I sat down with Craig, Tom and Dan to have a chat and answer some of your Instagram questions. Thanks to everyone who asked something!

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    sweet well welcome back this is episode three of the waffle copter shout out to Eddie Masters for the name um anyway thanks for joining we’ve got Craig Murray Tom pry Dan Booker and myself chair and thanks to everyone on Instagram who’s asked questions we’re going to try and answer them and just chat random so let’s R into it sweet should we should we go chronological question order or yeah we might not be able to do all of them so if it’s a real Rogue one we’ll skip it okay um I would start with you first do a question for you y as the biggest challenge that you’ve conquered so far it doesn’t really say racing or anything but I know some challenges yeah great question um well yeah maybe we just all go and just say a quick thing that we didn’t think we’d be able to do that we’ve done like a challenge we’ overcome um I mean recently oh yeah I could think back to stuff in the past but recently would be last week just being able to race um after hurting my ribs on the practice day that was the biggest recent challenge I’ve overcome um but yeah so I’ll start with that Booker uh yeah biggest racing one for me is probably just having to miss the first few rounds and get back into training when I was kind of ready to come over that’ be the biggest rent one but it’s it’s also been a lot of good things about it too so yeah that’s a good point I’m um interested like what’s it like mentally like having to sit on the sidelines for the first couple races you can just hold it if you want yeah uh mentally yeah it’s definitely hard to hard to sit at home and watch but more so you just got to like adapt I suppose like kind of just very quickly realize that you’re not going to be there and then from there just make new plans and crack on and do some training and what have you been up to inste to keep you keep you busy just been in the cold I’ve been in been in Queen town and just been I don’t have a road bike or anything so just been riding my mountain bike on the road just in a wrist race so but um the I think the the challenging thing about about that is like pushing it with an injury you’re kind of like trying to get better as quickly as you can and then you you want to push it but then you get you push it too far and then you feel like you’re going backwards so you’re like balancing that so that’s a bit of a bit of a challenge to that’s a horrible feeling yeah yeah what about you time oh um challenge recently I know it’s like always just been away is kind of an ongoing challenge so not fully conquered it yet but this trip 3 months away from home is a pretty long time so we’re in the process of that challenge um I know maybe we have to do a repeat episode at some point when the challenge is being conquered but that’s challenge yeah mostly I know I’ve been pretty lucky with getting not getting injured and it’s like my role is a bit different to you guys but yeah that’s probably the thing that I struggle with the most say I’ve could I’ve expansion on that question a little bit for you um like I remember maybe last week the week before you like I know a few things were against you like you had super bad hay fever or was sick or something and then you you know like just having to battle in one day yeah like what what’s your how do you approach that cuz like EI when I when I show up like you’ve always done a mint job but I can’t see what happens behind the scenes so like obviously some days it all goes smoothly some days you feel like everything’s out to get you yeah that day like that day was rebuild day so rebuild day is usually pretty good because I’ve got a routine so I just like because I’m doing everything in the same order at pretty much the same time and like my way I can just kind of block out I just put my headphones in usually I think that day usually I listen to music on REO day just because it’s like quite nice and chill but that I just put my airpods in on noise cancelling but with no music just to like block out everyone talking and all the other stuff going on and I it’s like quite nice cuz I just go in like my rhythm and yeah something that I like really enjoy it’s like quite like methodical it’s not meditation but it’s like therapeutic yeah it is real therapeutic so I know I did like that day was lucky because the work was actually the like distracting factor and then I know I had hay so I said to blow my nose a lot I got a nose bed halfway through the day I was blowing my nose so much yeah see this stuff what kind of music do you usually listen to if you’re like work on the bike with your headphones in or do you just know no music it really depends like most of the time iisten like pretty much every time I listen to music this is like a odd exception um sometimes it would be like rap sometimes it’s Taylor Swift um just like anything just like fully what I feel like on the day I think in Finale I was listening to like country music um sometimes I just put on like I don’t know a bit of Fred again or something just really depends on like what song I listened to a few days ago and be like oh that’s like the mood that I’m in so yeah anything probably like I know do you listen to is when you ski uh sometimes yeah depends like on what I’m doing and if I’m skiing with people or not yeah if I’m just soloing then yeah but always the same or different uh mix it up yeah yeah mood dependent and kind of SK dependent condition yeah true you don’t want to get real hyped if it’s sketchy you have to turn it down a bit sometime yeah yeah be in the Chill Zone yeah what’s your biggest challenge recently say the months um yeah Pro probably like an injury one as well I HT my knee at the end of March and yeah I guess I’m surprised and suck that it’s come right in like two months to do race Leo G definitely didn’t how did you approach it uh got got a lot of help with physio put the head down and like yeah I don’t really like the gym but just went to the gym every day um to get it at least like started and then after a few weeks started being able to bik while doing rehab and then just slowly like trying to less and less Jim more real world IRL I yeah I know a little bit I don’t know the whole thing but I know how hard you’ve been working on your filming this season yeah and you had some pretty epic stuff going on and then you got injured right in the Crux of it yeah like mentally you just always seem to be positive and look forward but I know a lot of people would get really bogged down by that and kind of throw them off kilter so do you have any mental techniques to get over that disappointment um yeah I guess a few I think like the main way I look at it is just you can’t change what’s happened and like focusing on being positive progressing is always going to be better than getting hung up on what could have been or what you’re missing out on and like that’s super hard and I’ve you know dealt with that in multiple aspects of my life but I think being able to channel that in sport and maintain perspective and whatnot is super helpful and I I actually credit some of that to like having good friends and family back home that are like working normal jobs and you know grinding 9 to-5 and I get inspired by them and they’re like work ethic and it also just makes me appreciate like how good I’ve got it and like yeah it’s hard work sometimes but you’re still kind of overseas doing what you love so yeah I find I find focusing on what you can do not what you can’t do yeah is a very big big thing there yeah CU then yeah if you focus on what you can do then you just start like doing what you can you just start seeing progress and then progress it’s positive build motivation and then it’s yeah yeah I think we’ve nailed that one yeah there’s also another one about injuries which we pretty much nailed just in I think as well sweet we could look at a little bit but maybe yeah what what something a bit left field yeah a left field one um there’s a few um Dan dream Drifter Eddie wants to know Eddie uh dream Drifter it’s got to be little Johnny straight out of New Zealand it’s got to be little Johnny what um what about drift wagon what wagon do you like what wagon yeah what car yeah little Cora yeah little Cora let’s do everyone’s favorite car while we get that’s a good idea um TP I I already know you’re car um it depends if we’re going practical practical well my the car that I for some reason always wanted I guess if you’re from New Zealand and it’s like you’re a mountain biker or a skier at some point in your life you have to have an Outback so I’ve got my Outback it’s the first car I’ve had and I’m going to run it until it is completely dead I fixed the boot finally R the 2×4 and that for about two 2 and a half years um but then if I could actually just choose like a that would be like a not necessarily a nice car to have but just one would be like kind of sick is either a 4×4 fet Panda or a Brumby the brumes are pretty cool s’s got a sick one with his bike in it and I was like that’s it’s a good goal but yeah sabaru all the way nice uh in New Zealand um actually Ting and Cole know this one but probably a Carib I saw this they posted this one thing and it’s a carab just with another car loaded on top of it it’s just like so sick uh but yeah I don’t know I love like Suzuki Samurai and all those little ones as well ni um oh probably just old school high loocks just like yeah just good bones great bones or or an old school laners are really yeah big fans of both of those Toyota all the way yeah is your final answer crawler yeah crawler or I’ve got a I’ve got a hux back home and that just won’t die it’ll just go forever so so you’ve got my dream car no one see um Ferrari or Porsche anything I think we’re all on different budget we’re on the mountain biking budget yeah um we could go another like Samy left film one um but we have top three porridge accessories from Sam Evans oh shout out Oat Mills on on Instagram for that top three porridge accessories I’m going to go dates peanut butter oh and banana salad that’s pretty healthy yeah super quick um tiny pinch of salt um some banana and a bit of maple syrup I just go brown sugar cinnamon and um Ginger yeah just powder yeah I just do the powder and just mix it all up it’s pretty good nice simple um probably cream tomato and hot sauce well you do that one I’m going to cook you breakfast tomorrow morning saory I’ve never had a Savory porridge no that’s red hot literally um yeah maybe let us know who answer who asked them too oh yeah that was Sam Evans um we got probably I’m assuming for Booker but maybe maybe Charlie as well um froma Hawks is will you be competing at Hardline 2025 that’s a Booker I think yeah I’d love Charlie yeah Hardline in tazzy this year is probably the most fun event I’ve ever done just like the whole week is everyone it’s not like it doesn’t feel like you’re at a race everyone’s everyone’s working together and you’re like ticking off the features one by one and yeah the racing didn’t quite go to plan for me this year had a a big crash in my finals where I slip my hand off the bars and um can we see on Ina you can uh I don’t think it is but I might have to post it but um yeah I’d love to again what about you uh I love the idea of Hardline I’m not quite there yet it’s more air time about that um but we’ll see but I think probably yeah I would love to but it’s not like a goal right now maybe in a few years um and Wales have you thought about Hardline Wales yeah so I um I got in got invited this year but I got invited the same day I broke my rest so that was that was tough to tough yeah rubbed it in a bit but um I’d like to is yeah I don’t know about that new Canyon Gap if they put that thing in again but yeah I’d like to yeah apparently it’s there to stay from the the sounds of it so heard they got maybe the safety net comes out as well for the next year lot of mini rampers to take off that thing looks sketchy um there’s actually a few dir jump related questions yeah Dan Dan Cleveland has been hounding me for years well pretty much when I started working with Charlie and the veil got plowed my jump career plummeted um it wasn’t really a career but that’s a testament to the veil yeah Testament to the veil um yeah as soon as that thing disappeared I the junk bite got hang hung up and I think I’ve ridden it maybe four times since then and the V was probably been gone for nearly two years um so Dan saying when am I writing it again and probably when he’s next in Christ Church and pretty much forces me to ride it he took me to the skate park when he was back in January and made me do some Bas and stuff and I got a couple shinners um so then Joe was saying when was my last B in 360 and will my dirt jump career ever be resurrected um I can’t remember the last time I spun a jump probably just before the veil went but it’s a bloody good feeling so hopefully it happens again but I’m not holding my breath for it well um we’ll see you on the mul yeah we could do it on the mulchi that involves driving to the bike park with your dirt jump bik yeah and then then you’re kind of locked in you can’t just go and straight A like you’re going to you’re going to go then so I think I’d rather just go pedal somewhere instead and avoid the thought um there’s one more ditch just knock them all out of the park at once I reckon um were those two that oh that’s a one of the pages is mostly you and Craig and one of the pages is yeah well there’s one um there’s one HF uh from Clinton um who would win between Charlie and Craig in a UFC fight I think we might just have to put this to the test this is just anyway it would be a good live stream yeah I’m interested to hear Craig’s thoughts on this but we’ve had some pretty big scraps over the years like recently we’ve had friendly wrestles and then when we were kids we had not so friendly fights what do you think K well I don’t know the rules of UFC so that’s probably an advantage uh I don’t know I mean you got to back yourself but yeah you can’t go into a fight thinking you’re going to lose but this is the problem we both back ourselves we’re both decently strong and we both don’t give up so so who’s more M between the two of you M well probably what it’s going to come down to us we’re both can be quite mry so this is the problem it gets like really we’re having a friendly wrestle at this party a few years ago and we our friends had broke us up cuz they thought we were going to kill each other and we were like no like this is just friendly but yeah so we don’t want to see it really yeah I heard you um sniped Charlie with a shoe for a window at one point and in childhood yeah yeah that still got the scar yeah it was yeah it was a two it’s a two-way street I it was yeah my fault there was a bit of this going on yeah so we had this this game would play basically and we’d come over from shopping with Mom we’re probably like8 and 10 or 10 and 12 pretty young um we come home from shopping with Mom and as soon as the car would pull into the driveway we had like a a front path that came up and across a lawn and then up the steps to our house we would both dive out of the car Sprint to the house the house is always open um so the first one would get in and then lock the door or hold the handle shut so the next person couldn’t get in so either Craig would be inside and I’d be stuck out or I’d be inside and Craig would be stuck out but because I was two years older I usually could get there in front of him um so at one point it had enough and he just picked up the closest thing which was like a bike shoe with a cleat and everything and just smoked it through the glass front door straight into me yeah yeah you don’t want don’t want to see that um but my my modification to that story is I I don’t think I actually ever got inside first I think 100% of the time Charlie beat me in and then actually like would pulling the driveway I wouldn’t even want to race but because he started racing I’d chase him and then I just obviously end up behind him I would unfair Advantage I wouldn’t be thinking about it and then all of a sudden the car’s off and he’s halfway up The Path and I’m like running after him for God knows why He’s just got to wait like 20 seconds and then he’s got to open it for Mom with the groceries probably should have been carrying the groceries true both and then she gets to the house there’s two bleeding kids and a broken door yeah I think crazy modification is accurate I have to admit yeah well anyway that was a good one from Clinton yeah that was that was a good question um um um if a tree falls in the woods and nobody Witnesses it does it happen you’ve got a good answer for this one um yeah it’s probably like blocking off all the trails it’s probably some local hair that hates Mountain bik it’s felted over the trail for you it’s definitely there’s been a lot of trees down and we’ve been trying to move them when you crash into it around a blind corner it’s definitely falling definitely down so yeah trees always down in the woods um this is from John Turin who’s been filming for Charlie last couple of weeks um would you rather do a ews in a full ski kit so I think we’re going not shoes um but head to head to toe including socks and bass layers um or a free wide world tour in a full mountain bike kit i’ definitely do the um definitely do the Mike kit on the snow yeah that’s pretty yeah I agree you get too hot and you just pass out yeah yeah I feel like I’m going to pass out when I race it finale anyways some people do in man yeah yeah and I mean like you know getting the cut off and skiing is all right for a run anyway so yeah I’m sure it’s actually quite quite exhilarating yeah yeah maybe that’s the next ews tactic like skin suits a bandn but I don’t know if skin anyin be pretty Arrow maybe um oh um would you rather do a EDR uro Barefoot or ride the Holy Trinity in the dark from NOS no Davidson I have no idea what the Holy Trinity is but I feel like Yeah The Holy the hly Trinity must be it’s a laugh at Madea I can’t true in the dark I’m going to say the Holy Trinity yeah Barefoot would be barefoot’s just yeah at least you’ve got a chance of not as much pain like that’s guaranteed pain and ews Barefoot but i r down the front steps at our house once on my jump bike and Barefoot cuz I was just quickly going somewhere and instantly regretted it a lot of holes in the bottom of mine I used to work with a guy Hugh Andrews who he would take half of his pedal pins out so he could ride his BMX Barefoot oh like one side so one side would be like a completely smooth pedal and the side would have pins cuz you just ride Barefoot so much that’s actually such a good idea I think the only person who could do the ewsb foot it’s probably be ity yeah it would be ID cuz ity would just go for like a pretty normal ride in like Chandal or BF well dos could be another nearly dos well speaking of jandals writing and we’re Moine in 2019 so the end of every year in Moine they do a bike morine party train down plenty Mainline and you got to dress up um so as 2019 it was end the season and I did that in jandals and uh and just like a open shirt and the jandals are actually pretty good like the jandals on the pedals work really well but it’s the feet and the jandals that are the lacking factor and you got no sport mode on jandals so yeah but the jandal paddle combo is good you like get a good it probably probably flexes into the all the cleton surface so much but the 10% you know 10% on planny that was honestly terrifying just like you can hardly stay on your bike anyway so with jandals it was awful but um good experience and it’s like pretty flowing you just don’t want to clip your feet on a rock yeah um I guess you guys any thoughts on putting down Watts on Flats versus Clips you’re both running the power meters so yeah well I guess this is mostly Booker because he’s yeah most people most people run Clips so what do you think about the flats and pedling iron is fine honestly uh I haven’t I’ve never ever done like a backto back with a power meter or anything thing but I feel like you can put out just as much power but does your Technique is different yeah technique definitely different for for Induro I reckon it’s just pedaling over like rough Rudy stuff is like where you get in to Strife the job there’s no rough Rudy pedaling in Enduro no but I think it sort of like it makes me pedal less which is good because then I’d focus on carrying speed more and like pump through sections a bit more than I’d pedal through them so and you don’t have to ped and I don’t have to Pedal which is always always good I think that’s a good point and I also agree with Booker in terms of the power I think you might lose a little bit but so much of your power comes from the downstroke yeah and the sweep through which you can still do on Flats so like and a road Sprint it’s probably comparable you on endur by anyway the tires are heavy the suspension Bobs yeah so it’s not perfect so I think it’s probably comparable you might lose a little 5% yeah the flats Flats have be making a bit of a comeback in the last few years with Alex Rau as well has been and Alex store Alex store as well yeah Alex St is fulltime on flat so yeah yeah and obviously they’re coming back you yeah I don’t know I think there’s a there’s just they’re they’re a big advantage in some places and then probably a disadvantage in others so it just evens out yeah um kind of you again where’s all your style come from because there’s been a lot of styl recently the crank Works back flip to manual and even just like the little pop out the manual at the end was I watch that clip on repeat so many times just wondering how but um you see a it’s always gold always insane so where all style were you a dir jumper or yeah yeah I just rode H to skate park when I was a kid and I think like that’s where all the manuals have come from because if you’ve ever ridden a hard tail at a skate park they’re not very good for for much you got to do manual up so you just just do that and then yeah I don’t know I just love riding dir jumps and skate parks and stuff as a kid and still do so yeah I don’t know it’s got to be fun yeah I re all the jib the jibs you do are cool like the stuff that it’s not like even just that um wheelie or manual through those gates at um Sky far out how do that take too long I think I tried it I worked out of roughly how many goes that took and because I tried it like every lap of the Season i’ I’d try it and I did 100 something laps and then I and then my mate vaugh who’s the most patient filmer of all time I think he yeah sat there for about 60 60 in a row of me just parking it so yeah was close to just under 200 goes to get it reckon how long did 68 goes take oh it must have been a couple hours yeah and there was one there was one like not very far in where I dropped it on the last gate got all the way through dropped on the last gate and then the next one I dropped on the first gate again so it’s just like bit demoralizing I saw the CP and I was like oh that’s pretty sick fair play and then I went there and I hadn’t seen it went there for the first time with that new gate and I could barely ride through it with two wheels and I was like oh my God the level of respect went through the roof the best the best part of that was someone came through and saw us filming and was taking the piss and just like took the piss riding through the gates then clipped the last one went over the bars Instant Karma clip um while you’re looking for that someone has asked for my history um I guess we’ll keep it pretty short and do they probably want to know the history of how we started working together um so in 2018 and maybe just also where you like um how you fell in love with bikes and stuff like before we were working um I just always worked in bike shops so like when I was in school when I was probably like 15 or 14 there was this one shop in town and I think I asked the the owner that um who was there I probably asked him three or four times for a job I’d just like go in like maybe every six months I’m like hey like can I have a job can I have a job one of my really good mates Logan worked there um he was a unpaid intern for quite a while um but he got a good discount so he was doing that um so yeah eventually the guy was like fine you will get you on so I just worked like shop floor for ages for the summer and then ski season just doing like ski rentals and all that and then finished school worked full-time there just again shop Grom um for a bit and then I came over to Moine for the summer in 2018 was like my first summer out of school and I was here all season just like riding just pretty much peddling every day didn’t ride that much bik Park and I needed to figure out how to get back to the UK so I could get home um and I didn’t have a car I couldn’t drive I didn’t have my driver’s license or anything at that point so and it was already the inter season like the lifts had stopped pretty much everyone had left like you know Moine is like a ghost town at the end of the year so pretty much the only two people left were Sam Shaw and Jamie niichel so I was just I went out for dinner with those guys those two wild characters TR with those guys yeah I got myself some big rides with those guys a couple Bond commissions for sure but um Sam was just like you want to come out for dinner and I was really hesitant because I was so poor at that point like I hadn’t been working I just like saved up money before I left so I was like oh fine like I’ll I’ll come out it’s probably the last one I’ll do um and I was just like saying to those guys like I have no idea how I’m going to get back to the UK and Sam’s just like Oh Come to like these last two ews races with me so it was like Anza in Spain and then finale and I was like that’s the complete opposite direction like that’s not where I need to be go he like no no once you get to finale it’ll be fine like you’ll be able to find someone going back to the UK which he was right I did um that’s a bit of another story and of sleeping outside a train station and a few other fits and pieces but um so I went and he was like oh yeah we’re just meeting up with these two other kiwis on the way we’re going to pick them up from Geneva um and that was you and Tom Bradshaw so still a couple pretty key players in the in the mountain bite industry um so we did those two races it was probably one of the funnest trips I’d done there was a few CS in there we all got food poisoning um yeah poison yeah we had some poison sa we poison ourselves by leaving them in the sun on the dashboard for two days and then we ate them which is a shame cuz it’s like we went to one of Tom’s friends houses and this dude was French and his parents had cooked the most insane spread of food it was like it was honestly incredible and then there the four of us just all with food poisoning I was looking all this food and we just felt so bad cuz we couldn’t really eat that much of it but it was like you could not either cuz it looked so good um so after that went back worked in the same shop was a bite mechanic so it’s like started learning some of the one of the guys there Nigel showed me in the ropes um who he actually worked with Mary like back in the day so it’s like pretty small world Mar is still doing World Cups um and then came back to Europe another summer again I probably saw you at a few races that was the year 81 lazor so I raced that and then came back and when I was just going back to New Zealand I got offered a job in Christ Church which was where Charlie was living at the time and M Charlie and I was like oh I need to find a like FL to live in I don’t know anyone in Christ Church like you were the only person I knew um and he’s like I’m moving out moving with my mate so I moved in with Ramy and Kenji and it was like the rest is history yeah the rest is history pretty much and then um yeah when you needed a new mechanic after your first year wanted someone English speaking um you sent me a message asking if I knew anyone and I was sitting at my desk at work looking at an Excel spreadsheet and I was like please just pick me but I think the day before that I nearly ran into you going down bone Vil you were paddling up and I was coming down and I was like oh maybe if I hadn’t nearly hit you that day you would have like remembered yeah so um that’s how this all started it was just a few right place right time good timing and a few just like need to be somewhere and yeah all kind of worked out yeah put perfect it’s like looking back on it yeah it was kind of like unlikely with how everything was going and then but now it was just the perfect combo yeah it’s pretty funny like I always think looking back to that trip and I’ve still got all the photos on my phone so sometimes I’m just like scrolling through and have a look and seeing your setup and like that would have been your first year probably your third and fourth races cuz you did the two in South America yeah but you’re on your Scot just like ay bike half of the gear was ski gear like probably didn’t really know what you were doing so to like see that part of Charlie’s race career and then like winning races and like being a pretty much consistent Podium Contender now so funny so it’s um it’s like it’s cool to see the whole journey from start to where it is now a very long time yeah and not a very long time either so um yeah it’s cool it’s yeah it feels like a long time like 2018 what’s that six years ago but I guess compared to some of the guys who’ve been there for like well Rich he’s been winning for like 10 years or something yeah yeah but I guess you’re pretty like you know seems like you’ve come a long way in a short time to it yeah yeah I think so I yeah I raced a lot when I was a junior race downhill but then I didn’t I didn’t race for years and then I suppose like came came back into it pretty pretty well like my it was pretty funny like doing my first inur races because the first inur race I ever did was a ews qualifier yeah and then the second inur race I did was e so I was pretty fresh in that and then yeah ended up doing like half a season that was like 2019 and then yeah so similar timing really yeah yeah and then I wasn’t even I wasn’t even planning on racing in Joo I was I I went overseas the first year my first year with new proof yeah went overseas to race crank qus I was going to do a full crank qus yeah and then it lined up for me to do the first ews and and I got I got fif at that one and then I was like I was overseas pretty much like a privateer like I got enough funding to to do it season pretty much but was was it the Scottish one oh yeah that was the Scottish one so yeah I I sort of like I had enough funding to get like pretty much get a van and pay for the race entries so and then yeah after after doing that AWS then yeah njel and new proof guys put me on the team for the rest of the year and then that’s how it sort of like went from that to doing it fulltime so I was pretty pretty lucky just like right time doing well at the right time at the right rate yeah it’s the thing this just right time right place and then talking about people uh learning quickly Craig obviously yeah has been killing it well yeah this year and last year um what do you find like the crossover between Bike and Ski and um is biking something you want to do more of or is it just a bit of a side hobby um I get I guess I get asked out a lot like what’s the crossover between two there’s definitely some similarities there’s a lot of differences as well I think like just having a bit of like disregard for throwing your body down a hill is is probably the the main thing uh yeah I don’t know I I don’t really get enough time on the bike to be able to like uh look down as much like look up as much as I do on skis and stuff so I think if I was doing that there’d probably be like more stuff happening that was similar but I feel like I’m just hanging on a a lot of the time and trying to you got to hand not hit uh hit the ground but uh what was the second part of the question oh you going do more biking or more is it just like something in the offseason for you yeah I mean I I love it obviously uh that’s why I’m here and it’s a good way to hang out with yourself and people like you too so yeah I definitely do as much as possible I guess like my main focus is um in the mountains skiing but yeah where it fits I’ll cram in as much as possible yeah it’s probably good cross training too and Ed and I have a theory which you can either confirm or deny or no comment but we reckon when your feet get off the pedals you’re more comfortable CU then you’re on the ground it’s like you’re scaring yeah yeah that’s a fair Comon yeah yeah do you reckon cuz there’s a slight I know someone else maybe said this Theory at some point but a lot of the times skiing and maybe this is like slightly different to how you actually say it but if you see something and you can’t see what’s on the other side you just hit it quicker to where you can see so it’s like a drop or something like you guys are hitting it for the first time without actually riding it like you’ve seen it from the bottom so when you’re riding does that kind of Link over to be like oh I can see there’s like this drop and there might be Roots but you just go quicker to where you can see and like because you’re so used to not being able to see what’s anyway you just run that from the skiing side of things I think that’s a good point I think that’s yeah that’s probably a thing but like not being like just in the winter I just encounter so many blind rolls that like in viiking I probably should be a bit more worried about on the other side blind roll just opens up the thrott but it’s for sure like yeah if I if I’m coming into something scin I can see like way down there and it looks all good then you’re definitely just like tucking and pop extra hard to go further um just go big or go home yeah much yeah I mean blind rolls aren’t great either way but like you say if you’ve scoped scoped it from the bottom and you think you’re in the right place and that’s the right spot and angle and everything then yeah Ian am definitely more comfortable doing that than a lot of people would say yeah that’s a good point um should maybe two more questions and we let you guys go writing um have a little squiz yeah maybe you have a see if you can pick any more good ones we God there’s a lot of there’s a lot of questions to choose from I know it’s hard it takes a long time to do one question sometimes there’s a there’s a good while you’re looking there’s um how many kilos of pasta do you think you could eat also Dan Cleveland um pasta is yeah in one sitting I feel like you guys you two eat quite a lot I don’t really eat that much how can I be push pushing a kilo M can you have like olive oil salt and pepper uh no a raw dog raw raw dog yeah maybe a KJ kg yeah I think a kg would be a lot yeah Booker kg pasta yeah that’s too much for me life depended on it you got to eat a kg or not oh you could you could probably away that’s a lot like wet wet or dry oh wet wet kg dry kg is like freaking r like kg probably yeah be feeling dense after that yeah I can yeah I wouldn’t want to do a kg but I could if I had to yeah it was life and death you do you do a lot of stuff it was life and death um T we got two questions and one of them’s just going to we’ll just start with this one actually just some general like for someone say a young kid or um someone who wants to get into racing more or just riding but wants to get into what we do like in Juro downhill sort of gravity mountain biking get better at it maybe we’ll just all try and give one piece of advice um for them you want to cick it off TP um I guess I’ll like I’ll go from like my side of the job so if like if someone wanted to be a mechanic um advice you just got to learn like I learned pretty much everything on YouTube I like taught myself I worked in I worked for Day Zero Soul kind of um he just banked me to pretty much run his shop and I knew like all the basics but I didn’t know a ton of stuff and you just like I kind of threw myself in the deep end and just had to learn like if there was no one else there to help fix it if it was broken I couldn’t do it so I just had to learn and I think those I probably worked with him for like 2 and a half years and I learned more than than I probably ever did just like everywhere’s so good now and there’s so much information that you can just go on the website and find it like especially like sham Rock TRS are so good there’s manuals for everything so I’ve spent a lot of time reading through those and watching YouTube videos and yeah if you don’t really try you’re probably not going to ever do it so yeah and that’s just like you either get lucky knowing the right people or putting yourself in the right position to get there which yeah I guess talking to people and you know being there to help people as well like I’ve probably helped quite a few m in the past like fixing things when I wasn’t getting paid for it and then those are the people that maybe in the future go actually like yeah this guy could be could be all right but yeah just learn as much as you can and there’s so many resources now that it’s pretty easy yeah that’s a really good point C do you want to go for it uh sure uh I’d say surround yourself with good people and yeah keep the big picture up above don’t worry about all the small stuff yeah I’m kind of on a similar page I think my main part of advice in any sport is probably um don’t overthink it and just do like you know if you want to get better at biking don’t stress about like all the gym work or the nutrition or the physio stuff that stuff can come later just go and ride your bike and have fun like Craig said with good people people that are better than you is ideal if you can ride people that are better than you is like the number one thing that makes faster and um but just having fun like if you’re having fun and riding your bike you’re going to get better well like you got to want it as well like you got to yeah you if you just like oh you know it would be like nice to be a probike racer or a mechanic or whatever it is like you probably not going to do it if you’re just like chilling but you got to want to do it and like you guys love you’re like super competitive and you love either like going fast or like doing what you do with the skiing and I just love bikes working nice like I probably became doing my job because of like selfish reasons like I just want my bike to work better yeah so you got to like want whatever it is that you’re chasing like fully yeah exactly if you have the passion the rest of the work becomes easier yeah okay okay yeah I was probably yeah going to say similar to you like you just have to keep it fun like as soon as you’re not having fun you’re just going backwards yeah and it’s like that’s why all of us do it like the the reason that I wanted to be a pro biker was so I can ride my bike more like I don’t want anything else apart from just like that’s I just love doing it so that’s lets me do it the most yeah so yeah just keep keeping it fun focusing on just like the little processes I suppose like just yeah try and enjoy learning and like don’t be afraid at sucking at something cuz everyone sucks at something first like it’s funny cuz it’s like lot of I feel like a lot of people say like get really good at racing and then like aren’t very good at jumping or whatever and then because they they sort of like their ego gets into it a bit and they don’t want to go back to basics and try and like learn something that other people seem like they’re doing really easily but it’s like you just got to like put that aside and just like get stuck in and just like Embrace not being good at things no one cares if you’re not no one cares no everyone will be there to help you if you’re like not doing jumps someone will teach you or if you’re like you’re not good at riding in the wet like someone will help you no one cares if they have to wait for you while you’re riding like if everyone’s having fun yeah yeah yeah and then yeah I feel like if you get to like another part is like if you get to sort of like the cast where you feel like you’re kind of at a level where you feel like you could probably go professional start telling people that you want to yeah cuz people like people love to help and it’s like I know if yeah but they might not know they might not know and it’s like there’s this whole thing where it’s like you don’t want to for some reason you don’t want to tell people that you want to be Pro you want to sort of stay it’s cuz kiwis and Aussies are humble and they don’t want to put themselves out there in case they don’t go pro yeah yeah for they want to admit to the world that they care a lot about it yeah maybe but then like you miss out on so many opportunities because people don’t know well put yourself out there then basically yeah put yourself out there yeah I think we na that um yeah well I’ve got one more for TP and then we’re pretty much good but a lot of people want to know um the differences between the lyc and the Ze and I’ve already explained it a lot of times so I was thinking so many YouTube YouTube videos have already explained it yeah so I think I’ll pass it on to you and maybe you can just explain that we did a little bit of testing about it um and maybe also just what you’re doing with your with to update the damper when you get home cuz that’s also super interesting yeah um you guys might have to listen through some tick but you might Le something you can leave and go riding now if you want um yeah like pretty much all of our decisions have purely been based on like feeling time they’re like our two factors that we use so whenever we test we pretty much time everything so that way we’ve got like a definitive like faster slower answer because that way no M no matter like what your own ideas or opinions or anything like you can there’s always like a sden stone this is better if you can use that word because if we racing like quicker is better yeah even it feels worse if you going faster if your time shorter exactly yeah so and like the feel you can think you’re hooking and you could just be going slow cuz you’re like messy whatever so we did I think we did pretty much all our Zab lyric testing last year in shamony at the start of the season um when we hopped onto the Stumpy for the pretty much the first time we’ve done like two days of testing before that but again it was quicker so we ran it um cuz it’s an amazing bike but we we’re riding like a track pretty similar to like a lot of stuff that we’d race like Chun here a lot of off camber routs fast slow bit of everything and from memory the times were almost identical for the trail we could get the damper and the airspring to feel very similar and this was like before we were using data so m the you know we could get it to feel what we thought was pretty simar really yeah so it came down to the lyric was tracking a bit better on like off camber routs like when you’re setting up into a turn it’s like a little bit rough just because it flexes a bit better you’re not getting deflected off so many rocks and roots and um all the obstacles in the way so because the times are the same and we could get the other parts of the fork like how it worked to feel the same we we just came down to this one feels better um for you so we ran it and we’ve been running it ever since so yeah I know maybe we’ll try again one day and see if it’s ever changed but for now it’s like neither one is quicker or slower so then we can just purely make a decision on what you like the feel of better yeah yeah and I think it was nice just having a little bit more compliant especially yeah when you have a big long day or long stage just a bit nicer on the arms as well and like know Sam won plenty of ews on a lyric and a lot of people did before that so um yeah still pretty amazing Fork so um yeah and yeah rockox has just done all their new charger 3.1 dampers so you’ve been on it for a while um and what I saw which I immediately went and spoke to the guys at Wars back in New Zealand and bought is they’re just doing like a I think it’s 80 or like $80 and it’s just like a few damper parts to upgrade the old damper to the new one which they probably lose like maybe a few Fork sales or damper sales but the fact that they let you do that is so cool so um yeah great move by Rock shock they a complete 3.1 just like that change yeah just like a little change like that so they’ve always been pretty good at that type of stuff which is which is cool so we’ll be doing that when we get home basically anyone for yeah like Tom said you know 80 or 100 bucks can have the 3.1 pry much yeah yeah yeah so yeah really exciting um I think the lyric is like going back to the Sam Hill lyric which you know was very successful for um I think the lyric that I’m one is like maybe 60% stiffer than that lri like it’s been updated so it’s still like his one was even more flexy yeah and it worked for him so I don’t think necessarily stuff is better it just depends on the size of the bike the length of the travel all that stuff like if you’re probably any longer travel than we are cuz we’re only on 160 like one the lyric doesn’t go that big but there’s probably a reason for that like it it a little worse are you running a LC on your 5010 yeah I definitely haven’t been yeah um I haven’t haven’t had heaps of time on it yet so I’ve only really been riding some pretty cruisy stuff on it but in terms of the feel it feels very similar like it’s it’s running the same damper so it’s like in terms of the feel it feels quite similar but I haven’t written anything like chunky enough to say to notice it really and that’s that are like 150 so it’s like it’s fair fair bit different to what I’m running on my on my Nomad yeah um swe I think we know that one I reckon why we just all just say what’s next for us like in the coming weeks cuz um we’re all doing a little bit of different stuff around the circle oh kick it off um yeah we be doing some biking for the next couple weeks go to the combo race which I’m super excited for and then I’ve got the ARX Academy in Shaman and then to the Swiss round yeah and I’ll do that spiking that EDR and L and then I’m back to Southern Hemisphere for winter and maybe just give us a quick can you tell us about your project you’re working on or is that all top secret no yeah I can do uh yeah I gu just so there people can look out for it coming up yeah yeah so this year I’m just working on a a TX project uh which has been exciting been shooting that with Jules Bellow and yeah we started in January and wrap up in the southern hemisphere in August and then hopefully film will be coming out in the fall so so people can look for that like October or something yeah yeah we’re still figuring out like exactly what it’s going to look like on post production but um yeah all going to play and so it’s yeah basically a movie like 20 30 minutes something yeah like a short film yeah yeah should be good I’m froing to see it um well we’re just hanging out here in Moine for the next probably 10 days now before he had to combo um which I’m super excited for like new rounds are always awesome um and it’s yeah super close to here so it should be should be good um and then we come back to morine for a little bit and do a bit more riding hopefully it’s a bit more Sunny than it’s been the last couple weeks because we’ve been we’ve had about 3 weeks in Waring so far and every single time is like head to toe bike wash like shoes wash everything filthy we’re about to go Brave the elements now but it’s been it’s like mud tire season in war Zine at the moment but it’s good it’s like fun for a change um and then yeah we go to that Swiss round which is another new one so I’m super excited for that new place is always really cool after the Swiss round I’m going home for like just over a month back to New Zealand do some skiing see the girlfriend um yeah hang out with man a bit which will be super nice and then come out for the end of the season so now we have worlds in canaz I’m like super excited for that that’s already one of my favorite venues so to go back there for a world Champs is going to be it’s going to be awesome yeah yeah we’ve got yeah two blocks of two races coming up um so I’m on the same program as TP and and these two as well but um yeah it’s going to be a pretty Punchy rest of the season just two chunks and then lot of off time in in the middle yeah pretty much halfway now I guess for like for the endurance and then yeah worlds is just a little bonus chry on the top little eall um Booker what’s up for you uh I’m off to the I’m off to the stone King rally tomorrow so that’s like a that’s a six day Enduro race that goes from France in the Alps all the way to the coast in Italy so I’ve never done it before and it’s been something I’ve wanted to do for a while it looks insane but um yeah I’ve been I’ve been off the bike for two months and I’ve done about 10 10 laps 10 laps since and the amount of riding that’s about to be is it’s like essentially in One race I’m doing more racing than Entire inro World Series yeah in one one event so that’s a that’ll yeah blow the cobwebs and some other things out I reckon and then yeah straight away I think I’ll have have to drive from Italy all the way back to cono and then I’ll have a day or two and then get stuck into stuck into the first World Cup of the year good to have you back yeah looking forward to it and then missing you because some at the races um some at the races will be starting and whatever book’s number is are you um seven seven yeah we’re like they’re like oh where’s number seven where’s number seven like they’re not here and we oh damn it’s Booker we’re like all GED that you’re not there yeah so we’ve yeah we’ve been missing you yeah thank you yeah we the lowest number play I’ve ever had so I’m looking forward to getting one of those and then um yeah be off to Switzerland as well and then off to Canada for a couple of months so I’m really looking forward to that I love it over there so that’s the plan and then back to Europe sweet yeah well I re we’ve cracked it thanks boys appreciate your time all good we um always run over time on these things but I think there’s Heats of little nuggets in there for people so a lot of waffling on the waffle always waffling but it’s it’s so good cuz like people would never get a chance to speak to all of us especially together especially because Craig’s usually on the snow you know in Alaska or something so to have the chance just to you know get some knowledge and just some yars from you guys is cool so thanks no worries all right over and out like And subscribe thank you

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