you feel about other people driving the car now I mean like to be honest with you like I really like uh sharing the experience like I’ve done a few rallies before and when I saw a Bugatti Chiron on one last time I was just buzzing just driving with it and I thought to myself I wonder if he wants to just like drive my car and like we swap n you would do that like would do people do that and I thought to myself you know what I’m not going to ask him but when I do get mine I will definitely definitely want to share this opportunity and this experience because I need to relate or talk to you about the car and I can’t talk to you about it properly unless you experience it you know it was [ __ ] ridiculous I’m sleeping and I woke up to the steering turned 45° to the left the car pretty much comes out then he turns it right then it tank slaps right then he pulls it left then he does right again then he’s and I was just like I just want this to be over just please just how does this stop and he managed it he controlled it he’s a che I was like whatever I’m doing I’m not throwing this thing to the wall it wasn’t even at high speed though we were driving maybe 50 mph but I was trying to pass this big bus and when I was coming up in front of him a bunch of water threw onto the car that me up see if you had to it I don’t know how we going to work this one out cuz it’s not really his fault so it’s just like I didn’t even get to crash my own bti you crashed it World South all right y’all day two here in Monaco today’s going to be a big day man we here at the marina right now we’re going for a boat day with my boy Iman and a bunch of my friends right now we’re here we’re not even in Monaco anymore I guess we’re in like the the south of France stayed out late last night yeah I stayed out got late last night I went to the casino with Iman lost a couple hundred bucks it is what it is roulette is a scam I thought I had a strategy I was up and then everything went backwards but what can you do you know so today we’re going to go on a boat we’re going to hang out go to some beach club later we’re going to a party with rampa from kind music and my boy DJ Cruz which I’m going to let y’all meet tomorrow so far the trip is off to a good start it’s just I’m a bit tired it’s been like a week long Bender it’s definitely starting to get the best of me today is also one year since the day that my dad dad passed away I can’t lie it’s kind of messing with me but we’re here with my people that I love the most I wish I could be with my family today but it is what it is we’re here in Monaco and we’re going to make the most of it I know my dad would be happy it’s funny cuz his favorite thing was like being on the boat and and fishing and I didn’t even ask to go on the boat today it just happened so make call it what you [Music] want fly through the bush fly through the bush way we going way we going to take a SW we go SW we going roide clean we going shake off the mother mother mother mother we we we Weck hey Max what’s the temperature of this water sir I don’t to be honest with you I don’t know I I was maybe 17° there you go 17° you’re next Connie no I’ve done it already you’re next Tristan absolutely he said it’s fresh always ask the captain if he’s not going to swim you don’t swim all right so we just got to the restaurant cool little boat ride little choppy but it was good fun we’re going to go to that restaurant right there lerit apparently supposed to be super good so I’m excited to check it out they’re going to come pick us up on the boat right now and the Bender continues see the way I treat my Put a Ring up on her finger take her out the climate somewhere to put her feet up neck Valentin rubies CL B if you sick we [Music] stop it’s a tough life out here man what do you think honey I have crusty makeup and I’m tired I’ve been partying for like one week straight but all in all I’m super grateful I’m happy to be doing these things I just uh I haven’t slept I think in the span of a week I’ve slept like maybe 15 hours but we get back to the house we drink some espresso we shower up we get off the Crusty make up and we [Music] rally so if you guys don’t know my main business that I run is called viral Vault it’s a product research software for people who want to start doing e-commerce and I’ve been having this company since 2018 now this is not a promotion for that it’s actually something much different as of today actually I sold the company I sold this business for my biggest exit so far y’all know I sold a company back in 2022 my e-commerce store but this one is about $10 times bigger of an acquisition than that one I can’t disclose the exact amount but it is a multi-million dollar deal my biggest deal so far that I ever did yeah we get to celebrate it with the homies here in Monaco but the people should not worry cuz you’re still going to be involved Yeah Yeah so basically we merged with this company called autod DS maybe you guys have heard it in I promoted them in the videos before and we’re basically joining forces with them so I’m still going to be a part of the company now we’re just doing it all together as a team so if you guys are in that community and you do the coaching calls with me I’m still going to be there I’m still going to be around OG team is still going to be there but we’re just going to build it much bigger with auto DS on our backs but yeah man we officially sold the company it’s crazy because this company is the one that took me down to $30,000 in debt I started this company back in 2018 I got scammed by some stupid business partner took all the money we had made I had to build it from scratch using the last little bit of savings I had went down to zero went down to $330,000 in debt and I kept building this business through all of that and now at the end we’ve done over $5 million and we exited the company for million so it’s exciting man I’m really blessed this is a big step forward in my career and now I’m going to be using this money to build something bigger I’m going to be continuing to build the digital Launchpad with my boy Iman I’m super stoked on that project and of course keep delivering these amazing videos for you guys it’s amazing man I’m super grateful just a kid from a small city in Florida that was able to make it happen make a bunch of money online sell two companies travel the world Inspire millions of people another day another W later we’re going to meet up with my boy DJ Cruz he’s a huge DJ here in Monaco does all the private parties he was actually the DJ of the night when Travis Scott and tiger got in a fight roll the [Music] clip we’re about to go hang out with him a little bit later and I think my girl want to go shopping is that right yes just check around but let’s go shopping I want to show you guys the city of Monaco cuz it’s kind of ridiculous the amount of money out here is funny and even though I just sold a company I still can’t keep up with these boys but let’s go let’s go shop on every corner of every street there’s a superar here in Monaco we’re here just in the middle of the city I done seen already $10 million worth of cars people out here with Richard Mills Paddock it almost makes me like feel bad because you know there’s countries that’s not far away from here where people is literally down bad on their last but everybody in Monaco is just balling I really like it here but the amount of money is almost funny like yesterday at the beach club people were spending hundreds of thousands of dollars just to get champagne that they’re going to pee out to tomorrow the next morning I don’t think anyone drank any of those either yeah people would get the bottles they just wanted to save like their country cuz it would say wcome Argentina yeah they would get the bottles just to flex that they got the bottles and not even drink them and spend like $80,000 on it but I mean I’m one to talk cuz you know I’d be spending money too I buy nice clothes and everything but I don’t know man money is funny get you some money do whatever you want with it just make sure you save some for a rainy day and give some back to your community that’s all I’m saying you got just about every car you could think of and this is one Street bro you might got $20 million in cars on just this street alone literally the Batmobile that’s a guyardo SV I never even seen that car in my life it’s a $1.2 million center right here that’s that’s one of the most expensive McLarens you could buy with your money right I mean what a lineup of cars bro might be one of the best lineups I ever seen and it’s just like a basic little side streak here in Monaco like all right so we got an interesting night ahead my boy DJ Cruz he one of the biggest DJs out here in Monaco and all of Europe This Man travels around DJs every private party he just invited us to go to a private yacht party where he going to be dejing they are going to be picking us up on a little boat taking us to some giant yacht you seen the Yachts out there the ones out there yes oh boy we’re going to one of those Yachts out there that’s going to be I’m excited for that it’s going to be lit huh yeah all right y’ so we running really late to the party with Cruz so we came up with a great idea Cycles these never go wrong pretty much everywhere we go we always end up on a bike I think it’s one of the best ways to get around as long as the app unfortunately ta had technical difficulties and was unable to film the Montage please stay tuned for more cinematic montages later in the episode and this is sweet I’m not going to lie this might be the craziest lineup of yacht that’s intense hey if you were to estimate all of the Yachts combined how much would it be worth more than a trillion trillion yeah I think just insane out here bro this this weekend is just different did we feel this close together chasing all right we made it to the boat well I guess it’s more of a yacht you see my boy over there playing some drinks this might be one of the coolest spots I’ve seen the whole time just being in the middle of the water around everything right by the track going to be a good night let’s go say what’s up to the boy come on being in a place like Monaco it just expands your mind because you realize how much money is out there and how much as possible if you just put your mind to it everybody that owns one of these $100 million Yachts all started somewhere and had to get to that level well maybe not all them some of them you know they grew up in the family but their daddy did or their granddaddy did and they made it happen but all I’m trying to say is super important no matter what level you’re at try to surround yourself around well cuz it shows you what’s possible and makes you think harder I know you guys can’t all be out here from Monaco F1 but there’s always something you could do we in the Time of Our Lives baby [Music] baby turn the music up [Music] babye time beat by I just met BR from the Lakers hey but you know what if it came down to it gun in my head one onone I one onone that might have been my favorite party of the whole trip I’m not going to lie yacht in the middle of the city of Monaco the boy Cruz honestly some of the craziest people I’ve seen this week we was with Kyle kosma the owner of Qatar Airways the owner of Inter Milan football team so now we got Cruz coming out we’re going to be going back to my place chilling for a bit and then we’re going to his party at Lily one of the most popular clubs here in Monaco yeah then Peggy goo afterwards so it’s a good night thank you guys it’s been a pleasure sucessful little set right there that was fun yeah how many shows you played in the last week six or seven just every day I mean right now it’s crazy cuz last week was on Film Festival and now we’re at Monaco Grand Prix so that’s a special week super intense like every night so much going on but on a regular I would say I play like three to four gigs per week and how’d you get started with DJing like how many years you started doing music that was years ago I got into it but I was skateboarding at a young age and I was doing these contests and it was like a DJ at the contest and I didn’t understand what he’s doing but I just saw like whatever music he plays gets the people really hyped during the contest when I’m skateboarding so so that kind of like inspired me to like start DJing and then uh then a neighbor I like this neighbor of mine he gave me an old turntable and I started scratching that’s what’s going to me hook and uh then I just like started building so since a kid that’s all you’ve done you haven’t done like different careers like it was a DJ since day won no I was yeah but I never thought it’s going to be my career I was just having a good time and like scratching and and just and then I got my first book and we were selling these CDs in front of the clubs my friend and me were like 15 and then we got like the first Club cookings and then we were playing these like little youth you know these like little youth places where like the the young kids can go hang out so we were playing there and it just like step by step yo so what’s that day in the life look like of somebody doing dejing 24/7 traveling around the world what time do you go to sleep bro so like early night 5 maybe cuz then I’d be DJing till 4:00 but if I DJ till 5 or 600 then it can be like 7:00 I don’t I don’t DJ often till 600 I usually play till maybe four or five then I’m in bed maybe 1 hour later I feel like nowadays more people than ever want to be DJs sure what would you say to somebody out there that wants to get into that business what would you say to somebody that wants to start making music start traveling start DJing so what advice would you have for somebody who wants to become a DJ personally might sound a bit old school but I would say like work on your craft cuz like there’s so many like attacking this this guy wants to be one too they’re attacking this whole DJing thing from like a social media angle from like what there’s so many ways you can go in but then like you’ll see them play and like I mean who am I to judge but I would say like work on your craft make sure you’re like a you’re a dope DJ even with YouTube we been doing this for 10 years I know so what it takes you know everybody want to get started but they’re not ready to put the work let’s get to the show bro I know we running late so let’s go let’s go let’s go yo Monaco has so many stairs turn it around show them this is crazy I feel like Rocky B boa right now we can’t get the key to work so easy quick outfit change we got Connie outside she’s tired tail is the opposite of tires tomorrow we’re going to watch the F1 Grand Prix at the best spot in all of Monaco but for tonight we’re off to L to party all right we’re here at Lily’s we going to have a good night man that boy put up an hour late to his set he was supposed to be on stage an hour ago but he’s still uh still getting paid so made I treated people I don’t want to go I don’t want to all right y’all that’s enough night life for me we going to get some food we going to call it a night it’s been a long week of partying tomorrow’s a big day baby we got the F1 race day I’m ring for my boy Lando hopefully team McLaren takes a dub but for now we need some sleep and some pizza you want some pizza let’s get some pizza and some fries last day in Monaco busiest day of the week everybody looking fly today all ready for the all white part let me see stop crowning real quick quick let me see the fit stop playing let me see the fit stop playing with the boy man stop playing with the boy man I’m rooting for team McLaren today we need team McLaren to win it’s race day man you see what it is we here right now at the hair pin turn apparently it gets a little crazy right here on this turn they’re coming barreling down that hill right there they got to come for a quick stop bust that turn come around the corner and rip out I don’t know if this is bad to say I’m trying to see somebody crash right there that’s I don’t want nobody to like die or nothing you know like I I wanted to be okay just like like hit the wall you see the wall right there want to like just to like bump the wall I want to see them use the crane you’re a sick guy you know that all right I got my coffee ready to watch some racing watch some people go around corners fast I don’t know man I’m going to be honest with y’all man I this is just between me and you f1’s kind of overrated that you didn’t say I think F1 is designed for a different reason than watching the races okay I think F1 is more of a Lifestyle brand and getting rich rich rich people all together to have meetings with each other and do deals nobody really cares about the races now again this is just between you and me just entertainment you know how like the Greek gods and the Roman emperors had entertainment they had all their rich friends together it’s is basically okay right right right I’m all for entertainment but the amount of money spent around this board alone just to watch that that little turn the amount of money spent I mean there are people here that have spent $330,000 just to sit on a couch that I could buy at Ikea for 250 and by the way they can’t even see the race from where they’re sitting so that’s what I mean when I say the whole F1 thing is a little bit of a a little bit of a you but it’s fun you know my best piece of advice watch it on TV you want to see where I’ll be watching the race from you want to see the best view in the entire place the best view in all of Monaco and all of F1 is right here from this view I can see every turn I can see every angle I can see who’s winning I can see the lab times from right here and you know what’s amazing is you can get all this in the comfort of your own home so I just want to let y’all know if you got fomo right now you’re not missing out your boy’s always going to keep it honest with you I’m not going to fake Flex on you but you are missing on the sound that’s the one thing sound is NI yeah but just watch it on TV bro save your money I got 996 you crazy you gazy I’m Loco with so dreams do come true y’all in the very first lap we did see a crash right in front of us right in front of us heavily into the wall collects one H and then the second one has nowhere to go I feel bad for the racer but it dreams coming true what’s crazy it was it was his own teammate sabage that clipped him and now he’s completely out of the race it be your own people bro you got to watch out now let’s go Monaco Grand Prix baby okay so Monaco it’s a nice place right what it’s a bit ridiculous I mean people just wasting money spending way too much on the dumbest things but regardless with good friends any place is fun and we had a good time we got to see a lot of cool stuff we got to come to the race go to a bunch of parties I think we messed up by doing the rally to get over here cuz by the time we got here we were so tired you know but good times here in Monaco man that’s all I can say what look at his feet subscribe just subscribe bro I mean look we’re out here doing this who else you know doing this man I mean you see what we doing we’re coming out with more Vlogs let me know if y’all like the Vlogs by the way cuz cuz you know I do a lot of stuff like this but I never really film it but I want to start traveling showing youall more behind the scenes of the lifestyle yeah that’s all we got for this video headed back home now to sleep for 2 weeks see you in the next video trying to hit this I guess I could take one too


    1. Congrats on selling ViralVault Jordan! I am a member and I'm excited to see how it evolves with AutoDS. Just today I have been talking with my girl about how I know for a fact I will make money online one day it's fact I just am learning right now and your videos are helping . Would love to spend a day like this with you one day🔥💪💙

    2. Karma is real bro, look at you – you got stabbed in the back by a business partner, but in the end you got the good karma with this big exit. Bless.

    3. Your point about F1 is super valid when it comes to Monaco. Other than that, it’s like any other popular sport in terms of biz. But it’s mostly about racing. Not Monaco tho 💯

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