#indianscout #indianbike #motovlogging #motovlog #motorcycleadventures

    Today, I take the indian Scout Bobber to the Stunning Bournemouth Beach location in the UK, and what a perfect day it was weather wise.

    join me on board the scout bobber to see what I see when making these trips

    I highly recommend taking a trip to this location.

    don’t forget to like and subscribe to my channel to see all future content 👍

    [Music] welcome back to another video so I’ve just stopped off in a random Le by just past the sheer water area or cretton as you want to call it really nice views yet again so what I’m going to do today is head to pool which is Dorset area and um I just feel like going to the coast pretty much I have a little sit down just taking some of the views but I wanted say the main reason I’m taking you this way is because some of the roads are just so nice to ride on and you get some really nice views pretty much I haven’t been this way for quite a while but it’s all pretty much straight with some nice twisty roads and uh you just pretty much enjoyed the bike enjoy the ride and just make your way to the coast have a rest and come back so I’m not going to video the whole entire trip of course but I am going to leave the GoPro running on now just so you guys can enjoy some of the roads that I’m on so I’m just going to keep quiet I’m just going to literally let you guys enjoy the bike this time uh normally I just explain where I am what Junctions we going off Etc but I’m just going to do more of like a no commentary sort of right just so you guys can enjoy the sound of the bike and the road to the Views like I said so if you like these types of videos you get to the end don’t forget to hit that like And subscribe button it really helps me to keep these videos going on the channel for you guys and I promise you I’ll will be getting a lot more videos out this year on different rides so I’m going to keep quiet now and just enjoy the ride oh d right so I’ve made a bit of a diversion instead of going to pool I’m going into Bournemouth instead I just prefer the area to be honest what I’m going to do is just leave GoPros running until I park up and then I’ll just show you guys some of the other nice scenery that I can find I haven’t got much battery left on both GoPros so if they cut out or use my phone just add a little bit of footage on at the end just to show you guys a bit of where I am I’ve got quite a few more plans where I want to head to just to show you guys and uh we just need the weather to keep staying like this get straight out on the bike to get some more content I do however have a lot more car events coming up so I’ve got a lot of videoing to do for the channel too on that side of stuff I’m also waiting for car parts on my RX7 build so that’s going to be more videos yet to come so uh yeah I’m going to be very busy over the next sort of 5 to 6 months I’d say and then it might start to die off a bit but anyway let’s just get into Bournemouth I’m going to give my little backa rest a bit because I’ve been on this bike now for about an hour and half is starting to uh give me a bit of jip uh what Lane do I need to go in here I didn’t even look oh we need to go left let get a Bournemouth Pier I can definitely feel the temperature change but at least the sun’s out it’s a nice area when the weather’s like this I do like to come around this area time to time good for nights out too me and a couple of others came here probably about 3 months ago now so let’s go to East Cliff go left here a second so this will be the beach in front to in a second just so you can see but what I want to do is just find somewhere a bit different to park out the way just have a bit of a rest so you can see the SE through the fence ah I might go left a minute actually let’s go left and then you’ve got the absolute stunning view just there in front ah so there’s a space there possibly Park up well let’s ride across the coastline for a minute just to show you guys a bit more of this area cuz it is quite nice yeah we got loads of parking anywhere down here is quite nice see all of this was just like a pipe dream when I was younger just getting a bike like this just taking Cruisers down the coast because I don’t live near it see I’m about an hour and a half maybe a bit bit more away from here um but there are so many St locations in the UK that you can visit so I really appreciate the days that I do get to come over to explore areas like this I definitely don’t take it for granted but uh yeah it’s just such a nice feeling just being on a bike feeling that Sea Air like it is now cruising on those smooth roads like this but yeah it’s just to enjoy everything that you dreamed of when you were younger it’s all possible even when you get older I know times are hard with money side of stuff but if you put your mind to it you can always find a way of making what you want come true oh there’s a lot of traffic in this bit so even though I’ve got a much comfier seat on this bike you can definitely handle being on longer Journeys on this but because it’s still a bobber at the end of the day it’s just it gets to a point where I find the lower back hurts a little bit and my top shoulder blade start to ache after a while and if you don’t stay loose holding the handlebars that will start to play up too so it’s just trying to remember to stay nice and loose on the bike and then it’s not too bad but yeah definitely could deal with a rest just let these guys cross yeah I’m going to turn right here cuz I think that’s going to go right into the Town Center where it’s loose of traffic let’s just follow these cars a minute I have no idea where I am in this area it’s idiot and my abs lights just decided to come back on again just like last time no idea why aha here we go now you can see the SE a lot more clearer than where we were a second ago so this is now right down to the bottom of the uh the coastline itself there’s the the main pair I don’t know where the hell I’m going I don’t know if it’s free let’s ask him is it free to park yes it’s for you is free man yeah anywhere anywhere you will see your paring there you’ll see all right thank you is that like is that block is that dead end down that way yes yeah well I’ve never been this close on a bike to a coastline so this is the first for me what absolute perfect weather to pick to come here on a dig like this yeah I definitely wouldn’t want to be in a car coming down this bit it’s a bit tight but I haven’t got I haven’t got to worry so that’s all good for me the are you doing there we go no bit of a paddle there I want to try and get my bike side on so I can get a nice phot too but without get a go park here I suppose try and turn around somewhere in a second oh oh here look just turn it around just here we do me perfect [Music] [Music] [Music] so there’s not much else now to show you I’m just going to stay parked up here in Bournemouth beach for a bit and I’m going to make my way back so thank you so much for watching today’s video guys and I’ll catch you all in the next one very soon


    1. Looks cool but just a little too bright if that makes sense, so I think that for sunny days you'd do good with an ND filter on your chin camera. It'll give you better contrast on the image out of the box.

    2. Hi mate, I’m also based in England too and looking to get my bike license and get my first bike. I’m a bit obsessed with the Scout bobber sixty. Do you think this is a bad idea for a beginner? All the opinions I’ve seen so far have been from Americans and they say it’s a great beginner bike. But I feel like Americans also get mustangs when they’re 16 too lol so they may not have the best opinions…

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