A few days off no thanks to the miserable weather but we are back with a long walk to start the day before we whittle our belongings down and decide to give it all away.

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    #travelvlog #travel #giveaway

    [Music] good morning peeps how are you doing today we had a day off woke up yesterday morning throwing it down very windy rubbish and we decided you know what we didn’t even say anything to each other we just knew not happening today so we just had a proper day off yesterday um I’ve got up right and early and I’ve already fed the animals now I haven’t seen any I’ve just seen the squirrel run off actually apart from that the birds don’t seem to have arrived today I think the weather yesterday put them off but before yesterday the afternoon before wow it was chaos absolute chaos I’m going to show you a little clip now of what was going on in here it was a proper Zoo it’s chaos on our picture at the moment we’ve got the squirrel down here eating the bird food we’ve got the two ducks who are the naughty Ducks who keep chasing Jima fur a bit of Nookie um in the distance walking there is the baby pheasant one of them and about 30 stylings how can anyone say this isn’t a real proper Zoo oh there’s two peasants now look chasing each other what are you doing what are you doing you all meant to be friends oh they’re off yeah it’s turning into a bit of chaos at the moment right so what’s happening is he’s trying to have Nookie with her they’re only about a month old grow up first Jesus uh where’s he gone oh one of the Ducks came up here I’ve got peas in there don’t tell Mazy whatever you do so they’re now fully fed we’ve actually put a bit of stuffing in here as well well a lot of stuff in see if they’ll eat stuffing cuz we had some left over I don’t see any reason why they wouldn’t a bit Herby but especially things like the Rooks they won’t care what they’re eating they’ll eat anything um so that’s done I’ve cut my nails I didn’t film it I’m sorry but luckily for you it wasn’t the toenails it was just the hand nails if I do film The to Nails you’ll have first refusal on whether you want to see the clip or not the clip do you get it uh let’s just see what today brings it’s uh going to be showery with no plans but we’ll get up to something I’m sure just did something else for you as well but I didn’t film it well I had a shave can you tell had a shave especially for you guys and I shaved me nostril airs which I have to do because it’s like a jungle up there sometimes now this it’s a Phillips series 3000 nose trimmer thing yeah Mazy had this before I met her and we have never changed the battery on this since we met have we no never never so in six years or something it’s had the same battery it’s just gone that’s incredible isn’t it um so yeah highly recommend this one right come on let’s get on with this good morning beautiful yeah good morning you all right yeah just cleaning the fridge out got wastage food that’s wasted just go put this in the bin right it’s that cold ma put the diesel heater on don’t blame her it is cold you don’t want to sit out there it’s too cold don’t blame her so we’ll start this Vlog in here I think my I I’ve got to do this I’ve got too many clothes now I’ve got to put me pile of clothes back in the wardrobe and sort me wardrobe out cuz it’s getting a bit of a nightmare again s a wardrobe out I need to can’t get in it can’t find anything and I’m still wearing the same clothes every day because it’s still my winter clothes because it’s too cold to wear me under t-shirts we’re going on allay well to work to work we’re not going to enjoy ourselves ah not at all are we just printing off our boarding passes so that means we can go but can we get back we still need boarding passes to get back Mazy yeah you have to check in and all sorts babe so we’ve got this language translator which there will be a review of in Cyprus um just turned it on for the first time I have yeah and Mazy just said which language were you using Spanish Spanish Mexican Spanish yeah she just said something she read it off there and she said it what were you trying to say I was trying to say how I can have the menu please but in Spanish right and so you said it I said it and it came back with it’s came back with well I need well I tend to go for it well I tend to go for it because what I’m trying to explain is you talk in this one like the English person will talk here hi hi can I the menu please so hi can I have many please us so what happens now then that if the guy might want to talk back to you and he’ll then push this one so he’ll say h pu ten pu of ten ten I don’t know my Spanish but that’s how it kind of works anyway so you’re both kind of communicating on the same device but you basically came back and said I’m well up for it yeah yeah I did yeah we’ll have to play around with that yeah it’s good it’s easy I’ve literally just picked up for the first time a i yeah and you’ve basically said you’re gagging for it to the [Laughter] waiter still in bed good morning good evening good middle of the night good morning cheer this up today um being dragged for a three 2.7 mile walk by my beautiful Mazi really looking forward to this it gives us something to do today and gets us out of the house the last two days it’s done nothing but rain rain rain and more rain I know I’m just looking at the uh oh got a spider on his camera just looking at the picture on here it look so dull that’s because it is so Dar is do so we’re going for a walk today anyway the three mile walk which is 2.7 a mile this time we’re actually going to go the opposite direction which will be exactly the same as the other way just the other way around be more exciting though cuz we could get lost we don’t know it could do we no um yeah let’s do this uh condolences by the way to Trevor and Pat oh bless you both yeah they were parked opposite Us in the motor room on the nurseries and they had a head-on collision M on on the way home by the sound of it and the van’s written off luckily they’re okay yeah thank God hello beautiful all she wants is cuddles this one she’s lovely no look it’s like the one I wanted a big thank you to everyone who says you’re going to vote for me in the general election seem to be getting a lot of support there ma Dan knows Dan knows um I looked on the BBC website and it had a list of all the people you can vote for in the general election and for some reason our name’s not on there sorry my name’s not on there um so what I suggest is when you do vote on the 4th I think it is of July if you can’t see his my name on there just write it down at the bottom just put Dan nose party dare you um that’s all you have to do I won’t be around on the fourth you know like other politicians stand outside and try to get people I’ll be on holiday I’ll be in GRE I’d already booked it say Cyprus Cyprus you always keep saying GRE I won’t be there I was going to do a Manifesto but then I thought you know what I can’t be bothered so I haven’t done one of them so I’ve saved trees already uh but yeah thank you for your support you know I was just about to film then I’m looking through the camera and I saw the legs on this were warped I thought I’ve got it in some wrong set and I actually looked at it it is Warped it’s all being bent cuz someone’s hit it just notice this Arrow here I can only guess there was a bike ride a bike race that’s been on there for ages has it yeah that would have had a hell of a wallet because that would have had to have come up like this sort of a direction wouldn’t it yeah I don’t know someone’s hit it I’m surprised it’s bent rather than just come out of the ground maybe it’s concreted I don’t know right this is your last chance to turn back no good job I got my Wellies on Dan hasn’t I didn’t even know it been raining what it hasn’t stopped the last two days what are you rning about overnight oh overnight I don’t know so what what you reckon baby CAU over the way the third the third that’s a quarter isn’t it no no it’s not no it seems a lot harder this time we seem to be going slightly uphill all the way because though we haven’t been sort of doing much walking and stuff since we’ve been back have we and it’s because we were in bed I were in bed half an hour ago yeah yeah we jumped straight out bed and come for a walk mind we do this to like wake ourselves up start the day fresh and then you get back to the A and you’re tired out nice so this is the way I’ve been coming when I’m doing bike reviews and it feels like it’s taking us half an hour to get to here I can do this in 5 6 minutes on my bike I didn’t know you come down this way yeah well my plan is if I come on here because it’s such a quiet Road I can put the camera down and drive drive past it do drive past shots yeah but whenever I am doing that you can guarantee a tractor’s coming I’m sorry to keep talking politics I know you’re not interested Mazi I know I’m not but I’ve got to answer I’ve got to answer the voters haven’t I I’ve got questions so who’s this from Cal Butler uh wants to know what I’d do about Asylum Seekers entering our Shores on boats for example that’s Carol by the way is it yeah uh that’s a very simple answer and I’ve always said this um B wire very simple solution just get a load of bar wire make it about 100t wide big strip of it in the sea between us and France uh and they won’t get through simple as that it’s all you have to do if they’ have done that at the same time as building the tunnel uh we won’t have any problems whatsoever so B wire cheap effective and it hurts once a year we can hear chickens kicking off as if they’re getting it’s the their last night shall we put it that way um and it’s from here and this is proper free range they’re just all in all these fields you can’t see them cuz they’re at The Far Side just enjoying the fields proper proper free range you can hear them caged up in there yeah you can hear them in there yeah thousands of them it’s like a murmuring now and again we always hear the cows now and again don’t we yeah I think that’s more that oh that’s probably where we passed the cows in the Cow Shed oh R past some cows in a little calf a little baby calf quite cute it quite often sounds like there’s a load of them there and it’s there last night as well you remember yeah that was awful quick tip then if you’re going to do the 2.7 mile walk don’t come this way go the other way it’s a lot it’s a lot nicer I found it easier I exactly my instructions was right like coming up here we were un sure and I said it was it’s here because yeah I’m not saying you’re not right I’m saying it wasn’t as enjoyable last time not that that were enjoyable either so you want to come from the campsite come up the track here uh take a left then another left at the Cow dong here and then left and then left and then left try both ways and let us know which way you prefer no one’s going to walk oh 5.4 miles just to see which is the their best Mazi certainly after watching this video oh well we don’t film much because we’ve just been enjoying the quietness and the peacefulness passed about two cars it’s been lovely we’re half more than halfway through just straight down now is’t it actually yeah but it a’t lovely it is lovely I a enjoyed it this time I didn’t enjoy it last time though did I I want to see if spawn LS here but it don’t look like it is gone gone I’m probably going to get hair fever today because I’ll p in this high today is it yeah Maza says this is rape seed I think so yeah I just looking at it from a distance and I was thinking oh You Don’t See Fields just left like this anymore it’s proper overgrown Wildlife Heaven No butterflies for some reason um but yeah it must be rape seed so it’s just coming into flour that’ll look lovely in another week soon sorry soon as we get some more sun about November it’s not coming in flower I think what they’ve done is got they’ve got stuff planted in between them all you look the yellow isn’t rap seed oh it is yeah it is yeah yeah it is I shouldn’t have touched that oh gosh yeah I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure rape seed is really bad for hair fever is it I think so oh wait till they cut that field there that’s going to be there yeah this is a public foot path down here and I’m pretty sure it’s the farmer’s job to keep this cut down and it needs cutting badly getting very wet feet here this one I’m pretty sure that same Mazy yeah it needs a good straight over with the look tractor it only will take him 10 minutes just discussing tea what am I having sausage sandwiches sausage sandwich we don’t have a lot in the house now I’m happy with sausage sandwiches yeah is it the fire pit ones no um well I’ve got some fire pit ones l l what’s your favorite is it l Lin Lincolnshire well there there is some fire pit yeah I can do the fire pits I’ve just taken the link Shir out of the freezer I have bit of both bit of both yeah bit of both um yeah the fire pit range is it any good I don’t think so what’s everyone’s opinion on it I I don’t think it’s out special no these fire pit ones I think they’re supposed to be spicy cheesy sausages oh yeah I think um and yeah there are I think they all right but like the burgers just a plain burger you can get better plain Burgers I’m sure you can for half the price but the me the sell don’t the in the supermarkets they have a big section just fire pit all these lovely pictures of how fantastic these barbecues look and you fall for the Trap and then right next to them you’ll see some Tesco Lincolnshire sausages half the price and just as tasty if not better but I fell for it this time so we’ll see if they’re any good tonight well they appetize them for like the barbecue aspect don’t and their whole range and I don’t just personal I don’t know no I can’t say I’ve ever had anything in that range which is which have just gone wow yeah you know what I mean not at all nearly there anyway not far we’re getting there there wildlife’s been rubbish I’ve seen a CW chickens cows just seen two hairs in the field over there and that’s about it honestly you see more I could have just sat in me on my pitch and seen my wild massive slugs you forgot that one big slugs yeah massive black slugs everywhere but yeah just to these trees and we’re there don’t know what this is is it m as Ma’s just said or is it wheat as I think it looks like a wheater mix packet oh yeah yeah how beautiful is that there’s your Swan lur Maz it yeah still a tiny bit of water yeah you can see how none of the s grown there obviously well he wouldn’t been able to have planted them would he well if he planted it last Autumn well you can see this one where that was part of Spawn Lake as well it’s a dead sort of like that at the edges where he’s planted up to it yeah maybe yeah but it’s not going to recover this year no can’t remember it being like that last year well we made it what we doing that again in a hurry that Rook there seriously coming around the corner then I thought there were a dog in his in his garden it is huge that’s the one which can get fat balls in its mouth and just fly off with them did the animals eat the stuffing yesterday uh yes eventually today who ate it I don’t knowbly the Rocks probably I enjoyed that I just filled that up and squirrels had it all already oh enough’s enough so we are back left the heating on don’t tell Dad he would hit the roof now if he knew that heating was still left on so I just want to show you these fire pit yeah we’re running out of stuff that’s a massive bag of chicken but we don’t really have much to go with that that’s another little bag of chicken sausage rolls peas tiny whiny handful of it’s not even enough really for portion some hot dog breakfasts whatever they’re called Franks or whatever they’re called under so these are them the fire pit eight cheese and chili pork sausages so actually maybe he would prefer these as a sandwich then I took these ones out today they’re still frozen so I’m going to stick these ones no ask G I’ll ask G honey do you want all fire pit or do you want a mixture a mixture please a mixture good job you can actually cook these from Frozen yeah so these these actually look quite nice and that’s tea today we’re both a little bit somber out there I think I just stand I’ve Got a Feeling basically we both we’re half asleep this morning so we literally had just woken up and then left so yeah we’re both a little bit s super somber what are you up to young man can’t scratch me buom can I without you sticking that camera in my face it’s better than sticking it up you yeah put you up to I’m just trying to whittle I’m just going through stuff in there seeing if I can Whittle anything down needs it don’t it we don’t need the box for this for example would you even need that yeah it’s a really good light oh is it oh these are fantastic Lights I’ve never really used them yet no you don’t need the box then do you it even comes with that yeah so I’m just whittling things down really seeing what I can tidy a little bit so as you can see I’ve had a really good Tidy Up In Here sorting things out I’ve basically moved things from in there to in here and then put it into pales and then some over there some over there some over there some over there and some of it ready to go back in I’m freezing by the way um going to offer this to anyone who wants it before we throw it away it’s not what it says on the box we don’t think I don’t think it we’ve not used it it says hair clipper now you’re saying they’re too narrow for a start but they’re not long enough to cut your hair it’s got to you’d have to have very short hair yeah I would I would imagine this is a Beard’s trimmer more for beards yeah they’re all small like that look yeah but brand new brand new it came with this thing here look if you remember when we got this which I’m not giving away yeah that’s brilliant that isn’t this is really handy tried that out just doing the backs there and I’m hoping did you get that and I’m hoping it’s going to do like you know keep this short which I was talking about in the video recently so definitely keeping that that’s fantastic but that’s not suitable for what we need it for it’s unused it’s never been used we’re not with your clippers and your connectors and stuff if anyone wants it come and get it it you have to be staying on the campsite don’t just turn up yeah anyone who’s staying on the campsite we’ll keep all of it for 3 days and if no one picks it up it’s going in the bin but yeah I’m just sorting sorting a lot of things Mazy it’s getting worse and worse and worse and worse and worse um it’s fair to start with it is it yeah if you can film yeah so we’re giving some things away just to people who are on the campsite who are going to be visiting the Campsite in the next week if anyone wants any of these things let us know first come first serve not available to anybody who isn’t on campsite okay don’t be shy either and don’t be shy no just come and collect them so firstly oops we have got practically brand new we’ve sat on it once it’s got Sharon and Martin sat on it pretty much brand new yeah it’s a bench cover yeah we don’t sit on the bench it’s a bit short for this one only just though but it’s comfortable yeah and it’s quite a good quality one that um so a bench cover if anyone wants one make use of it in other ways let us know yeah I think this was left by the people who had this pitch before us just a perfectly good Rook sack not wrong with it is second hand is it it’s carrymore carore so it’s a decent one yeah it’s nice and padded on them straps yeah it’s not a bad Little Rock sack quick spin in the washing machine got good rock sack yeah uh we got sentence by eof FL we’ve never taken it out of the box it’s just a collapsible drinking bottle drinking bottle somebody might like it though coming handy for somebody yeah um right this is can’t get rid of this damn thing this is the giant projector screen the massive giant blowup projector screen still haven’t got anyone who wants it is that with the football the football shaped type Bal thing huge if even if you know your community might be able to use it for this summer for summer Fates or something coming up yeah in a couple in water I don’t know even the material the material itself is good for something isn’t it so so yeah if anyone wants that you know you might be coming there’s quite a money lot of money’s worth there yeah they’re they’re not cheap it’s over100 yeah you know if you come in just for the weekend and you’re going back and you know football’s coming on and you want to have a big football party it is massive though you need a big Garden you need a massive Garden you need something to blow it up with and you need a projector obviously to project onto it but that’s the projector screen going free yeah um don’t know why I’m giving this away cuz you don’t I don’t know why you’d want to keep it because there’s nothing wrong with it it hardly takes up any room might it adds up it all adds up what would you need very good and give it away to some what would you need a chainsaw for who would like a free mini chainsaw I’ve done a review on this if you want to go back uh put um travel trolls and what the make is and stuff and it’ll watch it yeah and it’s brilliant really really I was quite impressed with that actually again free absolutely free we don’t want anything for any of this yep and last but not least I don’t want to do this one but I’m going to offer it I don’t think anyone will want it the pizza oven you are offering it I am you just said you wanted it for the last summer I do I would like it but the amount of room it’s taking up it’s basically that is the pizza oven in there yeah there’s a big bag of wood chippings there can’t guarantee they’re any good but we’ve tried to keep them sealed as much as we can since last summer and a few bits in there to go with it like lighs wood light things so it’s everything you need but it is filthy because they get full of like sot yeah it is really accur so don’t expect any you know you’ll have to give it a really good clean yourself that’s the thing with a pizza oven though babe you don’t really clean them out as long as your stone is clean you’re fine yeah yeah so if anyone wants to give that a go on campsite or anything just let us know you can have it for free the plan with that actually we were we were going to get this last summer out of it and then give it away anyway wasn’t we so you’ll get you’ve decided to do it earlier okay if no one wants it I’ll just keep it and I will use it later in the summer but if no you look right if we can get rid of those that’s that’s actually quite a big chunk now I don’t think we will yeah but I’m hoping we will even if you don’t want them and you know somebody that might um let’s refer back to this bike as well let’s give one more look at this bike we got one last bike so it is the angu I think it’s called a p275 St it’s not a fold up it’s to step through fantastic bike fantastic company only been ridden for the review isn’t it ridden once recommended retail is £1,900 or £2,000 I’ve been offering it for £900 cuz we always do half price don’t we yeah I’ve never ever done this ever ever for No One um but I am going to reduce the price on it simply because we want this storage box back so well we want them emptied actually I’m going to offer this now for £700 yeah um and hurry cuz actually when we did offer it on the last video we had some interest but no one bit the burer so there is people out there wanting this so 700 now for an angry angry an absolute steel yeah that’s a bargain if I remember rightly you have to be quite tall for this one yeah go watch my review of that I think um I said when I reviewed that it’s not for smaller Riders yeah I can see already lovely bike lovely bik right 700 quid that’s available to anybody who wants to come and collect and leave a 50% deposit when you say you want it until pick it up um what else then that’s all I’m giving away for now for now how about if somebody wants to come take our trash to the tip for us oh yeah what trash we a’t got more that’s all trash only a little bit um I think that if we can get rid of some of it I’ll be very happy yeah we just need to make room now still need to sort through bits and pieces don’t we definitely last minute decision um we’re trying to be nice to you lot as well so you lot are going to gain from this well anyone that is able to pick this up and sorry we can’t post it’s just not possible or give it to someone turning up you can’t turn up for this you have to be staying on the nurseries yeah um there picnic stuff you know the review we did the other day so it’s the picnic basket there’s a few bits in it I’ll fill it up with bits there stuff already in there P lovely gorgeous pink picnic blanket and we’ve also got this chair did you want to oh that chair like a lounger like a lounger use got that timu you might remember it’s very low but as a lounger something to lay on yeah it’s a proper Sun lounger in it there must be somebody on the campsite who needs to lay down this summer so all three just let us know as soon as possible so we can get rid um what was I going to say oh yeah and don’t be shy as Mazy says you know yeah don’t be shy you’d be doing us a favor by taking it yeah so anyway this how long have we been offering things for is this a long video now the hair trimmer so don’t forget the hair trimmer as well beer trimmer yeah it’s a long video okay we’re going to leave it here then um weird day today is’t it oh we’re trying to get back into it we had like two days off sort of we had two days off yeah and we’re just counting down to the holiday so anyway yeah so good it’s so good let us know if you want any of them stuff yeah right thank you very much for watching we’ll see you all tomorrow you all have a wonderful wonderful evening bye oh [Music]


    1. You did the right thing Dan. I think the weather has put us all off. Hehe. Maybe a bird sanctuary, 😀 maybe something in the bird feed, makes them a bit frisky.. forgone conclusion you have the job, let’s face it no one could do worse than we currently have. So a fresh start on the 5th Dan , so be ready. Yes Dan your right re rapeseed’s . One of the worse.

    2. Glad you and mazzy got a well deserved break from vlogging but we missed ya.
      I live in upstate New York and it’s been cold, rainy and cloudy here as well. We need SUNSHINE!! ☀️

    3. Hi There Dan and Mazzy , Hope you are Both well , Great video , How Busy is your Garden , The birds and wildlife look so Happy There , A Good walk you had , And What Great Gifts you are giving away , yes shame your giving your pizza oven way now , But some one will love it , And your Bike is a Real Bargain . well all looking Good , Thanks for sharing , Take Care Dan and Mazzy . XX🍕🚲🌞👍👍

    4. I've tried several of the fire pit fresh range from Tesco and not keen on any of them. Too much fat on the Pork and lamb for a start and the flavours don't blow me away

    5. exactly the same nose pube hacker as mine and the brass clippers lol 😂 x you are such generous lovely people x love you both lots xxx from ya besties!!! xxxxx 🤗❤🤗

    6. Very generous of you both. Lovely people in no one collects your local charity shop would be very pleased with those things and they would get alot of money and would be for a great course

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