Welcome to the online stream of RCCG, Place of Victory Church, Swansea, Wales, UK. Stay tuned and remain blessed. For further enquiries, contact the church admin at admin@placeofvictory.org.uk

    e we thank you Jesus lift up your hands and worship Him lift up your hands and worship Him lift up your hands and worship ABA father he has brought us he has brought us with a price the price of his own blood and he has given us that name the name that that comes by adoption and therefore we who were nobody we who were written off can now have the the privilege to call him Abba to call him father let’s worship Him the clean one who has abored us who are dirty and he made us like unto him let’s worship His holy name father we love you thank you Jesus thank you Jesus father we love you Jesus let’s just worship Him worship Him Hallelujah my beloved is the most beautiful amongst thousands and th thousands my beloved is the most beautiful among thousands and th somebody sing my beloved my beloved is I’m worship your make beloved among [Music] thousand 10,000 my Bel sing yes yesu yesu yesu yesu The God Who say yesu [Music] lift your hands and sing [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah my beloved is my beloved is the most beautiful come sing your love song to your father my beloved is it’s a l s from a child to a father he’s your beloved he is the one who redeemed you he is the one who bought you with his blood dance before him and sing my belov my beloved my beloved Bel I want somebody to dance before their maker this afternoon dance before your beloved give it to him say my beloved my beloved my beloved hey somebody has not got in there yet hey my beloved who’s your beloved that’s your beloved is my [Music] beloved the angels in heaven are worshiping with you among thousands [Music] [Music] oh Jesus we worship you Jesus yeshu hamashiach [Music] yeshia father we worship your name breath your breath Upon Us Yeshua breathe Upon Us Yeshua I just want us to worship him this afternoon I don’t think God is moving in the way we wanted to move when the Lord is in the temple he stays the water how he [Music] Wills father we worship your name father we worship you let’s do this Lord we lift up your name with a heart full of Praise somebody lift up his name in the house this afternoon Jesus come on oh Lord we lift up your name in the presence of your father this afternoon heart with a heart full with a heart full with a heart full be exed oh Lord our godana is highest Lord be [Music] we lift you up we lift you up we lift [Music] you exted he exalted hey hey I say may I never lose lo my song may I never lose my all come on you are worthy of My Worship worthy of may may I may I never lose it Lord you are worthy you are worthy worthy oh may I never lose may I never you are wory of my words wory of my prise from my spirit to my until my voice [Music] reos you are worthy worthy worthy worthy worthy my spirit in my inner man my voice re you are worthy of my oh worship him from my spirit from my spirit from my spirit oh are are wor from my spirit worship your God worship your maker lose yourself in his presence you are [Music] worthy of my from my [Music] spirit until my voice re you are worthy you are worthy Lord worthy Lord Lord from when I’m little till I’m old even when I can’t talk with my voice Jesus you are worthy of My Worship worthy of from my spirit [Music] mythy from my spirit my from my spirit you are worthy of My Worship worthy of my praise my voice re you are worthy of my worship Jesus let’s lift up our voices and just begin to tell him he’s worthy of all our praise the God of all Grace the god of allh the anent of God hear your voice this [Music] afternoon my you are worthy of my wordy of my the Bible tells us [Music] in the Book of Romans chapter 8:1 15 he says for you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear but you receive the spirit of adoption by whom we cry ABA father today is Father’s day but we have the father of All fathers God Almighty we are going to say thank you Jesus for the privilege of calling you father thank you for the privilege of calling you ABA father Lord will celebrate you let God hear your voice this afternoon as you say thank you it is a privilege to be called the son of the Living God let’s lift up our voices and just begin to say thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you for giving me that privilege to call you father we give you all the praise thank you for every father represented in the place of Victory this day we thank you oh God for keeping every life thank you for your sustaining power thank you for your presence Even in our lives in our midst Lord we celebrate you this afternoon we do not take it for granted we give you all the glory in Jesus name we have worshiped a living amen Genesis 18:8 we are going to be praying with Genesis Chapter 18 both Verse 18 and 19 but for this prayer point we are going to be asking the to release the commanded blessing in Genesis 18:18 it says God was speaking about Abraham he said for Abraham will certainly become a great and mighty nation it means for the case of Abraham it was certain his greatness was certain the fact that he was going to multiply was certain and according to Scriptures it actually happened we are going to pray for every man in the place of Victory we are going to release in the name of Jus the command blessing the blessing of greatness the blessing of dominion the blessing of multiplication the blessing of abundance the blessing of wisdom just begin to talk to the Lord father in the name of Jesus father we declare concerning every man in the place of Victory like you assured concerning Abraham that certainly he was going to become a mighty nation we declare in the name of Jesus for every man in the place of Victory we declare in the name of Jesus that everyone will be every man will become a great and mighty nation we release a commanded blessing blessing of greatness blessing of dominion blessing of multiplication blessing of abundance upon every man in the place of victory in the name of Jesus in Jesus mighty name we have prayed the Bible tells us in Genesis 18:19 it says I have God still speaking it says I have seing good him out so that he would direct his sons and their families to keep the way of the Lord by doing what is right and just then I will do for Abraham all that I have promised we are going to say father help every man in the place of Victory to direct their children and families according to your plan and design for their lives God was speaking about Abraham he said I know he will direct his children that concerning every man in the place of Victory father we declare in the name of Jesus they shall direct their children and families even according to your plan and purpose for their lives in the name of Jesus we declare that POV men will not fail God POV men will not fail God In The Name of Jesus Lord we declare that POV men will not fail you in the name of Jesus thank you Ancient of Days in Jesus name we have prayed amen a living amen amen we are going to be praying with Genesis 45 verse 27 Genesis 45: 27 he says but when they repeated to Jacob everything everything Joseph had told them and when he saw the W wagons Joseph had sent to carry him their father’s Spirit revived so when he saw the fact that he saw the evidence that Joseph is still alive where he had completely lost hope he saw hope the Bible says his Spirit revived you are going to talk to the Lord that in this month of joy we shall hear good news we shall hear testimonies that will Revive Our Spirits every man in the place of Victory we hear testimonies that will revive their Spirit shall we turn into prayer father in the name of Jesus we pray almighty God that in this month of joy that let me hear good news let me carry the evidence of testimonies that will revive my spirit every man in the place of Victory we pray oh God that they will hear good news in this month of joy that will revive the spirit of your people in the mighty name of Jesus Lord we call it done in Jesus name we have prayed amen a living amen amen Luke 22 verse 42 and 43 he says father Jesus speaking father if you are willing please take this cup of suffering away from me yet I want your will to be done not mine the Bible says then an angel from heaven appeared and strengthened him Jesus got to a point in his life he needed to be strengthened he was faced with some situations in his life that he needed to be strengthened we are going to say father in the name of Jesus father release strength to every in the place of Victory going through difficult situations father give them a new song of Joy shall we turn that to prayer in the name of Jesus every man every man in the place of Victory every man in the place of Victory the fathers in the place of Victory father we are asking everyone going through difficult situations we ask for the release of your strength we ask for the release of your strength oh God In The Name of Jesus father we ask that you will give everyone going through a difficult situation you will give them a new song of Joy a song of Praise unto our God In The Name of Jesus give everyone a new song of Joy a song of Praise unto our God that the name of Jesus will be glorified Shall We Begin to celebrate Jesus for answers to prayers let God hear your voice as we say thank you thank you for every father represented in the place of Victory thank you for the commanded blessing thank you for blessing of dominion thank you for for blessing of multiplication thank you for the works of the hands of your sons The Works of their hands are blessed we give you all the praise in Jesus name we have prayed a living amen please let’s have a seat [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah and why are we quiet Hallelujah first things first are we happy to be in this house of the Lord are we happy to be in the sanctuary ah no no it’s like I’m not in church praise the Lord praise the Lord we’re praising the Lord praise the Lord all right now if we are excited at today is Father’s day and we can see a wonderful representation of our fathers please let’s put our hands together let’s put our hands together we’ll be having the drama presentation now please sit back and be [Music] blessed this children will be hungry by now let me quickly see set up this [Music] table Mommy I can see you’re setting up for dinner can I help you oh thank you my darling just go get your sister so can finish M Mary it’s time for dinner oh yeah I’m so [Music] hungry hello my darling Okay so Mommy is daddy joining us for dinner tonight no Hannah Daddy’s working tonight Mommy why does daddy work so much and sometimes even misses dinner see my daughter your father loves you so much him not being around today or whenever we’re having dinner doesn’t not mean he loves you any less you see just as Christ is the head of the church so our fathers they are the head of our family and the Lord has placed this responsib ibility on them that they have to provide for our needs just like Jehovah jury our father they our Earthly provider so for them to achieve this they have to go out work day and night to make sure we are fine we are okay to make sure we have food on our table to make sure we have roof over our head of course you know we pay bills here right same thing your school when you’re going to school you take par lunch you take Chocolat new clothes all this is because daddy is working day and night um same way we have um people who single mothers who have no father who have no Father Figure in their home they stand just like the BR in the Bible they are strong they are warriors they make sure yes they try to cover up that gap for their children so whenever we are praying whenever you’re praying or you have friends I’m sure you have friends like that in school always put them in prayer and pray that the Lord continue to strengthen those women in the name of Jesus the same thing as well we talk on we see about the um single mothers um the fathers and the ofan age like the ones that lost their dad let’s continue to pray that God will continue to strengthen them God continue to be their provider and their guidance okay do you understand so what do you have to say I know that my dad loves me unconditionally and and he’s always there for me and you my angel um I love Daddy he cares for me and I care for more oh that’s so sweet so what are we going to say to our fathers God bless you fathers we love you and happy Father’s Day good [Applause] [Music] praise the Lord praise the Lord we’re not excited praise the Lord hallelujah hallelujah okay we’re going to be having a round table discussion now and I’m going to be inviting sister oim she would invite Our Guest for us please sit expected expectant sit expectant because the first service was powerful and I trust God that this service is going to be better hallelujah hallelujah praise the Lord Happy Father’s Day to our lovely fathers and our potential fathers we recognize you too praise the Lord so we are going to move into the talk section and our talk will be centered on our team which is Fathers as Guiding Light leading with love so we are not here to criticize you you we are here to I mean to share our views on how you can love us more and how we appreciate what you’ve been doing so I’m not going to be doing this alone I’ll would call on um other sisters to join me in the talk praise the Lord so let’s put our hands together as I invite sister Aladar let’s encourage her please [Applause] okay so we have another person here sister BOS air please let’s put our hands together for [Music] [Applause] her we also have um an external guest in our M so let’s put our hands together as we invite Mrs adola she’s an entrepreneur she is the CEO of tet cin let’s put our hands together for her praise the Lord H so our team for this year’s Father’s day is Fathers as guiding lights leading with love so our questions will be centered on on that the first question says how do you see your father or your husband as a Guiding Light in your family so I’m expecting us to like show gratitude with details I mean your experience concerning how your father has been leading as a Guiding Light Su please please you start thank [Music] you good afternoon everyone happy Father’s Day to all the fathers in the house so um in appreciating my husband and my father on this Father’s Day I would say that my father and my husband as Guiding Light in my home or in my father’s house as I was growing up and in my home as a wife now is um they’ve been there to you know always show the way because um they recognize the mantle upon them as leaders in the house my father as a Guiding Light I think um he has helped me to understand that I’m not um he hasn’t seen me as a girl he has trained me both as a boy and a girl and I think that’s one thing that my husband initially struggled with when he first when we first got married because you know I would change the bulbs I can change the tire I can you know fix the electronics in the house without help I can handle the bills but over time after I got married and recognized that okay there’s another man in my life now that you know can do all those things I’ve now relaxed and my husband has made it a smooth Journey you know I can relax and say I can close my eyes and say okay I don’t need to do all those things and it has always been a source of wisdom for me for our children for for our family as a whole not just my even right now my own parents even deferred to him you know to ask um for guidance to ask for wisdom to ask for you know suggestions on how to move things better I’m not they don’t even see me as their child anymore it’s not my husband because if see that um excellence and wisdom on him and that has been a Guiding Light for us and our children also look up to their dad for that wisdom thank you thank you very much let’s put our hands together for her please I suppos say you can also add to that pleas thank you prise the Lord um in addition to what she has said you know father’s uh ordained to be the priest in the house so it’s not um permit me to say it’s not only um for the women to be the one leading the prayers when you lead everybody will follow suit and um also I want to say be involved there are some fathers who don’t know anything about their children if you ask about the Children’s School um School activities even to the age the actual age of their children some don’t know not everybody some don’t know so be involved um it’s not um we appreciate the you go out you work we appreciate everything you do be involved when you’re around be involved so that um days you’re not around the children would be looking forward to having Daddy Back And discussing everything pertaining to them be their friends be be firm be assertive and also give the room to you know for them to be able to discuss things with you and not outside us and also we would um employ that we should be emotionally intelligent as men uh like she said when I grew up I was the Fier one in the house I could do basically everything and I know my dad would say I don’t want you to touch my DVD before I come back so sometimes when women ask for help it’s not like we don’t uh we can’t do it we just uh we just want to be pampered sometimes like can you help me do something you know just indulge us thank you very much thank you very much give the mic to stara you’ll be answering the next question for us so um what attribute do you value value most in your father what that special thing might not be one or what you value most about your father yeah so uh I value a lot of things in my dad uh I would say like um what I noticed when I was younger was how he would always like lead us by example by praying you know by you know teaching us I I learned to read the Bible very early in latest um early stage of my life CU like even compared to my mates I knew like more of the Bible I used to win like quiz competitions because he was he was always there teaching us how to read the Bible how to pray you know and also what I noticed that I I I I was glad I have a father that actually taught me uh it would always like it was always willing to sacrifice for my education even like since when I was younger as I was like going you know higher and higher compared to my mates it might have been a bit in intense in terms of like studying but I’m grateful that I had a father that was always like oh um how was called today not really how was school today but like how was your exams what did you do what don’t you understand you need a lesson teacher and stuff like that okay thank you very much okay moving forward to our next question but please you help us to answer that um how what loving and guiding lessons have you received from your dad that have kept you till today and has guided you through your marriage um well I’ll would say three things um discipline very important discipline because I think I remember growing up you can’t just be sleeping any sorry for those that don’t understand what I mean is that you know if you’re just maybe there are things to be done and you’re just there lazing around or you know even though you may be relaxing like Dad didn’t believe in that believe you know you should be disciplined good make good use good a good Steward of time that’s the word now good a good Steward of time don’t be wasting time just lying there if if there are things to be done so discipline is one thing honesty Integrity those are very very important things to my dad and they are very important to me and I’m glad that they’re also very important to my husband so those are like things that are very core for me you wouldn’t hear me saying something I value most about myself without mentioning integrity and honesty because they are very important my father taught me you know that a good name is better than riches so Above All Things no matter where you find yourself make sure you upholding your good name by you know displaying integrity and being honest thank you very much please let’s put our hands together for her can you add to that what um when we are talking about fathers here we are not just talking about our our um biological fathers we have spiritual fathers too because some people might not have had their own biological fathers teaching them things but they still had support from Maybe be the church or the society so you can also like tell us the ways these people have impacted in your life as a father okay um I will cite an example um we’re three so I basically knew my dad uh that much than my younger brother and then he passed on so um before he passed on there was separation so basically was just my mom wearing the two hat and and was was difficult cuz I was much more attached to my dad than mom so we at loger ahead and um after a while I God helped me and I had someone who took up that role to to Mentor me so when I had um challenges you know in school and the rest uh I would want to do it this way and he would say no if you cuz it was like more like my spiritual father if you still want me to be your dad you’re going to do this you’re going to go back back to school you’re going to do this so um we cannot um rule out the the roles of men in the house and um basically when when they are there it’s much more easier to train up children but if they’re not um God God usually raises people from the community you know when we were growing up um you’re not a child of your parent you’re also the child of the community so you have people who will call you to order even if your parents are not there and you dare not say you’re not my parent so we we would love to have more more of that don’t say this is not my child because some whatever seed you s you will also rap somewhere some someday somebody will see your child going astray and they will would correct in love thank you very much please pass it to Mrs thank you praise the Lord okay so the next question is how do you and your spouse work together to raise and guide your children love um well it is very important that um like my sister was saying that both parents you know are able to be present in their child’s life in bringing up their children so bringing it down to me as how my husband and I do it well first of all I think one of the things we did before we got married was you know try to um lay out some rules on how we want to bring our children up how we want our children to be when they grow up the what the kind of qualities we want them to display but we didn’t do that by ourselves first of all the Bible is our ultimate guide you know there are scriptures there that one of those scriptures is one that many of us are familiar we train up a child the way it should grow when it’s old it won’t depart from it you know and you know coming from about both our backgrounds we looked at what we wanted to emulate from our parents because no matter how good or the best parent you can be nobody is perfect so there I’m sure all of us here there are some things that our parents you know did in their upbringing of us that we feel okay I don’t want to continue with that with my own children or I want to improve on this with my own children and that’s one thing that we’ve tried to do take the best of our upbringing I’m sure when my children grow up to they will still find something wrong somewhere but we know we’ve tried to take the best of our upbringing to instill in our children we try to um also talk to one another when it comes to you know disciplining the children and come to an agreement usually on the way forward our children know that they can’t go and ask Daddy something and daddy says no and then they come and ask me the first thing I’ll ask them have you asked Daddy what did Daddy say you know rather than just agree like that even though I may want to agree but I want to be sure that you know my husband has not said something contrary so that the children don’t sense division between the parents and in this age and time also we found out that there are so many resources resources that our own parents or grandparents did not have access to when it came to Parenting so one thing I will also encourage us to do is you know whilst we are depending on um God’s word because God’s word is the ultimate you know pick up those resources out there too that are you know giving you guidance on How to Train up a child in this age and time the challenges that I have with parenting now my parents not have it my parents did not have to deal with social media they didn’t have to deal with LGBT issues they didn’t have to deal with so many things that are happening now so we need to also get knowledge the Bible also says we should get knowledge and so it is not all down to us going back to what we learned as children from our own parents but also you know learning what is happening in this dispensation we are in and I don’t know what our own children will be facing in their own generation but it’s important to you know get those skills read books some parenting which we both do get resources if we find something you know share it with one another and then most importantly pray for your children I was at a Women’s Conference yesterday and we’re talking about you know speaking life over our children the word of God the word of God is life the Bible says the um death and life is in the power of the tongue you know so Speak Life over over the children that’s another thing we’ve done you know gen we try to use words of affirmation with them helping them know that you know know the child of Wom you are you are created for exploits and you know the discipline too is there so I think um in terms of me and my husband we’ve you know come to an agreement to do things together and even when one person is not there trying to make sure that we are always on the same page so that the children don’t see any Division and even when we don’t both agree try not to disagree in their presence you know disagree later on and then we’ll try and come back and maybe correct whatever we thought okay oh that was not said right or that could have been said in a better way things like that very thank you very much let’s put our hands together for her please um this the next question sister BOS kind of like said something about it but um I’ll still trow it again yeah so it’s it says um what can the community do to help single moms make sure that their kids have good father figures in their lives I know she spoke about it and then she has done an amazing job with her son so that’s why I want her to like I mean we want to hear from her way she thinks that the church as a community or um anyone of us can help help um fathers here help to better the lives of single children raised by single parents it might even be a single father we don’t know if we have one here but uh let’s hear from her please thank you thank you praise the Lord uh I wear the two hearts now so I’m the father and I’m the mother to a 10-year-old and and and a boy child for that matter so it’s uh it’s not an easy task I didn’t set out to be like that but you know um life happens so um first planning being intentional and um as the body of Christ that we are we’re not outside you don’t see um other children and say after all that’s not my child so I I I wouldn’t do anything whatever the the thing about life is you you might be um surprised that their path will cross and then you might not regret oh I I had the chance to change this and now it’s at my doorstep so um I for one I I say I don’t have a child someone can’t correct that’s me I don’t have a child someone can correct so um the community at large um church at large if we see children let us know even if we don’t take it at the moment a sensible person will go back home to think about it to say um somebody called my attention to so so and so because um before my son joined me was was something else you know but and then I I did ask for professional help counseling for for him in school so and um and also you know prayers and then Counseling in church too you understand and then we speak to them so if you see children being raised by single mom please do us a favor if they’re going astray speak to them like they were your child let us know and pray along with us thank you thank you very much thank you very much is um we give it to Sister Dar s you answer this question for us so how does the way your dad lead with love affect your relationship the way you see the world the way you relate with other people how was the way your father leads with love affects that that relationship um I’ll would say like with the way my father has raised me is it has made me to be like a very firm person so um I remember growing up and you know meeting everybody you know in in Hostel and barding house and everyone was like oh uh I’m going to do this I’m going to have like uh cuz some people would like sneak in drinks alcohol and stuff I’m going to go to the pub I’m going to have drinks and I’ll be like no I wouldn’t and even because I was very small you know it was very easy to pick on me for anything but when it comes to my values and my goals I would be like I’m sorry I won’t I would’t do this if you’re having a boyfriend if you’re having a girlfriend and I’m not ready I’m not doing it and I would just let them know and I was that was how my parents had raised me to the fact that if I want something and I don’t want to do it or if I want to do something I’ll do it I don’t I don’t necessarily need your opinion if I know that what I’m doing is good for me so uh I’m glad that I was raised that way yeah thank you very much M please could you throw more light on that not just your father your husband too like how has the way the um lead with love affect your relationship with other people has made me very proud yeah uh well I think it has um not just my dad my husband I think it has made me should I say more relaxed not um always being not that I’m not on my guard but not always being on my guard because I know someone has got my back someone is you know there to be um support for me so it has you know given me that uh relaxed position to things you know and confidence it has boosted my confidence because um in fact I’ll use today as an example because um when I was reading the tell telling me to where Touch of pink or touch of blue I think I struggled a lot and my husband was like what is wrong with you this morning you are already okay as you are you know and I think that just gave me that boost of confidence like okay when we get there and if the pink is not pinking or the blue is not blue then then that is it my husband already said I’m okay so that boost of confidence is there that you know I’m able to do things and I also like the fact that coming to even other things I do because whilst I always say I’m not a good writer but I always have a lot of things I want to write down you know one my husband has helped me is always you know putting those thoughts in proper perspective so and that also helps with my confidence in when I you know go out there to talk you know those very structured speeches even though yes is in my head is not as structured like that somebody helps me to put that structure to it and helping me with that is also another um way that boosts my confidence when it comes to you know guiding me and you know even putting me um what’s the word now putting me in check cuz sometimes maybe I’m reading the message and I read it out loud I’m like how do I want to respond to this person now you know and the my husband was like okay and maybe you should calm down and try to respond with love you know that kind of thing and you know so always there to you know guide my steps at least when I bring things and it’s not all um it’s never too um should I say tired of my rant or tired of you know being there to guide me when I’m like I don’t want to do this thing okay you don’t want to do it why don’t you take 10 minutes break and then come back to it and then you know the encouragement so those are some of the ways that my husband has been a Guiding Light for me thank you very much please let’s put our hands let’s not be tied like the church is cold let’s put our hands together for her please and she will still take the take the last the question oh okay we be there soon all right so like this question says what do you suggest for others do to find a balance between being a provider and being an emotional support for not just um you for the children too okay um well I think it’s important for fathers whilst yes they’ve been given this big responsibility by God to be the leader the guide The Protector the provider you know everything but it is important also for them to you know take that step back to look after themselves and we as spouses or their children should also take time out like today we are celebrating and honoring fathers but it should not just be on Father’s Day somebody asked me this morning why is there only one Father’s Day why can’t it be like three four like so you know take time out to honor fathers and I think in in terms of um balancing things recognize when that balance is off as either a spouse or a child or a niece or sister you know call them back say oh brother or my husband or my dad you need to relax a bit you need to take time out to relax you need to take time out or if they not spending enough time with the children oh the children have been missing you they’ve been asking about you why not take this time out to spend with them and then the time they are using they spending with them don’t let it be that it should just be a gaping hole so I’ll give an example maybe for example um they want to do something else that morning but you have requested that they spend that time with the children so that’s something else they want to do if it is within your power to do it help them to do it maybe they wanted to take the car to the car wash if you’re able to take the car to the car wash help them take it to the car wash or arrange for it to be picked up by somebody to take it to the car wash or if it is that maybe they were supposed to um go and um attend a program somewhere if you’re able to go and represent them because you want you’re taking that time away from them to spend with the children or to try and balance things up or to to go and relax and you know is not there’s nothing wrong with either as a spouse or a daughter or a nephew or niece of a man to you know sponsor some things time out for them to go and relax maybe um a spa time a massage or something just to put that balance in place we and you know to always be thankful always say thank you always honor them not only on Father’s day but every other day that that opportunity presents itself thank you very much I said that was going to be the last question but I think we have one last question before we take um the one on the screen so um this particular question I don’t know if we have any grandma that will help you us to answer this question so it says how have you seen the roles of fathers evolve over the generation over Generations in your family it’s not just us here I don’t know if we have any grandma that can help us um throw a light on this before we consider trying trying it out here how was the roles of that evolve in generations and what do you think we can fathers can do to improve on that I don’t know if there is any volunteer in the audience please are you a grandma but you can try it all right [Music] then praise God um um for me I would say that I’ve seen the role of um the place of fatherhood progress in the sense that you know growing up when I was growing up I saw it as oh fathers are just there to provide like financially but I’ve seen it progress that they now need to provide emotional support to show love and care to their children and to their wife so um it has progressed to that level for me thank you very much please you can add something to that oh is somebody there where okay I think also to add to Sister Lisa’s Point um I think the role of fathers is also to in my eyes it’s also involved to allowing fathers to also be receivers of love and affection in the way that the world is going and we’re all becoming more aware of mental health and things like this we’re starting to understand that it’s also our parents first time walking the Earth and they deserve to be ped emotionally deserve to receive love and affection and they shouldn’t just be seen as this authoritative figure but they should also be gifted they should be celebrated and not just Father’s day but like saying things like oh Dad I love you dad’s just calling to check up on you just think things like that so their role is also evolved to be receivers of love as well thank you very much because of time we’ll just go straight to the questions on the screen okay so we have a question here the first one says how do you strike a balance between not appearing intrusive Inc correcting another person’s child and actually trying to guide another child in the right path um please can you help us with that um I think first of all the person that doesn’t want to appear intrusive it is important that the child they want to guide already sees them as a mentor as someone that they can respect because if the child doesn’t see them as a respectable Mentor or someone they can respect then that is when I think it will feel intrusive first of all and also the relationship the the person has with or the parents you know have that person always come across as always condemning condemning condemning or as come across as an encouraging figure because if I want to look back to when I was growing up I think there were some of my mother’s friends that I would never want them talking to my parents about me and that’s because maybe when they are talking to my parent they are talking about things that are not backed by facts it’s more or less like they want to put me on in a bad light but there are some of my parents friends that you know even when my parents are not there they are in a supportive role I’ll always be happy when those people are there you know saying things about me or they even you know supporting me you’re even correcting me so I think um whoever wants to you know correct and help you know support another child or Mentor another child that person themselves need to prove or show themselves to be someone that can be respected and as a mentor and most of us not only the men that are actually biological fathers but even uncles big brothers be there as someone that can be respect when you outside where nobody can see you if this young person or this child sees you will they be proud to say oh I know that person or you yourself you’ll be trying to hide I don’t want him to see me I don’t want him to see me you know his parents go to my church are you like that you know so be um able to show yourself wherever you are as someone that is respectable someone that can stand as a mentor for your child or for that person so that when even that child will not think that what’s this person’s business what’s this uncle’s business why is he into my business but rather they will be happy that oh you actually into their business you are willing to you know support them and Mentor them to go forward I hope that answers the question thank you very much um oh because of time think we will not go further with that question yeah I’ve seen she can do that okay you can say it thank you sorry okay so I’m just going to be saying it from a child point of view uh I’ve been a child as well I’m still a child anyway so uh when you’re talking about um having people that are correcting you we had so many of that even as we grew up you know you know if you go out and you wear something that is short they’ll be like go change you know there’s people that are always watching you and correcting you but I would say that they’re very it’s very nice to have that type of like support but um I think the main thing is you have to show it from a place of love not from a place of like attention or like you know cuz sometimes it could be like oh because Pastor is watching and then you want to you know show as I’m the mother you know and you’re like what are you wearing you know in front of everyone and then you you make the child embarrassed uh it could also be uh I think soft words the Bible says that soft words turn away wrath so if you’re talking to especially like a teenager you know at the age where they have minds of their own and they’re trying to you know communicate their ideas but they’re not very fully stemmed in Christ they might be like struggling you have to like use good soft words nice words to correct them not just harsh words not just anyhow they should take it because I’m older I get that’s yeah it’s it’s it’s happening but I I feel like we need to also be like kind to like children cuz your minds are also fragile and they need to like you know learn from it not just listen not just they listen not that sorry not just that they you say what you want to say but they also listen to what you say cuz active listening also brings a change in the child that’s what I wanted to say thank you very much sorry um I please pave my Indulgence so for the two questions I’ll just um summarize um so how can a wife um eat the husband in overcoming traumatic um upbringing first is prayer you address it in the place of prayer then um be intentional to break the cycle don’t don’t let it continue then seek um professional help and um also read books um telecast on people who have had such experiences and have become better about it and then the what’s the last one and what advice would you give to a young adult whose father has been absent or just played a passive role in their life okay uh so I could I can relate to that um so um I think my father passed on 2019 and um before he passed on my brother saw him like 3 months before that and um he didn’t recognize him so he cried on the day of burier because he said literally there’s nothing I can say about daddy cuz I’m the oldest so it’s um it’s not a walk in the park you have to be intentional and uh be vulnerable with people who have your interest at heart people who want to see you grow who who would um Aspire you to be greater than that because it’s a big vacuum to to feel so and then um always ask God for help that’s that’s just the basic thing thank you thank you very much my please good youe to that [Applause] please uh we have a lot of questions here but I don’t think we’ll be able to take them maybe your letter you can meet the pastors and the leaders they would help you to take those questions um thank you very much much okay thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah thank you so much to our dear speakers to our inhouse special sisters and to our dear dear dear mrso thank you so much thank you for all the points that have been raised like very key points key notes God bless us all I want to believe that we’ve all learned something one or two things you know like we said yes it’s Father’s Day and it’s not like this session because I’m sure some people be wondering why is it women why is it not the men that are talking men have always been talking here let’s spice it up a bit so it’s not like it’s a from a judgmental place no it’s just you know in line with the theme Fathers as guiding lights leading with love so we just wanted to hear perspectives from those people you know that have experienced this work with you know fathers in all ramifications Hallelujah yeah praise the Lord okay so now um if you were with us yesterday I’m sure you’d have been filled to the brim we have our dear father Pioneer and founder of place of Victory Church all over the UK we have him here with us and he fed us yesterday he’s going to feed us again today and you know pray for the men also in the house so please a resounding Applause as we welcome Pastor Felix marola Senior he’s a Pioneer for all the place of Victory churches in the United Kingdom he’s also the assistant Province Pastor Administration region 7 Province one thank you so much sir we are so honored to have you with us again today somebody shout hallelujah hallelujah if you are a father in the house shout hallelujah hallelujah amen amen father we thank you we bless your name we adore you thank you for our coming together thank you Lord that we are not Gathering on hospital bed we are not in detention we are not regretting Our Lives father we want to say thank you as We Gather on the faithful day Father’s Day that the world is celebrating we ask Lord that you speak to us as a father we ask Lord that in any way that we are not being righteous before you father let your word intervene now in the name of Jesus as many of us that are here and we are failing in our duties as fathers father Lord educate us put us right let your word save us from destruction let there have a healing in the house this morning thank you and God bless everything that we are going to say all to your glory in Jesus mighty name we pray amen amen and amen and amen I want to appreciate um Pastor Jeffrey and the wife and I said it in the first service that um sister miss your the first lady and the last Lady amen she’s the first lady and she’s the last Lady amen so let’s celebrate the grace of God upon upon their [Applause] life let’s be seated God bless you in the first service we encourage the the the fathers and we mention the fact that every father that is away from his duty every responsible father every father that is operating beyond the plan and purpose of God has been how do I put it has been under the influence of satanic activity ities and we need to be mindful of spiritual things rather than the physical fighting your father abusing your father fighting your husband fighting your wife is not the right thing as a child of God why because you need to have understanding that it can only be Satan that is motivating them look at a man that spent 3/4 of his saving on the wedding day look at a woman that left the father and the mother even when they were telling her this man may not be the right fellow and say no I’m in love but guess what they say love cannot last in the marriage they some said love is blind marriage is what eye opener you are married today within the next 12 months you are now a father there was no training to be a father before you say Jesus is Lord another one again and you you didn’t bargain for this you are not used to it maybe in your own lifetime your father did not sit you down to tell you this is how to be a father and you will see that whatever is happening in the house we affect the community we affect the nation and that’s why we have social decadence all over the place you have people carrying guns having knives misbehaving dropouts nonentities but by the reason of our coming to Christ Apostle Paul says I can do all things through who through Christ that strengthened me so in this session I I believe if you want to know more about what we discuss in the first service please get the T but this second one we want to challenge ourselves why are we not doing what God is expecting us to do as a father are we failing God or are we failing ourself as a father you are responsible to three sets of people you are responsible to your wife as a father you are responsible to your children you are responsible to the neighborhood people are watching people want to see who you are then whatever you are how you are impacting you impact your children if you are good they be good if you are bad but can I say this categorically as a child of God it is for you to take a decision it’s not about the way your father LED you the way you you experience as a child no a man was very Wayward and he had two sons after so many years they called the first son that was invariably taken after the father and he was very we in nonon a Dropout join cult in the UN did everything relieved from place of work they interview him Mr so so so so so why are you like this everybody in the neighborhood they they are talking bad about you they are doing this you don’t have a good job you he said what do you expect from somebody like me having that kind of father can you imagine he justify his bad behavior because of his father then the second son who happened to be a philanthropy well doing well in his business listen how come you are doing fine you are great he said what do you expect from somebody having this a father like this do you get it one was focusing his life on the negativity of the father another one said no I don’t want to hand up like this father I will improve my life and he did but as Christians our measuring our role model is our God the Father are you with me we have declared that God the father is our father is our role model So within the next 15 minutes I want you to look into your life am I like my father the almight Mighty they say like father like son isn’t it am I like my father our Lord Jesus Christ was teaching the disciples in Matthew chapter 6 when you read veres 9 to 12 he says Our Father which are in heaven hallow be thy name God he related God as our father and we need to to to to carry the DNA of God Brethren by adoption God adopted us through salvation we now says we are now Christian the word Christian is after Christ the anointed one and the moment we are relating with God and we are saying yes we are a child of God then people should see us there must be reflection in those days when we are growing up you see some people they be Mis misbehaving in the family and the father will say at this own you are a bastard you are a any bad child the father will say no he ask the mother are you sure this is my son but if the fellow is doing fine I’m sure you know that the the son will the father will so much love love him so this morning we just want to look at what are the attributes of God that must be there as a father and we need to to to emulate let’s discuss under the topic are you a child of God having the understanding that God is our father and is in us do you remember that when we are being created in Genesis 1: 26-30 God said let’s create man in our own image do you realize that and God the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit came and they they brought us down 1 John 4:4 what does he say say greater is he he said ye are God’s Little Children isn’t it Greater is he that is in me that he that is in the world so the the the the attributes of the father must be in you so quickly let’s see what the Lord is expecting Wow Let’s see what the Lord is expecting the hand of God will be upon you today in the mighty name of Jesus Brethren the Gen of the father is in you the physical look must be there then the attitude must be there but let’s just look at some of the functions of the father that must be in you and the Lord will help us in the mighty name of Jesus one Our God the almighty is a holy God the Holiness of God must be there 1 Peter chapter 1:15 sorry I I may just be dictating the the the scriptures we may not read it 1 Peter 1:1 15 Amos 3:3 the Bible says can two people work together except they agree Romans 14:1 17 Romans 14:1 17 the Bible says the kingdom of God that you and I belong to is not about food or drink but about righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost those are the three things that must be in you for you to say yes I am after my father if there is anything wrong in the family know who you are tell your neighbor know who you are you are a child of God whatever is happening in the world should not affect you because you have the understanding that God is counting on you and you are a child of God he has given you everything for you to succeed in that marriage you have no excuse you have no excuse you are a child of God there’s no excuse Holiness must be there the second thing quickly forgiveness must be there somebody say forgiveness is so crucial when you two are coming together the world is using one thing against us and I believe that we should not allow that every child of God whenever there’s problem in a in a marriage they bring them to the law C and they will declare they are incompatible have you heard that before they are in compatible who is compatible you are coming from a different family I’m coming from a different family we are coming together can we be compatible no but the moment you have the attitude of the father that how many how many times have I offended God and we always just look at look look one side and is not punishing me let me leave this woman let me leave this man I forgive you as a as a father forgiveness must be there the Book of Matthew chapter 18 the whole chapter is about forgiveness you don’t have the time and you will see that even in the case of Peter God let him go he he did worse than Judas Jonah went to another place that God did not sent him God forgave him he was in the belly three of the of the fish for three after he left him look at Jesus Christ on the cross he said father forgive them for they know not what they are doing a man that is behav misbehaving slapping you disrupting the whole house in front of the children is he in his right senses why don’t you say father forgive him for he don’t know what he’s doing he doesn’t know what he’s doing honestly he doesn’t know what he’s doing I was watching um a video the other time and a lady that was cohabiting and that’s why I will not encourage anybody to cabit is either the man is marrying you or he’s not marrying you it’s a thankless job when you raise a child and the father is not is not there after three kids the man left the woman and was going to marry somebody else so the the woman with three kids challenge them on the way to the wedding so no you can’t do this you can’t do this you can’t do this brethren we must have understanding we must know that the spirit of God must be inside us we must learn to forgive changing wives changing husband is not the solution we celebrating Father’s Day today we need to reflect the love of God the father in our lives and the society will be better the third thing is that our God is a god of giving he enjoy giving John 3:16 the Bible says he gave his only begotten son are you a giver as a father do you give it’s not easy to give it’s by sacrifice you give to your children you give your time you give your money you give your resources on the day that you are getting married you are put under an oath to love you in riches in poor in h bad Health in good health so you need to service the family a father that is not responsible for the family is an Infidel he an Infidel even if you don’t have anything you must pay for the house that you are renting if if that is not your house a father a man should not allow the wife to be paying for the rent quote me you may not do any other thing in the house but you must pay because you must the the you must provide the roof over the family so you must be a giver ladies if you are cutting you are single you want to know who is having the heart of God who will be a if you marry him somebody that you are going and you want to buy something of one one pound listen to this and you are you are removing your p and the man is by you he couldn’t say yes this is1 for you that one if you marry him in relationship the there are so there are some women that we call them Mother Teresa I’m digressing now from my message we call them Mother Teresa they be helping the man oh he’s from a poor family I love him he’s poor his love oh he doesn’t have a job he get a job soon oh he’s in school I’m paying the school fees I’m doing this oh but then you may not have money I will pay for the house let’s get the flat let’s get married if you are doing that it’s a thankless job even if the man is now okay he will not spend his money for you cuz you believe that you are the one that have been doing everything and that’s where where separation will come but if you are looking into the heart of the Father God is a giver you must be a giver as a father you must give to your wife you must give to your children you must give to the Church of God when you are given God will be blessing you the more and I’m telling you there was a time in this country when I when I first came 1996 and we started the church I let my my my old company and I came here uh with Pastor F and we started the church in London and we were struggling financially we were struggling when my wife now came and joined us listen to this she started working for some of us that we are doing um supportive arrangement now she started working sustaining the family any little thing 10 I will ask my wife 20 I will ask my wife and I’m a man and I wasn’t brought up that I was brn with a Golden Spoon in my mouth I had a house when I as a student I had three three bedroomroom house in acne that I was renting out but when I now came back as a pastor I started struggling I remember one day oh sorry I have three minutes enough of story let’s let’s let’s do what we are the first attribute of God Holiness somebody say Holiness the second attribute forgiveness the third attribute a giver are you with me are you we will mention about forgiveness as well so as a man what is expected of you is to look into your life and I like God the Father am I like God the Father every father want their children to come back home I’m ring up now God the father is expecting you to make Heaven anything in my life in my running the family that will not make me to make Heaven I better leave it my marriage will not devide me from making Heaven a school of thought says if you want to know a man that can make Heaven you don’t need to wait until the man dies ask the wife Angelina do you think the way I’m running this family I can make Heaven if you want the truth ask your wife now as a father in this house do you think the way I’m doing can I make Heaven she will tell you the truth she will tell you you the truth so we need to be conscious of the fact that God is a loving God your love must be there 100% 24/7 some people they will tell you they love you today a year after they say sorry I don’t love you again that’s not love that was lost and you need to testify it so if you are a under the influence of my voice and you are used to doing that like a butterfly you go here go here go here go here go here this is Father’s day you must be responsible like God the Father make up your mind I want to be like my father you must be a genu born again the essence of being born again is that the spirit of God will enter you the adamic sin the the adamic character the attitude of lying deceitful you must be like God the father and that’s my prayer for you today let’s be upstanding let’s thank God that we are witnessing a day like this let’s thank God that God the Father Is Our Father the Earthly father May disappoint you may not be there for you may not take care of you but God the father has been taking care of you isn’t it let’s appreciate god let’s thank God that some of us our parents died when we were young but God the father took over let’s appreciate God that God was there for us many of us even when we don’t know what to do we’re in a crossroad God the Father will show up and say my son come back let’s do it this way like prodigal sons we have derailed somebody like me as a Young Man wow it can only be God that has helped me holding microphone today I was driving 200 miles towards hell until God arrested me let’s appreciate God for salvation of our soul let’s thank god let’s thank god let’s thank God ask God today Father ining me let it be reflected in my marriage that truly I’m a Child of God give me the attribute of of Holiness make me to be holy sanctify me Purify Me Let Me Be holy in the name of Jesus give me the spirit of righteousness to be right with god father help me talk to the Lord father the grace to forgive others unconditionally father Lord let me let me be able to do it let it start from my wife let it start from my children in the name of Jesus father make me a an habitual Giver let me be able to give let me give my time let me give my money in the name of Jesus let me submit to my to my husband let me submit to my wife in the mighty name of Jesus father help me Father help me Father Help Me Above All father let me make heaven let me make Heaven I must make Heaven the prodal son had the you turn and return back to to the house father the grace to return to you today Grant unto me help me Lord help me Lord help me Lord in the name of Jesus thank you Everlasting father in Jesus mighty name we pray somebody shout amen amen father we thank you we bless your name we adore you what an opportunity to hear your word a word of restoration a word to put us to the right path father as our father we believe in you we ask Lord that you release AR fresh your spirit into us in any way that we have missed the road father bring us back father we ask Lord that your Holiness you go into us the grace to be righteous with you father Grant unto us Lord we ask Lord for the spirit of forgiveness in any way that men and women flatter they wronged us every offense remove it from our hearts in the name of Jesus as many that our parents have offended us father we let go in the name of Jesus as many that our wives husband have offended us the grace will forgive them Grant unto us we ask today for the spirit of giving in every area of our life make us givers let us touch lives let us impart lives with our substance in the name of Jesus father we ask Lord that by your grace let us make heaven let us reign with you no matter how long we live on planet Earth on that faithful day when we appear before the throne of grace welcome good and faithful servant let that be our portion so shall it be in the name of God the Father God the son God the holy spirit in Jesus mighty name we pray somebody shout hallelujah somebody shout hallelujah amen thank you very much sir please can we just stretch our hands to the man of God and let’s begin to bless him let’s pray for him let’s pray that the love of the father he would continually enjoy let’s pray that he’ll continually be a blessing to his family to his church in the name of Jesus the Lord is going to continually frame him to be the father he wants him to be in the in the name of Jesus his anointing will never run dry in the name of Jesus blessed be your name oh God for in Jesus name we have prayed amen hallelujah it’s time for us to give our offerings it’s time for us to give our offerings the ushers be moving around you can sit down thank you God bless you the ushers be moving around and be giving an envelope if you want that please if you’re a taxpayer in the UK there’s a box there for gift aid please just sck it so that the church can benefit from the government it’s no more money to you it’s just us receiving a gift back from the government because you pay your tax and God is going to bless you in Jesus name can you just quickly bow your head and begin to lay a demand on your offering and your tith and begin to ask God for anything that you need he has asked us that we should bring it into his house and that the windows of Heaven be opened on on us let’s begin to pray that in the name of Jesus that we would never experience droughts in our lives in the name of Jesus as many of us desire to even give more that the Lord is going to bless us as many of us do not that do not have to give in this moment that the Lord is going to bless us that will be a blessing to his house in the name of Jesus thank you Father for in Jesus name we have prayed amen I’ll be handing over to the choir now Hallelujah no that’s too cold that’s not for my God hallelujah hallelujah Happy Father’s Day to our fathers today we’re thanking God for what he’s been doing in your lives and then we are also saying thank you to our Almighty father [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah this song says a father we see what we are doing and we’re thanking you [Music] Hallelujah father father we still Jes glory to your name glory to your hallelujah hallelujah help me sing father we see you J glory to your name Glory Hallelujah is someone ready to join me join me and sing father we you Jesus glory to your name Glory Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah God we see you Lord glory to your name hallelujah amen I love this part give things you do Lord we cannot number your love the excess we can never quantify every day we see your goodness in our own lives and your mercy Pur you in after to ro the things you do Lord the things you do Lord we canot we canot know we cannot every every see your goodness all around us your [Music] mercy father we see you Lord glory to your name glory to hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah God we see you God glory glory glory to Hallelujah the things you doing do the things you doing our father’s lives we see it and we say we are grateful oh Lord I [Music] see good and your mercy mer father we see you Jesus Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah to the King of Kings Lord oh we see what you are doing glory to your name Hallelujah can we give God our dance offering now if you are thankful you have a father not just an heavly father but an heav heavenly father I want you to give the Lord your dance just move your body because we are saying thank you [Music] father to child father to child Spirit of spirit Spirit by your word that’s how we come alive that’s how we come alive and that’s how you change that’s how change a father to child father to child child Spirit of Spirited by your worded by Your [Music] Word your that’s how we come that’s how we come and that’s how we change the word that’s how we change word help me sing Our Father our maker our love we see you are your name glory to Hallelujah hall hallelujah hallelujah our father our we you Jesus we see you Lord glory to Hallelujah we sing glory to your name Hallelujah help me sing glory to his name Hallelujah to your name Hallelujah Glory all the Praises To His Name Hallelujah help my king help my Lord hallelujah oh glory to your name Hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah can we be seated in the house can we be seated in the house I’ll be calling certain names and if you know and youve seen God used them in the house please I want you to put your hands together for them I’m going to call the first person Dr Augustine UE Dr Aus Dr our very own father in the house Pastor Jeffrey un I I can’t see us clapping I can’t see us clapping I can’t see us clapping I can’t see us clapping God bless you s please if you can just come by the cake if you can just come by the cake and then I’m going to be asking our daddy our granddaddy F Pastor FMJ senior I would also want to get representation from the church brother Chris would you like to join them brother yinka brother Daniel [Music] and yes Mr [Music] mly so we are going to be spelling out Victory and at the end of Victory they going to be cutting the cake because God has indeed made them Victors Hallelujah can I get a v can I get an i a c a c an overcoming o an r and a unique Y [Music] Victory thank you very much [Music] I’m going to be calling on our sister’s coordinator sister bisola okay I’m going to be handing over to MJ okay praise the name of the Lord hallelujah amen amen praise God hallelujah amen amen again on behalf of the men just want to say thank you for all the ladies for taking time to honor us you know coming to church this morning my first culture shock was seeing a female traffic Warden and I was wondering oh wow so he reached this level you know you know but again God bless you guys we are so grateful the honor is really received with joy and gladness and God will bless you all in Jesus mighty name amen amen you know one of the things that celebrations like this happens is that it exposes people unconsciously praise the name of the Lord you know Sister Johanna I don’t want to ever see you sit down I was going to ask you I’m sure you missed singing Praise the name of the Lord hallelujah amen but again God bless you all we thank you so much for taking that time to honor us and it’s a pleasure for us to just you know relax and receive all the love God bless you all and honor you all in Jesus mighty name amen again just to say thank you Daddy for coming all the way from London despite your busy schedules Hallelujah but again the bible say that your labor of love will never go unrewarded in Jesus name amen praise the name of the Lord I’ll just quickly go to the following announcements I know that our time is far spent but ordinarily we finish our services by 2:00 :00 but I think times like this would allow for some um exceptions and this is one of them praise the name of the Lord but again just to acknowledge a group of people who perhaps today is your very first time here in the place of Victory could you just by show of hands raise your hand if today is your very first time in the place of Victory anyone of that nature hallelujah praise the name of the Lord hallelujah church can we just go around and just welcome them hallelujah praise the name of the Lord hallelujah now [Music] [Music] amen hallelujah amen and perhaps if you’re watching online as well and today is your very first time connecting with us place of Victory this is the place of Victory Church it’s a Redeemed Christian Church of God located here in Swansea and it’s a pleasure for us to host you by chance you happen to be in and around the city but God bless you there’s a barcode right there on the screen please do well to scan it the idea is for us to get your details know how to reach you and how to be a blessing to you and your family Hallelujah for the sake of awareness the theme for our month of June is our month of Joy Hallelujah and the anchor text is from the book of Psalm 118:15 which says that the voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the house or in the tents of the righteous and the right hand of the Lord does vant Hallelujah as a church there are various activities that we keep ourselves attuned to the things of God the very first one of them is that every Monday morning we have our morning devotions from the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. and on a Wednesday we meet for Bible study from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. likewise on a Friday where we meet from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. as well but on a Sunday like this we meet from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 which is our first service Sunday school follow shortly afterwards from 11:45 to 12:25 and then the second service from 12:30 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. praise God um as the church we have what we call our youth in Christ Fellowship um it’s a different expression of the church that accommodates those between the ages of 16 to 21 plus majorly for those who are in the University or colleges and as the university is going on break they also will be going on break as they’ll be going to the their various homes but again they would reconvene come September this September by the grace of God hallelujah amen however we also have what we call our young adults and singles fellowship and they meet every month the last or the third is it the last Tuesday the last Tuesday of every month they meet and the theme for this month’s meeting is Understanding God’s will navigating modern challenge Es as youths and singles the day of this meeting is on the 25th of June and the time is 6:30 p.m. and the venue is right here in church as a church as well we have the sisters unite which is our women’s Fellowship uh every Thursday they have what we call when women pray is an intercessory prayer platform that they pray twice in a Day first one is from 6:00 a.m. to 6:30 a.m. in the morning and then 8:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. so for those who cannot make the morning slot you could always join in the evening and the prayer Focus for this month is praying for the men praise the name of the Lord hallelujah but also we have the POV nights which is our men’s fellowship we meet every second and fourth Saturday night of every month and only for 30 sorry for 15 minutes we pray from 900 p.m. to 9 15 p.m. praise the name of the Lord hallelujah as a church every last Friday of the month we have what we call our night of worship and prayer technically you would call it a vigil but again it’s a virtual meeting we meet from 10: p.m. to 12:15 a.m. but is on the last Friday of every month and the date for this month is on Friday the 28th of June and we trust that God will indeed visit us again in the the name of Jesus again praise God a church we always still encourage members when you come to church please Endeavor to keep your phones on silent as the notifications could be distracting during the service and God will bless you as you do so in Jesus name amen we have what we call the Samaritan basket it’s an initiative that promotes kindness amongst us as a church community so we encourage members when you go to do your grocery shopping buy one or two items preferably items with long expiry dates and then drop them in the basket and anybody that is leaving the church if you see any item of interest you are at Liberty to take them and God will bless you as you do so in Jesus name amen by the grace of God we are at the last phase of the temple project and should you want to support the church in any yes is worthy of clapping praise the name of the Lord hallelujah amen I remember when God gave us this word back in 2019 that the glory of this letter house shall be greater than the former we are seeing this revealed right before our eyes and we are eternally grateful for what God is doing but nevertheless we encourage members don’t stop praying for the church Jesus is the master builder and our church will not be the exception in the name of Jesus Amen we have what we call the place of Victory podcast where we host all the sermons that are preached here in church so perhaps you miss the first of the second service or you miss the the entire service in itself just look for place of Victory on any podcasting platform it could be Spotify apple apple podcast or even anchor FM you will find us there but again the idea is to keep you edified and God will bless you as you do so in Jesus name the church won’t stop calling for workers or volunteers who would want to serve God in any capacity or the other all that is required of you is to just scan the back code or follow the links on your screen and then further details will be sent across to you perhaps you have been a worker or a volunteer in a previous redeemed church and now you have relocated to Swansea or the United Kingdom this also applies to you only that we only have what we call an induction program to acclimatize you of how things are done here in the place of Victory Swansea and then you could be um integrated into the workforce and you would continue to serve God in Jes Jesus name amen praise the name of the Lord hallelujah if anybody is in need of counseling of any sort either your academic marital or financial issues immigration health career or even parenting we encourage you to please scan the bar code on the screen and an appointment slot will be given to you but speaking of which you know the topic that have been exploring all throughout today’s service All Points towards the family life and you know like Daddy pointed out in the first service when the family is scattered the society is at stake praise the name of the Lord hallelujah and so for the next for the Sunday school for the next or for the coming weeks we will be looking at matters that pertain to the family things like parenting things like even single parenting even topics about family life you know or marriage and I believe that this will be a blessing to everyone and so please Sunday School is very much part of the service that we have here in the place of Victory so after the first service don’t be in a rush to leave you could learn a thing or two and to save yourself the headache you know there’s a statement when I was growing up they say why he say don’t cry over spilled milk Don’t Spill the milk in the first place so stay in the first stay for Sunday school and you wouldn’t have to cry praise the name of the Lord hallelujah all the chances of crying are minimized praise God Hallelujah but also the church has what we call the Health and Social care workers Fellowship it’s active on WhatsApp at the moment and so should you want to be part of this or you are in the health sector or in the social space Please join you’ll be blessed for joining um and God will bless you in Jesus name if anyone has any prayer requests you would want the church to intercede on your behalf please write write down your prayer request on a piece of paper leave it at the prayer request box just right at the entrance and God will bless you as you do so in Jesus name to stay in touch with the church these are the various channels kindly use the one that is most suitable to you but be rest assur that the church will respond to any request you may have and God will bless you for doing so in Jesus name amen can we rise even as we take our confessions for the month have we all been blessed amen amen praise the name of the Lord okay let’s take our confessions together one to go this month as I devote my all in pursuing God and the interest of his kingdom I declare that songs of joy and victory shall be heard within my household the strong right arm of the Lord shall do glorious things in my favor causing my joy to be full in Jesus name with this understanding just begin to pray into your week the Bible said that indeed that above all that my desire is for you to have joy and that your joy be full therefore father in the name of Jesus we pray concerning this coming week that Lord we will rejoice in the Lord that we will joy in the god of our Salvation you would make our feet like hind feet and you will cause us to walk upon our high places for this is the desire of God for his children and as a good father this will be our reality in the name of Jesus thank you almighty God in heaven in Jesus mighty name we have prayed amen and amen praise the name of the Lord just before we share the grace one of the things that I’ve come to understand as a pastor in the place of Victory here is that um the door is like a revolving door so some people will go some people will come but nevertheless we always want to celebrate our people most importantly for their commitment their diligence in service and at this point in time one of us is leaving sister praise the name of the Lord and please could you just bring her forward I mean for the for them to be saying oh that tells you how special she is to the department praise the name of the Lord but as a church we always want to honor our people and therefore please just stretch forth your hands even as they moving onto greater things in life that the hand of God will rest upon them just as have she has served God the Bible said that do not be weary in doing good for in due time you would receive your reward reward that the Lord would reward her that the dividend of serving God will be evident in her life in the name of Jesus that the glory of the Lord shall continue to radiate all around you that whenever we hear from you sister Helen it will always be of the goodness of God of what he is doing in your life and what he’s doing through your life and it shall be well with you in the name of Jesus as a child of God we speak over your life that it is well with you it is well well with your family it is well with your spouse and your children and the glory of the Lord shall never depart over you all in Jesus mighty and matchless name we have prayed amen and amen God bless you um as a church we always have a package for you so sister tywone will get in touch with you but again God bless you in Jesus mighty name amen amen thank you very much hallelujah amen can we together just share the grace and fellowship May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ the love of God and the sweet Fellowship of the Holy Spirit rest and abide with us now and forever more amen surely God’s goodness and his mercies will follow us all the days of our lives and we dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever amen and amen God bless you all and have a wonderful week amen e

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