Paul and Marcus are back on the Tube. But this time they switch their journey part-way for a train and end up in Amersham, where they discover there are two towns.

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    I think that it’s really good that they have a toilet for you to use at Amazon station for when you really do need to use the toilet it’s good it’s clean everything works there was soap which actually smells nice and the hand dryer is one of those like really harsh ones that goes oh yeah that’s what it really does get your hands dry we are on our way to Amazon but to get there we have to change at Harrow on the hill [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] train to old game to the next station is Harrow on the hill [Music] thank you [Music] we’re at Harrow on the hill and we’ve just taken that Metropolitan Line train here now we could catch another one going to amersham but no we are going to do things slightly differently because trains on the children line also run from here to amishim but to do that we need to change platform so let’s go so we’ve got the stairs behind us here [Music] so I think it’s platforms it says Mainline Trends platforms one and two so we are walking through the the stairwell area sort of and the ticket barrier area up higher on the hill ah now it says here Metropolitan line all Amazon session trains will depart from platform three but we want to get the children line so it should be down here let’s go take a look so we are at Harrow on the hill and we’re going to take one two three four stops no wait it says there’s a card reader here but I don’t think we have to use that because we have already tapped in so wait what does this say so we just asked the lady upstairs whether we needed to tap onto the card reader and we don’t because we are still traveling within tfl zones so we start in Uxbridge and we’ve just basically swapped onto the main line at Harlem Hill but we’re still going to be finishing our journey within tfl boundaries at Amazon so we’re okay foreign you can also take the children Railways to London marlabon from Harrow on the hill and an interesting point on these platforms is that they use the London Underground tfl Randall because this is after all a tfl station this is the London marlaborn service coming in we need but it’ll give us a good indication of where the train probably stops on the other platform so as the marathon service departs are trained as due in one minute good I thought I saw some steam coming off it’s Diesel and here it comes so let’s get into position foreign [Music] and the thing is it’s got that classic a really old style children railways and that’s unique to children oh look at this they even have two cup holders for your tea or coffee the good thing about shaking the children line to our machine is is that it’s only four stops whereas it would be more than double that on the Metropolitan line and you do get a bit more space on here so it’s a slightly more enjoyable ride maybe not a busy times though the next station is rickman’s work please mind the gap between the train and the platform when leaving the train Oyster card users are reminded to touch out on the card readers before leaving the station the next station is Chorley wood Oyster card users are reminded to touch out on the card readers before leaving the station Parkway the next station is the next station is telephone to latima please change here for London Underground services to Cheshire Oyster card users are reminded to touch out on the card readers before leaving the station no problem the next station is the final station to which oyster cards are valid on this service the next station is Amazon Oyster card users are reminded to touch out on the card readers before leaving the station if you see something that doesn’t look right speak to staff or text British transport police on 61016 real sorted see it say it sorted thank you well I quite enjoyed that ride on children’s Railways these trains are really noisy it’s the diesel as they start up and that one is on its way now to ills Greenville Parkway I think it is oh smell it as well but we are going to explore Emerson you can see that the Metropolitan line is here as well this is where it terminates and we could take this back but you know something later on I am inclined to take children the way down towards Harrow on the hill again and then we’ll transfer onto the Metropolitan line to go back to Oxbridge but we’ll check the timetable when we go out is it open yes it is I think that it’s really good that they have a toilet for you to use at Amazon station for when you really do need to use the toilet is good it’s clean everything works there is soap which actually smells nice and the hand dryer is one of those like really harsh ones that goes oh yeah that’s what it really does get your hands dry here comes the Northbound children line service going to marlabon [Music] and look there’s Paul getting some shots of the train from platform level no I have to crouch down a bit because that is the view that you see if you’re standing up so I’m afraid it is a bit awkward doors are closing and these diesel trains make a real big rev up before they go like this oh quite a smell coming off as well there’s the exhaust and off it goes nice it’s just my um joggers in a T-shirt come on Paul all right so there’s a few information leaflets you’ve got they should Mount here but I quite like the look of this this is the buckinghamshire railway center and I can remember that we did go there once before a few years ago it’s got the the old signal box restoration shed all the usual sort of bits and pieces that you’d find at a Heritage Railway and where is it actually I have no idea uh Quentin that’s right I think we actually had to drive there that’s near ilsbury uh because it’s not on a Mainline station but it’s good that they have these leaflets and I’m going to keep this one because you never know we might visit sometime if you think that our show is absolutely smashing then please subscribe and what is it called again a ball and more of a on YouTube uh absolutely delicious thank you [Music] we’ve just come out of the station and we had a little chat with one of the staff I thought he was going to tell us to stop filming but he didn’t actually he was just really interested in the channel and he might even subscribe so we’re walking along Hill Avenue now and I think this ticks us up to the main set of shops indeed there’s a sign that just says shops and toilets I sort of remember this area well the post office is over there and what I remember about armorship is that many years ago we came here a while to visit Woolworth when it was closing down because it was one of the last ones that closed in the London area and we did get a few bits and pieces but it was down to the Bare Bones of stuff at at that time they were also selling off the fixtures and fittings do you think they have anything to eat around here well they’ve got a Subway over there and I’m sure there’s other nice little cafes and everything awesome way I’m really hungry now oh look there is a big sorting office right here uh yes indeed so we’ve got the post office back there the Royal Mail over here we have the beach house across over there serving food and drink day and night so that might be a good place to explore there’s a super kebab house which does kebabs Iowa together there is Floral Creations that does everything floral so that’s a nice touch um this looks like um HTR clothing so it has like um some menswear so I think that that might be good and it does say that it’s open there’s a dentist over here that does Implant Center so that’s a good sign there is Hell vision and a savos estate agent and there’s a NatWest across the street a nice little record shop called The Record Shop bike shop oh what’s this sort of knickknacks it’s Sunday when we’re here so a lot of the places are closed and it’s Sunday morning so they’re more likely to be open later today if they are we’re going to open today at all wow look at this they have got a miniature Metropolitan Line train and there’s a bit of History like the Metropolitan Railway and the creation of amersham on the hill the Metropolitan Railway was the world’s first underground Railway when it opened in 1863. it had just seven stations in central London but was Sun extended eventually reaching amrishim in 1892. the first official train service to Amazon departed Baker Street at 10 47 a.m on the 1st of September 1892 it arrived in amersham less than an hour later at 11 36 A.M most of the towns and Villages served by the Metropolitan Railways were small with agricultural economies in order to boost income the management decided to create traffic for the line and the idea of metroland was born I think that this is a really nice and well preserved Metropolitan train it’s a really nice life like train and I think it goes to show what the craftsmanship was like and I think it is really nice and it’s not lifelike and it’s not um correct in size but it is rather magnificent so this sign says Welcome to our replica of the Metropolitan number one steam locomotive the locomotive was the main state of the Metropolitan Railway services to Aylesbury for 20 years it needed a crew of two to operate the driver who was in control of the scene and the fireman who shoveled coat into the Firebox to generate Steam along the High Street there is an m s food there’s also a grags a little weird throws and a wh Smith and they’re all grouped together so it’s quite easy to sort of walk around and go to all the shops and it’s not the first place that we’ve been to where we’ve seen two supermarkets next to each other so you’ve got m s there and little waitrose right here but I’m going to pop into wh Smith because I always like to check out the local press and as it’s a Sunday I might even get some of my Sunday newspapers from Scotland I find in these smaller towns on the outskirts of London that you can get Scottish newspapers on a Sunday W Smith didn’t have them but this little shop RM Terry newsage instead so I got a Sunday post and a Sunday meal and I also picked up the Oxford times and the Henley standard so that was quite a good find [Music] we are coming to Horace and Hull which is on the High Street just opposite to the MMS and waitrose for some breakfast and I’m having a breakfast wrap and Paul you’re having a bacon roll sausage and bacon on the on the brain don’t let the opportunity to subscribe slip away subscribe to it’s Paul and Marcus on YouTube [Music] [Music] [Music] where are we now Paul out in the middle of nowhere apparently we’re in this little woods and we’ve left Emerson behind but amarsham is also ahead I’m sorry yes there are two amershams did you know that he did that now so the Emerson that we’ve left behind is the new time but there’s an old town as well and if you’re walking you go along rectory Hill and the roads just over there but for us we have to go along this little pathway through a wood area it’s about a mile and it’s a little bit damp underfoot today um but if it rains and it has been spitting a little bit at least if you’re here you’re not going to feel it as much and there is some shelter although if there’s a thunderstorm and there is one in the forecast later we might get struck by lightning hopefully we will be out of this area before that hits you want to sit I don’t think it’s I don’t think it has taken that long to get to this point well it opens aren’t now look at this there’s like a vast sort of area in front of us it looks that it’s sunny gosh it’s like a field the sun has come out and there’s a nice little proper path now coming up because look this is still kind of all Stony but yeah and look wow are you glad you did this now before us spreading out ahead of us is amersham Old Town look at that oh I see like this um what like a keep or something like a tower yeah good luck we didn’t walk down last time I think last time we drove or something yeah yeah I don’t remember this I don’t think it’s gonna take us that long to get there but I think if we were to walk back it would probably take us maybe half an hour because that’s saying something when was the last time we were in Amazon what like about five there’s a bus that goes to Amazon Old Town I think uh from Hawks Bridge well I think you have to change it Jared’s cross perhaps but yeah I think we took like the seven two four or something Maybe but look at all this land it’s been plowed yeah do you think we’re almost there yeah you can see behind us where we’ve come from through that wooded area over there and then this is fantastic open field [Music] I really don’t want to be climbing up this thing no we’re going to take the bus back and if there is no bus we’re gonna get a taxi I think okay problem solved what have you seen I think Visa allotments because it seems like there’s like a lot of people growing and stuff oh yeah partitions yeah you’re right look at that so lucky of and to think you are at the end of a London Underground line yet you’re in the middle of the countryside here and although we’ve been walking through someone’s field or at the edge of it it’s a public right-of-way which means that you are allowed to walk along here we’re not breaking any laws though um are dearly departed are also here who knows by the time this episode airs I might also be dead isn’t it over there where the Tower is yes I can see the tower in the distance oh wow look at this a lovely Little River it’s nice and we’ve got the bridge here and indeed there is that Tower I’m guessing that is a church and it’s got the uh Saint George flag flying on it so we are near St Mary’s Cemetery and we’re within the walking distance of Old amersham Town Hall which is I think where that is located so I think that we have come out on the other side and I don’t think it felt like a whole mile even though it seemed like it was gonna be one mile church of Saint Mary the virgin a Diocese of Oxford found at 11 40. well we’ve arrived in Amazon what have you found Paul that’s one of these pumps right yeah I think that it was from 1785 1785. indeed yeah but it’s not operational today is it I am afraid that the well has certainly run dry look how Quinta is so that just passed the old Market Hull and we’re walking down this street I’m not sure what the name of the street is actually it doesn’t say over here we have the King’s Arms it looks a nice place for a bit of a drink I think that the cheese shop Gershon and Sons is open over here so it’s a good place to suck up on any of those cheese plates I would say what’s this oh look I don’t know a weird mask does it look like me oh there’s a wasp after me I love this as well look at this amishim’s mobile Museum quite a fascinating vintage vehicle this is I don’t know about you but Amerson seems to be like a weird little um Town well it’s got a real mixture of stuff look weird these houses look as though they’re well they look like tutor style don’t they they look um like they’re like from the uh 1500s maybe isn’t that a tutor period yeah but then some other stuff is like a lot more modern so it’s kind of like a clash between old and modern and should there be any doubts at all look Tudor a cottage you’ve even got the old house well we passed the King’s Arms before and I am kind of desperate for the toilet so I think it’s time that we went in for a pint [Music] s foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] we have had our pints and it was from Marlow Brewing Company Rebellion beer I think and I had the IPA which you were going to have first of all I had to overthrow the overthrow which was like a a blonde sort of beer and they were rather nice yes you could call it a liquid lunch we’re passing by the old Market Hall again Paul you know what this Town Hall reminds me of it reminds me of one of the Town Halls that we used to visit in Oxfordshire I forgot what Tim you think of Tim Abbington where we lived no it was like um Whitney Wallingford the other one watlington possibly maybe one of those I oh I can’t for the life of me but this reminds me of it The Gardens of remembrance Paul shall we have a look in here beautiful flowers and look at this absolutely fabulous clock and this is all looked after by amrisham Town Council absolutely love this Fountain as well look at this [Music] and look at this fabulous Union flag well we’ve got one last stop to go and visit and that is Tesco because in the old time they actually have a Tesco Superstore and our journey home is where are you going Paul this isn’t amazed you know oh look there’s a lovely Peace Garden over there too this is really nice and we don’t really want to walk back to Amazon so we’re hoping that we can get a taxi but we’ll see I am about to address all our adoring fans thank you for watching our YouTube channel today Marcus and I do really appreciate it hit the Subscribe button if you haven’t subscribed already we also appreciate your likes and comments and until next time we’ll see you again later on bye for now [Music] [Music]

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