Larissa Rodriguez and Christopher Rodriguez were the parents from hell. When a welfare check was underway at the family home, police couldn’t attain the whereabouts of her disabled son , Jordan. Join me in my latest true crime episode where I take you though this sad and tragic story. Em x

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    in 2007 Lissa Rodriguez appeared on the local news when her adopted mother was brutally stabbed to death by her boyfriend nobody could a guess that 10 years later Rodriguez would hit the news headlines once again this time for a crime even more heus and much closer to home this is the tragic case of Jordan [Music] Rodriguez hi guys welcome back to the channel thanks for joining me wow today’s case is going to just absolutely stun you I promise you it is one of those that you cannot wrap your head around because it is just so grotesque and the abandoning of Care on Multi levels is completely shocking also if you’re new to my channel I release my content at least twice weekly on a Wednesday and a Sunday but sometimes I’m dropping in extra ones so if you like crime in consistency with a few extra surprises and this is definitely the channel for you so if you haven’t subscribed why don’t you get those notifications on so you never miss one of my episodes also to everyone supporting me on patreon and YouTube membership thank you so much I adore you but you all know that anyway before I kick off with today’s video just a shout out about my book the serial killer next door which will be available in all good book shops from September the 5th also on Amazon of course but you can pre-order it using the link below so if you want to get your hands on one of those books book then why don’t you pre-order Below in the description and to all of you who have done so thank you so much I appreciate you massively right let’s talk about today’s case the reason I came across this case is because I was watching the interrogation of Lisa Rodriguez and it just really provoked so many reactions and feelings that I needed to cover this in depth Lissa Rodriguez was born on the 16th of September 1983 she was born in clevand Ohio her father was Carlos Rodriguez and her mother was Nora Rodriguez now without a shadow of a doubt Rodriguez had a challenging upbringing she really did when you look at the backgrounds of individuals who have issues down the line often you can find neglect and she suffered a great deal of it so she was physically abused she was even sexually abused at a very young age and by the age of 15 she’ already had her first child she named that child Angel Alvarez and in fact that was going to be the first of her 10 children so when we look at her background we can see that on an attachment level her attachment is poor she has big struggles with her primary caregivers and she has enjoyed some of the most horrific abuse that we can imagine a child would ever encounter in their lives but we’re not using this as an excuse for future Behavior we’re just acknowledging and highlighting that these kind of fractures can have long-term impact and certainly on a vulnerability level it makes you more vulnerable when you brought up in a family where you are not protected that failure to protect means that your Prim primary caregivers don’t make you feel valued don’t make you feel like you’re raised up don’t make you believe that you have worth and the problem there is it makes you far more vulnerable to inviting people into your life who are bad for you if your expectations of the people who love you have a very low base so when somebody else enters your life and treats you with such a low base you’re used to it which means that you’re not aspiring to better relationships and that’s where the big fracture lies because often people who’ve had these horrible backgrounds end up in horrible relationships it doesn’t mean that they are not complicit in terrible things that play out in those relationships affecting others but it is just to understand why people make such bad choices in future partners because essentially you had a life that was given to you that you didn’t deserve with caregivers who literally didn’t deserve you at all because children should be brought up in a household where they are loved and cherished not abused and neglected we get to the 7th of December 1998 now at this Point Rodriguez is 15 years of age she was temporarily removed from her parents’ home and the reason for this is the social worker Pam Lucas basically filed a complaint to the kyoga county department of children and family services and the reason for that complaint was she was really concerned that Rodriguez was being neglected and she was right she was being horribly neglected so Pam Lucas told the court of conditions the reason for her complaint was because first of all the child is a minor mother so she’s had a baby herself and that means there has been a failure to protect the child I appreciate that for lots of people young people having sex at 14 and 15 we all appreciate a curse but as a parent ideally it’s your duty to ensure that your child is in spaces and places that you’re aware of hanging out with people who are appropriate and that can for much of the time prevent teenage pregnancy so if there is a pregnancy that’s occurred at a time when a child cannot consent understandably a social worker can say that’s a failure to protect in the household also the mother and father of Rodriguez refused to actually allow her back into their home they refusing to provide her with any care they’re refusing to help her with any support for the child that she’d had so essentially she’s completely isolated and Abandoned and isn’t being given any care at all from her primary caregivers which is terrible then on the 2nd of December 1998 she’d also suffered bruises and contusions because apparently there’ve been a domestic violence incident and that was with the child’s father so her parents have not only abandoned her said that they’re not going to care for her or the new child they have allowed her to live with a completely inappropriate boyfriend who is beating Rodriguez up so they’re failing to protect their daughter and they’re failing to protect their granddaughter at a time where she cannot legally reside with a male who she’s in a relationship with she’s a kid it’s as simple as that also the mother and father were accused of o the child to live with a boyfriend even though they fully knew he was abusive and allegedly this is down to the fact that they were just really overwhelmed with the care of their children so they’re using that as an excuse we’ve got so many children that essentially we can’t care for this one we’ll just sacrifice that one she can go and be abused domestically with her little child that she’s also just given birth to because we are just too busy with our other kids I mean as if that’s how parenting works but that’s the mindset of the people bringing her up now her mother also had health problems and this is allegedly down to the fact that she was really stressed because she had so many children again it’s going to sound judgy don’t have more children we’re at a point in time where children are a choice not something that you have to go through it’s not 1862 women don’t necessarily have to get pregnant anymore and if you’re stressed I don’t know with the third one maybe don’t have 4 which is literally what happened because essentially if you are people who do not know how to cope with your children at a stage where you’ve got three or four then having more is clearly going to be a burden that’s going to excess that stress more but that’s not clearly something that they got the memo on and they just keep having kids that essentially they don’t want so the mother and father are Accused by the social care worker of being unwilling to protect Rodriguez and that’s because they certainly are unwilling to protect her just by me outlining what I’ve said it evidences that perfectly so Rodriguez was eventually because of this permanently removed from her parents’ home now we get to July 2007 and something really sad happens her mother actually dies so Lissa’s adopted mother Emma roas was stabbed to death by her boyfriend Juan Mato so she’s murdered brutally Roz was aged 43 at the time of her death and as I said she was mothered to 14 children so there were a lot of people horrifically affected by that Murder She was stabbed more than a dozen times in the chest in the back in the arms and this all happened at a beauty shop on Clark Avenue in Cleveland so a very public display of aggression by her then partner literally in public and that poor woman in spite of how she may have been a terrible mother because she was overwhelmed or because she just didn’t have the coping skills did not deserve to die in such a brutal fashion and apparently her last moments involved her just staggering to a nearby Walgreens just desperately seeking help she sadly died 4 hours later at Metro Health Medical Center so a terrible end and clearly not a life that was very easy like I said I can be very judgmental about her parenting because you have a right to do that when you make a choice to become a parent I’m sorry you do not have a right to be bad at it you have to work at that we are all multi level in our experience I appreciate that we are all given different levels of privilege when we’re born to people who will bring us up and for the most part that will mean that some people have great parents and some people have average parents but I do not agree that any parent should fall into the bad or terrible Zone you have an option where children are concerned if you’re going to have them then make sure that you do your best for them and that hasn’t occurred but all that being said nobody deserves to be killed in such a brutal way and it also speaks to that cycle of perpetuation where a child is born brought up terribly and then they have a child and that child suffers the same consequence and I appreciate equally that that isn’t the norm that people can have terrible circumstances and grow up in awful experiences with parents who are terrible with them and go on to be the best human beings and parents that can be I’ve see that happen day in day out it’s been a privilege in my practice to do that nonetheless you have to look at this cycle of causation if you are ever going to deflect it and change the outcomes so matio at this point the man who is guilty of killing her he’s charged with murder but eventually pled guilty to a lesser charge of voluntary manslaughter arguably that will have come from the fact that he will have said they were in an impassioned argument and he lost control there was no planning and premeditation he was sentenced to life in prison he’s actually currently incarcerated at the Mansfield Correctional Institution he will be eligible for parole in June 2037 but we all know how that can go in the states very often it doesn’t mean you’re ever going to get it it’s like oh you’re up for parole you’re not getting it see another 10 years now we’re at a point where this girl has been abandoned to some degree by her parents but now is in a scenario where her mother is dead and when that happens it’s very traumatic we know that people who lose parents where they haven’t had a great relationship a tight relationship a secure relationship with them it can complicate the grief it really can because you have all of these negative feelings but then equal with that is this sense of loss and this sense of future that’s never going to occur you’re never going to get to repair that relationship you’re never going to have that close loving bond that you’ve always craved and that can leave people incredibly confused and very very sad Harry Boomer was a guy who was a Cleveland 19 News interviewer and he interviewed Rodriguez and a sister Anna Rodriguez about the murder and understandably they come forward and give that interview about their mother and they said she was loving and caring if you needed her to be there if you needed help she would help you they also said that she wasn’t perfect and that she had issues with drugs Ken if you want if you needed her to be there you needed help she would help you she had a problems but that doesn’t give him a right to kill her but that very rosec colored spectacles idea of this mother being this loving person who’s always there for you it just doesn’t play out in reality it’s a fantasy but I understand that children want to suggest that they had a good mother even if that mother fell short because when somebody’s dead it’s pretty challenging to to speak ill of that person now in 1994 it turned out that that same man who’d killed Lissa’s mother had done time in prison for the murder of another woman in kyoga County also that same man was accused of murder in Puerto Rico so he was just a horrifically dangerous human being and there is no way that he would not have shown early on his behavior with Rodriguez’s mother now Rodriguez and her sister said that Roes knew of his violent past so her mother knew that he was a very violent man and that he’d actually been responsible for killing somebody if not two people but she said that she was with him because she was in love and I appreciate that many of us will think well that’s not love but this is where the misunderstanding about love exists it’s a myth that love always has to be good there is good love there is bad love there is peaceful love there is violent love there is extremely high love and extremely low love these all into play what we know is we’re describing a very intense feeling for another human being and because of that feeling we accept things both good and bad in this case whatever it was about the fractures in her foundation as a human being her mother was growing up desperate to feel a sense of belongingness to be with a partner and she accepted less than to achieve that and she loved him even though for the rest of us it’s hard to imagine why you would because love is something that you can experience positively and negatively but it’s still intense and it still ties you to that human being and Rodriguez and her sister said we knew what he did to his Ex-Wives but that didn’t stop her from being with this guy and again that speaks to what I was talking about earlier when you’ve had a horrible life when you’ve been treated really badly by people and somebody walks into your life and treats you equally as badly it makes you far more ready to accept that kind of experience now as I talked about earlier on Rodriguez goes on and has nine children and was pregnant with a tenth at the time that we’re going to talk about the crime that plays out she has demonstrated very questionable parenting in the past so she has had problems with the services coming in and being concerned about her children and also removing some of the children from her care because she just is not up to scratch when it comes down to the parenting department now one of the children that she has was 5-year-old Jordan Rodriguez he was bornn on the 5th of November 2012 he was born 26 weeks premature 26 weeks premature is an unbelievably premature age to be born you are talking about just meeting the guide for actually treating that child because in the UK in particular it tends to be 23 to 24 weeks that they’ll try to save a child before that they will often believe that there is very little point because of damage to that child will be just so enormous and essentially they have to have those boundaries now if you consider that 40 weeks is a normal gestation period we’re talking 24 weeks that he was born so he will have understandably had a huge amount of obstacles to overcome and a real journey to get to a point where he can be removed from hospital and he had special needs as you would on the whole when you’ve dealt with such a difficult blow of being born so early so couldn’t speak because he had language processing disorder he was lightly autistic he was born with only one functioning kidney and he had heart and breathing issues so that poor little boy was born with all of these pressures and problems not problems that can’t mean that he leads an amazing life but problems that mean that he really needs patience he needs engagement he needs help from external Services he needs to feel absolutely adored and also what will be pivotal is that he has an opportunity to be really intensively brought up by a parent because he has extra needs and of course when you have lots of children and a child is there with extra needs you really need to be giving that child more attention but that’s going to be a detriment to your other children so that’s going to psychologically emotionally and socially be challenging on a family level but nonetheless this is what you are presented with when you have a special needs child and we always have to remember throughout any of these cases when we’re talking about children there are options where your child is concerned if you cannot cope with them if you are struggling intensely with them if you cannot do the best job possible and you are falling short in a dramatic fashion and Rodriguez is doing that there are Services out there who will help you they will even remove your child from you because they can place that child with somebody who genuinely is going to be able to give them what they need so there are always options you do not have to do anything breathtakingly evil to your child to deal with the issue and it’s always so key to remember that when I cover cases like this now one thing that Rodriguez does which is really concerning is she pulls Jordan out of school in September 2016 now the reason for this is she says that he’s moving out of state now that’s a lie but the fact that she takes him out of a consistent environment is deeply troubling she’s not doing it for political reasons she’s not doing it because she wants to homeschool him she’s not doing it for anything that is positive for Jordan she’s doing it as a protective without a doubt she’s covering things up and the truth is that there were options available for her there were people discussing the potential of him receiving special education she isn’t taking those options up and that means she’s denying him care and she’s denying him education and the reasoning behind that has to be because she’s protecting something in her household from being seen or heard or known and at this point Rodriguez is dating a 36-year-old man named named Christopher Rodriguez now because he’s also got the second name Rodriguez for the purposes of this video I will refer to him as Christopher just to avoid confusion now he isn’t Jordan’s biological father Jordan’s biological father was a man named Patrick strong and I would say that one of the things that is clear about Rodriguez is she’s had lots of children with lots of different dads and she’s also a traveler in relationship so she’ll be in a relationship she’ll hook up with somebody else she’ll leave the original a relationship and she’ll move on she’ll often have a child with somebody meet another person and then have a child with them and move on again so there is not a lot of consistency for her children again if that sounds D mental it’s not meant to it’s just evidencing further the fractures of children will be experiencing it’s really hard growing up with a parent who’s constantly with a new guy and is constantly having new babies that aren’t necessarily children that relate to you fully because there’s a new dad in the picture meaning that that parent May treat that child differently and then moving on to the next person with that child who’d originally been with the biological parent again feeling all the feelings of those children gone before them so it is not a perfect situation and like I said I bring it back down to choices you don’t need to get pregnant somebody will be out there saying well I got pregnant even though I was on every type of birth control I get it but that’s rare and it doesn’t happen N9 and 10 times on the whole now since the 24th of October 2017 Christopher had actually been incarcerated in the Medina County Jail the reason for that was a child support issue so he was serving this 18month sentence he’d failed to pay child support to another woman so again what are we being introduced to a guy who takes no responsibility in accountability for his biological children and yet is the type of human being that will just travel onto new relationships pretending to play Daddy to children that they aren’t supporting either financially whilst abandoning the child that they should be supporting cuz they are actually the biological parent so Christopher is not a great guy let’s make it clear from the GetGo the police get a really worrying tip off on Monday the 18th of December 2017 regarding Rodriguez and Christopher and it genuinely is utterly disturbing so Christopher’s Brother Scott Rodriguez and bear in mind Scott is a responsible human being he’s an individual he’s serving in the military in Pakistan St he’s a genuinely upstanding human being and he’s spoken to his brother and he’s really worried because Christopher has talked about his apparent stepson I’m going to use the word stepson very lightly here we’re talking about Christopher who had been living with Rodriguez but when it comes down to being a stepson that should mean that there is a relational experience with a stepfather and we all know stepfathers are often gifts from God they are wonderful human beings who bring the children up that they share their lives and home with as their own children that’s not what we’re talking about where Christopher is concerned I would make it more of a the guy lived in the same house as these kids and that’s really where the relationship ends but Christopher has had this conversation about Jordan Rodriguez Rodriguez’s child with special needs and he basically told his brother something incredibly disturbing so Christopher’s brother tells the police it’s kind of messed up the whole situation but my brother told me something and I just can’t sleep at night so we immediately know that the information that’s been passed on to the police is going to be deplorable and absolutely diabolical and it is so on the 18th of December 2017 acting on the information that’s been passed to them by Christopher’s brother the police search Rodriguez’s house on West 8th Street that’s between Detroit and Lake Avenues now when the police go and knock on and basically have a conversation with Rodriguez about where Jordan is immediately she is struggling to come up with a story first of all she’s trying to say that she has a lot of hassle there’s a lot of people who just want to speak badly about her and make stuff up and tell social services that there’s a whole heap of problems that don’t really exist and it’s all to do with this malicious communication so she’s creating this backstory that she’s a victim I would say that the police officer who visits is very cordal and is also just trying to find out a little bit more whilst also totally empathizing with the reality that this could be true hey at the end of the day people do make malicious Communications about other human beings that are completely untrue to cause them issues it’s something that child services are used to but he also presses you know he wants to know a little bit more what going on so he questions her further and wants to check out exactly which children are which because she has so many of them understandably he needs to be aware of exactly who Jordan is versus who other children similar in age are so she comes out immediately with the oh no Jordan isn’t here he’s visiting with his dad for the holidays in Houston Texas which is a considerable distance away and I know about you special needs children with quite complex issues who are non-verbal you don’t tend to just fly them out of state or drive them out of state you know you’re going to be figuring out that that’s going to be a challenge the likelihood is you’re going to need some kind of chaperon in such a circumstance but she’s thinking quickly on her feet and thinking quickly doesn’t necessarily work very effectively for her so she furthers this by saying when she’s questioned about well how because the police officer is automatically asking that question how has he got there she says that Jordan’s aunt had picked him up on the 2nd of December but there’s a bit of a problem and the problem is that she literally can’t give the police any details so she says that Jordan’s an picked him up on the 2nd of December now bear in mind we’re talking about a little boy with quite complex needs so you are going to be over cautious about sending that child out of state you know it’s a long way and particularly when somebody’s non-verbal it’s going to be challenging for you to understand how they’re feeling and what’s going on going to want a real tight line of communication otherwise you’d be a terrible parent I mean anybody who just sends a child off with somebody who’s a relative stranger to them is going to be a terrible parent if they’re not going to constantly be checking in with that child because it goes without saying they’ve got Health needs and you’re going to want to be on top of those Health needs unless you’re entirely neglectful and what actually plays out in the conversation with the police officer is no matter what has happened she would be seen as entirely neglectful because of the answers that she gives so when pressed on where he has gone she says I can’t give you the address I don’t know what it is I mean if I’m not sending my child off on trips with pretty much virtual strangers with no idea of where they’re going no idea of what their address is for long periods of time then I don’t know what kind of a parent I am I kid you not she doesn’t know the address just sending a special needs child off without knowing anything about where that child is going also guess better when she’s pressed for the contact number for Jordan’s father or ant because clearly you’d have a contact number she’s like I don’t have it I’ve just sent my child off with a virtual stranger into the Beyond without any form of contact I can’t call him I can’t see him I can’t go and collect him I’m just hoping on some wink and a prayer that one day he’ll materialize back at our home so the police of is deeply concerned about this cuz firstly it don’t make sense and secondly it don’t make sense that’s it it don’t make sense so at this point she goes on because you can see that ultimately her story is not adding up and she refers to Jordan’s father as a donor who she met on Facebook a donor so that would suggest that she had just got impregnated by somebody willing to doel out some sperm now I appreciate the likelihood is she was just in a flippant relationship with him that lasted a very short amount of time and therefore she’s using the term donor but again if you are going to psychologically minimize a relationship if you are going to refer to that person as somebody so negligible as a donor then arguably what are you doing sending your special needs child all the way into another state with a stranger to an address you don’t know with a phone number you don’t have with an absolutely no capacity to contact them it’s absolutely insane now at this point Rodriguez is actually taken into custody because the police officer realize is that there is a big problem here and the safety of a child is particularly at risk or something terrible has actually happened to the child that they consider at risk so the police have enough grounds then to file for a warrant to further search the home and it is as bad as they imagined so on Tuesday the 19th of December Cleveland Police get to the house to do the search they’re joined by the FBI choga County Medical Examiner office and the Cleveland Police scientific investigation unit the big boys are there because they are already expecting to find something pretty harrowing bear in mind the tip off that they’ve been given has been given from a soldier who’s serving this is not somebody who would be making anything up this is somebody who has identified themsel it’s not an anonymous tip off it is somebody related to an individual who’s given some very disturbing information to them so the reason that all of these turn up is because they are expecting a reality to play out and it’s a horrific reality but it’s one that they are indeed prepared for now they’re specifically interested in the back Garden Scott Christopher’s brother said that during the conversation with Christopher Christopher had said to him he’d found Jordan unresponsive and buried him in the back Garden that is chilling beyond belief it’s chilling on a variety of L levels firstly you don’t find a child just unresponsive that’s not something that occurs on a regular day-to-day basis an unresponsive child would require medical attention even if you found a child who you think may have passed the first thing you’re going to do is you’re going to call emergency services and you can call Emergency Services because you’ve done nothing wrong and because you need to get the right kind of care for that child if there is even a breath of hope that potentially that child could be given medical attention you’re on the phone to emergency Services immediately the last thing that anybody thinks is I’ve got an unresponsive child better go and do some gardening the only people who would ever do something like that are guilty people the only reason the child would be unresponsive and require burying in the back Garden is if you have made the child unresponsive now prior to the actual dick FBI agents took pictures of the garden and the garden was littered with children’s toys and debris her home was a disaster it really was got here you [Applause] mind um we have one how you okay just is it a boy a girl what little boy a boy what’s the boy’s name anony okay um see if you get a name is there anything well we got a call say uh want us to check on the on the um wellbeing of the uh 5ye old four to 5y old okay well can we see okay I believe you out okay okay Rodriguez me know fine all hello kids all right all righta so Chris has been in jail since October October yeah he’s been in the D he’s been there October 2 what his last name huh what’s Christopher’s last Rodriguez m is that your husband no we’re not legally legally married got you he’s in Jill and Madina yeah he’s in Madina County he’s been in there since October 25th October 24th October 25th something where’s that he’s with his dad he’s visiting going to be visiting for the holiday he’s not here with us right now right now for the holiday where’s Dad at in Texas he’s not even here is that who you guys are pertaining to um maybe possibly what was the call mainly about just checking the welfare I get I get these all the time because I got ignorant on so we want to sit there call on do you know um uh what’s his dad’s name Jordan’s dad Patrick Pat do you have a number to Patrick Le reach that you need a list a list can I get a penny sure or you can tell me yeah I’ll write it down because it’s a lot easier okay first born all the way down the line supposedly Jordan is with that with that um we can call him yeah huh right now I don’t have the number cuz he was going to get in the number but he’s got families so we just just to the young uh oldest to the youngest and if you know the date of birth put it under there that’ll be fine how long you been living here I’ve been here about to two years two years okay one three the oldest ones that they’re probably talking about to is Angel gilber I haven’t had custody of them since years ago do you need that information too or you say you had nine your kids those I’m only missing okay got nine you a little shortle short okay I’m going to put the ones that are I don’t have right here not this mhm and where are they at these ones are he went foster care one’s with the uh grandmother mhm then I have the other one who like Dad took custody okay so uh tell me something about Patrick do you know anything about Patrick stays in Texas I mean we were together for about 3 years what’s his last name strong we wasn’t together actually to long he was like an internet thing do you know his do you know his um like when you his birthday or anything no that I did not you know we what’s Jordan’s last name rric he took it from me so who do you how many kids you have these children to live with you mhm right uh 1 2 3 4 5 six six live with you yes um do you live here by yourself or or technically I’m here by myself I mean Chris Chris comes and goes you know back and forth Chris is the one that’s in jail right now yes he’s been in jail since October 24th or October 2 and that’s in Mad count yes what was he arrested for um he was arrested for child support oh child support yes je mhm how many kids did he have he has one one he’s 15 yeah oh the other boy is 15 M okay man I would really love to get in touch with Jordan okay okay is there any way I can give you when I find the numbera you got I got two any of the kids disabled he’s not really disabled but that’s one that’s with his dad n no oh what do you mean he’s just SSI he don’t can’t talk how old is he he’s he’s just turned five okay that’s the where do he live he’s staying not he doesn’t live there but he’s just visiting for the holiday um what in Texas yeah what he usually Liv to yeah okay what uh you got a family members in Texas I’m going to that’s why I said is there a number something where I can contact you guys how long he has he been in Texas you can get it now it’s not a big deal wait how long has he been in Texas he’s been only over there for couple weeks so so Jordan has he has family members in Texas yes yes all right do you know any numbers or any how to get in touch with anybody who actually lives in Texas I mean right now his phone just got disconnected I’m waiting for him to call me what’s his answer you just send the kid to who knows who right I mean no I mean I don’t know the address personally because me and his dad don’t really associate like that but you let him go with them right he just had his phone disconnected he’s going to be calling me with the it was grotesque that anybody was living in a house let alone children the police started the dig in the back Garden about 2:30 p.m. and it didn’t take them long at all they found remains that clearly belonged to a young child and it took them very short amount of time to confirm this was indeed the body of Jordan Rodriguez and when you see pictures of what can only be described as an absolutely beautiful child it’s heartbreaking it’s heartbreaking to imagine that these babies get born to these monsters and as much as we will look at maybe slightly different levels of complicity in this crime regarding the main perpetrator versus The Traveling partner of that perpetrator to some degree I believe that any mother who is allowing a man or a woman or anybody in their life to abuse their child is absolutely grotesque the minute that they form any abuse on the person that you’re meant to be protecting most in the world and you allow it you are complicit you are disgusting and you deserve the very harsh punishment that is going to come for anybody who engages in this kind of behavior they said that Jordan had actually been buried in a 4 foot hole he had a nappy over his head that actually put mothballs that would been wrapped in the blankets and the reason for that that put these blankets around his body with the mothballs in was basically because they had premeditated that if they didn’t animals would dig the body up so that would actually stop the animals from digging him up so they know what they’re doing this isn’t something that is an OT reaction this is planned and this is something that they have prepared and they don’t want to get caught that’s the reality they don’t want to get caught when they did the autopsy clearly there was a problem because there is a level of decomposition but what they need to do is to ascertain if Jordan had died as a result of murder or manslaughter that’s key when you’re dealing with a prosecution they did find that Jordan had an old freter on his left wrist apparently that had since healed he also had three fractured left ribs and one fractured right rib all of those had also healed Jordan’s body weighed just 15 just £5 now if you think about one stone that is £14 my baby who is 9 months of age weighs more than that how is this boy only weighing that much it’s harrowing beyond belief the chooga County medical examiners office they ruled the death of homicide so they knew automatically that there’s no way this child has ended up in that grave in the garden because he’s died of some kind of illness it’s clear that he’s been murdered but they couldn’t actually determine his exact cause of death it’s multifold there were lots of injuries and he’s ended up in a grave in the back Garden clearly he’s been murdered even though they can’t pinpoint the exact mode of death however children like I said do not just die and if a child does sadly pass away unexpectedly the first thing anybody does is call Emergency Services hysterical you don’t cover up the death you don’t wrap the body in moth balls so that dogs and cats don’t dig it up you’re absolutely broken your life has changed forever you are broken in a Million pieces you don’t just carry on oh well Jordan’s dead let’s wrap him in some mothball rugs and put him in the ground let’s just do a home burial let’s save the fees on the actual Funeral Directors Nobody Does that this is because they are guilty as hell and like I said if you are a woman and you are a mother and you allow the person that you are with to potentially kill your child and then you stand by and let let him bury that child in the back Garden the moment that that person is put in prison as Christopher was you’re going to get on the phone to the police and say I’m terrified for my life this has happened that’s not what she does so she is fully aware of what’s played out and has likely contributed to how it’s played out so she is complicit in this crime no matter what she cries about no matter what she suggests no matter how she acts in this reality she is part of it she can changed the narrative as much as she likes she knows what’s happened Christopher went to prison and she still didn’t call the police and say this is what’s happened I haven’t known what to do I’ve been terrified and so on and so forth she does none of that now when the social workers went and looked at Rodriguez’s house they were stunned they said it was literally deplorable they said it was infested with cockroaches and rats and a police officer literally saw one of Rodriguez’s Sons eating a sandwich that was full of cockroach is full of them how unsanitary for anybody but children this is where it really gets me because children deserve sanitary conditions with a loving parent that’s the very basic that they deserve for get any other Privileges and opportunities just those things to be loved and to be nurtured and to be safe and to be fed and the fact that she has abandoned their Care on every level is unspeakably cruel and that’s why I blame her as much as I blame Christopher in this case cuz she has created a horrific environment for her kids when the county spokeswoman Mary Louis Madigan looked at the case they actually noticed that the county had a really lengthy history with Rodriguez and her then nine children bear in mind she’s pregnant with her 10th when she’s taken into custody so at this point the county took custody of her two oldest children they were 18 and 14 and the four of children aged 16 months 47 and 12 they were all taken into emergency custody as soon as the police launched their investigation on the 18th of December 2017 now two others live with their biological fathers so the children have now at least been made safe and we hope that at some point in the future they will heal from the horror of what they’ve enjoyed at her hands there was a gorgeous vigil there is something so beautiful about people when they recognize that something so heinous is played out and they can see that a child that should have been considered the center of somebody’s Universe has just been failed and abandoned in such a grotesque Manner and so they make them for a period of time the center of all their universes and they do this Candlelight viil for him outside his home and Rodriguez’s eldest son actually spoke to journalists and said Ma I just wanted to let you know that I still love you but I want you to tell me the truth truth and what really happened and Anna Rodriguez spoke to the press and said we’re bound to get Justice for Jordan this is what this all boils down to at the end of the day isn’t it sad that angel still loves his mother and I know that people will say well it’s his mother so at the end of the day of course he loves her but I often feel that children they have such incredible boundless love for people who don’t deserve it Angel is somebody who has had a horrible life with her even though he’s accepted it even though he’s grown used to it the truth is this woman has abandoned Care on every level for him and all the other children and certainly when it comes down to Jordan she is completely abandoned care and still he seeks to love her still he just wants an explanation he’s not withdrawing his care The Compassion within him speaks to what I was saying about earlier on you can change the sight you can bring children up in horrible conditions and those children can find themselves with the biggest hearts and the biggest empathy and the biggest compassion you see that play out time and time again it’s just a shame that Rodriguez didn’t do that that she wasn’t brought up in a horrible situation and yet formed the compassion and empathy that was required to become a good parent but Angel it sounds like in spite of his upbringing has done just that now the police need to speak to Rodriguez to figure out exactly what happened now in her first interrogation I would say that it’s quite short and the reason for that is that she got very defensive very aggressive and that’s likely because the actual officer who’s interrogating her says that basically she killed her son she accuses her of killing Jordan and that’s likely why that interview got terminated early because Rodriguez just dug her heels in and was refusing to talk now the second interview is done differently the interrogator is being a lot more sympathetic and empathetic and also is throwing this idea that you know she’s not really the bad person that clearly it’s Christopher who is the bad person because they’ve seen pictures of her children before Christopher came into the picture and you know they were all fine and even though this is BS because Rodriguez has not been a good mother throughout and yes there will have been a decline when Christopher came into the picture because her energies were going on Christopher so to some degree she’s splitting even more energy with the children and now this new partner we all know when you get into a new relationship with a partner it can be very intense almost obsessive and you spend a lot of time with them and she without a doubt will do that at a detriment to her other children but the interrogator is being clever and trying to make her feel that she has an ally in the situation all the while just trying to get her to open up about what the hell has happened to that gorgeous little boy I never put my hands on my kids you can ask any of them and a lot lot of people used to tell me maybe that’s why sometimes your kids don’t listen you know sometimes I need to be more rough on them but that’s just not in me to say here in I don’t want to be that mother either I just don’t want to be that mother either right I don’t I mean I was like that when I was little I can’t be that type of mom to sit there and expect you okay my kid may do something wrong but I see other discipline you know timeouts you know corner you know bedroom you know some sometimes my help me girl worker even seen it herself you know no matter how bad my little ones connect up I never had that in me to hit my kids had a horrible upbringing that’s terrible I know so the most that we can do now is to I I understand where you’re at okay but I have to I have to press you on certain points that’s my job and it’s it’s as a human being I know it hurts you I can see that it hurt you ever since day one ever since everything happened I just I wanted to reach out I wanted to tell somebody I wanted to the day it happened the first person I wanted to talk to was my counselor I wanted to tell her what happened just because I was just so scared I needed somebody to conf fight in okay and I do I don’t have that support when you say the day that it happened do you mean the same exact day day September 21st yes I mean I needed somebody to talk to so at this point in the interview she’s confronted with the that Jordan had these healed fractures and obviously that points towards child abuse she says of course I never put my hands on my kids you can ask any of them that interests me that people will often throw in the my children will tell you I’ve never touch them when so many children can be treated so godamn awfully and never speak of that abuse because they want to protect their primary caregiv that’s why forensic interviews happen because they have to have these Specialists who understand that mindset to kind of get it out of those children over time but at this point she’s saying I’ve got nothing to hide I never put my hands on my kids well you did bury one in the back Garden didn’t you just throwing out there Lissa Rodriguez you did literally allow a man to apparently kill your child and then you helped him put that child in your back garden and just got on with your life so can we drop the I’m a really good parent I’m a really nice person I never put my hand on my kids didn’t you just like allow a guy apparently therefore to murder your child and then bury them in the back Garden but I never actually put my hands on my kids didn’t you literally carry on living in your home in that Garden didn’t even try moving with the body of your child decomposing beneath the Earth but I didn’t actually touch my child at all so I’m completely innocent I do not have enough words and certainly do not have words that would be appropriate on this video to describe my feelings towards somebody who uses this kind of excuse I would have so much more respect for somebody who was saying hands up what I did was disgusting I cannot believe that I contributed to the mind of my child I want to take full responsibility and accountability for it yes I did not actually physically kill them but I allowed that man to do so and I allowed him essentially to put my child in the ground and I did nothing so if she’s completely innocent you would expect that kind of reaction because you have nothing to hide the game’s up you can just speak your truth truth the fact that she’s just saying it wasn’t me I never put my hands on my child you can ask any of them about that I’m just completely innocent that speaks to somebody who’s protesting their innocence far too much and like I said she’s not taking accountability so I think it’s very murky this idea that it’s just Christopher Rodriguez who is the problem in that relationship and of course she then goes on to say that the reason that she didn’t really know what to do is because Christopher Rodriguez was just very physically abusive to her and this abuse tended to be when she defended her children’s bad behavior my kids all I can tell you I defended all my kids and that’s where a lot of me and his arguments came in because I did defend my kids and that’s where he would put his hands on me he even put a sack in my mouth when I tried to yell for help I felt like I was stuck and every time something like that would happen he would always bring up and make me feel like guilty like I was the one who did that to Jordan and I didn’t hurt Jordan well so what let me just say this we’ve seen pictures up until Christopher Rodriguez comes in the picture he’s a healthy child healthy he was healthy however for whatever reason he focused on that child I don’t know what that reason was if and he tried to keep everybody away from me I couldn’t have friends I couldn’t have family I couldn’t have nobody I may have missed this did he actually physically abuse him that you seen a few times that I’ve seen yes and what what did he do he would smack him he would I mean I didn’t me personally didn’t see him fracture anything so now that’s an again interesting psychological Dynamic to bring in so she’s saying well you know what he was abusive But the irony is he was particularly abusive when I’m being an amazing parent when I’m defending my children’s bad behavior because apparently you know she only used the naughty step and time out I cannot tell you the amount of interrogations I have watched in my time where children have been horribly murdered horribly abused and when a person is being asked about the kind of discipline that’s used they say oh it was a naughty step oh I was giving them time out oh I’d send them to their rooms there is literally not even a sniff of anything physical but you know without a shadow of a doubt because of the way the child ended up there has been lots of abuse but they have this idea that they can just persuade someone that suddenly they’ve been watching Super Nanny and taking all of the advice and guidance from that when disciplining their children as opposed to being the violent abusers that they actually are the very fat that she feels the need not only to say that she’s had nothing to do with any of the abuse but that the reason that her children were defended was because she stepped in and took the abuse off her partner to prevent them from being beaten even more badly so now she’s a Marty I’m a Marty I’m not a terrible parent I’m a Marty when he went to harm my children I wafted it in in my white robe and I put myself between them to protect them it’s absolute BS and she said that if she tried to scream for help that man would put a sock in her mouth and said that Christopher would use the worst disciplinary measures on Jordan that her other children didn’t actually get the same treatment now that isn’t uncommon we see abusive individuals that they will often seek to abuse one person more and if he is non-verbal and doesn’t have the same opportunity to express the fact that he’s being so horribly treated understandably that’s going to mean that as a perpetrator you can get away with more abuse and inflicting the pain on that child more than the others equally it could just be that she gets annoyed with Jordan as well cuz he takes more work and so she isn’t that complaining when he’s abused more than the other children she also said that she’d seen Christopher smack Jordan on numerous occasions and said that Christopher abused her and Jordan and then when she asked him to leave the home he just refused and said that he was going to call the police and blame Rodriguez for Jordan’s death so now she’s saying she’s a prisoner in her own home because this man who’s murdered her child clearly has actually said I’m not leaving the home because I don’t know it’s such a great environment it’s just such a great environment when we’re all hating each other and you apparently don’t want me here so I’ll just stay because at the end of the day that sounds like a really great place to be conducive to a really positive and harmonious living experience this is absolute BS again isn’t it she’s choosing to stay with him cuz she wants to stay with him Jordan is collateral damage she’s not concerned he can be buried in the back Garden this is not a loving mother but she is saying that she was just in fear of her life and now she’s saying that she’ll be blamed for the death of her son because Christopher is going to tell the police that she did it again why if he’s responsible for murdering this child he’s not going to call the police and be like yeah she did it by the way I helped to dig the grave in the back Garden they would both be complicit it’s not making sense and again he in prison so she could have called the police after he went into prison and told them what had played out she also keeps saying things like it’s not in my heart to hurt Jordan is it not in your heart to hurt Jordan is it not in your heart to hurt Jordan no it’s not in my heart to hurt Jordan is it in your heart to bury you in the back Garden covered in moth balls it is in my heart to do that I won’t murder him but I will bury him in the back garden with mothballs I have no words as I said said to describe my feelings towards this kind of individual she is happy to have him buried in the back garden and to carry on as if nothing has happened and to make up an absolute pile of BS when the police officer arrives at her house put that in context guys when that police officer came to search for Jordan she doesn’t go oh my god I’ve got to tell you this I’ve got to tell you the truth it’s been breaking my heart I’ve been so scared she makes up a story about Jordan going out of state to Texas to be with an auntie and the biological father who was just apparently a donor to spend the summer there but at the end of the day she doesn’t know the address and she doesn’t have a phone number etc etc she is 100% complicit in what’s playing out and the truth is the biggest question we have to ask ourself in this series of denials and defenses of herself is why didn’t she come forward Jordan’s body was discovered in December Christopher had been in prison since October she did didn’t come forward cuz she is part of what happened during the interrogation the interviewing officer actually pointed out that Jordan had lost lots of weight in his arms and also he developed a pot belly now a pot belly in a child of his age it’s a sign of man nutrition so he’s starving to death of course Rodriguez knows nothing about this she says that she fed all her children in fact she goes into great detail about how Jordan could eat as much as he liked he just had such a massive appetite she was just constantly feeding him and feeding him and feeding him you know she can’t understand why he was so skinny because he was Fed so much so much so much just constantly Desiring more and more food and of course she was giving him lots more food cuz she’s such a lovely parent she’s such a loving mother she’s so compassionate she’s so caring she never puts a hand on him so of course she’s feeding him but then he does start to lose his appetite in early summer she doesn’t know why but he just starts losing his appetite well I would argue that maybe if he’s beating the crap out of he’s probably not going to be that hungry or I don’t know if you’re starving him to death maybe that could contribute and she keeps saying my children didn’t deserve any of this but she’s very vague about why he’s lost all his way and also why she hasn’t sto any medical attention and why now her child who apparently is stuffing his face all the time up until very recently is now malnourished she can’t really explain that but then we have her version of events and of course her version of events is that she’s a veritable Angel isn’t she she’s a veritable Angel she’s just a person caught in this cycle of Destruction with no power whatsoever really she’s the victim at the end of the day yeah the child ended up dead in the ground killed in a horrible way with healing fractures from horrific treatment but when you really think about it is he the victim are you the victim actually little boy are you a child who’s been starved to death nearly and then killed are you really the victim or is it really Rodriguez is Rodriguez the actual victim here so she says on the 21th of September 2017 Christopher had just brought Jordan into the bathroom in this semiconscious state so at that point you’re going to ring n911 of course you are why is my child in a semiconscious state but instead Rodriguez is like well I could do that I could deal with the fact that my child is seriously unwell or I could give Jordan a cold shower and just lie in bed next to him and she actually goes so far as to say that she laid him down on the bed and she laid down with him so that she could be quote close to him why would you give a child who semiconscious a cold shower the only reason you give them a cold shower is cuz you thought they’ve been knocked out and you’re trying to wake them up that’s what you’re given a cold shower for for otherwise there is no reason to do that in fact you could just add insult to injury regarding what’s going on to them there could be seriously unwell that’s the last thing that they need the only thing they needed was medical attention call the emergency services but no she’s close to him she lies on the bed and then she goes to sleep and when she wakes up on the 22nd of September 2017 Jordan is dead and at this point they’re like well you know we could go about our business doing the right thing and informing family emergency services corer getting this little boy looked at and trying to fully understand what on Earth has happened because he’s a little boy and now he’s dead we could do that because that’s the normal process or we can bury him in the back garden and they elected to do that let’s bury this beautiful little boy in a home burial as you may do a cat or a dog this is why she’s guilty as hell guilty as hell complicit as can be the police obviously then went and visited Christopher who is already in Medina County the following day because they want to find out his perspective and after they spoken to him both Lisa Rodriguez and Christopher Rodriguez were charged with murder Rodriguez at this point is taken to kyoga County Jail then on the 27th of April 2018 she gives birth to her 10th child which was a daughter while she was behind bars so we have this baby born into a scenario where her mother is already incarcerated for the death of another one of your siblings how horrific to start your life that way choga County obviously took temporary custody of the child because she’s not present and the father is not present and capable of looking after the baby and therefore they will have to find an appropriate home for that little baby now Jordan’s Aunt Anna Rodriguez who’s already spoken to the Press about the fact that she’s really unhappy about what’s happened to Jordan and wants Justice for Jordan she has got a real story to tell she says that she reported Rodriguez and Christopher to the County’s Job and Family Services several times including once after actually physically seeing Jordan tied up in the corner with a sock in his mouth again she did the right thing she she speaks to the actual Services who are in charge but what are you doing leaving a child tied up in a corner with a sock in your mouth you don’t casually just go oh look there’s Jordan sock in his mouth tied up in the corner if I’m not going into a couple of friends houses every single week and finding a child tied up with a sock in the mouth in the corner I don’t know what’s going on in my local area if you see a child in that way you get that child out of that house and I don’t care if you have to fight the people who are trying to prevent that child leaving or if you don’t want to physically do what I would do and have that child removed immediately whilst also on your mobile to the police at least you’d leave stand outside and be like there’s a kid tied up inside with a sock in their mouth at the end of the day you will do everything to make sure that that child is ultimately protected but at least she does speak to the services she also said A friend told that once she saw Jordan Nearly Dead in a closet nearly dead in a closet and again no one’s removing that child physically from that house if you see child nearly dead in a closet get them out and this particular person said I live with them and Jordan was in danger that boy with special needs premature he needed help and all they did was [ __ ] beat on him for no reason they bear that in mind they beat on him this is somebody who Liv with them admitting acknowledging and Reality Checking what’s really played out they beat on him Lissa Rodriguez and Christopher Rodriguez is as guilty as each other it’s as simple as that now it won’t surprise you to know they both took a plea deal from the prosecution to avoid a trial for murder because that carries a potential life sentence so instead they plad guilty to involuntary manslaughter fonus assault child endangering and the abuse of a corpse prosecutors and defense lawyers for the couple agreed to recommend a sentence of between 20 and 25 years for both defendants so basically they’ve gone for that because they know they’re going to get found guilty and they don’t want to spend the rest of their natural lives incarcerated so they’re saving their own skin even though it has a hefty sentence Associated so when the sentencing hearing took place that happened on the 28th of June 2018 so basically as soon as both of the dependant had actually plad guilty the judge was Nancy Margaret Russo and it was really emotional so assistant Koga County prosecutor Anna Faria she read a letter from Jordan’s family and she did that as a picture of Jordan was laid out on the table in front of her she stated that the family had attempted to intervene with Jordan’s Cas several times but that all of the attempts were rebuffed the prosecution also gave judge Russo several photographs from the crime scene so that included Jordan’s Gra and the horrific way that his body was basically disposed of Russo was also given pictures from Jordan’s autopsy and they did that because he said the purpose of this was to just go ahead and demonstrate the efforts Lissa and Christopher Rodriguez had gone to while burying Jordan in contrast to just simply dialing at 911 they wanted that judge to feel it to experience it to see it in technical art to not just perceive it in words and testimony to actually physically see the lens they had gone to to make it so that no one was aware that this child had firstly disappeared and secondly been buried and actually the judge began to cry in court in the sentencing first I want to say that uh the serviceman who made this phone call it’s so important that he did that and I don’t want him to go unrecognized because I can’t imagine the trauma that he had hearing this in a foreign country that his brother had done something like this asking his brother to take accountability and then because his brother doesn’t want to be a man he has to do it but he did it and I give him credit for doing that the other thing that this case I think really drives home is that there is insufficient consideration given to the people that work in the criminal justice system so I want to say to the police to the detectives Remington and Diaz I certainly know that your job is very difficult and I look at these photographs and it’s very hard and I think you should be recognized more for the difficulty of what you do and the same to the state and to the defense this is equally difficult for you what we do every day is so hard people don’t give any of us the credit that we deserve for dealing with the horrors that are brought before us and Mr rodricus this is a horror I know as a judge I’m not supposed to show emotion and in 22 years I never have this is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen in my life and I don’t understand Mr Rodriguez why you don’t want to cleanse yourself and tell the truth about what happened here and I hope someday you do whatever this child’s life was supposed to be you make sure it didn’t happen you and Lissa I look at friends and family people who are desperate to have children and want to have families and you two have babies with no consideration you just keep having them having them disregarding the value of their life disregarding their purpose in life like they’re less than an object no regard I didn’t even hear you say you were sorry I will not accept the recommendation for Mr Rodriguez these crimes are horrific there’s no question in my mind that this child was abused it’s clear that you did everything you could you and Lissa to hide evidence to protect yourselves you had every opportunity at so many points to make a difference to get help to stop beating somebody to call the police to ask for help to try to take him to the hospital I have to imagine that at some point you got on the internet and said how do I bury a body because this is unbelievable to me the level of meticulousness that you went through to not be discovered I honestly don’t know how you live with yourself I I don’t know how either one of you live with yourself the court imposed a sentence as follows count one involuntary manslaughter felony the first degree 11 years in prison count two felony the second degree felon assault eight years in prison count three felony the third degree I’m sorry felony the second degree six years in prison count five abuse of a corpse felony of fifth degree nine months in prison counts one two and three to be served consecutive to each other and concurrent to the sentence imposed in count five for a total sentence of 25 years the sentence is to be served concurrent to the sentence previously imposed in 62558 for a total sentence of 25 years your sentence as follows count one involuntary manslaughter 11 years in prison count two felony the second degree flus assault eight years in prison count three founding the second degree 8 years in prison count five abuse of a corpse one year in prison all counts to be served consecutive to each other with credit for any time served that’s a total sentence of 28 years it’s the maximum sentence available so this judge became very emotional and she’s actually been criticized you’re like you know I get it I get that a court of law is meant to be very professional I get that a court of law is meant to have a particular Rule and riger to it but you are still a human being I would far rather have a judge who is genuinely compassionate and human when dealing with these kind of sentences because they deserve the longest and strongest sentence possible so that judge gets really emotional and says this is a horror I know as a judge I’m not supposed to show emotion in 22 years I’ve never have this is one of the worst things I’ve ever seen in my life I don’t know how you live with yourself and what blows me away is that if a man had cried in that way sentencing he would have been praised he really would have he would have been seen as somebody who was strong and powerful and educated at the highest level in his career and who was broken by something so evil and everyone would have positively stroked him and said yes you have shown that in spite of your absolute professionality you too are human but because she was a female they basically criticize her because females seen as weaker aren’t we we’re not seen as powerful and as strong in those situations and therefore she was acting in an emotional manner as opposed to acting in a human manner as an individual with feelings not with simply the law running through every atom in your body Lissa Rodriguez was sentenced thank God to 25 years in prison Christopher was sentenced to 28 years the maximum penalty and Russo said to him whatever this child life was supposed to be you made sure it didn’t happen now to make matters worse when we talk about failures in systems and systemic abuse we’re going to explore that just for a minute before we come to the close of this video because Nancy carabal Catholic charity social worker who was hired to monitor Jordan’s welfare before he died so she’s there to make sure that kid is being brought up appropriately and is being cared for appropriately she’s also a parent educated for Bright Beginnings so that was an agency that provides educational parenting skills to families with small children now investigators found that she the person who’s meant to be making sure that care for Jordan’s occurring between July 2015 and December 2017 paid Rodriguez 50 for every dollar of her food stamp benefits totaling $1,058 so Rodriguez received between $800 and $1,000 a month in food stamp benefits clear you can only spend that on food so she and carabello the person who’s going to be caring for Jordan struck up an arrangement where Rodriguez would leave between $200 and $350 on a card at the end of the month and carabello would give Rodriguez 50 cents for each dollar left over those food stamps were meant to be for Rodriguez’s five children including Jordan but instead Rodriguez used the money she got from caramella to pay for her phone bills her petrol to go and visit Christopher Rodriguez the murderer apparently of her son in prison so when he’s in jail in Medina County she’s still visiting him investigators also found CCTV footage of carabello using Rodriguez’s C to buy groceries at Sam’s Club Walmart Giant Eagle and other shops in Palmer and Brooklyn now investigators went ahead and subpoenaed carabella’s phone records and compared text messages between carabell and Rodriguez to the reports and found that on at least 12 occasions carabell simply showed up to Rodriguez’s house to pick up the food stamp card and then filed false reports about inspecting her home what a diabolical POS what a horrific excuse for a child care protector she’s meant to be a safeguard of children she’s meant to be there to protect Jordan and all she cares about is getting half priced food simple as at a cost in this case to the well-being and indeed the life of a beautiful little boy now when the trial happened when she was taken to court it was heard Again by the judge Nancy Russo Rodriguez went ahead and pled guilty to trafficking in food stamps telecommunications fraud grand theft and money laundering and carabello she pled guilty to trafficking in food stamps grand theft and tampering with records because she was making it up she wasn’t protecting any child she was lying and falsifying record so that she got cheap food simple as carabello told the judge that the scheme was at all Rodriguez’s idea and that she was just brainwashed into thinking that she was helping Rodriguez I kid you not she said there’s not a day in my life that I don’t live with this pain really I’m pretty sure there is I’m pretty sure the only thing you’re worried about is the fact that firstly you can’t buy half priced food and secondly that you got found out because nobody on this planet who’s working with somebody as a client should be creating this SC where you’re using the state inappropriately to get food for yourself while disregarding the needs of a child that leads to the death of that child so I hope you are in pain every day for the rest of your life I hope your guilt eats you up cuz Jordan ended up buried in the back Garden because you failed to care for that child Rodriguez denied to speak at the case she wouldn’t have anything to say the judge would probably rip her another [ __ ] both women did agreed to pay a combined $10,000 in restitution to the Department of Jobs and Family Services but we all know Rodriguez ain’t going to be paying anything cuz she’s in prison for a considerable amount of her future judge Russell also called their actions a slap in the face to taxpayers said carabello abused a position of authority and she gave her three years in jail Rodriguez was sentenced to six years now on the 20th of November 2018 Carabella was actually less than eight months into her sentence and judge Russo allowed her to be released Carabella was apparently eligible under a higher law for early release and she completed several counseling programs during her time at the women’s prison in marville the defense attorney said she is not the same woman she was when she entered prison no she’s not she’s a woman who won’t be able to ruin children’s lives fail to protect them or even come close to working with vulnerable people anymore because she went to prison for being an absolute not right a scammer a liar a person who fails on every level in safeguarding of children so you’re right she isn’t the same woman that she was but she’s also not a good human being in any way shape or form my god oh I hope her conscience so badly stained that Jordan infects her nightmares forever now when it came down to of course the people that she worked for lawsuits happened so lawyers representing Jordan Rodriguez’s family they decided to sue Catholic Charities they brought a wrongful death suit against them so this was following caraballo’s arrest incarceration and release from prison the trial began on the 28th of March 2024 the Rodriguez family lawyer Jay durantini asked jurors to order Catholic Charities to pay $81 million they argued that the Catholic charity organization basically failed to train and supervise carabello and therefore failed to detect the false reports that she filed they brought in Witnesses like John hlan who was the Catholic Charities senior director of Family Services he was the first witness and he was basically questioned about why no supervisory staff visited the Rodriguez household when there were obvious signs of abuse hman claimed that she didn’t recall many details about the case and admitted yes someone should have realized Jordan needed help Scott Rodriguez was called and that was all about the phone conversation that he had with his brother in December which was 3 months after he buried Jordan in the back Garden he said that he told Christopher Rodriguez to alert authorities but his brother said it’s not like you think it’s like it’s been months ago sorry it’s not like you think it’s been months ago oh well you know it’s been 3 months so we shouldn’t inform the authorities I mean it’s been three it’s been 12 weeks you know you can inform the authorities when initially the child dies and you bury him in the back Garden but you know as the weeks pass do you really want to cause a force I mean it’s 3 months it’s like it didn’t even really happen it’s just I’m just I’m telling you this because it’s been the passage of time why are you taking this so seriously why is my brother are you taking me burying a small child in the back Garden seriously it’s just it’s just 12 weeks just forget about it seriously now in his closing argument Thomas Manan the Catholic Charities lawyer he asked jurus to find that Lissa and Christopher Rodriguez are the only people responsible for Jordan’s death which we all know makes no sense whatsoever because clearly the people who are meant to be protecting Jordan are also responsible but they’re filing completely false reports whilst also stealing money from the state so that’s a useless argument but this is what he says if you think in any way anyone other than Chris and Lissa were responsible for this then look at everybody now I agree to some degree it takes Village to raise a child look at the people who saw this child in great distress and didn’t really do enough sure but they are not employed in jobs which involve protecting the child and falsifying reports that then help to contribute to the death of the child makes no sense whatsoever now dery countered with this attack and said this case is about the complete lack of supervision and the institutional chaos that Catholic Charities Corp created for God sakes for 6 months this child was suffering but they weren’t going to the home and they weren’t supervising it so they accused Manion of trying to tear down the Rodriguez family and said that it’s time for Catholic Charities to be held accountable in Civil Court when the verdict came back on the 24th of April 2024 the jury deliberated for roughly 9 hours before coming back with a decision just before 400 p.m. and the jury found that Catholic Charities Corporation is 8% responsible in connection to the death of Jordan Rodriguez so the Catholic Charities is required to pay $960,000 and several other defendants including Lisa Rodriguez and the Count’s Department of Child and Family Services were also found responsible so carab Bellow was ordered to pay a further $240,000 which sounds like a lot of money but when you think about what we’ve talked about today is very minimal we’re talking about the full failure and abandonment regarding the care for this child both by Lissa and Christopher Rodriguez but also by those in child safeguarding who were meant to be protecting and looking after Jordan who were meant to be keeping tabs on who he was how he was what his care was like and whether he was experiencing a protective environment which he was not and instead he was sold essentially for some cheap food stamps that’s what it comes down to this case is blindsiding and breathtakingly terrible because Lissa Rodriguez wants to put all the blame on Christopher Rodriguez and I have no doubt whatsoever he was a horrendously abusive violent human being but as was clearly noted by one of the witnesses they were abusive to him they not Christopher Rodriguez Lissa Rodriguez and Christopher Rodriguez and yeah the violence and abuse clearly got significantly worse when he entered the picture but she was a willing participant in that abuse Journey that ended up with that gorgeous little boy all but starved to death violently abused and buried in the back Garden for me 25 years ain’t long enough no amount of sentence is going to be long enough to manage somebody as grotesque and monstrous as Lissa and equally as grotesque and monstrous as Christopher Rodriguez genuinely as I said regarding that particular worker who was going to protect him I hope that Jordan infects every waking hour every moment that she sleeps and tries to get rest I hope that he comes to her in her nightmares and I hope that for the rest of her life she grows more and more aware of the horror that she inflicted on that child and I wish the same exact experience for Christopher Rodriguez too thank God for good people like his brother and doesn’t that show you the duality of experience that one child can grow up to be such a heinous monster and the other can serve his country in wars and protect those who they don’t even know as a member of the Armed Forces it really just speak to how different people can turn out no matter their environment no matter who brings them up I’d love to know your thoughts and feelings on this case I’m sure some of you have seen the interrogations and are as moved As I Am by this story I just know that Jordan is a far better place now and will be genuinely drenched in Bliss and love as he always deserve to be some children have the most horrific experiences in their short time on this Earth but I truly believe that in spite of that Agony their eternity will be beautiful and I wish that eternity right now for that little boy take care guys I’ll see you again next time be safe [Music]


    1. The ‘child care worker’ was prob doing the same scam with many other people she was working with and making a profit every month.. she should be in jail too!

    2. Another thing about the bodycam footage of the police confronting the mother and looking for Jordon, one of her other kids actually says something about him but is quickly told to be quiet by the mom.

    3. I don't believe her mother's excuses. In Mexican culture (at least back then) when a girl turns 15yrs old she's an adult in their eyes. It was pretty common for Mexican girls to end up pregnant or in relationships with men in their 20's when they're 15.. her mom most likely viewed her as an adult woman and that's why she moved in with her baby's father. It also sounds like they're Catholic with how many children they had, or she was using the children as welfare paychecks.. It still doesn't excuse wtf she did to Jordan.. you have a choice after being victimized, either be a good person than your parents or become an abuser yourself. Sadly, she became worse than her mother..

    4. You can legally have an abortion at 24 weeks in the UK and that's disgusting because the premature baby can survive, and they do they're wrapped in a blanket and taken into the "comfort room" to die alone as they cry, one baby is an abortion and the other is a premature birth. Thats horrifying that nurses can do this in the UK they've taken the hypocritic oath to save lives. Unforgivable in my opinion.
      A nurse from the USA left her job because of this and travels to countries to explain the truth about abortion, it shouldn't be just her alone waking people up to the horrors of late abortion.

    5. The judge I bet in the past has not shown emotions until shes got home and cried for the victim of another horrific crime, so she was emotional this time, the same as the police involved hold it in until they're somewhere private to cry and get it out of their system.
      Humans with human emotions.

    6. What is going on in Cleveland, Ohio?? It seems like every few years there is another horrific case there! Dr. Gosnell's clinic where he murdered babies, the guy who kidnapped & held 3 women as sex slaves for YEARS, the man who murdered his landlady & chopped her up…good grief! 😮

    7. Well said. It's not judgy. it's common sense and should be mandatory. Dont bring children in the world if you're going to set them up to fail. Have you seen the case of the Goler Clan? CP is still going on, and the authorities are failing to act. Please, would you cover this and bring exposure to the case

    8. My ex was a non-identical twin born at 24 weeks in 1995. Both he and his twin brother survived.
      My ex had learning difficulties as a child and was in special education in school.
      As an adult you would have no idea of what happened other than his left over trauma from being treated differently his whole childhood while his twin was "normal".
      As an adult he is a 6ft, athletic, intelligent American man.
      Makes me so sad to think that this little guy had so much growing and catching up to do but never got the chance 😔

    9. Love you and love the channel Emma but just from reading the title of this one I know I can’t handle this one. ‘Murdered disabled child’ just has me shaking my head and saying no no no. Then add the mother being party to it is more than enough for me to know I can’t allow it to take up residence in my head. You are light years stronger than me mentally and emotionally to do what you do with stories like this. I know for certain you’ll do full justice to this poor child – talk about an ultimate betrayal and complete abdication of any humanity. I bet you’ll even generate a laugh or two amidst this unthinkable horror. I still haven’t decided on ‘He made children eat crackers covered in semen’ but as soon as I read it I thought of that great expression I learned from you – Yeah…like you do. Anyway here’s a comment at least and a thumbs up since I know it’ll be good if I watch or not.
      I’ll bet you’re watching the Rex Heuermann (god what an annoying name) case as intently as a lot of us are. Horrid little details just keep on slithering out about that one, don’t they ? Some people have claimed they can even connect him to the Son – or rather the Sons – of Sam case in the 70s. One thing it’s turned on its head is the oldest serial killer trope of them all. “He’s the last person you’d ever have imagined”. Nope. Not Rex. The day he was arrested everyone on his street was saying ‘Oh god yes, I can totally see that ahole doing it’ I know we’re a ways off from getting the whole story and Rex taking his swift ride down the Hellevator but it’s an episode I am anticipating eagerly. Oh yes – and Charles Hatcher 😉 . See you next time !

    10. Have you heard of the Rooney Traveller family that were convicted of having British working slaves in the UK. They would make them do driveways barely feeding them and beating them to death 😮 I think you would bring this story to light in your incredible deep dive way and people will be shocked how rife it is right under our noses 😢

    11. ALWAYS BATHED OR SHOWERED !! in these horror stories of these little Angel's that have been starved and tortured! as if they think itll look least look clean instead of living in filth from deglect ..never mind about the state of the kids ,bruises ,bones broken skin and bone ..obviously buried in this case but ALL the others do this ! f.cking disgusting people x

    12. Listen to the jailhouse phone calls between the mother and boyfriend… they made me sick to listen to… it's hours and hours of them on rhe phone

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