Man Utd sources have indicated positive news for Erik Ten Hag as other suitors for his job fall away. Mark Goldbridge has the latest Man Utd Transfer News🔔 SUBSCRIBE



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    stands I’m Mark goldbridge and this is your latest Manchester United news and have we got some big news coming out for you tonight uh multi-themed news in relation to Manchester United coming out from sources within the club that have not been not uh look basically we’ve had it verified and they’ve said you know we’re not going to say it’s not true so very interesting developments around Eric tenh har as that momentum builds um we’ve also got a multitude of journalists putting it out there that with regards to Manchester United um they are now looking to offer redundancy to a load of their employees which is quite a it’s not football well it is football we are going to talk about it I think it’s very important when people are going to lose their job um it’s not a good thing and um it’s weird how man united as it reads look like they’re giving every you know basically putting everybody up for redundancy um which is um which is a bit of a weird one I suppose but uh also we’re going to talk about B Zerby and Southgate in a little bit but let’s fly straight into this this is what you’re here for um so basically this is a long list of information that we’ve got hold of today you may have seen it on our socials um we’re happy to put it out there um I mean the bottom line I will always say is that um this um this situation is still very very fluid and obviously Manchester United at any point could you know change their mind I suppose I mean that this what I’m trying to say is the review they’re not going to announce it tomorrow they’re not going to announce it the day after so their review is still ongoing but um this is what we’ve got two inos uh two key get the wording right here because we’ve had it verified two key inos figures are now advocating for ten hog internally what does advocating mean basically it means that two very high up inos figures are saying that ten hog is the guy for Manchester United um who they are I don’t know I mean you know we’ve heard false rumors that it was Sir Alex Ferguson and um sir Jim Radcliffe I I would say that if they’re key inos figures then it’s got to be the likes of barard Blanc brailsford will Cox there inos people so yeah this is live Mr labman uh which is why I would say welcome to narian who is our latest member your absolute Legend So first bit of news and there’s quite a bit to go through here two k two key OS figures are now advocating for ten hog internally at first they were uncertain this is I’m reading this as the source at first they were uncertain but after meeting with all the players and key staff they have developed a more favorable view of Eric ten hog from within Carrington there is starting to be a positive attitude change and there is a growing awareness of the challenges United faced and the reasons behind them welcome to members Club Edward Coffey as well so those first three sort of sentences are massive really because there’s a sea of change and I think it’s important to not disrespect the baradas the brafords the blancs and The Wil coxes because whilst I think fan opinion is very important and I’ve had that point this morning I also think that these are not people that are just going to listen to fans and change their mind I think that what is actually happens is that they have carried out their strategic review and they have seen that like many of us have seen there’s very very compelling reasons to stick with what we have and see what happens in year three goldbridge going for the Chris evans’s look don’t know about that um make sure you subscribe by the way and very much welcome to Andre Nielson the latest member of the N members club and Dre Andrew as well Edward Kofi you’re a Legend um Alan Nan says if any osac ten hog they are no better than glazes and they don’t care about the fans the club is bitter bigger than anyone else miles welcome to members Club as well you’re going to go a long way miles um I just want to say as well I’m gonna say this just in case something actually happens I wouldn’t normally do this um I for the first time in years threw up for about an hour today um my stomach is very delicate I’ve just had a banana and a piece of toast because I was starving so I think I’ll be okay to do the show but I haven’t thrown up in years and I don’t know I think it was something I ate I’m all right to do the show but I’m just feeling the food and I’m like just in case I run out I mean I’ve done many things on a live stream but I just want to know that it’s not alcohol Robert I haven’t had a drink today um anyway so look let’s get back onto the show um let’s talk about um what else we want to talk about here so yeah I think those three key points at the start of what we’ve got to read you so this is coming from very good sources close to the club Carrington and what is the current situation so two key inos figures are now back in ten hog they were un uncertain but after meetings and strategic review uh they’ve developed a more favorable view of Eric um they also have acknowledge the challenges faced as well this is again directly coming out uh injuries have significantly impacted the team’s performance contributing to some of the challenges faced on the field but they also acknowledge the off field issues and list Anthony Greenwood and Sancho as those notably rashford isn’t on there so you could say rashford was an issue as well but notably what we’ve had is Anthony Greenwood and Sancho as off field issues all of which have Anthony didn’t start the season Sancho wouldn’t play for three months and Greenwood well we think Eric tenh har wanted him to start the season and obviously there was a turnaround from the club whether you agree with that or not if you are a manager and you expect a player to be playing and they don’t um you don’t and you don’t get a Striker bought for you it is a problem actually you know what I just want to say this I I actually think this is a problem that doesn’t get mentioned enough um if Eric ten hog was under the impression let me just look you know my stance on this and you know what I think should happen but let’s just add another layer here that you won’t hear on the mainstream Eric tenh bought M uh bought Rasmus holand as a young striker we know that man united were going to reintegrate Mason Greenwood we know that we saw the leak from the athletic that they were going to reintegrated I think we even saw a leaked email didn’t we from Richard Arnold and then what happened is they changed their mind based upon a massive massive uproar um I think that Eric tenard would have been part of that expectation that Mason Greenwood was going to come back so that happened around August we did not get a replacement for Mason Greenwood and if you’re Eric tenard going into the season expecting Mason Greenwood to be part of your squad and then he’s not you have to acknowledge whether you whether you agree with the decision or not that that is another off field issue created by the football club so I think it’s another one that you have to add into that so basically there has been a change uh or an understanding of ten Hog’s challenges in relation to what he’s faced on and off the pitch over this season seon there is also a third strand to this Kieran McKenna who was expected accepted by the majority of decision makers at United um to be a strong candidate to take the job has fallen away as an option and there’s little trust in anyone else to do marginally better than Eric ten hog next season um but but and there is a big butt here he was on his way out before the final and that has been confirmed to us so whatever’s changed over the last few days on Friday he was on his way out and I stand by what I was told on Thursday night that they basically made the decision um I think it was a wrong decision and I think it it shows good leadership to realize it was a wrong decision I think they misread the room um I also think that they made a mistake um and I think that they’re now looking at it in a correct way but obviously I’m quite encouraged when I hear things like as much as Kieran McKenna was a was a strong consideration Beyond him there isn’t really anybody that makes the club think that they’re better than Eric Zog and we’ve had this chat ourselves I mean deser has been linked to us by Italian reports what a surprise um Tel’s desperate for any job he can get um Potter no thank you and that there really isn’t anybody I mean one thing I will say one thing I will say and this is not from this this information we’ve had this is this is more from stuff that’s been said over the last few days and weeks the Gareth Southgate interest was always genuine I spoke about this in the international break the Gareth Southgate was to man united story was always genuine and lots of people have gone oh look at goldbridge look at Mark Ogden now it was never real it was never real it is real um whether we like this or not and you can put this in your pipe and smoke it right when it comes down to the gis Southgate links there are very very strong links to Dan Ashworth Dan Ashworth signed off on Sam allise as England manager let’s not pretend that Dan Ashworth is some sort of super director football who only goes for people like angelotti and klopp and M and um Pep Guardiola he was part of the process of bringing Sam allise in as England manager he’s got a very good relation ship with G Southgate so the Southgate link to man united is genuine and whether you like that or not it is um I don’t think we’re in any danger of getting him now because he’s totally focused on England but it’s a scary thought that man united may have sacked Eric tenh har for G Southgate so look in summary of where we are the momentum is building uh I think that’s that’s very very very obvious um and it’s certainly moving a lot from where it was on Sunday or Saturday you’ve got two key inos figures now championing Eric ten hog and they’re championing him based on the off field activities the injuries and also not really whether you take it as a positive or not there’s not a viable manager out there that they can bring in now in relation to Kieran McKenna I’ve been very interested in this because I actually do rate Kieran McKenna as a coach and I don’t really want to throw him into the category of Thomas tul or deserie who I just don’t rate really if I’m being honest anymore um I do rate McKenna I just always felt it was too soon and I think man united have probably come to that conclusion as well and I think that um Kieran McKenna has come to that inclusion as well himself so I am hearing that there could well be a um release clause in the new contract that uh Kieran McKenna signs with ipswitch um and and that would make a lot of sense that that would make a lot of sense I would be very surprised if something like that wasn’t there what do you think that release Clause would be I suspect that it is a release clause for a big club like Manchester United who after one year can take him for a reasonable price so I do think that Kieran McKenna could well be a future Manchester United manager but I don’t think we’re at that point where we would know that at the the moment and I think that he is very much um um somebody that uh you know man united could look at because look I want Eric tenh hard to continue I know a lot of you do I know some of you don’t but I do want him to continue but I can’t guarantee that next season will go well I can’t guarantee that it will be perfect I think it will I think this is the project for Manchester United but if it does go wrong then you have got to look at other things but I also think that I mean look we spend long on this but Kieran McKenna has apparently been swayed swayed by ipswitch and the loyalty and project that they want to do um if he can keep it switch in the Premier League even if it’s Fourth from bottom he is the future not the past P past uh not the Pres says Savage and he’s absolutely correct if Kieran McKenna can keep I switch in the Premier League he’s won he’s proved himself because Burnley and Company came up with a load of rasmas and were [ __ ] so if he can keep ipswitch in the Premier League whilst playing a brand of football then I think it would be um very very good um sakin says is s Jim Radcliff one of these key inos figures says sakin I don’t know who those figures are uh this information hasn’t come in through me it’s coming through Sam who works with United stands and he’s got a good network of people but I trust it and I don’t know who it is I don’t know whether it is to Jim Radcliffe um I’m a little bit nervous if it was to Jim radliff I mean who do you think the key two key inos figures are that are championing Eric T hog now I hope it’s barard and I hope it’s Blanc because I think they’re the two senior football people at the club uh so Jim radliff owns the football club or the football side of things Jason Wilcox is a technical director um brailsford is experienced but not in football so I would hope it’s barard and I would hope it’s Blanc because they’re the two people in that football club who I don’t think they understand man united yet but they would understand football so I hope it’s those um clouse says I’m a bit nervous about inos almost being brexit orientated will Cox Ashworth McKenna I think you know PRI will be in the pudding Clause but I think that you’re right I think there is a bit of nervousness around that I don’t know why we need a British call um but hopefully we don’t follow suit with the players as well Alan Nunan says I’m in for ten hog but can artetta be future United manager absolutely not I worry inos want a British core man in Manchester this is Nick James second person tonight oppra says I’ve been a member for so long I always enjoy your shows happy that it feels like ten hog stays now but do you think they’ve given him a new deal look oppra what I will say is that throughout all that information that we’ve been given the bottom line still is they were looking to get rid of him on Friday and they haven’t completed their review yet I I’m 70% sure they’re going to keep ten hog now so in the space of a day I’ve gone from from 80% yesterday morning that they’ll sack him then the news broke yesterday 50% and today I’m 70% sure he’s going to stay and the reason for that is that I know he was going to go on Friday and I know that they’re changing their mind now and if they change their mind again I think even Eric tenh Alters would concede we’ve got a really wor worrying business model because you can’t change your mind change your mind change your mind mind again so I think we’re moving towards them keeping Eric tenh har but I still don’t necessarily think it will happen until early next week um what’s the news uh people right we’ve got a few people tuning in late I’m just going to Bullet news what we were fed to uh early this evening two key inos figures and now advocating for ten hog internally at first they were uncertain but after meeting with the players and key staff they developed a more favorable view of ten hog from within Carrington there is starting to be a positive attitude and there is a growing awareness of the challenges that has been faced by tenan hog and his players and the reasons behind them um also Kieran McKenna who was accepted by the majority to be a decent Choice has fallen away as an option and there’s little trust in what else is out there um off field issues have been highlighted as Anthony Greenwood and Sancho onfield issues have been highlighted as lack of a left back transfers injuries um and being hung out to drive so I think all those things are very very positive um but obviously let’s hope we move to a conclusion because I still want to see man united signing players as well soon um okay Edward we’ve done that uh Scott says get well soon thank you mate bit sore but God I get stomach ache every now and again I’ve not vomited in so long and I don’t want to talk about this for long but bloody hell it was um you know what I think it was battered fish every time I think I’ll never eat battered anything again battered sausage battered fish I just won’t eat batter again I have a it reminds me of when I was hung over when I was about 18 and I’d been to McDonald’s the night before absolutely hammered ordered myself a strawberry milkshake and a Big Mac meal I’d obviously ate the Big Mac meal I put the strawberry milkshake in the fridge I woke up the next day with a terrible hangover and I was really thirsty I went downstairs opened the fridge and drank all of the strawberry milkshake I think you know what happened next and I’ve never dranken it again uh Matthew says correct me if I’m wrong but was there something on Sky Sports about ten hog staying on uh there was showing positive images says Matthew well ten H’s on holiday at the moment so um Eric I won’t come on paid for by S uh possible they just delay the announcements of sacking him because he won the cup and people would be more Angry the day after says Andreas um I Andreas I really did think that I I was somebody who thought that but um I think if they change their mind again they’re going to look really stupid look inos will get ahead of things from a PR perspective and they weren’t happy on Friday that it leaked that they were going to sack him they weren’t happy about that um and I think they were stuck in a bad position and we saw it on Saturday with the face of sjim madli they were in a very different difficult situation I don’t think they fully enjoyed us winning it either because of it but there has been a there has been a change towards ten hog in the last 48 hours and if they change back again they’re going to look really stupid and look honestly there isn’t a manager out there there isn’t I mean if people want to get in the comments and tell us what manager you’d go for and why why please do but there isn’t a manager out there there absolutely isn’t and if they went for a Potter or a Southgate or a derer or a tup I’d have major concerns about who’s running our football club and their knowledge of this football club um camel says that United have sold Alvar Fernandez um yeah I really liked him but ultimately you’ve got to trust I suppose the decision makers around that um maybe there’s a buyback Clause I don’t know are the reg are the reports regarding us being removed from the Europa League true says Jordan I I will spend one minute on this because it’s an evening show and I can do please do smash a like on the video everybody and make sure you subscribe bottom right hand corner we are fast on the road to 1.9 million and then it’s on the road to two million which no football fan Channel Community has ever done on uh on YouTube so this is we’re breaking ground here and you deserve to because you’re an amazing community and you always have been and we love the Summers so make sure you subscribe I’ve been ignoring this Jordan you might be aware of it um we spoke about it when s Jim radliff bought the club that he owns ni and you cannot be in the same European competition nce have qualified for the Europa League and we have qualified for the Europa League but n are higher in their league than we are so they get the spot man united apparently have got to make a case to get into the Europa League I tell you what inos have annoyed me a lot in their behavior towards Eric tenh har if we go into the conference League because n is still owned by S Jim radliff I think we’ve got every right to march on Old Trafford forget the Super League forget the glazers we’re not playing in the bloody conference League when we’ve qualified for the Europa League so I absolutely don’t think this is going to happen which is why that was very tongue and cheap absolutely don’t think it will happen um jerona and man city will play in the Champions League next season different business ownership model yes but we’ve seen it with salsburg and we’ve seen it with the Red Bull group and leig different ownership model yes but I don’t think you wafer are going to make an example at Manchester United Football Club when and let’s be honest here I’m pretty sure uned United and inos have already sorted this out but money talks and when man united are in the Europa League as we’ve seen before when it comes to Europa League socials we get more interaction on a man united Europa League tweet than you get on some Champions League tweets man united will be massive for that Europa League they’re not going to Chuck Us in the conference League they will put us in the Europa League so I don’t know how it’s going to work and it is a bit of a story but I was told about a month ago that this is not going to be a problem technically by law it is but I don’t think it will be I’m not concerned about it I’m not concerned about it at all um but thank you Jordan because I would have forgotten to speak about that um thank you very for that um I’m just catching up on your cut chat then I’m going to talk to you about a few other bits uh good English Saturn has got a conspiracy theory he says they set Eric tenh har up to fail next season then sack him and have it their way next season and no one would know well there’s a theory behind that I don’t mind exploring that um Josh says if anyos have listened to the fans can I’m happy to say banana and toast 10 minutes before the show half an hour later stomach settling fine we’re not going to have um uh projectile vomiting for the first time on the United stand we would have got it at about 3 o’clock this afternoon if it had been live but not I think we’re all right at the moment um Josh Deacon says if anyos have listened to the fans it shows the club is going in the right direction ction also are you going to do any book signings Josh my book will be out soon yes um very soon actually I’m looking forward to that yeah we will be doing some book signings and stuff just need to sort it out we’ll let you know when that happens uh ghosty says what’s your honest prediction for his next season if we keep ten hard well I’ll come back to that because I think that fits in with that conspiracy theory as well and he says do you reckon we’ll get a good few signings uh we could do really well uh badman says what if he keeps much [ __ ] and continues to start him um it’s a bit like that line the end of Star Wars isn’t it uh Return of the Jedi where Darth Vader’s lying dying in front of his son and don’t talk to me about Bloody spoilers if you haven’t watched the film from the early 80s yet you can jog on so Darth Vader at the end he’s become good uh Luke’s trying to get him on the spaceship to fly away from the exploding death star and Darth Vader says take my mask off let me see you with my own eyes and Luke says take your mask off you’ll die and he goes nothing will stop that now and I think in relation to um I’ve completely lost my point um in relation to badman and whether ten hog will keep picking Scott Momin nothing will stop that now it doesn’t matter who the manager is he’ll get picked Mourinho picked him olle picked him ran picked him ten hog picked him he’s always going to get picked so I don’t think that we’re going to see anything change in relation to that um I don’t know why um I don’t know why I mean I know people in the dressing room he’s a very popular and influential player um we saw that in the Afterparty um I don’t know why I’ve never known why um but I don’t think mctom is going to go anywhere uh I think for his career he should do obviously I think he could be playing every week for someone like Rochdale but I’m joking uh definitely Preston and I’m not trumping by the way I’m on a leather seat so when I move it does do a little bit of a I’ve noticed that over the last few ones um I’ve heard that he might be going to Everton but I don’t think he’s going to go anywhere some accounts are trying to spin the narrative that if inos do not sack ten hog because of the fans they’re just another glazers they’re now getting creative to Mario Franco yeah but they’re just these people are just Glazer puppets um i’ I’ve been called out today I was lying there in in my bed feeling rough going on social media I don’t normally read replies um and I’ve seen these people going after me and I thought I can’t mate just keep mentioning me please do it’s free it’s free it’s free publicity um for the United stand I don’t get involved in it I don’t reply to them they can quote tweet me all they like they all do it it’s absolutely fine they’ve not got very happy lives and they’re jealous so let them do it but the hypocrisy is is hilarious because the glazers never listened to the fans so what I don’t understand is if inos listen to the fans which they won’t they’ll make their own mind up but if anyos take the fans opinion on board they’re just like the glazers oh I forgot the glazers did everything we wanted oh that’s why old trafford’s rusting because we all voted for that that’s why they tried to take us in the Super League because we all wanted that that’s why they never do any in the January transfer window because we want them to save money that’s why they take dividends because we’ve said you’ve done loads of work you need to treat yourself I mean when have the glazers done anything for Man United so how would inos listening to the fans be like the glazers if the if anyos start listening to the fans they’d be the opposite of the glazers you bloody idiots what are they talking about I don’t know Mario I don’t know um chantana says inos would have sacked ten hog if we lost the final does this worry you would you trust them even if they keep ten hog say shantan I don’t trust any owner I don’t trust the fa I don’t trust the Premier League I don’t trust the pgml I don’t trust Liverpool’s owners I don’t trust Chelsea’s owners I don’t trust Manchester United’s owners I don’t know why people think you’re going to get to a point where you trust your owners and I don’t know why some of our fans are so eager to L their heads up and climb up climb up ino’s ass I don’t know why surely the whole point of supporting a football club or loving football is to be opinionated like you are with your friends and your family or down the pub or at school the whole point is to have an opinion why would you TR why is the obsession to trust the owners of man united absolutely not absolutely not um they’re there to be held accountable they’re there to be applauded and lorded when they do well and they’re there to be criticized when they do bad things and that’s what an ownership model is um I remember when I worked in a previous job and got promoted to manager and my manager said ditch them I said o ditch going out out on a Friday night and come out with me and I said I didn’t know you were like that he said no come out with the managers I was like why he say great we do you know go to strip clubs and everything and no that’s not what we said but he said no seriously every Friday night the whole team would go out for a drink he said stop going out with them now because you’re a manager and you will have to make unpopular decisions because your boss tell you to sack one of them you can’t be that guy so I think that when it comes to ownership they have to expect backlash from fans every now and again and I think that I don’t know why people are look I I think I think the ten hog out Brigade thought they’d got their way and they might still do and I think the ten hog in Brigade were were depressed on Saturday and it took a lot away from the FA Cup final but they’re now feeling what we did on Saturday they’re worried that they’re not going to get their way so they’re coming out with nonsense like fan opinion doesn’t matter well I’ve been I’ve been um criticized a little bit over the last 48 hours and clipped up as per usual for sticking up for fans and they’re trying to ridicule me and they’re trying to abuse me and have a pop at me and I’m sort of like Manchester United’s biggest fan Community presenter defend fans shock what do you think I’m going to do hello everybody Welcome to the United stand your opinion means [ __ ] absolutely nothing of course I’m going to stick up for fans absolutely and I I firmly believe in it um so I think that argument’s flawed straight away and secondly inos listening to fans around Eric ten hog are not like the glazers because the glazers never listen to the fans absolutely not um Kim MJ Kim MJ I saw I saw something there um he could win the community Shield love from Poland says bartac are you on holiday Mark best place to go in the UK says Nick um best place to go on holiday in the UK is um well anywhere you can get the weather if you can’t get the weather I’d go on a city break London York Manchester Chester they’re all good places to go if you can get the weather get yourself down to Devon or Cornwall yeah do that um says we always have some nonsense going on during the transfer window we need to finish the ten hog saer keep him on and move to the transfers I completely agree and uh the killer man gag says I would think barard is one of those swayed on ten hog he was an admirer of ten hog in the past unless I’m misremembering no he was he was at Man City they they definitely did um and Dre says the same it’s definitely barard he looked at ten hog at city um and why would anyone I don’t care about winning the Zerby says Daniel um and shahin says at this point I wouldn’t even be unhappy if we don’t get Ashworth he’s a politician and he doesn’t know football as much as he thinks he does and slow sports news says hi Mark hope you’re doing well as you know I’ve been behind Eric all the way I feel sorry for the guy because he’s been criticized for the limit choices he has had as a manager and Alexander says whilst other clubs sign and sell players any alsoo wasting valuable time considering restarting another five year project and shabaz wants some stability get yourself some crutches mate um joke yeah I I still believe that we can get transfers done as I’ve said uh hkn says Eric tenh is getting sacked inosa just letting the fans celebrate the FA Cup they always wanted their own guy they don’t care about what fans think which is a good thing fans are too reactionary says hkn well I disagree I disagree um we’ll see what happens won’t you won’t we um I disagree I think tan hog is going to stay um I can’t give it you categorically but from what we’ve been told tonight and what we’ve been hearing over the last 24 to 48 hours I don’t think he’s going anywhere I think they’ve woken up and found coffee um and they should have found it a little bit sooner to be honest Mark has got the side profile of a Greek god uh it’s because I’ve just got out the shower actually because I felt ill so my hair is about as good as it can get Daniel Shabba says despite lackluster management from inos I still want ten hog out an FA cup and carabar a few young players is not enough for me unfortunately it’s an amazing comment Daniel an FA cup and a carabal cup and a promotion of young players is not enough for Daniel um have you been in a coma for the last decade Daniel because the previous eight years were [ __ ] there was no Youth Development and there was no trophies coming in so I don’t know what it is you think you’re going to get Daniel but you’re living in a fantasy mate I can still win the community done that and Zeus says I think momy is the Energizer buy bunny he never stops running he might know not where he’s going but he’ll always run um momany has that dog in him the one that belongs to Manchester player lad lacks school though but he’s got the spirit that’s not enough DV in my opinion uh James says that earlier today Beth seemed to think derer is being reconsidered is that true feel better mate we’re brothers in United ten hard in all the way um I don’t think that um deserie is being considered by man united any more than he ever has been I just think he’s looking for a job and theer’s and TL’s job um opportunities are thinning um by the second um Chelsea’s job’s gone Bayern Munich’s job’s gone Liverpool’s job’s gone so these people are desperate um man united shouldn’t be appointing desperate people Darth Vader doesn’t become good Mark Anakin returns to the light says the angry jard is always a Star Wars fan inos own less than 70 30% so rule isn’t applicable we play Europa leagues as hitten uh thank you very much for that uh I bet they keep ten hog for the summer then as soon as it gets tough next season they will move for Southgate says BS and Nick James says will big six become big eight with the tune and Villa don’t care uh Paul L we’ve already spoken about the ramifications of Ufa UEFA rules and we all agree that man united will be playing in the Europa League um just want to touch on I want to talk about all these sackings or potential sack in that inos are carrying out at man united because as a man of the people and as men and women of the people which you are if you’re part of this community then you are empathetic I hope um we have to look Beyond managers and players there are a lot of good people who work at Manchester United Football Club whose jobs have been thrown into Jeopardy ever since inos came in they’re looking to save money for the football club um and they’re looking to save football money footb for the football club based on efficiency round uh uh reasons but also to save money this football club is in debt this football club has had tens of millions of pounds taken out of it by the glazers who’ve never put a pound in we’re now going to make good people redundant because the glaze is [ __ ] up we’re now going to knock Old Trafford down because the glaz is [ __ ] up now inos will get the bad press for sacking people and taking us away from Old Trafford potentially but it’s not inos that are knocking Old Trafford down and building a new ground and it’s not inos that are sacking people good people it’s because of the glazers um I will read that out because I think it’s really important and then we’ll talk about a potential issue that we face next season but this is really really important and it is something that we do need to not just sweep under the carpet because it’s Manchester United um and it’s not related to a manager so staff have been informed early payment of an annual bonus if they resign by next W Wednesday will be paid this is part of s Jim Radcliffe’s um edict to get all employers into the club’s offices and is pushed to trim the workforce so basically the rumor is that thousand hundreds of man united employees have been offered uh an early bonus payment um as part of what is effectively redundancy and so Jim radliff tries to reduce the employee numbers at Manchester United I it’s really sad I think it’s very very sad that people are going to lose their job because these aren’t Marcus rashford on 350 Grand a week it’s not casmiro on 300 Grand a week it’s not Donnie vaner bake on 150 Grand a week this is somebody who’s got a mortgage probably on 30 40 50 Grand a week a year um this is a Lifeline you know this is you’re on the scrap heat with no job this is very very important and it’s not good and we have a social responsibility as Manchester United fans to be the voice of those people that won’t have a voice because they’re not a Star Striker or a manager these are good people being made redundant because the glazers have stripped this club to the Bare Bones with dividends and debt and inos have now got to do the hard stuff now I don’t know whether inos need to do this or not but they need to raise money we they need to raise money at a football club that’s broke and I think as you move away from the sad redundancies and unemployment that’s coming for these man united employees and we wish them all the best this the sad realization on a football sense is just how harsh and Bleak the financial situation is we’re not owned by guitar if we’d have been bought by guitar these people would be keeping their jobs that debt would be gone and that’s another side of things that people don’t want to talk about would all these people have lost their job if guar had got old of Man United possibly not but it does expose the sheer volume of debt that man united have and it does expose if man united are saving money by sacking people on 30 grand a week 30 grand a year just how how how bad the situation is um but it’s an inherited situation this is this doesn’t fall fall squarely on inos legs This falls on the lap of the glazers who you know you just think of all the dividends they’ve had these people wouldn’t get in the sack so and they’ve got no right to take those dividends by the way because they’ve never put a pound into this football club never never um alist Kenny says did you see the disgusting comments on ten hog from Simon J Jordan earlier I didn’t um I don’t listen to him um I have got no respect for anybody that’s account he’s a coward he wouldn’t have a chat about man united with the biggest man united fan community so he’s a coward um he’s a self- pontificating genius in his own bedroom and um Headroom sorry don’t know about the bedroom um and what he says is irrelevant so you know what he says is irrelevant because I’ve even heard him say it’s my opinion whether people agree with it or not it’s my opinion it’s his opinion let him have his opinion but he gets sat down by any of you lot anybody who knows anything about man united would sit these people down because they they talk half truths I was on talk sport yesterday morning they don’t even know what man united fans think they don’t even know the volume of problems that we’ve had at this football club they wouldn’t even consider that Mason green was meant to be our backup Striker last season and got took away it’s do your research before you start talking about our football club um NZ thank you very much for your Super Chat Mojo the legend is in the chat says have you read the guardian article which is about any having 48 hours or so to convince you AA that they can both go in we’ve spoken about it Mojo there’s no way we’re not going to play in the Europa League absolutely n best places to go in the UK is jalter says dull um Daniel says there’s uh triggered people in the chat oh yeah okay uh thank you very much on that um but that was the chair again look there you go audio confirmation um what I do want say is oh if you want to pre-order the book by the way gems has pinned it at the top of the live chat I mean I haven’t even clicked this in ages gems let me have a look um okay so yeah you can still get the you can pre-order it on Amazon worldwide you can pre-order the audio book on Amazon worldwide and if you live in the UK you can pre-order signed copy from wh Smith or other book Outlets so that’s coming out in a number of weeks so get ready for that can’t wait um beo says talk sport cut you off and then hung up on you for daring to go along with their narrative mate I’m done with that it’s I’m not I’m not doing it anymore it’s a waste of time was it was a good conversation that was an opposition to what they’ve been on about for an hour and they cut me off and just went oh thanks for that bye I was like yeah I’ve got a list of things to talk about to sit you down forget that forget that what’s the point um few people anyway let’s just talk about this I think it’s really important so Eric tenh stays at Manchester United what are the dangers he faces next season and also when we’re talking about redundancies and the obvious elephant in the room that we don’t have a lot of money is next season potentially a poison chalice for Eric tenh hark well yes and no if we don’t sell players and we don’t buy enough players then we will face the same problems next season we won’t be good enough because we weren’t good enough this year Spurs were better than us B were better than us and obviously Liverpool Arsenal and man city were better than us Newcastle and Chelsea toss a coin but we we ended up where we should have ended up not because of the manager because of the squad and injuries were a factor but we just weren’t good enough we we we we we we are as a team our best 11 which we never saw wasn’t available and the team that we had to put out was never better than Spurs or Villa so we ended up where we should have ended up so next season there’s got to be Recruitment and there’s got to be removal and if that doesn’t happen then ten hog will struggle that is the biggest thing if he gets players in and he gets players out we will improve 100% if you bring in Michael elisi if you bring in Edison if you bring in TBO you bring in branway and you bring in frong that’s five players that will improve as massively straight away um so yeah we need a striker as well so all those things need to happen and we need to remove a few players as well so that’s the first thing that’s the priority second thing is player power um which does exist and has existed since the days of Jose Mourinho that dressing room is a light switch that can turn itself on and off we saw that dressing room on Saturday even though we didn’t have our best 11 we saw what they can do we’ve also seen what they can’t do for years so player power is very important and but that comes with removal and that comes with recruitment you’ve got to dilute that dressing room you got to keep players like Rasmus and gacho and delo and Mayu and Bruno and you got to remove other players of which we know who they are so that’s got to happen and player power will dilute um the financials are really important because you can’t remove and recruit if you haven’t got the financials so that’s going to be really really important I also think the media are a big problem for Eric ten hog because they never wanted him in the first place and they’ve at any first chance they can get they ridicule him and they’re never going to stop one thing about the mainstream whether it’s Simon Jordan or Sky Sports or whatever is that they never will accept they were wrong and they will hold on to it forever you know there will be people out there that said that Lisandro Martinez is too small for the premier League who’ve been completely and utterly sat down but they will wait even if it takes six years for him to fall off they’ll go I always said he was too small they they they don’t they don’t change their mind and they won’t forget so the media is always going to be a problem for Eric tenard but it’s not the problem you think actually I don’t think the media is the problem because nobody really respects them and nobody really listens to them and Eric tenh har certainly doesn’t so I don’t think next season really comes down to player power or the media I don’t think they’re a threat the media used to be a threat when they could manipul manipulate you but they can’t and I’m not saying you the United stand Community because they can’t but I’m also saying online fans match-going fans people have woken up to the fact that you can criticize Jamie carrier even though he’s quite a good pit pundit he can say something stupid and you’ll go I I’m not bloody listening to him there are legends of this football club who sometimes talk talk [ __ ] and get ridiculed by their own fan base whether it’s Roy Kean Paul Scrolls Gary Neville whatever so this air of authority and more than that control that the media have is gone so I don’t think there are threat to ten hog and I don’t think they’re a threat to us I think the biggest threat to ten hog next season is what inos do over the summer and they’ve got to be all in or or there’s no point like I said this morning and funly enough it was in a it was in I can’t remember what journalist said it but I said it this morning it was on the morning show um 10 inos back 10 Haron transfers so even if ten hog goes they’re still going to buy the players that ten hog wanted I I wouldn’t go as far as to say recommended because there’s a process behind that but we’re not waiting for a new manager to sign players we are going for players that ten hog wants because in OS agree so even if ten hog leaves and derer comes in we will still sign tobo branth weight frong alisi these types of players cesco whoever it is we we haven’t we’re not going to do a different list the list is set and the most important thing is is that they follow through on that because I’m tired of it Mojo I’m not tired of you 10 memberships gifted what a legend by Mojo I’m tired of it and I’m I’m sure you’re tired of it and I’m very reluctant to do this but I will we’ve been doing at Christmas it’s 10 years of the United stand um which is amazing isn’t it the United stand it’s 10 years at Christmas we started off in August 10 years ago as soccer box um and it was meant to be a general football channel and then I was like you know I’m just going to do United because I couldn’t be asked to do every other club so 10 years of the United stand at Christmas and in that 10 years how many Summers do you think around this time we’ve gone this is going to be an amazing summer we’re going to sell seven players and we’re going to buy seven players I think we’ve said it pretty much every summer for 10 years and it’s never really happened some have been better than others some have been [ __ ] and that’s my biggest concern for Eric tenh har or any manager of Man United next season is that we can’t fail to deliver in the transfer market because there are so many clubs better than us in the Premier League at the moment Squad wise and quality-wise Spurs squad’s better than ours it is they’ve got way more depth in the Midfield they have they’ve got Ben tanker hyberg SAR basuma Madison Lelo they’ve got much better depth same with same as Villa uh same with same as Newcastle we’re not even mentioning Liverpool Arsenal and Chelsea and Man City so regardless of the manager situation success success next season will be based upon what we do in the transfer market and someone just said laugh out loud Spurs you might want to have a look at the league mate they’ve definitely got a better Squad than us um similarity with Spurs is they’ve got um they’ve only got one Striker really haven’t they but I think Spurs Squad is better than ours yeah I do I think on paper hours is better but performance- Wise It’s Not There Is it um but look I think that yeah I think next season depends on the transfer market more than it does on Media or player power I think if you have a good summer transfer window player power will be deloted and if you have a good summer transfer window the fans will be on board with inos and the manager ten hog and the media will just have to get on board I mean look we’ve had a bad year with the media I mean some of the stuff that’s been put out there is disgusting we know what certain journalists have said about certain players and and it’s disgusting so they are I think the traditional media are they’re like a fish on a fishing line flapping around but they’ve been caught out and they need to adapt and they need to realize that they can’t just dictate to people you’ve got to communicate with them on a level and respect them and um just because you’ve had connections with football clubs for years because of you know Manchester Evening News for example Daily Mail Telegraph these are institutions but um yeah I think it’s most important that we uh I think I think this look I’m a broken record because I’ve said this before the most important thing about Manchester United this summer it’s not sacking the manager it’s not building a stadium it’s it’s selling players and buying players what to you what’s the most important thing we do this summer because for me doesn’t matter who the manager is if you’ve got the same players and you don’t bring new players in we are a long way behind the likes of Aston Villa and that’s what we’ve got to close first we are we’re right to look at Man City we’re right to look at Arsenal we’re right to look at Liverpool but first of all we’ve got to get our eles beyond the Newcastle the chelseas the Spurs and the Villas and that’s what next season’s going to be really because we we took a step back um and I think it’s also more very important to acknowledge that um solar had it Mourinho had it and ten hog had it where you’ve got this momentum and you’ve got something to build upon and then the glazers don’t do it and this has happened so many times it happened to vanal as well the am we talk about the cycle of sacking managers but there’s also a cycle of a manager comes in does really well normally in the first 12 months and then that summer the glazers just go forget about it and and that is the most important thing is that when you look at last summer Blazers didn’t deliver they didn’t deliver that I gave last Summer’s transfer window a four some of you wanted to give it an eight because we spent money on Mount and an an and Rasmus but I gave it a four we didn’t remove enough players we didn’t bring in enough players and that’s on the glazers and Richard Arnold and uh m i I think that um last summer didn’t help and on top of that not selling the club didn’t help and then after that off field activities didn’t help and injuries didn’t help but let’s never forget last summer was not a good preparation for the season anyway even without the injuries I would have only put us forth so you know uh thoughts on rashford to Arsenal says Nomad will never happen never gonna happen just never gonna happen H do you think we will sign a striker or use a false nine says Nick we have to sign a striker because if Rasmus holand gets injured for three months we haven’t got a striker you can play a false nine but we haven’t got a striker so you we’ve got to we’ve abolutely got to um do you think we what happens if next season we keep Eric tenh har and we have more injuries slow start and it’s more of the same what’s the excuse for Eric says JS but J you’re you’re talking in riddles really because what happens next season if we win the next 10 games and we’re top of the league everyone’s going to be going oh my God we were that close to sacking in and we’ve got the best manager in the world what happens if we lose our first two 10 games you’ll get sacked like you you can’t sack a guy on high aals like I believe we will have a good season next season absolutely convinced we’ll get in the top four and win another trophy you can’t say what if we lose all these games you’ll get the sack mate he’ll get the sack but I’m not sacking him on some prediction um bsod has gifted five memberships you’re a legend moose says you’re looking cute thank you um Ty says I loved seeing shear and Lin getting ripped apart from their shite comments on Eric tenh har after the finals say Ty yeah but have you seen have you seen sharer again on their podcast doubling down they’re they’re so arrogant they’re so arrogant look we mentioned Simon Jordan there are plenty others out there they are quite within their right to sit there pontificating in Glass Houses scared to speak to us but our door and mine is always open to that chat they won’t do it because they’ll get sat down and I think we’re all getting a little bit tired of oneway traffic from these people who aren’t educated on our football club but I think they have the right to just Gob off about it NZ says we need a proper leer leader of men like Southgate lovely stuff NZ how long does Eric ten Hog’s impact on Youth Development take is moo and gacho just good timing no doubt giving them game time is to his credit says cyber um mate there’s a conveyor Bel of players ready to come through I think one of the most exciting things when tenard gets confirmed and we’ll have this chat over the next few weeks predict the breakout player for next year because you know Lacy’s been mentioned amas has been mentioned I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a completely different name and that’s the exciting thing there will be a breakout player next year at Manchester United um so yeah um what does tweet Cooper mean doesn’t make any any sense what does tweet Cooper mean Shir hates United is he always has done mate he always has he always has done and and also to be fair to Alan sheer his beloved Newcastle missed out on European football because of man united um what what about what what about Steve Cooper yeah yeah I mean look I I I saw through Shear’s moaning straight away it was because um it was because Newcastle he he he’d have been thinking that man city were going to beat us and therefore Newcastle would be in Europe so yeah um thoughts on rashford to Arsenal we need gler cryp tonight says mushy well look very very good show tonight I’ve survived throwing up which is great news and um hopefully I can get back on it tomorrow uh because there’s nothing worse than a piece of toast so well toast is nice but you know I should be eating a burger or something um do you think we’ll get any transfers confirmed in June whether it’s buy or sell says shahin and look traditionally this week and next week are quite slow on transfers but from what I’m hearing I don’t think that’ll be the case the big question mark is whether man united are going to wait to announce ten hog first or do transfers I don’t know politically how that works because if you announce a player this week it gives everybody a buzz but then if you sack the manager it really doesn’t probably make sense so I don’t know I don’t think we’re going to hear about ten hard for a few days yet anyway but it’s nice that we’re here doing positive things and hopefully that can continue uh but thank you very much shahin um thanks everyone for tuning in tonight you’re absolute Legends uh Community is absolutely popping off at the moment it was great to have Beth on today after the bank calid weekend to get her thoughts of course and um there isn’t an onsteen tweet so stop trying to whine people up that was the joke from last week and I won’t be caught out again so chill your boots um breaking news Wayne Rooney will no longer be playing for girth and turf he’s fully committed to his job at Plymouth and we will all be supporting them uh shortlived Legend on the Gir and bit like me I I played the Gir Ander for a little bit and had to leave to focus on other things so um yeah thank you lovely stuff okay AB Legends United have started sharing more social content including Eric hard from yesterday there was hardly any surely he’s staying says Dre hey they need the socials they need the socials um back in the morning with you unless anything breaks before we’ve had nearly 3,000 likes make sure you subscribe you’re absolute Legends I’m loving the show I’m loving the shows at the moment um I don’t always say that but I genuinely am loving the shows at the moment and I think we’re hopefully we’re in for a really positive and um summer and we got the Euros as well on that footboard which would be great but hopefully in relation to man united we’ve got a really positive summer take care everyone stay safe thanks for all the Getwell messages I’m dinking with water and uh I’ll speak to you later take care don’t forget to pre-order the book if you want to Links in the live chat speaks in a bit


    1. Mctominay wont be sold because regardless of ability he will never not give absolutely everything he has for the shirt. If the players with quality in the team had his passion and commitment to the badge then we wouldn’t be far away.

    2. I was a deep sea fisherman for 24 years and a bargemaster in North Sea for 20 years I was the skipper to be able to do the buisiness you have to have a good crew and a good staff behind you ten hag is the captain and he has not had the crew due to injuries and other controversies he needs another year to get his crew in order then the results will show I been a fan for forty years and hope to god he stays love your show

    3. The audit has long been terminated. I am sure the auditors factored in the possibility of winning the Fa Cup and playing Europa league, next season. Very basic part of a swot exercise to analyse the clubs's present and future outlook.

    4. And how about today? 'Stays' or 'Sacked' ? LOL . If ETH is being backed, why does the hierarchy speak to other 'available' managers?

    5. You make me laugh mark. You said the review was done and now you literally spin different plates that contradict each story you put out before. The only think your consistent on is you want eth to stay at your club 😂

    6. I’m sorry but Marks reasoning is biased and idiotic. For years we have been crying for footballing people to come in to make the footballing decisions. And now that we have these people, he is crying because of his ETH biased agenda. His statement that he knows more than Ineos is idiotic! Do you see Man City or Arsenal fans claiming to know more than their football people?

    7. Getting a lap dance in a strip club is not cheating. I know many couples that go to strip club together. You all are just old fashioned.

    8. I don’t know why people are always so shocked that the story keeps changing – Goldbridge is just keeping us up to date with the latest news and what is ‘currently being said’ – that’s obviously going to change back and forth but it’s about piecing it together. If you want to wait for the actual confirmation then stop watching and just wait for Slow Sports News

    9. Deffo keep ETH, let's see what he can do with proper football people above who will run this club as a football club not a banking business and get players who want to play for this great club, under ETH Ajax were a fantastic team to watch

    10. Mark,if next season Ten Hag has a season that mirrors this with injuries, off field issues but wins another cup would you still be Ten Hag in ?

    11. Do you think whoever leaked it on Friday did so in hopes that we would win and it would cause a conflict, therefore doing to it to try and indirectly help ETH? Just a thought

    12. Getting a big budget for transfers is easy. Ineos just need to sponsor us and they can pump in any amount via the sponsorship.

    13. So those two key figures are now advocating for ETH after doing actual research. Why the hell were they formulating opinions prior to having done research? It doesn't make any sense.

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