Street scrapping UK scrap metal recycling the life of a scrap man
    #scrapmetalrecycling #coppercable #scrap

    what what’s up everyone welcome back to another video so I uh I’ve got my body strap on so I’m not um look both hands I’m not holding the camera while I’m driving I thought I would knit back Sunday afternoon the boss is indors cooking dinner which he should be don’t tell if I said that um and our thought you know what I’m going to out see I can find any scrap well I have seen since seen three piles I’ve just picked one up and then I thought myself ah what am I doing let’s get me phone out and record it for you guys so I’m just on my way back to go and get the other two hopefully they’re still there I’ve picked up another couple of bits to be fair already I picked up a dishwasher I picked up a couple bits off of a pal um but yeah I’ve just seen I don’t know I don’t really know what I’ve seen to be honest but it definitely look like scrap so I’m going to go back double check um and it was definitely scra it was on the end of the drive reallying waiting to go I have just picked up a cutle of a car battery um what looks to be a a big motorbike battery uh an exhaust off of a motorbike which looks to be nothing wrong with it it looks like they’ve taken it off and then maybe I don’t know maybe just upgraded the exhaust so the exhaust might be work a few crit to be fair on the old um eBay so we’ll go and have a look at that going to drive around another road I’m I’m opening oh you can’t really see much can sorry Watching Me Drive um but at yeah it’s the best I can do I’ll try and hold the camera up a little bit more on my chest um um um um um um um obviously I’m in my new van oh I still haven’t even made the last video yet I’m running well behind on video I was even on my fishing channel guys so I’m sorry um um um um um um never know I might even find a live bit of scrap here can’t all be on one road today that’s for sure I literally found three piles of scrap on one road and I took the I took the top one cuz had a couple of batteries in it and I thought I’m not missing out on that but the other two just back around this corner seems like the prices have come back down to normal I mean the cop was still a good good price but and the brass but it’s nowhere near as what it was the other week um like7 something a kilo for every copper which is just incredible incredible do you know problem I about with this van is it self locks and it’s a pain in the ass and I’ll just jump out the van and then I have to go back and unlock it again so I’m going to remember this time cuz this is where that scrap is just down here right here two big bags of it right there more unlock pain in the ass man that’s what’s in there so far this didn’t look like scrap this looks pretty good Yamaha couple batteries oh there’s the other one Aluminum and Stainless Steel lovely there’s no way to it what was the other thing the other thing was up there but that’s a what is that oh that’s a bed frame I don’t want a bed frame I need some I’m fishing them M for 2 days I need some room in the van I don’t want to fill it up there’s a step in here proper stepp in here right well I’ve think I’ve rabbited on long enough so what I’ll do is I will keep driving around and when or if I find the next pile I’ll bring his back it’s nothing great it’s a skyish every little Els take every little Els I have driven past a couple of things to be honest have two poles on a wall and a couple of um a couple of backs of chairs that I um didn’t see the point of to be honest and I know it all adds up I’ll do get that but sometimes I just think can I be bothered to get out of my van for that especially with the amount of effort it takes to get in and out of this Massy thing yeah let’s find some more seems to there the dish was got another one yeah is a dishwasher stay there door now where is this this is going to make me look like an idiot no lovely nice yeah it’s not loaded very well I know but that do for now I’ve got to sort this out when I get home cuz I got to get like I said probably a couple of times I’m going fishing tomorrow for two days well it’s actually three days and two nights on my Jack because everybody else is a melt no to be fair everyone else has got a real life it’s really only me that gets to do what I want what I want um yeah well hopefully we can find some more cuz so far so good how been out about I don’t know 45 minutes an hour what time there 10 20 um I think I left yeah about 50 minutes actually 55 minutes something like that so not too shabby um where are we now Ed Valley let’s go and have a look let’s go and have a look in the Posh houses never find aning Posh houses always seem to find stuff outside like I had to put this nicely The Not So Posh houses does that make sense um and I need to get diesel as well from somewhere what let’s go find some more um I think it’s the last one for now I’m going on for dinner that’s like the old carpet right I’m sure this is H it is oh let’s unlock the bloody van you have to lock it and then unlock it I don’t really get it from it’s just yeah it’s course she is heavy and all lovely let’s get the van open it’s quite nice to be here this time of night cuz it’s all um there’s no one else here everyone’s gone home well most people gone home especially on a Sunday when it’s shot oh add on it’s just of course it’s going to go in the van stupid thing ask any will go in this van oh I don’t know it’s going to be close though well this is exactly the same length as my van 4.2 M I might have to get in there that’s a pain in the ass in it in there no sweat at all right this isn’t the end of the video guys but this is the end of my this is the end of my day depending on how I get on at home sorting out my gear all over the place my fishing gear so I’ve got to literally Jag it from over especially for a 3day trip um I can’t I can’t afford to forget anything um I’ll make it out a bit bit a bit later on this seasoning and um do a bit more but I don’t know I’ll see how the afternoon goes we C copper and a tel dry well in the cooker 30 t d got me dir all gloves get my gloves please R guys cheers R all right we do guys that was the wife recording for me she’s come out after dinner for a half hour um L same day so that was a nice little touch obviously I knocked because it wasn’t at the end of the drive all that looked like scrap obviously that’s why I knocked um bit of copper bit of cable uh that is a what is that is that a tumble try I think it is you know that is like a tumble dry and that one is definitely scrap right I’ll bring you back another collection it’s only crap but it’s metal bit more stainless bit more alley a this door’s annoying what can we wedging this door what that’s it anyway what Mo them scard so you see me pick it up I’m going to record myself unloading it if you don’t want to watch that and see exactly what we got then that’s fine skip to the good bit we got a little bit of cleaning up with do few wires um cutle mots maybe depending on what they’re [Music] like as you can see we got a nice little puddle here a date what got there I’ve got a crappy pair of Cutters on all today not bothering with it once never do in these little bags HT leags CP the brass TS even know them honestly I don’t even know even know I got off this stuff it’s a good thing about Street scrapping you never know what you’re going to get especially when you got like bags and boxes and stuff kind of that was brass but it’s [Music] not bit W down here brass up there it’s quite good snow on a scraper yeah is that good I’ll throw it away [Music] I think we’re going to have a decent amount of Aly today D LS we got Ali andless [Music] getting good at that childish I over right Al stainless in that box that’s crap oh crap um I know I could have use a screwdriver what why got get your cut back that’s the way it’s the way B full of little motor it’s all electrical stuff that that do that motorik it’s a brake caliper and all sorts we’ll keep that just in case that bag’s full of cable and wire so that can stay there that there is another caliper and udy so we’ll keep that too that’s a kner bank stick keeping pile Oh you know what oh no they wank let’s this big p lovely crappy chair lock some much bro another battery a metal [Music] bow um oh this is that I was talking about any mechanics out there you want know anything about motorbikes worth anything there’s no h in it or it’s obviously been used but it’s in good Nick that could be worth something [Music] cable we go is a Sandage maker cut the lead off of that to be fair might be going in my C bag in stainless [Music] still all all Al pushing it a bit with that any you’ll be getting your Rod out oh I know mate I know I blame the uh the grandman and that’s meant it be you Darren loads of stuff loads of C love it more stainless gel take that bag it will be handy for now right somewh I did have a bloody axe do do I see it it’s got to be in it somewhere oh have a word he burying in the bottom of the Box Mar don’t lock my doors they’re annoying the good stuff just need another ton of it what you actually saw me the bag up never got to have a of it we got a pressure C off nice chunk of Ali that’s going to take some much over the small scales well everything on the back of the van’s done really let’s get rid of some of this obviously that car Alle better so we go all the bikes are going to D all guys I was going to keep them and set they’ve been on Facebook for 3 Days to sell for someone that exports them or does them up and sells them I ain’t got time to keep them no more I want them out I want them out the van it’s it’s a bit annoying for me to be hon this cuz I honestly thought they’d go but again I got nowhere to take them out of the van and leave them I don’t want to leave all that in my house cuz it’s uh there’s a lot of it excuse me [Music] as soon as I’m done here I am all fishing for 3 days I can’t wait it sounds like I got a touch of the man FL on the way but it is what it is all this second I I just literally stopped and jumped out grab on these old electrical boxes bit of wire in it um I see it and I thought oh you never might have a bit Copp in it but it [Music] didn’t so yeah that’s but for what they are they’re pretty [Music] heavy pretty heavy just uh just in case anyone didn’t know that there is is a good instructions on how to wash your hands unbelievable in it oh I’m keeping that that’s cool I’ll get M with that when he’s wearing shorts on his bare leg just a little just a little tap yeah it’ll be good fun that I ain’t got no Rog in this van anywh to slot stuff um that’s where that can go up there right next as this time got a mdle bottom yes it has so is that mean the motor is stay is it yes it does that’s exactly what it means big dog cage want to keep this they so Bo there for like at least 10 we keep that one I don’t mind putting that in those a chunky lead on it this one there’s your non feris done um I do need to get out the van though sort of block myself in a bit have to go out the side door go around the side door sorry get them bikes and stuff out oh is’s anyone in my local area that’s watching and buys bikes I don’t mind keeping a cutw till I’ve got a cutw or if I get a big pick up like this then yeah just let me know but it’s um it’s a shame cuz like I say they they’re all none of them are knacked knackered oh they’re all knacked they only need work but that they can all be bought back to life is what I mean oh mate look at this water that’s trouble with a bigger van takes ages didn’t it get more [ __ ] in it that’s a good thing though means hopefully I can earn more money um oh yeah the idea is you’re not doing as many trips in here and oh well that’s a shame cuz I like coming here and seeing you Darren if I haven’t been in it for two or 3 days I start to get withdrawal symptoms no you don’t it’s cuz you’re fishing yeah it is that yeah there is that so I’m going a little while last time I went fishing was in the oh was it yeah nice that was a long time ago I was going to say been divorced 10 years I’m surpris I’m surprised they let you in oh we flew out there my sister got married out there nice what of bikes not personally so they go over there still so I just put them over there I know you sell them rather than cha them in the p and someone else drag them out I might as well do a f I go in there and then cam go all up there’s a bike fck it up with a grab and then they don’t want it Where is cam anyway exchang things exchanging some bins yes oh what in the van yeah I’m H oh yeah look oh yeah they’re there they’re lovely mate they’re gorgeous the right mind back Dar they coming out they are coming out bringing on with bloody cable with it though and me [Music] bulkhead that [ __ ] SHO yeah the guy came in last week took a Load Away did he was man yeah had a couple like that only had one wheel one had a front wheel and one had a back wheel I went well there’s a whole bike there there take both I’ve got the wheel I’ve got the wheels for in there for the price of the one I’m waiting on the main cage to uh Lift Me Up I’m not running up that arm and then leaning over the [Music] side one thing running up the arm to make sure things [Music] fit seems like there’s like big salt out going what’s all this staring all on the Alley massive salt out all that ‘s got to move in the next couple of weeks I’m under pressure to get the grab started so we move it then we got another Fork coming and a shitload of Lego block so that we can move the upvc yeah then then I going to put a big wall up around the back of that new cabin yeah so the iron can go over there not squash our cabin he’s itday he Ryan Ryan’s in oh is he you best make sure you’re working out then Dy finger already should wear gloves bikes healthy safety mate should wear gloves I always wear gloves always I can’t get on with them will you I never i’ ever wear to be fair it’s only in the last month to be fair I’ve started wearing them I got very limited feeling in that chopped it off you put a pair of gloves on I can’t feel a thing there’s the tire for that bike that goes there so off oh that time might be for this bike actually see oh no I’ve got that here this way a good bikes wait there’s loads of them P one out the pile and went and then bought it CU I needed a push bike and it was right got over this is bike and I Googled it and that I mean I got it two years ago now or not long after I started it I Googled it and they ran them for that model for a year so it was between 18 months and 2 and A2 years old and it was £600 to buy yeah and I got a a 2-year old bike 600 lb bike for a 10 nice i’ put a front break on it C me 40 quid really they’re hydraulic oh but so I went okay so I just spend yeah nice last one that’s why I wanted them gone people because it was turn too much of me F whoops right let’s get this uh dishwasher out back in the bloody puddle Jank keep holding under [Music] this well the rest of that really is non FIS so push that around there for a minute what mate see you later see you later where’s my case let me pocket it’s Jank I know I hate driving the scrapyard just because it’s like a day like a day I can see nowhere’s been sweeped and it’s um tires ain’t cheap as we all know let me just shut the doors we guys it’s been nice no one else have been here there’s an old man next to me earlier in a trailer [Music] why you sh nice got be ourselves at the small SC today the boss man’s there like the boss boss man oh mate it’s filthy got to drive to bloody Oxford in a minute and all as Sean playing in the par coper bless his art wall it’s like that that’s silly don’t run the bus over the WR side know I ain’t got a lot to be fair good you got loads of got some pans just got to go through them and see what’s Addy and what’s stainless yes M I’ve got other bits as well but nearly well let’s start with the ear ones first the plastic no it’s Che with maget oh yeah yeah no drivers that’s still roll that in clean alley [Music] got ship one there dramas it’s fair enough mate no dramas that’s stainless I think that’s [ __ ] try them on still M what sweet all this stuff here is going back in the van s good what that’s all that’s all the alley then where’s your [Music] [ __ ] no I’ll take that probably I’ll kick that the 0 it’s not really worth anything is it you want me to go over this with your magnite cuz I don’t really know what’s what wa [Music] yeah what that’s that there for stainless yeah CO’s being Savage boy [Music] exactly that 38 on the batteries yeah oh uh take my aluminium ladder elsewhere it’s a bit of weight there about 15 kilos in that ladder that’s 15 quid you know what I mean I’m not it knock right down just cuz it’s got a little bit of iron on it anywhere else it go it was going to go nice one brother that’s it yeah cheers mate Co you have been here for the whole video day people the whole shebang shut up cuz I’ll get copyrighted um yeah I thought that was a little bit brutal on my ladder oh I know it’s got a bit of iron on it but I mean listen if you go in the aluminum pile they r a bit of clean aluminum in there they just don’t I’ve always weigh them in his alley so I’m not I’m not having on alley for it cuz it just ain’t worth it i’ rather Chuck it on the van i’ rather Chuck it out in the pile to be fair and get nothing for it then um well not nothing you know crap money but right I’m going to go and see Mark and get paid and I will bring you guys back and give you a total on what we’ve earned today but I don’t think it’s going to be very much right guys and that’s today’s bit of dough not a lot really light iron which I knew it was going to go as light iron um 150 a ton £70 95p allei 9 kilos for 9 quid uh and batteries was 38 38 kilos for 16 72 batteries have they dropped that’s it’s about the same um I am missing out on my stainless steel there it didn’t get put on but it was only 6 kilos I will mention it to Mark next time I go but it it’s probably too late now to be fair but for a cutle of quid it is what it is um I’m currently sitting in loads and loads and loads of traffic on the M26 trying to get to Oxford to go fishing again it is what it is um yeah I weren’t going to weigh them them lad in as AR allei because I get alley from any other day of the week so I’ll uh I’ll either just chop off the bit of iron or I’ll keep in thean until next time um and go again basically it’s like 15 quids worth of ladders here in scrap the what the prices are they they they’re heavy them extendable lad is really heavy um so yeah that was that uh uh anything else was there anything else I will I’m going to try and do more videos where I’ll show you what I’m picking up um I’ve got I’ve got this so in my van I’m not using it now being nauy really is my body cam strap thing and uh as long as I’m wearing that I can stick the phone in it and I can record what I’m picking up yeah it’s a bit bouncy but it is it’s one of them again it is what it is and I will try and get it as I pick it up but sometimes I’m not out scrapping 90% of the time I’m not only nip out on a Sunday afternoon when I’m sitting doors bored um and Sand’s normally a good day for me so yeah I’ll just nip out a bit so sat Saturday afternoon Sunday afternoon whatever if I’m about um but like I say 90% of the other scrap will get comes from uh just when I’m out about doing other bits whether I’m at work or doing other bits um I’m going fishing or I don’t just you know General stuff when you’re out and about if I see it I’ll grab it sometimes I haven’t got time to get the body cam on and get just yeah it’s not always that easy so I think you understand what I mean but I will try and do more definitely definitely definitely try and do more videos like that um so again if you’re new and you haven’t subscribed please please do there’ll be plenty more videos uh I’m inan a bit of a competition with myself cuz as a lot of you know I’ve got a fishing channel that’s nearly at 19,000 subscribers obviously this channel is nearly at 11 uh by the I mean I don’t want it to cuz I’ve I’ve worked hard at the fishing channel I’ve done a lot of fishing over the last 3 four years but by the end of this year I want to try and get this channel to beat the beat the fishing channel so I want more subscribers on this channel that I do the fishing cuz obviously these videos don’t cost me anything to make apart from diesel whereas to go fishing like today to go to where I’m going and to go c fishing to fish for two nights it’s about 80 GID bait I’m probably going to end up doing 20 30 50 probably about 60 quid 60 70 quid on baite and then diesel I don’t know I haven’t driven this van that far yet but I rent is probably going to be 80 90 CR in diesel so 2 and a half to go fishing and that’s a fishing video um all right they don’t obviously all cost me this much sometimes I can go down just down the road from my house down the river and go fishing and make a video but the other videos if I can get that channel doing better it will be amazing just to see it’s a little experiments again if you haven’t subscribed please please do again it doesn’t cost you anything it really really helps me out um also so do the likes that would also be great anyway I’ll see you on the next one cheers all


    1. You should fish the Thames for carp and barbel. It would work out a lot cheaper. I live in Oxford, so I will be out after midnight Saturday. Tightlines

    2. The new assistant is better than Matt. And it was like a horror film watching you take a axe to the fuse box. Here’s Johnny!!!!

    3. well done mate , stick to your guns , u aint doing it for free , you are a genuine bloke , you even help them put in it the relevent bins . it doesnt seem like youre nature , but start being a cunt and see how they treat you then ? .keep the vids coming mate

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