Today I team up with Sarah, as well as Antoine and Donald off and on, and we walk an easy 28 km to Cahors, thanks to the Increasingly flat terrain. Camino de Santiago, Le Puy route toward Compestella, France.

    [Music] off we go again morning starts out seeming like a really nice day like always hopefully it doesn’t cool down like always [Music] you know at 27k to power today I would not complain if it stays like this this is quite nice just the tiniest bit cool like perfect time for hiking probably get some more rain off and on but probably be light feels pretty [Music] good that’s what this is about water and there’s the rain 3 minutes after I take off my [Music] Jack the help me too bad I can too bad I can there’s only one I hope you can help me find to the to the the the the is okay we’re going to do a little interview we’re doing it professionally I got my mic boom and everything coming down uh these are my friends this is Sarah and she has ails in her eyes see there they are uh Sarah what do you like best about the Camino um I think I like to meet people and uh and uh share uh in the night and uh uh on the day uh to work alone and uh thinking about my life about a lot of things and uh and uh I don’t know it’s um it’s a a big uh a big big uh thing to to tell yeah yeah say okay I would add I also like the food but you’re used to the food and I like arriving at the Jeet every day and dropping my pack and and shower Wing yes show yes yes just like the original pilgrims you know they I’m sure they were were the same way and Antoine has a story about a miracle of healing so uh I was in fak and I Hur myself uh to the food so I don’t know if I continue or not and I go visit fijak uh and I go to the church so we were uh few pins four five and it was very silenti um and then uh two old people are coming man and woman but we can hear like this dispute uh angry but very silenes she’s like oh you have to come no it’s time to go so say come uh in in the front of the church and the first run [Music] and the woman is begin to cry and she’s the man say oh it won’t take too long it takes the time it will take like that so man sit on the bank uh and then he he made a fart so loud it was incredible with the wood bank and it was uh living in the church it was spiritual F and so the woman say oh I’m sure you you do that for go go I was too I don’t know shame yeah I’m too shame and so the man is going he saying oh I go with Lucian to the coffee his friend and he lived and the woman was so praying oh sorry sorry and all the up the people in the show were so loading and for me it was good because I was sad before and it make me load and then your foot was it better what your foot was yes my my foot is better I I know it’s good all thanks to the spiritual fart the miracle all right thanks guys that was great cross your mind I wish that wasn’t true because you’re always in mine she still swept off her feet and I so can’t Brea cuz when you’re staring at her I’m comparing because she in me I guess I didn’t qualify I guess I wasting my time cuz I could have beat her if I tried I hope you’re satisfied I wish I was still in the running I’m not cuz I just wasn’t winning it felt like a game I guess I got played I wish you’d [Music] have I guess I didn’t qualify I guess I wasted my time cuz I couldn’t we finally got up with the view around us again it’s been a couple days there it is the clouds look awesome and we’re only 3 and 1/2k from K this is the easiest 27k I have ever done in [Music] France maybe I should have imported mine [Music] we’ve got a couple hours before we can check into the Jeet anyway so we wisely stop here where we can sit and watch the clouds feels great I love it I should do more of this every day probably by the way yes I know and yes I am sorry I know these videos are boring hopefully they’re informational but I’m just not running the camera when we say all the funny things and all the and all the laughing so get yourself in good company and uh and I’m sure you’ll enjoy [Music] your car we made [Applause] [Music] it the lot keeps getting bigger got me L your eyes are so right but I’ll Never See L cuz you’ll always be almost 28 km today and even though they were really pleasantly incredibly easy we’re still tired and ready to get there so just up ahead we’ll cross the bridge cross the lot and the best moment of the day set down the pack for good the man WR taking clo by the hand and then B Dan I’ve been wondering about the streets of Brooklyn South all my friends moved away who St in be not SA [Music] yeah so this is the same design as paris’s Notre Dame just smaller and it didn’t burn [Music] [Laughter] [Music] down feels so nice to just walk around town no 40 lb pack having showered just like just like in the old days everything we took for granted it’s [Music] great haven’t seen a place like this for a while so many choices it’s [Music] [Music] great in the dream that stay in the trans yeah our first day e in a dream [Music] like got to be lost in your eyes got to be lost in your eyes say you are so right but I’ll never see a [Music] ly may [Music] not Sarah and I are are sluming it so we’re cooking our own dinner I can figure out the microwave I’ll stop it before 34 minutes and I have to show you this great sock washer or a dryer sock through that great [Music] idea Hollow and clean Hollow and clean hold on clean watching your C wait till this song I sang myself [Music] for a DFT of knowing how to swim but I’ll swim so I SW myself home yes I swe myself SL to by some bioluminous W or a change of pace it was so free and the know your skin and I okay Hollow and clean H and clean Hollow and clean watching you

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