The penultimate day of Crankworx Innsbruck, saw more head to head racing in the form of Dual Slalom. A fresh course for the riders brought the heat. Today was a shorter day today but by no means lacking in excitement!

    Crankworx is the ultimate experience in mountain biking. Born in Whistler, B.C. in 2004, Crankworx has evolved into a multi-stop international festival series. The Crankworx World Tour brings together the best mountain bike athletes to compete in elite-level competitions in a variety of disciplines. Crankworx World Tour festivals also host races for amateurs, CWNEXT categories for the next generation of athletes, Kidsworx contests for young riders, participatory events and celebrations of mountain bike culture, all while showcasing amazing destinations.

    The 2024 Crankworx World Tour dates include:

    March 16-24: Crankworx Rotorua
    May 22-26: Crankworx Cairns
    June 12-16: Crankworx Innsbruck
    July 19-28: Crankworx Whistler

    Subscribe now and visit for schedules, tickets and more!

    [Music] good morning it is Saturday day five of crank works inbrook and we have Jo salum all morning this morning the rers have been on course the track is looking pretty good actually it’s looking pretty dry but it’s rutting up a little bit it looks pretty slow and physical but don’t listen to me let’s find out from the athletes what’s actually going on just done your first round is 32 Y how how’s the track running today the Top’s running like pretty sick pretty fast and like kind of BMX up there and then the bottom like it gets real tight and tricky yeah and it’s getting run by run is getting destroyed we just talk about it and it’s it’s going to be really tricky in the in the in a final run yeah it seems like there’s some water seeping from the side of the Hill getting soft yeah like we’re digging into it now it’s like getting softer and softer in there but the ruts aren’t necessarily cuz sometimes are better cuz you can hook them a wee bit but is it just softs yeah but the soft it’s softs yeah and any bike changes because of that I went a little lower in tire pressure today I’m probably going to be changing the rear tire for it that’s the only thing I’m going to for something grippier or yeah a little bit bigger tire like from 2.3 to 2.4 okay awesome well good luck out there thank you very much thank you so much you on a different bike yeah three different bikes this morning oh yeah my bike was up in the shop and um it didn’t open till 9:00 and they’re a little bit late so like we hardel no this this one was and um so I had to still build it up oh fresh build how’s it feeling I don’t know haven’t ridden it yet see D have you not done any PS all I did two laps and then I P I did ques on ha’s slope bike no way and then now we on wow so you still qualed on a random bike and now you’re on your was that on like slick tires and stuff as well yeah one brake slick Tire wo yeah it was pretty hard I love how carage children out you are this it’s great maybe I I need to cover up all the sponsors though so yeah okay so don’t don’t look down nice well good luck hello everyone hello how are you all doing oh hi time snack time to eat this is going to take me another 10 bites what is that it’s FL Jack Brady made oh Bray made this good job BR is it what is it what’s the test like taste not taste um you put honey in instead of golden syrup oh nice it’s quite floral honey so got a bit of of floral taste but um yeah pretty standard Flapjack good um good texture not too dry not too moist yeah good good race peel just trying to work my way I have a peanut butter and jelly sandwich very American I’m winning the eating race right now smashing theand minutes ago I know I started this at 10 minutes ago yeah well all the way from New Zealand can’t go wrong and I struggling a bit hour try not to gag did you show Jing away I think beating Martha so fast what have you got they’re just too slow oh you’ve just smashed yours gone stop no problems just ready ready to rip um any chat on like the course Hot Tips oh I guess the course yeah oh yeah oh yeah racing we’re watching we’re curious how the Bottom’s getting chopped up right now it’s mainly the bottom that’s going to change yeah not curious enough to go look but just going to sit here nice sweet thanks guys we’ve got a bit of a comp going on here but problem is guys you’re at my height and you can’t see [Music] [Applause] anything no idea that or I want to see my M he got coffee for me [Applause] [Music] are you kidding what what how did he make that so if you don’t know what Jo Salam is Riders go head to-head through a course through a series of flat corners and BMS um avoiding the flags they get a go on each side of the course and the fastest time goes through to the next round Riders are then eliminated until there’s only two left and then someone wins and it’s [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] great super [Applause] head toad B [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] wow what do you think of that one that’s a good batt pretty good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no that was an expensive mistake absolute Shake that’s a big shake up these two have been battling out in finals pleas I mean one of them was going to have to get put out but yeah rough morning for tooto but always good watching those boys always [Music] good get oh wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] yes what a tight oh my gosh it’s such a short course one tiny mistake but just to fix the whole run so so crucial to get everything so perfect was there a particular part that you were focusing on that was important to or was start off with those flags and you have to be quite conservative like and then you go really quick to the birm onto that soft bit and then you have to okay slow it down and just make it through the flags tricky it’s really short but takes a lot of concentration those are some good points for yeah I mean the exact same result is yesterday I mean we’ll see the final three girls keep it tight faite we finish today you got that rest I know half day which is nice got home pretty late yesterday so be nice to have some rest got some good s there the hotel yeah one of those sounds good’ll see you tomorrow good job thank you very much I did I’m a tur but it was like years ago oh now you’re here as a pro yeah and came forth I came fourth and uh I think that my runs before the final was better than in the final because the final was so hectic oh yeah we quite nervous yeah yeah but good like real tight racing yeah it was so cool to see the G shred yeah think we’ll you’ll be back for more yeah I’m I’m hyped but uh it’s the last time in inbrook crank so I don’t know depends on where it is next year around Europe so maybe I’ll join the duo SL for more see you back congratulations right Silva for Jordy Scott in the gold Bal go to Martha that’s huge for Martha that’s going to be some real good points for the king of CR work so yeah Jordy want everything in K so it’s good to see Martha taking out some gold when to win a chicken dinner how’s that feel pretty good yeah pretty stoked to um put it all together was a bit frustrated after speeding sty yesterday and also when I had a mechanical in K’s I was really really wanting to in here so stuck to put it together and you predicted some Carnage like the course was going to be changing and stuff how was it as the race went on um it wasn’t too bad to be honest like they did a bit of work to the track just before we started finals so that kind of there was like less loose stuff cuz they filled in some holes and stuff but um I felt like I was about to get run over yeah I just tried to play it safe at the bottom and like I’d like kind of like attack all the way to that top flat bit and like pedal and then in my head I’d be like patience patience my friend around the last corner and then ped and what’s next for you uh pump track tomorrow last event it’s kind of only three events this week which is different for crank works but it’s still still full on well good luck thank you see you tomorrow byute [Music] even Ryan Gilchrist taking the win in the specialized du SL on 2024 is it K kti what’s k k Sor don’t call me K I’ll K I’ll cry K wi yeah hi nice to meet nice to meet you too hey guys this is my brother uh he’s a what his name this his name is Drew gilchris oh Drew and he’s a professional clarinettist wow and he’s come down here to watch your bro yeah no I I live in Germany so it’s not so far just jumped on the train and we don’t get to see him very often cuz uh The Season’s very busy and when I’m not in the season I’m at home so it’s nice to catch up with the bro that’s great awesome thanks I’m going to interiew you know okay your turn hello solo very happy another win uh it doesn’t get any easier or less stressful um and uh I’m just as happy after every single one so that was a good round up how many ofv have you done so far after that in the last 5 minutes yeah I mean that’s probably like keeping it unique every single time like something different to say thank you very much oh that it is that it oh um it’s my first time it’s my first time racing in inbrook I’ve never actually you know done a race in this beautiful Town um so to come here see all the videos and and actually see it in real life it’s a different story and this course was really brutal um when we saw what the course was we were like I don’t know we were a little bit uh we thought it might be a little bit lackluster just because there’s so much more potential and the speed and style course is so epic um but it ended up being pretty sick uh a lot of uh flat Corner technique a lot of just praying that you stay in the Rut and just hold your front wheel in place um so I think it’s really cool when there’s a great track but at the end of the day the racers make the racing and I think the race has made good racing today and the track had a lot sort of less Rhythm Section we’ve seen a lot of like big jumps and stuff in R and Ken so did that make the racing tighter how did it change it for you for me I usually excel in the rollers and stuff like that I think I honestly won cans in the roller section so it’s nice to be able to win on a track that doesn’t rely on my strengths and actually coming back for a bit of redemption I got eliminated pretty early in roor because of the flat Corners so being able to push it fast on the flat Corners really feels nice and uh yeah like I said before good races make good racing you did it you’re not third not third he came second make sure to come finally finally he St yeah little disappointed I made a little mistake the last lap but made that mistake just at the top but I had to I had week for the fence against Gilly so I’m stoked finally not a third what did a go but we close I’m stoked are we no she taking a whe L like popping out the did you sp that in practice or is that something you were just doing on the flly uh when we walked it when we first got here and just like how the love I saw that you could hop up under that and kind of get the speed and style entry into it so I was like well if I could just do that and it just happened that the holes for and so I just gave me something to kick on kind of coming back to a World Cup last week kind of getting used to looking at that stuff again so yeah cuz those little bits actually make quite a big difference in the the course this s yeah and even look at the top when there was kind of on the white side of the R’s right the first R there was a good shelf but it was really close everyone was blowing it so if you checked up a bit you could get in the rout and then like really pedal out into the next three and carrier which I think is kind of where I was making a bit more time and everyone on that side so what sted [Applause] let’s [Applause] [Music] go when you get it wrong [Music] so quieter day today but there was still a lot of heat in the racing we will be back tomorrow with slope style and pump track in the afternoon so make sure to tune in they will be going out live keep an eye on the stories all the links to the Red Bull TV will be there and yeah join us again on YouTube and we will see you tomorrow bye a hi Dave how’s it going you got we yet there go on get it [Applause] [Music]

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