We got your Sundays covered! Join us in the Qualifier #3 of June and watch the riders battle some tough routes for their entry into the Prize Money Race to be held on the last Sunday of the month!
    🚴‍♂️🏆 #MyWhoosh #SundayRaceClub

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    [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello and welcome to the mywo Sunday race club with four race starts we’re going to start with our category four Riders then three two and one our Riders lined up in yellow that is our category one riders in green our category two in blue Category 3 and category four in red our leading three periera along with o Vio along with gon soling currently clear by 5 Seconds to the group behind you can see them coming with the Sydney Opera House in the background but as the slope starts to bite Jones is going backwards foret holding the pace Kaminsky though he’s back and he’s back with the B he’s absolutely fine look at this onto the front nailing it up this climb I think they can sense the opportunity to do some real damage to people’s legs from the W go here this group is starting to build and if they can continue to push that gap which is currently 8 seconds is going to go out I predict that’s going to go to about 10 to 12 seconds it is indeed hagland with a sixc gap over the chasing group of four Luke allport is with Jac Russen that’s a class Chase group as well but they are now about 35 seconds back these category four Riders are working seriously hard to stay with this group it’s such a short climb and well there’s a bit of a force flat at the moment we’re going to see another little kick but look at the size of this group they are coming up onto the back of what is a big group of of Category 2 Riders are they all going to come together are the category 2 Riders going to stay in the mix because they’re on a flat section now about to come into a descent or a Kaminsky nson and vasin about to put the hammer down and leave them well the leaders in Category 2 run out of Road and will the category one Riders tow that group back up well only time will tell meanwhile in category 4 they are coming up to 1,500 M scope 12 wats per kilo coming out of Valencia here Neville Ross is working for this Daniel Valencia could well be getting this will he hold on to the line the UCI Banner Comes This is the run to line Neville Ross comes up behind him but Daniel Valencia comes flying through he takes the win bra bra Bravo austral [Music] [Applause] so hello and welcome to the my wosh Sunday race club and most importantly E mbar I hope you are having a great feast festival or whatever celebration that you are having at this moment in time uh we celebrated an amazing women’s race earlier on by we that’s me m Payne and Emma Martin who’s beside me here in the studio armed with more pieces of paper than you’ve seen in the Oxford Library I think at the moment oh I’ve seen a lot of pieces of paper in the Oxford Library there you go showing her education mine was all on the back of a postage stamp there you go but today Matt we’re heading to Arabia and a new course for our Riders now those of you who have been with us for sometime May recognize sections of this but we’re heading to the telmore re in Arabia for 45 km of racing 532 M of climbing but please do not think that that is very deceptive because this is one course I am looking forward to so at 12.2 kilometers the first of four key climbs come that’s the aquarium climb 3.2 kilometers just an average gradient of 2.5 then we drop down and we head up the leea desert climb that is 2 kilm 3.55% average gradient then we roll into two what is the tel Marie route 17.9 kilm in total of this final section of this 45 kilometer race course the tel Marie climb 800 M 10% average gradient the tarie June climb 1 kilometer 10.06% average gradient don’t forget the 06 that is important then there’s a 5.3 km run to the Finish but there’s a clim along the way we will dive into the route in more detail I can’t wait for this it’s been a long time since I’ve talked about the June it’s even longer since I’ve ridden it uh here we go let’s get our Riders up and running we’ll kick off with category 14 te’s level up race in bener and Luke allport we’ve got the power Squad ja Russ and Jeff Rooney here up cycle represented by Adrian zasa Ian Lloyd and zavier mayard and the wtbr My Wo braer Oso vas Marcus brto and ronato Santoro Ramos now that is but a small a small a m mouthful of a full course that is the entire race field in category 4 and we’re going to go through them in a little bit more detail once we’ve got our races underway they’re going to head underneath the banner on the Gantry that celebrates the E muar you can see the Riders ready to go we are in with mckel Van Hing and hits away it’s a start nice and smoothly done as they head away on this the first trip out on our brand new course the new tarie course category 4 it’s packed full of absolute hitters now I mentioned a few as part of the teams Emma it’s hard to pick any 20 riders for 30 well it is true so 184 men on the start sheets overall stay 52 of them in category 4 well allport is on the front doing what allport does let me just give you a rundown of who his competition is MC mtre dadson caral AOA Pino Casa Grande dromard uh kab kidland kenad cabona uh Peno that’s Mato because there are two penos obviously in this race David and mattio Smithson is here pu is here who was fifth last week’s got Francis is here but the big news today is the top two last week so Neville Ross and hagland have gone up to category three and there’ll be a few people glad of that I think now Luke Hort down there in the very familiar pain cave to those of us uh it’s like a little bit of a time machine for Luke is going to be no doubt all ping the verb to allport being to move off the front in the early sections of a race I have used on commentary other than the Sunday race club the allport is now going into common vernacular and eventually we will get it spread out amongst commentary World however here on here on the Sunday race club don’t make me laugh on the Sunday race club it’s category four that are underway and as Emma descends into hysteria on my left we can see that Bo just on the front here holding a very tight packed together it’s a close control at the the moment I think there’s some nervous riders today well I’m a bit nervous now because I’m just thinking about the UK crit season is starting on the road soon and Matt and I will be on the mic for some of them together and I’m just imagining him now somewhere randomly in the UK stood on a British cycling stage saying oh look he’s all ported off the front I guarantee you it’s going to happen I’m on the mic for Albert Guilford so I hope to see you there if you are heading out into the UK at any point or going to the races uh to the National crit Ser is going to be there for pretty much all of those will we see the power himself Jeff Rooney I think it’s a long wage for Jeff to go just to watch crit race to be fair and he would be missing out on the Sunday race club you could always use one of our training casion never know good to see him there it’s a little bit dark outside oddly enough well Rooney there on the bike at in the mix on the pack at the moment joined by Connell Kirk Nao Milano Marin CAG Grandy dadson Russen on the front here the pushes on in this categary four pack at the moment they’re 2 kilometers into this 45 kilometer race the pack is big and well one Rider just distance off the back at the moment there indeed is Jac rusen at the moment the Canadian Rider real mix of nationalities around the globe Matt it’s a huge mix I was hoping you weren’t going to ask me how many because I haven’t counted them up this week uh Lots is the answer to that from all across the globe good to see Jackson hear the Canadian in here we saw Tiffany Penna in action earlier on the country woman of Jax in action in the women’s race but at the moment it is the man who has the universe that is disposable it is Captain Ben Kirk on the attack at the moment he’s going to go through the Sprint will he continue this onwards it’s distancing Riders this pace it’s deceptive because I think it’s quicker than it looks at the the Riders are going I’m going to qualify that it’s quicker than it looks because we are seeing Riders distance without it being necessarily Ultra explosive on the front with lots of changes of pace it’s consistently quick it is consistently quick let’s see if that continues onwards uh we are going to dive in with our category three Riders because it is very close to Category 3 race start now we have the level racing team we’ve got cerillo we have Golden Boy himself a rimor in here we’ve got cman and bed we’ve got South American Squad well that is going to be uh y moredo Jose oo and Marvin angarita who will be taking this out will any of them be doing an allport or will we see all golden boy on the attack from the word go we will see very shortly we’re about to start qualifier race number three in theun run of races and away they go the riders in Category 3 onto the boardwalk they’re going to head out of town and very quickly be into the terrain that will be separating them out it is a relatively easy start on the way through one dip and Rise before we get to the ldar HQ Sprint at two and a half kilometers where we saw our category four Riders go through Category 3 Emma we’ve got level racing and we’ve got the South American Squad and a lot of familiar names in there yes now I’m going to I’m going to put you on the spot here I know you’ve got a lot of notation across all of these names on your sheets mostly because I can look across the studio and see it put into context your favorites and why oh whilst you do that I’m G to have a quick coffee well my favorites of mine my favorites in Category 3 I what one of the things I love about Category 3 is the level of competition and what I love is that some Riders just continue to pop up so Giuliano and gonin have been on the cat 3 list for a very long time and racing the Sunday race cup for some period of time and I love the fact that they keep just putting the effort in uh hagland is one of our newer Riders raced category four last week finished second Neville Ross both Neville Ross and hagland coming up into Category 3 I think it’s going to be really interesting to see how they can hang into this interesting course for the start of the shift to Category 3 but Neville Ross has been very very dominant and him and hagland last week rode really well sari has always gone well and I think this is a good course for him um but dauch could Cardona Cadiz elos Montoya iOS sir now he’s a rider you should never discount either um so for me the joy of category three is the strength and depth of the race field ilino himself you know regularly gets up there too yeah he’s a rider who we know he going to be in there one Rider who you haven’t mentioned tayloron sing I would have down as a potential uh Ryder who on a aggressive attacking course could well score big here he’s a rer who who we know can really punch hard uh and is really really strong he’s gonna have to do that because you can see already we are seeing a lot of damage being done in Category 3 which we just SE and here in damage to the legs in category 4 because although this has not broken yet these Rises and falls through the city are very very tough indeed if you don’t believe me get out jump on board the bike and ride on the platform right on My Wo riding through here in toar it always has been because they are deceptive these Bridges these Rises to the elevated roadways really really actually hard well when you’re feeling good the punch is great when you’re on a tired day it’s a SLO not a punch I must be tired every day then every time it goes uphill that’s not strictly true however however I think if I was up against guys here at the moment I would definitely be feeling it here on the May Sunday race because category 4 is looking tough we are seeing one by one Riders being shed as we go over these Rises and Falls currently at 5.6 now 5.7 kilometers into the 45 km of riding quick reminder for you the first category I climb is the aquarium climb now that is now the the official start of that is at 12.2k uh it does actually start climbing at about 11k as you come out of a dip there is a riser that’s not part of the main climb but is actually part of that Ascent to the very top so we’ll see just who is aware of what is on the race route well Pino at the moment is on the race route and he’s just gone through the green Banner signifying the end of the first Sprint today and uh well not quite as fast as Ben Kirk from Level Up Racing in category four but slotting second into the leaderboard so um explain to people who maybe are new to my woo sh Esports how it works how can the first person through the line not be the person who is there with the fastest time well it’s on it’s on time not on position but also what we tend to see is Riders who come through the field making the benefit of the draft tend often to have a faster time than the the rider on the front doesn’t always work like that because the rider on the front could have put in a big dig and a big effort but more often than not it’s someone coming through the race field that picks the fastest time well we’ll see who is going to be holding those jerseys and make the way in and through the moment category three looking very much together on the way through now we do see this if you take a look back on the YouTube channel please do subscribe jump on board give it a like give it a follow um you will see that it when we go to a new course that we tend to have a little bit more hesitant racing little bit more hesitant racing uh from the ride as we start off and that is because I think they’re actually being really smart you see less explosive racing it could still be quick don’t get me wrong but you see less gambling because people don’t know how much they need to keep for later well you know Riders should I say Racers will have ridden the elements of this course possibly yes if you’re smart and you’ve got endless amounts of time you can ride all the little bits and add all the courses together and do that uh and a lot of them I’m sure re wrecking your route is really important 100% I always used to wrecky the route that sometimes was done in a car traveling far in excess of the speeds it should have been I’m going to be very careful what I say here now not leave myself open to a man coming up and give me a speeding ticket uh it might have been in the was the longer route it could well been on two wheels sometimes it was done on foot if it was a very short race but always yeah definitely wrecky rout always have a look at it get as much information as possible but you know it just depends on what time is available how much time you got to do that one of the things our Riders can do uh at the moment and well worth remembering is you can start wrecking out the roots that have come and have been just launched on the 3.7.0 update so this is hriat uh it is California lots of routes lots of different places from Area 52 through to the velop own rooftops it’s a lot you can go out and do that I’m sure Andrew Neville Ross will have been out already looking at Roots checking out where he is going to be in action later on when we go over there for the Sunday race and expect more new roots to come out as well I tell you something the question is is Andrew nille Ross happy about being in the mix here in category three having got that progression up from category four he’s in the mix this is going to be a different type of racing for him with a different group of riders category 4 well they’re at 8.3 km now into the race big group of riders being led out by Edison Gomez at the moment that change continually rotating on the front this is category three in the blue jerseys and well n batty is moving up through the field as well he is trying to get onto the wheels there of eban schwar putting in the initial attack the South Africa just I think it’s South African flag that just opening up the front of the race could be sh my ignorance of the flag colors here but I’m going to blame it on not enough coffee of first thing this morning here in France because we are a little bit further away we are well I’m just going to make a little recommendation for a book flags of the world I shown on my wish no now we were just talking about wrecking roots and I can think of one Rider’s autobiography that I have read that really goes into huge detail about how she prepared for things like World Championships Etc um not being able to continually wrecky a ro Cooks orography does indeed talk about how she would go and take a look even drive or ride World Championship courses or Olympic courses and then go back home and find a location that was similar to the route so she would create her own course locally that replicated the championship route and phenomenal detail about her she did that yeah very really it’s really good autography I agree with you 100% on that now Marvin angarita is out and riding here on this route I’m sure he will be signing up because we talk about wrecking the route and testing the route before you race it one of the really important things and Emma mentioned it there World Championships is to wrecky a world championship route now on the 26th of June we have got the flam Rouge racing event it’s a test event for the world championships and you’ve got to remember that you want to ride them you want to get out there and have a ride on it everybody does particularly if if you’re going to be racing it remember not everybody’s going to be selected by the national federations there’s a selection from the public as well could be that bener may well want to be in there he could be riding that so get out and ride the test event now that is going to be coming up H it’s going to be on the world championship format and it is on the world championship courses two amazing reasons why you want to get signed up for that jump on board with that it has been launched we want to see you on there we’re going to be watching all riding uh depending on what state everybody’s legs are in the studio I can tell you 79 Riders have currently signed up well get yourselves on Board sign up join the squad from the level Wizards in category two the Sanders bangston justel Betty and Simon Walter the UAE Clan team I’m sure will be there Mr X100 Pablo popovic and SS Now Falcons with alagi in hamen and the whats up Squad K and clays it’s time to go racing in Category 2 our teams are away the Riders heading out to the course here it is signified to start by that Banner with the UCI Banner Over the Top my wish the UCI Esports partner for 2024 25 and 26 so far maybe even more you never know we will be looking forward to that event on the 26th we’re looking forward even more at the moment to seeing what our Category 2 Riders can do now I through just a few names of the teams here and we’ve got Riders like Benson who’s been very strong at the moment m x has been on really aggressive one really riding well L of plays has been very responsive we know that ham you’re going to be in the mix who out of think the rest of this race field would would you pick out well Peter and Lyon Mill stick have been riding really well Father and Son Duo who are both in category in fact Peter getting the better of lynon last week great race finish if you haven’t watched it do back watch in fact the last 10 minutes of the category 2 race last week was absolutely class um so please do go back and watch that Phil Graves is always riding thereabouts Nick Spratt Matas van here goes well trojanowski menowitz Gates you know always really really strong yers bearhead krnic is in the mix as well um Henry yees is here as too he rushma is one of the New Riders Burke Ken now this should I think this course should suit him you know it’s short it’s sharp it’s punchy towards the back end if he is here once they move into those tmes Junes I think he could be my call for the day well we’re just in with Peter milti who’s on the attack at the moment he’s moving up onto the wheels of Phil grayon and his bangston bangston part of the level which is Phil ra one of our regular Riders he will have ridden this I know for a fact actually that Phil Graves has ridden these roads oh yes in this mix pretty much a long time ago and uh he was in here and way back when way back when long time ago oldfashioned music now yes way back when a long long time ago Phil grav rode this course he was racing against Mr X100 back to the modern day and guess what Mr X100 is in pursuit of Phil Graves on the course coming through Ferrari World here and it’s looking like the catch is being made way back when we didn’t have all of our four categories we didn’t have the uh Graphics quite the same level we’ve got now but I tell you something the racing was absolutely frantic Phil Graves on the move again well I’ll tell you something that is quite interesting Ross foret moved to category two this week he has had a significant period off the bike through illness um and normally one of our cat One races if you have been a great follower of the Sunday race club uh being shifted through these Dynamic categories because of his return to racing after such a long time off the bike into Category 2 but the big news is that he is racing from the side of his camper van in Norway take a look at his Instagram feed because the view that Ross foret has today whilst racing on the Sunday race club is phenomenal it is absolutely jawdroppingly gorgeous uh it has to be said and uh I’m not at all envious much but my face might be the color of the jerseys on your screen at you need to go on holiday to Norway don’t do holidays you know that anyway that’s enough uh enough of me dreaming of going to somewhere sunny and not pouring down with rain like it is at the moment here uh and maybe jumping on the bike with Henry e or Olivier Simmons or C May who are leading this race out and again keeping Pace hot here in Category 2 as they approach the 3 kilometer marker they’ve literally just gone flying through the AL HQ Sprint but it’s all attacks at the moment so categories four and three and two are on way category one well is our last group to go sorry Emma um let me just run through the teams quickly if you will thank you H we’re going to run through the teams because there are two of them and even I can count that far Coalition Alpha draw they have four rers David tolber line over Justin Michael Kaminsky and Ole Jones the hard to guard squad has been strengthened by an Olympian Jason Osborne has joined Martin Martin’s Michael nson aside saned that alone is enough to get you on the edge of your seats the rest of the race field will get you up in the air it’s time to go racing final category going to hit the boardwalk going to get underway way it’s qualifier race number three or four and at the moment kPa already starting to wind it up from the start can he stay at the front all the way to the end of the 45 km and 532 M of climbing we have yet to find out will it be one of our regular Riders will the teams use those team tactics to propel themselves up to the front can anybody beat the Coalition Alpha Jo Squad we to find out very shortly but we have lots of racing on its way well we do indeed have lots of racing on its way and I think this is going to be a phenomenal Story by the end of this race today because vasin and Kaminsky well they’ve been on form so as Jones and Talbert well nudson is returning to that form having regular top five positions again but Hayden pucker one of the New Riders into category one over the last month or so been picked up and coached by Zack net one of our other Riders finished six last week for nominal racing but Kaminsky to take the win last week did indeed set a a PB so he is seriously on form vasin well we know he’s on form as well second last week to his teammate from Coalition alaor Johan noren put in a strong ride last week to finish fourth Mikel PL Ro to finish fifth in fact he was second the week before to Kaminsky in belg this course might suit him you know it may well do I it is a very interesting course it in some ways is very similar to Belgium yeah but with a a relatively steady start then a couple of big climbs the biggest climb being the first one and then we rolled through a little flat session a relatively long flat session uh which is uh about 14k and then into those Hills at the end but I It’s Tricky isn’t it with it being new to a lot of these Riders I think they are going to really find these very very interesting races because they’re not used to how everybody’s gonna perform now olle Jones one man he has arm warmers on how cold is it where olle Jones is well where think about where he is well okay he’s in the other side of the world from where I am at the moment yes if you drew a straight line right through the center of the globe it probably come out pretty much in his back Garden might him come out in his garage uh and whilst it is allegedly summer here uh in France at the full speed event Studio despite the rain and the the Grim winds and the No Sunshine bit it is meant to be summer which means it’s going to be winter right over there and therefore arm warmers is the order of the day uh even one of our regular Riders who we uh have seen racing regularly part of the tactic race quad Megan Boyd who has been spending a year in New Zealand I think it’s the first time she’s done a long ride uh indoors Z sports for a long long time she did two and a half hours the other day on the bik because it is grim weather well it’s not I tell you something it’s not going to take OE Jones two and a half hours to complete this race course today coffee 45 kilometers of racing 532 meters of climbing they are going back to the old Tel morie route but the men used to race the telm route in laps but they’ve only got one lap of the 17.9 kilm of that TM route today and that is the last 17.9 kilm of this course they have indeed got to go over the aquarium climb and the leea desert climb before they hit that section and let me tell you something climb one the aquarium climb and clim four the telm June climb have the same amount of height Ascent 111 MERS today but the aquarium climb over 3.2 km the telar June climb over 1,000 M and that means it’s a sh sharp kilo effort one kilometer or be at 10% and that will suit a sprinty rider will it suit Henry East or Ben Kirk because they are hard kicking fast Riders interesting to see Michael nudson there responding to a move that had been made by Michael Kaminsky coming in in third place but all those times pretty close together and real mix of colors great to see all four jerseys represented in the top four four positions categories 1 two three and four just in with Michael nson at the moment he’s tucked in this pack he is the rer who came through in those yellow jerseys but we’re just in watching this group as another rer stretches their legs off the front again this time through it’s maritz R who has gone for this he’s opening it up go through the Sprint everybody relaxes that’s the time to put in your attack and R now on the attack starting to stretch out the Gap he’s got it to two seconds is he going to see a response at the moment the answer is no the nearest Rider two Jason osor doing 3.9 now 3.3 watts per kilo R almost doing double that Wilson now comes through this group are just rolling through behind R has a gap he’s opened up the distance Category 2 though well they are already well down the road one big bunch at the moment as category one make the way in through town with r now continuing to push is opening a gap they’re the Riders on the left of your screen right hand side 7.6 kilometers in now the Riders here you can just see we’ve got Mr X100 and Peter mostic two of the animators of the racing last week right up at the front here and winding this up they are giving it some serious stick here Emma to say that we are basically at 7K we know that the aggressive Riders Miss X100 Peter mostic on the front giving it gas making it hard the rest of the group are very wary of that they know the danger of letting these Riders go H I don’t want to give anything away from last week but if I said to you that we had a group of riders away that leaves it quite wide open but it was a great great aggressive race from start to finish are we going to see the same again hold on category two we start with 48 Riders and we’ve got a group of riders away you’re not giving anything away are you really no I’m trying not to but I do think we are going to see this become a much smaller group but I think it’s going to suit a number of the riders in this Category 2 race field so Walter foret Hernandez goodle uh may all in here Linda Millis STI is in here as well so is James Harvey uh all coming towards the front of this group I think this is going to be really interesting now what is interesting is the Riders attacking here R going for this here in category one Moritz RIT at the front of category one Hayden pucker responding uh they are on the Chase and on the move at the moment saffra Kaminsky now nine LS per kilo because it’s a long stretch on this category one group they’re just on this over pass at the moment it’s not steep but it is one of the short sections where the Riders can punch and push off of the front to uh stretch the legs shall we say of the Riders behind so the Riders well and truly starting to rip it up as go over the top with the climb in category one how many riders were they’re on starting line of cat was 30 something 31 riders today so big Fielding category one 31 Riders from 17 Nations there you go so that is that’s a real spread of global Riders Hayden pucker here from the United States of America I bet he wants to go one better he will want to take it and this could be his course we we saw he’s got a great kick on him hasn’t he and it’ be really interesting to see if he can replicate his performance from last week but every week that goes by he’s SP got more time on the platform he’s got more racing time on here as well and I know we talked about wrecking and looking at it and training on it but nothing beats Racing for and I have to say the number of riders who have been in not just familiarity out the number of riders who have been in touch with me to say they have never been as fit as when they have cons consistently race the Sunday race club you know it really does it is hard it is meant to be hard but it really brings you along right from the elite level Riders who say they are on absolute phenomenal form and you know gaining four or five% in terms of that form right the way through to category three and category four Riders who keep coming to us with phenomenal stories about Improvement because of the choice to race a Sunday race club it’s so so tough and what I love about it is that everybody just takes it on and gives it absolutely everything now category 4 they’ve already made their way out of the lowest point on the course today we actually dropped down below sea level into the base of the ascent we’ve done the first part of that we’ve gone above sea level now and we are onto the climb mark dadson leading his way on here the top of this climb while it comes at 15 am I correct that no it’s not at 15.4k it’s got to be fur it’s got to be on the second climb here my goodness they are absolutely fine I’m going to take that back should I do a quick rewind they are currently they have gone off the low point of the course they are on our second climb at the moment they are not quite over sea level at the moment because they are on the Lea desert climb now this climb here is the climb that I have previously talked about being really really decisive but not get it own categorization it has now congratulations to the lewood desert climb on now being a categorized climb on my wosh can I just say Ben Kirk showing us in his picture how hard it is to stay with this leading group in category four and how hard our Riders are working Kirk you know we know he is a strong strong Rider regularly up there in the Sprints he’s got a kick he’s got the effort he’s right at the front of this leading group but 30 plus Riders were still in this leading group at the top of the aquarium climb you can see on the bottom left hand corner of your screen Riders are indeed getting distanced on this second categorized climb today and we will see where we go in category 4 well this is where we’re going in category two we are going on an attack with Olivier Simmons and X100 Simmons really pushing on here this is one of those small Rises it’s just shy 3% at the moment on this course we said it is a continually changing gradient with the four major climes there are some minor climes along the way but Simmons and X100 ensuring the pace Staying High this Category 2 Pace today Matt has been quick from the start and it’s animators of the racing that’s making that happen Simmons mes 100 m Sprat they’re on the move at the moment they’re at the front you can see how deep they’re digging they’re in the Red Zone we’ve seen these attacks come time and time again and this for me is what I love about Category 2 it’s a tight category I think those Dynamic boundaries have been squeezed on through and they don’t take up much much space but it’s packed it’s absolutely full of riders now big dive to the right hand side there by Mr X100 got to remember that when you’re on my wish you can steer to break the draft so you can go from the right to the left hand side just press those Arrow buttons it will take you across the road and break the draft to the right as behind it encourages this aggressive attacking racing Mr X100 currently at 12.1k he is now on his way onto the aquarium climb the first of our climbs and the longest but the shallowest o you mean that as an a gradient rather than a personality type how can a I was about to say how can a climb have a personality CL have a personality think they do they’re usually mean and nasty but yes they do indeed who will be able to get the better of our clim while at the moment John Brun s nicely in with this group tucked into the pack making sure he’s nice and smooth look look at him there focused on the bike just keeping those revs tapping over nice and relaxed in those arms and shoulders at the moment as well and that’s what I love about seeing our Riders you can see how relaxed they are if you’re watching me on this climb I would be trying to snap the handle bars off the bike there’d be no relax to me he this is how good Brun is and how good this race field is they are sat there and they are working hard they’re going very very quickly and yet they’re still looking relaxed very efficient definitely w Graves kinsky Heeney Sprat may all towards the front of this race Ross foret is up there as well and you know what I think foret is going to be great to see him come back into form now when Ross foret is on form phenomenal Sprinter indeed we saw that in the mywo $1 million prize fund Championship the mywo championship just over 12 months ago yeah it was I think it is uh I got to try and remember back when it was all those stages packed in eight seven stages cross eight days do have a look back at that a lot of the rows today we actually did use some of those RADS uh in the Championships but of course it all looks very different now category one flying through at a reasonable Pace but they’re not exactly suers Sonic there Mr Kaminsky eighth place yeah so East and Simmons from category 2 taking the first two spots in the Sprint 13.53 2 of a second for Henry yeast Pino from cat three merry Kirk and Amer from category 4 cillo from Category 3 then Kaminsky the first category one Rider in eighth then we have kahal and Montoya from category four rounding out the top 10 eight pack field now let’s dive in with category three keeping us on our toes today and they are also on the Le desert climb 21.6k into this route comes the Summit and they are steadly slowly you making the way through the category four rounders category four leaders so right hand side of your screen at 22.6 15 15 riders in that League group 15 Riders went over the top of the desert climb together in category 4 bearing in mind it was 30 Riders at the top of the aquarium climb at the top of the leea desert climb 15 it’s been hared yeah in fact look at thee so Stan valvum is the rider chasing on he’s in 16th Place at the moment and I think he’s going to catch so 15 become I was leaving that nice and quiet there so had a dramatic pause will he make the catch 15 become 16 he does predictions are doing better than mine today I can tell you if you watch the women’s you’ll know that so 16 Riders now in the leading group of the category four race they’re at 23.2 km into this 45 km race and from the top of the leeward desert climb 14.4 kilomet run to the start of the tel Marie climbing section and that section is grim I I’ll tell you the horror stories of riding if you like short sharp steep clim I like short sharp steep climbs when I’m on form and I am bossing the group because then you know that you absolutely flying now bossing the group at the moment Olivier Simmons at the front of Category 2 another of our familiar names with me crnich or Walter Harvey Brun and Co we going to see mistakes 100 I can see the helmet to the right hand side of the screen left hand side of the bunch with the red stripes on there as they make the way up here van he in here Maas van a regular on the my Sunday race club a man with a good kick on him and he’s a good climber as well this could be a side caradine in fact there we go Matas on our screens at the moment out of the saddle there kicking down on those pedals driving them round and at the moment nicely tucked in the front of this pack he’s working well to keep that pace to keep that pressure on to hold himself into to the pack but we’ve got a flyer we got one Rider starting to push as they come up towards the top here and it’s going to be mwit now does mess M so fancy his chances today he wants to break this group down he’s gone on the attack he wented over seven wats per kilo he’s already open four seconds on Simmons behind so this is a big kick from somebody who we know loves Punchy race group I was going to say you really don’t want to let him go and the category two regulars will really know this in fact Olivier Simmons is doing the chasing mattius vany is there as well Ross foret cast a May Simon Walter Nicholas Sprat they are two seconds back and they are pushing and pushing hard because they don’t want to let him go it’s a big big group of Category 2 riders for me this has got to be the closest matched group on the road because look at the volume of riders coming up the aquarium climb behind it’s massive it’s a huge group at the moment as they make the way up here and they’re going to go underneath the banner the leaders go through that is Simmons going through with van he along with M which at the front there they’re on the way over the top and into this very familiar said anybody who’s been with us regularly will know that you come around this right hand sweeping turn it’s a slightly step downhill so you got to keep pushing and watch your pace on the way down you can’t just relax because there’s a couple of little sections where you got to be right on the ball as you go in and through casri two over the top right hand side of your screen 65 headed for 70 kmers an hour they’ve just broken 70 kmers an hour marker left hand side of his screen they’re on the climb they’re doing nearly 40 km an hour as they came onto this climb they’re still heading at nearly 40 km an hour your category one group of riders I’m going to call this the main group looking pretty quick at the minute well three Riders distance off the back of this leading group in category one in category two on the right hand side the three Riders you can see away at the front 25 riders in that chasing group 25 25 riders in that chasing group lot of energy Simmons have got 25 Riders chasing behind at the moment there’s not 25 riders in the leading group in category one but it is still a class group The Yassin n Thompson s e e e so all four groups of riders on your screens at the moment apologies for the Dropout there somewhere in the software it decided it didn’t like what we were saying maybe like to maybe we’re just talking about too much coffee and cake and ice cream how could anybody not list to the Sunday race club even if you are a piece of software you should know that the Sunday race club is the place to be because the riding is hard the racing is fast and these four categories are giving it its giving it their all I should put my brain in G but crawl is on the front with n of the category One race category two well menit X100 and Van are pushing on but the Gap is just two seconds to the chasing group and it’s a big chasing group category one now coming towards the top of the aquarium climb nudson is right at the front here so is saffra and Wilson Kaminsky and Osborne are all there so is Kristoff craw he is leading them out that’s the polka dot banner and he is pushing for it hard they are fighting to stay in this group but it is a big big group of category one Riders and we’re going to take a look at the results coming through on the aquarium climb for me to do a double check of how many riders are in the leading group N 19 19 a huge group there going through K Kaminsky nutam buland and Osborne the top five over the top of the first climb of the day as em said it is the longest in terms of distance but it is tied in terms of height because of course we know that we have coming up at the end that sting in the tail T mariba June climb and actually between our last two climbs there is another climb in there uh that Emma has our stats on we will bring you those when we look at the profile next uh but we’re on to The Descent here and this is a tricky decent you don’t want to get this wrong because if you get this wrong and your distance you’ve got this to follow a category uh to leader M at the moment well he had everything right going over the top of the climb he’s attacking again he’s on the move at six watts per kilo and at the moment he is riding well on the leea desert climb he’s on that very distinctive Goro as they head out from that depression the lowest point on the course today actually below sea level it’s about I think by my Reckoning about 30 meters below sea level uh you start off on this climb before you then Ascend all the way up to the top need a step climb as well big section at start small section at the end we had around 28 Riders going into the base this climb together in category two and you can see the stretch now on that group on the bottom left hand graphic here because MTZ is doing the danger doing the damage should I say uh danger for bangston Walter Harvey X100 grav mtic van who are in the chasing group but the chasing group is not 25 as we saw before with the three leaders they all came back together now it is menaka it’s out front and Anders bangston part and parcel of this group chasing so bangston in the chasing group we’re going to see how they get on as they make the way in and through can’t quite believe that we have already covered 20 km of the 45 km of racing we have seen some incredible action already packed in into categories 4 3 2 and one and as these Riders make the way around in all these race categories they are spread out on the road left hand side of your screen in the yellow category one at the moment 17.9k Category 2 in the green at 20.8 kilm Category 3 in in blue 26.7k and category 4 the furthest down the road they just approaching the marker which will mean a 2/3 of the way through the race course they’ve still got a little way to go till they hit the start of the tarie climb at 34 kilometers oh they have indeed but let’s just do a quick check on the leea desert climb because category 4 and Category 3 are through the leea desert climb polka dot Banner at the top uh so sari rbor sir and Connell cman the top five Riders setting the fastest times through for category three in category four Mery posted the fastest time from Edwards kaval Roy and Van velligan and that was on the climb preceding the Sprint we’ve just seen category four go in and through and it’s a long time I think before we’re going to see Category 2 mate there but not as long as it was at the start of the race of gaps coming between all of our race groups of Leaders with category one slowly catching two two catching three and three catching four that compression means hopefully we’ll be get to show you all of the results as we come in through at the moment though Category 2 up over the top of the leea desert climb the next group over the top Emma can you run us through the uh the runners and riders in category two over the top there well I can tell you that one when MTZ came through in first place uh leading the category 2 race he didn’t set the fast is time up the climb in Category 2 Carlos spena taking the top spot in terms of the time with Olivier Simmons and Nicholas Sprat they were in the chasing group but I can also confirm that 22 Riders are in that leading group so 22 riders in the leading group uh and in fact all 22 just about going faster wow so the chase is on in category two category one have got to get there they’re on to the climb though so they’ve come through the low point of the course and now on to the ascent here that you can see that they’ve gone through that polka dot banner and they are now on to that selfsame climb they are chasing the riders in Category 2 they’re at 19.8 kmers just 200 meters into this climb they have to get to 21.6k to reach the summit of this climb and this is particularly brutal this climb because it is a two stage first part is long the second part comes after enough of a flight section to totally jelly your legs if you’re not a bite Road and you want to know what that feels like run up a flight of stairs and then run try and run across the landing at the top and then go to the next flight of stairs and do that a few times you’ll find that the landing suddenly feel very weird that is because your legs basically turn jell that change in the amount of pressure that you need to put on the pedals is very similar to that change in the force required to propel yourself upwards and that is what can catch out the Riders now nikel planto currently working hard certainly looks pretty warm there taking those pedals around nicely he’s in France at the moment just out the Saddle Again kicking down once again as he makes his way into the group he’s trying to hold the back of the group he’s in the mix here and we’re centered in on him he wants to stay in contention he doesn’t want to let people like pucker like T but like Kaminsky and CW go there in front of him but he’s making his way up and through this group nicely sting here so plant at the moment in the mix this group Emma is flying and we are shedding Riders we are shedding Riders Frank Thompson in difficulty at the moment off the back of that group so uh category one really pushing on now 20.7 kilometers they’re around 800 meters off the top of the leea desert Sprint and this is that climb before the long transition into the T Marie section so left hand side of your screen the category one Leaders with a little bit of distance left in the leea dist climb before they reach the top meanwhile in Category 2 you can see that it is all action yet again we are seeing fractures we are seeing breaks indu with gra six seconds clear two of our really aggressive Riders up the front for me the biggest surprise that we not see Mr X100 in that mix well I know at the moment so Graves and mil Graves and menowitz sorry uh in the front two at the moment being chased and chased really hard X100 part and parcel of that chase but so is van he Millis Kan Simmons kinsky all in the mix here Chay Haller is there too so the ride and the race full bore in category two two Riders down the front 20 Riders chasing so big chase on on in Category 2 in category one the aggression is paying off though they come to the top of the climb here they go underneath the banner and we have lost two Riders out of this group we’re going to get a good idea of how many riders are left ases it go over the top Emma watchs the scores on the doors so 16 riders in the leading group closely followed by Ricardo pen he is the rider doing the chasing so 16 riders in the leading group in category one Kaminsky and vasin setting the fastest times up the CL Osborne craw nudson planto saffra ad Martins parid Dean noren rounding out the top 10 Josh Wilson OE Jones VI Al May Hayden pucker Zack n and David tolber all also in that leading group so the leader Kaminski in terms of time as he went up that climb as you can see at the moment though this group spread across the road Kaminsky wearing that polka dot skin suit of the climb leader he’s taking the maximum number of points that he can so far but remember these are only two out of four climbs today now back with Category 2 Phil Grace and mass mwit are continuing to push here this is a big big squeeze on by then they have currently 13 seconds back to Linda mostic and Nicholas spr Anders bankson the leading riders in the Chase and the chase is starting to put pressure on on the group here we’re starting to see little gaps open we’re starting to see who really is worried about Graz and MTS off the front and motoring and this is where it’s going to be really really important for the Riders to pay attention get Gap yeah you get but this the Gap is big and it’s growing but for me the big worry is if you’re in that group behind you’re caught on the wrong side of a gap in that group it’s going to be even harder to chase down I’ll tell you what it’s going to be hard to chase down and that is an attack here because this is category four and this is the tel Mor climb the Sunday race club well we’ve missed you T Marie we really have I haven’t I haven’t missed riding it I have missed watching it I must admit and I tell you something uh my memories back of watching the racing and calling the racing here uh it is an absolutely light years apart I mean it was great fun then uh apart from the fact I was following Riders up and over at the moment all following Brett M Mery Michael V heading and Robert Edwards they the three Riders on the front a little bit of a gap that’s being closed down by rapael Montoya s vanam and Alex West going well Geronimo bedya just trying to hold positioning at the moment but it is Miguel vanhan who is working at the front and setting the pace here now one of the hard things here is this climb comes you dip down into it you’re rolling in and it very quickly changes to this incredibly steep yeah it is exactly it’s like the beef for Bank you can see how consistent the gradient is up the face of this climb it is incredibly tough we then drop down we’ve got another two climbs one of which is uh categorized as a category for as is this H personally I think they should both be horse category climbs these two because they H so so hard but at the moment Mel van haling is making this look easy he is jamping his way up this climb and behind him they’ve given away 5 Seconds right hand side of your screen category 4 left hand side Category 2 and it looks like Mr X100 has had enough of waiting he is off he wants to try and get them back but at the moment he’s just Towing the group up there well I think that’s what’s going to happen here because menowitz and graves are 20 seconds up the road on this group of 20 category two Riders X100 we know has a phenomenal time trial effort and could really try and close that gap down but all he is going to do is tow the rest of that group with him so the question is do you tow and close the gap or do you leave two out front those two no don’t leave them anywhere don’t let them go anywhere oh no leave them in a coffee shop oh no no no no and I tell you m X1 is goingon to be feeling good here because he knows what’s coming up very very much so I know he knows what’s goinging up because I’ve actually ridden on the clients coming up with him and taking an absolute pasting off him when we went out them he just rode off into the the distance with the SS well I’ll tell you who is riding off into the distance and that is Mikel vanhan at the moment in category four Robert Edwards is doing the chasing with rapael Montoya Stan Van Venum is there as well as Ben Kirk bedya is there as well mcy now off the back so that category four race into the tmie climb the damage is now being done and they’ve got just over 10 kilometers to go so over the top your leader is going to be van hon who takes them over he’s got a slight Gap 4 seconds to Edwards B in the mix as well but this is going to be a real battle in all of our race categories category one two three and four category 2 the one on your screen uh in the main screen as you can see Olivier Simmons jumping onto the wheels of Mr X100 so Simmons in the polka dot skin suit making his way onto X 100’s wheel that he knows that this is a good wheel to use to get across but so does everybody else and at the moment it’s a long train of Rider Strong behind the locomotive pulling it along that’s Mr X100 in pursuit of Phil Grace and messic mwit but both MX and grace are both working and that is why they’ve got 26 down 27 seconds of Gap you can’t just leave this pursuit to one rer you are going to be in trouble and we have got some big big Hills to go go now Category 3 they are currently at 34 km they just hit the start of the climb they’ve gone through the banner this is for the tarie clim that we just saw category four leaders go over the top how will they approach this there is only one way it’s flat out well it is flat out at the moment and look at the size of that group 18 yes you heard me right one8 Riders 18 Riders still in the mix here in Category 3 at 34.2 km there’s not 18 riders in the mix in this category One race at the moment though well there are still some strong strong Riders at last count we had 16 riders in the lead but at the moment we’ve got Kaminsky and noren charging off the front so the attacks are on Johan norren a man who we know can climb well he can climb when it gets steeper as well he’s on the attack he wants to break this down he won’t want to take this big group of riders in and look at noren he’s out of the saddle that a jersey blowing with a fan across him at the moment he really is working hard here but he’s doing damage to the Riders behind they’re having to push to stay with him and you can see just how hard he was working he has caused some fractures here so there have definitely been some sore legs inflicted on the Riders there by Johan noren who’s right in the mix in the middle of this group he is indeed right in the mix and this group pushing on here they’re now on The Descent they’re at 27 km into this 45 kilometer race this is the leading group in category one and they’re working their way through the back markers in the category two race at the moment Jason Osborne now pushing onto the back wheel of noren so noren and Osborne one and two at the moment it’s just fractions of a second uh between the and the rest of this category one group but they are continuing to motor they are transitioning at the moment from the Lea desert climb to the telm climbs and that’s Kaminsky on the screen that’s got to be one man who is really looking forward to S short sharp efforts oh maybe he’ll let you know afterwards was he looking forward to it Mel were you looking forward to it or were you thinking this could be very very entertaining and maybe I’m not looking forward to it quite so much we will see what he comes up with at the moment though he has got that polka dot skin suit as the climb leader as Michael nudson now starts to respond to Yohan and Jason Osborne being on the front and on the attack because at the moment you can just see that nudson and Kaminsky are going to make their way in and across the G Martin Marts he’s not all that far behind either this is going to be very interesting group on the front so the group breaks and reforms in category one everybody wants this they know that 28.4k they are over half Race distance and further down the road we’ve got just as an enthralling a battle in category two at the moment because we have Massi when dewitz player at the front he has got company in the shape of Phil Graves two incredibly classy Riders on the front the chase behind mind well we seeing some familiar names m x 100 in here mostic in here Simmons in here krnich in here but at the moment they are not making a positive impact they are over 30 seconds down the chase is on our two leaders are clear they are taking it to everybody else they’re at 32 kilomet and it won’t be long till they’ve only got 10K to go well I’ll tell you something two Riders clear 19 Riders chasing in this category two race they may be coming up to the 10 km Mark to go but that will indeed signify them going into the bottom of the tel Mar climb at 34 km is an 800 meter climb with an average gradient of 10% they will then come into an uncategorized climb but let me tell you that’s 800 meters with an average of 6.4% then they drop off of that and then they head into the tarie June climb one kilometer 10% average gradient then from the top of the tal Marie duw climb it’s a 5.3 km run to the finish line but with a little kicker in the middle 1.6 kilm with an average gradient of 1.5% which may not sound like much but well if you’ve got dead legs from those earlier climbs you are going to feel it so it looks on like the sting in the tail the end of this race is going to sort these Riders out approaching the Third kilometer marker comes our category one lead group at the moment however and it is a big however this group are making the way in through the Sprints they have got Henry een here who is kicking on he’s wanting to kick through to try and make sure that he is going to get as many points for the Sprint Jersey as possible he’s taken that Sprint Jersey well done to Henry Henry is going through with the fastest time in category two he has got the fastest time overall 14.19 he’s ahead of Olivier Simmons bener leading the category 4 level racing Squad uh teleporting his way into third place then we’ve got M and gra the two attackers in category two going through in fourth and fifth the first category one Rider is Hayden pucker going through but given that it’s at 5.5 watts per kilo that is not a Sprint that is a very careful ride by pucker yeah it is indeed it’s a careful ride because he is in a group of 16 Riders so still 16 Riders I can confirm in the leading category One race pack wow when was the last time we got to 30.7 kilometers into the Sunday race club and we still had 16 riders in the leading group in category one it was 28th of February on no I have no idea that was absolute Bobbies I was just making it up I have no idea when the it’s not that unusual it’s not that unusual I do think I do think though it’s going to make it very very interesting as we come into the very last part of this now Emma you’ve gone through some of this in detail uh for us on the course we’re going to take a look in deta even more detail in a second so um get yourself ready for that at the moment are four groups of riders a quick summary on your screen for where they are at the moment moment they are running from 31.3k right the way up and through to what is fast approaching 40 kilometers covered this is tough stuff out here on the back end of the course Emma take us through from the 34 kilometer marker where we’ve had a little dip into the telie climb right the way to the Finish take a look our little bike rider has a problem even getting over them so at 31 kilometers which is where our current leaders in the categ One race all they are coming into the telar climb 800 met of climbing at 10% and then you can see we drop off and we transition into an uncategorized climb that is 800 meters with an average gradient of 6.3% straight into the Tar June climb there is no transition it is down and it is straight up 1,000 M 10.06% average gradient it is so steep they then drop off of that and then roll through into the small climbing sections now that small climb well I say it’s a small climb the one before the Finish Line That’s 1.6 kilometers with an average gradient of 1.5% but they will feel it then they come off of that and it’s a flat run to the finish line now our category four Riders are heading towards well they’re not heading towards they are on the T Marie June climb and you can see look at that Robert Edwards resplendant in the polka do skins suit in category 4 he’s the current leader on the road he’s the current leader of category 4 and they are strung out behind him 14 Riders were in close contention in category four that’s 14 riders in one very long line back down the tarie June climb Robert Edwards at the four now has 13 seconds on Van velum so category four right hand side of your screen approaching the top of the climb left hand side of your screen there this is the move in category three we just saw Golden Boy in his polka dot skin suit he’s looking to take it away another week he’s already got two weeks in a row he’s looking to do the same again this time round and take a Clean Sweep with the first three qualifiers in the polka do skin suit but he’s got to make it up this climb this is incredibly tough stuff now one of the things that has been retained although the graphics have all changed we still have got the tent at the side of the road we still got the same wildlife but we’ve got much much more detail of what is out and around our Riders Robert Edwards over the top you can see descending on a 10 and a half% gradient he’s about halfway down that descent on the other side though on the climb you can see IO sh at the moment leading from Rodriguez they moved the way up in to 20 second fastest Rider on the road at the moment 20 second on the road they’re going to move up a little bit more as they’re catching category four Riders there on the left hand side of your screen the lead in category 4 right hand side of your screen that Gap nearly 30 seconds back to the Chasers in category 4 in category three left hand side of your screen you can see that ivos Shaw is in with a group of riders you got Rodriguez you got square lari and Co all looking to take this on and take this away Edwards though on that run down right hand side they move to the bottom of our screen so we can now see category one and two now category one in the yellow big big pack at 33.9k they are about to go underneath the polka dot Banner that will take them on to the start of this climbing section the tarie climb in front of them category two are already well along the course still seeing that attack by gr and dakait paying off but at the moment category one what’s going to happen we are on to the second to last climb in terms of categorized climes in terms of actual uphill sections this is one of five this is going to be tossed off now now a man who is coaching Riders to better and better performances looking to take away a win he’s working hard in category one in category two the chase behind while Mr X100 still driving here he wants to pull back Phil Graves and Massi mandaka wtz the two old adversaries Graves and X100 back in battle once again out on the tell Marie but Junes it’s like being back in 2022 well it might be but the group is getting smaller we had 21 riders in total in category two between the two Breakaway Riders and the 19 Riders chasing I think we’re looking a little bit more like we are were around 13 Riders now including the two away well let’s see who will get there will anybody make the Junction it’s 23 seconds the gap between our two leaders in Category 2 on the left hand side of your screen mass m one of our real aggressive Riders loves a punch of course he’s got grav with him as well then on the right hand side of your screen you’ve got the man leading the chase Mr X100 at the front of a long train of riders all trying to stay on his wheel as they hit that 37 kilomet marker remember this race is 45 kilm in total there are going to be fireworks as they come in and make the way in along now the first rise as you come along where Mr X100 is at the moment you go along over the river over the Oasis here and then it climbs and this is nasty he’s dropped me on here before and then we go down the far side and he kicks again he’s dropped me on there as well this is Mr X100 territory it’s Jason Osborne territory as well because we know he loves this course he used to win on this course regularly on this part of the tar as I said earlier we were doing laps s now we come into it at the end of the race just to spice things up they’ve gone over the top of the climb and look at that no surprises the leaderboard is full of yellow jerseys yeah 10 of them in total so vasin Osborne saffra Kaminsky Martins noren n Jones plant and crawl they are the first 10 Riders up and over in category one and they are the 10 fastest times on the tmie climb today wow fast time 25.95 2 59 and5 that is a very fast time up and over the top there and you can see they’re picking up the speed already heading for 60 km an hour Marco they’re getting into the steeper section now so it’s only going to rock it up even more category one the last of our leading groups on the road at the moment on the left of your screen at 35.7k at 43 .2k you can see Robert Edwards has a wait for this 402 40 seconds at plus Gap to the Chasers behind but it is a big bunch of riders I make that I think that is going to be five Riders behind him that’s bedya van hering Montoya vanam and am mer they are the five Riders behind Edwards one of them is going to lose actually five prize places remember at the top of each of our race categories so Edward’s on the right of your screen the leader in category four left hand side of your screen ivos Shu who we saw attacking and kicking on hard over the top of the climb as we came in and through looking good at the moment but he has got company he’s not sing into the Finish like we see him from Robert Edwards at the moment the man from Wales with that Welsh red dragon on at the moment making his way around that long right hand Ben he will drop down again and then he’s on his run in to Wars the finished meanwhile Bo a chasing behind here this group behind need to find something special it’s a big gap to pull back 34 seconds at the moment on the screens to Robert Edwards can they do it it’s one against five well one against five what are the odds there’s 30 seconds in there’s 1.2 km to go well I think that is pretty much going to be a flat 1.2 kilometers M downhill or flat isn’t it because you drop off from the top of this climb which I think is going to be coming up now with 1K to go this is going to be downhill and a and a run in the advantag is with the group they’re not that far behind in terms of distance we talking about 350 M or so in terms of distance but that time Gap is yoyoing up and down at the moment let’s see what it is when they get into the Finish will Edwards be able to take this in it is going to be a run for the line he’s looking for the banner 600 meters now 500 meters to go for Robert Edwards he’s looking to see left hand side of his screen you see the yellow Archway that is the Finishing Line he’s looking for he’s looking for the banner where will it be he knows he’s got a good Gap behind him he will want to make sure he gets there nice and smoothly a long sweeping left hand Bend you come out of into the yellow archways you come across and round and here it comes the UCI Banner he’s making his way to the line it’s going to be a win here in category 4 the first ride at home today from Wales Robert Edwards comes through his time one hour and I think that was about 12 minutes or so Emma it was indeed so 1 hour 12 minutes for Robert Edwards in category 4 this is the chasing group and this is the run for second third fourth and fifth van henigan Amer badya is in there montoyer is in there as well and Matt take us in well it’s going to be van Hanigan who’s going to run for the line he kicked massively there 12 wats per kilo now the response comes behind it’s going to be too late van haing is going to take second place in over the line it’s going to be van velligan coming in in third place they your top three do you have the full results for category four before we go onto our category three run to the line so Robert Edwards taking the win in 1 hour 12 minutes and 45 seconds van haning in second one hour 13 uh van vingan badya AMA and Montoya finishing in sixth so Montoya technically outside that top five he’s going to want to improve on that I’m sure next time we come in this fantastic course here now our next two categories that should be finishing are the category on the right and left hand side of your screen right hand side IO Shaw with Jose Rodriguez a two up Sprint in theory however sari is in the mix as well I think he could well be in there we’re just G to take a quick check yep Nick sari in there he’s in that polka dot skin suit so three Riders IO Shaw Jose Rodriguez and Nick guari going to be battling in the category three race for victory in the category 2 at the moment well the catch has been made and has it been made oh boy has it been made Mr X100 has joined Phil Graves mwit and with him has come the rest of the group however it’s then split back apart again and we now have limited numbers in there I think that’s about five Riders left now so it’s re form it’s come together it’s split apart again five riders in but anything could change because we’ve got that downhill run to the Finish Well we do indeed it is a downhill run to the Finish it’s looking like it’s five riders in category two this is the finish in category three at the moment they’ve got 400 meters to go this is the downhill run in and Rodriguez is making the most of the momentum at the moment he’s going to come out from those Banners at the side of the course you can see the Gantry he kicked early he kicked hard and that season to be the key but sari has watched this carefully ni sari a man who’s raced his course before Way by when he’s going to come through to take Victory sari who takes away the win it’s Rodriguez who takes second and it’s iOS who will take the third spot on the podium well the third spot on the podium going to ivos Su yes indeed I did call him at the beginning of this race now this is the category two win it is indeed this is the category two race unfolding and five Riders at the moment in this leading group Lind mesti is doing the chasing and the charge behind he’s 9 seconds back at the moment but X100 Graves menoit Bon and orina are the five Riders to watch in category two in category one it’s steep steep steep because they’re at 39.4 kilometers they’re on the tmie June Sprint and I tell you something that is still a group together so Kaminsky saff noren osbor vasin are the leading group Martins at 18 seconds so the lead is going to come out from the group who go over the top first on the left hand side they’re very near the summit now on the main screen so at the moment you can see that it is sa he’s going to lead them over the top there you’ve got norin into vess and Kaminsky Osborne all in that it’s going to be very very close Six Riders In Contention as they come up to the top of the climb underneath that t Marie June climb Archway how have they got on well it’s Kaminsky vasin s lady nor and Osborne they your five you can see they’ve gone through and look at the time in and through sub three minutes 251 in fact for every single one of those five Riders the fastest time before that was Anders bengston’s 3 minutes 26 seconds phenomenal 35 seconds quicker up there than the leaders in category two that just shows you the quality of this race field so category one over the top of the final categorized climb they still got that run into the Finish to do at the moment though Phil Grace back on the offensive or is he because it looks to me like he’s backed off here he’s dropped down on the wats pilo he’s rolled over the top I think with just that little bit more momentum and it’s given him a rest look at that he’s gone over the top he’s not thought oh I’m in front let’s go he’s thought about this and he has taken a rest on that downhill has he rested more than the Riders behind I’m not sure there still gaps they can’t afford to relax too much Lyndon mostic and Peter mostic at 10 and 20 seconds respectively down on the leading group so they can’t afford to let them come back because we’ve seen Peter mostic and Linda MOS I nearly was going to give you a giveaway of what happened last week we’ve seen them both kick very very well in the PST now let’s see who is going to take this out of spena here just sitting on the back of the group MX 100 he’s in the mix so is bangston so is M so is Graves remember that this run to the line includes this last little kicker that is going to come in before you run into the finish and at the moment using the in the momentum he takes 106 watts per kilo a little bit of a dig there he’s holding it though we know that he can sit at 5.5 to six watts per kilo pretty much all day long the others need to be so careful now because X100 is capable of winning from here this is 2K from the finish this is the final climb then it’s The Descent and the run into the finish and we know he can use the momentum someone’s got to close this down and menowitz now is closing this down bson is coming too so is Graves they know the danger they cannot let him go he knows this course like the back of his hand he does indeed but can he use it to hit Advantage Ms has used the momentum he’s rolled over the top he’s gone at seven WS per kilo he’s kicking towards the top of the climb he will then be on a solo run down to the Finish hold the two seconds that he has to X100 to Bankston to Graves it’s four seconds to a sper is a sper done for can he get back in touch with mt can he get back in touch with the Chasers it could be that he is in trouble he’s got to keep on pushing Mt leading this out the leading five Riders clear of Peter and Linda mostic who have come together on the road they have a gap over Olivier Simmons who is the man in the polka dot skin suit as the climbing winner after all of the climbs here today on the categorized climes but at the moment coming up menu really is motoring but behind him Mr X100 has not given up here oh he’s just you know what he’s just eased off there he’s going to kick again I think he had to take a breath he worked so hard trying to chase on another big kick coming up here he wants to get back in with mt he’s got four seconds five seconds behind him M at two seconds this is so brutal they’re over the top of the climb they’re into The Descent they cannot relax they know that this is going to be one um momentum and it’s on speed the Finish is round the left hand turn who has got the pace Mt has benefited from managing to catch up with a rider in front but coming up from behind Mr X100 is charging this is our left hand turn we are at 325 M now 300 M they’re ticking Down super fast Miss X100 is going to kick on he’s got to drive straight through now he needs to kick again go straight through the group it’s Round the Corner that is the banner in front of him can he hold off menak bakt surely can see the banner who’s going to kick for the line first this is the race of category to oh it’s going to be mwit who’s going to take it from Mr X100 here on home turf a full collection the yellow the green and the bulka do going to mck MX 100 in two well Phil Graves now pushing on here the Riders here Peter mostic and Lindon mostic coming through as well so Phil gra finishing in three angers bson finishing in four kosur spena finishing in five this is the race between Father and Son for six and looking like Peter mostic is going to take this from Lyndon but he’s not out of the mix yet as he continues to push but no Peter mostic takes that for sixth place today we head back in with the category One race one two three four five Riders still in contention it’s Johan noren who’s taking the lead here in one at the moment is 1.3 kilm to go kaminsky’s chasing saffra is there as well Osborne now a little further back but Johan norren seems intent on taking this today he’s really attacked every time he’s gone uphill norin has put the pressure down it’s been answered though by the man in the polka do skin suit Michael Kaminsky taking that as the winner of the climbs competition here today on qualifier number three on the mywo Sunday race club here in myw world is Arabia we’re on the tarie course we are coming up for a Grand St finish because they are starting to wind this up you’ve got to have momentum you’ve got to have pace and you’ve got to have the speed to make this count bringing a gap back is so difficult noren moves up he ramps up he’s accelerated a little bit 6.7 Kaminsky goes at 7.7 sedes coming at 7 and a half wat kilo they are round this left hand bed is coming very very quick indeed we are now at 300 meters to go as they come into this leftand turn they’re going to come out from the banners there is two Riders on the front norin is just holding behind him and the kick comes from Kaminsky 10 wats per kilo he’s got to keep this going to the line S is not going to answer him I don’t think anybody’s got anything left in his legs Michael Kaminsky takes the win we’re back in tar Kaminsky in the top spot then behind it came down to a photo Johan nor taking away second place s saf G to take third line of jessing taking fourth and Jason Osborne welcome back Jason it’s a top five well it is indeed a top five for Jason Osborne so Kaminsky just taking it from norin 165 of a second there you go you can see those results in front of you Mel Kaminsky from Coalition Alpha Joel taking the win in 1 Hour 3 minutes and 35 seconds1 165 seconds ahead of Johan norin saff in 3776 of a second so all three riders in within one second of each other vasin Osborne planto and Martins rounding out the top seven in category one the results are indeed live and you can head over to my wosh slrs whilst the Riders continue to come in you can indeed great R by Mel plant and Martin Martin and don’t forget you can see them in action again because this is a Brucey bonus month because we have got there you are that’s for the old UK folks out there a Brucey bonus month because we have got four qualifiers this month then we have the final what return to tell Marie what a race rout what fantastic riding good to see some new names and old right in the thick of the action please do make sure you subscribe and make sure you follow my wosh on Instagram and on Facebook give me a follow it is mat fix of pain on Instagram on straw and pretty much anywhere else you get to follow me it’s biking Emma to get hold of Emma please do let us know what you’re up to how the racing was tell us how you enjoyed or didn’t enjoy enjoy the clins on the T Marie part of the course a massive thank you for watching today if you’ve been with us all day if you’ve watched just one of the races a massive thank you to our riders for keeping t a massive thank you to the absolute hero who is our director behind the scenes who has soldered on despite having a voice that sounds worse than our sound break up Midway through the show um thank you very very much sir uh for making the pictures today come out in such an incredible order with such incredible action but from me Matt pay from Emma and from everybody else here at my wosh it’s time for us to say stay safe we’ll see you again soon e

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