This E-bike has an absolute WHOPPER of a range claim 🤯

    So the only way to truly test its capabilities is to travel across the U.K on a single charge until it runs out… But how far am I gonna get? 🤔

    Join me as I put this bike to the ultimate test! 🚴🏻‍♀️💨

    Thank you to Engwe for sending me this beast of a commuter to try!

    Engwe P275 ST 🚲 ⤵️ :
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    160 miles that my friends is the claimed range of this electric bike behind me the enue p275 St now the longest range electric bike that I’ve ever experienced is the wow X+ which comes in at about 100 m of range so this is substantially more so today I’m going to be putting the range claim to the test and I’m going to be cycling the furthest I ever have before until that battery goes kapo what could go around literally by the motorway guys completely overgrown got to turn back well this isn’t particularly like friendly is it yeah I now need to get a ferry oh god I’ve hit cows just smile nice and slowly oh God my legs are short Oh I thought it was open I got go back oh that’s so annoying so you’re probably wondering what route I’m going to be taking well my aim is to Head West towards my hometown of bath which is a humble 120 mi from here I’m going to cycle from London to Newbury and then hit the kennet and aen Canal to take me onwards and I’ll see just how far we get if I can get to Bath it’s going to take me 10 hours and 35 minutes according to Google Maps and that’s without any stops so this is going to be a full- on day and I’m going to need some supplies so I’ve got my bag all packed let me show you what’s inside well first up hydration that’s going to be very important in here is arguably the most important important sleeve I’ve got my Pat lunch I’ve got some nuts oh I’ve also got to keep me going these amazing bars from Vel Forte delicious okay we got all my filming equipment in here and then on this side we have my shocks headphones my hindsight glasses a cap and all my equipment for offloading the footage now I do I do also need some sun cream there’s not enough in here some going to get some more but I think that’s everything oh but how can we forget the charger as well that’s going to squeeze in which is full cuz it’s green look like I’m ready to go well good morning everyone it is exactly 6:32 a.m. and I am on my way I have to say I’m feeling super excited but super anxious about this because I’ve never ridden anything of this caliber ever in my life maybe I’ve probably done about 50 miles in one day genuinely so this is very much a test on me as it is a test on the bike now I’m 5 minutes in and already I can feel the hay fever just kicking in hence these glasses just to protect my eyes from the pollen as much as [Music] possible I believe we’re coming up to the river temps crossing my first point of the journey I’m just about to hit there it is oh it’s gorgeous in the Morning Light I can tell you that whilst I make my journey let’s talk about the many features my electric Steed has to offer this is the enu p275 St it’s a step through commuter with a mid- drive motor with a powerful 70 new M of torque to help you quickly get off the line it comes with a 9-speed Shimano transmission system with a chain with techto hydraulic brakes and a waterproof rating of ipx6 which means it can withstand Power Jets of water from any direction the frame is made of aluminium alloy and in total weighs a fairly Hefty 25.6 kg the tires are a nice large size to help keep you balanced and make for a good connection with the roads if you don’t want to step through there’s also the pro option that one comes with a Gates carbon belt drive if you don’t want to deal with the minor inconvenience of maintaining a chain drive it should be noted for this range test that the temperature today started off this morning at about 9° and as it goes more into the day it’s going to hit about 19° so in terms of battery performance I shouldn’t be struggling at all we know with lithium ion batteries usually in the winter you can lose a bit of range because they struggle in the cold well I think this is pretty Prime conditions for a range test now it should be noted that angue claimed that this bike can do 160 Mi if it is consistently in level one assist so eco mode I’m going to be doing my best to stay in eco mode for as long as I can but I am having to switch up into tour when I’m getting onto the bigger road so we’ll see how we do but it does say that this bike can do about 90 mi in level five assist so theoretically if I’m sticking around Eco level 1 to three assist should be able to get there the St was really comfy on the roads and now I get to try it on more gravel Terrain in fact most of this journey is going to be more off-road than on angue assure me that these are puncture resistant tires I’m really hoping that’s the case because if I do hit a puncture along the way I don’t know what I’m going to do about 27 km into my journey I came across my first obstacle shepher in a lot ah right so I did know this was coming up I now need to get a ferry from here to there and I actually don’t know the Tim table from 9: damn it okay so I could have left a bit later well my early start was seemingly all in vain a 40 minute wait is a serious setback any minute lost means more chance of riding in the dark along the canal which I really do not want to do but luck was on my side a local called for the ferry to swing by earlier than timetabled what a hun I’m doing a trip to bath today so uh yeah long way to go I never in a million years thought I’d be getting a boat across the river with an ebike in London and I am loving every second thank you so much cheers right onwards and upwards I now landed near w bridge where I journeyed on for just under an hour to stains upon temps the roads got faster so this is where my hindsight glasses really come in handy as I can see approaching cars thanks to inbuilt mirrors okay I’ve just found a Burger King I’ve been riding for about 2 hours now and I need a toilet stop and I’m going to refill my water so I think this is the perfect opportunity Oh I thought it was open 10:00 oh okay we continue damn it looked open the big Whopper had let me down down but I didn’t let it hamper my spirit next challenge off-road inclines look at this you see that right I’m going to pop up to third it’s a sport mode I’m about 41 km in 10 more km and I would have hit a quarter of the way and the battery is still telling me it’s full I then hit this beautiful stretch of land between Bishop’s gate and ascar and where I first noticed my first droing B tree okay I’ve just climbed a bit of a hill so bear with me but I had to stop because not because I’m tired but I have nearly hit 50 km nearly a quarter of the way and the battery has just gone down by a bar it’s looking good at the moment range wise that you can see I put it into level three sport mode just to get me up that hill you can see here it’s down one and just to show you 48.2 km that’s nearly a quarter of the way having started so early I kind of forgot that like pubs and cafes weren’t going to be open but it’s now 5: to 10 so things are going to start to open up I am very much in the countryside I’m I’m I’m pretty much in Ascot now very close to Ascot so um we’ll be going through brackel soon at town so I can probably stop there and get something and so I continued until I hit the land of elaborate hats and horses yes there’s a cafe and it’s open time for a Wii a quarter of the way complete but I have my eyes set on getting to reading so I stop for a quick snack grab some extra hydration and a much needed toilet break before heading on apparently this is the cycle PA this is ridiculous no surely not it’s completely overgrown oh that’s so annoying there’s like thistles and everything got to turn back oh that’s so annoying I’m literally by the motorway guys but ring is in my [Music] grasp look look look look I’ve made it made it to reading and my phone is on 20% battery so this is the perfect opportunity to find somewhere just to have a break exactly 74.3 km done 130 km to go oh my God I found this quaint little establishment called early Cafe where I could rest my weary legs a cup of tea and a beastly cheese and mushroom omelette with chips was exactly what I needed cheese is like cheese string so good good well I wouldn’t be lying if I said that being a little bit anxious I’m nearing halfway and it’s already taking me about 4 and 1 half hours to get here but we’ll push on I’m feeling like not dizzy but just definitely a little bit tired and I’m definitely getting the sun on my cheeks as well so let’s just let’s just keep going and then hopefully it’s going to be shadier when we get to the canal but right now I’m just thinking about just drinking loads of water anyway go my cheeks right onwards and upwards [Music] we’re here I’m officially on the kenet and aen Canal my gosh and this is just the beginning over halfway to go but we’re Trucking on I have to say though firstly the app I’m using to navigate me is so good so shout out to cycle map and secondly the angue is really performing here I mean battery wise it’s it’s doing what it says on the tin but time will tell now I’ve officially joined the kenet and aan Canal my next concern is just how much smaller the paths are I can’t really hit Top speeds along here it’s already around 1:00 p.m. and I haven’t even made it halfway but soon enough I hit some more questionable terrain well this isn’t particularly uh bike friendly is it but I’ll forgive it because we’re making good Headway yeah it’s going be lot of CRA guys and a few wrong turns got to go back oh that’s so annoying it is what it is I will say I’m so glad I stuck with my trousers I do have some shorts on hand in case it get to pop because these pubs are screaming ticks at me and I really do not want to get lives of these now mad today thanks the mid Drive motor honestly is just doing wonders and that torque sensor as well is making the assist super smooth and buttery honestly I feel like I’ve just gotten a new lease of life it’s just peaceful there’s birds singing There’s sunlight there’s Greenery there’s open roads here I just feel so happy and I’ve been cycling for like 6 hours by the way guys I thought it’ be a really good time to say if you are interested in buying this bike then I’m going to drop a link down in the description below so you can find out more information they’re also doing a summer discount so you can get money off but it’s only for a limited time so you want to get on that really quick oh god I’ve hit cows and I have to walk right through them and I don’t know if they like bikes just smile nice and slowly you’re humongous okay hi hello hi there oh God okay oh my God you won’t believe it I’ve just hit halfway in fact I’ve hit just over halfway I’m exactly 102 km into my trip it’s 203 in total I can’t even do this I feel I feel good my body feels like it’s just accepted this is what we are now we just keep pedaling we just keep moving I am quite conscious of time really need to press on but I just wanted to show you where I am with the battery so I’ve got two bars left still in Eco Mode still smashing it I mean I hope I can I hope I can get to Bath I was feeling really confident but now it’s gone down to two let’s just keep on going but here we are halfway soon as I’ve got to Newber I’m going to have a celebratory snack another delicious little number oh people just cycle to basically just eat whatever they want don’t they but as I was enjoying my delicious snacks I realized it wasn’t just my energy levels that had depleted oh I can’t believe it we’re on one bath and we’re in newb bath isn’t looking as promising as I initially thought it was I mean I knew it was a stretch but the battery was doing so well I started to believe it I started to believe it anyway I’m going to keep going let’s see how far we can get as I hit the small village of kintbury it’s now 4:30 p.m. I’m about 11 hours into my travels and my legs are really starting to feel the burn but the battery is still telling me it’s got one bar and every downhill moment is massively appreciated all I can say is thank God for the nine gears on this bike cuz you do need the them when you’ve got an incline especially if you’re in ego mode my legs haven’t got much left to give the battery is almost out and I’m starting to feel more unsafe on these Country Roads as I pass through the small town of Hungerford the climb out of the residential area and the sight of another highspeed road sign is the final straw I think I’m done I’m done I can’t do this hill my legs are short and there’s a national speed limit sign up there and I I can’t it’s really annoying I think this is the end of the road 11 and 1/2 hours and 127 km later not only am I done but the angu battery has officially died I’m just going to have a little Squat and chill here I can’t believe I’m this part all on my own you know it’s it’s scary to get out of the the London bubble funnily enough and explore new places and that is the thing actually that I really really want everyone to take away from this although the battery didn’t do exactly the range that enu claim because let’s be honest battery range claims are always a little bit um generous I will say that it’s not about the destination it’s all about the journey I know it’s really corny but it’s true I’ve had the best day I’ve cycled for about 8 and 1/2 hours and I’ve loved every moment of it it’s been a joy I mean granted the heels were a little bit tricky but I have to say this bike has absolutely delivered on so many different levels now I’m going to quickly go through some pros and cons for you guys that I found whil riding it all this way but in the meantime I need to make a phone call to my dad to come and pick me up yeah come on I wasn’t going to be left stranded out here was I of course not I’ve got my dad on call so I’m going to give him a ring let me just show you that is the bik battery completely out if you can just see now this is one thing I would say I would say it’s actually a little bit difficult to see the battery all this is kind of fine when it’s really sunny it’s a little bit harder to see so I think if angu could do anything it would just be to try and get this to be brighter and just a bit clearer in sunlight this Bell has been a lifesaver today so thank you Ang for adding these in with the bike as standard that is much appreciated mud guards come included that has been an absolute must for me to today as you can see these tires have proven to be puncture proof that’s for sure and they’ve soaked up all the Mad gravel and potholes and bumps and all things and that’s the thing this bike can do mixed terrain just having a rear rack again has been an absolute Lifesaver and that comes a standard as well which is brilliant and I actually yeah need some more of this let’s knock that back okay cell Royale saddle has absolutely done me wonders today and here’s a really cool feature if you press this then you can actually move the seat up and down and that is to help you basically quickly remove the battery in case that the seat blocks it if you’ve got like a lower seat so that is really really brilliant I actually don’t need that but if you are shorter legged then you will now to call Dad hello hello how are you hi know yeah I’m um let me tell you where I am so I went through Hungerford yeah just and um I’m I’m at North standon Road and there’s there’s a nice um there’s a nice clothes called penny farthing close which is the one to go for then penny farthing close yeah Penny far and close p and close hung all right well I’ll try and put that in when I can find a sensible place to stop and uh get back to your first problem thank you so much okay my legs are shock I’m not surprised I’m about 20 away all right amazing I’ll see you soon thanks Dad bye byee yay dads always Prevail okay final thoughts I’ve had the best day on this bike and although the range claim wasn’t exactly what they said it was it got me a hell of a way I’ve never been able to cycle that far on an electric bike ever and you know what the whole reason I really got into electric bikes is because they’re such a fantastic way of opening up the world around us it offers you that opportunity to get out and explore in a way that you might not have felt comfortable before and that is exact exactly what this bike has done today so thank you angu for letting me try out this bike like I said before if you guys are interested in this bike then make sure to check the link in the description down below we can find out more details and like I said they have a summer sale happening right now so be quick if you want to get a nice discount and all I can say is I’m just really excited for the way that battery technology is going because soon enough I’m sure we will be getting bikes with batteries that can do 125 Mi 160 Mi no problem and with having a bike like this with a removable battery op hopefully we can just get the new batteries with the bigger ranges and just Chuck it on in all right guys that is enough for me today thank you so much for coming on my journey with me I hope you enjoyed the video please like And subscribe if you haven’t already and uh now I’m just going to wait for pops C J and pickle so good [Music] hold [Music]


    1. This reminds me of the test ride i did in 2016 on my new ebike. I rode from my home to Blackpool North Pier, 52 miles, my battery died as arrived at south pier and only had a mile to ride without power. It was truly liberating to have that adventure, not worrying about getting stuck somewhere, knowing the bike power and range, and not feeling shot at the end as on a normal pedal bike.

    2. Well done, you are good at what you do, keep it up. That was entertaining and amazing to watch and it was inspiring, thank you.

    3. Worried because you're on a National Speed limit road? Weird. That's most roads between small villages. I think you've spent too much time in urban areas.

    4. A valiant effort, it's good to stretch your boundries! Maybe next time get your Dad to just bring you a spare battery and complete the challenge.

    5. Another great video Ellis. Tip about charging new batteries. The max range won't kick in until between the 3rd to 5th full charge of any ebike battery.

    6. Eating en route is a bad idea and unnecessary – it'll just make you feel tired. Instead eat well the day before your trip and at the end of your trip. An occasional little sip of sweet hot chocolate and a slurp of fizzy cola and brandy works for me – keeps my mood and energy levels high….
      Top marathon runners, pro cyclists and triathletes don't eat solid snacks during races but do suck down small amounts of non-burdening energy drinks from time to time.

    7. I really wish manufacturers wouldn't lie on their range capacity. Claiming 250 km of range is ridiculous when Ellie (who really isn't a heavyweight) can only get 120 on eco mode.
      I've managed to get 110 km out of my Giant Explore with its 625 Wh battery, mostly on Eco mode, and I probably weight two Ellies.

    8. Batteries do not struggle in the cold, they become more conductive at lower temps, therefore they lose part of the storage feature. Cold is electrons conductive delight

    9. I did 102km and was knackered so fair play.
      The first bar always takes the longest to go once that’s gone I start worrying. How can a bike claim to do 160 miles and only do about 70 ?

    10. Amazing achievement with wfat you rode on your journey!!
      Big shout out to your dad for coming to your rescue.
      Can i ask what camera equipment you use on the bike or is yhis in the links below?
      Hope all is well, take care

    11. Wow! You’ve been a trooper for sure to have done close to 80miles. Well done!! 🙌🏼🎉

      Separate question, what mount are you using for your insta360 camera? Looks real sturdy, need something just like it.

    12. The terrain in the video appears mostly flat, the best way to guess the range is to multiply the voltage by the battery amperage in this case 36v x 19.2A, resulting in about 70 km, then depending on the type of terrain and weight of the cyclist etc etc

    13. Why do manufactures lie about range, we know this bike will never do the claimed mileage, would it not be better to under state the range, that way when people ride and get more range, they will be happy. Audi EVs can do more miles per charge than advertised.

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