My Patreon –

    Welcome to UrbanNews #20. In this episode –
    00:00 – Intro
    00:17 – Tram referendum said NO in Regensburg, Germany
    01:34 – New railway tunnel in Slovenia
    01:57 – More Flexity trams for Zurich, Switzerland
    02:43 – Longest trams for Berlin, Germany
    03:51 – New Skoda trams in Cottbus, Germany
    04:25 – Stuttgart 21 project is heading to completion
    05:39 – New railway tunnel opened in Switzerland
    06:52 – New PESA trains for Romania
    07:41 – Big train tender in Switzerland
    08:56 – More used trams in Mendoza, Argentina
    09:31 – New battery buses in Montevideo, Uruguay

    #cityforall #tram #urbantransportation #urbannews #train #publictransport

    You can also watch my video about Swiss trams in Ukraine –

    And about trams in Mendoza, Argentina –


    Results of the referendums: A NO for the new light rail in Regensburg – but a YES to the interurban tramway StUB in Erlangen

    The first new Skoda tram in Cottbus!

    Romania finally signs EMU contract with Pesa

    SBB launches tender for 116 double-deck EMUs

    Uruguay: Montevideo incorporó 20 buses eléctricos en el Día del Medioambiente

    hello everyone and welcome to the next episode of the most interesting Urban Development news from around the world today is the 20th Jubilee news episode and I congratulate all of us on that and by the way I’d like to thank to all my amazing Patron supporters and let’s start today with some not so positive news in one of the previous episodes I have talked about the referendum in rensburg which was supposed to decide whether the city would build a tram system and the majority of those who voted namely 54% said no the city mayor has already commanded on this with the words we have lost a historic opportunity the tram’s opponents criticized it for its high construction costs which were expected to reach up to 1.2 billion EUR although most of this amount was to be financed by federal and state subsidies the city mayor has already announced that the city will now expand its bus Network as opponents of the tram had actually demanded however according to the mayor if the city continues to grow and public transportation use increases the bus Network May soon reach its capacity limit and I wonder what they will do then but at the same time the residents of a longan and their referendum supported the idea of extending one of the nberg trem lines to their city and and the length of this Inter City Line should be 26 [Music] km the Turkish construction company yappi marquezi has completed digging of 6 km Bika tunnel which is a part of the new devacha copper Railway line and is the third longest in Slovenia in total there are 10 tunnels to be built with a total length of 37 km [Music] elom is to deliver 12 Flex City trms to workers TQ in addition to the company’s initial order of 70 units the city of Turk is now gradually replacing the old generation of tram 2000 wagons with the flex City trams and continues to expand its tram Network at the same time they are gradually transferring the tram 2000 wagons that have been taken out of use to the Ukrainian city of vindon by the way I have a separate video about it on my channel Elston plans to complete the initial order for 70 trams by early 2025 with all additional units expected to be delivered by Spring 2028 the next news is once again about Elon but this time in Berlin in 2020 bvg placed an order for the supply of 117 new two-way trims with a bombardier Transportation which about a month later in January 2021 became a part of elom group and now the First new flex city tram has been running on the manufacturer’s test track in Bouton Saxon the first wagon is expected to be delivered to Berlin this summer it is the longest trim ever built for Berlin the new 9section 100% low floor Flex city is 50 m long and is designed to replace the coupled GT6 trams on the hide M M4 line it was originally planned to deliver 82 5section 30m wagons and 35 9section 50 m ones and now there are rumors that bvg is considering to convert the order for the 30m tramps into 4160 M tramps however this step hasn’t been yet confirmed meanwhile shot has delivered the First new tram to the German city of cbus in total the check manufacturer is to build 22 trams that will gradually replace the old tatra wagons built in the 1980s the new 4 City Plus trms are 20 cm wider than the old ones and at 29 M long can carry up to 158 passengers they are 70% low floor and four out of six doors are [Music] accessible the German city of stutgart has announced plans to complete the stutgart 21 Mega project with a test operation to begin at the end of 2025 and the official opening schedule for December 2026 stutgart 21 is a project of rebuilding the Central Railway Station in stutgart which started Construction in 2010 and the total budget has already exceeded 9 billion its scope is absolutely enormous and the main idea is to turn a dead end station into a pass through Underground Station turning the tracks 90° from its original position of course such a large scale project was followed by a stream of criticism scandals and protests caused for example by the plans to cut down centuries old trees in the park next to the station during one of these protests in 2009 about 50,000 residents went out onto the streets and as a result the police brutally spers the protesters with a water cannons and now the project is finally coming to an end and I really hope that it will eventually benefit the city in Switzerland the ran Railway celebrated the official opening of the new albola tunnel the new nearly 6 km tunnel was built over 10 years parallel to the existing old one and connected to it by 12 cross connections the T modal cost of the project is €420 million and once the new tunnel is operating the old one will be converted into a safety tunnel the old elula tunnel between the cities of prida and Shas was opened in 1903 and now is a UNESCO world heritage site an assessment of its condition in 2006 revealed a serious need for reconstruction as more than a half of the almost 6 km tunnel pipe was in poor condition and need to be renovated after considering all the pros and cons raan Railway decided not to repair the old tunnel but to build a new one in parallel the key Arguments for this were the relatively small difference in cost the almost total absence of restrictions related to the traffic schedule during the construction phase and the much higher level of safety in the new [Music] tunnel the Romanian Railways reform Authority has fin signed a contract with Polish manufacturer PESA for the supply of 23 wagon inter Regional trains for use on lines across Romania the order was originally placed in September 2023 but elom challenged the decision in court and as a result after a series of court cases the Polish manufacturer was awarded the contract the total budget is 240 million us do 74% of which is the cost of the trains themselves and the rest is the price of Maintenance the trains should be similar to those received by Czech operator Regio Jet and notably these trains will be the first such upgrade of the Romanian Railway in 20 years the Swiss Federal Railways has announced a public tender for the purchase of 116 new Double Decker electric trains for use on the TC Railways and in French speaking Switzerland 95 of the new trains will place the first generation double decker Fleet at Su Railways and the rest will go to the loan region the new trains should be 150 M long compared to 100 m for the current dpz Fleet they should have 500 seats each and during peak hours when two trains run coupled more than 1,000 seats will be available on the esbon the trains also should be low floor have multifunctional areas for passengers traveling short distances two toilets one which will be wheelchair accessible and special spaces for bicycles luggage and strollers potential suppliers have time until the early 2025 to submit their bits the winner will be announced by the end of next year and the trains are expected to enter service in the 2030s so if you happen to be a train manufacturer you should try I guess and if you win you owe me a subscription to my patreon [Music] and finally a couple more news from Latin America the Argentine city of mendosa has received the next batch of used semmons trms from San Diego USA these wagons will allow the extension of the metr tranvia line from gdo Cruz to loand CUO and from laseros to the airport by the way I have a separate video on my Channel about the mosa tram which I think is very interesting but has gained undeservedly few views so I encourage you to watch it after this [Music] one and in Mont videoo the capital of Uruguay they have launched 20 new battery buses manufactured by the Chinese company utang this brings the total number of electric buses in Mont Vio to 51 units according to the city mayor this has already improved air quality in the central areas and this is a part of mono’s strategic plan to become a carbon control by [Music] 2040 and that’s all the news for this week thanks for watching and see you next time [Music]


    1. Love seeing the Siemens Dueweg SD100 trams being reused. It’s the kind of thing we, in the developed world, take for granted. We might find our rollingstock & fleets to be outdated but other people around the word have to make do with far older & far less comfortable forms of transportation.

    2. S21, i do not believe this one will be ever more than a useless money grave for me, less service, less accessible, more travel time and the cost to high… they should have looked to Zürich and build only a underground station for high speed trains….

    3. I'm extremely frustrated because the evil NIMBY Cara Mendelsohn and her cronies in the Dallas city council effectively killed all future elevated passenger rail projects in our area. I hate Mendelsohn!!!😡

    4. Don't forget that Göttingen, Germany held the first ever referendum on prioritising cycling over car traffic – the "Radentscheid"- in a German city. The first part containing general guidelines and strategies won with 54% and hopefully force our corrupt city government to change it's priorities in a city, where cars are in the minority, but treated like a majority.

      Sadly the second part of the referendum, which consisted of concrete measures like Protected Bike Lanes on specific streets, did not gain approval.
      These results came after our city administration and the mayor ignored their obligation of neutrality, announced unnessecary spending cuts in other areas and even got caught lying about the costs by multiple national newspapers. So it's actually a miracle that even the first part won against the fear-mongering of our politicians

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