Jerry has asked for help from the Catfish UK team to help meet his potential first love Karla. Karla claims to have already met Jerry but won’t talk to him on the phone. Can Oobah Butler and Nella Rose find out if Karla is really who she says she is?

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    this program contains strong language Carla she’s wonderful I’m not going to lie she’s amazing I want to see her and you know tell her how I feel think birthday Jerry that’s her saying your name this is big news a lot of things aren’t adding up I just want to get answers who’s that do you know who this is this is madness last season we went fishing in the UK for the first time ever I’m Aon why you joking this necklace this was you that was you why teach you a lesson and now we’re back with even bigger fish to fry that’s right NE so watch out Great Britain this is what the guys got to hide this series I’ll be joining Uber to go catfishing I’m 100% worried Nella has grown up documenting her life online she knows the internet inside out so nothing will get past her you’re not entitled to go into anyone’s phone and Uber is a documentary filmmaker who’s all about seeking the truth this was about revenge with the help of a few friends along the way that’s her that’s her the time is up buddy oh we’re here to uncover the Mysteries behind your online romances who sends me poems you’re Smitt so let the fishing commence you need to go oh my day W that’s shady as hell this is Catfish UK the TV [Music] show all right friends so I’m just waiting for myai to come pick me up he going to take me to work today let’s have it oh going to Uber delicious are we going to address the vehicle or we just going to skip have you got a bike have I got a bike can I ride a bike you live in East London how do you not have a bike cuz I have a car B yeah I’m going to need you to follow me in your little bike all right off we [Music] go hi everyone morning morning how are we all you ready all right let’s get started I’m busing all right okay so we’ve got an email here it says help me find my dream girl which is so cute by the way dear Uber andella my name is Jerry I’m 25 and a student from [Music] I have been talking to a girl called Carla she’s 22 and lives in e I feel as I’ve known her for [Music] years we have such a Vibe together to the point where I am hoping to moveed to Canada at some point and she said she would go with me I’ve never been in love before but this is definitely the closest I’ve been to it the problem is she won’t call or video call and I just don’t know where to go from here I’m getting mixed signals I really hope you can help me Jerry kiss eing and dagam aren’t that far apart it’s not that deep to just hop on a train no not at all they’ve never spoken on a the call but they’re planning on moving to Canada together which is a big clearly a massive deal big big commitment and he’s in love and he’s waiting to say it to her in person which I think is actually prop cute should give him a call yeah let’s do it right hey hi hey how’s it going Jerry how are you guys we’re excited to help you out man so Jerry how long have you been talking to Carla I’ve been talking to Carla for like 5 months now what is it about her that you love so much her mindset like the way she thinks like we can talk about anything and you’re planning on moving country together Canada you know that’s mad we’ve been talking about it like past few weeks now we do talk about you know longterm plans that we have left so I do see a future with her when you get a text from Carla how does that make you feel makes me feel flat I’m not going to lie you know a little fluty feeling you know flirting here and there and that so look at how giddy he gets when he’s talking about her flirting here and there you mentioned in your email that you was having mix signals you know I’ve set up multiple days and I just keep hearing excuses excuses so for me once like come on shame on you for me twice shame on me but for me the third time like after to call catfish I love that so you tried to meet up with Carla three times and and she’s obviously canceled last minute yeah like last minute like just keep her like people coming up with excuses we aren’t too far from you so if if you don’t mind we’d love to come and meet you and want to help you get to the bottom of like what’s happening here and to hopefully bring you guys together yeah man please please yeah Jerry we’re going to head over now so hold tight okay all right take care man bye-bye okay right first impressions what do you think very lovely guy I feel like he’s Head Over Heels yeah for him to say like okay cool I want to move to Canada that’s planning ahead that’s future talks do you know what I mean I feel like we need to go over there dig deeper and then get Jerry his answers the ones that he deserves let’s do it right let’s go all right let’s put her in dry [Music] baby okay so I’ve been stalking you a bit on YouTube oh no that’s so embarrassing you speak French of course I speak French I was born and raised in Belgium so my first language was French how do you say catfish in French so basically catfish in French oh literally Fish Cat [Music] literally hey right here nice to meet you I’m how you doing man nice to meet you take a seat man comfy so just like tell us a bit more just about Carla then Carla she’s wonderful I’m not going to lie she’s amazing like every time we talk it’s just great like the different conversations the different topics we talk about and like what do you talk about them like we talk about anything like I’m not even going to lie like I have I have a weird fascination with astronomy in it so like and I talk about that with her even though she’s not into it she’s open to you know understanding about it so that’s what I say attracts me to her the most you know what I mean I don’t really tend to show too much of my emotions but I feel like with Carla I can open up emotionally but I would like to open up fully like face to face like I want to see her and you know tell her how I feel and stuff like that so I’ve almost held off and saying the old word I’ve never really been in love before but like maybe this is I feel like this might be how it feels like wow so Jerry how did you first meet Carla like how did this whole thing begin no that’s a funny one still so we met at like a party apparently but so you’ve met her yeah well that’s absolutely that’s massive I don’t really remember too much of the event because the party we went to yeah I kind of had like a good time in it so I’m not going to lie I don’t really remember so you met at the party yeah you have some fun you have too you a lot to drink the next day I got a message from her saying that she met me at the party my little glimmer of hope is that my friend friend remembers that I talked to somebody like her so your close friend remembers you in a conversation with someone who looked like Carla on that night yeah but oh okay well that’s that’s good I want to see what she looks like hey okay then that’s a that’s a picture Okie JY very pretty very pretty hey happy birthday Jerry may you have a wonderful day doing whatever is that you decide to do whoa Jerry that’s her saying your name I don’t know why we’re here she even gave you but she’s turned me down three times man three times come on man I must say we’ve we’ve never we’ve never had this before this is huge man this is a game changer and on top of that she said she’s met you at a party yeah and then your friend even saw you speak to her that’s what’s giving me hope that yeah get it that’s why I’ve stayed in it for like five months you know what I mean do you guys talk on WhatsApp Snapchat it’s it’s actually on WhatsApp and what happens when you try to call her she doesn’t pick up her phone she ain’t got socials as well so you do realize that it’s unusual for someone of her age to not have social media right you know that doesn’t necessarily mean she doesn’t have social media it just means she might have one that she’s more private with yeah so for us to get started if you could send basically everything that you’ve shown us today and who was the friend that saw you guys together oh my guy Joseph be great if we could speak great all right right going to get right to work see you soon we’ll be in [Music] touch leg up we are in Uncharted Territory here we’ve got someone who’s met the person they’ve been talking to online the potential catfish yeah he’s also got a video of her wishing him a happy birthday Uber that was mad catfishes are clever you can manipulate videos these days it’s not impossible there are a lot of red flags here she won’t go on a video call she won’t go on the phone this is someone who does not want him to follow them on social media yeah but equally that doesn’t mean that she’s not Carla in the pictures [Music] we going got a pine me [Music] shop right you excited yeah of course I’m always excited for food what is that that’s jelly deals oh this is an old staple of an East End diet try a little bit come on you’re brave that’s disgusting give me te now please I SM in my mouth horrible isn’t it is let’s take this away woo let’s get to it so 5 months ago Jerry was at a party and he gets very very very drunk the next day he wakes up to a text from someone whose number he does not have called Carla who happened to be at the party that he was at doesn’t remember but his friend Joseph says yeah he thinks he did see him talking to that person so over the next 5 months they’re talking every day they start having these deep conversations she’s sending him videos of her saying happy birthday Jerry however she’s got no social media they’re talking only on WhatsApp and they tried to meet up three times and every time she pulls out the last minute mhm so now Jerry’s in a situation where he doesn’t know what’s actually going on yeah so he called us he called the the Dream Team should we see if there’s an email yes Uber and Nella hope this info helps Jerry should we first and foremost reach out to Joseph the guy that saw him talking to Cara at the party and just see whether he’s like down to talk 100% so I’m going to say it’s Uber and Nella here from Catfish UK we are trying to help your good friend Jerry find his one true love please call us back and let us know if you can help great okay so she would run her pictures through reverse image search to see what comes up yeah so the first image nothing nothing okay second image nothing so this is good now we’re going to run the one of her at the event nothing nothing so maybe the fact that she doesn’t have social media might have some truth to it yeah potentially we got a phone call we’ve got a phone call hello who’s that hello this is Joseph Jerry’s friend Joseph thanks for calling we’re trying to help your friend Jerry who has been talking to a girl named Carla oh yeah yeah yeah and um we heard the the start of the whole thing between them like you saw them together is that right yeah I did but it was a party so there’s been a lot of drinks and and night is a bit blurry so how how sure are you that the girl that you saw at that party that day was Carla I’ll say let’s just say 60% sure so you don’t really feel like you remember any more details of that night no no all right well we really do appreciate you helping us thank you Joseph Cheers Cheers Joseph take care all right guys bye bye what we have nothing we have nothing we have nothing yeah but nothing might be a good thing for you to remember your friend speaking to a specific girl but you don’t remember nothing else no I get you I get you it’s weird the only thing we have left is her number I think it’s worth us just searching the number quickly yeah let’s do it nothing coming up there do you think we should add her number to our WhatsApp and then see what profile picture comes up yeah yeah definitely yeah let’s that let’s do that okay so Carla and then click to her yeah okay she’s got a profile picture okay here we go oo scandalous okay Mommy okay let’s reverse image search her profile picture why does my heart always go every time we we just reverse image search okay right we’re running it [Music] oh oh here we go find other sizes of this image it’s it’s pulled something up and we’ve got immediately an Instagram click I’m done okay here we go here we go she’s a model she’s got like proper photo shoot pictures Jerry this is huge does it actually say her name scroll down there 69 post we don’t yet have a name we’ve just got this of Alias that she goes by so why don’t we simply send her a message on Instagram cuz if it is Carla then maybe it freak she freaks out let’s do it for Jerry for Jerry hey it’s Nella and oer here from Catfish UK we were hoping you could help us do you have any time to speak with us on the phone it would be a massive help if you could get in touch thank you do you think that there’s any possibility that this could be KLA but she doesn’t want to tell Jerry like oh yeah by the way I’m I’m doing this and that on Instagram yeah I mean it’s always a possibility she might not be there yet with Jerry she might not introduce him to that part of her life I think that our best bet is if she does call to meet her mhm if we can look her in the eye and see her I think we’re more likely to get straight answers mhm oh here we go here we go hello hello sorry who who’s that um this is Ty I got a message from you uh Ty okay um yeah this is Uber and Nella here from Catfish UK we’re trying to help out someone we’ve been kind of resolving this this this romantic situation he’s in online and we think you might be able to help us get to the bottom of the whole thing okay so would it be possible if we could maybe come to you and speak with you today it might be possible I’m just at work at the moment I leave for my break in about 15 minutes okay cool what possibly AR something that where are you sorry where are you working I’m in southeast London okay cool great can you send like a location to us more specifically if that’s okay yeah that’s fine okay okay great we’ll see you shortly then thank you byebye bye okay her name’s not KLA her name’s Ty it sounded like the exact same God that said happy birthday to Jer did it genuinely did that was the same voice this is really big news this is going to break Jerry’s heart if Ty is not KLA because then who the hell has he been speaking to we’ve got a message we’ve got a message she’s good she’s game meet me at the black horse se8 oh I haven’t got long okay well we should go that now then let’s go let’s get moving wo [Music] get first and foremost I just want to get to the bottom of what the video means does she remember taking it well who’s it for for real but who did you send it to who did you share the video with if it is her as well Ty is Carla then she’s just going to be like why are you why have you done this why does Jerry not trust me or and if she isn’t she’s going to be like who the hell has been using my pictures this is it this is the place the pub they’re not in here yet are they no it’s not looking like it thank you cheers mate thanks I don’t even know what to expect you know here we go here she is she’s here she’s coming oh my God [Music] hey thank you so much for coming I understand this is all a bit strange a bit yeah do you mind if I just show you a picture of a guy and can you just tell us whether you recognize him whether you’ve ever spoken to him this guy right here his name is Jerry have you ever spoken to that guy like do you recognize him at [Music] all can you just tell us whether you recognize this guy right here his name is Jerry Jerry have you ever spoken to that guy like do you recognize him at all no never met him at a party I don’t really go out like that so no I rarely go out or I go to my boyfriend’s house you’ve got a boyfriend yeah right how long have you been of your boyfriend for um 7 months so basically we have been speaking to Jerry Jerry has in love with someone called Carla someone who’s been using your your pictures who doesn’t have social media um and as far as he’s he’s concerned he’s like planning a future together with this person there’s another thing I think we need to clear up as well MH the person who’s been using your pictures she’s also sent a video happy birthday Jerry that is me may you have a wonderful day doing whatever it is that you decide to do so I do videos like that every now and then yeah I’ll get a message in the DM saying can you make a video like this for me please and I just tend to do them I have to get back to work you have to go yeah but what I can do is I can look through my DMs if you want and I’ll see if I can find anything yeah so look we really appreciate your help thank bye Ty take [Music] byebye she’s had a boyfriend for 7 months H it’s definitely not her but equally she definitely felt like she knew a little bit more than what she just gave us a lot of things aren added up basically a lot now we have to think about Jerry though M my suggested plan is this mhm call Jerry right maybe get him to meet us at our hotel that’s not going to be easy no telling him that the girl he’s been speaking to for the past 5 months is probably a catfish that’s going to break his heart even though my full like today was actually quite productive I also feel like we have we have nothing concrete we let 99% sure that he’s speaking to a catfish m i mean one thing that I think that we can basically say with pretty high level of confidence is this must be someone who knows Jerry it would have to be someone who knew about this party or was at it we got big news to break yeah you ready let’s do [Music] this this part is always difficult yeah because he’s got an expectation of the future that he’s built with Carla and we’re about to you know pull the rug out from underneath all of [Music] that hey hi hi Jerry you all right good to see you I’m good how are you how are you feeling I’m feeling fine I’m feeling fine thank you how you guys we’re good yeah we’re good we’re good we’ve got a lot to get through mhm so in the email you gave us Joseph Joseph is your best friend you gave us his number MH so yeah we we we we hit him up and he actually gave us a call he said he’s about 60% sure that he saw you talking to Carla yeah when he’s the only eyewitness to verify this whole situation just felt a bit like off to me no like J is my I’ve known this guy since primary school you know what I mean so he’s probably just been as honest as he could the next step of what we did mhm was it was going through the lovely pictures that you sent us of KLA and reverse image search in them and nothing I guess that’s some glim of Hope good news I guess at this point Nella had a kind of a bright idea with Carla’s number yeah so we decided to add her number as a contact and then we just wanted to see what profile picture would come up and we decided to reverse image search and it led us to this profile did you recognize that profile by any chance no I’m not that I know but you can confirm that this is her yeah of course yeah what’s going through your head bro I have no clue cuz I told you guys that I would dat that she had no social media so the next thing that we did was we spoke to her on the phone it sounded like the girl in the video that you have and we did get to meet this girl yeah and we simply asked her what her name was mhm and she said Ty Ty [Music] yeah does that name ring a bell no so we was asking her like is this you in the video and she confirmed that it was her in the video mhm we asked said did you send this video and she said yes you show the video Yeah so basically an account asked her can you send me a video saying happy birthday to Jerry showed your social media and she did not recognize you and said that she has not been speaking to you been man’s been scammed is it I can’t believe this you okay I don’t know right gets hard to hold treading water when the currents pulling I’m disappointed like just disappointed that like I’ve wasted my time like you know what I mean I’ve wasted 5 months you know what I mean like talking to somebody who have who’s not who they say they are but yet they said my name in the video like you have every right to be angry livid disappointed upset whatever but I don’t want you to take it on you do you know what I mean you’ve done nothing wrong to see who this person is man yeah yeah are you cool go back in yeah I’m cool I’m cool we got this man let’s gool are you okay with with this information probably quite a lot I’m just disappoint annoyed like I find it difficult to you know describe how I’m feeling and that like how to take things and stuff but right now I’m just helpless I can’t do anything or say anything to try change it I just want to get answers to be honest yeah I feel like now it’s time for us to contact the number that you’ve been speaking to for the past 5 months all right let’s see so what we’re going to try and do is we’re going to send her a voice note telling her basically cuts out the bag mhm can you do it yeah sure hey Carla um it’s Uber and Nella here from Catfish UK we sat here with Jerry who we know you’ve been speaking to for the past 5 months we’re aware of kind of what’s been going on and we would love to bring things out into light that have been in the dark and we think that Jerry deserves the opportunity to hear the truth we want to set up a time to meet thank you oh my gosh the plan of action is this we hope that in the night we hear some back based on what we hear overnight hopefully we get to see who is behind this Carla account so let’s pray you know fingers crossed that we get a message today yeah if we hear anything throughout the night we’ll let you know St [Music] away so it’s 2: a.m. and we still heard nothing from Carla um it’s just not looking good for Jerry uh just hoping that we hear something in the morning so fingers crossed for him and I’m try to get some [Music] sleep good morning hello now come in howo how long have you been up I’m ready breakfast is ready Tada very nice so I’ve had a text from Jerry Jerry texted me and just said can I call you guys oh my god let’s call him then right hello hey Jerry how’s it going it’s Uber andella yeah got a message from KLA saying that she wants to meet up at midday in E Forest that’s great news I think the best plan is if you come here yeah and then we go over together Nella can drive us all right then cool take care ma’am easy bye this is all good yeah they haven’t engaged with us they engaged with Jerry so that means that they obviously care about what he thinks or want to talk to him and I thought like this person has to come with all the answers today after everything they’ve put Jerry through [Music] Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry let’s get out so Jerry how you feeling I say there’s a lot of anticipation with me I don’t know like I want to see what we find out one of the things we feel like we do know about you know Carla is the fact that it feels like they know you they they knew that you were at that party they got your number this situation is it’s local that’s where I guess the evidence l i mean we might be now minutes away from you meeting the person you’ve been speaking to for the past 5 months oh my [Music] days here we go on the left this is a car park is it I reckon we’re going in there yeah so have a look now have a look now for yeah this is it this is the official car park so this is it let’s do this yep let’s go let’s do this and now we wait she know what’s annoying all right anyone can be a suspect yeah did you recognize any of these cars driving pass no you recognize that no I don’t recognize the car I guess it’s a waiting game right now this person has stood you up three times yeah so if you’re going to stand them up a fourth time then there’s no respect levels yeah man it could be any one of these people but who knows man that car’s parked up you know which one the white one it’s just a random person yeah it’s just a random person I don’t know it seems like they’re not coming man I know us out here in cold who’s that could that done oh this looks like it’s someone who’s coming towards us who is that who’s that she’s this is it definitely walking towards us this is it this is someone walking towards us no you’re joking nah this is madness who’s that good done oh this looks like it’s someone who’s coming towards us who is that who’s that this is it definitely walking towards us this is it this is someone walking towards us this is madness no do you know who this is Jerry yeah do you know her yeah you do yeah yeah hey hi hi uh I’m I’m Uber this is Nella hi nice to meet you sorry what’s your name I’m Cleopatra Jerry come on Cleo is this a joke [Music] it was actually you I was Carla yeah this is stupid man this is crazy bro how do you guys know each other you know each other from uni yeah literally like n she’s like best friend in uni still you were his best friend at Uni now yeah what’s your reasons tell me now I need a minute and I’m going to come back do you want to come over there yeah yeah Jerry like what what is your relationship with her she’s a friend is it like she’s a friend yeah Co friend but I don’t know why she would do that do you want to go back in the car do you want to just chill here I don’t want to be filmed right now I just need a minute and then carrying on the filming yeah of all people are why oh my heart is beating so fast what’s going through your head right now I’m just tring trying to get get my just get myself together this is like R this is unfair on Jerry like what are we doing like you’re the one who’s been wronged and yet we’re completely prioritizing her feelings no you’ve kind of given him the run around for 5 months and then you have him out here in the C like let’s get it over and done with yeah let’s [Music] go just to confirm now you’re Carla yep Carla was the the identity that you used to speak to Jerry with obviously you know who I am you’re close friends we just have a bit of History so romantic history close to romantic but like nothing we’re just you know liking each other taking everything very slow but why why did that stop we thought if anything else was to escalate and then it didn’t work it it would it would like obviously look bad in the Friendship it’s going to be awkward in class that’s a conversation that you guys had you were like right there’s par is here we’re going to be friends no even par is here it’s like came to that agreement so I don’t I still don’t understand like why you would pretend to be somebody else and like talk to me because I do care about you and because I do actually let’s say like you and I could see you as someone potentially you know in the future yeah it feels like to me like you might have quite deep feelings for Jerry there has to be yeah you do you re you really like him I have feelings for him yeah otherwise I wouldn’t have I wouldn’t have catfished someone that I want to be be friends with forever we are together in uni but me using this person allowed me to ask him things that me as Cleo I wouldn’t want to ask you you pretending to be somebody else so you could see like my real personality or something is that what you’re trying to say like or who I already am you already know who I am I know but I just wanted to know who you are in terms of liking Cleo and if if your feelings are genuine or if there’s space in your heart I just wanted to see if it’s proper proper genuine from my perspective you seem to be falling in love with him and he was fall in love with the idea of the person that you created because he didn’t have the opportunity to fall in love with Cleo exactly because cuz you were you were so caught up because I was literally so scared to get hurt obviously he has your number as Cleo yeah yeah so what number what WhatsApp number was you messaging him on yeah that’s a so I had to get another obviously another sim card and changed the WhatsApp number so you bought a new phone as well so were the situations where you were sat next to Jerry and he was texting Carla and you were with him is that something that happened yeah she I wouldn’t get her play back yeah I’m I’m I’m honestly um sorry I don’t know man what happened with Ty with the video with her saying happy birthday Jerry T Ty is my friend I know you know her yeah does she know that you was talking as her to me she did so she knew as all yeah she did obviously she had to know if I’m going to be using she sat down with us yesterday she was obviously covering for me when she said you know there was an account and asked to do the video with his name on this is crazy F he feels like you’ve taken the piss out of it no no it’s honestly not like that no I would never do that especially to him as a person you know how I feel about you catfishing involves people’s feelings people’s realiz people’s emotions do you know what I meaner I said it’s right nobody it’s right he’s been stressed out for two days straight I know do you know what I mean it’s not something that’s easy for people to get over and he’s now going to be closed off I don’t even know if he’s going to be able to trust any female friend after this I just thought CLE this would be the only way you could have just I don’t know asked me no I know you’re right or whatever you say you’re right come on you waste my time I waste your I was my own I know and it’s a long time I know that Jerry what where’s your where’s your head at yeah I don’t know man like it’s almost like now you put our relation relationship our friendship at risk by doing this I know you know what I mean I definitely did I’m not going to be able to like trust you like we go to the same Union and like we’re in the same class it’s not like I can avoid you but it’s going to take time for me to like kind of get over this and like process was like what’s happened I just made made a bad choice to do this I need to obviously fix myself first cuz you like I don’t know just like apologize or something because I’m I’m so sorry like I I apologize honestly that I could have came and told you and I could have came and spoke to you and that’s what I should have done you have every right to be angry not speak to me not trust me anymore and that’s absolutely fine you could have been with someone like Jerry had you been honest from the start you could have been with him you could have just have to I don’t know when I see you next week probably I don’t even know if we could talk probably just have to I don’t know spend some time what whatever you need to do that’s that’s understandable no thank you for coming we really appreciate it loveing meeting you it was nice to meet you guys love you meeting you sorry again so that’s it we say goodbye I pack my bags and [Music] leave [Music] how are you feeling jerio I’m shocked still it’s like I’ve almost lost a friend but then I’ve also lost a relation I thought I was talking to yeah don’t be too hard on yourself like you’re a really good guy and the next relationship you’ll take this experience and don’t let it shape you jaran and at the end of the day one day you’re going to meet someone that appreciates you and that is 100% honest with you Amen to that don’t [Music] know [Music] hey Jerry how you guys just been studying and stuff like that how has it been like going to class with Cleopatra H it’s a bit awkward I’m not going to lie it’s a little bit awkward but she apologized you know what I mean like she was proper sincere about it and she didn’t want to lose the friendship and stuff like that so obviously it’s going to I can’t I can’t forget it but you know I just have to move on from it we really hope the best for you and thank you so much for sharing this experience with and focus on your books thank you course all the best take care dud see you man take care hi okay should we give Cleo a call yeah let’s do it hey Cleo how’s it going I’m okay thank you girl tell me about you and Jerry has it been awkward since everything went down it’s been a bit different we’re just trying to work on it because we are good friends and we do go uni together and whatnot so we’re trying to work on it and pick up the pieces from from there it sounds like you guys are on a journey of recovery you know you guys together and I hope that you get through it as friends thank you so much CLE thank you for being so honest so open and we wish you all the best yes thank you guys say to you bye [Music] by Dream Team boom ain’t nobody doing it Like Us come on theand them let’s go [Music] period [Music] [Music] [Music]


    1. hi how to contact them? someone is been talking to an English guy for a year and no video call, no voice call, only text msg. he believes she existe but I am sure it is a scammer from USA

    2. Why did she somehow remind me of a Russian doll? 🤔🤔 I think it's because of her braid.

      Anyway, the comments here did not disappoint.

    3. I can’t speak much on this style, but Cleo’s edges sit far too low on her forehead. Would be more complimentary if they matched the hairline.

    4. I actually feel sorry for Cleo, he basically done a thing with her undercover not wanting everyone to know at his uni, she caught feelings for him but he tried to lock it off with some lame excuse not caring about her feelings but she tried to keep it amicable but knew it was because she weren't his type but still wanted to be close with him in some way. I'm not saying the way she went about it was right or mature but he also didn't either. In a way I'm glad she done that so either way everyone found out about them being together anyway!
      I'm also glad to see she wasn't wearing that wig in the end. 😅 😅

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