✅ VOTE & WIN! I’m nominated for a Kids’ Choice Award: https://at.nick.com/4ehFSnp 🚨 To celebrate I’m giving away MacBooks to Dhar Mann voters!

    Vote EVERY WEEKDAY from now until 7/12, increase your odds of winning by voting multiple times a day!

    How to Enter:
    1. Click link in description to vote. You can vote as many times as you want for more chances to win!
    2. Take a screenshot showing you voted. It must be a full screenshot that shows time of day and date you voted.
    3. Comment Done.

    How Winner Will Be Picked:
    Winners will be selected at random from all the valid entries on 7/13. If selected, we will ask for your Instagram username so we can directly message you. Screenshot of your vote that adheres to the entry requirements above will be necessary to claim the prize.

    Inspired by Gran Turismo

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    00:00 Vote For Dhar at Kids’ Choice Awards!

    Inspired by Gran Turismo

    Idea: Dhar Mann
    Writer: Dhar Mann
    Director / Cinematographer: Jacob Geimer
    Senior Managers: Ruben Ortiz, Tony Corsini, Christopher M. Brown
    Assistant Director: Shaily Sanghvi
    Editor: Emiliano Ayestaran
    Assistant Editor: Fiza Rubbab
    Composer: Nicholas Jones
    Colorist: Mario Pantin
    Sound Editor: Lucca Mendes
    VFX Editor: Fabian Perez
    Office PA: Presley Burgess
    Casting and Locations Manager: Kevin Svec
    Casting Associate: Maral Manesh
    Pre Production Managers: Hope Mueller, Luz Ortiz, AJ Vargas
    Post Production Manager: Brian Nelson, Allan Dave Castro
    Breakdown Associate: Ren Lathbury
    Bookings Manager: Kevin Acciani
    Bookings Associates: Nix Villarubin, Sherri Salazar, Khai Almendrala, Lea Leysis, Andro Cadapan
    Gaffer: Collin Gibson
    Key Production Assistant: Terrence Holtz
    Makeup/Hair: Brittany Fontaine
    Wardrobe: Nadia Tulin
    Sound Mixer / Boom Operator: Rayana Villalpando
    Production Designer: Marco Chiong
    Set Dresser: Cory Maracle, Emmett Lee Merritt
    Props and Inventory Manager: Manuel Alcaraz
    Props Associate: Armand Bashar
    Art PA: Jillian Fudali
    Inventory Associate: Joshua Bogert

    Archie – Jackie Tran
    Archie’s Dad – Dale Edward Chung
    Randy – Tristian Kinney
    Carter – Keith Weber
    Roger – Chris Ready
    Landscaper 1 – Antonio Gutierrez
    Landscaper 2 – Sergio Romano Cervantez Perales
    Gangster 1 – Rolando Gonzalez
    Archie’s Mom – Jun Kawashima
    Doctor – Omor Sharif
    Nurse – Sama Akbar
    Dealer – Alfred Shriver
    Poker Player 1 – Kevin Davis
    Poker Player 2 – Kathleen Roy
    Passenger 1 – Dasler Jimenez
    Passenger 2 – Patsy Arenas
    Passenger 3 – Kimberly Smiley
    Race Car Driver – Alvaro Morillo
    Richard – Paul Jerome
    James – Xander Bailey
    Emma – Debi Kaye
    Assistant – Laquwanda “Q” Tellis

    daram was nominated for a Nickelodeon’s Kids Choice Award so we’re giving away MacBooks every weekday to say thanks for voting yesterday’s winner was Marley e you could be next so click in the link below to vote for us then comment gun be sure to take a screenshot so we know you voted vote as many times as you want and comment again for every vote for more chances to win now let’s get started on today’s video come on come on come on on come on come on come on Archie are you still playing that game almost just [Music] another dad what’ you do that for you’ve been on that game since you woke up you need to stop wasting your time it’s not a waste of time I’m one of the top ranked players in Grand Turismo dad so the last time I checked video games don’t pay the bills Archie and look at this mess you need to clean this up then you better get to sleep soon because you know you’re coming to work with me in the morning yeah [Music] whatever Carter your proposal doesn’t seem to address our current challenges we need innovative ideas to drive growth no I get it so you’re right we need we need something that’s completely different well we are running out of time what we need is something that’s going to set us apart from the competition well does anyone have any other suggestions I do I have an idea it’s a bit out there but go on what if we dive into the world of video games specifically race simulation like Grand Turismo we Scout the best driver drivers and we give them an opportunity to compete in a real Race using a Ford vehicle you want to take Gamers and stick them in our cars in an actual race are you insane I know this sounds crazy but just hear me out video game technology is so Advanced right now and these Gamers have lightning reflexes and an instinct to race I really think that we can make them real life race car drivers it’s a risk I see that but if this pays off we’ll be pioneers of the industry Roger hey Roger I don’t know how you did it but the board decided to give your idea a try so don’t screw it up I won’t okay I won’t thank you so much how much longer dad I I I don’t want to do this anymore it’s called hard work Archie something you obviously know little about hey Martin hey what are you guys doing here this is my place of work and I have my son here today we need our $5,000 where is it I don’t have it but but I will just please Vinnie give me till Friday man last time you said Wednesday and guess what it’s Wednesday my them if you can’t pay your debts you really shouldn’t be gambling so the way I see you you have two options one you pay us our money or two I cut you like a Thanksgiving turkey right here in front of your son okay okay just get me to the end of the day I promise I’ll call you and I’ll meet up with you guys please 6:00 Martin not 6:01 not 6:02 you hear me yeah okay good boy get back to work dad what what was that about it was nothing nothing don’t worry about it sign I got it taken care of you know why I brought you here today I brought you here so that you can see what your life is going to be like if you don’t start taking things more seriously you can’t spend your days playing video games and expect to get anywhere there’s a lot of people that play video games that make money from it there’s people that make money playing the lottery too but that’s not a realistic plan now is it look son I just want the best for you I don’t want you to end up like your old man 50 years old with a bad back doing manual labor trying to pay off his debts you have so much more potential than that if you don’t throw your life away it’s Randy can I answer it yeah but tell them you’re at work and make it [Music] quick yo what’s up dude Archie what’s this message on your screen what are you doing my room okay I was just trying to play a couple games but chill it says that you’re invited to some qualifying race competition to compete in a real racing competition with Ford Motors wait whoa whoa whoa dude is that for real wait what’s that countdown I think it’s like the countdown of when the race starts you need to get over here okay dude if you’re pranking me okay it’s not look it says that the winner gets to go flying out a fort motor look it’s less than a minute left this can’t be real it’s just the game R just hit accept come on we don’t got much time to waste come on okay all right all right okay dude I can’t believe this is happening me either Archie come help me get dinner ready uh yeah hold on Dad I’m just going to go shower first you got [Music] this guy coming behind [Music] you good Arie keep going keep going there the guy behind you on your left R go up you got it you got it yeah [Music] so this is for real I told you you’re in here playing video games again you won’t believe this Dad he won yeah yeah I just got invited to go to Michigan to drive for Ford well you’re not going now hurry up and help me I’m not going to ask you again [Music] come on dad this is a huge opportunity for me I don’t think you understand this isn’t about video games this this is about me becoming a real race car driver what do you know about racing real cars this is completely different than staring at a screen I mean how much different can it be even if it is I’ll learn you know I pick up things quickly please Dad what did you used to tell me when I was a kid whatever I believe I can achieve well I believe I can be a real race car driver when I said that I didn’t mean for something crazy like [Music] this come with me to the grocery store got to pick some things up [Music] hey isn’t isn’t that the guy from worker there dad dad tell me what’s going on um I got myself into a bit of a situation son you see last year everything seemed perfect we were one small happy family that is until your mom got sick it seemed like no matter how many treatments we tried the doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong your mom kept saying we should stop trying but I said giving up wasn’t an option no matter what but even though I never gave up on her her body eventually did I never cried so much in my life after your mom passed what I didn’t expect was all the hospital bills and funeral expenses I tried to act like everything was okay in front of you guys but in reality I had no idea what to do so I ended up making some dumb decisions and I tried gambling to pay it all off [Music] but instead I ended up even deeper in debt debt were the kind of guys you don’t want to owe money to so you see son that’s why those guys were after me I owed them $5,000 oh thank God Hey Kevin Hey thanks for calling me back um I was wondering if it’s possible for me to borrow some money I’ll pay you back as soon as I can I I need um $5,000 I know I know I really hate to ask for that much but I really hello hello I can’t believe he hung up on me now what are we going to do didn’t those guys say you had to pay him back by 6:00 Dad look I I don’t know what to do switch with me what switch with me it’s 6:00 Martin up man get these fools hey you’re losing him man he’s fast I think we lost it I think you did and who taught you how to drive where in the world did you learn how to drive like that aren’t you going to tell me to stop playing no [Applause] ah you must be Archie my name’s Carter I’m head of marketing for four I’m Martin Archie’s dad great to meet you Archie that was one heck of a race you won to qualify for all this now the question we’re all asking is can you do it on a real track against a real race car drive that’s Victor Hayes you’re kidding right he’s a legend I’m not King at all Archie if you can beat Victor in a race Ford is willing to sign you right here on the spot with $100,000 signing bonus but if you lose well you’ll be on the next flight back home so let’s see what you got tell you well let’s fire up that late model stock car get Archie in a helmet and give him all the safety instructions Archie this is it okay good luck [Music] you okay son I don’t know Dad facing on a real track feels way different I mean what if I fail you will if that’s what you believe as a wise person recently reminded me whatever ever you believe you can achieve and if you believe you’re going to lose you will but if you believe you’re going to win hey you might walk out of here as the next Ford race car driver all right Archie we’re ready for you you got this Ready Set Go got it you got it yes come on R come on [Music] hey great job son you almost had him yeah well it wasn’t good enough it’s Sor right that was one hanck of a race Arie very impressive thanks for the opportunity Carter I appreciate [Music] it wait where are you going what do you mean you said if I lost I’d be on the next flight back oh that’s right I did say that fortunately I’m not the one that makes the decisions hey AR I’m Richard miles CEO of Ford if you can drive like that on your very first real race I can’t imagine where you’ll be in a year how would you like to come drive for Ford are you serious heck yeah I mean yes sir thank you Dad we did it you did it you did it hey son hey Dad were you mean for real you good son there’s no way I’ve never seen so many zeros on a piece of paper before so what are you going to do with it dude I don’t know you man I mean maybe maybe I’ll buy a new car or or some new gaming equipment ah I’m just kidding Dad here you go what go pay off all your debts no I couldn’t of course you can and besides I have a feeling there’s going to be a lot more of these checks coming I love you so much son love you too and I’m so proud of you wow I guess video games can pay bills after all yeah I got your money and I don’t appreciate you chasing us around town like that so are you going to actually show me how to race now dude come on don’t forget to vote for us for the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Award and you could win a Macbook link instructions below [Music]


    1. ✅ VOTE & WIN! I'm nominated for a Kids' Choice Award: https://at.nick.com/4emtToI

      🚨 To celebrate I'm giving away MacBooks to Dhar Mann voters!

      Vote EVERY WEEKDAY from now until 7/12, increase your odds of winning by voting multiple times a day!

      How to Enter:

      1. Click link in description to vote. You can vote as many times as you want for more chances to win!

      2. Take a screenshot showing you voted. It must be a full screenshot that shows time of day and date you voted.

      3. Comment Done.

      How Winner Will Be Picked:

      Winners will be selected at random from all the valid entries on 7/13. If selected, we will ask for your Instagram username so we can directly message you. Screenshot of your vote that adheres to the entry requirements above will be necessary to claim the prize.

    2. DONE!! i’ve been a fan of this acc sincs litterally the beginning of this account and i love it sm and i’ve been a crazy fan of the kids choice awards since i remember i love this account and really hope i win! ❤️

    3. GIVE ME THE MACBOOK👩🏾‍🦲👩🏾‍🦲💀💀🧑🏿‍🦲🧑🏿‍🦲👲🏿👲🏿👲🏿💂🏿💂🏿💂🏿👩🏿‍🦲👩🏿‍🦲👩🏿‍🦲🧓🏿🧓🏿👱🏿‍♀️👱🏿‍♀️👱🏿‍♀️👱🏿‍♀️🧌🧌🧌🧌🧑‍🦼‍➡️🧑‍🦼‍➡️🧑‍🦼‍➡️🧑‍🦼‍➡️🧑‍🦼‍➡️🧑‍🦼‍➡️🧑‍🦼‍➡️🧑‍🦼‍➡️😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😤😤😤😤😤😤🔥🔥🔥🔥

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