June 17, 2024 | An exclusive interview with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on foreign interference and his political future. A heat wave grips much of Central and Eastern Canada. Plus, why more people are making the switch to old-school flip phones.

    00:00 The National for June 17, 2024
    01:02 CBC News exclusive with PM Justin Trudeau
    04:02 Deadly shooting in North York office building
    06:34 Wildfire burning near Fort Good Hope, N.W.T.
    07:06 Work to repair Calgary water main break
    07:27 Heat wave grips Central and Eastern Canada
    09:32 Olympic athletes prepare for extreme heat
    12:05 Netanyahu disbands Israeli war cabinet
    12:26 Efforts to get humanitarian aid into Gaza
    15:01 Russian attacks on Ukraine city of Vovchansk
    18:28 Unregistered subs still operating in Canada
    18:53 Controlling a human smuggling hotspot
    22:26 Céline Dion attends documentary premiere
    23:02 U.S. Surgeon General calls for social media warnings
    23:28 Alberta to ban cellphones in the class this fall
    23:41 Opting for ‘dumbphones’ to curb distractions
    35:54 The Breakdown
    26:21 CBC News exclusive with PM Justin Trudeau
    36:00 Drag takes centre stage at the Stratford Festival
    43:07 The Moment | Milos Raonic smashes tennis record

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    The National is the flagship of CBC News, showcasing award-winning journalism from across Canada and around the world. Led by Chief Correspondent Adrienne Arsenault and Ian Hanomansing, our team of trusted reporters helps you make sense of the world, wherever you are.

    tonight is CBC News exclusive one-on-one with the Prime Minister don’t you as prime minister kind of owe it to the country to clear up exactly how compromised the parliament may or may not be at this point in time from foreign interference to his political future you say you’re staying so what is it you want to do in a fourth term that you couldn’t do in the first three David Cochran is standing by with the exclusive interview millions of Canadians in the grips of a dangerous Heatwave we’re tracking Rising temperatures across multiple provinces and sick of all that smartphone screen time hello why more people are making the switch picking up that old school dumb phone I just felt a lot calmer and a lot happier from CBC News this is the national with Ian hansing We Begin tonight with our exclusive interview with prime minister Justin Trudeau where he faced questions about some of the most contentious issues facing his government he sat down earlier this evening with our David Cochran the host of power and politics it was live ran more than 25 minutes and covered lots of topics from that bombshell report on foreign interference to his future as liberal leader and here’s David Cochran David a fascinating moment when you asked the Prime Minister about the top secret foreign interference report but but set that up for us yeah Ian I think people hoping for some specific Clarity on on possible compromise members of parliament came away a bit disappointed from this interview the Prime Minister stuck with his position that National Security interests Trump everything they have to be responsible he urged Canadians to trust the processes like the public inquiry that are dealing with this issue of foreign interference but then I asked them how tenable that was given the allegations and the insinuations that are hanging out there and here’s what happened jug me Singh has said that uh there’s nobody in his caucus he needs to worry about can you say the same thing with comfort and Clarity um I I hadn’t known that jmet said that um I would be wary of any party leader uh drawing any sort of conclusion like that including Mr Singh I would be wary of any party leader drawing any conclusion like that so Ian people are going to interpret that pause interpret that answer her in a bunch of different ways including maybe having new suspicion about the NDP and that just sort of underscores the whole challenge of dealing with this issue of foreign interference another highlight for me as I watched that was when you asked him about his political future yeah part of the big parlor game in National politics now is an ongoing discussion of why Justin Trudeau should quit and when will he leave but he is adamant he is staying he is adamant that he can win this next election despite a year of bad polls so I asked him this I know you say you want to beat Pier PV you keep coming back to that but what if you are the reason the Liberals can’t beat the conservatives in the next election where where do you factor that into your thought process well I think first of all Canadians are not in a decision mode right now um you know what you tell a pollster if they ever manage to reach you is very different from the choice Canadians end up making in an election campaign now in a week from tonight it’s not going to be a public opinion poll it’s not going to be a campaign but it is going to be a by elction in a key riding of Toronto St Paul’s this is a seat the Liberals won at their low Point under Michael ignatev and have held basically in every election since 1993 the Liberals you speak to are worried about this they think it’s going to be a very tight race and it’s as close to a much win as there can be for the Liberals at this point in an electoral cycle and depending on how it goes whole new questions about Justin trudo’s leadership good emerge it was fascinating David to watch that exclusive interview live and we’ll see you again in about 20 minutes with more from it thank you police in Toronto revealing new details tonight about a shooting that left three people dead and sparked the evacuation of a nearby daycare Thomas Dagan now with what we know and the anxious moments for those children parents and daycare workers caught in the chaos young children were carefully LED away from their daycare late in the afternoon under the watchful eye of police word of a deadly shooting in the same building in Toronto’s North York area sent worried parents scrambling to pick up their toddlers I’m thankful that that the daycare he was like kept safe they kept the babies all safe it was just a nerve-wracking experience very glad to be with my son police swarmed the area and deployed heavily armed tactical units to clear the building after investigators say three adults were shot and killed inside an office lobby amid the chaos and uncertainty one nearby Elementary School was put in l down I had a lot of anxiety I just showed up I was driving when the messages went out to the daycare so I didn’t know that when I turned down the street and just to see all the cars and I didn’t know what school it was or if it was the daycare there you go bu 3 hours after the shooting police confirmed all children from the daycare and school had been reunited with their caregiver come daycare staff doing their best to keep parents reassured about their children they’re perfectly fine they have no clue what’s happening they didn’t know until we exited the door that we just informed them there’s going to be a whole bunch of police officers Charles beanas works in the same building he says he heard an argument and two loud bangs he later called 911 and when police arrived he says he heard half a dozen gunshots the police was outside but apparently when he saw the police was here he started shooting and that’s when it happened I guess and Thomas dager joins us now from the scene uh police have said this evening what they believe led up to this shooting yeah the detective on the scene here tonight Ian saying that this was an altercation he said related to the business inside that building uh three adults uh were killed in that shooting two men and one woman among them the man they believe was the shooter a police are stopping short of calling this a murder suicide but based on the information they could provide this evening it certainly looks like that’s what occurred here officers collecting forensic evidence at the scene uh for hours to come police expect to be here on night Ian Thomas Daga in Toronto a wildfire at the edge of Fort Good Hope Northwest Territories still burning out of control tonight we’re going to have a little bit of dry hot weather coming so uh it probably will increase the fire Behavior somewhat many of the 500 residents have fled to nearby Norman Wells where second smaller fire broke out late yesterday people have been asked to stay put until the orders lifted so far no buildings in for Good Hope have been impacted four fire crews are on their way to assist local teams in the community and more than a week after Calgary’s catastrophic water main break there’s some good news tonight the head of the Calgary Stampede confirms the show will start as planned on July 5th while Calgary’s mayor says work has begun to fix five remaining hotspots after that main pipe that burst was fully repaired over the weekend let’s turn Eastward now where millions of Canadians are under heat warnings tonight and those temperatures are expected to last for days Environment Canada says a heat Dome will bring dangerously hot and humid weather to a massive area with parts of Southern Ontario and Quebec expected to see the worst of it CBC News meteorologists call out Kennedy is tracking the Heat and and take us through what we’re expecting well Ian we’re looking at temperatures in the 30s during the day but humidex values in the 40s and that’s through Northern and Southwestern Ontario central Canada all the way into the maritimes where this is really ramping up into Tuesday where it begins so readings like 33 degrees in capus casing the same as will be felt in Windsor and many other communities as you can see and as it spreads Eastward 31 in Quebec City but also for frederickton and not far behind for folks in Monon and you know if that’s during the day think about at night as this Peaks towards midweek through the overnight hours there really isn’t relief because without air conditioning it can still feel like close to 30° expecting multiple records to be broken and the heat itself not to break till likely towards the weekend in and you mentioned records all of this I assume quite unusual it is unusual you know a heat wave of a few days is not but a heat Dome where it sets up and it really gets stuck in the atmosphere this is more unusual we used to see them maybe once a decade and now we’re seeing them every few years if not more you get a ridge of high pressure in the upper atmosphere and essentially that creates a dome trapping the warmer Air at the surface and it does tend to spread over a very large geographical area and we are certainly seeing that the one we just had in the southwestern us that it’s set up and spread to the southeast that one lasted for a few weeks it does seem like as well our warming planet is now affecting our jet stream allowing more of these stagnant patterns to set up Ian CBC News me meteorologist call out Kennedy in Toronto extreme heat is also prompting serious concern ahead of the Summer Olympics experts say Paris could be among the hottest games on record Susan armiston now with a new warning and how athletes are preparing the Tokyo Olympics were the hottest ever up to 34° and 70% humidity Paris could be as bad or worse I think there is there there there’s a there’s a fatal risk because as an athlete you are programmed to push your body to the absolute limits and yeah athletes aren’t going to pull back so if we are competing in these hotter hotter conditions um yeah it’s definitely definitely scary last summer blistering heat in France killed 5,000 people last month was the hottest on record globally and Europe is the fastest warming continent athletes and scientists Are Ringing an alarm Bell in a new report Rings of Fire 2 Sebastian Co four-time Olympic medalist says climate change should be viewed as an existential threat to sport heat plus humidity plus exertion can cause nausea cramps even heat stroke 35° um and yeah I felt as the temperature got up it’s got steadily harder and harder we really need to be asking ourselves are we pushing them too far are we putting them into situations that are too dangerous the Paris organizing committee has vowed these games will be the greenest ever so no air conditioning in the athletes Village built instead with sun shades and infloor cooling but heat is such a worry some teams are considering bringing their own portable AC out of the front I am really bad in the heat Canadian rower Jenny cassen says Olympic organizers should weigh climate effects significantly I don’t think it’s as simple anymore as choosing the country with the highest bid you have to weigh other factors are else you’re not going to have the games like you’re going to have athletes who are barely alive and unable to perform at their best the report recommends adjusting timing or venues and less interest in oil and gas sponsors Susan ormiston CBC News Toronto you can track temperatures across Canada and see how they compare with records on the CBC News climate dashboard we’ve also added some new features including active wildfires broken down by Prov in territory just head over to cbc.ca climate in the Middle East Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has disbanded his War cabinet this comes a week after a key opposition member quit over netanyahu’s handling of the conflict the cabinet was formed after the Hamas Le attack on October 7th to make decisions about the war Netanyahu is now expected to consult a small group of ministers this also comes after Israel’s military promised to stop fighting for several hours each day along a road in southern Gaza so that Aid can get in but still not clear if that will actually help the Palestinians who need it our Margaret Evans traveled to the Israel Gaza border the face of hunger comes in all sizes in Gaza and with a Long Reach nen abuk Kashif says Aid trucks aren’t making it to the ruins of what was once home I keep trying to make make the children patient she says I say just a little longer and I’ll make you something to eat for now that means what local groups can share and pressure on children to fill enough bowls for a whole family on the other side of the border at Israel’s Crossing Point into Southern Gaza pallets of canned goods and piles of onions stand behind concrete blast walls the isra military inviting journalists to see trucks moving Aid to Gaza after announcing what they call a daily pause in fighting but just along a short designated Corridor they’ve been loaded up checked by the Israelis this is something the Israeli Defense Forces want us to see it’s is they say an example of what could happen with their tactical pause ensuring that more humanitarian Aid finally gets into Gaza Aid agencies say they’ve heard that before Israel pledging to flood Gaza with humanitarian help back in March Israel blames un agencies for not collecting Aid sitting at the Crossing those agencies say they need to know it’s safe we hope this leads to further concrete measures by Israel um that uh that they’ll address long-standing issues preventing a meaningful humanitarian response in Gaza um one of those being the absence of any rule of law Israel’s prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu at first claimed not to know about the Tactical pauses creating a potential Rift with the military down plate by its Chief spokesman our order was clear to make sure that humanitarian Aid is getting into Gaza he also made it clear that fighting has not and will not be paused elsewhere in Gaza Margaret Evan CBC News along the isra Gaza Border in northeastern Ukraine another Frontline city has been reduced to Rubble weeks of Russian shelling has forced many to attempt an escape to nearby harv Brier Stewart is there speaking with people who found safety out of their homes and in line for government Aid in harv it was an arduous journey to flee their communities as Russian forces Advanced north of the city even more horrifying for the ones who stayed we’ve been living in the basement for a month said Yuri he’s visibly shaken he only left two days ago after his home was destroyed these are the pictures he took as he walked out of vchan some of his neighbors he says are still stuck in the city there are reports that Ukrainian troops are making progress trying to isolate the Russian soldiers who’ve crossed over the Border this man says he’s a Russian soldier in Bens and out of his unit of 100 men there are only 12 left CBC News has not been able to verify this video Ukraine says the front line has stabilized in this area but trenches are being built on the outside of harv which in May was routinely terrorized by missiles and bomb attacks nine people were killed when five surface to air missiles were launched at this apartment block the gaping hole revealing lives that ended suddenly and violently W all these missiles hit in har we were shown what more than two years of a Russian bombardment looks like strewn across a yard at a secretive location there are the fragments of 1,000 missiles bombs and drones here and Ukrainian authorities are keeping them because they say they’re evidence evidence of Russian war crimes and its targeting of the city of har uh this is parts of cruise missiles in this Heap remnants of bombs and drones this is shahad the shahad Drone yeah this part um as an official from the prosecutor’s office shows us a cluster bomb we have to pause it’s hard to hear him explain what all these weapons are over the sound of a siren warning about another aerial threat pror Stewart CBC news near harff human Smugglers entering the US from Canada are creating political strain and putting pressure on the RCMP you’re running around chasing your tail all evening all night all day day in day out exclusive access to that difficult Patrol in a CBC News investigation into a crossborder smuggling hotspot plus why cell phones from the early 2000s are making a comeback they want to go back to simpler times using a simpler device and Milo shic Powers his way into the history books the Canadian’s memorable performance in our moment we’re back in two tomorrow marks one year since the Titan submersible imploded on its dive to the Titanic wreckage off the coast of Newan land that killed five people now the Transportation safety board says unregistered Subs may still be operating in this country not clear if those vessels have been subject to oversight the board is requesting follow-up action from Ottawa a CBC News investigation is giving us a firsthand look tonight at how the RCMP is grappling with a human smuggling Hot Zone where migrants are illegally crossing from Canada into the US orge Barrera accompanied a border patrol unit to see what was happening what the hell this area around Quebec’s roxom road is a human smuggling Hot Zone that’s crazy that’s Ontario once thousands cross into Canada from the US Now traffic goes the other way into the US a speeding rental car from Toronto Tonto 500 km away signs of a possible human smuggling run they obviously dropped some people off Sergeant TOA backs off he has no grounds to pull it over speeding is a provincial offense he can’t enforce sometimes it does get a little frustrated know you spent so many hours on the road you want to do things you want to prevent things from happening Sergeant tup leads the rcmp’s Champlain border unit it aims to stop guns drugs and people from coming illegal into the country but this new task stopping us-bound human smuggling is taking up more resources you’re running around chasing your tail all evening all night all day day in day out us stats show a steep rise in illegal border crossings from Canada now consistently over a thousand a month about double the number from this time last year that is why it is it’s alarming there’s a misconception that Crossing from Canada into the United States is the all safer alternative which it is not eight people drowned in the St Lawrence River last year trying to get to the US a family of four froze to death in Manitoba doing the same in 2022 but people from all over the world keep trying a North Dakota sheriffs have had to deal with border related dead bodies highspeed Pursuits us members of Congress recently traveled to North Dakota for a hearing on the northern border Ottawa says it wants to stem this human flow I think despite various measures of I would say discipline that we’ve put into the immigration system over the last few months it’s important to inject it with a little more over the course of the summer on the road I do have morale issues sometimes I have to pump up the troops sergeant duah and his troops try to keep Pace with the surging human tide that’s driven by forces beyond their control Jorge barera CBC News the Quebec New York state border we’ll have more from our exclusive interview with the Prime Minister tonight including plans for his political future and his push back on foreign interference interference in our parliamentarians goes beyond party lines why he says Canadians need to beware of some political leaders plus old Tech is getting new like a phone that many thought was was was was done with and now it’s being picked up again why Simplicity in cell phones is surging and I am what I am a story based on Pride that’s now fostering acceptance to see in the front row husbands take their wives hands um is pretty special the triumphant return of Lal fall the national breaks down the story shaping our world [Music] next but the most important thing for me to be in New York tonight um it’s just like a new beginning that is SuperStar Seline Dion on the red carpet in New York tonight for the premiere of her new documentary I am Seline Dion its build is a behind the scenes look at her struggle with stiff person syndrome the documentary premieres on Prime video on June 25th and in case you missed Adrian’s interview you can stream Seline Deion I will sing again on CBC gem on the Nationals YouTube page or on our website cbc.ca theal the US Surgeon General is calling on Congress to force social media platforms to warn younger users about the risks to their mental health Dr Vivic Murthy is calling for a label similar to the ones on tobacco products in a New York Times oped he wrote a surgeon general’s warning label would regularly remind parents and adolescents that social media has not been proved safe starting this fall the province of Alberta is Banning cell phones and access to social media in the classroom the restrictions for K to2 students are intended to reduce distractions and cyber bullying as more people acknowledge the harm of living life constantly online the use of simple cell phones without internet access or social media is on the rise but can they really help curb digital addiction here’s Nisha Patel she’s got her school schedule when lead time agreed to get her 13-year-old daughter a cell phone she didn’t want it to become a distraction when there’s a smartphone or a screen you don’t practice guitar you know you don’t read a book you don’t you don’t just be bored hello she spent about $80 on a flip phone it allows talk and text but no social media and then I just thought I really don’t feel comfortable with her being online all the time known as dumb phones simple phones or even boring phones these basic models seem to be making a comeback sales in Canada grew by 25% in 2023 compared to the year before the smartphone is not a source of enjoyment anymore it’s used to be fun but now they’re addicted to it uh so they want to go back to simpler times uh using a simpler uh device the company that makes Nokia phones has relaunched a model from 20 years ago it’s really interesting to see like a a phone that many thought was was was was done with like we would never use this phone again and now it’s being picked up we’re humans we’re taking back our lives the Light phone is also trying to cash in on the demand its version has a more modern design a black and white screen and no connection to the internet the company is in talks with telis and hopes to bring the phone to Canada later this year though iPhone and Android devices still make up the overwhelming majority of new phone sales in North America right now I’m using the F-22 Kristen Campbell has made the switch I just felt a lot calmer and a lot happier and I just get to like live my life in the place where I am at that moment rather than constantly being mentally like Elsewhere for her getting a dumb phone was the smart move Nisha Patel CBC News Toronto now it’s time to dig deeper into the story shaping our world and tonight the focus is the exclusive interview with the Prime Minister just back from an international Summit Justin trudo has some tough questions to answer here at home and earlier this evening David Cochran host of power in politics pushed him for answers from the government’s response to foreign interference to his own political future here’s a part of that interview prime minister thanks for coming and appreciate it’s always a pleasure to be here David we have this report it’s an all it’s an all party report including some Senators so this is a nonpartisan report that it from a committee chaired by a liberal MP who should Canadians believe that committee’s interpretation or your interpretation as the leader of the government that’s been criticized well actually I’d say um it is a piece that people can look to but the fact that the foreign interference inquiry announced actually just today that they are going to be looking into the conclusions of the nsic cop report and uh drawing further suggestions or steps or or or engaging with it can actually re assure people that they don’t have to take my word for it or J meet sing’s word for it or Elizabeth May or Pier Paz if he ever chooses to read the report that we have an independent uh thoughtful body weighing in the way we are choosing to deal with foreign interference in a thoughtful way but can Justice ug reveal any more details than you can than NS IOP can than the other ministers have read this can she’s going to be bound by the same laws here in terms of explicitly spelling out to Canadians what the issues are well I think everyone understands that when you talk about issues of National Security disclosing classified information puts the people who collected that information at risk puts uh a knowledge of how we protect Canadians in the hands of those people who want to harm Canadians there’s always when it comes to National Security a need to balance um what we can say publicly with what we actually do to keep Canadians safe but we have never shied away from transparency when I stood up in the House of Commons last September to declare that we concluded that India had been involved in the killing of a Canadian citizen on Canadian soil that was extraordinarily serious but that was something that Canadians needed to know directly and I chose to do that because we needed to make sure that Canadians understand the threats to Canada and everything we’re doing to keep them safe don’t you as prime minister kind of owe it to the country to clear up exactly how compromised the parliament may or may not be at at this point in time but that’s exactly why we called a public inquiry with uh a reputable independent judge to weigh in exactly on these questions of how to reassure Canadians that everything necessary is being done to keep them safe and to uh defend our democracy our institutions from uh those who attempt to interfere in it including hostile and and foreign State actors while at the same time informing Canadians of what they can be uh informed about without compromising our ability to continue to keep Canadian safe but there is this inference out the Prime Minister that there are people in the House of Commons who have been compromised by a foreign State and there is no clear way to get clarity and certainty on that at this point in time no I I just laid out that the foreign inquiry uh commission has agreed today and they announced it that they’re going to be weighing in on and that is a very clear way to give answers to Canadians on what can be shared what level of alarm people should have on this but is it tenable to to just go on without names attached to some of these allegations I mean jug me Singh has said that uh there’s nobody in his caucus he needs to worry about can you say the same thing with comfort and Clarity um I I hadn’t known that jmet said that um I would be wary of any party leader uh drawing any sort of conclusion like that including Mr Singh I would be wary of any party leader drawing any conclusion like that there is a range of of issues around foreign interference that uh that our security agencies that our various institutions are engaged in um we know that foreign uh actors are trying to interfere in all different parties in many different ways and protecting the Integrity of our parliamentary system and of people who choose to step forward in Parliament from for from false or misleading accusations that may well be the goal of some of those countries wishing to interfere uh is is requiring a level of thoughtfulness that is not always conducive to um selling newspapers or headlines but is what a responsible uh government must do to continue to engage in foreign interference and I’ll remind you we are the government that has brought in more measures more structures more ways to deal with foreign interference than any other because no other government ever did anything on that a lot of people will look at those last two answers and suggest that you are implying there’s something to be suspicious about with the new Democrats right and their caucus and this is the whole challenge with this issue right I I am implying that interference in our parliamentarians goes beyond party lines from many different sources and we need to make sure that before we go accusing uh anyone from any party on anything there are really important process to go through the minister of Public Safety Dominic levelon talked about the fact that intelligence is putting together pieces of a puzzle and if you see a single puzzle piece you may jump to a conclusion that doesn’t hold up a few weeks later and if you took actions on that particular puzzle piece that turns out to be wrong you can um do significant damage to our democracy and to our institutions and that’s why we have to be very very responsible and careful about it which is exactly why it’s a good thing that the inquiry into foreign interference will be looking at this report and making conclusions and perhaps recommendations to us on the way to move forward the Parlor game as you know is is the conversation of why you should quit and when you should leave and you say you’re staying so what is it you want to do in a fourth term that you couldn’t do in the first three oh no it’s it’s continuing to meet the moment for Canadians it’s continuing to know that what we’ve done over the past years whether it was raising taxes on the wealthiest and lowering them for the middle class whether it was delivering on a Canada child benefit uh that that has lifted hundreds of thousands of kids out of poverty and made a huge difference across the country whether it was being there to support Canadians during the pandemic and yet still have the fastest bounceback on jobs of any of our peer countries delivering on Child Care delivering on all the things that are giving those opportunities to young people who quite frankly don’t feel like they are getting the opportunities they need to have there is a lot more fighting to do at the same time is there are incredible opportunities what we’re seeing in terms of drawing in investment in the gleen green economy that is giving opportunities for small towns across the country to suddenly see factories starting up good manufacturing jobs come back the way we’re seeing uh economic reconciliation move forward in real ways uh for indigenous communities the way we’re seeing uh the opportunities for for for young people to actually get back on track in terms of owning a home there’s lots to do on top of the exciting things around Ai and Quantum and Technology uh that Canada can lead on and around the world but despite that optimistic picture I I mean the country is still angry you can see it in in the mood and increasingly prime minister a lot of them are mad at you right I know you say you want to beat Pier PV you keep coming back to that but what if you are the reason the Liberals can’t beat the conservatives in the next election where where do you factor that into your thought process well I think first of all Canadians are not in a decision mode right now um you know what you tell a pollster if they ever manage to reach you is very different from the choice Canadians end up making in an election campaign and fundamentally and it’s not just Canada but everywhere around the world and indeed I was talking with this with other leaders at the G7 and in in Switzerland at the peace conference for Ukraine um um everywhere can people are struggling with high inflation with cost of living issues with interest rates with housing challenges with child care challenges all these things we are doing better than many countries doesn’t make a difference to someone who can’t pay for their groceries but the way people are everywhere facing a certain amount of frustration and I truly believe that as we choose to step up on solving those challenges to contrast with uh political Vision that so far uh consists from the conservatives of just making people more angry and saying everything is broken I know Canadians are pragmatic people who focus on Solutions and that’s exactly what we’re going to be doing prime minister Justin trudo I appreciate you coming in today thank you sir always a pleasure to talk to you David David pushed the Prime Minister on a range of issues including the newly revised capital gains tax you can see the full interview on cbcnews.ca the CBC News app and on the CBC new News YouTube page the reinvention of an 80s musical centered in a drag Club is taking an Ontario Festival by storm I am what I am I don’t want prise why lagea fall is stealing the show and how the response is touching the hearts of its cast members next [Music] drag queen striking a chord at the Stratford Festival in Ontario repr prising an 0s classic with modern relevance this is a beautiful love story between two men radical at its time it’s unfortunate that it’s still radical the all male Ensemble exploring diversity on stage didn’t think I’d get emotional making their own notes in a musical about love and family Eli glar got behind the scenes access and the for new audiences at Canada’s biggest theater Festival opening night and Stratford Ontario’s Downey street is overflowing with drag queen striking a pose as the doors open for the musical laka fall it is not a RuPaul show okay because we said it in about late 70s early 80s we wanted to see true to the sort of drag makeup at that time because I love what’s going on today but that’s not what we wanted in the show what is going on is a big broad musical set in the hottest and most hilarious drag Club in San Trope like not Lage is about a classic Clash of cultures a gay couple forced to play it straight don’t use that tone to me what tone that sarcastic contemptuous tone that means you know everything because you’re a man and I know nothing because I’m a woman you’re not a woman you might know the big screen version The Bird Cage starring Nathan Lane and Robin Williams much of the fun of Lage comes from Lake hael a caddy chorus of drag queens with makeup designed by Dino Deo you’re concealing the heat which is blocking out the Brows the beard and creating a b and then revealing the she as a former drag queen who performed decades ago he couldn’t believe the news I almost fell to the floor when I got the call really I did the key for laaj is teaching the Queens how to apply their faces quickly they need to sort of be able to do this in about 45 minutes okay on the days of the show right now they’re averaging an hour and a half to two hours but becoming a queen is more than makeup RuPaul refers to uh drag race as the Olympics of drag but right here we have our own Olympics it’s Justin Miller’s job to turn classically trained actors into a chorus of Queens do you realize what a radical act that has become based in part on his own experience as the drag queen Pearl Harbor what does it mean to be a queen to carry yourself as a queen to walk onto stage to charm and beguile and own an audience you wouldn’t know it by watching but some of the actors he works with have never done drag before there are worse things than coming on as surely I have basically made a career of playing schlubs and losers and and comedy second bananas kind of thing and so to have to be this Force the most famous uh drag queen in San Trope Stratford veteran Steve Ross plays the biggest queen of them all come and investigate the dark side of your soul Alban is married to George the club owner and transforms into Zaza the star of the show I checked and double checked with the director to say are you sure you want this are you sure you want this package come take a look I’m so big on on the the effects of the the mindset of being an actor of size in this business and and coming up against walls as Steve but as Zaza he transforms into a queen who is the embodiment of loving yourself I am what I am I don’t want praise I don’t want with a song it’s become a rallying cry for the gay and trans Community I [Music] am I am [Music] what does it mean for you Steve to sing that song to this audience pulled from across Canada I uh huh didn’t think I’d get emotional I’m so proud of the festival and I’m so proud of our director that uh two gay actors are playing these roles when lagea fall first opened on Broadway it broke through barriers winning six Tony Awards decades later with drag shows becoming a political flasho and targeted by protesters the message is as relevant as ever this is a beautiful love story between two men radical at its time it’s unfortunate that it’s still radical beneath the sequins and the spectacle Lal isn’t just transforming actors to present a story about a marriage a long-term relationship between two men and to see uh to see in the front row husbands take their wives hands um is pretty special at a time when other festivals are failing being bold and relevant is part of what’s made Stratford Festival a success a little walk a bit of that way instead I’m black I’m gay to see this show done with u full support from the stford festival there was no take out the the risque a parts take out this alter this never ever a discussion I think that’s the beauty of it is that we’re not freaks on display as you have in so many plays but it’s it’s such smart writing and we’re just people who happen to be gay yes that’s part of the story but but it’s folks just living their [Applause] lives and that’s what’s drawing crowds to Stratford an Anthem of accepted with love and last to spare the musical runs until October it’s one of a dozen plays featured at the Stratford Festival this season coming up a smashing performance from one of Canada’s own there is Ace number 47 to well and truly make the record his own ELO shic serves his way into the record books next in our [Music] moment this fist pump and that fiery look came as Milo shich celebrated after earning a spot in the round of 16 at the Queens Cup Championship in London today on the way to that Victory the Canadians smashed 47 Aces UNR returned serves all in a three set match that set a new ATP record and tonight that booming performance is our moment I mean arguably it’s the greatest serve that tennis has ever seen certainly one of the top three of all time but if this is in he’s made a little bit of History here in Queens he has found the line it’s a 46 Ace more than anybody has ever landed in a three set match ever and for Milo’s given all these been through the last few years with injuries and and not knowing if he’s going to be able to even continue his career it must make something like this even that much more special for there is Ace number 47 this is someone who can you know get up there towards 150 miles per hour it’s really like a missile coming at you he hit Aces on over half of his service points today which is just like astounding I really do think when we’re reflecting on Milos round of 20 does retire we’re probably going to be talking about him as one of the greatest servers in tennis history so I was kind of curious how this compares to some superlatives in other sports and keep in mind in these Sports they talk miles per hour fastest pitch ever recorded in a Major League baseball game 105 miles an hour fastest slapshot in an NHL game 108 Milo’s fastest serve 144 miles an hour thanks for being with us you can watch anywhere anytime on the free CBC News app And subscribe to the Nationals YouTube channel I’m Ian Hannah maning in Vancouver good night [Music] [Music]

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