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    The land of ridiculously cheap property.

    I was back in Blackpool with my good friend @somewheredifferent who offered to show me round talk more about why it is so cheap to buy here, and also look at some of the huge old hotels that are currently selling for super cheap.

    One has 62 ensuites, on the beach front and is valued at less than half a million pounds.

    Is it official? Is Blackpool the cheapest place, by sqaure foot, to buy housing. Let me know if you know somewhere cheaper. I’d be really interested to come check it out

    Duncans got a cracking video out where he buys a suit in Egypt for his daughters wedding –

    Until next time,


    #seaside #abandoned #cheap #property #blackpool

    the average house price in England currently sits at nearly 300,000 now what are you going to get for your money well it’s probably going to be a Terrace if it’s done up nice you’re looking at maybe three bedrooms Max so I could not believe it when I randomly bumped into this guy who had bought a giant property for super super cheap it was advertised as 45 Grand an aution 18 bedroom hotel it’s like there’s got to be a catch um paid 61,000 for it the same guy then in invited me back as he’d seen another property that was on sale nearby that had 62 bedrooms and was on for less than half a million quid and look at the view this place has so I knew I had to get back and explore even further the cheapest place to buy giant property with a view in England you’re probably thinking the sun’s out the shades are on the shorts are on has the wandering turn it finally made it to a foreign country but no I am back in Blackpool now I’ve done two videos here before the first one was looking at the High Street looking at the fall and decadence of the grand old buildings the empty hotels in the second video I went looking at cheap property now because all the tourism moved away from this place all those old hotels buildings bnbs suddenly became on the market for really cheap now in that video I randomly bumped into this guy called Duncan who had bought one of the old bnbs for super cheap I can’t remember how much he paid for it but it was absolutely nothing so since making that video with Duncan we’ve become good mates and we’re going to explore Blackpool look at some other giant hotels up for sale for so cheap compare them to what you might find at other places in the country now in terms of comparing this place to its former Glory Days this is the day to do it so I’m excited to see Blackpool in a nice light so Duncan I’m back hey I’m back at the property yeah you brought the weather man the weather what a day to explore Blackpool how did I find this place I was living in the Sahara Desert um and had a certain amount of money and so I spent quite a bit of time researching the whole of the UK on where’s the best place to set up a hotel for digital Nomads so the thing I’m looking at is cost Effectiveness and wow in Internet and a few other things um and basically Blackpool massively came up on the radar as it was the most costeffective place in the UK you have everything you need within a 15-minute walk here yet correct me if I’m wrong people out there this is the cheapest cost of living town in the UK yeah yeah there’s a pub up the road you can get a bike for £180 my neighbor runs a burger bar across the street and he charges a quit so you can have a night out for a five yeah you can’t do that in London so I looked you I had a budget of about 100,000 and it was like there’s a shed in the middle of nowhere that was a scout heart that yeah but like my guests are going to be like what’s there to do and this place came up came up an auction and I thought it was too good to be true it was it was advertised as 45 Grand an auction was 18 bedroom hotel was like there’s got to be a catch um pay 61,000 for it okay I found this place uh on I BMB yeah and U in a difficult period of my life because uh my big fear was travel alone when I see this place I thinked W it’s perfect for for start my experience my first experience so this started in Corona right so this is just maybe a year and a half for the people booking so these are all the international guest what’s the most Bonkers Place someone’s come from then let’s try and find it actually Madagascar that’s amazing unfor we have no Russians yet no Russians might be tricky at the moment a pretty good reason that you got Australia we still yet to get kiwi which is quite surprising I thought we’d have and then England oh yeah sweet it’s like the person who was like right near here gave me a bad review it’s like you live here well I’m checking in so you better get a little pin on from yeah you’re going to be very exotic the Yorkshire here we go we’re about somewhere in Yorkshire I re pop the pin in there there we go sweet just a quick message from the sponsor of this video Carly now have you ever been stung by a garage cuz I have and it were an awful experience I were new to driving inexperienced I didn’t know a good garage and I had this problem with my car and I took it into this place and they go oh yeah this is bad car comes back out still got the same problem so I do this again same thing happens I end up spending so much money in this garage that I have to sell the car and the problem still wasn’t sorted it was an absolute nightmare it was awful and I remember thinking back then I wish I could just know what was going on inside the car and that’s where Carle comes in and I kid you not it’s absolutely brilliant and so so simple to use this tiny little device which you plug into your OBD Port that sounds confusing I was like this is going to take me ages to find in my car it literally took me 10 seconds and I found it it really is super simple so you’ve plugged your device into the OBD Port you’ve downloaded the app you turn the engine on make sure Bluetooth is connected and just press connect and just wait a few minutes and it really really is that simple so there we go it didn’t take long at all and I’ve got the full diagnosis of my car now I’ve got two issues it’s saying and they give you him in different levels of severity so I’ve got a minor issue and I’ve got a severe issue so I need to go get that checked out and it’s an issue with my throttle with my throttle pedal position so you’ve got a smart mechanic on this as well so I can go in here and I can read all about that issue that problem with the throttle so what this does is it gives me the confidence to walk into a garage to fully understand the health of my vehicle and I can say look I’ve got a problem with my throttle can you have a look at it I’ve got another minor issue but I’m not too worried about that the garage what they’ll do is they’ll plug their machine into the OBD Port which will give all the same information that this does they’ll get all that report they’ll go this guy knows his cars they’ll fix the problem they’ll charge you fairly hopefully and you’ll get your vehicle back oh I just wish I had this thing when I was like 21 and I could have plugged it in found out exactly what was wrong with my car if you want to check them out use the code earn it for 15% off it’s a really really good product right here we are off to explore Sunny black pool on a beautiful day I saying I’ve done a few videos in Black pool and it’s nice to come on a mega nice day and see it like in it’s full Glory it makes a big difference I’ve seen quite a lot of people do vlogs of Blackpool when it’s like January yeah and everything’s shut and I think come back when the sun’s out it’s totally different place yeah exactly yeah yeah and then over there you can see the tip of the Tower so yeah look at this this is the busiest I’ve ever seen Blackpool it is so nice today the beach is absolutely packed it is buzzing to come back and see it like this how’s it going then mate yeah hi you run the donkeys a you run this oh amazing I bet it’s buzzed on a day like this when it all com live good weather this weekend yeah yeah yeah amazing so how’s black for do you still live here yeah I do yeah yeah go BN and Bre oh really you’re still here I am yeah yeah I’ve done it for family’s done it for a long time so yeah really how long your family done it for then this job 70 years plus now wow oh so going back way back into like the Glory Days they have been here my Grandad come out the war oh really ended up bu a donkeys on beach mate what’s what’s the best thing about your job then uh I supp just being outdoors and being active and you know it’s good for the mind and it’s good for the body I mean yeah you got the perfect office haven’t you I just want to kind of look at that defitely oh M there is life yet in these Seaside towns isn’t there you really are reminded that if we just had better weather in this country just more days like this people would still flop here way way more all right what are we going to look at so I want to show you something that’s on the market for 475,000 right so when you think about what you get around England for 475 what’ you get three-bedroom semi not even in London well I’m interested as I say I think like a big thing about this channel as well is looking at like space and how space in London is ridiculously expensive for that much space like that P you so much and then you go elsewhere and space is like well I’m excited to see it mate I’ve got no idea so let’s go find it’s just here so where does it go from okay so it’s it’s it’s this piece building here so that bit there yeah but it’s not just that bit which is huge it’s the whole middle bit here so all of that as well and then it’s six stories and then that there as well the whole thing that’s the price that’s the price of a bungalow in the Lake District I mean so that so it literally is three buildings yeah 62 on Suites 62 on suites with like a stunning view I mean that’s a stuning view man H I was running a co-working space and mean that view there they would be sitting there doing the call with the sunset behind talking to their boss in America or whatever and like yeah that’s pretty cool I mean you got the sunset you got the all these it’s like it’s just unbelievable is it I viewed a a house in London the other day that was literally falling down and that was on for I think 550 and it sold for 600 and it was and it was Tiny and I don’t know what the state of this is like inside you I mean I’m look at it it’s not that bad in it’s got windows it’s more about just that in terms of space space and location like if you look at you know properties location location and location that is a location let’s just talk about the location what I mean that is a location you’ve got yeah the Eiffel Tower just over there North the north Pier stunning Beach the train station is what 5 minute walk from here the thing with these Victorian buildings the thing I always get like with Victorian pit but every oh but it’s old it’s like if that was going to fall down it would have fallen down down it’s been 100 years whereas a new build you don’t really know what’s going to happen yet but it’s it’s a solid building it just it just takes guts to be different yeah I think cuz you’ve done it you’ve done I mean not as big as that but you’ve got what 16 bed Hotel I would do that if I had the cash well you do I would do that I’d feel that I’d feel that no problem there’s a massive change coming massive massive change Manchester London all these places you pay all that money for rent in a place and your boss isn’t there anymore and you think am I doing it I’m from Japan Japan yeah then I found this place on Airbnb all right yeah then at the time I was just looking for somewhere I can walk and travel then Chief yeah then I came here oh cool you’re digital Nomad you work entirely from your computer yes it’s perfect bra yeah sometimes we can talk about something job and some sometimes just fun really nice place then good place to work yeah really good place Sate yeah good internet yes very good so where else in the UK going to get a point this is 224 for £180 so I’m going to give this lady one of these there you go thank you very much look cheers mate cheers two a cheap pain hey so 5 quid I got change one 40 left now let’s go get dinner I’ve actually got 40p I can blow on toppings here going to get you I know you did a one Burger so what do I get if I have1 40 nothing what you get is 40 PK look typical sov yeah it’s the cheapest place in Blackpool yeah and he’s still trying to negotiate last time I went out with the F and a cutle of beers and food in London was would have been I don’t know probably the 8 peace oh oh yes Chin Chin mate cheers this could go horribly wrong yeah look at that I mean that’s not a bad view is it to have a point with that M cracking view I am five minutes walking distance from where I live and that postcode is not the cheapest place in the UK it’s the cheapest you postcode in the UK by a long way you get a 10 bedroom house there was one the one that you filmed the other day was on 40 Grand or so 10 bedroom and it didn’t even sell it roof but the roof is sound yeah yeah yeah a 10 bedroom house for the price of a fancy Tesla like that’s when I did my video in Spain it’s like this house is the price of a Tesla you know what I mean it’s like it’s for nothing so uh we just sat down for a bit and we’ve been jying what’s your name sorry an and nice to meet you y thank you so much for joining awesome another Blackpool resident yeah Blackpool resident do a bit of blogging a bit of creating I love the vi very Blackpool accent there isn’t it yeah it’s a London Southeast London I’ll just flip it so it’s not all just me so where where you from London I’m from Southeast London yeah louan what brought you up here two holidays fell in love with Blackpool all the places you could go and I was going through a period of bereavement and I needed something to kind of pull me along and Blackpool was that place yeah so two holidays later moved up it’s amazing we love it um been here 5 years so I know the reality the challenges but it’s it’s an amazing place there’s nowhere like it you can’t describe it can you do you own your own place up here then I have done and sold and yeah moved around a bit cuz I’ve come for sort of to sort of shrink my life really downsize and nice work on more important things like my purpose and spirituality cliche but look look around it’s Beau I know that’s what we’ve been saying like yeah you can do anything here you can do and be anything here can’t yeah yeah exactly yeah you’ve got your story when I first came here most of the houses on this side of the street were derel this one here it didn’t have a roof I was looking to buy the one next to it that was on at 60,000 I think it’s a 67 bedroom room has been done up the one next to it has been done up so I’ve been here 4 years maybe seven or eight hotels along here look at that look it’s all brand new yeah that looks all new nice one there as well you know for sale you know the most expensive building in this street is this one this was on the market that was like nearly double all the other really cuz it’s a house I don’t get it yeah yeah so these are all about 60 Grand each and it’s like look how cold it is now I mean it’s a busy day everything’s going crazy over there come back here standing in the middle of the street yeah she literally there so I stayed for a week in the street and I was like you know what’s the catch and everyone was oh it’s so noisy here and d and then like the next day they oh did you hear how noisy it was last night okay you call that noisy right okay went to auction uh bid um yeah my sister literally like you’ve got it it’s like went to 61 it’s like you’ve got it you’re done um we spent a year or so doing so I spent about 100 Grand all in to get this place from not brilliant condition um to well see my Google reviews you know OB Google people are happy so it cost me 100 Grand to get this place set up cheers man cheers man thanks for uh bringing me back to Blackpool dude we got a seat overlooking it we didn’t have to fight for a seat at all for me it’s like there’s a lot of vloggers that come to Blackpool which is fine and they they spend 2 minutes and they just find some you know and you’ve done it yourself but what’s great to see is you’ve come back and it’s like no one shows this I mean this is this is this is pretty stunting is it this is pretty cool even when it’s cold I come here in January and it’s great it’s not even the sunset yet when the sunset it’s just amazing you show the kind of Fallen Grandeur of their building get up I think you’re all right oh no you did that’s good luck apparently isn’t it you just got a shot on hope I’ve caught that oh let’s a it’s official he’s been shat on all for the content all for the content I do I do challenge do challenge anyone show me where you can get 200 I Live 5 minutes from here where you can get a better place to live at a cheaper price show me you I’m interested where where in the UK Cheng John if you know somewhere where you can by per square foot with a better view let me know I’ll come check it out yeah we’ll go find it when I’ve looked all over Scotland and like the tiniest remotest Island you’ll get a three-bedroom guest house it’s 350 Grand yeah okay you have nice views there but it’s like 8 hours from Glasgow or something yeah this is 3 hours and 20 minutes on a direct train to London yeah 1 hour and 15 or something to Manchester it’s 1 hour5 to Liverpool it’s 3 hours to glasgo that’s what my guests love they said oh I was thinking of staying in London but this is actually a better Hub to see the whole of the UK you they’re here for a month yeah so a lot of people stay here because of where it’s located and they didn’t even expect to see this and they come in they’re like oh my God I went to the beach oh my god wow it’s just nice to see as just see look around find people having a nice time families kids adults old people people getting pissed so there we go how many pants did deep are we well we started about what two yeah probably 10 10 pounds deep a day out in Blackpool D Duncan’s been shot on the problem is is he still wants more yeah well the is Young you’re only in Blackpool well not once maybe many I’ve been here three times now actually to be fair so yeah who who knows what this town holds people have a lot of opinions about this town but one thing he ain’t dull it’s great it’s what you make it that’s what you make it it’s what you make it yeah there we go what an interesting third visit to Blackpool seeing it in the sunshine it was amazing to see everyone out on the beach the place looking lovely people having a good time now it doesn’t take away from the fact that that place does have serious problem with empty retail units abandoned hotels I’ve covered all that in my other video you can go watch that if you want but what that also leads to is this New Life coming to these old hotels and I would have never believed it I would have never thought it’s going to get new life until I met Duncan last year randomly and he came and he showed me his hotel that he’ bought and done it up and changed it and that totally changed my perspective on this place and really made me think that in a time where property is so expensive in a time where space is so hard to get hold of there is this gold mine sat there in Blackpool so much such vast Grand buildings going for so so cheap so yeah it’ll be interesting to see in what 5 10 years time what will happen there will the tide turn in Blackpool and will people start moving back I don’t know but it’s fascinating to look at now do go check out Duncan’s YouTube channel he’s got some brilliant videos out recently So yeah thank you so much for watching Blackpool what a crazy place so much to offer there see you next time


    1. I’ve seen a lot of depressing videos about Blackpool. Nice to see someone put a positive spin on what was in my childhood (many years ago) the place to visit… Duncan has got it right, for digital nomads it is perfect.

    2. Same with Margate ten/fifteen years ago, I remember looking at huge properties, beautiful fixtures, they were cheap as chip. I was told don't buy there, who wants to live in Margate (from a Blackpool resident). So I stupidly let it lie. Now the place is thriving, you can't get those beautiful huge properties anymore. I'd love to live by the sea, but I no longer want to live in England. Love what that man has done and such a great idea.

    3. I’ve got to admit, Blackpool is not one of my favourite places but Duncan’s attitude and outlook is infectious. Very lovely to see the donkey rides are a family business.
      Another great video turnip and nearly 100k!
      P.S very glad you’ve started doing ads, you deserve to be paid well for the content you provide 😊

    4. Brilliant video. The older buildings are so much better built than new builds. I never knew that property in Blackpool was so reasonable!

    5. I lived in Blackpool in its glory days from 1958 until the end of the 60's when my job moved me away. I did most of my schooling in Blackpool and the senior schoolI went to only opened in 1957 with all modern amenities. Morecambe & Wise even opened one of our annual summer feats . I only have one relative who still lives in Blackpool very close to Stanley Park. I am saddened to see how Blackpool has declined

    6. We spent 410k for beach & sunset views, heated pool, three floors, 5 five beds, games room , two living rooms, one of which is massive open plan kitchen dinner and much more in Rhyl, which obviously now houses the studio too.

      We also looked at 7-12 bed hotels in the area for about 170k too.

    7. it looks lovely, I didn't realize it got like that, so run down as it was always the seaside of choice. I hope it rejuvenates as it so nice, ide love to get into that digital nomad platform…

    8. I haven't seen you in about a year and it's great to see you almost at the 100K subscribers. Interesting take on digital nomads as a potential client base. The 'cheapness' of the place, is also, sadly its downfall. If the '15-minute cities' idea takes hold and international travel becomes harder to come by, then Blackpool may once again come back to life. The idea of 'remote working' ( the sweatshops of call-centres being farmed out to individuals renting an en-suite room in a Blackpool hotel) may be the 21st century's idea of the Dickensian workhouse, as people lose their houses through the imminent property price crash, mass unemployment, derivative crash, fiat currency hyperinflation and subsequent interest rate rises. We will have to wait and see.

    9. We lived in Norbreck, North Blackpool in the 70s when I was about 5. Been back three times back in the late noughties. Top place. Can be a bit tacky around some bits, and it could do with a revival. I long thought a digital nomad hotel on the promenade would be epic.

    10. Hi David. Love your vids and content but not having a great experience with Carly which i bought on your recommendation.. cost over £100 with your code, taken ages to get here but have found quite a bit of neggy stuff online about them , so really just wanted to let you know, while you're plugging them on your brill site. Adam.

    11. We love your videos! We live in Canada, my mum came here when she was a teenager with her parents. She sees these videos and is shocked at the prices and how sad some places have become! She used to go back every year, but now, I go and come back with the news for her. Your videos give her, and us, such interesting and informative insight to what is happening in her home country now. I just returned from the Uk a few weeks ago. I loved everything I saw. If my family would follow, I would move there in a heartbeat! I have a question, that I asked before but I did not receive an answer. I was wondering why, when you purchase a home, say for about 400 thousand pounds, why do you still have a lease on it? When we actually buy a home here, it is ours. If it is a condo, there will be monthly condo fees that cover the maintenance of the property, like grass cutting, and snowplowing. But when we lease a property here, it is not ours, we don't own it, we cannot sell it. It is like renting every month, and you don't pay a fee for it. Just wondering if anybody could explain that to me!

    12. The money needed to put some of those places into good order can be stifling . . . That large hotel is probably in dire need of refurbishment and perhaps will cost nearly a million to bring to a proper standard. It needs people with money and foresight to invest, which will bring the area up. Only a few have that dosh 😮

    13. A friend of mine heard Blackpool was the last costal town with Major investments going on all over to be able to get amazing properties for unbelievable prices, it was true he sold a two bedroom terrace in London and now with the money bought a very nice guest house 4 houses and two blocks of flats in former guest houses one with 15 flats in them and another with 12, just with the money from a small house in London, it will not last for long with all the massive regeneration going on just waite till the mega greedy property speculators' fined out waite and see what happens to the prices then, and it also will not be long before the second home on the cost lot from down south find out and then no way will the properties stay low he was so lucky getting in now, i have to.

    14. That view of the beach would have been really nice if it were not for the very busy road right in front of the house. I wouldn't want to live there unless I had no choice at all.

    15. Back in the day, when I purchased my first home to live-in; that was Miami in the early 1990s, first mortgages with rates of 8 to 9% and 9% to 10% were typical. People will have to accept the possibility that we won't ever return to 3%. If sellers must sell, home prices will have to decline, and lower evaluations will follow. Pretty sure I'm not alone in my chain of thoughts.

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