Organised Hill Climbing…
    Its a curious thing thats been going on in the UK since the dawn of time (or cycling at least…) – here we take a crack at “Waller Pain” in Caterham, South London – an organised hill climb that was first held on Waller Lane back in 1893!
    Taking no advice from anyone, I had took the `95 Jimenez Banesto Pinarello up the climb – selecting the wrong gear of course – then blowing up completly when I almost caught my minute man (riders go up the course every minute just like a regular TT).
    If your looking at pitting your climbing talents against real people rather than Strava or just want to try out your old BMX (yep, as well as serious riders on stripped down machines there were also BMX`s, shopping bikes, tourers etc.) anything goes – its great fun!

    Advice I would give:
    1. Don`t ride an hour to get there before hand…
    2. Select your easiest gear and keep the cadence high…
    3. Don`t over cook it if you almost catch your minute man…
    4. Don`t do what I did or take my advice – I blew completly before the end…


    hi guys I’m Dan at vintag fellow. org and today we are taking a close look at the Curious world of organized hill climbs here in the UK uh now I’ve come here uh to take part in wall of pan uh which is held just behind me here on the hill of wall Lane in Kum South London um now um organized Hill CL it’s fair to say you know we live in the stri age we’re well used to King of the mountains que of the mountains that kind of thing but back back in the day we’re talking seriously before striber if you wanted to uh recall just how good you were uh as a climber or a time trialist you have to take a part in something like this uh and a hill climb here organized it’s basically like a uh a time trial uh you’re going to get a badge number and you’re going to roll out one Rider every minute so it’s quite organized Tano crowds that kind of thing now I’m a little bit early at the moment so I don’t think there’s going to be many crowds but later on there will be um and yeah sure there were more serious Riders here at the moment but later on you’re going to get kids on Rusty mountain bikes squeaking their way up shopping trolley bikes that kind of thing it’s all fun anything goes and when I come to anything goes um there’s no UCI regulations controlling any of the bikes here um so you will see um 5 kilo build canale Super 6 is all stripped down um there fair game to get your drill out and drill holes in a carbon seat post or seat or something like that um you can go the full Elf angers if you want to do that um now obviously for a guy like me I’m huge in comparison with the guys that are going to win this um and there you know obviously my plan is just to try and do it in style so I’ve rocked up here today uh it took about an hour to ride in but I am on the 1995 uh pinell banesto din a te bike ridden by the legendary climber Jose Jimenez sadly no longer with us but a good friend of Marco pantani uh and I’m sure he would approve of spanking his bike up a hill climb um now this climb here um you know hey it’s about 500 M long ramps up to 20% averag is about 10 15% um so it’s not a crazy climb um but it is quite brutal uh and the idea is get up there obviously full gas effort uh and a lot of guys is not unheard of uh to collapse or vomit at the end of something like this um my plan is to not do that uh but you know I just want to get up there as fast as possible I’ll probably start off on the drops out on the saddle and then see what happens um I have no idea what gearing I’m supposed to use I’ll probably just all the chain in preparation and I’ll tighten up my shoes we see okay so so your name is Wendy Wendy yeah number 30 it should be upside down of course this really bad luck to me y I’m sure it won’t be uh so uh you said your bike’s name is Chone yeah are you a big fan of Julio Chone the current CL okay that’s cool uh and um is this this a a custom build you made up yourself yes right With a Little Help from Rich my husband excellent and uh you’ve been up the hill here before I usually write up this hill in a skirt and a backpack why not my way from the station okay so regular rout but more I have one St to use it as a hill rep session but it’s quite hard with the pedestrians and stuff so have you done the hill climb here before yes last year how’ you doing I was first lady there wasn’t much competition this year they’ve sent someone for BCL so fast all right anyway we’ll all be off in a moment so here nice what was your name Nigel hi [ __ ] brilliant CLE you look like the white this kind the age I’m guessing you’ve done this before I’ve done it before so it’s steep at the bottom and it’s uh pretty Relentless if you overcook it so uh yeah I I tried this once just in a pre prelim ride and yeah it kind of go too hard and it’s going to go wrong but you go too easy and you uh yeah anything left at the end and your whole life is one big regret after that uh tell me about your bike what do you want today so this is a canyon ultimate okay with a few a few mods a few lightweight Parts I noticed down here yet we’ve got a one by setup got a one ride what kind of gearing do you like on the way so this is a 36 probably a 3622 something like 3622 yeah so it’s a bit I’m not going to be using a 3622 we’ll see is it’s talks cheap isn’t it when you’re at the bottom exactly yeah all right okay well good luck with that 20 seconds are you ready your legs all pumped yeah where did this rain come from I apologize for a bit of water on there t makes you go faster makes you Glide so it’s going to be good best side 10 9 8 7 6 5 5 4 3 2 1 go Anna wo that’s it yes so we’ got that right everyone good right we seem to have a bit of a yeah oh God you guys are I think you’ve done this more than me and I live at the top 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 go down go down chase the ACC I don’t catch you okay we’re off obviously it’s raining uh because that’s what happens I am out of the saddle I’m just going to see what happens just go most of the way I think I can feel a little skip from the rear wheel only give over there yeah coming across the Downs over here so Andre done this starting to breathe hard I can see the guy ahead probably in the wrong gear hardest spit the course he got rain coat in the back there you’re not going to need it don’t stop and put it on halfway through L please H you feel excited are you ready def another virgin wallet here catching the next [Music] guy find some [Music] RPM 2 one come on well done L first time on the wall what a way to go look at that nice and easy gear climbing easily he wouldn’t even tell you climbing grab your numbers looking good out e nice proud the problem was I started catching the guy ah yeah that’s it but so pacing plan out the window you just got to try yeah I know if handy having you can hear the minute man being released behind the but he’s he’s grinding hard wellon grinding hard at the start is not what you the easy and grind up okay I’m just about recovered a bit now I I can at least stand up in is of course raining uh I did feel that quite early on little bit of back wheel slide um just as I got up the the Steep 20% bit shifted my position and it was a bit better um overall I think very good don’t know the time yet until towards the end uh but I got just hide here from the rain then I’m going to head back down there find the rest of my kit before while back in the rain and now we got a little buy just coming up Che [Applause] this ready you take dude’s like 10 years old one to watch anyway hope you enjoyed that do uh like And subscribe for anything else that’s cool to do with vintage bike


    1. Aaaand it was at this post Dan gains a HUGE following followed by more people showing up at that climb throughout the year 😂😂😂

      That aside I approve the Mavic Kysrium Pro UST. Have a pair and they're amazing

    2. Alf Engiss, wow good cycling knowledge , I remember reading about him in Cycling monthly as a teenager 40 years ago. As for me , I've cycled over the Col d'Iseran , Galibier, Ventoux, Tourmalet and many others but I still avoid Yorks hill near Ide hill in kent, used for hill climbs, horrible horrible horrible.

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