iShowSpeed’s First Time Driving in Germany *ALMOST CRASHES*
    #ishowspeed #speedylive #manchesterunited

    let me rev it let me rev it do it do [Music] it you want to drive huh you want drive me what you want to drive with me yeah yeah yeah my bro my bro L why your Lambo is this oh it’s a one of one wait I got a huran outo can I get a handshake what year is it wait this the same one I got this a 2021 hurc give us wait this the same one I got I got the same car can I get a handshake N I got to go in it Darren Darren first to say hello to my girlfriend hello to your girlfriend she’s Sarah she’s Sarah yeah ding bro I got the same car at home yeah but but your yours is the every everyd Drive yeah bro I got the same car at home bro can I just get a [Music] handshake I got the same car at home [Music] that this the same exact car I got home if you want to we can uh we can go on the ride together but we have to connect so huh we have to connect but if you want to we can go on the ride together in Berlin with the lambo let me take it around a b together with me not with him with him yeah but if you if you’re careful what if you’re careful I got the same car home I know but I’m I’m I have my insurance at 25 you can drive yes we got the same car I got the same car literally the same ex hey please be careful I will I will I will yeah okay hey speed you can really drive yeah yes bro yes I know how to drive bro bro I I have this car at home why is everybody acting surprise watch out y’all watch out come on paring breaking bre oh the put the LIF down the LIF no wait wait he’s he’s going down yeah be careful bro I got youo can I get [Music] a all right bab be careful don’t play with other lives okay bro I have this car bro why hey slips I got this car at home yeah okay we will see wait we should maybe put the camera in here give me your best pickup line I love you give me your best pickup line should I pick the camera Pi me the [Music] [Music] camera I the camera about to draw this [ __ ] careful all right watch out watch out get out the way out the way why get out the way sh for you only don’t have Li my license this fire Pala oh you got a Palestine Pig [Music] paltin get out the way get out the way go let’s go get out the way oh yeah we we we lit we lit yo yo yo we lit [Music] [Music] hey be careful bro I know how to drive bro I know how to drive bro you better stop playing me I do this [ __ ] boy T what the [ __ ] this dude rid a bike and [Music] [ __ ] this dude rid a [ __ ] bike D drive be careful he hey I see hey hey hey speed bro bro I know what I’m doing bro drive drive drive [Music] oh bro this n this car got hella kick bro he must got like a different [ __ ] hold on wait I got to put the gear down I Ain going to lie I got to put the gear down this [ __ ] car is going fast as [ __ ] it’s like it has like an extra pipe or something chat I don’t know what it is go go go this car has like an extra pipe W damn why bro why does this car seem like faster than mine bro get in front of me wait why do this car seem faster than mine this can’t be the same car why this car has more [Music] punch yes sir I got you I got you I got you why thises car like it got more kick go speed go bro why does car SC what the [ __ ] is this German car bro this [ __ ] seem like it got more it’s faster than my [ __ ] hey bro I want to go on a highway with this be careful I know spe I have two kids I don’t give a be careful okay dier okay dier I know what the [ __ ] I’m doing CH tell this dude I’m a driver but chat why this car seem it’s the same car as mine but [ __ ] wait I can’t even read chat but the color is nice H yeah but it just seems faster than mine bro oh [ __ ] is it still connected I don’t even know uh I don’t even know if it’s still what means no cut I don’t even know if it’s connected or not you see this no card oh [ __ ] you must have disconnected it a [ __ ] hey hey let’s go back what yo is my stream okay huh okay let’s go back he say it’s all right yo slips is my stream okay oh okay the stream is all right yeah yeah yeah he W dri fo I know I know I got you I got you I got you come on bro go go I know the way I know the way yala yala yala where he what the what the was that what the [ __ ] did this [ __ ] just try to get hit on purpose bro what the was that what is wrong with that German [ __ ] I mean digger he just tried to get hit on purpose bro bro which way do I go go bro did you get that on C left left left did you get that on Kim yes yes I get that he just trying to get hit on purpose crazy what is wrong with that dude in Germany we say crazy for now go straight to right he just tried to get hit on purpose what the [ __ ] it’s crazy huh yeah I know but I got to take this dude car back yeah we can them guys can take it back they know him oh they do yeah we just pull up here all right bet yeah all right bet yeah I’m I’m I’m out this [ __ ] bro this [ __ ] home this rent where can I park at hey do y’all know him though I just put it in park what the [ __ ] bro you just seen that Homeless dude yeah yeah P straight out I see him he tried to get hit on purpose what the he’s the key he right here yo yo yo brother brother brother come hurry hurry hurry bro that dude triy to get hit on purpose you see that [ __ ] what the [ __ ] ke it’s on on yo G the car yo thank you bro why your car seem faster than my I got the same car 640s for because you Rd re wheel drive and M isve so how how do I get my car like yours though let’s come on the street you have to buy it no I have that same car you chose the RVD 610 horsep and mine 6 bro his his car got way more kick than my car it’s like when I like lightly do it goes like on God his car has it’s it’s the same as that car but it has more kick is bro this car is faster than my car maybe it’s also because um this this car came from immedately no I got a normal fuel it’s 95 bro I promise you bro if you drive it like it goes like it goes no but no it doesn’t matter your your car is still beautiful but did you have fun yeah I did I Y thank you thank you J thank you thank you that’s all I wanted to do yeah thank you did you did you add something to this uh sorry did you add something to it tun or anything no that’s cap he’s capping drive drive drive so it’s a 202 oh so all of his all of his wheels spin from the engine only your back ones oh and and how do I get my car to do that uh you can’t you have to switch to an IBD all-wheel drive you need all wheeel drive because it’s yeah it’s not slipping that’s the main problem oh that’s why it’s car seem faster it’s ripping oh cuz yeah all four wheels are spinning yeah that’s why okay all right thank you g bro real [ __ ] bro thank you


    1. Bro was flooring the shit out the lambo wtf you don’t rev cars like that plus it’s got rev limit it don’t sound right cause it just stops at like 4k didn’t even know the parking brake was on

    2. Not being a hater but speed you such a hillbilly bro way you handle others car man at least learn how to respect other cars if they let you drive their cars man. Me being a car(s) and bike(s) guy, the way you rev and handle other shits is such a heartbreak dude 💔😢

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