Oxford Downs vs Wargrave in the 2024 Home Counties Division 1 campaign.

    e e good afternoon and welcome to Oxford Downs for today’s match High Wickam versus Oxford Downs the two commentators Baron Barnes will be here shortly uh they’re still finishing the delightful tea made by uh Mrs Welsh and her daughter Edie um so we have a reduced overs match I Wickam won the toss and elected to field I’m sure bear will come up with a better way of sa saying that inserted us or something like that um so yeah uh we’re just having a look here where they are here they come I can hear somebody coughing here he comes here he comes Matthew of the Watts here comes the sun which mik are you normally for number four please okay you four boss we got four so I spent a bit of time on the technology this week hopefully I’ve cleaned the sound up we’re getting a l a lot of electrical interference we were here’s he’s got his piece of Flap Jack there sit down don’t turn your mic on yet got we’re still muted uh hang on let me mute you there you can turn him on now there we go there we go just pin them up I’ll get mat in as well [Music] perfect oh naughty boy well here we are am I on uh no you uh yes so let me just check I’ll just check check the wind can you say something hello yeah good from you be good start well hello every everyone hello Matt hello Matt over here as well so um oh I need I need my right stuff yeah I’ll sort it out for a second okay hello Sam what’s happening we are starting Sam is the answer thanks gaming blue dragon come on Downs wickie keeper got no pads on Freddy Fowler is gaming blue dragon is he did you know that I did know that hello Freddy Fowler right so um you didn’t need to adjust your sets viewer but we are playing in white and we are starting the first ball of the day sorry man oh shot very pleasant shot very pleasant shot from maggot who’s facing the first ball also do not adjust your um sets because Freddy bear is not opening the batting poy is opening the batting Freddy bear in this longer format has negotiated his way down the order so two’s now in the middle anyway um how are you B good week I’m very well B it’s been a magnificent week has it it’s been a very long week for me anyway life has been the winner so home in the bowling we have Cameron Parsons and first first thing most important to talk about is the lunch that we’ve just had yes um we we’ve had some vegetarian sausages for lunch and um I’ve hugged a couple of trees on my way um to the bare pit um how are the vegetarian sausages for you yeah no good I’m just going to go and get my just stop oil Banner out of the car in a minute and put that across the 415 um now I don’t think I want to be opening on on this green top with an absolute hulie and got three slips yeah no so we got three6 so just to let everyone know we have a 94 over game which is split Barnes I tell you it is 5143 which means Ox of downs have won the toss and elected to bat when they will receive 51 overs and Horath HSE paath it a HSE paath hi Wickham should there be no further interruptions with the weather will get 43 overs so I think it’s one of those tosses it doesn’t matter if you win or lose it really because that we’re off The Mark with the one off the well kicked by maggot so I suppose the easiest way to win the game in this format is to bat second to knock them off and uh they obviously back themselves and what we get in 51 they can get in 43 yes they they won the toss oh they won the toss I believe they won the toss okay ignore everything I said but listening to cockal he did you’re all right if we had have won the toss Matt Warner would have elected to to bat so poell his first ball is the opener for the club goes forward miles outside the line is a long way up hysterical giggling from the guys at Wickham so just to go over the field because I’m the ones I can see those because we still don’t have pides to the the be pit which is a working progress Mr B um so we have um three slips we have a backward point we have an extra cover a mid off a mid on a shsh midwicket and that’s all I can see at the moment I don’t know about you be but I got a feeling that the angle of the dangle this isn’t good cuz we’re looking directly at the score box so we can’t see anything over to the left much behind Square leg poundy goes on the back foot pushes up P py not wearing are you off are you off well just to see what if there’s a fine leg or not okay fine some back operating exercises I’m so AJ woodland who is captain of high Wickam an old Teddy’s boy and poy out there batting an old Teddy’s boy good to see Ted’s well represented are they Chums um I don’t I think poy may be a bit younger than AJ but I’m not exactly certain I got a feel we need a couple of heavy boys around here to swing this box do you think that’s risky with me in it well maybe you could come out of it for a bit so we’ve got AJ AJ’s bringing himself on to bowl the first over now AJ is that a squad number because if it is you’re pretty low down the Peck in order AJ Once Upon a Time got young cricketer of the Year awarding there with him did he really he did believe you play for England’s England um under 19s that’s a remarkable achievement it is for a tedes boy um having said that we have got several tnis boys playing first class rck at the moment right so where are you viewers we’re up to 14 viewers I just just remind you that um if you are watching and you have not subscribed please do subscribe won’t cost you any money at all we’re just to short of Adele and one ahead of um Taylor Swift at the moment we’re still Far Behind status quo yeah Status Quo so here we go so we got AJ’s open B he fances this track I can tell and a little bit of a nibble there he’s um he’s already sof out the way to B his pitch is to hit the Wicket there’s a there’s a fine array of clothing bright white trousers normal trousers baggy trousers shirts in shirts out baggy M baggy trousers baggy trousers and then you got guys with very very bad faded numbers on the back the guy midwicket got some big numbers 204 I think is the biggest number I’ve ever SE top score ever do you think so oh will he oh he’s that a slash you get a slash SL gone probably going to go for four to over the boundary now and he’s certainly thrown the kitchen sink at that these boys play so much colored um clothing Cricket but um it must be it must be Str it feels strange initially when they’re out there wearing white yeah no you’re right and the thing is I expect them to be Immaculate in whites and they’re not they all look like a but but we don’t have any numbers on the back of our white shirts oh all our names I know who you are I don’t need for you to put a name on the back of it um yeah no it’s all a bit untidy it almost looks like it’s a a president’s game and everyone’s got a slightly different kit on all barbarians all wearing different s oh yeah the barbars I see that they’re playing um Wales no Wales Wales are playing South Africa the barbar are playing Fiji oh yeah that’s it what a day that would be 50 I saw someone on you get that for 50 Quid for the whole day it’s a 50 over game the baras fiji’s T20 and the other one one uh yeah but what brilliant that would be a magnificent day out if you were neutral if we weren’t here in The Bear Pit is that it’s not today is it no it’s not it’s fairly soon it’s not far away so next next Saturday morning bear at 10 6 England take on Japan so we can get up in the morning and watch that that will be jolly nice Josh and the boys do well oh not Cricket oh that’s a good n yeah he is probably the bowler for this and of course I had to make our viewer that um the limits on Bowlers are very much more generous so isn’t not to well I don’t know we don’t know the answer to the question before you ask what is you us to bowl a third of yes a third of whether it’s a you can bowl a third of um what we’re having is 51 let’s be 17 back let me just bring a couple numers you don’t need to and get it numbers that’s I don’t know why they’re going on it’s a glorious magificent shot in fact that was reminiscent of the shot he got off the mark against um great brick last week which I was watching whil at a a Works Barbe I think that’s the that shisho is the level we’re at because he’s had three or four that not just not CU it’s will but three or four nipped away short of length then up there and he’s had a bit of Slash it’s his first bad ball he just drifted on the middle stump and he’s just calmly plunked it through he got a little bit greedy TR anybody trying to pitch it on the stumps and to get it away yeah um and um will has been merciless Absol BR yeah that would do there’s lots of ooing and aring we’ve had an aw decision that was may as well hit the horse box there’s a massive thick Inside Edge onto the pad he’s just clipping off his legs for four through midwicket and everyone’s gone with a new in an R yeah well shows that they’re motivated shows the score score is now 10 for two so there’s been a lot going on this week obviously at the start of the Euros last night um can I just say if you’re Scottish um Dune now but what an absolute spanking they got last night with one of the most disgraceful tackles I’ve ever seen in a football match that’s including all the ones that gra soonest did don’t be so silly soon this is much more of an animal than that um but it was it was not a good day for the Scots it has to be said no but it’s all relative isn’t it they still going to get four points in their next two gam Wills on strike again I mean what’s going on it be getting tired at this rate um it’s all relative and do you know what watching the all the clips of The Mad Tartan Army and how many I was on 200,000 I was in the car yesterday and they were talking to some reporter a German sports reporter and he said he’s had the best two days of his life being out in Munich with the Scottish fans and they said to he said how many the German fans is you in he said about seven I know and then they said on the radio yesterday they reckon there’s 40,000 of the silly buggers up in Frankfurt yeah and then not playing any of their games out there but I heard that there were 200,000 Scottish people in Germany at the moment and only 10,000 tickets have been sold old yeah mad somebody says it’s like 4% of the population has gone to Germany and then you see one clip of four ringland BLS hurling chairs about a square if I if I if I had a mobile um haggis and and deep fried M Bar making van I’d get out there quickly cuz you can make a fortune iron Brew on K IR Brew deep fried marar and hagget tenant super and obviously whiskey that’s not gone through yeah but I just love the way they go because the Scots are mad and they sort of come across as this aggressive whatever but whenever they go to T just unbelievable fans aren they I I remember I remember Archie gel’s goal in the World Cup um famously re reposted on um train spotting many years after more but he um that The Tartan Army and where who is it Ali something was there was their manager Ali MCC no that’s done all sorts Alis Army I me they’ve always been fantastic fans you have to give Alan Brazil Alan Hansen Kenny dougle John W what a side that was no AR of course he could play yeah yeah no amazing and then you see a little clip last night there’s four England fans in the Square somewhere throwing chairs at somebody so rather interesting the keeper is either not wearing pads or he’s got pads inside his whes which I haven’t seen with white pads for I’m not sure he’s getting cuz I can’t see any straps around the back of his things bad now he’s got one of those hockey masks down by the side screen so he obviously does like a wee bit of protection but that’s it just does look vage I don’t think he’s wearing any I cannot see any pads underneath those whites at all unless he’s got shim pads on don’t know I have never seen that at this level you know some of the pads that the short legs wear as well I don’t even think he’s got those I played in a game once at War this mad kiwi turned up he only had about two teeth he didn’t wear pads and just kept shouting good night mate all day long but he was tough old boy that was a good over that was um was was it yeah it was 10 10 fo Z two maidens he’s done all right is he so he’s um let’s just go back to this when we get the opposition um round some talk to we will talk us talk through that because with the ball one of those balls didn’t carry through and there was a double bounce you get one a cricket ball on The Shins I mean it’s very very painful but if they’re going to have if they got somebody’s bit of military medium is he going to stand up will he we will he wear any Ms and dads for the Spinners come on just just I don’t here comes Fowler oh yeah Reggie’s got a trophy what you got then re what’s that to say on there mate cuz I’m was blowing a bat we’ve had Freddy fers um been making comments as well Warriors under n look at that invitation cup was it if you steal it can we just show that to the camera where’s the camera I’ll tell you what I’ll give you so I give you done I’ll give you a little tip this trophy here do not fill it with seven up yeah all right and also protect it from your protect it from your mother cuz she will try and throw it away in about 3 years time saying it’s a dust gatherer you’ve heard it here first so did you all get one of those or did you win that for being the coolest kid there all of the people got you should your team did win you should have said no Barnes I got it for being the coolest kid there or having the DAR his dad so why so gaming blue dragon you talk us through that one from Fred oh that’s a good take elaborate so no just also to inform you viewer up to 26 it’s really accelerated that’s not a wide because we’re we’re now playing proper cricket and ones that just go down the leg side are not automatically wides I loved your little2 for nine Mr Parson two over it looked professional were you in were you in your garden it look like you’re in the BBC Garden or went the um bler yeah where P oh that’s wide very wide he’s had a full kitchen Sinker at that did you watch The Changing of the Guard this morning no oh I was up here I like doing reporting ceremony it was very kid I went to that when I was at school we were on a school trip there and all I remember was it a really hot day and a couple of them in their Big B died passed out and and and they just they just fall flat on their face or flat on their back and no one else is allowed to move amazing so they have to they have to stay there flat on their back so I was watching a bit and they were obviously going up the M or which one of it was to go into horse guard’s parade I that there again this a slower one it’s a bit old shot of foot and then they said here’s the mounted band and they zoomed in and there these guys riding a horse playing different instruments I can’t play an instrument or ride a horse and they’re doing both so one’s with a trumpet one’s got the drums one’s got how do they hold onto the horse don’t they’re just sort of side saddle or whatever they are just hoping that the horse is relatively well trained that’s clever it clever sound pretty dangerous don’t those two horses that bolted through the other day apparently one’s gone back to service is it that’s a nice looking shot so there’ll be a little bit of um Teddy’s rivalry going on here AJ to poy um AJ to everywhere we go Scotland get battered I saw a nice little clip on G sent me this morning called um Scotland Hotspur which no doubt you would like which is it is nice to hear the word Scotland and battered not referring to but but referring to the way they play football Sensational back I have to say that is the straight on knit backer off cutter and that was a wonderful delivery every other ball he bowled has slung away and that one has come back great bowling apart from the half pitch he did a bowl a half volley that got pumped through midwicket po you can’t do anything about that mate that’s a very good seed but clearly there was one in the over before that left will so yeah this Wick’s got he’s got it and he but he’s got it in his Armory so and what what’s more he what he did was he when you have a special ball like a googly in as a leg breaker if you got a special ball no all of my balls were very unspecial um but but what happens is you don’t over bow it and then you and then it’s a complete surprise if you special ball then is it if you get your special ball at on special it is special that was special so the St Edwards School bragging rights go to AJ W wooders rather than poy and I’m sure he won’t let him forget that that’ll be on the that’ll be on the martys Cricket We I’m sure that they will watch it back but I don’t know how much we can see what that ball did up to 31 hello viewers please please we got the boys in send us some messages tell us what you’re doing today are you trying to multitask by watching World um European Cup football as well as listening to us as well as doing some crocheting World Cup and you know doing the chores or whatever you might be doing or just and the upb the boys on from Tims this morning yeah anything from Tims we want to know what the tool of the day is and I don’t mean Barnes but I want to know what the other two the Hammer’s gone yeah I think um he’s got that through there that’s probably going to be two runs yep of course and now we have that’s that’s buzzards um I tell you what it is not wearing pads also opens it up to day four of T throws weird Day Tour of T throws is going to get it the GU in Tims on or was he a bit early ear hello Becky Becky boy yes what’s what’s it what’s the weather like in New Zealand and can I just say from both of us Barns and I wholeheartedly how sorry we are that New Zealand have been knocked out of the World Cup I didn’t realize that until this morning unlucky but you should get in that teammate they need you well getting the getting the American team unlucky New Zealand unlu lucky Becky Becky bo uh how are you mate hope you’re well I’m not so sure you enjoy batting on this Becky course we have the incredibly good-looking Luke maslin’s outr now you say he’s incredibly goodl looking and you’re right well I say compared with the rest of his team obviously compared with you and I or compared with you and me well let’s get the grammar right it’s actually he’s not in the ballp N he’s bang average no average bang average talk of a good-looking men Gary Brock Gary Brock and V’s out today I did say a bit worried that V might um might be a bit too chilly for her but no I can’t see them I think is Gary Brock leading against a scoreboard out there or is that Leman uh that’s Leeman Gary’s Gary’s got the lid on next to him so is that V on the other bench I don’t know so good place to sit cuz last week we did a couple of laps obviously when you were commentating uh it’s quite it was quite nice up against their hedge because you haven’t got the Le played one round of golf this morning um on the red course at frilford which is very hard and um might be for you well any any golf course is hard for me it’s beautiful fford it is millionaires golf isn’t it that too heid that’s going to come that’s going to hit us on The Shins Bill’s going to try and get that bill brilliant Bill Bill’s got a slipped over oh that sound painful bill can you repair your divots chat I’m in this ter I’m joking are you okay how are your knees by the way well fielded you couldn’t see that view but that was a sensational piece of Fielding by Bill well done well done Bill thank you bll Bill it’s all Bill mind you didn’t have much Choice the rest of his team have basically forcing him to go around there yeah there quite old school they just stood there went go bill so tricker 1971 watching you whilst waiting for my hernia repair operation so is that tricky Gauntlet can you give us a thumbs up if it’s you tricky Gauntlet your lad’s here with his with his Snapper oh that’s who’s on the bench Finley Finley Gauntlet Wills has worked that off his Pad leg hit so her repair operation now so what you do how’ you repair her did you take it out or do you sew it back up and shove it back in I guess they just go in probably with a that sounds quite painful is it an AR arthoscopy Arthur Who arthoscopy any relation of arthoscopy no you to love it he was he was the Block in the horis adverse Arthur Arthur Six no no definitely not him half a brain cell in my case well we move on to comment is on point thank you very much thank you very much trickster we try our best we’re inspired by vegetarian sausages today oh don’t anyway 50 just to remind people are just tuning in um this is old Cricket in other words you B and you have to be got out and then you can declare and then it can be a draw it’s my word it’s just like the good old day Jazz hat this is the uh four day County vers that’s gone miles after that’s pitched and you you also don’t need to adjust your set you will know the keeper is not wearing pads we found it this very interesting I would regard that as an absolute cart blanch I’m going to try and talk to Bill about Bill might tell us about that I would be chucking in the ball around his ankles all day just cuz it be so much fun watch he might be a tough Blok and he might he well he does look quite tough actually I don’t I don’t do we know who the keeper is um anyway have we got anyone from highwick watching or are you all guarding your cars or is there be careful don’t upset the natives um is there anybody from highwick in the team yes and and also will slack will Slack’s first um Club was highwick there’s a picture of slack there’s a picture of wol slack on the on the wall wolf slack on the wall in their um in their main area of the clubhouse yeah what great name I’ve played hockey there many times a very nice Hockey Club do you play hockey against will slack on Norman I’m going there for a memorial do in a couple of months time that’s a lovely played shot he’s played on top of that well got that very could be three no two just two there but what what I like about that is he got right on top of that just a little bit too short from AJ probably still adrenaline pumping having B the bowl of the century to get P the out so WIS sort of played that chest height just guided it backward Point picks up two so we got we got a fine leg who’s in the middle of nowhere he’s not he’s not saving one and he’s not saving four but what’s the point the balls get quickly enough I I don’t say we were saying this at the um um while you were Fielding the other day there were an awful lot of people not all the way back on these boundaries down here which a very very short man is and um quite frankly what’s why risk missing it I don’t think that’s a bad spot because up the hill W Outfield he’s not rapid he probably is saving two isn’t he well he’s definitely saving two but um is he reducing the chance of saving for that’s the question you have to ask I wouldn’t say there’s that much Pace on it but there we go there’s lots of hoodies lots of woolly hats yes isn’t there there’s v v is our first lap into the wind what a it’s great to see V oh no and um Ted’s here Ted’s got a bit of a chest issue where what’s gone mad that’s clipped over that’s only going to be two though it’s definitely on to the 14th green that did look like one of his little wedgie shots so going back to sport going on the moment golf course in America looks fun Pinewood I mean they’ got things growing in theyve got things growing in the bunkers I’ve played that like ftles and stuff like that I’ve playwood have you how did you do I was on the PlayStation when I was oh yes tiger woods4 when the boys first got their first PlayStation Tiger Woods Tiger Woods was playing last night he failed to make the cut I don’t think that Golf Course is for normal human people well they they did feel like they they gloss painted a glass pain green and put it on its side and called it a green because the ball was just rolling down it at such a rate amazing so we’re hypothesizing why AJ Woodland’s got 204 on his back I’m my guess is that’s his top ever score well he took 204 wickets last season in the league it’s me being silly isn’t it good Le that you ever scored a double 100 bars no close I think the most I’ve ever got is 140 not out yeah I don’t I’m not scored a dou I never opened up the b i batt it with a guy called Don Stanley who was a Cambridge boy and was at warber for few years he got double hundred on a Sunday afternoon which is quite Pleasant he played The Varsity was a proper of course Very famously got a double hund when he was a young kid two double two two two double hunds for listy junior I was I was once given out lbw with five overs of the game to go on 187 on the chest I went up to the Umpire after and said can you help me get into a position where I can possibly get down far enough to be able W on my chest and you were 180 something not yeah we decid well I wasn’t I was out obviously well you know what I mean you silly ass that’s quite funny all right is that onire still can we can I go and talk to him now and set fire to long time ago I can still remember it’s a long long time ago anyway so I that’s my we’re going to ask him afterwards we’re going to we’re going to get the the news from the horse’s mouth bill can you tuck your shirt in oh who’s that ringing me that’s a beautiful Cover Drive you doing calling me oh that’s beating the Fielder that’s gone for four that’s an absolutely superb shot what are you doing beautiful shot everything came down in place so AJ wood is over that’s three overs oh I can see you up there poy we seriously need to talk about rugby before you go home today right so where you running to from that flag to the side screen to the benches okay when are you going then okay let’s get ready we’re you’re right in there we’re there you’re there so come on then just do it next over okay so who we got up there okay so Po and retr PO is one rrich is two Ren is three so poy if you can go to The Far Side in Lane one can you ask him why missed a straight one first so we get that no that’s Lane three go the other side you’re the closest one to the bench then rrich we can get a bit of order going on here well there good carry there from pars yeah we just let you know 3.1 from pars Cricket n for four and Woodland has bowled three overs one Maiden one for 17 and um the score is 23 for one right so just quickly ladies and gentlemen we’ve got a very very serious the EUR the world championship um Athletics has only just finished but we’ brought European championships bothered uh and we’re now bringing it we’re now Dean rasher Smith W we’re now bringing it she’s Lovely isn’t She oh my God we are now bringing you a live race between in Lane one Tom pal in lane two Tom ATR and Lane three Harry Ren and at the end of this over they will be basically going from the score box down into Vodafone corner now it’s downhill we have to wait for the end of the over so uh money for me is on poy because if he seems very keen he’s doing some stretching exercis well if he does if he doesn’t if he doesn’t win his match fees at uh GB will be less he’s a 10 he’s meant to line up be who’s your money on I’m going for Rd long rid rid gets my money windy conditions for the first ly clipped off his legs probably just the one yeah these two to Quick good to see oh Keeper’s got great hands he needs it he ain’t got any pads um well it’s probably why he’s got such good hands cuz he knows he’s going to get cracked shins so this is the very very first International Open men’s 60 M Dash and how do you define Dash just as a matter of interest cuz they’re probably slightly quicker than me and you or yeah possibly a little bit of Coke in the top of a rum or something think what you’re going to where you going that for a minute ler Dash mate just just to tell you what the weather’s like viewer it’s very very very windy it’s called miserable at the old Ox Down’s flag is going like a good flag’s 15 years old bar incredibly looking Luke Mas is on two and will Watts is on 21 after 27 he literally gone off like he out scored Freddy last week again so did ma as well they both outs scored Freddy well they didn’t out score but you know what his um strike rate R yeah right they’re still getting limed up over there so what are we doing here we got a slight change in the field we’ got another slip coming in I don’t know who the starter is no AJ’s just gone up to the bow to have a word he’s probably going to say try bowling him the knit backer that you can’t play just like I dids ago that he can’t read now so what’s this one going to be B is he going to bounce him is he going to I don’t think there’s enough I think the pitch is a bit too soft for that isn’t it see it it seems to stop there doesn’t it cuz it’s very green it’s moist lot of rain last’s he’s very tall Parsons he’s um he’s obviously got a nice action so he’s the famous guy that put the nose onto the chicken is he yes yeah I’m with you my used to last this over so the boys will be getting ready well it’s in the ad break to be honest it’s nervous sign for those three up there Harry ran obviously just coming into the first team last week after a a break in his hand right then boys and we should see them coming into the distance so let me go one two three they’re off so Ren’s got off a good start poy comes through uh po po is Miles head he thinks he’s won already someone’s given up and I tell you he’s done he’s done the US bolt early early blew up I think his hat come off Harry Ren looks labored and I think power once he got in the lead just cruised through three pulled hamstrings yeah now they’re going to sit down and have a [ __ ] look at Finn kindly picks up hat delivers it back to so we’ got bowling change here bowling change very interesting Alexander wood is coming on to bowl so looks like a left arm AJ AJ’s having a blow whether he’s going to come down and try the other end or not I don’t know but um I thought he’s blowing pretty well to be fair he’s taking himself off he’s obviously um having been schooled at an incredibly good place for Cricket brains he knows what he’s doing wow there’s a lesser spotted bunny here dressed like he uh in the mediteran where all go wrong for bunny I don’t know no mate that’s terrible so let’s see what goes his nearly change bearing in mind that he was bowling well darts in trying to work out whether it’s going to spin I suspect loads of chat loads of noise this is Connor had is coming on to ball so we’ve got a mid off we got a deep cover we got a short extra cover and a backward point in a slip we have a keeper with no pads 45 on the one deep Square leg we’ve got a short midwicket stump height catching and an orthodox mid no Circle today bear Nick Stewarts thank you Nick Nick’s some stuck at work unlucky Nick looks like it’ be a bit chilly in cosford corner it would be very CH no I think so I would have thought here we go we can all stare and look Jang but the Umpire says not out you don’t have to ask the Umpire why he’s giving the Umpire doesn’t have to give there was 11 one in the vko last week so somebody was on the naughty St there was a lot of isn’t it funny when all these cricket has grow up then there would have been an element where their father would have told about respect there an element of Doubt with the keeper but the more and more we see on the Telly the more and more we see at this level that it’s almost like they think the Umpire stolen their kitten just decided it’s not out can’t imagine our Keepers standing there you and I play cricket with many many Bowlers over the years who have been convinced that every time it hits the pad but it was never it was never like this I remember I remember very very there we go poor field in I remember a very a very religious deeply worldly man called AR Wingfield BBY yes um and every time that hit the batsman on the pants it was definitely out and if the Umpire didn’t give it he got extremely annoyed and he was a man of God he had the good Lord on his side he a man of God I love AR Wingfield dig B very much and his son he is definitely convinced every time it hits you on the pad you’re out diggers was a good BL Lord Ted samat congratulations on your um lordship in the um King’s honors list this morning Ted four a fourth lordship you’ve got does that make you chief chief person in the anyway greetings from siros sounds like a tricky Wicket very Green Top from what I can see yeah and can you just tell us Ted what what you are drinking at this current point in time did you say siros yes who is that a name of somebody or is that where he is that’s where he is I think that’s how he pronouns it s y r o it sounds like I’m not a very traveled man but sounds like a vodka yes so Ted um are you on the local ah Chris S go 240 for three FR sth twos couth oh couth double exclamation mark fre Forest so Chris sandat well he always was the most talented sandat to be fair he was the tallest he was certainly the T certainly the best looking and he definitely wasn’t the milman takes after his mother definitely wasn’t the milman cuz my dad was T milman so uh and he’s only a short chap so I don’t know what’s going he always delivers though apparently always delivers I as we suspected a wood has changed you know I could have called that it’s because he’s read the same book of M really Captain never school does he get the nod over Parsons it’s a small island near naos apparently SOS have you bought it Ted just have you been to the doctor about your AOS um so do you think this guy or we’ll leave that that outside St does this guy P rank over Parsons then skip I’d like to bowl from the top end I went toon Edwards is that what’s happened I think it’s the fact that he’s captain and he can do what he wants who’s Captain AJ Woodland is he he is blimy Ted didn’t you teach it did Ted teach at tedes he did no no um Chris taught at Ted’s was it mlin no Chris taught at Ted’s CH remember where did uh Ted was a teacher wasn’t he was yeah don’t you know anything it’s another fish he tried that the year just minute ago well it didn’t work I think he’s decided that I’m pretty sure when Ted first lived in bezel Bleak when we were his milk dad was his Milkman he was a school teacher what milk it was apparently father delivered milk and I left out wine overnight sounds like good oldfashioned bartering exactly what was exactly what it was yeah brilliant still room it’s the first house as you go past the Greyhound at bezel Le is where young young Edward Wasing College school Ted there you go I knew it was one of the other he’s bending his back I think almost feels like he’s coming down the hill with a little bit of wind and he’s and he’s actually going to stick it up there for I don’t know it could be could be that vegetarian sausage you had to lunch anyway maggot’s on 22 not out an incredibly looking Luke masin is on two not out so it’s interesting this guy obviously the three sort of long Ops that one was definitely pushed and a lot quicker which will pulled out of but the two before he sort of had a a nibble I think is any def any width on this Wicket is it yeah that would do good running yeah it’s good Cricket so is there anything short anything up in the slot on a wicket like this as someone’s going to have your name on it just throw the bad at it well suppose it’s ear days we we we have to remember we’ve gone back to an oldfashioned cricket ball which seems more a little bit more than the white ball all the pink ball does and also will age and wear a little bit more like good old fashioned balls like me and you do yeah we’ve worn like a good wine we’ve improved with age you might and I I haven’t I’ve definitely become more full boded what what grae are you what region are you from you got any idea definitely a p Noir are you how many people did take the stand on just walk all over you to get some juice out not many depends on what what day and what time of night they did it on a Friday night they would only have toou history should we move on yes yeah 27 for one from eight I bet metion the score this gu into Luke again Luke’s done the same thing they’ve all been tempt both been tempted to have a outside the off yeah they’re both still there that’s the most this is the difficult thing about this format of this league where you go from playing one day [ __ ] bash boss to oldfashioned Cricket is people find it very difficult to realize and reima themselves that they’re playing a different game today because of the rain they’ve got six more balls yeah exactly and and But but so Parsons is coming on from the commentary end so it’s a complete swap so does that mean they got it wrong to start with that’s bit a bit unlucky for the spinner cuz I thought he had B quite a good over actually he got a bit of turn he had that big appeal he got one to lift a little bit just the boys are warm it’s not like they H it could be that they they both decided that um and if you noticed that AJ wooden didn’t go all the way up the other end have a discussion with him and and perhaps they just decided let’s let’s change things over and see what happens this guy reminds me of sort of Angus Fraser yes definitely definitely there’s definitely an element of trundle in and hit the deck card where aj Woodland legendary man he helped to help bow out the West Indies in the West Indies once yes he did very good bowler still to be seen wandering around headquarters yeah still wandering around headquarters fine man Angus Fraser good oldfashioned fast bowler size 13 boots yeah never see him sprinting after one and dragging it back D dragging it back while he careers into the advertising Holdings or pretending he’s a batsman mhm I mean the Burnley Lara yeah hello what’s happening we got someone walking behind the B’s arm we move the S screen don’t move the S screens V it’s okay you got all day long there young will you keep matting son so leman’s coming around here looks like he’s bit like for the film Hank beanie hat cold gloves on and sunglasses then you got the three but they’re going to come in the com’s Box they like a little bit of action those three that is a cal of a nut that is a great nut has he played that or did he leave it no I think he’s had to play at that wow if I could bowl like that I’d bowl like that it does seem to be a little bit in the pitch has to be said oh all right but we haven’t broken something have you no I nearly fell over something bit worried about them old um vegetarian sausages repeating on me in a minute sorry hello you still rip Grand Hog Day in the sausages was well worked off his hit for no run so it is very very blustery but that is the good thing that’s probably keeping the weather off if there is any weather still out there and also quite good with the old vegetarian sausages yes that’s very handy did you lose that race could your hat come off etto I got oh Steward and Quarry yeah I out steart and car into that race into the first Ox down 60 M Dash as we called [Music] it yeah well played one back with a square maggot just hurried up a little bit for Pace there I think um both the both Bowlers perhaps a little bit quicker than you might think at first you got over last Saturday yet B 4.4 overs now two maidens nor for seven AJ Woodland has B four overs one Maiden one great te long long way and Incredibly looking Luke M to say that mad’s hamstring’s not really good oh just said it I’m just not a professional I’m just going to hug this what cuz we had vegetarian sausages for every now and again we have to hug a tree fa enough it’s good thinking I will become a better man yeah and I got my just off oil Banner in the car one of those great big aanes going um on the way down to land at talking to himself in that and um taking stuff to and from various War zones around the world you CH is your second spot or not this is the I re’s over back that one good over and yes another good over he’s B five overs two maid seven I I re do two eom spell obviously economy isn’t the only thing but we are playing a shortened game which which makes it really a 50 over [Music] game for a draw can you remember anything the game or not and it feels that the the only way is oord Downs s significant runs and high we can make a poor start and then try and block out at the end fairly feel the way everything is now blowing over in this wind tunnel back of the square there’s a sweep will watch it goes up to [Laughter] 25 not going to be very long before I have to pull on my coat this is quite ludicrous weather for the 15th of June just the 15th it’s the 15th of June really a week away from the longest day of the year we’re supposed to be in a bmy summer day that stayed a little bit low nicely played back cover no runs still can’t take my eyes off the never seen that before never seen that before in the prop games the beach messing it back sometimes so someone has to stand in but um at this level I’ve never seen it before can’t wait to find out the reason that’s back of the square they might try and get two here very good easy two nicely played plenty of time to play that shot I’ve got a muggers rolled over in the Box you Sil as a don’t forget feel free to oh yeah message and say hello sorry there’s a something blew over it was me not that far away from having to put my anarak on I’m afraid it’s very embarrassing you’re going to get boring that’s dropped this is Dr the World Cup sharp chance um it looks like they first second first slip and second slip weren’t sure who’s that was going to be and then I think both go for it and both putting themselves off that’s a let off there for the incredibly good looking Luke M definitely got a hand to it and I think he should have grabbed it yeah it looked looked like fingers up one to me and I think he tried to catch it fingers down would and I spent 10 minutes discussing fingers up fingers down on Sunday just catch it yeah um ma is still struggling with his hamstring so the word on the street I’m not sure if I’m allowed to say that that’s that’s a WI I guess no yes umpire looks the square leg one for the over almost proper decent Wheels though from Woodland yes no good bent his back miles over Mass’s head no danger would have been probably a straight six back over the third man boundary if he’ got n he’s giv no ball to that but that doesn’t mean anything VI hang on a minute hang on a minute he’s flapping his hands give him a level one if he wants a level one let him have one for height he’s given it for height so it’s a not a no ball he’s given a no ball is this a free hit no we don’t do free hits proper Cricket no free hits but I’m yeah why is it not a wide don’t know unless he’s already bowled a short ball in the over well in that case yeah maybe but no cuz the that the Umpire that end actually signaled one for the over yeah well the umpires called it I don’t like the bowler reaction that’s a good ball that just swops away gently a little bit Cher 33 for one from 10 Wills is on 25 ma is four last B this over from AJ well every time we say AJ I think the Umpire oh yeah sorry about that yeah I don’t know the umpire’s name AJ Smith you know the you must know there’s a lot of cycling hello I’m glad you’re not wearing a kill so am I Oh that’s oh that’s gone through as well so there’s a lot to show in MA that’s four runs down to Third Man Ma has gone to clip that off his legs he’s hit the back of the bat the bower is very very unhappy about that Here Comes Here Comes cockles now I reckon cockles has got some tablets and masses strange he hit the corner of the bat he’s got very angry now the he’s talking to the Umpire the umpire’s trying to Pat him on the back and calm him down he’s not having any of it well if I was you I’d send in bed with no tea his own work and off I’m just going to disconnect while I eat my your flat Jack very nice bit of flat track so while bear has his high protein bar uh we move on to 37 from one from 11 Willis 30 so he’s not he’s 25 now and Ma has gone to 8 knot out and I think he’s had to take on a little bit of liquid and probably some painkillers he’s struggling so Parsons continues from the comm’s end up there that’s knit back a little bit into will pushes it off his leg and midon runs around with the short trousers very pale uh numbered shirt where did you get the number 13 from looking at that scoreboard cuz there isn’t a number 13 anywhere on that scoreboard what do you mean well you started to say Will’s gone to 13 but I can’t see where you got that big I’m at 30 and he’s on 26 so I don’t know I have no idea what’s going on early onset dementia that’s up in the slot and wills has hit that thick Inside Edge a bit of Back Spin is it going to go holding holding up on the slow boundary and it has gone just about go just got there that’s a sign of how much rain there’s been because that would normally have gone quite comfortably for in the good old fashioned days we would be in the ox of mail for getting 30 wouldn’t he do you remember that get to 30 getting the male then it became 50s and hundreds yeah and now the M SP any sport whatsoever box United L sport you get a bit but apart from that ever since dear old Mike Ry passed away we don’t get anything from the Rugby Club just not interested right Parson’s in again no yes good leave very good leave i’ have got excited after hitting one forward about to with another one immediately afterwards good leaves and bad leaves good leaves don’t bowl you or don’t slow the trains down yes exactly yeah see what I’ve done there I do I like that right so we moves on to 29 he must have been on 25 not 26 41 for one again that’s squ up little outside edge point but soft hand look a touch frustrated Mr pass Just a Touch frustrated mind you I would be if I got stuck in an oven 180° for 2 hours three times a week would you yeah terrible terrible always used to fight my mom for the pass and zaz nose chicken never that Keen on that no does as a functional well he’s gone through enough things since then feel like saying you don’t like rub steak that’s a no ball as well they’re flapping their hands ball sign of frustration what’s happened there leg by I think will thinks he hit it Anton’s signal thing the badger is off to do a little no he’s going to run into us he’s gone wide big turn into oh where you off then where is he hi Freddy are you right oh Ma’s out a nibble really good length ball Caroline Shanks presumably with Alan is in Su good luck dance Thank You Caroline Caroline are you in your bikini today or is it just a little too wind is it a little bit too windy for that incredibly looking Gary Gary Brocks follow no I’m about to put my coat on I’m okay I’m going to put well I got my Anar I’ll be fine that’s Gary I’m worried about being kidnapped I’m worried that Gary is too good-looking well you can’t do it there’s no point worrying about it only worry about things that we can affect in life it’s on the screen there look oh it’s all gone really blurred yeah only worry about things that you can affect in life there oh we need current producer yeah is it done bit so it’s gone back now it must be autofocus it autofocus on your beautiful face and now it’s gone back to World sort of du I’m just going to take that off for a second when I put my coat off can I help you can I assist you it’s no I’m going to have to do a massive operation you got the sleeves all over the place here come on dad thank you this is the warmest coat I’ve ever own right the bear is now put his he’s just about to put his fleece back on there we are I know he blowing straight up his old kill and he comes again the angry AJ Woodlands that’s a decent nut left wheel second third slip’s gone up nobody else has moved it’s just a very good ball that was a sensational delivery it’s all right Gary Jack Gary jumped on there and we got an autofocus yeah just turn your focus with no we don’t fiddle right yeah it’s cold isn’t it yep I’m all [Music] right yeah poor old bear I thought Bears could put with any conditions I normally see them paddling AB thing catching salmon withs but that’s up the slot hit that that’s probably gone for no there’s a sweeper out there very well positioned sweeper that’s up in the air that’s a great right so no Orthodox point but he’s sort of backward Square on the boundary for will not really third man so those of you that know the ground uh he sort of in front of the first team changing room first team changing room the changing room and the flag but he’s out there for will now are they looking to get will off right to get Maz on it seems a bit odd no I don’t think so I think he’s trying to get him out he’s probably trying to get him caught in the slips on the basis that he’s had two edges Mass no on about the guy that’s now coming to an orthodox backward point but for will he’s down by the flag anyway in comes AJ Woodland good bowler still a bit NY that’s gone miles after it’s pitched two to come umpire signal to square leg we AJ’s B 5.4 overs one made one for 28 so I’m guessing he can bowl it to 17 but we don’t know for sure but he can’t now cuz he’s had an over off changing ah could no no I don’t know no that won’t work it could you can still you can six in 17 I don’t you will I know what would I know right and he comes again B his back good that’s a lovely guided shot well done beautifully guided not catching that I don’t think he pulls up early and that’s gone for four very calm shot and that’s not going to make AJ any happier than he was before that’s a great shot he’s just basically put the back down at an angle and just guided it scores 47 for one of 12.5 overs only four over get over Red Rover they say sun comes out incredibly looking Luke masin is on 12 and nugget is on 30 no sign of my mother or Morena you there you listening are you watching are you [Music] participating 34 people watching please feel free to participate in the banter banter we’ve got people down in suum got people in Caroline what’s the weather like down in Caroline as bad as is here have you gone have you gone with Alan or have you taken your fancy man fancy man a fancy man not that Alan’s not fancy I mean obviously you perhaps you can ask Allan on our behalf how he enjoyed the football last [Music] night brutal you really he enjoy it as much as we did you’re a brutal man be right I going to take a little break okay that’s fine you’re entitled you got to go do some work barns has got a very important man he’s got lots of work to do get Barnes and vegetarian sausages have not gone down well that’s all I’m saying anyway said Parsons is back on six overs two maidens not for 11 deserves a wicket to be fair oh that’s cut back at him and he’s still played inside it not sure I managed that still signs of frustration from Mr Parsons probably hasn’t quite understood or worked out why he hasn’t got a wicked yet I’m sympathetic sympathetic kick that that might well go for four leg buys is it going to go it has gone for four leg buys very cultured kick and that’s 50 up 50 runs 13.2 overs 52 minutes that’s not [Music] bad very sad news to hear today um Kevin Campbell Arsenal X Everton absolute Legend at um Hy back in the day has died very sad news indeed ah Morena welcome good to have you on board yes it is freezing in here that’s another one that’s cut back and he’s played inside it again not quite sure how he’s managing to play inside one that cuts back at him but he has Managed IT what’s life like in Bladen give us a rund down you looking after Sir Winston and did he celebrate the D-Day Landings [Music] properly yeah that’s niit back but it’s much straighter and he just click that quite easily to short bid wicket [Music] that’s gone over his head going to come back for two yeah there a little bit of guess work involved in that shot from will but he’s got away with it he committed to the shot that’s the important thing [Music] more frustration Mr Parsons message from the current producer please please please please please if you are listening and enjoying and viewing and enjoying subscribe that’s nicely played no run um you don’t have to pay to subscribe you just click on the bit that’s says subscribe and we get one closer to Adele and one further away from Taylor Swift we’re we’re wedged between the two between Adele and Taylor Swift at the moment on three and a half billion viewers just that one more really can’t we become influencers then we can persuade you to buy a m bar of a undressing exercise going on from the keeper with no pads on still going to get to the bottom of that as part of our oh that was Barnes sprinting through so AJ Woodland dyon it looks blusty out there it looks fairly cold it’s not not a day to have one wrapping you on the hands in the slips but a couple have that’s not got up lovely shape just batsman having seen what happened to poy will be well aware that he can drag one back coming the other way so when the ball is in the corridor of uncertainty you don’t know you need to watch it in the hand you need to watch what his wrist does you he will roll his fingers over the ball over the seam when he wants to Bow the Jag backer that was the one see how he he rolled it but he just didn’t get the line right it was a Touch Too Short but there definite carry there um but that was the one that comes back the other way he’ll be disappointed he didn’t get the line right good bowler AJ good bowler oh the wind has subsided temporarily you know it’s coming back but it is nice when it stops the sun is out so don’t be fooled viewer by the fact that it looks lovely and sunny out there it is still very cold back to normal away stuff cold wet and windy in Bladen the fat cat stuck in the conservatory that’s a beautiful shot absolutely beautiful shot time to death through Extra cover four runs nobody move well that’s not true Extra cover dived and missed [Music] it a map would like yes quality shot shot of a top player incredibly looking Luke masin goes on to 16 with that shot Matt Bowden would like to remind you that you can pay to chat to us and any monies that you pay to go to chat to us will go to Oxford DS Cricket Club buying new [Music] equipment and that’s six he was fully committed to the shot I know there’s someone down there cuz I could hear them and it all went very quiet but I can’t see it he palmed it over just been told by a a hadly person on the boundary that he palmed it over for six that’s going to make AJ Woodland even more annoyed that’s a 50 partnership up 53 runs of which magot has got 27 Maza has got [Music] 22 good partnership 63 for one and as predicted wasn’t the greatest prediction in the world the wind has come [Music] back lovely lovely [Music] embracing that’s a beautiful shot as well that’s an absolutely Sensational shot he just played three of the best shots that you’ll see a cover drive a pull and a lovely straight drive the most glorious straight drive beautiful shot May well signal the end of AJ spell he’s unlucky he’s had a couple of catches dropped but he’s absolutely been put to the sword there by the incredibly goodlooking Luke Maslin yes please would like follow byot Chate ask if you got any mil we we’re we’re joined in the vicinity of the score box by the person we all went wrong the incredibly goodlooking and successful bunny hello successful bunny how are you me how are you hands why are you not um playing today have you retired not needed you take your tea um white their sugar please not not needed not we’re getting a cup of tea whilst we talk to the incred those are lovely sunglasses can I just say they enhance your good looks if that’s possible how you mate very well indeed thank you I’m chilly but very well so we think that those three beautiful shots from Maza um have probably put at the end to AJ spell showing frustration before that I imagine so that there was um the one he hooked straight down the guy at fing leg our friend Bill and he’s run in and then pared it over the bar sadly for the young couldn’t see I couldn’t see any of that but I could tell by the fact that everyone including the incredibly looking Luke Mas went very quiet it was um it was a difficult chance but he just ran in and just overcooked it he’d be delighted to hear that my mother um thinks we look very cold I well I don’t feel too bad but I am prepared to give your son a big old cuddle try and warm him up best I can here come The Parson or known as the chicken up in the slot whe he interesting shot two or three times he’s bow an off cutter that’s knit back but we’ve still managed to play inside it I can’t quite someone’s got a throaty vehicle behind us it’s a boxer or was it you be glad here bars that my my Subaru my good old Subaru that I inherited from my dear departed father has been in the repair shop all week and has now been fully repaired and got through itot I could make a gag there that don’t impress me much no oh so bunny how many are attending the event of the year tomorrow oh numbers are down year on what’s Happening that tomorrow we haven’t got Su it’s a bunny barbecue well interesting shot so um yeah so you’re on your mate your numbers are down it’s about 35 for the Sunday lunch last year is that is that a BBB Cube uh it’s actually a but it’s a bbbq bu a bun a bunny yeah bunny barbecue yeah also b& tbq buns and Tigs yeah they seem to be loads for the Sunday roast you did I don’t know if Tom where now he’s always something wrong with him what’s up with you man all right in other words one of them can’t work out which one the other one can drive all the way from B [Music] so I suppose Freddy will be making his debut tomorrow and [Music] he little Freddy Watts will be at may be there any Frank is a veteran this will be a second or [Music] third is the pool warm buns or am I going to so I can bring the Budgy Smugglers confidence can I you always I’ve got two pairs so I got British Lions them both it’s C the extra no I was going to put a Sweat Band down there like the good old school days [Music] yeah so this is the last ball of passes over he’s still looking quite frustrated with he’s still trucking in there isn’t he’s very very he hits a good length look at that y doesn’t away see you buddy bye buddy love you see you so has AJ called it a day no he’s coming off for more see he’s not going to be satisfied until he has got a wicket another one [Music] so edj all going you had a busy week workwise bar I see you’ve been um you’ve been doing your GP percentages and um markups this morning yeah big old week really busy all week really we got another couple of man couple of weeks got reviews and everybody coming up so it’s been a bit full on mate to be honest the pop trade winning not game anymore for yeah no good we’re we’re flying we got about 10% you’re on your growth build it margins up labors down so there’ll be a statue of me somewhere or I should probably get the sack tomorrow who knows but yeah full on but enjoying it so over by the school box you could pan over to the school box and show Gary and V out there who’s sitting with Gary and V I think it’s the um Henry Welsh’s extremely good-looking elder sister but I’m not sure I think he could be know who I accused of being at school found out she’s on her way to do a degree yeah you had a shocker that I know but they tend to all look the same to any one under the age of 14 obviously now Freddy which we’re we’re Banning the we’re Banning the term Freddy bear from the com box because he’s Now 46 and it’s a bit you can’t call him Freddy bear anymore call him then Fred Freddy Smith smiffy Snick off Snick off Snick now clearly his batting has changed quite considerably batting well scoring lots of runs leading run scoring the first team seem to me um is there a common denom lat here around a lady called Hannah maybe has changed him a bit calmed him down a bit or is it all down to you you may have to get her in the coms box and ask her her views on that it’s definitely been a big sea change in the youngster isn’t there and I’m bloody good to see just a shame that he didn’t convert another one guided back the square this old boy quick he’s just run around from backward Point that’s a great oh good good day for a tall throw so Bish not only you first team what’s your first what’s your what is your you are manager a lovely lovely man I don’t care what barn says about you all day you’re a lovely man thank you cheers would you like any of them so we I originally went in to get these for the boys where have our microphones gone don’t know we haven’t been I said we we give you we can give you a mic bit unfortunately our current producers only done half a job today millionaire shortbread I’m very or chocolate brownie that’s nicely played so he’s we’ve just got three consecutive singles all to exactly the same Fielder or chocolate BR they SM really good it’s very naughty bars I know but nice in it l [ __ ] thank you for the T boy see you Wednesday oh why don’t you come over Wednesday family 20 Ox who are we playing [ __ ] Wednesday [Music] I might come over on Wednesday Brian Charles Lara playing TR Trevor shot um is Keith Piper keeping Wicket Alan Donald coming back I don’t think any of those players are going to be playing B Willis won’t be there s no certainly not um mjk Smith might be there mjk Smith he said that not me Ian Bell oh Ian Bell is definitely playing Tim’s got one of the’s olds okay he’s a neon a neon rep I can I can let you to secret I’ve got one of Brian Lara’s no sashin tendus clefts my back in my bag you must have been bored stupid where you who’s that jice was that Cricket is that when he batted forever and was more about his own School rather than I’m going I’m not going be on the balls goodbye buns Bunn is off another airplane comes back from a war zone around the world to park at AR R Norton so just a it’s 73 for one after 17 over thought lost just scared the hell out of me shut this ball up I thought it was coming into the score box my good my whole life flattered in front of my head oh that’s a great we are very very vulnerable and it worries me that somebody could just pull up here Fook us up someone like l mean someone irresponsible i l isn’t a problem I don’t is too much of a problem I’s a bit taller than me but thanks you did come third in the Sprint though which is embarrassing I got squeezed out he’s got squeezed out and he’s got a pair of flip flops on sandal so anyway 73 for one off 17.1 Parson’s 8.1 not for 19 and is showing more signs of frustration batsman have played and missed a lot against him bizarrely they played inside a ball that’s nipped back on many an occasion which I can’t quite understand but looking at that Wicket bear there’s a ball there we you name on it oh yes there is yes well I think I think poy probably found that out I think V has found herself a nice little Sun spot next to the scoreboard to Thor out well good on that now all 6′ six mate that’s going over it definitely Ang he is he is a giant he’s a big big guy still 8.3 overs not for 20 that’s not bad that’s not too [Music] shabby well left about it’s a two- Pace Wicket without a shadow of a doubt some balls fly through yes and which which if I was keeping with that pads on I’d be a little bit worried about um sticky XR could be lightning on here could be deadly I mean couldn’t he cuz a y i i wouldn’t rule out maggot and his legs been either well I think those days are gone actually ever since rer Evans cost me 60 good and destroyed him as a bowler um that’s nicely sh and well fielded by oh was another airplane going from a war zone around the I think is there an air show on today no no these are all these are all functional airplanes coming from RAF BR Norton going back to RF BR Norton taking stuff out to the Far East you don’t think they’re going to Benson they may be going to Benson um that’s a very good cup of tea Bish yes well done Bish Fred’s got his whites on Ted he looks like he’s just about to go out some I was telling you ear Ted he’s had a cold for some time I feel a bit sorry for tedious can’t he can’t seem to get rid of it that’s the end of the over Parsons has bowled nine overs two maidens nor for 20 is the boys so Lads just quickly where do we think we’re at 74 for one from 17 are we comfortable with that of either of you two senior people within the group like you know are you in the leadership group either of you to or are you are you what is the initiation ceremony for getting into are you as silly as a rook yes tick do you come to training all the time yes do no do you turn up training don’t do a lot yes do you drink ler are you good with the sidearm yeah see you have to graduate from drinking fruit flavored cider to drinking ler to get to the Senior Management long way have you integrated in with with the locals but you have done that haven’t you Loza I think there are a few players the team are a long way away from being in the senior management team also is your dad one of the hand most handsome men ever to visit the Cricket Club tick oh hang on Matt Bowden additional microphones are behind in the Box Mar additional microphones God it’s like big brothers oh my God it’s like big brothers don’t forget to switch on and unmute on mixer sure do you think we’re some sort of amateur current producer see this is the sort of stuff you know Clyde Miley doesn’t get this on BBC he doesn’t get someone ringing up saying don’t forget to mention that it’s news at den and stuff like that but do you feel like a big brother’s watching though cuz the boss we mentioned it the boss is on us he’s on our case constantly your brother’s just said good afternoon gentlemen thank you Chris Lov me to hear from you again is that right Chris you just put in the chat any chance of a baron Barnes podcast oh yes and I did I did talk to um Matt about that we’re apparently having one on Tuesday I can’t do Tuesday Thursday I can do I can’t do Thursday he’s straight pulled that I’m a royal ASC ladies day on Thursday sorry about that everybody you 35,000 lashed up ladies what in the chav enclosure are you it’s been newly named from The Windsor enclosure to the chav enclosure is that what used to be called the T where I was born to be I can ass show you with with some clients we’re getting a coach from from bamry at 9:00 in the morning all the way up the motorway to um Ascot and then we’re getting a coach all the way back to banre and then I’m playing golf the day after Oh what a beautiful couple of days oh that’s really flowing come through isn’t it you know he’s you you you were in with common people is that what used to be known as the Tatty ass bit I think I don’t know what it’s known as but it’s where I should be so it’s the one next to wear top hat and tails and I think we’re as far away from the Royal enclosure as you could possibly get there’s a ro enclosure then it was ttis STS so were you further down I think we further down it used to be called the silver enclosure oh really doing in there and that’s called the winter well this is where my client wants me to be and and this is good I mean the last time I went to ladies though we used to gra the Y work I such like such a brilliant occasion see that’s absolutely not bounced at all and you know those blue bottle bins that you see behind bars with the little wheels on I kept seeing women fall in those oh that’s terrible in the air I no it’s terrible I loved it please move out the way of the camera who’s in the way of the camera I don’t think it’s us I don’t think it’s usar producing no um big brother is watching and it’s Chris that’s good one like she always done with that do you yeah yeah I like that Chris Chris hello Chris Christopher Charles Mar says thank you very much she’s been desperate for a bear and barn show yeah we have all of our fans have been to be fair we need we need to get it across the line do you know what we should do anybody that have subscribed Des subscribe until we get a bar and bars show we need a bit of humor on a Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday or Friday night but we got a whole half season together it could it could be the longest it could be almost as long as the woodsy the woodsy and um whats it show no the woodsy and wats it show if it was called the woodsy wanty show would get more viewers I re I tell you what what you know what what what’s that what what why 77 for one Mass 31 out Wills 41 out good leave I think that’s Mr stumps about foot but we’re going to get excited CU they need to so 77 from one for 19 Rock Steady I would say it’s a good start looking of the conditions be now the sun is out it could dry out bit but you think you you’d be quite happy with that if it was a straight 50 over game yes there’s old Bill he’s off doesn’t look very old will he a young member of their team he he’s back again oh Spinner’s on yeah so the Wicket keeper that has no pads has got a a hockey thing and we were talking last week about um one of the um the guys over with horsep paath is a good b m of M you know the one with the silly dyed orange hair that wasn’t playing but was going R drinking a doctor that’s at he’s a doctor he qualified doctor which would worry the hell out of me but he has one of those front grill things gr coach uses one to keep Wicket yes I saw Coy Hall ones and Sh I think he needs more thans a lot no this keeper is very un author he’s now got his baseball cap in his pocket which he’s throwing the first slip he’s got a nice hockey mask on we got some left arm spin back had having bold one over um which was basically to facilitate um a change of ends for the fast Bowlers is now back on in his own right look like a good bow in that first over I’m not sure his arms that straight wity rocks on the back a nice shot there is a sweeper out there yeah he’s coming in that’s not Bill no the Gentleman Just W past with very oldfashioned deck chair it’s nice to see every now and again yeah they don’t work for me I can’t get in out of them he could he’s going to be all right so Bish has got rid of bunny and then he’s walking with Gary he doesn’t care he’s a bit of a flirt isn’t he Leeman’s leaning up against the side screen at the far end rocks forward ma plays a beautiful Orthodox forward defensive shot jobs are good so quickly we got a slip we’ve got a backward point we got a deep cover short extra cover we got a mid off mid on we got a midwicket catching level with a stunts we got a deep Square leg as me muck has just told us 45 on the one that completes the field the sun is shining and this guy looks like he’s got a good Loop to me slightly worried about his arm just check that yes no there is a little bit I’m just gonna check his arm and this one comes over little bit of Kink and that’s gone miles Ma has rocked onto the front foot and just he’s hit it over the py with a win he’s hit against the spin that’s spinning away from him he’s absolutely mulled that do you know that the most beautiful thing about that didn’t find H it yeah it and actually didn’t even hear the that’s ball it was just there is that but it was a beautiful shot it must be great to be so goodlooking and to be able to play a shot so good it’s it’s been all right bear I’ve C with it for years no no no no cuz I’d have had my head in the air and been caught mid off um it’s just beautifully timed It’s Gone With the Wind so not so we got a conversation between AJ Woodland and the Umpire now what’s going on here note to uh Captain Spinners bowling from that end being hitting with the wind y cuz it is very strong right what’s going on here Wills Is we’re talking about presumbly we’re talking about balls oh Bish’s got a drink I just so Bish is wandering around don’t know will just wants a drink I think 42 not out Ma has moved on the 37 in uray the ball has disappeared there must be a spare somewhere but I think they’re trying to find it but them that’s a lovely shot completely out the blue well be I think at the start we’d have taken 84 for one from 19 stroke 20 overs didn’t we I think that um the opposition when they got their first Wicket fancied skittling through US quite quickly they still might but yes you’re right well they might still but we have 80 runs on the board after 19 overs 19.4 overs yeah oh I can’t tell you what par is until we’ve had to go but it looks very green it’s definitely still got bits in it different pace cuz that one came through a chest height to the keeper the next one hit a twoce definitely twoce pitch that’s the I was looking for I think that I think that AJ Woodland’s possibly kept himself on a little bit too long don’t know what other Bowlers they got of course but I guess when you got conditions like this bear you don’t get them very often do you where it’s it’s a June it’s blowing a hulie it’s green it’s wet it’s going to do sorts of stuff so probably think you’re always in the game as a bowler don’t you y we haven’t as that we know if we’ have been on 140 from 20 at sevs and over then it’s a different cat of fish isn’t it but we’re not so are you have you warmed up a t I’m going to take this opportunity to clean my glasses because I think I’ve frosted over you need to put your D humidifiers on you know it’s it’s one or two one or two modifications still needed in this um in the horse box maybe we could line it up so we could see what we’re doing yeah that would be good lining up so we can see what we’re doing be good the perspect side so we can see out the sides would be great I quite like a bar in here with I quite like camera so we can see so Woody and I Woody and I while we’re commentating on on you playing last Sunday out of nowhere appeared two frosted Mojitos were just two glasses of mojito just appeared there from the um the wonderful Nick ens so um and also another thing from a health and safety point of view our horsebox trailer or the tailgate whatever you call it the ramp is an inch from the Rope which is not great it’s not good boys that are sliding in so it’s on the back foot that’s four more a beautiful shot what I liked about that was a bit West Indian the way he rocked back a bit Gordon grenage wasn’t it he rocked back and absolutely smashed that nobody moved message to bowler not there don’t bowl there it was just a bit of a long lot but over compensation he bowled a full one on leg stump that was dispatched into the trees overcompensated by bowling a short one outside of something was dispatched into the road all of a sudden ma is one behind wheel I know but that doesn’t matter no it doesn’t matter it’s all about building part if they both if they both going to get a double under we’ve done all right here right B is good fun to watch when he gets going and he’s beautiful that’s time wasn’t it he looks in a player great pie not not as good as his first over Mr had I would say anyway two overs not for 12 for him AJ Woodland is he going to keep himself one more one more suit song of NOA or are we going to see a new bowler this is the question is old bill so Bill what do you think Bill does for living do you think he’s just a is a TFC today one of the I’ve heard he’s a professional all- in wrestler for WWE is he yes you wouldn’t have guessed it in the lightweight division so no Parsons is coming off from the top end again so they you going to think they’re going to have another swap no I believe that I can fly I believe that um he’s saying to his captain right I want to go down the hill with the wind please yeah cuz I’m twice the size of you it’s only fair yeah but AJ went to a very hard School so he wouldn’t mess it’s hardly the School of Hard Knocks is it yeah it’s very very hard [Music] school right here we go first over from the far end for Parsons and this spell it’s half Folly will not really get hold of that and it’s died in a bizarre in quite bizarre piece of cricket half fly outside of the stomp which maggot played a weird shot went through the bowler’s first dive mid off came cruising over dived over it and they still didn’t get a single no I so all in all if you want to put a page in the manual of cricketing greatness that’s not going to get in it that’s a blank one uh yeah not a great shot and I think obviously they’re a bit worried about Ma’s hammy I think and I think we can safely say the cricket wasn’t the winner no it wasn’t 88 for one for 20 WIS is 42 mads is 41 Parson just keeps going he’s very very much beautiful forward defensive show Ang phas are like is he very Ang like so we’ve got 31 overs to go uh we double it from here then that’s no the double the other way around from 30 so double it from 20 so if we keep going at the same run rate 120 240 is going to be possibly possible they have a bit like previous teams that we played they they bat hard at the top end of the order it’s a good looking shot for [Music] no a Bish a b b you know those lovely spot those trainers that you’ve got there I’m waiting for them to come back so there could be here for Wednesday I’ve finally done something I’ve I wanted to do for many years B and sent some trainers off to get spiked for Cricket that’s a good that’ll do that would do it’s a Chinese cut oh it comes down here B is gone beautiful Chinese cut I think there’s a bit of chops going on hi Bill how are you good old boy can we ask you why the keeper doesn’t wear pads yeah okay thank you Bill thank you bull I think we’re have to we’re going have to ask keeper himself that’s a bit like the old com de there thank you bull well to me it’s nothing more place that’s not made Mr Parsons any happier than he was before that ball I can assure you if he’s got a banter in him it might be about to come yeah so I think Wills has thrown a hand at it cuz we talked about the length and the W and he’s got a Chinese cut down here for four so it’s in the slot again a fair place to the Bowl that’s a really good line Wills gets a good stride in leaves it and uh and you have to you have to enjoy you have to enjoy from a slightly sadistic point of view the frustrations of Mr Parson’s there he just he’s just thinking what have I got to do to get a wicket today he’s B 9.5 overs two MA not for 24 yeah well that’s a good shift but he won not get better conditions than this either with or without the wind boy he does seem to have a bit more of a spring to step down the hill I squared him up probably just just missing off St and also probably a bit High wills’s asked he want to pick the ball up they said no I think they’re a bit said you can but we’ll appeal probably anyway so I don’t think that um that Bill’s a sort sort of chatty person that we want in our um next podcast cuz I think Bill’s a really nice Charming young man and he’s probably thinking it’s my first gig got two silly ass over middle-aged CH my mother has told me not to talk to silly old men sitting in horse boxes very much so and also for that also you know are some of the other boys are going to get stuck into him you don’t get picked next week he been talking to us to her but so maybe he doesn’t know the keep it might be his debut might it yeah and he dropped a catch you see Bill was not happy didn’t drop it paled it for sex that’s a lovely shot um yeah he did it’s very se but you got good hand to it but just misread it slightly but yeah I feel sorry for him but I you know deep down will I’m pleased you dropped it cuz I like watching Maza right come on then Maz what you got in the locker we go again to Flat six straight in straight into the war beautiful beautiful shot nobody mov Wars has caught that off the roof one handed M goes on to 47 now that was a bit more agricultural but it was very very I I was talking to um I was talking to Luke um about the difference in attitude of his batting since he’s come back from Australia or that he learned when he in Australia and they just said to him just be a little bit more positive a bit more aggressive just play and he’s certainly come back um with a much more aggressive attitude to life in general but isn’t it funny he still plays pretty Orthodox Cricket does it does yeah that was a bit agricultural but the first six was glorious and the next ball he’s gone off the back foot and hit a be beautiful um four re come off the back foot so that’s short drag down a bit yeah that didn’t bounce that was the main thing there he got himself into a perfect position and it really didn’t bounce again very very white clothing this guy looks like he could play for India he’s got his sunglasses maybe he took his sunglasses on bearing in mind it’s Darkwood out Ma has gone again and that’s gone square of the Wicket one bounce four just in front of square beautiful M goes to 51 not out getting a bit of a stare from the bowler there well little bit of a stare from the B Luke M 51 runs off 52 balls four six fours and three Sixers well batted the incredibly good-looking Luke Maslin so I got a feeling that the bowl is a bit rattled because he’s now we now got another field change Matt bden nobody move thank you Matt Bowden that’s a perfect impersonation to me carry on bars uh take your sunglasses off you would say how you’re pitching it but there’s a lot of changing going on so we’ve now got deep Square leg dcal Corner 45 on the one comes into into midwicket looks like swe lap sweet he’s had a good lunch sweet the lap sweet I just push it back to him we’ve taken 10 off the over jobs are good there you go good leave that’s good ball that’s a much better ball I imagine that’s the end of the over I imagine that chem is quite looking forward to bowling on this pitch shmy boy shmy baby I do wish he was a better bloke Shem he’s so lovely has Le man looking like he’s walking up the hill in layers probably feels like he is a legend a legend of um headington Cricket followed by oxs Cricket Martin Lee taught me a lot about life as a younger man and fatigue yeah taught me a lot about life I would have a lot to lot to thank him for yes so that was 100 up I didn’t forgot to mention that 102 for one of 22 overs that’s five and over bear that’s incredible I youing focus on my staff up to do mats like that anyway passes just back for another crack at it still two slips backward Point that’s that’s an incredible delivery I think I think it’s time to get the hamlets out and and cue the music because you kind of feel that his spell is now beginning to become a little bit of a hamlet spell but I’m away I’m still pretty sure that with especially the young man that’s just walked past laws and warns could have have some fun on here so it is not easy to bat on so I think these two have done a great job but you can always say the bowl is a bit unlucky that’s going an Inside Edge that’s H him up is that gone down to Bill yeah Bill there old Bill good arm Bill oh that’s a bad arm Bill oh it’s gone that’s five no it’s not going to go all the way could be close to bringing up Wills Is 50 no I think that’s only 49 but they’re clapping his 50 or they clapping so I was biging Will up a bill up Bill’s in from 45 on the one oh sorry was that a day four throw um tour throw no I think Bill’s a bit nervy after the drop catch you taking the Mickey out of him I did not take the Mickey out I couldn’t see it so how can I take the Mickey if You’ got a wicket keeper Dar enough to not wear pads psychologically you be thinking you got to get the ball in the air haven’t you well done who Wickam yeah yes really I have to be careful what I say on didn’t have to play oh yeah I completely agree we were much better behaved in those days Lee man but the thing that no but the thing is they get stuck into you but you’re playing the same level of cricket as they are which I don’t understand and it’s even better when you’re 50 and they give it you and they’re in their pump 28 well do probably well left there probably another side that rocks up here thinking they’re just going to roll us [Music] over Cut Throat brutality this leader that’s why he taught me so much cuz he’s Rock hardly man so the guy that walked past the deck earlier is now rock hard now in our view out there so he’s definitely turned left at the lights instead of right to the yeah I think they’re wi people they said we’ve been listening all the way down they must have tuned into the wrong station if they’re still listening please wave we’re waving at you from the to the BBC we’re we’re waving at you from the commentary box fans from high good Lord you have you been on the Sherry all afternoon if you think we’re funny not Mor and wise he’s been to walk Mor I’m not very wise not even my mother thinks I’m funny well to be fair your mother got your got your birthday wrong she did yes you did Mother you did indeed we’re sorry about that m [Laughter] so Le man’s basically just called us crap with a time delay hopefully you might be a to watch this and then turn around and sit on the behind the bar I watch a couple great shot so that’s the end of the over it’s 105 for one 23 overs gone so funny a minute ago it where he think keep going around keep going around on this on that slot and then he smashes yeah oh yeah Ted you changed your hat from a bobble hat to a cricket hat change plan I hope you’re warm enough Ted change a plan why do you want wickets or something oh what I was going to say what what are you doing um so is Will going to be nervous about getting a single here to get a 50 or not I shouldn’t think so not a man that scored as many runs as he has in his knife the red kite is looking intimidating what is that red exactly after um he’s trying to work out is this guy actually throwing it or not oh good from will so the bowlers come into bow and then all of a sudden they decide a little bit sneakily to move mid on back to deep long on and fair play to will cuz that’s un gentleman Lee oh he wants that one doesn’t he so of course we would love to get 100 today after the final message from current producer who’s getting a bit stroppy about people standing in front of the camera oh that’s not bounced um can you please not stand in front of the camera and he didn’t mean you Ted because you could even if you stand on your tippy toes it still won’t have an [Music] effect oh that’s BC yes I I I suspect that if Henry Welch been playing he’d be quite useful on this pitch as well variable bounce leg Spinners love variable bounce yeah bit don’t know it’s funny old dck isn’t it oh do eat him up so I think um I wonder if Wills woke up this morning thinking good it’s Wickam because obviously the best Innings of his life would have been when he Freddy and he the B yeah well they had a put a brilliant partnership and then there we go that’s his 50 50 will bed will we batted the magster 50 runs 79 balls strike rate of 63.3 six Falls no sixes well done do it all again boys two or three of the Wicken boys clap that which is I think very sporting I like to see that they’re probably thinking who is this Buck we can’t shift him let’s hope he goes on and gets another one right there Maza yeah beautiful oh let said that over it no not in the right way anyway no anyway so message from message from Morena my mother’s not listening well why is she not listening Mora what’s going on I mean for goodness sake she’s one of our Avid listeners we’re up to 43 current viewers thank you current viewers let me please remind you just in case you’ve tuned in Please Subscribe it doesn’t cost you any money at all and Barnes and I become influencers and we can sell you Mars Bars or remind you NS bars are good for you helps you work rest and play oh influencers yeah we are influencers we’re influential and we’re influencers you’re a complete OT can you imagine that’s a bit little bit upsh little bit up pass still coming in or just beginning to lose the will to live I swe Parsons is oh that’s genius I would like to say he’s had a stuffing but he hasn’t as he’s bed way too well for that any chicken jokes that we can bring in chicken related I think you’re making a vinegar one but I know that’s got the wrong font word come on the onion I prefer a pickled egg you don’t get pickled eggs in brown vinegar anymore but no M you go back there you’re the one with a Dicky hammy exactly no signs of that there mind has has an aspin oh he’s with the Wind downhill with a wind I’ve had a little bit of trouble with that after the vegetarian sausages as well yeah yes less said about that the better so 106 for1 from 23 in a bit will was it’s 50 not out Luke Maslin 51 not out good start after our dear new friend I would say old friend but he’s not dear new friend poy got for duck so WIS has gone on the back foot pushed it down good piece of Fielding very good that’s like good pick up good pickup describ that bear as a reverse goose neck yes I think it was um it had everything it reminded me a lot of me in the field so basically involved a Som assault it involved picking the ball up with what goalkeepers do that in football now they they jump with the wrong arm and and I’d never understand that I thought you’d jump with your left hand to stop going in the top they now jump like that what he feel to it like that they don’t catch the ball anywh either so that was a good fit so the guy at sort of short cover has run towards point so he’s facing the fence and then puts his hand down the right way he wasn’t like brilliant very clever good bit of fielding and through it we were discussing Eric’s long barrier woodsy and I cuz Eric does a perfect long barrier but the wrong way around yes he’s a strange man um and we we were pointing this out and I saiding to woodsy I said you know you as a coach must must come across that sort of stuff and you’re not try and Coach it out of people and he said heish and he’s okay poor old Parsons he’s got his head in his hands he’s going to he said he’s toiled and toiled he now on his second Hamlet from the from the Little Packet cue the music remember that one that one that BL trying to get the ball out of a bunker that brilliant and and then sand was puffing up and stuff like that and then all of a sudden I can’t remember I can’t remember the music’s that H it’s a it’s a classical music perhaps if anyone can tell me the name of the classical music that was used in the hamlet adverts then I can get it up on my phone that was brilliant oh I could do I don’t that’s pushed into mid Wicket hey Siri hi Siri play the music from the Hamlet adverts right ladies and gentlemen at drinks a 25 overs hamblet advert hamblet OCT down H sir’s being silly shush stop being silly Siri um on just going to turn the onoff switch Yeah so after 25 overs is drinks Bish is on oh got the badges out there looking like a bag of nails the Downs are 1074 one will Watts is 51 out the incredibly good-looking Luke Maslin 51 not out therefore there’s five extras in the score howy was out early door to an absolute snorter for zip who has gone up the order to open the bat in with Will as Freddy has brought down we believe to number five in the longer format uh keeping Wicket and open the batting is too much for these youngsters don’t know what’s going on need to get Alex Stewart now it’s Ted Young Ted’s coming out with a cup of tea young George what is he doing he’s as silly as a rook he’s got his Ms and dads on Powell is out there we’ve got a right old meeting going on Tomy Costa still got his sliders on and looks like he’s off to the most bizarre fancy dress I’ve ever seen cockles is having a chat Wars is wrapped up Harry Ren over there claiming that if he’d have had spikes he’d have won that race but don’t know if that’s true so Ma and here comes the captain going to talk to who’s he going to talk to don’t know what’s going on something wrong with math I’m not something’s I don’t know what’s going on here they’re all coming off M has left it he’s going to the change what’s [Music] happening come out to wisy George Here Comes M maybe he going to change his gloves there we are so I don’t know sun’s out still blowing a hulie um how many we got on be we got many on anybody need hello apparently I called my mother’s cat fat and that’s why she’s not listening to me anymore well if if the cat’s fat and the cat and the cat fits and wear it well has everyone gone well they act like badges gone out there so so is your mom got a fat cat yeah called jubil istic what Jubilation I think and celebration I want the wol to know right I’m trying to get this Hamlet hey Siri play Hamlet music he’s going to pick up Hamlet man isn’t he Hamlet advert all right here we go hang on a minute let’s try this um music from Hamlet cigar advert there we are what St this by Ja Lu and his Trio is still [Music] frequently it’s going music Hamlet R it’s coming any second there [Music] music from Hamlet cigar advert Golf Course to sptify on AG string here it is here we go here it is H right lad yeah we’re playing the Hamlet music this is a cigar called Hamlet a m cigar there you are that was worth it wasn’t it Paul bend my old school I like your hat what hat there’s nothing wrong with my technical ability binty thank you very much course I can use Siri what Siri oh did he I’ll let you guys crack on he’s looking really good I love that hat that’s celester tiger hat I’m all right just put one out thank you mate you very kind I will so um yes my old my old schoolmate in America Paul bin is listening thank you very much Paul um has he got children didn’t he not that I’m aware of not that he’s aware of why kids in America yeah anyway so does he like french kissing in the USA yeah you got it any there’s a bit of a huddle huddle going on here huddle so the high always having a bit of a huddle I don’t think it’s very professional to be waving at your son while he’s in the middle of an Innings incident nice it drinks break g a little thumbs up anyway um benty what’s happening what’s the weather like in America are you going to the World Cup yet benty um have did you watch the Great America versus Pakistan game the other day benty and I go back a long way what a wonderful man Mar says Hamlet music is like one of her g- strings no air on a g string sorry I wasn’t aware you wore GST strings ma Nicola hunt bark air on a g string you got youve got a g string as well Nicola tell you what tell all all these all these women fing up with g strings I feel a bit like a a rock star all these women you are you’re a white version of Barry White they’re going to be running up the ramp with nickers and flowers all you women who want to bring me your g strings I’ll be here for for the next 3 hours talking utter crap um yeah do you want a bit of time on your own B I shut the box up don’t come and knock in if the horse box is rocking Nichol has got a g string my mom’s got a g string Paul Bon America have you got a g string as well out I’ve got a Jo strap that Paul Bon America when he was at school had six pairs of white jeans really was he really cool he was so cool right so the boys got to go again the last thing we want to do now is lose a wicket for drinks but it’s a good start that’s a great solid start let’s have a bounce in a well you know the other thing we found out when I was in here with Woods the other day is we were listing and I don’t mean listy I mean listing that’s a funny old shot back that might go for four do you reckon no no it’s not gone for four I don’t know who number 33 is but he is rapid ah Nicola very good point Nicholas says it’s because I’m an influencer I’ve influenced her into talking about her g string yeah we could really if you can influence people to do that then we are in a slightly different career mode uh B say it was rain off yesterday but America qualified for super Eights will beit Pakistan versus Ireland tomorrow is that the current producer going off on one no it’s the it’s the badger oh Badger’s back nicely played nice little shot will Nice Shot for one run through the offside um raing in America that’s pretty terrible I don’t know that song you USA qualified for the Super Eight did you know that yeah because the game was washed out with B Star and somebody wasn’t it that’s amazing is it New Zealand haven’t and USA have oh we might not yet we might especially if Australia take one against Scotland no I can’t unless the OES are want to beat us in the final and Bangladesh are in as well coached by Jonathan Trot wonder if he’s had Ted sambat has got a g string no yes he has he just told me hot air on a g string I feel now we know where Mrs sand batch is mind you I have seen Ted I have seen Ted I can just imagine Ted wearing a some kind of manini g string thing on the beach in the siros I have seen you imagine that I can just imagine that Ted’s work with a towel he’s quite elaborate after a game of cricket H my mother has worken out and apparently she says to her friend to tell me that there are lots of things about my mother I don’t know yeah but you’ve got a fat cat g strings are just one of them yeah is it true about lady parachutist they whistle on the way down with the G string or not I don’t know anyway moving swiftly on um how does DD wind hey hey how does hello DD how does a blind man know when he’s getting close to the floor of his parachut is this the PC Dr just how cuz the lead goes like on the GU do come on that’s funny anyway Cricket 110 for one from 26 Flo walks into selfes fly man walks into selfes picks his dog up by the tail and starts swinging it around his head what are you doing the doorman said what on Earth are you doing said I’m just having a little who here’s a question for you’re a bright man you’re a man of the world says that well I just think you are right so you give me that impression you’re a very bright man you’re a man of the world right everybody knows you you’re quite famous in these parts but I have a very serious question right I’m going to get my serious face on ready who picks up guide dog poo that’s a very good question yeah why is the wrong number never engaged so is this the guy come on from the other end he’s yes I do believe it is it’s Hado Hado no this is Utley this is a new one ah is this the guy that was at w K him could be his is he Rogers he’s not Rogers he can’t he’s too goodl looking he can’t be Rogers he’s too skinny great man Roger rutley is was Roger this is uh this is right arm rogerley was was the um coach of Harrow Harrow when we played against him yeah and was very upset that our prop bit off their props here Mar hod not B remember him on has Ted been eating vegetarian sausages that’s a very good point B’s bint is knitting the whole thing together for us in um America has Ted been eating vegetarian sausage that could cause the hot air on his g string no I think but if it gets too hot could he singe the G string there completely I’m pretty certain that the hot air on Ted g string is the air of Mrs sandbach but no now you’ve taking that to another level I’m worried about the hot air coming out from the vegetarian sausage if it broke the G string does that mean the undercarriage could open I don’t know and how does that hamper hug in the tree right so we got a long on right back on the boundary that’s into the win that’s a big shot um and we got a mid off we got a short extra cover we got a third man short Third Man short midwicket a backward on the 45 that’s the shot for one to the sweeper on the Deep extra if it’s over pitch you can go over Extra cover yeah that’s maybe but so that’s the first over forley one over not for one well Bal I’m sure this is the guy that came from woking him could be well they’ve had a bit of they they’ acquired lot of players at woking him so presumably some have popped out the other side well I guess it’s a step up from Wenham to Wick no disrespect but Wickam have always been there or there is that a leing over there oh no it’s not oh it’s our hot air Ted sorry we complet it’s our hot air I understand say all done well done what’s all done it’s all done I want to know what’s happened in the two nson here we’re off we’re on Nelson’s sped benty Nelson’s for one everyone’s hopping [Music] wow that’s a dangerous shot to play he’s going back and out to leg to make himself run from the offside on a pitch which is two pasted I guess that they um run rate stried up a little bit and the boys don’t want that to happen so off Nelson’s been to stop you can get back on both legs now that’s a great two super running that was bu down very good day three day four a t throw to boot and V you can now get back on both feet because it’s no longer Nelson’s um but again this is proper Cricket isn’t it we’ve got two good Spinners on and we got to play Orthodox Cricket shots cuz if we went bang bang here and all of a sudden we’re 12 for three or 120 for four it’s a different game we got plenty of biffers Wills has got up in the air It Wide oh no oh that’s a good catch that’s a very good catch and so Wills has gone an excellent catch Wills has gone to hit that over wide long on get very high and he caught it about 6 in off the ground very very good catch timed it well he probably didn’t go at it hard enough it’s a nicely timed Cricket shot well batted Wills 57 caught hemp Bol 96 balls strike rated 59.4 and guess how many minutes he was in for benty 111 111 minutes he was in for oh my gosh it’s everywhere you can’t escape from so he’s he’s gone to whip that he hasn’t tried to smash it he’s timed it uh and the guy has run probably 15 20 yards from his to his left and taking a very good low catch but it’s a great well batted magot who’s in now if he gets 50 or 60 every week he’ll end up with a decent average thank you mate right 113 for two out stride one of my favorite cricketers of all time and I do include GA Botham lamb Robin Smith and Alan [Music] malali wasn’t a very Crick it’s just a funny name interesting draw s is coming out to bat with two spinners bowling and he’s wearing a helmet very unorg likee very very unorg like George was captain of the um old chelonians in the cricketer cup and they had they scored 375 runs um on some and he didn’t get a back he got six oh did he and he was in for two balls you do the math the meth he ran three twice get ready for some excitement let’s get ready I think if Luke’s hamstring is ever slightly tight this is going to test it Luke hamstring that’s quite a good name actually isn’t it right so the field has closed in somewhat a short extra cover we have a short midwicket we have a conventional mid- on Mid off who are quite short did you see that bizarre end in at the oval last night what happened uh um summer who was it gler versus Sur gler bowling Sur needed some like 12 off the last over and then three off the last two balls then there was a DOT ball then he needed two or something like that for super over one for a tie and then there was a run out at the non Striker end it was everything was going on but if you were there T20 white what a brilliant game of cricket yeah look like a full house as well which is always great right so I’m going to go and get my have a look on here but then you’ll get you’ll get angry with me nicely hit through the offside that’ll be just one maybe one or two no just one because of M’s OD yeah George is Off the Mark oh looking at the second team well teddington’s carp was under that’s in the slot and that’s Square he get that that’s a great sweep shot all along the ground there was a deep Square leg but he just couldn’t get to I think it’s will out there a deep Square leg and it was a beautiful shot M has beginning to look very good um I reck there’s a Fielder out here Sunday would have got that he’d have run around and dived and say [Music] that why is that not playing I don’t know [Music] right so George is facing his first ball from this end he’s on well it says on not but he’s definitely on one so the scoreboard hasn’t been moved on yet I haven’t got my other scoreboard cuz you’re messing about with my screen we’re messing about by the river what on Earth is going on there anything looking like that before [Music] anyway so we’re having split sight screens at the other end that’s a game from 1926 involving tington I don’t know what that’s going to do that so weird right so we got right-handed off spin bowling to left-handed George we got short extra a short midwicket mid on Mid off Square cover 45 on the one tip that through the offside for a single we got a deep midwicket which will now become a deep extra cut for the right-handed Maza and on the other side a deep midwicket which is a deep midwicket is that not much Cricket going on around the country let have a quick look lot of rain around ohow looks like they’ only just started a 29 for1 from six playing against dash dash dash dash Henley are 203 for two off of seven playing against Warr o of downs we know what’s going on here and then Finch hamster to 83 that’s a lovely shot that’s for one run to deep midwicket nicely played so that’s that uh I’m trying to find your old score card now my mate see we had this trouble last time we have don’t you worry Bo gone over there how does that happen that’s weird oh there it is there’s your score card but now we haven’t got the comments no you have though just bear with me CH that’s also carass through there just cons consult thank you very much I’m back have we missed any messages no none at all are you happy now I’m happier cuz I’m happy 121 for two it’s not getting any warmer um atly 1.3 overs not for four played a Miss on arm ball went straight on Maza is 56 not out off 65 BS George hope you’re paying attention Ted is on three KN out off to four nicely played he plays that shot very well with a straight bat that’s the key play it with a straight bat one run thank you very much so we are the most advanced game by country mile today in this division so second team are underway um I don’t know who’s on the uh toss but um oh interesting George fainted to do a reverse sweep and the bowler stopped he fainted well he Fain to say um T very interesting wonder if he’s going to do it again now this is they must have started a relatively reasonable time at tid cuz tiddington is 78 for3 from 36 overs wow they’re Ming through it aren’t they yeah so uh Captain [ __ ] is there had a lovely haircut why you why you I don’t know we don’t know don’t get 10 can you get a few of the lads we get bear out we need to give it a spin um was mmud two for 27 and Alex Ling W for 16 Gussy seven overs not for 14 and uh Ole Armstrong six overs for 15 so been a bit expensive he overs for one is he you got a bit of tap as he old gav oh he’s just got a back down and I still think that’s a risky shot going back it’s not bouncing sometimes any had 6.1 overs one for 33 Tak a little bit man utle two overs not for five and it’s one two two for two two two uh I’d say if Beno was here it’d be 122 for two what a marvelous uh F that is back with the square one run the sweeper comes get it it’s a big it’s a big playing surface one leg Luke we’ve got this is probably we’re in the middle of the square and we’ve got all boundaries as far back as they all go it’s a big pling surface yeah it is yeah I reckon you could cover that in no time at all B I could in the car either one St the car ah Ted’s paying attention yes thank you Ted g string fully up no hot air on it your son is batting Teddy D string sand wear a helmet to two spinners which is interesting can oh is it you said to me if you can find my hat he is as silly as a rook This Man Ted the Ted the G string sand match as he’s now called Hit It can I just say in full confidence of his son’s ability Ted is saying I’m watching George at the moment but I’ll be back at the bar very shortly know George as I do what’s a terrible thing to say Ted you got a very very talented young man there George head maybe your G String’s too tight and it’s affected your thought process yes what say you cockles man we had a lot of g-ring chat no you did don’t bring this we thing into this hit it it’s a darted in at leg stump Georgie flicks off I got to stand up cuz the com’s box is looking straight at the scoreboard viewer we got a better view of the Banger TR we’re up to 48 viewers which is great 48 viewers please if you haven’t subscribed Please Subscribe it doesn’t cost you any money at all and and the more viewers who subscribe the more influence we have and we can persuade you to buy a Snickers bar at or g string yes or a g string make the camera yeah but don’t touch it but I can do this for you watch or I can go back there isn’t that fantastic yeah we can do this but if I touch it look what happens bars has all the toys they the only three buttons you know how to work no I’m pretty good with knob he’s good at the start button in his car yes good from you no I have a key still oh do think so don’t if I have to turn it though that’s embarrassing but might have to turn it might keep it in the pocket or leave it in the car then lock the door hit it gone through a first sweep oh it’s gone straight it’s a beautiful reverse sweep straight to backward Square see so he’s a very he’s a very Square 45 on the one how do you know that is he good at read George managed to find it now they’ve swapped him after he’s done after he’s just done that great piece of Fielding they’ve swapped him so who’s been promoted there don’t understand that they like swah is this Utley that was at woking ham [Music] swap so 30 overs gone double that 250 will do they got to get those a 41 40 43 three yeah interesting game on he’s a game on here so there’s our two wicam fans uh currently just in front of square leg V can’t say drove here listening to us they said we were very funny so clearly they’ve been Dr driving and I think we’ve influenced them definitely definitely she’s got a g string that’s probably why they got up they’ve rushed into the bar to buy Snickers just cuz I mentioned it yeah you are an influen A Bear we’ll have to ask her when she comes around whether she’s got a g string on of course no I’ll leave that to you okay Wang um do you think there’ll come a time this season where we’re actually overly warm in this horse box well even the other week when it was scorching hot cuz it’s under a tree it was it was boled I want to go back to the tent I think we can abandon the horse box as this really cheep idea well it’s presum it’s got to go away to be finished well let’s turn into a hot dog shop and then when you can have the tent back it’s a very tight over that one two three overs now from that lead nor for five Captain cockles has had enough of our twaddle and has gone it’s know it’s just in here all the time because I’m worried about us being kidnapped yeah somebody just literally took us up to the back of a Jeep and we’re gone mate what you don’t care about this we’re vulnerable see I still think you see there if you had some legs on there that was shaped just longer at the front all this could slide to the front we still sit inside the box but our screens are there not beyond the feet of any engineering man ma has gone on the back foot just for one m is edging his way up the runs now he’s on to 59 Georgio is on four and 15 balls circumspect by Georgio K old boy yeah well George gets himself in he’s got about tens he’s at four aut going to pick that up then remember he was playing a league game and decided not to Old Ted the Heap sheep would go mad so I think the wicam fans have got more fans just turned up Wick Corner well they’re having a cuddle I wonder if there’s a Wicken way [Music] was not quite timing it yet I don’t think so we’ve got a I don’t think it’s a fine leg on the one square leg’s just being moved out to deep Square leg so maybe a bit a bit more airs on leg stump I don’t one of those wickets you can probably just come in and just go straight off the no straight off the bat so we got a a conventional well sort of widish midwicket on the one we got a long on we got a mid off we got a short extra cover on the half Drive D George has hit that for six it might have hit my car no it’s gone into the current producer’s house that is the George shot this is a beautiful shot from George he just eased that into the current producer’s house well done George Well Done Ted for watching George or are you back at the bar already George into double figures on to 10 131 for two of 32 overs I just heard a shout a g at my garden I don’t know if it was meant in just or someone’s angry that George was just dispatched producer Garden so I very much doubt whether he was annoyed anyway very nice shot from George EO so another over for Utley he’s SP three overs one maid not for five well bald R that’s not bad that’s a good shot that’s a good Fielding as well what a wonderful piece of cricket he’s absolutely smashed that he’s he got a bit of stinger in his hand there was brilliant like you say a great bit of Fielding good pickup so we’ve got a few of the boys having a wander around the boundary I take it poy seems to be Center re that’s a nice little shot off the back foot so Ted says watching of course but I something behind the heart pull not bar um poy seems to be at the center of anything that’s mischievous yes well I think that’s the nature of CNA where he was obviously born and bred strong in the arm and thick in the head so we got a little gathering of men over there think it’s cockles andrich poy at the center of everything nicely George the ball yeah was well fielded by short midwicket he’s a good Fielder isn’t he yeah I think he dropped that he Dr the cat slip no he didn’t I don’t think so pushing hard at the ball George pushing hard good man so on the reverse Suite they’ got a they’ve got some very very Square 45 on the one and a very Square George once again George made an early movement and the Bowa stopped yeah he’s bit remember he’s a bit of a spiky character I remember he had a bit running with fin over he doesn’t like he doesn’t like people making preempted decisions on their shots which is uh if you pick it up as early as he’s picking up you’d have thought you could Bowl it in a different spot and have the have him to be honest but I thought that’s what you you want it you want someone to commit early and then you just adjust your ball far it down the leg side stumped off wide or won’t even be a wide in this form of the game clearly knows what he’s doing there if he’s bowling at this level yeah gets through his overs quickly let push through quicker must nicely played one run score up to 134 for [Music] two next two batsman in F Smith and T cosford call there some bang bang Boomers in that in whatever order you see fit well I I think it’s Freddy and then it’s going to be ker I think but don’t really know but that’s then etto presum know then um what’s going onto followed by Harry that’s it then sham what’s the matter is there controversy is there controvery we got halfway around the boundary then another comfortable single the moment just milking runs plenty of places to score runs just a bit of consolidation leaving us with enough wickets for the final Onslaught I think plenty of Blue Sky out there fluffy clouds howling a gale still watchful from George the bowler not tempted to toss it up and see him he can stick it in the gardens again quite flat that one current producer walking behind the Bowers arm with his dog do you think CLA TOS him when he’s got to go and do it that’s a reverse sweep nasty bounce taking last they’re going to get two there no more George is connect with that pretty effectively actually so 135 for two from 137 for two 137 for two and still three balls on this over to go he’s got one for 45 now from 8.3 his EDS that that’s going to be another two hard work up hill into the win there b George’s hamstring sorry not George hamstring mes hamstring getting a good old working over don’t know what’s been going on but old senior PR has been dragged into the car park I know what’s happened but lovely from George he walks up and pushes it in midwicket fed throw from Extra cover sorry short booket it seems to be a bit quieter all of a sudden doesn’t it does 139 for two 33 double that b we doing all right George has fetched that and I think he’s walking off like he’s going to be caught he’s dropped it he has dropped it got away with that just describe that georgees it wasn’t an easy catch to be fair he stretched a long way for that didn’t time it the guy has run around from sort of wide midwicket to sort of adjust in front of the square still on his hands and knees now got his hands to it about 6 in off the floor spiled he’s still on his hands and knees don’t know what he’s doing maybe he can start barking and gra it wasn’t a very easy catch he he was at full stretch he made good ground for it thank you very much thank you very much ENT thank you you’re welcome very much we think you two been on the Sherry if you think we’re entertaining I think I shouldn’t drink drive back to Wickam we’re working hard at it very good to have you please please feel to go into the bar so do you watch these have you got Sun playing or that’s him bowling oh is it is it he’s bowled very well four overs one madeen not for so far we’ve been calling him Roger so if we’ve caused any offense we terribly sorry saying is relation no we said he’s far too good-looking to be related to Roger to be related to Roger now that we’ve met his mother we know exactly we know exactly where he gets his good from my mes just press the flirt button on our screen and got a warning sign come up we’re in full flirt mode and we’ve been talking about you are we’ been talking about g strings I don’t know if you’ve been hearing us have you anything to contribute to the conversation does this dad wear a g string that’s a pretty good shot manini I yeah no good man the dad B Bandini coming at you live from Wickam I love it I love it right so score moves on to 143 for two doesn’t chaff as much I’ve heard of a chaff inch sir not a chaff as much I I think you’re fine you can get Vaseline for that is there any Cricket now um just click the Sam King says afternoon B afternoon Sam um there we go so it’s official that the man keini was actually first invented in Wickam yes famous for chairs [ __ ] pubs and um and M and wolf slack and wolf slack but we can’t wolf slack we can’t have slack g strings because they could just no you never get a whistle out of a SL string will you no absolutely 143 for two 34 point4 overs straightened him up that’s well bold no don’t give it the well bold nonsense cuz his M and dad got a gorgeous mother that’s all I’m saying I can tell I can tell by the I can tell by the way this I can tell by the way this guy BS Osman he’s got a stunning mother what is up with you I thought you’d gone through the menop by now and calm down a bit there to be honest he’s like he’s in season all the time anyway back the cricket 144 for 234 see mother yeah byebye do come back again can you give it an hour for my mate to calm down how Jolly nice is that nice to entertain the IET the G cu the boys are here have have one of these mate have one of the ones underneath they make me [Laughter] Karma do you think it was such a thing for karma what on Earth would go wrong for you we’re very well Sam King wants to know if we’re well with very well thank you Sam how are you most point Barn says hello as well no doesn’t [Laughter] Sam couldn’t give less of a monkeys anyway well play M fish loves it does he he’s out with the lads do you think he feels much younger wandering around with his own mates he was here this morning in gold and then had to deliver his bacon roll well Ma has gone for a massive whole whack over mid off I not sure how to describe the Wicket keeper cuz he doesn’t look like a wicket keeper does he no pads an oy hockey mask doesn’t stay low he’s not very Orthodox in what he does but he’s a very good glove man that was the politest house that umire well I’d like to say it looks like the forecast they’ve got it right be from what I saw about the rain today it’s is got warmer Breeze brilliant piece ofing Great Piece of Fielding he gets a little slap very good so the guy there I’m not sure if that was on camera or not probably not but he’s at Extra cover stump high and he’s run towards a stump dies full length one-handed brilliant B that’s darted in short it’s bounced up and I think that’s hit the Wicket keeper straight underneath the baby maker I wonder if he bothers wearing a box yes no he did cuz then when he took his trousers down earlier on I couldn’t help but notice he had a j strap on what were you doing looking what I couldn’t it was right in front of me what could I do and I wonder whether he’d been involved in some of the conversations about you might have been but then I is the G is the jockstrap the male version of a g string I don’t know George just had a hat to put on yes where’s it coming from where’s George running to Harry Ren no water so anyway Sam King says I’m very good thank you mate aiming this at you be sorry for the other week just cut it please now I I need I got a question to ask you again the guys that run drinks on are doing it in sliders from a health and safety point of view can’t do it very sensibly can they he’s already lost a race because he was wearing sliders well I think they should be wearing Crocs personally so I didn’t realize the other day that somebody was doing a race and they were doing Crocs and then they put the strap round which is known as sports mode that’s why mine are never on the back so I’m never in sports mode no but they were doing some racing in Crocs I think it was the second team captain last week Mr ry’s back on five overs nor for 12 and why wouldn’t he be well I know cuz he hasn’t been taken off oh George causing chaos well I think if he tries was George told he couldn’t go off and get his hat no he came off for a quick drink I do yeah that’s when Harry Ren ran on with his um flip flops you all right how’s he Alzheimer yeah but why why didn’t they bring a hat to him as well cuz they find him he must have a million hats that’s M has cruised on to 67 I think if Mr rutley was going to pick a fight I wouldn’t bother with George because George will not take a scrap in no and we probably just laugh at him yep right is somebody else off a little little W now who’s that could be l oh it’s l and Holly I think oh that’s popped horribly got away with that that’s popped on George which is very good news for chem get warmed up chem so I think George has sort of g off the back you notice that George got the final Wicket last week I did see what on Earth was that all about what on Earth was that all about well he picked out cleaned it didn’t he so that last shot he’s going to push it through midwicket and he’s jumped some it that’s high in the air that’s a massive six that’s gone mile Mage to bowler please don’t bowl there no that’s gone Absol you keep there whether not your M’s attractive or George sand batch genius that’s gone over the trees I think how many other cricketers but hang on a car is just screeched to a halt on the A40 cuz George’s ball has just arrived how many how many cricketers would have a ball that popped on him where he tried to put it through Square leg and his popped he would have been caught slip or Gully then the next board decides to just dispatch it for six and now I’m going to turn around have a chat with the Wicket keeper George Goes On to 23 Ted wake up pay attention your son is a genius or you could wake up your good lady wife and go wake up little Suzy wake up you could do but unfortunately s still in St Lake [Laughter] so Anton’s now realized that um sandal is in so he’s going a square leg rather than Point George is having a good old n the guy that is at point in the minute has been practicing his golf swing needs to keep his left arm a bit straight straighter maybe have a word a leean who still looks very Co so Sun’s gone in 152 for 2 from 36 Georgie Boy is on 23 not out Luke mim’s on 67 not out all things equal pretty good with the winds picked up George’s black through Corner absolutely smashed that for four beautiful shot George Ted pay attention Su asleep on the sunbed now wake her up Susie can you can you drag the suned and tip Sue in the pool cuz I’d love to see what the reaction could you wake SW up and tell her that her son is fatting like God he 27 not out please so all of a sudden there’s a field change so George’s it one over the trees over midwicket that was a bit of a whack to cow corner but we’ve got now wide midwicket deep Square leg deep long on he’s tuck it into Utley doesn’t care yeah very sensible batting 64 dot love that batting I’m so pleased he’s back at this club I know I keep saying it but just love being in his company he’s great to watch and he brings an air of chaotic calm and happiness that’s the 156 or two 150s come up while we’ve been ning balls been flying to All Parts um George is 27 out off 33 the incredibly good- looking Luke masin 67 off 86 um Mr utley’s taking a bit of a bashing his figures there he’s now b six overs one Maiden nor for 23 Mr Hado 10 overs no maidens one for 49 so he’d have bow he’d have b seven overs or six overs for 13 if had for George tuck it in for sub there’s lots going on around the boundary people coming oh Holly and Loz have just come out the bushes together now surely she hasn’t been in there looking for is she well I don’t know she W finally unlock I’ll tell you what I’ll cross them in you I’ll them in yeah not good old boy right and he comes again left arm Orthodox Luke just opens himself up plays a beautifully calmed shot off the back foot Extra cover runs round thinks he’s side stepping nobody no he doesn’t play for Wickam cuz you gone up a League last year did I tell you about that trip there which trip Wicken won The League last year at a caner we last game on social media last game of the season with a massive Champions Banner 4,000 people turned up from Wick and a watch we give it to them oh beautiful that what was it don’t knowes coming out ready change of field he’s about to come in a bow and the BLS realize he’s in the wrong slot so for Luke masin we got a deep Square leg a deep Cal Corner midwicket straight we got a deep long on we got can’t see cuz the bloody hor box in the wrong place we got an extra cover a backward Point backward cover deep cover I take it we got deep mid off somewhere that guy at cover field well fielded here’s Luke masin Wills of the side isn’t he all right Herbert we have got a deep Long off come in come in if you got a g string on that’s short of L tucked M up a little bit really yeah excuse me mate what are you doing over there okay why are you speaking in the Welsh accent I have no idea cuz are you fa see was it 158 for two 15 58 for two George 28 not out Maza 68 not out oh it’s a great pick ni straight down his Thro that’s gone for six Luke has dispatched that for six it was quite close to the guy at Deep backward Square leg but it went very very quickly and Out Of Reach lovely shot so it’s like an orthodox that’s a 50 partnership Luca’s got 23 of them George’s got 28 of them off 63 balls 32 minutes well done you two 158 for two off 37 that was some it’s like a bizarre pickup stroke sweep but Ed beautifully I was a bit worried at one stage but the guy scampered around six holes here he is look good how you [Music] yeah yeah yeah that what you want a bit so I am in here well battered maggot [Laughter] I’m talking g strings with the opposition fans it’s all going very well AB it’s looking good isn’t it 164 for two Luke Mas 74 not out now Ted is watching and Sue’s asleep on the suned in siros all right in the Greek Islands have a lovely holiday Sun bches yeah beer Becky watching yes and we and we go to sleep we offered our commiserations of his team being knocked out of the World Cup in a very early stage is that bit is that a bit premature what well in terms of that might happen to us well yeah I know but I thought get it in before it does happen us well if he’s still up now I’d imagine he has so George has lost the ball [Music] and Sue’s now watching Sue Has woken up from the sun bed and she’s now watching welcome Sue so that’s a gone ball ball is not coming back the brutal brutal execution by incredibly goodl looking Maza has meant that that ball has gone for good so we’re going to get another ball why is it obvious the ball has come back I don’t know whether that’s you do one of your is that the proper ball the umpire’s looking at the proper ball that’s being chucked back somewhere seem to have lots of balls on so one of the balls is in the bowler’s hands the other ball has gone to the other rine that’s been put in his pocket I’m not sure whether either of those balls is the original ball haven’t been returned or whether they were both chucked on and between them they’ decided which is the most appropriate one you talking about balls again I’m talking about balls again yeah anyway we’re back on E through the offside for one by George nicely done he’s good isn’t he Sue is now watching she’s been woken up from her sun bed by Ted woken up I have woken but what about woken up woken up and she’s now avidly watching soe how do you put up with that I was going to get my daughter from horse riding okay sorry mate thank you current producer gy up that’s a nice pull shot can’t see what’s going on around the corner but I think that’s just one no it’s two comfortably to definitely to yeah too later current producer what’s going on at tid current producer’s off to get his daughter offs 121 for four of 46 at tid 167 for two here more runs as well they might get two there as well easy to mind that hammy George has gone off like the clappers y very very good Cricket very good Cricket 169 for two just going to go to the B and get drink the bar the car what am I on about bar R in the car leaving me oh no nicely fielded just short of a length hits right off the middle of the bat but straight to short extra he’s had quite a lot of action there has to be [Music] said that’s the end of the over from Mr UT Le nor for 28 off 7 [Music] overs one or two Bowlers warming up whether that’s trying to catch the captain’s eye are we going to get a bowling change or are we going to have more of the same we’re about to find out there’s not a mad Stampede to get to the CER ball at the moment but there’s no one at all at the bowlers end looking showing any interest at all to bowl oh no change Mr had is strolling along so 12 overs 11 overs one for 57 so we’ve got 12 overs to go now do you think not very often but if I absolutely have to I can do you think there’s more strategic bowling changes in the 50 over format to the longer format cuz obviously I think there are fewer you’ve got five Bowlers that can buy 10 is a maximum where here you can bowl longer and longer and longer you go away with four Bowlers here can’t you yeah has to be at least four I think yeah I guess logically the fourth bowler can bow just the one over but you’re putting a lot of oh we have the first George incident running between the wickets he faned it Maza didn’t Bunny’s coming back in here like the clappers George’s fetch that is that out now he’s going to bounce in front of the square the guy’s going round picks it up now two runs to Georgie so they think the gu’s at deep midwicket and George is some action out there I have to say yeah he’s not the quickest quickest to field is that the high comi have got you know think George is going to come straight again very shortly that’ be my prediction well this is with the wind as well for George isn’t it so from this end Here We Go reverse lap that’s a beautiful Cricket shot he’s time absolutely smashed that what a sensational reverse sweep from Georgio sandbach his parents on their sunbeds in siros must be so proud you must be so proud bowler is not happy bowler is not is that cuz he thought that that’s where his Fielder was and his Fielder had Edge round I think he’s double teapot it and then he’s gone to the captain that’s Extra cover but George has played that off the middle of middle stump as calm as you like just reverse Geor has gone on to 35 very entertaining runs brilliant shot that’s gone high now that could be trouble George is running straight to the Pavilion cuz he knows he’s out that’s extraordinary George that is off like the CL George must need to go to the toilet or something I think he’s got a taxi coming George has a hot date with L he he’s literally kept running put his back in the air like it’s a sword his man a brick you don’t get to see that very often um viewer he’s hit the ball straight down midwicket stroke sprinted off God knows what would have happened if he dropped it he had to turn around and run back he got anywhere near the pavy L start to clap cuz it was a great knock and he just raises his back like it’s a sword mad as a peach now does he take after you suee or Ted but the good news is you can both go back to sleep on your sun bed great not that that reverse was unbelievable now he’s sitting down already having a drink with his mates like nothing’s ever happened what a brilliant brilliant blow everybody El be throwing a bat having a tantrum he’s just he’s got has he got his phone no he’s just sitting there with his moms and dads on like he’s ready to come back in again brilliant What Okay Freddy Smith has strolled out yes Freddy Smith another left-hander left hand right hand com W how do you think he’s going to bat then mate interesting question he’s got the he’s got the new ball he say he thinks it’s the first time he’s batted number five in a proper game for about 10 years it’s mad isn’t it I should think the reverse sweep will come out at some stage I’m sure he batted for me on a Sunday game when he was about seven he wanted to keep Wick it and then he said can I open the bat in and I said no Sunday Cricket chat you just kep Wicked you and know you came down the order then and give it a bit it is it is a if you’ve been used to batting batting down the order is a new experience yeah but I guess with the way that Freddy plays and that sort of all the stuff he’s been playing at Uni then that slap and tickle T20 then it’s almost ideal for him is he got some runs yesterday at his old school then walked around a straight one snow being good all the time a bit boring right so wicked for High Wicken they’re very pleased about that caused another huddle um 175 for three incredibly good looking Luke M 78 n after 96 delage Freddy Smith KN off one um and well batted George sambat caught Elliot Callis 35 Jack Callis Jac shos so interesting though because um we’ just been saying earlier about the way that Freddy has changed his style of batting now we want to go back to now can you go back to giving it Biff every other Ball please it’s a lovely shot the back good that could go as well Bill’s going on the clappers he’s going to get there great oh yeah must have hurt himself you know what back on his Freddy’s going y Freddy’s testing his hamstring that’s three that’s good so one good thing I liked about B then he’s run 30 yards with the wing going like the clappers Dives like any good back rower back on his feet quickly you got to get off you got to get off your feet and use your upper body strength cuz you can’t be leaning on the ground can you no I do think that referees sometimes get that wrong what’s that they leaning on the ground over the um what they don’t pick up on it they don’t pick up on it or they blow it up incorrectly well it’s pretty straightforward but I’m I’m amazed that more play I’m not going to say this because it will might affect anybody that’s listening to the technique that we use at GB but there we go it’s ways around it I think it’s very blatant when you clearly put the palmsy hand on the floor and then drag him back oh we’re still lean on the ball and it’s on the floor yeah it’s fine one though isn’t it the balances yeah you get yourself in a good body position oh that’s a good shot in the end a little bit up just one I think exra was interested for a nanc wasn’t he yeah time that okay 1 78 for three first thing to do is go down wi the ball on your elbows it looks like you’re just about to CR this that’s what the the New Zealand bat Ro are so good as it be interested to see how they play under their new coach they do say that if Richie mcco had been UNP referees under the current legislation he would wouldn’t have been nearly as effective but then he would have changed his gam he was good enough like John Jeff was always offside and so another good-looking man John Jeffrey him and Finley CER couple of Lookers I think when you take one of the very very best goats of all time of any sport and then say if he was playing in this era I it’s just nonsense really good Fielding he’s been their best Fielder I don’t know what his name is number 33 done well he not getting any warmer in here had you noticed I’ve been all right actually maybe I’m just not in the wind as much as you because of the angle of the truck George has now gone for chat with Eric to discuss his Innings tid have moved on to 128 for four and 48 so it’s obviously a bit of a slow old deck there there another Wicked G cuz Matt Johnson’s in now what we did get there [Music] back on Bo FR H that into the gardens there he goes he does his thing look and thank you very much that’s gone into the Nets and out again as Richie would see it’s gone straight in The Confectionary stall and straight out again and then he just stands there and lays the bat up against his leg I’m bloody call I’m Freddy Smith you’re welcome 185 to3 love that I love the way he hits that there just cool as you like through the line doesn’t try wet hit it good not hard he’s hit that off the hit 45 with the one Mt says no Fred Mt on H1 not out off 99 balls so I guess uh what is the highest score this year for the our first team individual score Freddy got 78 last week what did will get a banry he got 80 something not didn’t he yeah so we time one of these boys got on on the board Freddy’s going to have to go some though isn’t he he needs 93 for the next six overs car you imagine that would be fun wouldn’t it we be getting close than the 300 anari go on Fred try it there was any man I could do it you and George cockles is not playing he’d have a go of get 100 off of six overs at all wouldn’t he yeah I think he’d want M for M state to get the 100 yeah well they could both get 100 Fred just needs to get on with it comes down the track yeah well bold good return for the bow of that so he’s bow 13 overs two for 69 Utley eight overs not for 32 so for gone nine gone we got to be aiming at 250 so nine overs to go we have to be a we have we have one of the biggest hitters in the team coming in next this angle this is I’m suris you got as close without already oing you out Gary to be honest I can’t believe it how are you mate you’re not at it today where were you meant to be well you’ve done all right you DOD a budet then M has played that shot a lot today off the back foot good bit that’s a knock on we come back for the scrub look at the field they set any messages for many of our lovely people Ted sandat has gone back to sleep with Sue on the suned right so we’ve got two people back on the reverse sweep oh we got Freddy where’s Freddy going to pump this what’s see Freddy’s thinking push it through off a good shot that’s not a great B there’s definitely one there gang y definitely one there I think Mr one Mr ry’s got away with one Mrs Utley looks like she’s pretty is she laying down over there she looks pretty relaxed anyway is Freddy’s gone for the reverse f is B him oh dear unlucky Fred OD dear out to the reverse sweep that’s going to make Ted heat very annoyed well I don’t care these Lads play a different side of cricket to the 1930s they make decisions they hit shots at we can’t it and they play Shots that you think you silly ass but that’s what they’re good they’re playing the highest level they can play without being a professional Crick none of us old gits have got the right to say anything about it fair enough there you go you can your son I can make comments of my son but that’s about it now another huddle another huddle there happening posford walking e looks pretty rigid the old boy he been stretching and twisting and a shimmying and a sh you don’t think that scampered quick threes are going to be part of his tactic for the rest of this in back into the win but he’s been sat with a bit of pad rash for a while isn’t he and he just looked like I out the other week right so cometh the hour cometh man he needs a score this boy I reckon that would be a good time to do it what’s the score we’ve got eight and a bit overs to go 186 of Tom if you can go 10 out over it gets us 260 so we’re going to have to go some he’s having a chat with the Wicket keeper I don’t know if they’re old mates but shirts come un tuck flapping about you go his guard his middle middle and leg so two Tommy we got a uh no actually a short third man we got a backward point we got a deep cover we got extra cover deep mid off deep long on midwicket Orthodox catching up with stumps got a deep cow Corner nicely played guess very nicely played Tommy goes off the back foot and pushes one out he does have a beautiful eye for a cricket ball Ted sambat I’m still here hello Ted heading out for cocktails at 6 is that 6 our time or your time so just squeeze the innings in we’re two hours ahead of you before you make any rude comments too late oh sandal heading out for cocktail you know what Ted I do feel sorry for you you such aable rotten life are you wearing a cocktail dress for your g- string Ted or not please tell me your I bet he’s wearing an O neck lining shirt and a hat shorts am I right Ted the monitors are being blown back anyway it’s 18 good job me you were pretty rigid that’s uty his first Wicket well Bol ahead 9 over was one made and one for 35 old young Raj hello Holly hello Holly Bobs can you two when you go to the bushes make sure you come back with a ball or for a reason for going to the bushes so obvious honestly this is this is a kid show I know and they go even Gary and in V here and they just don’t care these youngsters anyway he’s still toiling away Mass has slowed up a bit that’s glorious that’s one run straight to Tom’s not turning for two there is he luk L on to 84 he’s going to fancy hitting this into the trees well he’s got a bit of time to play himself sou in isn’t he so um we need him to be there 4050 not out at the end of the day here not just give it Barry big Biff like stopped myself and swearing then didn’t he short of a l beautiful shot time beautifully now he’s scampering Tommy he’s gone he’s turned for two he’s obviously placed that very nicely well played a Thomas Thomas Chago sun’s out guns out there’s a few people here bunny looking like he’s an extra from chips over there with this sun is on well played Tom please get some runs Tom yeah we all want to see the ball disappearing everywhere to all ports I guess for the first time he come under a bit of pressure as well so that’s why he’s just L back good for a one gently gives it a little tigle out to deep point two to come for the over 186 two 43.4 oh wow a good leave bounced a good leave that’s good I should think chem’s looking forward to boy chy chimy baby where is he he’s a beautiful man I bet he’s loving this well is that a UB 40 song chy chimy Baby I now it’s Cherry baby was it oh yeah Cherry baby I can’t Cherry bab where’s that gone straight through to the unorthodox keeper nice jazz a little pet on the hor so just remind me what happens is um after this do we have tea after this or 10e interval a gap well you getting hungry mate let’s go to the L we still got some you can go to the l i I can hold that’s okay that’s fine um million you a little bit milli now I don’t if you notice but there little pieces these millionaire make me feel hundred um what or green and ring exactly if you notice there small does it matter they are they don’t count no these are little calorie this is like eating vegetarian sausage it’s just a snack oh is that out no tripped it chipped it for a [Music] single don’t put them on there it gets angry I didn’t put it on there oh didn’t soing would like to know how many overs we lost at the end don’t care at the start where it’s a it’s [Music] a four got clear with he really ising well now um so it’s a 91 over is it 91 over is that right no one 91 over up yeah 91 over game 94 94 over game sorry don’t put it on there no it’s that bit all right I won’t put on there just in case he comes back and gets me the sack we played Mass 88 I think that’s the highest score thus far this year I don’t know who’s over there someone’s over there in red app and they’ve got the audacity to steal one of our chairs and put their feet upon it wouldn’t do that at home chat would you what steal a chair sit with your feet up there yep there won’t be pushing for two so 19784 from 44 up to [Music] 89 another easy single 199 four [Music] ‘s got a [Music] wicket G is injured come back on 200 up 45 overs 1 167 minutes well the wind has not relented is it it’s been pretty blustery all day [Music] boys seem to be in good spirit anyway I think by the sound of it they seem to be quite Chi whether or not they think they’re ahead of the game or I difficult to know they W they won have seen any of our Bolas for quite a long time since that final well I’m trying to think who who would have played in that final lost did I think yeah War’s probably war did I think wars did was he here because Freddy Freddy Freddy hasn’t played I think Wars was playing when when Freddy started playing at that level really did he I think so I thought Freddy’s been buggering about it for years he has done yeah didn’t he get in the back when he was 14 yeah he played he played a league game against gr Charlesworth when he was 13 I think 13 or 14 right it’s a bit like sitting on the beach cuz your kids want to play in it when you think actually there’s better things to do with that wind but what we need is a windbreaker cuz it’s amazing when you’re on the beach and the weather’s like this and it’s howling a gale if you put a windbreaker up you could almost be in Fr oh he dick that that’s that’s going to go that’s going to be a Chase for that it’s going to be two that’s part that’s all is slide stop yeah he’s he going to come on a b he’s had a tough all day all pass yes he has so M moves on to 92 with a thick outside edge it was up there to hit good old boy and he’ll be he’ll be thinking about the scoreboard now Freddy’s changed pretty quickly sat back that next to Hannah I he seems too affected by his reverse lap nice in the slot beautifully pumped off his legs for one m’s on to 93 he’s thinking just about about right time for me to get up on that honors board in the clubhouse how many has MA how many tons has MA had I don’t know for the club he scored one for ox I know that that’s a nice shot it’s a great Fielding as well it’s a great piece of Fielding into the bucket well done it’s going to be airborne very shortly I suspect round about there that’s an enormous shot it’s gone it for 10 message to Bowa I Wen bow there that’s gone if you could get a 10 in cricket that was a 10 that was massive that’s literally perfect half Folly outside off stump just after I said I think he’s going airborne here as well I do know I do know my boy Tom but that was literally our Folly outside off stump cricker would have played it over Extra cover Tom just Biff it into the car par yeah just timed The Living Daylights out of it yeah M this run rate on which is pretty good here comes the Fielder back he’s knacked after going get that I know he’s just gone he’s just gone to Scotland to get that one it’s actually um it was down the black horse yes it was in the back of the St stopped for Guinness while he was there he looks a bit Ted the old boy right so 209 for 45 we’ got six sorry five moves into double figures on we’ve got 30 balls left bear where’s your prediction 250 are you I’m going to go 244 uh ma will be 110 out and we can all celebrate what a beautiful human being oh no oh that is a terrible shame so basically carried a long way as well Ma has gone to cut that he’s and he’s and Field’s injured himself somehow yeah he’s obviously I don’t know what he’s done there he a knee looks he’s gone down on his knees M has gone to cut that I think Square the Wicket which he’s played that shot so many times it’s a beautiful Innings by Luke Maslin beautiful Innings 93 off 112 BS that carried a long where he would have been eyeing up the honest board but it’s a great great knock we got etto in so he’s gone to cut that and he’s played that shot a dozen times today and then the balls just flown off the outside edge and gone to short Third Man from an offs spinner so but it’s carried long way that was the absolute beautiful in by Luke Maslin and he’s incredibly good-looking where did it all go wrong well he’s seven short of hundred that’s yeah he’s chipped it some bloke and H his knee taking the catch he has as well you’re right chat poor old boy’s in trouble he’s put put his body on the line for the team there body on the line you sound like one of them Dar old football people or they put that a Blondy song was it somebody said I was listening to something the other day and they were going about well of course the physicality of football and I was going well there isn’t any what have they watched those those great clips of the 70s and 80s they on about now I know there is no you touch them and they fall over I brush pasted tell the other day and after the Arsenal team fell over I did that I did that once with mil hesky yeah not not the television by mistake and he fell over no no that’s not because he was oh etto what have you done there this BL was just HT his knee look at him he’s running got take the stone out your shoe that’s just what he didn’t want this poor there poor the last thing he wanted having done his knee and take him off for the team there is definitely some crab they keep doing that to each other I don’t know what that I don’t know what that means you where going to hit this well I don’t know let’s have a look it’s in the slot he’s just pumped it that’s great Fielding oh Ethan Dave you look alike now that is good Fielding would you not just think one step to left and pick it up would have been more Orthodox I’ll kick it and do just lit just I’ll just Jam the foot in it pop up and I catch oh yes you do that literally the most over exaggerated dive ever and now he’s not walking in oh he’s getting it to him again that’s a good bit running by as well very good running byto alive to the situation hello George we were asking what would have happened by the way your parents have gone back to um sleeping on the suned now that they’ve watched you what would you have done if he’ dropped it and you were halfway through the Pavilion I’ll be in I was in I was actually past the line so I was fine you see [ __ ] great your your mother had to be woken up from her sunbed to watch your innings oh dear we shouldn’t wake her up for that and um big Thomas just sandwiched the poor bloke into the floor he’s just eating him to be honest he could thank his lucky stars so um most props aren’t made like that mate to be honest they got muscle any uh hello Keith you had a bit of a haircut to try and get rid of that mik cuz it hasn’t worked it hasn’t worked geie that’s um reverse shot you played the ball before you making Tom go well run big man look at that he’s absolutely sprinted two runs there very very good Cricket I’ll tell you why that was good Cricket no I can’t play that shot right handed you did it right your left handed to it Nick Owens move please Nick Owens is someone in Nick’s way is said George sorry why do they keep messing it about doesn’t matter this this is this is about their fans exactly exactly it’s Nick Owens where are you watching Nick just as a matter of it and Nick’s retracted the message too late now Nick you’ve upset everybody where where’s Nick Owens watching it through seven glasses of Stella where are you Nick Owens you can’t retract a message I can’t unsee it George sambat one of the one of the Great Men hello George right come then they they’re doing it again look the guys moved back from midwicket to Cal Corner as the Bowers rolling back running in don’t like that get a grip can you tell your guest to move Matt bone are you not supposed to be driving producer can people stop writing in stupid messages that’s in the slot why one Nico is flying the sofa today so we’ve literally got everybody it’s like the vko we’re bringing midwicket in we need to watch now cuz I don’t like the way they’re doing this we’re waiting for the bowler to come in and then they move the field which is ungentlemanly I guess so they obviously want to keep etto on strike come on then etto what you got give us a Biff son he loves it off the back nicely played there should be two there going to get two there definitely I think somebody want somebody wants a strike what’s happened there so ni has got an afternoon on the sofa any particular reason Nick it’s not ex it’s not exactly a long walk from your house to here is he in a g string Nicki GG that’s why that’s very good bowling why do you [Music] there we go balls come back in I don’t think we should if there’s a run there we should take it not just gently Trot right come on at Switzerland are beaten Hungary 3-1 they are beaten have beaten I have beaten them well chocolate sales will be good Roder feder will be very happy Granite Jacker they’ve got Granite Jacker they’ve got Granite Jacker so is that story you like listen on the radio yesterday that um Roger feder’s kids yeah have started wearing Arsenal shirts because the very good friend of the family and they go on holiday together a certain BL called Terry Henry that used to play St Roger F’s kids a decent player actually who Terry Henry yeah yeah was a good apart from when he cheated against Ireland in the world cup that was terrible yeah but that’s what happens if you’re can I just say he wasn’t an Arsenal player when he did that he was a Barcelona player he must have gone to he must have gone to Man United training session um but yeah I thought it’s a great story that Roger whoever Roger feder is a fan of their shirts are gone and there are some fans cuz Uncle Terry’s bought Arsenal shirt mind if you’re going to get an Arsenal shirt getting one from him probably or Dennis bir Camp would be the best two can you imagine up in the air that’s out a cricket match mid off was not walking in he’s just taking a good catch yeah he’s got he’s got done in the flight there it’s actually a good piece of bowling yeah very good piece of bowling um Tom taking one for the team well done there’s no point there’s no point dying wondering now we’ve got chman who’s just got some runs it’s it’s it’s um Harry Ren so I haven’t seen Harry Ren yet he went over to in the twos when he came back from his hand injury and give it a Biff did he bat L he got one last week didn’t he let’s see how he gets on [Music] tiddington are 15 6’8 from 53 don’t know if that was a delayed start or not but I don’t know if that’s a good score it’s a tiny old ground that been a great Wicket car was underwater when the lads got there right Harry let’s see well played mate W no point giving you wickets away that’s poor poor running yes I agree really poor after a poor shot the last so we’ve gone poor shot Wicket poor shot no run every run counts Chaps at this level [Music] so are your prediction at 250 is not looking why got three overs two two two 2.3 overs to go 2.5 is you’re being technical or mathematically whether or not we should have brought the pro in now that’s not out I shouldn’t think we got one leg by but right so we are 216 for six Ren just one for one so he’s not not out and etto is four not out and they shouldn’t die wondering can’t even see shmy boy he might be in the pavs he’s too off for him that’s a beautiful shot there’s going two there got to be two got go yes that’s well run that’s good good batting good running good cricket cricket was the winner Tom opens himself up to hit it Sam King still flly King still want don’t in your two Le but don’t know if youve SE The longm All Out for 12 against Bradley longm all out for 12 extraordinary beautiful fantastic shot that is a sensational shot from metto that is a brilliant reverse sweep because all he did was let the ball’s momentum ping off the middle of his back for four beautiful shot etto clever shot good Cricket just um just a gentle flick of the wrist 2 two three for six and we have two overs to go so there’s a funny little thing there where eto’s obviously a bit like will got very very superstitious things has to go back into his round even though yeah so Harry Ren’s gone for a little chat little talk about who they what they’re doing what they’re having te tonight punch the gloves eto’s just ignored him jog back in Tapped his back and then goes and does the chat about the curry and the Very good etto he is a brilliant cricketer isn’t he I mean he’s just very good acquisition Fielding he was probably won on the border of would he play ones and twos a lot this year and arguably if you gave player of the Season he’s probably picking up his batt and B Neo things message for Nick um Owens didn’t realize you had a pilo sofa and that’s been retracted why do people why do people keep giving messes and then retracting them you look grow up I can see these messages when they come in yeah Lads yeah oh oh he’s put it back on again he put it back on again you mind up Neo that’s a three he’s gone so it’s a funny old shot very good shot from Renny cut the sets at the Wicket and sort of flat batted it off the sticker almost I’m going have to call start calling this guy Sir Christopher yeah got ingestion got renie yeah so he had over bowled 16.2 overs two for 89 yeah it’s surprising is do you think that a bowl I’m well I’m surprised that that neither of their o Bowlers have come back on to be fair well I think Parson’s probably had enough he knows it’s not his day he’s not buying a lottery ticket tonight that’s in the slot that’s it’s just a short arm jab to six that’s a fantastic shot how has he done that he’s absolutely it has it gone into the producer’s garden did you get that fin what a brilliant shot that was flat batted it’s Weir half I don’t know it wasn’t a cricket sh but he’s obviously got some power in those arms he’s gone again as well it’s got into the N message to Bowa not on any of those places Ren has arrived you know you’re said you know want a finisher you know what we were saying you were saying to me a minute ago in a cricket shot and he’s on 20 you see he’s just got out of an eye isn’t he extraordinary it’s like he’s trying to punch golf ball under the wind isn’t it just what acceleration fantastic Ren’s gone to 16 from Seven balls and it’s C ball hit ball as they say unbelievable this is obviously what he did for the twos away the other week [Music] but he’s gone again that’s just one down to long on etto that’s a great running that is great great brilliant running from etto brilliant running from etto I can I just say that Mr had just called up brought up his 100 well Bal 16.5 overs two for 103 Martin this guy’s bowled 17 overs for 100 he must be a bowl short wasn’t he anyway he keeps toiling away where’s he going Ren’s at the Wicket that’s punched yeah that’s down a mid off or one I guess eto’s puffed he’s not coming back for a second that completes he throws the ball away we have one ball over there that’s the end of had spell he’s b 17 overs no maidens two for 104 and thir a third of the total overs so normally well today would be 17 yes she he’s had enough now yeah it’s like picking up four double bogers on the Trot isn’t it Martin wouldn’t know that we might have done [Music] once right so we’re down to the last over I don’t think we’re going to see R play any defensive shots at all no but this is a different Ball g there always seems a longer hit towards the chapel and into a for 10 Gale going to have to punch a seven iron low he’s made room no whyde CU he’s Dar across see what he’s trying it’s also no wi because he don’t have so moving the player again look when the bowler was coming in he was already running round the sweeps on again there I don’t know where he’s going to go this is probably where you want etto for his little bit of of trickery trickery pokery so we’re up to 242 so you might get a 250 bear you pulled on out the bag there I only want two off this over to get my prediction right but that’s not true right that’s up in the air that’s out in a cricket match straight up and down thanks ever so much easy well done though well done well batted very good he didn’t die wondering did he no so surely it’s shammy baby now shmy boy here he comes wasn’t that sad news about Kevin Campbell today really extraordinary 54 he was I heard he was in and obviously Alan Hansen I don’t know what this SC gone Qui about him I think that’s probably the next piece of news will get very sad very well taken there by the way um those last two catches have both been very professionally taken pretty Orthodox good but up in the wind into the sun very entertaining Innings from Mr Ren 19 off 11 balls well batted chimy Bo chy chy baby Harry Ren’s got the most unorthodox way of in a cricket ball but there’s a bit of hockey in there I wonder if he’s play bit hockey tennis as well there’s a lot of bottom hand but God he times it interesting to know the number of different six hitters they’ have been in this Innings cuz ma got one definitely Georgie George got one Freddy got one Tom got one got one Ren Ren got one I don’t think etto has is that four or five quite a lot I got a feeling that Ren a sort of guy you want just pad it up if you got two overs to go and have a freefor all that’s a lovely shot from Shem just the one eto’s pushing there’s a knock on brilliant running brilliant he’s a very very very clever man etto very clever man ETO he looks quicker out there than he did in that 60 M Dash earlier he does well that’s cuz he’s got the proper shoes well he’s a very intelligent cricket etto liking what I see 244 was my prediction that’s done yeah good etto 245 we move on for our 50.3 overs I think we might be seeing some lapping going on here and I’m not talking about the Grand Prix or a cat does the Grand Prix still happen apparently every week yeah so two balls to go of the Oxford Downs Innings so who’s what did you say 250 or 250 okay so if they get two or more I’m buying the next drink then if they get two or less you’re get them it’s clever bowling that’s gone into orbit extraordinary piece of bowling old fashioned M Moon that was a reminiscent of lurkers in this Heyday what a player this guy could never be lurkers right bear so if they get a 258 I’ll buy the next drink if it’s under that you’re buying it it’s going to be 257 looks like it’s your round that’s bang in the middle of what we said oh boy we in you must be good we’ve got five five well that’s a very good Innings well done everybody well batted Maza well batted George Well batted maggot well batted um reny everyone did well anyone that took Oxford Downs 247 for seven you’re going to run through the score run through the school c will Watts caught Cameron hemp um bold I can’t read it 57 Tom Powell out for n unlucky poy ma incredibly looking Maza 93 George sbat 35 Freddy Smith seven Tom cord 15 Tom RIS not out 12 Harry Ren 19 chem holder not out three the bowlers H Parsons 12 overs two maidens nor 28 unbelievably unlucky um where the rest of my Bowers gone they’re not all on that list um Alex well AJ nine overs no must AJ more I’m sorry but my my scorecard is not looking very accurate here down this bottom bit AJ got nine overs one Maiden one for 53 Conor had 17 overs two for 104 Max outly 13 overs four for 58 so you got four wickets in the end Max probably The Pick of their Bowlers 13 overs one Maiden four for 58 well bow to him so um they have how many overs 43 43 over to get 2 48 and we’re going to pop into the um Clubhouse for a quick toilet break and we’ll see you back out on the other side look at Gary go though yeah Gary on his own what an absolute Legend there he is he’s got Center Stage we’re going to leave you with Gary e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e right quick 10-minute break that’s in between innings te will be at 5:00 I understand so 248 scorecard I got in there well B Bo Matt B Matt we not supposed to do anything with this scorecard that’s in here I can’t does it automatically change over to the next one ah it has automatically so so the opening batsman for high Wickam presumably be AJ Woodland so warant is opening the bowling from the Chapel end Elliot Callis and karon hemp are the opening batsman I seem to remember they go for the go for their shots [Music] bars we on yep look current producer say something hello hello oh my God and we got microphones yeah I found that double trouble I found that I found that right so we have four slips it’s been a while since you SE that really is back to proper Cricket some of the boys are wearing their new hats George has got a horrible hat on Freddy’s got a horrible hat on Freddy you’ll never get Freddy to wear a cap I’m afraid I have told Freddy that I banned you from calling him Freddy bear from now on he was quite pleased I think he said is he actually going to call me by my name so te’s looking quite Splendid in there bear already miss up seems got a bit of a fan club yeah I know she has yeah very good right so Elliot canis is facing first ball he um from what I recall he owns batting for um bucks as well he’s a very good player is he so w comes in for the top good line Freddy struggling with his old sun [Music] hat you should wear a proper hat shouldn’t he so we got Freddy at keeping we got big Tommy at first slip will at second slip George at third slip Shem the pros more four slip sort of Gully we do not have a third man we’ve got a backward point we got extra cover which I think is that will or po or ma Maybe job to see what’s going on that’s um looks like etto to me no too eto’s tall and skinny is he is he’s at back Point yeah backup Point etto yeah then it’s um I know it’s Will maslim is at second slit Will’s at Extra cover now Harry Ren at Mid off poy at sort of a wide midwicket and obviously loie Brocks down here very nice shape from Wars to start with do you think Wars has pulled Frank said actually son I’ll don’t have the wind well he is the captain he is but he normally bows to the bottom end and the Brock Meister comes in from this end just given um v a cuddle have you to warm her up I I said V you look a little bit chilly how are you feeling she said I’m a little bit chil well she won’t be for long with a little bit of bit of bare magic will she well Bal Lord so gave her a bit of a hug and sent her off to the car to put another couple of layers on told Gary off for not looking after his mom properly well she could have gone out and Hedon sweet the ends I guess yep yeah so George is talking nonsense so I think definitely you know he’s talking nonsense cuz his lips are moving yeah I think ch’s more of a gully than a that’s in the slot has gone down brilliant F shmy Boy George is backing him up good start wars well done five five balls gone no runs let’s finish it off Loy Bo Loy boy seconds won the toss at titon field ton6 R off 53 overs w three for OE Armstrong and aing two each thank you very much coaty that’s swinging nicely for Coach just given us a summary of the two yeah I’ve got that oh we got oh no look there’s a couple of uh Freddy’s chucked his hat away and there’s a c coming on oh no oh it’s Freddy is wearing a cap now we’ve seen everything no no yes he is now we’ve seen everything you know what happened last time hang on so Freddy is Freddy’s put George’s horrible hat on and George has put a nice new this one needs to go will anyway one over one Maiden for Wars we’ve now got Lo Brock who’s been incinerating for him to be fair been absolutely move the screen what no no not barns watch out everyone Barnes is moving the screen brings about so many happy memories is that enough sorry I was just remembering the last time Barnes was asked to change the S screens still makes me laugh there he is Bary one of the great S screen moments of all time probably one one of the Great Moments of all time right Lo here here we go we got three slips well we got first second third and fifth slips basically through the covers that’s four runs very nicely played um you need to hit the pitch on this pitch that was a little bit of a loosener from Lawrence he’s having a look at the foot Mark so no one else is bow around the Wicket or over the Wicket or Gary s come on l boy thank you Gary still punching Gary I just want to officially make sure that everyone knows that you are still punching the lovely Katie are you in some foreign part Gary that’s a dreadful question to ask a man isn’t he on about G thingss again in a minute it must be terribly difficult being conflicted with your wife and your mother-in-law like Gary is do you go for Ros or just white wine decisions decisions exactly G where did it all go wrong where did it all go wrong for Gary Z that’s lucky he’s found the one person on the leg side L not hitting his Spurs just yet if that’s what the saying goes hit you something’s straps straps there you go scoreboard is way behind it’s actually four for not car some packing away so I can get down for a beer so glad it started late packing away you are we’re looking forward to seeing you later Gar so what time are England playing Cricket tonight bar do you know I got face 5 would it be 5:30 kickoff bear with audience I can tell you we need to we need to make sure that we get oh I say little gust of cold wind coming through on this June day be pick could go over at any time that’s a half pitch yeah that’s four RS I guess four runs that’s a beautiful shot that’s probably where the third four of the over should have gone that’s nicely hit for four he’s looked in pretty good form you have to hit the pitch you have to hit the pitch on this one you’ve got to come in and stick it into the pitch stick it in and twist it right Eng kickoffs it says it says according to the scoreboard that he’s he’s bow his six balls for this over and also the score ball says one for not off of one I know it seem to be what’s going on here the wind that’s another four that’s gone before as well struggling into the wind that’s for 12 off that over yep so game on gentlemen they’re ahead of the Run rate game on well the only other time we played Wick and we thought we got a half decent score and they pumped him with about 10 overs to spare so um we’re going to have to bow and fielder are very very best today I think we’re probably better than them in the field they looked a bit not as good as I thought they were going to be I think is the best way to put it but I got high expectations of Wickam after they taught us a lesson in the final a few years ago they t a less it was a good game I mean we we performed well we did but they were miles better yeah yes that is that they’ve been at they’ve been at the top of this tree for a very very long time haven’t they yeah that’s better he hit the pitch didn’t carry though did it the next one car all next one will fly through so Freddy has put George’s cap on and George has got his Fred doesn’t like Freddie doesn’t like an old baggie fredie likes Freddy likes what can be described as the most flee written moop bitten hat I’ve ever seen in my life down the old Jack Russell mold isn’t he so there’s another large number who who’s the left-handed batsman there uh that is Cameron hemp and Elliot Callis is the right-handed batsman he’s on one KN out Cameron is on 12 KN out number of one3 on his back L yeah L will want to fight back he had a bad week here a few weeks ago but boy did he bounce back with yeah and he bowled really well the last few games absolutely I think the following week you got three over at row then you got some here and three away we’ got two slips the Gully a backward Square cover an extra cover a mid off CU Matt’s obviously swinging it into the left hander is that a chance the way the boys reacted that was a chance like a bump ball to me but they’re all they’re all they have all reacted I I don’t unless they going for the one-handed one bounce thing I don’t know can’t see rules it’s definitely like George and Tom sorry um Tom and um ma Fredy reacted like it was a was maybe was a chance I hate not being out to see what’s going on so I’m going to do that for the rest of the day 13 for nor for 2.2 possibly a drop on the first ball a caught and ball but we don’t know that’s in the slot that’s gone hammered for six that’s gone a long way that was beautifully picked up it has to be said he’s absolutely dispatched that into the field Gary’s off Gary’s there he knows he’s straight over the little sty George is going over right do you know what I do get the pro on get the pro on bowling off spin against his left hand and see what we got very very good shot H be able to do some research into Cameron hemp is looking pretty flipping good at the moment yeah he is isn’t he hempy or what they call him what do you think H to fish food it well a war grave went off like this and look W to them they were 19 for not all out for 80 have we gone around the grounds and done that sort of nonsense yeah or not we could do that [Music] that’s a beautiful comeback by Wars beautiful comeback and he just carried to Freddy though right I’m just looking on play [Music] cricket holy what was why AR we up to date on play cricket on ups and downs we got hle Cricket Club in there trying to find out some information about Mr hemp who looks like a pretty good player to me right Lawrence this is a chance for you to bounce back um two slips of Gully shorsh Extra cover Square cover mid off um deep backward Square leg I wonder where not sorry you carry on in the field um midwicket Mid on and must be some shot that’s a not got all of that that just be two runs I whether not uh we would do what they did in their two opening Bowlers swap ends Wars normally trundles in from this end and lo normally tears it’s unusual it’s unusual for L to bow two spells well I know but if he just won over just to swap him over like they did very slight man to bowl into the wind it’s very strong win out there well bold so 21 for n off 3.2 overs very much game on and they obviously back very very very deeply Deeply Madly you think Truly Deeply mad magy truing Alan Rickman late great Alan Rickman one of my who did he play for he paid for um that thing with Bruce Willison Bruce WS what sand doing that’s straight the mid straight extra will he fck the ball up Die Hard that’s what he that’s that’s the team he played for Die [Music] Hard going she defense there sorry totally is wrong at the bottom need swapping to Innings two overlay oh sorry you lost me incredibly yeah don’t come technical job sorry totally is wrong at the bottom need swap into Innings to Overlay I’m sorry I don’t understand any of those words this is what happens this is what happens current producer when you leave us alone at the end of the day it’s 21 for three up there what’s going on here says 21 for to not so what the scores agree well there we are forget your underlay that’s for putting Carpets on underlay underlay EA you EA anyway we know what we’re doing the current viewer knows what we’re doing just to remind you all the 40 viewers we have at the moment if you would like to subscribe please do subscribe doesn’t cost you any money and we can influence people [Music] better over this from loss look at the score on the stream stream says 21 for all don’t ask what the score is at the moment please Sam that’s not helping um the score is 21 for n on all of my various devices so I don’t see where the problem is current producer oh 247 for7 I see what you mean it still says 247 for7 up there oh you just have to accept what I’m saying still say yeah I know I’m with you now current producer when when will you be back from your daughter’s horse incident daughter’s horse picker uping from what he’s talking about is this bit here yeah yeah we we don’t know how to do that I’m sorry never mind anyway back to the cricket hemp not out 18 no it’s a bit of Inside Edge onto his Dro short Freddy by I don’t think he eded I think he just went straight on the thigh [Music] okay around 30 minutes where she where is she riding ask [Music] Scott that’s six that’s a massive six that’s a very very very good shot beginning to look very dangerous this guy now I think chem would need to warm up beautiful shot that I have to say beautiful [Music] shot not as funny as Kendall mck cake isn’t but that’s still quite good in the pred thear the tree up fies yeah [Music] oh another bear Banger from the B oh dear Meanwhile we’re getting toed here can you I’ve got teams why don’t you call me on teams Matt and we you can talk me through what we need to do yeah do that let’s do that let’s go wild let’s get teams on here we’re going have a live phone in yeah let’s pretend it’s co again that was Zoom oh yes zoom zoom still going is that still a thing or not I think Zoom does exist some people still want to be on Zoom but I think teams have taken over Microsoft’s coming again whatever yeah that’s some Mickey mousing that te Zoom try form more out about this bath okay I’m going to do some research so listen to this we’re going around the grounds see all right so I’m not sure where we’re up with these but it says still says match in progress so Aston Rowan 151 for 7 from their 31 at home to datch it Henley are 158 for five from their 34 overs Oxford Downs 247 for sth and there 51 in a reduced game in reply wi are 21 seven for zip um Finch Hamstead set 231 for six declared from their 45 overs so they’re clearly after the win aren’t they to keep them top of the tree but I think they lost last week so let’s see what happened at Finch Hamstead yeah they’ve gone for it so when they say 203 off 40 overs that’s pretty impressive stuff big bowling figures in there um so I’ll keep you updated as we go around but we don’t know um so it looks like the only game where we got the second Innings underway is actually here currently another ball has been lost so we spent a lot of time looking for how much have bounce on top of the Pavilion I’m trying to find out about this I don’t know where it’s ended up but what’s the B’s name again you got how do I get back to M um you’re so bossy aren’t you you want your little thing up don’t you thank you oh thank you [Music] went for another I don’t know PO is out there trying to get involved I’m not so sure that’s a good idea man’s a fool first second team with 13 for not off of five is’s clearly a dogged old track Alex Ling is 10 not out B 11,000 overs I don’t understand this we must have a load of spare balls that’s two or three times that the balls he pay for Morgan 2os last year did he you can clearly give it a Tonky Tonk Tonk can’t he is he local to Wickham or has he just been drafted in for loads of dollar do we know I don’t know looks like Freddy’s practicing going down down on one knee no comment should be out of a bash to be honest do you think me and you’d need to commentate On It Here Comes Here Comes bride one set in front of the other got a bit of a spring and a snap Freddy seems to be backing off stepping away from the crease he lying down there on the job [Music] and they’re 13 for n from five 13 for n from five chasing [Music] 158 yeah if they get more runs than them yeah let already know this e an old hat does he not like it that new one why does he not wear that hat he should be forced to make that or hit his hands with the hammer goodbye even if it’s just for the first day or the first morning at Lords we’re going when’s the first test match it seems that we like we’re in the middle of June I think I’m going to that I think that is that gym was last yeah they theyve told him haven’t they yeah pack your bags now we we need a wicket quite quickly it’s not danger station just yet but oh my God as he handled it as he touched it please don’t react badly I don’t think he moved from his a I don’t think he touched it B I don’t think he moved from his gree apart from that was a damn good shot I reckon he’s touched it but not moved there you go we’ll have to see but Matt’s not ringing his you don’t know do he no not out end off move on well done but I I Ser funny when you said we need a wicket well it saved us saved us four runs one yeah this guy wants to get on with it he’s anything in his Arc and he’s going well bow there you go then Matt don’t bow bounces and don’t bowl in this slot top of off please nothing changes so 14 balls 24 runs for hemp 27 for n 4.4 overs they’re clear it’s pretty clear what their tactics are it’s going to go it’s going to go at that that’s G for four it’s just length isn’t anything short he goes at anything bit he goes at just B proper line and length chaps tie him up and get him out keep the T will come at a decent time I suspect keep those wagons moving oh he’s not got hold of that my TR is it’s a safe shot isn’t it that it’s at two yeah po F will be there shortly to fix overlay score well we might not let him in he hasn’t got the right credentials and his badge he’s I went to the Pavilion and Paul Fowler the badger was was was sitting there as though he was Brad Pit sunglasses surrounded by women it’s more like his brother CES pit Brad Pitt right so that’s the end of that over hemp’s gone on to 30 from 16 Callis of far more sedate three or 14 yeah we need to change it up boys I think I think I would I would especially with te just about to come up I would get chem on the far end immediately what time is TE 5:00 apparently very much looking forward to the vegetarian ham sandwiches the vegan eggs that’s a glorious Cricket shot good shot stride at the Wicket a stride across to off stump and just gently time it through midwicket it’s early days yet we’re getting a little bit of a batting L at the moment you just have to hold your nerve yeah but I think you know this level you got to change it a little bit haven’t you well I think you got to recognize when things aren’t quite going right yeah change it plenty of time to go keep changing it up that was certainly beautifully timed yeah it’s a lovely Cricket shot that’s a wide saw him coming got away with that no he’s not going away with it it had to be a wide you know a is not happy don’t argue L it was a wide chat get on with it he’s not going to change his mind is he I mean it was a decent piece of Bild you saw him coming um just over compensated a little bit yeah it’s all right something brilliant is going to turn this game around we need a catch from somebody then they keep bowling it in the slots that is wider well jiger me [ __ ] chimbas mimas mimas I’m confused that hit the dark brain didn’t it Freddy was in protecting the big Tom C slip mode yeah Lo I’ll be able to get it in that’s a joke Lo and I hope you find it funny come on loie boy clean him up there you go LS tuck him up put him to bed say night now see you in the morning good night sweetheart right right an air of tension out there at the moment is there a little air of tension oh dear come on Lo Rock more is it it’s easy a it nice looking shot through the covers for four how many bandes there the wind seems to coming from a different direction com back it’s coming from the back now I’m glad I’m not playing golf got wind coming up my back passage have you yeah um how many boundaries they hit be many many many boundaries um so canace is now on 11 knot out hemp is on 30 knot out um let me I can tell you that um if I just find the right place to look they hit six boundas six fours and two six sorry six fours and two sixes so far h there’s another four oh no one and one bounce Extra cover smashed Wheels he picks it up not a problem we need one of them in the air don’t we sure do I can’t see anything if somebody does some expectat here unless it goes down the leg side we definitely need to speak to the current producer when you’re back about the angles mate angles I can’t see nothing [Music] angles right I think we need to make something at rather than thinking we’ll just go through the motion and it will happen and about right I’d bring CH on right now right here right here right now fat boy just something different boys I mean they’re chucking in no we’re going to keep going well was anyone has two overs before te what have you got to lose by giving the off well they could be going in a te at 5560 for nor off of seven or eight overs you good then all of a sudden they only need 180 from the aing 30 odd 37 overs it just so they moving Shem out to deep Square leg I think you need to be the other side of the trees chump to be honest I think he needs to be bowling I think you’re right so we’ got um an orthodox midwicket catching we got an orthodox mid on we got a deep midwicket and we’ve got L down here 4 right on the boundary fine leg but we still got two slips and we got a extra cover a mid off off the backward point and I it’s a funny old field D what’s the plan here I can’t work that out yeah right so hem is on 30 KN out after [Music] 16 hang on a second so Mora let me get this actually right better length Mora and my mother are watching Croatia play football ahead of Oxford Downs excuse me excuse me what’s going on I mean can’t you multitask can you not watch the television and your computer at the same time but I guess if they’re watching that they’ not to listen to us talk nonsense bars is upset oh that’s six told you huge other side of the trees that’s enormous that’s gone miles very very very big six hemp up to 30 six 48 for n so less than 200 a win all of a sudden Bear yes a assistant assistant producers arrived just in time for tea badge that’s good hello badge hello [Laughter] [Music] B just forgot how to do this oh my God your hair’s rck dick you 12 I just I’m taking the Mickey out of you that’s what I’m doing oh my God it’s ridic you managed to speak to mat I guess well not exactly cuz bad I can’t remember how to do it no one really cares stop over caring well I do care about is the ball consistently going into that let’s get the bowling change rather than the change of what’s happening on the screen hang on I’m just trying you’ve spoken to me yeah yeah sorry yes yeah I’ve got try thank you mate I appreciate thank you guys I probably can’t say that on there sorry thanks Paul who’s Paul you mean Scout Paul bar just check the hub caps on the horse spots could you yeah be with call it they’re still there yeah they are yeah good [Music] excellent better the pitch yeah can we have a committee meeting soon about The Bear Pit yes because the angle this is at is not very conducive the skill level that you’ve got your two commentators working on no I can’t see around the corners pet please can we just have two bits of wood here and then then this comes out there yeah don’t just say yeah and look at your phone well know I’m from to fix this four more that’s the 50 up four more to the very very quick time 50 up in 6.5 overs after 33 minutes right I reord get Freddy to take his pads off and get him to Bow and then let George ball right arm over left arm round [Music] oh well [Music] Bal that didn’t carry did it no Freddy’s going to have to stand up the wars I right’s got pats on yeah well no to be fair CH needs to come on pretty quickly chem is warming up very pleased to [Music] say might be playing for rain in a minute right L needs to bounce back here so 52 for n of seven overs a little bit shell shot Oxford Downs to top players batting well but that’s why we play in this league it’s a challenge let’s get let’s get one or both of them out please well at least make them fight at the minute they’re cancering my Bal we won’t get away from the fact that we’ve got off to a great start and everybody is either contribute with the battle the ball so they’re the best team in the league are they be Finch hamps best team and have been the best team for a very long time the odd loss every now and again you can learn from it straight drive that is that’s very nice shot foures very nice shot last four runs one [Music] bounce they’re making it look incredibly EAS y they definitely are we’ve lost the ball I’d leave it under the covers for a bit and just pray a bit of rain comes in chap [Music] I think we should get sand on to ball oh there he is look do a job some of that intelligent filth you [Music] bow Lefty yeah anything short anything in his AR just good night conr yeah yeah yeah this guy’s class as well isn’t he just we lost him the final [Music] yeah think you should turn the clock and get you on for one end wheels on for the other and just get the job mopped up all out for 80 you imagine yeah you you you can rattle through these five each five for 14 well done I am Invincible well done thank you very much you’re Invincible just in time for tea are you invincible see Invincible right L come along two balls go can’t believe that guy on 40 T after this ball I think I don’t think we’re going to get chem on just before T he’s not looking that way son go [Music] run hey come onu what Georgie T they don’t want to face an over of off spin keep it cool Georgio keep it cool we know what’s going on bow him out loie come on loie Bowl him out Wick it or boundary bow him out Bowl him out bow him out bow him out [Music] unlucky I suspect that’s t on going anywhere particularly quickly I don’t know if they’re going off the clock or Cricket time I don’t know on over of off spin if it was me right now right here and that’s exactly what they’re doing they’ve been to the they’ve read the bare book of captaincy volume 36 subsection G well not really cuz You’ have had him on three overs ago yeah true right then and the good news is he can bowl through pretty [Music] much you can you can bow through [Music] great door crap says the guy that’s s my seat I was technical support technical on a Saturday what is the call out is it double times about 180 quid I guess on a Saturday mate is it Well normally 90 quid for call that get outed 500 right cometh the hour cometh chem it’s Mr cool he’s pretty cool today I think four all be interesting to see what what um the approach of Mr hemp is here is he just going to play for T last over for t for T Got Deep backward Square there going a deep mid Wicket let’s see what happens he’s going to hit against the spin if he’s going that way has a look see what the PR’s got in his locker let Geto on he’s the man of the moment isn’t [Music] he that’s a long op atto’s going is he going to get there I don’t know everything looks in slow motion brilliant for metto should Willer chase out good arm good position from the Umpire can’t criticize that in any way shape or form no I wonder whether or not will should have gone with it so as he dived over the ropes but I’d have a short extra cover here for the last four balls got right hander in there [Music] Nick would like a round of applause from the rest of the comms team for the badger for fixing the online score thank you very much Nick well done much well done badge there isn’t an awful lot you can’t do not like we it’s not like we we make it up as we go along is it it’s not an awful lot you can’t do other than podcast other than other than obviously the rest of the scoreboard my advertising hoing [Music] that’s a lovely shot that’s a lovely shot it’s gone straight for four game on champ this has been a brutal Onslaught a prey Onslaught absolutely brutal it’s got woodsy out you’ve got woodsy out well they would say the threes hate me for going to see them cuz they say if I turn up and do a report they lose a wicket and literally while I’m doing the report W gets out Woods’s done that a lot in his career mate I shouldn’t take any notice what did he get not much what the what is the scores at there 10 for one him and chasing uh 141 reaching for that last that is TE ladies and gentlemen um they will be pretty happy about that you’re going to seal it up for tea we’re going to we’re going to pop in Thor out have a have a a listen to the Huddle that’s going to take place very shortly I suspect and we will see you after t for what can only be described as an extremely exciting final session of the day goodbye and thank you very much very good that was B brilliant I say you’re a credit e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e to on right welcome back everybody uh still blowing hulie it’s a bit of rain in the air um obviously the boys have had a good tea tell you they’ve had a good chat here comes my old mate I play full TR man’s arrived who’s that t- ra well hopefully he will uh yeah so um it’s uh quite cold out there temperatur dropped there’s a bit of rain in the air we see what happening here so as the boys come back out 63 for North from nine I think the lads were sort of rude a waiting into two very very good batsman left down youngster I was on Glamorgan 2’s books last year stands and gives it a Biff and the other guy the right and I’d rather watch him I think he’s a better player anyway there we go what do I know etto been the man of the series man of the series man of the season so far comes in for his first ball quite wide in the slot six hes thanks for coming well I know what I’m talking about geta one that’s unbelievable first ball after te in the slot dispatched well where we could be on pretty quickly before the rain starts I think that’s not been good go ball that George has now been stay told to stay back lot of Brocks changing everyone’s got their hands in their pockets he’s [Music] quiet’s G for a chat with the batsman all looks pretty light height fun I don’t know what’s going on maybe the ball’s got a bit of a scuffing from a wall or a bit of tarmac dve in here comes the ire going see chitchat Chit Chat chy CH Chit Chat what’s going on he’s look at the ball what gone on the road I suspect yeah I don’t know if they got their magic rings do they have rings at this level we going to see what’s going to happen most umpires nowadays carry a little pair of scissors or something to snip the ball one of the other umpires has got involved now he taking the ball from Anton off to see the captain another delay one ball in Christ I think everybody thinks we’re playing in a test match don’t we well this guy he can certainly play he’s on 49 already well the Empire’s had enough maybe wants another sandwich god that’s the biggest bit of cake I ever did see I really wanted I I didn’t have any so that Victoria sponge the lady made the cake actually made the homemade jam in the middle as well and she said why don’t you try it well I you want the middle bit I didn’t want the whole of it what you do never seen interrupting cricket game no I was just saying it’s this it’s worse than test Cricket this is boring isn’t it play oh my God why have they gone off but still massive yeah well he must have had a dodgy lunch cuz he teed off before tea how many balls does he face be um he has faced 25 balls he’s faced 25 balls from 49 okay I’ll see what I can do Tim thanks for the advice cheers Tim you should be doing better I should be yeah I should be doing better look at cosford look that’s the art that’s that’s an athlete um yeah right so now the two’s getting on they need to bring the B where’s super Eric I don’t know the oh good wants to be we should give him a bench soon he deserves a bench mean you stay warm George you may need to spow on this um do you do you have to do you have to wait to die before there’s a bench good point huh well otherwise the word living legend there should be there should be a ted sand match bench it’s just having a n right here we go ball two after two that’s a why no it’s not cuz we’re not paying that taken Freddy 47 for three from 23 I don’t know how many overs our boys have got but they need 110 maybe I don’t know a that’s four or five more that leg buys or eyes Tommy cost has gone like the clappers down there to be honest against the win well done turns the big man buys or leg buys he giving his buys Freddy will be fuming something in this to happen it’s at four hours I can’t see looks like it’s great piece of Fielding Great Piece of Fielding who is that down there two says this is 50 I think that’s poy that’s a pretty impressive 50 a pretty impressive 50 indeed this hasn’t been a great over so far from Tom he B too much into the arc we we’re we’re still not learning the lesson you have to hit this pitch beautifully click off his pads for one they can win this at a can I don’t want it to win a can I want the boys to fight get a little bit of something talking caning where’s the um current producer in this girl at Ascot well traffic’s bad from Ascot especially if you’re riding here I’ll tell you what Barnes it is now seriously cold in here the sun has gone it’s wet outside or it’s getting wet I say some bad weather about by the looks of is there yeah and the good news about this is dor Le is irrelevant dickw worth Jones but more importantly we got a barbecue at bunnies tomorrow so that’s betterto right cometh the hour cometh the chemer well it’s cold and wet ch ch baby ch ch baby is that it looks like we might miss some of the we been ch right so more than a more than just a game on hemp scored 52 off 29 strike rate of 179.2 Stuart Bridger online scoreboard stuck I don’t believe so not anymore is it I don’t know I mean our viewers are getting maybe yeah it may be it says 63 for not they’re getting picky now I think nothing seems to be it’s absolutely bucketing nothing seems to be right for the for the fans anymore the rain has come has the rain come to save us or is chem about to bowl so the most majestic spell of all time if it’s rained off now we share the points I don’t know it depends how many runs you got and how many wickets you got okay thanks I think I don’t know that for certain that was a wild guess okay but Duckworth dickw worth Jones doesn’t come into it doesn’t matter how many overs are bow in second is to constitute a game that’s short Got Away With It shammy boy I need to get some tablets my head is killing you got a headache oh got find neck from so romance with you and me tonight is out of the question no it’s never at the question mate never some things are just worth it you know yeah that’s a a very very short long hop field is on the boundary I have to say Barnes yeah we’ve looked a bit ragged since T well only had eight balls a we but you’re right we’ve looked a little bit ragged considering the whole of the te of must have been discussing how we were going to turn this game around and Win It come on come on CH the important thing is to protect the boundaries which whatever whatever happened to um um saw dust Cricket the thing of the PA you can you can actually hear the rain hitting the top of the um of the bare pit now so uh covers are being called for I believe oh I don’t are they why is he getting involved what’s happened now that’s going in no hurry to get off oh oh been hitting helmet G wizo bizo I think going to be okay right they must just stand there and just take the Mickey out of each other it’s pretty dared that’s AJ AJ Woodland has come on to I want my gazebo back I want my gazebo back oh [Music] a good for me so he’s tried two reverse sweep so far set himself in the helmet once what we need is we need chem to get into a Groove a bit like Madonna she got into a Groove into the groove one you got to prove your love to me I love Maddie where’s Badger she had teeth like dust bins is she no nowhere near anybody George is running around from long on it’s actually raining pretty heavily there yeah know is the wicked we better off staying out there to juice her up a bit no sord us no B towels I mean crickets moved on isn’t it no bar tabs no Babs we Badger or current producer the score is stuck on the banner that’s all I can say well I can update everybody it’s 77 for n from 21 some from 11 even 11 77 if it was 21 I’d be less stressed than I am yeah well don’t stress bear it’s just a game of cricket my middle name is stress is it yeah he looks like it old boy or that’s why I’ve gone gray so ear where did it all go so wrong anyway so eto’s in no I think that’s probably missing leg St was a very big appeal it looked really good from short midwicket um but I think did it pitch in line was it h enough I think I think it was missing leg stump there you go bear said it’s missing leg stump we get on with the game please everybody some of the ls have got the bowling machine out this could be handy all I can say is that L said it was absolutely Plum from midwicket well there you are well then v v said it was not out but to be fair it’s the first time this guy hasn’t clonked it for six yeah that’s a beautiful shot for four though apart from the fact George is down here to stop it yeah just checking you’re still awake um I can’t see can I not I can’t see anything I can’t see if only we had side bits to our horse SPX just Bonkers if only we had side bits come on George is up let’s get some let’s get some imp let’s bring it in from the schore box want to bring two let’s bring it in from the score box I think ET is going to get a wicket now he um he’s got four balls left in this over it’s going to be caught second slip yes good so we’ve got two slips we have a short extra cover on the drive we have a square cover we have a mid off we have a midwicket we have a mid on we have a deep backward square and I presume we’ve got a sweeper somewhere else which I can’t see see we got a deep Extra cover out here deep Extra cover thank you very much and when the wind changes Direction the wind the rain blows straight in good up swinging how do you think Wills Is f in a deep feeling deep Square leg with a the rain driving into his own you having a good time will I tell you what if this is global warming I hate I’d hate to see what global cooling is like oh they’re just talking nonsense aren’t they no it’s not Global when it’s cold it’s climate change well bold when it’s hot it’s global warming did you not know that no I didn’t know that that’s it’s that’s a fact this is climate change bear that we’re going through and it’s an emergency and we could all die by the time that can I just say I don’t want to go through the change well it’s a bit late mate I think it’s a bridge up by the fourth it’s definitely raining very very it’s well B well done etto well recovered in that over he’s a good lad um Croatian nil Spain 2 they my mother my mother and Morena have decided they’re not going to support Croatia anymore cuz they’re rubbish and they’re going to come back and watch Oxo down who are doing not an awful lot better than Croatia to be fair well Spain must have scored two goals since the resumption of play here Badger and current producer please come and help us because we are technophobes we okay cuz if anybody’s watching hopefully they’ll be listening so if you are listening 78 for nil thank you from no wickets off 12 overs shmy boy B A little flat he’s back on he’s back on a little bit more Buzz going on out there a little bit more a little bit tightness I can hear the rain beating down on the top of the score box which is the first time it’s had a wash since we’ve been using it even our friends from Wickam the lovely Mrs Utley she’s packed up had enough well done little bit of spinner B she’s bowling a tiny bit short I would say at the moment just a tiny bit but little bit of normality has been brought back to the cricket match in other words balls haven’t been dispatched to various parts of ox which are that short and it’s been dispatched only for one though good sweeping out there in the boundary I think that’s poy out there midon deep long on is very very wide and and he’s almost on the same line as L at midwicket I have to say I don’t understand why we’re still out there in this rain it’s really quite unpleasant upd I know it’s not upd yeah thank you badge bad has come back I just got badger back in because I know most of you viewers find him incredibly attractive in a sort of Rough and Ready sort of way I’m always ready and I’m sometimes rough well done badge there do you know what is there anything you can’t do you can’t stop it from raining or stop the left hander from whacking sixes better oh what was that noise his his in influencing yes um oh that’s miss everything that’s going oh Freddy it’s not going to be very happy with that back off son pretty much everything’s going wrong at the moment that’s fair to say give it to somebody with an arm do you want [Music] it 84 for [Music] n oh dear the twos are in trouble are they 50 for four they got another 21 overs to get 100 four down who’s in Lords and Ethan Lords Ethan’s out Lords and Sam cross back doctors in that’s a lovely ball that [Music] is could have done with that just catching the edge yeah that would have been nice that’s miserable it’s just terrible come on etto do it for the bear oh that’s fought that it’s four four that was etto got a little bit excited there seeing the ball move as much as it is and hit it on put it on leg St and was firmly dispatched by Callis Callis moves on to 22 the score on to 80 oh sorry 26 Callis the score on to 88 and another ball in the bushes so Gary’s in there Gary’s got it here comes comes [Music] will right um the impetus that was created at the start of after tea session has waned a bit now and we’ve gone quiet again we need to get back on this it’s in the slots could be four old one them Wars the current producers back oh any side of the Horse no no horse what what’s happening oh we’re going to he’s worried about the camera it’s all kicking off now the whole live production could come to an end what at the first hiccup surely not surely surely we’re made of more than that give us the Gazebo back a short was rushed him leg by so Switzerland beat Hungary 3-1 just let’s just pretend that we’re not watching Cricket for a second which is very good I don’t know what I predicted but I’m sure it’ll be close to that oh Freddy’s got another well I’m not too sure that’s Freddy’s fault it’s it’s it’s still stood up to etto which he’s got to be stood up to etto but George has lost his voice huh oh Spain 2 croati nil SP two yeah Spain two CTI nil fabbian Ruiz and pedri lovely shot just tucked off his hip very nice Cameron he looks a pretty good player yeah he does doesn’t he as does they well they’re both class in different ways so end over 94 for nothing 14 over umpires are getting together looks like they just have they just noticed it’s raining no I no the left and I thought they’re going to come off but cuz left hand drives on is Anton going to square leg or is he had enough right so sham car is on we got a deep Square leg we got a deep midwicket we got a mid short catching midwicket we got a mid on one slip deep Long off Extra cover I tell you the others when I can have a look around the or box back to Shem no run then we got a deep cover and a backward point hurried on to him a little bit there someone’s just had the nod to warm up and I don’t know who it is is it you have you been asked to warm up I could do with someone asking me to warm up no I think my 1 days are over what a fantastic career you had though on silly bugger there was uh I heard there was chat of uh Wars was having none of it about whacking me into the ones for TFC last week so will was he’s out there picks up it comes one bounce in so is that Harry Ren out there it looks like it is yep he’s with the man that’s been told a warm up has he well he hits the pitch doesn’t he yes he does yeah could do with somebody e in the stumps yes gone for the reverse lap again and he’s bottom edged it just the bottom coming down here gone between we’ now got we’ve now got a soaking wet ball to bowl with again where what happened to the good oldfashioned bar toweling ch Croatia now 3-0 down thanks the coming award goes to Croatia do you think there’s going to be a lot of big scores and the sort of cream will come to the top apart from England going nil nil everywhere he’s cut out the W he’s put it over CH it onto the fourth green there’s two runs there well fielded Matthew to be honest with I didn’t even know Croatia in the European championships but they’ve done well to get there 150 to win and 28 99 for n off 15 overs still the fans keep rolling in wickets will change this game well I think it’s the only chance we got now is to bowl him out but Nicola hunt can you update the score please 99 for n from 15 Badger whatever you did hasn’t worked doesn’t matter where’s the current producer still trying to find his ass I think the score is not updating 99 for North still 99 for n from 15 that’s a little bit too full and it’s still not quite hitting the pitch so Freddy’s been told to stand back because that keeps bowling it down the leg side Here Comes matchu think he think it’s stopped raining so well done to the umpires for not coming off maybe I don’t know well Bal that’s better getting a defensive shot out of hemp is good at this stage what do you want Matthew it’s not updating we got bigger problems be what’s not updating that band SC oh GE whiz that’s massive that’s a big big six is hit him again nothing is still going I didn’t anything I didn’t hear it black 15.3 overs and 68 minutes that’s been a brutal hour and 8 minutes brutal it’s time to fight back boys 105 run partnership 93 balls 68 minutes coming round the Wicket I must have done a good job of the side screens because he’s work for over and round thick Inside Edge down to one lurkers has just wed up well on his bicycle no and a Nissan Micra gold is it gold yeah always beli in your soul you’ve got the power to know you’re indestructible always believing that’s lurkers for you completely indr no problem niola it was because the assistant assistant current producer AKA Badger the half Italian Badger hadn’t put Auto Renew on I mean h what a basic error why do we pay Badger we don’t oh we don’t okay that’s fair enough then what do you expect Nicola you know he’s not getting paid any money don’t expect him to do a proper job and it’s the weekend that’s out that’s pretty that’s absolutely Plum City and that was very much needed well done etto now let’s make that the change of the game well bold etto we needed that OMG we needed that looked as though it’s hitting middle stump High way up his old Bish looks older today than he at that athlete is coming there he is he’s coming into show oh he’s just giv a drink to the opposition that’s lovely you know but he’s such a generous man but in these circumstances I wouldn’t be giving him anything he’s smashing it to all Corners well I like that bear Nicola Nicola hunt expects better from the badger well I think take it up with him Nicola I mean honestly I would say any expectations of the badger below zero what can you do you know we’re given we have to deal with what we’re given all we can do is just keep going as Pros B keep going as Pros I happened to know that Badger was off shopping this afternoon for g-strings apparently there’s a new one use only gstring a bit like a disposable razor there’s that the paper one yes you remember those sweets that used to come are like a necklace yes they made they make those into they were edible arm of violet edible do you want some no I’ll get you some for Christmas no I don’t come on etto Co blind me the be Pit’s erupted can we get the old man off the pitch quicker please right so who in the meantime we got a new batsman Dan mils or Bal this is a guy that took that cat and ended up with a hurty knee yes it is a wicked well bold etto so etto now has the enviable figures of four overs 1 for 23 chem has four overs none for 17 Wars four overs nor for 29 lws four overs nor for 27 so fairly consistently across the board we’ve gone [Music] miles and now the end is no now we just need another another nine quick wickets and we’ll be in a good position the second team we just lost another Wicket it’s a little bit too short so it looks like the old twos are going to get their first defeat of the Year oh dear that is very disappointing we don’t want today to be a double disappointing day well we got the threes and the fours whether or not it’s C it’s chairman drinks if all four teams win if all four teams lose do we all we have to buy him a drink and he has to drink them all yeah 44 points please and his wife and his daughter and his son has to come back from CH only 11 points each yeah all of those things are important this guy’s got quite an open STS he has got an open STS I think he’s vulnerable to a chem off spinner well I don’t know he might well field did that’s got Harry on the foot Wills is laughing at him cuz he’s misre a bit he’s misre and he’s hit him on the foot there’s a little bit more chirp out there since we got a wicket a little bit more chirp oh so bar what’s your evening inail watching Sport and drinking a little bit a little bit of wine no no drink no drink no what you doing why not I don’t drink really what not at all no I should have a cup of tea I should probably have a nice hot bath I don’t know what’s on the tell was there any crickets on isn’t it the cricket must be starting quite soon we we say how about 5 6:00 didn’t we yeah [Music] um so [Music] yeah that umow is a long long way back I was mad isn’t it I was only saying there something in the VK on Sunday I’d need a pair but not see how can you see for stumping that’s a you can’t see it’s almost in barkshire what do you pan out far enough can you pan out with your pan outter pan outter hello my name is Matthew and I have a pan outter oh that’s a very good late cut that was a very good shot that’s going to go for four as supect you can’t pan out wide enough I would say that the Umpire is four runs that was a very good late cut he’s nearly 40 yards away yeah it’s a long way away let’s see if we can find out when the cricket starts it’s been brutal for Croatia sorry Minka 40 3-0 scores and fixtures England viia teams will be announced at the toss India Canada match abandoned without a ball that doesn’t sound promising if there’s rain around start time 6:00 but they’re in America are they England were in the bar in the West Indies and your Canada um louder Hill yeah right come on letto we’ve just lost two wickets in the second team f has been told is got to go and keep again no he hasn’t I don’t think oh it’s Nelson’s come on Nelson is going to get a wicket come on Nelson come on Admiral Horatio it’s clipped it very confidently to midwicket he going for one or two no good Fielding out there Nick Stewart raining in Antiga oh no if it’s rained off was stuffed yeah Scotland go through I have to say I’m not sure that they’ve got the full workings of this T20 World Cup sorted out properly well why they not a the amount of days between games they could they should have a second day World Cup you should have a second day shouldn’t you game’s completely washed out because you got New Zealand you’ve got Pakistan and potentially England yeah that are not going through not because of the G purely because the games have been washed out yeah having said that there’s no guarantee we were going to beat Ireland um Scotland rather no but we probably would have done that probably would have done without that bat in line knowing you’ve got to go at 10 You’ have been right yeah almost made him hurry a touch there sh surprised he didn’t go for two there has he been wrapped on the finger there or is he no just adjusting his just reflecting how good he is well he’s got hemp’s got 67 from 52 mares is five from seven and etto 4.4 over there one for 26 need 134 and 27 it’s five and over still right so we’ve got two slips still we almost want B don’t we a like four or five quite tight overs to try and make them think they got a r a bit but well backed up very good cricket captain Wars good backing up over from etto five overs one for 27 115 for one off 18 this is um this feels like it’s our first experience of really being up against the top level side this season yeah and I don’t think either sides have been at their best really have you no it’s good Fielding well back up is that Captain Wars again backing up who’s that over there it l very well backed up L very well backed up what’s going on now we got a bit of chat going on between the Boulder and the Umpire I don’t know what that’s all about any idea [Music] bar bit of CH so just ched on that chair B the sounds of it terrible CH that was right what could we what can we do I I might make short midwicket a bit tighter bring him round a bit squarer lovely shot when they hit though inside out that’s a good shot he’s very he’s got a lot of bottom hand this guy but quite effective but he came at the Wicket and still played a proper Cricket shot just went over the top of M off and yeah in know one or two of hours tried to whack that over the chapel and then sliced it up in the air so just proves doesn’t it about moving your feet and playing Orthodox shots still works well done well field did the captain so it’s raining in Antiga Nick can you tell us how badly it’s raining in Antiga please we don’t need to know whether there’s one thing about Antiga the wind’s always blowing so the rain comes in quickly but also disappears quickly good knowledge good Knowledge from you B well I was there two years ago mate I’m a connoisseur on antean [Music] weather well 119 for one if it goes the distance we could be here for a bit it’s going to be our past seven isn’t it a could drop another 14 degrees it’s not looking like it’s going to go the distance at the moment well they’re going at 6.26 but the Run rate is still five yeah 5.4 so maybe we just need to take the looks like Ren is on who’s taking his cap off anyway is he got into gestion or not yeah hopefully they ingestion and we got some Ry toss toay by heavy rain in Antiga next pitch inspection at 7:00 so that’s an hour England need Victory to remain in wasat would eliminate England and send Scotland through it’s just nonsense the whole thing’s nonsense how long do the T20 game take three hours there is a massive rain dance going on in Scotland in the M three listen was it 3 hours for a T20 game just play it the next morning why do we want that is it’s ludicrous classical the man if you’d have gone over there and thought we beat Scotland we beat om man we beat them when we lose to Australia we go through and that’s and we’ve had two wash outs it’s disappointing well I don’t think you know the press and everyone’s getting stuck into to the England team the only thing that I think we get wrong is if you look at the Australian the backbone of that Australian team seven or eight of them play limited they play one day T20 and test Cricket we’re obsessed with all these different cricketers that can play a reverse Goose next while standing on a sideboard doing the ironing just have some cricketers out there you know will Jacks they’re amazing talent but have they really made a name for themselves in international teach only Cricket Livingston again what a cricketer but let’s just have some proper players out there it’s almost like they’re picking a team so we need to score 400 every time we go on the park right 120 for one oh it’s working now off well that says 19 that’s 18 on the scoreboard what’s it saying on your scoreboard oh it’s great Fielding great Fielding Harry Rend does something really weird with his legs when he gets to the crease have a look at him it’s like he’s gonna start doing um a Charleston or something a Char Char Char Char Char Char Strictly Come Dancing starting Char Char and then he sort of crosses his legs at the darling you’ve been working on your arm mography over the summer bear or not darling darling watch like watch his legs look see what I mean it’s like his back leg it comes in decent Wheels fired in still I’d still like him to hit the pitch of Tad hit the pitch harder lots of verbals out there just edging egging people on getting people fired up they still as you said they’ve still got 128 runs to get well fielded one good thing about a little bit of uh little bit of rain the pitch has Juiced up a little bit The Outfield you can slow on a bit faster but run R up to 5 and a half current run rates dropped from 6.2 something to 6.1 so this is all right you know a few overs of this is okay just no four balls if we can y please he’s bowling a nice line oh that’s fantastic etto is Fielding like he’s 10 fielders out there what a player what a brilliant all around cricketer what an athlete and he’s good-look where does it all go wrong idiot gu’s an idiot know just annoying again see if we can get probably the best looking side in the league the best looking side I don’t know there’s one or two Howers viewers we got up to 53 now Barn You’ be glad to hear um we need to keep this guy off strike be interesting how we move the field around keep moving the field just remind you f if you haven’t subscribe please press the Subscribe button doesn’t cost you any money we become more important influencers and you can go out and buy an BMW because we say BMWs are great that’s the sort of thing you’re buying into and any other make we’re not interest that was a that was a pretty good first over B from renie one over for two runs back to gem six overs nor for 26 hasn’t really threatened just yet we need you to be more threatening please chem the rain has stopped the wind has stopped but we know the wind has coming back do we well especially if they’re more been coming out of theair coming out of your chair Fair all right veggie sausages are knocking on the back door right come on shmy boy oh over there loers with the pink trousers on has he got a beer in his hand no of I think he has you know I I he’s got a there he has p a real in his hand can you pan across and see lurkers can you pan across that far just wait for this ball oh that’s a bit uppish open that’s a GU je coming to shot now look on the far right hand side stopped someone’s asking why he’s drinking beer at his age I don’t know who stopped him that’s four no I think this guy likes to hit back with a squ on the offside I think he’s been reading The Paddy Daniels book of late cutting so I would take slip out and I would drop someone back on that boundary for that shot because the one thing you have to stop is boundaries that will slightly build the pressure although the left-hander does appear to be able to hit boundaries wherever he wants whenever he wants so the second team need 80 from 13 overs so I guess the first blip in their season so you go for the win or do you take the draw how many points do we get for a draw I don’t know change it all there we go look Lads the horse you need someone on the boundary the horse is bolted but it’s going on the boundary no you’re not going to still going to go through them so Wills Wills is going now that’s not where he hits it though he hits it back with the square well let’s Bowl it let’s not Bowl any short anything short then okay he’s going over for chat with your brother-in-law just saying heasy that we going to get to there yes no yes no yes no field oh good length great pick up good length great pickup from Smithy boy so Lucas has got a rather Natty looking polar neck jumper on looks though he should be in Corall or Devon he does actually doesn’t he doing one of those new shows that everyone does Awkward l so yeah so L lurkers would look very good in Port Isaac Harbor with the beer in the pipe singing talking to somebody about fishing or painting and singing the floral dance yes slightly faster ball from Jem good just need to slightly make this guy so the Run rate so their run rate current run rate has dropped to now six and the run that required has gone up to 5.55 let’s just keep eeking away at that don’t how boring It Go mainly because if we then do get a couple of wickets then the new Batman has to come in and very difficult for new Batman to come in and T at six runs and over straight away but AJ Woodland is the next bman he’s a very fine player lost a wicket and the twos de two so w Mamud is out Benny Ling is in with Sam cross well do you want to have a quick scoot around the grounds or not no I’m too excited about this are you you Scout more oh what we done there I can do anything with my Mouse um Wills has got to go an awful long way there he’s easily going to make it cuz he’s your son and he’s almost as quick as you yeah he’s probably a little bit quicker than Freddy looks much tidier with a cap on than he does with his silly and is tucked in you see she got white yeah white clothes tuck in color clothes don’t tuck in yeah he’s got a funny old me he’s read the etiquette book of tucking in these youngsters my idea of tucking normally involves a [Laughter] curry oh that’s a lovely shot a half volley there two on very very nice shot and it was a half volley and it punched it very very straight he don’t many two of them so you know do you push a man back here let him carry on bowling that length push a man back and let him take that’s to you you need to drag it back at six or seven Ines but if we set a field for him so we kind of got the confidence cuz at the minute where do boundar not protecting boundar where do we wanted to Bow 132 for one miles has gone up to 22 he’s had a swish at that doesn’t move his feet he’s very decent carry it’s like a right-handed Marcus R scoic doesn’t he just he doesn’t he doesn’t lose move his Fe that’s right he’s very bottom hand and and he likes the the risty shot backward good hello you know I said the wind was going to start again well it has absolutely ludicrous we’re going to have to get one of them walking sleeping bags I think well bold that’s a b so tomorrow’s Father’s Day Barnes any any idea which of your favorite Sons is going to treat you the best well I’m hoping that All My Sons will rock up somewhere along the do you think are you going to be available for Section no you’re going to be available for your um for your favorite son and the other ones yeah you you go out to the pub for lunch or you no we’re off the bunnies aren’t we the barbecue Bunny’s Barbie yeah should be a great event always it and the portal is heated so I can get my Budgy Smugglers on well done that’s see that’s the length yeah that is the length makes such a difference we bowled either far too short or far too full today so far but it’s not over yet it’s not over till I start singing sh’s Not Over oh c is miserable in we’re putting on such a brave face team blanket put such a brave face for our viewer that’s in the slot can’t see I think the boys look him like it that’s 10 off that over boys hit that and that’s was a good over for them they’ve moved on to 136 for one and they’ve had 22 overs to get there I’ve just noticed that this here is pretty much live and that’s got a yeah it’s always been that way quite disconcerting so there we go do we protect the boundaries a bit more so I think it’s time we need to start entertaining ourselves could you please entertain us 50 viewers up for raise our back for the half century could we could you entertain us with some entertaining stuff please or ask some questions of ask bear or barns yes let’s do that the good news is that our current produc feels very guilty about us having not had a podcast yet this week this season and he’s going to get one sorted out but it’ll probably be the week after next cuz One Way Or Another We’re all busy next week on various days so looking possibly a week on week on Tuesday me one have to consult we’ll let you know we’ve got some much to go through it might be a three and a half hour show next TR B oh that very nearly played on he’s jammed that down into his pads and it would have pretty I’m pretty certain it would have gone on to the just need I just noticed just he hasn’t scored huge amount of runs for the last few overs admittedly the runs have been coming the other end but just want a little bit of pressure to build on him get him to make a r choice if he’s at that top of the game he will just take his ones and twos and end up with 110 15 out won he y not worry about it he’s on your favorite number now which is important h come on Chim come with the hour that’s very comfortable yeah milk in it God oh I mean how have lost a match haven’t they they lost two do they lose [Music] two ball that hurried onto him and touch that was the arm ball just hurried him a slight he was wasn’t completely in control of the shot but he still quite a single from it moves off your favorite number on to 70 [Music] [Music] just cruising aren’t they yeah 140 up 140 for one is there management meeting going on who’s in the brains trust so they’re the ones that drink larer and not fruit flavored cider in the team apparently well we need some cider drinkers or some Guinness drinking we need a bit of manly stuff so Powell is now coming on I didn’t think ETA bow that badly but Powell is now on for it wasn’t no and ren reny was on in between the two yeah I know but I didn’t think um etto bow badly and then poy renie comes on and now Po’s on I think all the same searching for someone to get a wicket but they all ball the same so what would you do get George on and give it a again anything just somebody that’s going to make things just a little bit different whether not it’s George whether not it’s cosford whether or not wi he seat wobbly slower stuff but they’re just cruising but I don’t know I don’t know it’s different level is it I’m not used I don’t play at this level so so he’s been round the Wicket to start with just don’t come in and roll your arm over because you’re going to go straight into the car par Mas can bow decent off spin I think we um we always thought that the shorter format would suit more it’s almost like a manual for the shorter format isn’t there you got your Bowlers and fielding positions and got your circle so it’s probably a little bit easier where he’s hit the hit hit the pitch definitely got a decent bit of height [Music] ridiculous Day Extraordinary extraordinary extraordinary day there’ll be days what will happen is September will come around and all of a sudden yeah it’ll get warm but the days are short as soon as the rugby season the days are short and there’s duw on the ground but the days will be hot but they can’t they going they going to get so hot short long up absolutely absolutely smeared that’s Buffet at this level Tommy pal come on yeah that was that was treated with probably more respect than it required there’s another airplane coming back from war zones swinden or reading or there’s no war zone in reading this looks like [Music] it interesting actually he sort of stop his right arm stops at the top it’s a bit like a golf yeah who’s the old Jim furick who is it that stops at the top of his backing play is playing at the moment it was Jim Furious wasn’t it he sort of figure of eight swing but you watch on at the point of impact he sort of stops his well of course that’s on tonight isn’t it the gof where well fielded by loss down there fielded loss down to one run it’s B um it’s been interesting over he’s certainly coming and hit the pitch but uh if he does that to this guy here he’s going to go into the road so how we going to get this guy out hurry him into a shot get him to top Edge it he’s left that one the first ones he’s left all day it’s obviously thinking red Inc 100 brother brother noran striding around the boundary at top velocity um [ __ ] just s a picture he’s watching on the T he saying it’s lovely and warm and then says that we sound like we’re buzzing so we clearly need to up our game bear we’re buzzing well I think cockal is been a bit sarcastic sorry Tommy we need him up our again we need him banter in the in the comms I think well the sounds of it oh my you’re so [Music] unprofessional I think my game has just been U oh someone’s just stood on a duck in the comms box anyway um it’s 147 for one they need exactly 101 to win and 24 overs gone which how many overs do they need to get it in bar I got 19 come here up 19 overs to go so if we could just B some really tight overs that would be a start two or three wickets that would be something better if we could do both of those that would be incredible if it could warm up the Sun comes out that would be icing on the cake and if England’s game could be uned off and they annihilate or if anybody knows any dancing girls that could come and yes entertain us or dancing boys I guess nowadays you got to say the right thing yeah people right dancing people right come along then chimy your your team needs you right now eight8 overs North 36 so far a bit of rain in the air it’s floated up L has dived over the top of that is Will going to get it very very very fast hands on that shot very fast hands and he’s absolutely smashed it through Extra cover for four that’s the 150 up let take 24.1 overs 101 minutes George is warming up at midon well I was just thinking that that we’ve got we’ve had three seers from this end that are bowling much of a muchness obviously the two boys owning up shem’s not exactly putting them under too much pressure you might as well just Chuck anybody the pill and see if we can get a breakthrough build a bit of pressure or you know it’s to the field I’m not sure what our strategy is I think our strategy is hope for the best yeah but if you you could have an in- out feeli couldn’t you just say to just Bowl up there let them drive we can set a field to it but any loose ball is four RS pretty much isn’t it we got a deep Square leg and we got a deep cover and these old boys don’t M time the ball do they well they haven’t done so far but if they have M timed it it’s still gone for four well anything that needs to be put away has been put away bid very quiet out there now come along boys come along chem it’s in the slot six hes that’s massive big as well into the wind over the side scre a massive straight six G A very very very long way it’s just at a caner now just a a caner beautiful shot oh you were standing in front of the camera by the way there bar very upset that’s probably why honing me as well sorry Nicola I apologize to my co-presenter for vacating the horse box duck please ah how are we we need some wickets you might have to do about 22 laps [Music] oh so was another delay for a George is getting George is getting restless to get on with it I know the signs what’s happening oh they doing drinks because of course they must be quite dehydrated I think so yeah that leather chasing [Music] how go to creti can seeed there my phone’s almost switched off cuz it’s so cold someone sent me a text Charles Potter sent me a text where you ask The Spectator to move from in front of the camera that’s me that was some sorry Charles sorry Charles that was um that was Barnes James France has texted me I even though we have a number to say that was in the way of you got our numbers how have you got my number we’re quite famous aren’t we I suppose we aren’t famous yeah never mind we need to go to privacy rights somewh sorry Charles it won’t happen again I’m really embarrassed I’d like to announce a sincere apology to everybody I needed to get out of the B pit there was some funny noises coming vibrations honestly my phone is so cold thanks for the thumbs up Charles didn’t last long that was a lap Essence going is it wasn’t it wasn’t a LP was it no no who Lawrence well we can tell him can’t we I think we should all just go home I need a tinkle I know that you can go we won’t stop you we’re not stopping [Music] you all by myself in The Bear Pit so just to let you know what’s happening in case wondering the ball was smashed into the chapel garden and the umpires have Tak this opportunity to have a drinks break cuz we’re on 24 and a bit overs it doesn’t seem to be it doesn’t look like the ball has been [Music] found oh so 157 for one we are doing some fear fearful mileage I have to say fearful fearful mileage Charles I agree I bet you got a glass of something lovely as well Charles Charles potter sitting at home in the warmth alternating between watching us getting annihilated here and England watching the rain come down B apart from the World Cup difficult to know what to do Charles perhap you can watch Croatia getting annihilated cheer yourself up hello Natasha thank you n been listening all afternoon while working it kept a smileing her face casha it’s wonderful to hear from you we heard from your um your better half early on who gave us a score but um I hope you’ve been working hard um it’s pretty miserable here I have to say the weather’s miserable um we’re getting beaten I think probably the fa way to describe this um but it’s a it is a funny old game as people say it’s a funny old game and just a couple of quick wickets got these two out it would make a massive difference hello C sir how are you where’s Matt Matt’s gone to the toilet I think he’s talking to somebody on his mic still that’s okay long he doesn’t say anything controversial that’s fine turn it off that’s gone in quite sure what that massive round of applause was about hitting the ball through the covers for four anyway how are you how is the horses oh it’s yeah it’s fine I just sit there and like a lemon and watch somebody around on the horse it’s fine that sounds nice so we’re up to 43 we have been up to 50 down to 43 um I’ve been telling everyone to subscribe as I know you want me to I just told the lads from uh hello ah yeah I just told the lad from highwick part of the thing is if they watch the highlights back they have to hit the Subscribe button absolutely they must do that they’re going to want to watch these highlights they’ve been absolutely phenomenal so let’s let’s see what P can do now P’s bow one over so far nor for six it’s not only is it cold out there but it’s getting quite dark which is it’s also makes it difficult to field does it make it harder to hit the ball not necess well it makes it a bit but these two are seeing it like a football anyway so it doesn’t really matter super Fielding George George George just turn Matthew back on apparently you’re talking to someone in the toilet so Po’s still going why outside off St big old swi he’s he’s he’s a real Slinger isn’t he po he’s got a sling sling to his action a sling to his bow George is finding it difficult to function at the moment yeah well everything seems a bit out of kilter doesn’t it see the slot is that a drop no I don’t think he got he didn’t got anything on it l sweeps around and picks it up it was a two runs I don’t think who is that at Square Harry Ren Harry yes Harry I got a feel it well it’s wide sort of long up he slashed it and Ren’s taking a more Mighty dive we don’t know whether or not I suppose it’s half a chance B would you describe it don’t I would have say it’s a quarter at the very very most I don’t know even though we got a hand on it but uh lots of field movement going on 159 for 125 second team just lost another Wicket so there be coming on with a tail between the legs that’s a beautiful shot take it to somebody out there one right say 160 for1 25.4 overs well Bal a DOT ball is always greatly received AOL now see even the pro then should have come in deep F your pet thing honestly it does my head in I don’t get it the over howy two overs for 10 sorry two n p right chem nine overs for 47 weren’t you there guy went for 100 so yeah he did right Chevy come with the hour come with the man let’s see what you got is that raining again it’s a very very unpleasant day has to be said magot Is Us cord you know what you’re doing will we need to move you around the out field things getting bad got to get me old horse tablets out there that log sweep it’s all Lo there I can’t get it in Lo well done mate 163 for one Mar this on 47 looking for his oh SC through K take Freddy while counts bear if I stand Here nobody can see anything yes you get into a lot of trouble I don’t has there been a boundary off this over or not don’t think so not yet Natasha coach has been listening to us all afternoon van she’s been enjoying everything I just seen her in the clubhouse and she said you’d been listening I said we’re running out of steam in there it’s so cold the end of the over from chem he’s brought up his half century 10 overs not for 50 for Chen powery two overs nor for nine 164 for one oh another ball head moves on to 75 mils is on 48 27 overs gone now wickets change everything never forget that never give up hope wickets change everything as Jeffrey boycott once said ohly add two if you could understand what he was saying add two wickets to the scoreboard add two wickets to the scoreboard 164 for three all he used to say you got like robish is at crickets about me not a team player um what’s their current required run rate be it’s in the slot or B 5.2 5.2 6.1 no h he’s got their current run rate and then their required run rate next to each other yeah so run rate at the moment is 6.1 required is 5.2 okay so that has a changeed we started to get that tweaking a little bit good Yorker we’re bold Jeffrey boycott oh what what can it be your uh I was going to think something then but I won’t I get into trouble with any York people here hammer down here Skipper comes in long barrier big shovel hands are warns good Fielder good piece of cricket to the cricket that makes you feel warm and fuzzy that we’re here no you’re not feeling warm and fuzzy barns no okay oh God 166 for one clip that off his legs for four beautifully and that’s 50 for Mars pretty good knock to be fair miles is 50 um strike R of 104 50 balls doesn’t make sense oh on 52 that’s why so the second team 103 for8 43 overs theyve got four overs to go They’re not going to get them so did they close up shop and not let tiddington win because that’s well B well B well bold well fielded come from po tid were thirdd this morning we were top so the last you want to do is let teams around you win don’t give them the 20 or the 25 points so I’d be closing up shot now wouldn’t you make sure that tid don’t get the win and we can hopefully stay top you’re off by the way no you’re not we’re both on just checking just beautifully pushed in nto comes careering in he’s such a good Fielder there we are oh no such a good field and we got some buzzards going on called over you can’t run them the Umpire called over it’s called over the Umpire called over that means it’s a dead ball it’s a basic laws of cricket if you call over you can’t get any more runs we should be backing up all right we need to make sure that the messaging is clear on I think it’s just one run because they called over should just be one run cuz he did call over and the Umpire was walking but the Umpire should not call over until the ball is dead so the umpires are in the wrong and our fielders are in the wrong yeah that’s fine they come they got to the right result which is one run you the it’s pretty bad all around basically note to South back up Lads yes back up right if something’s going to happen in needs to happen pretty soon actually we got all sorts of discrepancies on the scoreboard they still need they still need1 it’s 171 no it’s 169 is it no it is 171 for one I didn’t even know did they run one extra or two extras then two should be one off that last ball not three that’s tile down oh just a little of twitchiness getting in coming into the field here perbly looks like he’s just been Fielding straight back from 18 points of tck him last Saturday what a [Music] guy it’s a good loopy one it’s put up in the air Lo I’m not so sure was walking in either it’s out there for one so we let him off there’s never going to be two wicking boys are very relaxed the guy that waiting to come in I think they feel it’s in the locker third team are back don’t know how they got on but they’re back so Tommy C’s gone into a short long on driving we got midwicket we’ve also got L who’s just over there we go ly Stood Still that’s the second time great bit of Fielding there there quickly fielded well yeah it’s quiet we’re not buzzing we don’t look anywhere near they still got they’ve still got a fair few runs to get still got to get 80 odd runs exactly 70 odds runs now but we just need a bit of Buzz we need people to walk in look got people with their arms folded look Hardley just gently drifting in that’s four RS again gu Stood Still when the ball’s gone past to shut up now need show a bit more backbone you wanted to play at this level boys it’s easy when you winning [Music] see he’s walking in with any intent so Tommy’s gone straight now LA’s coming out there St to happen it’s starting to happen B what little bit of sulking they’re starting to get a bit niggly with their hands on hips double te pots no one’s walking in oh great that was very very close that was very close great do you um do you think that because Ren is a bird he thinks he can fly that’s two massive di he does like a dive doesn’t he yeah good on him little bit of tiny bit of frustration coming with him thinks he should have smashed that a bit further he’s on 7 78 after 71 deliveries Mars who have thought Mars would catch him up but Mars on 59 after 56 and it’s 179 for one 29 overs have now [Music] gone as I said either of these B get either of these batsman out gives us an opportunity to stifle runs the fact that both of them are going makes it hard to stifle it what’s going on out there what’s going on I don’t know CH well we got somebody telling the pro where to set the field to his own bowling look still going on the field there we go I do look like the field positions are right out there Cham is a little bit too wide anyway Po’s coming in come on poy well done good so that’s two balls of the over gone no run scored done again three balls in right so that’s three balls in and no run scored on this over yet just need to finish off the over that it’s bowling well bowling with some heart that’s coming well taken George that’s an absolutely crucial Wicket the pressure was building it was building every ball that there was in a run and that was crucial George never drops them yes George yeah well Bal poy you absolutely deserve that my little Pat talk with George just for Wick that was that was he was get I told you he was getting he was getting Twitchy well if you think how quickly he was getting Twitchy just a little bit of pressure little bit of pressure Gary just a little bit of pressure he got how quickly he got to 50 and 60 yeah in no time at all off 25 balls so is 78 came off how many balls it’s um 75 so he’s taking 50 balls to get another 25 runs yeah yeah and he was just showing signs little signs of frustration very got bit TI he I don’t know he didn’t not H the ball well before whether or not he had a big T one too many he had a bit of that Victoria sponge and it’s clogged him up that was big it’s the tallest cake I ever did see you had two pieces of Victoria sponge Gary I did yeah well done well I didn’t have any actually very good you had about four I didn’t I had some carrot cake but it was all crumbled so I didn’t know how many slices I had don’t forget Gary’s manual labor out there sweeping the ends years on his hands and knees for the club yeah Georgie as I said as Jeffrey boycott said add two wickets to the score viewers this game is not over yet I haven’t started to sing and if you want a man under a ball like that George sambat is the man you want so Teddy Caston has come out to bat love the name Teddy being a bear myself a Teddy is always welcome nicely played well fielded got to keep it tight one ball to go yeah one that wins a good effort isn’t it what George catches another one no he did of course he did it’s hard work is it he’s only got little frame in into that wind yeah yeah yeah yeah you got to give everything let’s go bang bang here boys it could be a different game all right so we Maiden is it funny obviously all of a sudden how much wider you can bowl in this format and nothing gets given do you go down that complete negative line well B poy four overs one Maiden one for 15 right then now then there’s a bit more pressure now on Mars now he’s the main man be careful beond not Bowers not the only not the only batsman and he is the only batsman Now set there’s a little bit of extra pressure suddenly on him I think here Co I think he’s a good player isn’t he yeah he’s a good player but you know super play they as you quite rightly said they still need just under 70 runs to win what’s the run rate required please be man required 5.3 got to six at one stage Gaza oh look at my toat yeah leaning on the lamp post on the corner of that street right right here we go CH now would be a great time to pick up a wicket there we are we got a defensive shot coming out he’s thinking to himself do I attack do I defend do I get ones and twos what do I do what am I having for tea tonight all these decisions are difficult that’s bounce isn’t it okay so it looks like the second team have drawn 107 for8 Ben Benny Ling and 20 defensive rear well beeing beeing showing that he’s got more than one string to his bow one more more than one Arrow to his quiver more than one sandwich to his picnic exactly talking of picnics Here Comes Mr B with a sage right then I guess if you come in batting at four for Wickham you know which which end of the bat are AJ’s AJ’s not coming yet either and he’s not I thought he normally opened for them to be fair well done this is a little bit of chat now so 68 to win from 13 well that’s good fielding all tight Fielding Energy’s gone up a level it was pretty poor earlier you notice that Ted’s latched onto that gaggle of girls over the far Corner no they’ve latched on to Ted I believe he uses Lynx well Lynx Africa Lynx Africa is what Ted uses I think um I think they’ve caught him up mate to be honest I don’t think Ted’s that man maybe they spotted a venerable man and pounced on him you know talking of vulnerable men Woods is just parking up oh B he squeezed out a single well let’s give one now missed that well bold another tight over why did we not move the field and give one to get the guy off strike well let’s no just answer the question why they may think let’s let’s not give away any runs at all it’s 180 for two 31 overs St it’s easy being in opposition you wait till he run in the country Kia he probably ban Cricket or tax it will he well first thing he’s got to do is sort the weather out well don’t you start you’ll be a part of the green party soon right poy fresh from his Wicket Maiden what can he do now this if he could get this Wicket this would be absolutely Sensational oh nearly did glorious delivery that was as well just see notice how the the the mentality of the batsman changes when it all of a sudden everything is on him now just keep concentrating on it’s very dark now incidentally as well it’s quite a dark cherry isn’t it it’s even that pink when they been du out that coulded that for four no it’s not no is that etto down there left hand drive that’s LW oh he took a long time to throw that ooh okay right that was that nearly got him York lbw as well though pal you got less than an hours Cricket boys you got to give absolutely everything you got come on come on I see I think that’s that’s too easy of one if you if you’re not going to get the guy off strike in the last over why give an easy one there so we got three four boys behind the bat and the guys in front of the bat for a decent length ball are on the [Music] bundry right come on catch Oh Oh I thought I was straight down his sto yeah no we he didn’t pick it up or he wasn’t there I don’t know but I seriously thought he just hit it straight at him banged it in short he sort come off the sticker unlucky half a chance there’s another one what a c Oh What A Catch what a sensational catch is that incredibly good looking Luke Maslin so that’s a decent half Folly outside off stump drifting away he’s slashed and slashed hard and Maza has taken a decent sharp chance what was it not half FY have I misread that anyway it was up there SL wide half FY up there in the slot he’s had a slash Ma has taking a worldy that was traveling right so that’s two wickets as Jeffrey boycott once said that we added to the total right so who’s coming out to about now we got their Captain coming out at last the great Gary saying I don’t think so so AJ’s out this guy is a top player make no bones about he opens the batting for bucks two wickets for poy 4.5 overs one Maiden two for 20 lurkers has run out of beer and is striding back around the boundary it’s getting darker as we approach the longest day at 5 to 7: it’s now do for very dark out there bars so 185 for three miles is 63 not out facing chem right now and is a little bit more CH poy has ped five overs one madeen two for 20 well done poy current required run rate Barnes is 5.9 and the current run rate is 5.7 two wickets it is but I don’t think any gas it’s just as bad for the team yeah I agree doesn’t want to be missing that so that’s three balls three dots get this guy well done four balls four dots oh my word oh my word and he’s gone and that’s Absolut that is pressure Barnes that is pressure well bold chem well taken the captain well batted Mars that’s a superb Innings one thing you always want as a Fielding side is two batsman on L exactly well I don’t blame him but but that pressure was starting to build started to build um with the opener and it continued to build as soon as he became the last batsman the r r now near and a half the Run rate required is 6.2 the current run rate is 5.6 no and it’s will coming out to bat it looks like that look like Will Bill Bill no I don’t it’s Bill it’s Billy dods he sounds like he should be a footballer apparently someone said to me on his way out Billy don’t be a hero or did he could Billy don’t be a hero don’t be a fool with your life who sang that did he hey Siri who sang Billy don’t be a hero paper lace of of course it was paper lace paper lace saying Billy don’t be a hero anyway Billy’s in a little bit more chirp in the step out there chem needs to just finish this over off I’d like a little little short one just outside the off stamp spinning back he misses it lbw he’s missed it completely Wicket Maiden to Cham welcome to the party Cham Chris Watt still avidly listening said it wasn’t him that said Billy don’t be a hero no you said Matt I love you deeply I think when he popped out oh someone playing the mouth organ out there I think so are they playing the mouth organ are they playing Billy don’t be a hero on the mouth organ out there they’re not no they’re not so things are a little bit more um encouraging 185 for four 33 overs gone both batsman on N both batsman have played one ball and it’s very very very very dark I but you don’t want to give away cheap bandas you do not want to give away cheap banders in this scenario you don’t want let AJ get off just need to keep the pressure on come on poy you b a very good spell so far keep it going there’s a there yeah and that was the shot of a top quality batsman don’t forget poy knows AJ very well they play cricketer Cup matches together so he will know not to take him for granted just going down leg side come ony come ony come ony brilant field oh that’s a fantastic piece of Fielding must have just been going down the leg side I think leg by y ball so 61 to win it’s gone absolutely straight through feels bit warmer because I got another no I think it’s cuz you’re dead it’s like in ghost you’re going to get up and walk away and your body will just be standing there Frozen dead anyway very expansive very expansive just go up I don’t think we want to give him cheap boundaries though I need to just just make sure we got our field in the right place be temp I’d be tempted to have a third man but I don’t know where you take him from we’ve got two out now great Fielding certainly reny has um not reduced the quality of the Fielding in this side has he seems like a good Fielder last ball of this over last this over fine fine one’s fine good Cricket Lads that’s a good over six overs two for 22 now from poy AJ Woodland not out two Billy dods great name not outn Nicola Hunter oh your microphone’s still up no it’s not off no his microphone’s not off have you turned your microphone off say something all those all those things he’s been saying Nichola I do apologize for my um my likly amateurish partner um he’s still learning he’s still learning the SP he’s learning his skills okay yeah good man I’ve got aned in extra well about life we were stuff for my neck 40 minutes we were getting absolutely spanked now we feel as though we’re not getting so badly spanked um and right so we have chem is bowling to AJ Woodland and it’s a left-hander so we’re just working out where the Field’s going to go it’s crucial to get the line right don’t give him any three cheap some runs the next mon which I take from my neck no what do he one run well fielded a bless him Nicola says bless you darling yeah well bless me indeed Nicola you may say that Nicola but I have to work with him hardly work you get paid for this thing well I do I get paid to look I’m supposed to give you what I think you’re worth I am I get paid to look after you well bold well bold Matt take out that Bott of Corona 189 for four n over 59 runs to win two balls with this over gone one run scored I don’t think they will massive swipe there and need to chase that brilliant great work RTO F about one run takes up to 190 for four 58 to win right bowling into a Leander and where’s this guy going to hit it is he he’s going to hit it to Maza at Short Extra cover he going score box here he going to be caught by mass that’s the uh that’s the well Bal it’s good George perfect long barrier the right way around hitting straight on the knee that’s why he’s got a knee band on because cuz he knows he’s the miss the ball not because he’s got a poy knee he just not at all well it’s paie cuz he keeps hitting the ball on it who’s paie oh he’s under Dr that oh no that’s four that’s you drop that well it’s an undercut so I don’t know whether or not you class it as a drop or not I don’t know that’s that could be the turning point of the match no it’s not it’s a streaky four it’s not like he’s timed the death out of it and it’s not a drop drop he get his hands to it so yeah on a better day though that would have stuck yeah and if you’re AR the ad wheel she be a bicycle exactly set I haven’t got an auntie or a bike right 189 for four from 34 and a bit my B sham almost shem’s bowling seems better now everybody out is up and everyone’s got that little more about them that’s a shame that was a shame if that somehow managed to wedge into Freddy’s gloves that was so that’s 14 overs one for 66 for chem AJ Woodland has gone to seven it’s 1 194 for four runs to win 54 over’s gone 35 run run rate required 5.5 sorry 6.8 and run rate is 5.5 and it is very dark I can’t stress how dark it is that’s a lovely shot it’s a lovely shot from Billy that’s okay 1 N8 for four oh my exactly 50 runs to win and look how bright the score of the numbers are on the score box now I would pan across but I don’t know how I got a Pano chocola would be better for me and you than a pan across right boys he’s gone for an allmighty old H there absolutely gave that the kitchen sink we’re going to pan across now to show yeah that’s it look how bright those lights are on that board extraordinary serious skills that who what’s it like out there in the sun bar yeah scorching not oh dear well good good LW one run just just the last couple of overs last little things happening seem to be swaying a little bit back in their Direction 49 runs to win do you know what if we t to the last day over and we still lose it’s still good still learn from it they’re one of the best teams about we’re taking them all the way we didn’t bowl that we haven’t bowled brilliantly well have we so just dig really good oh yeah that’s schoolmates it’s allowed that’s enough to put the skids up anybody oing is it har getting fired up with his AJ scuff that George is after it Le oh the Skipper’s got a beer towel that’s a proper captain Oh hits the stumps pick the ball up somebody ire called over again he does he does like a he has or not that’s 200 runs up 200 up I reckon they need 48 to win and exactly in exactly 36 overs required run rate 6.9 current run rate 5.6 current temperature in the horse boxus [Music] 37 oh well done yeah so is it win lose Cricket in the second team still no second team yeah draw no draw what got well it says there look titon won by 49 runs 25 points down six points well that’s what I thought that’s why blocked it out for the last yeah um how’d you go you won did you get any runs 60 60 was with a six and then a not after it bed well done well done mate oh just a couple of misfields in the last few overs that have cost us a few runs not too many good 2011 for four well yeah not too bad mate AJ Woodland moves on to nine Billy dods how your golf trip was it yeah you Portugal blind will you uh our go that’s going to go that’s bu that’s four buy the disaster Pro you see that mind the Rope no dear the disaster five days for night five days or no we played Don Pedro mum good yeah very I my skin as well well done kids right yeah no sign of any player in the West Indies be going out of the World Cup 16 more than that so what the scores on the doors in the 13 the thirds needed a win that’s out or no right this is crucial now the Chargers started chasing 150 anyone ask any Jeremy got yard so 2 74 runs required 41 it’s getting very tight though we need a couple of good overs we once again we need a couple of wickets Billy has moved on to eight AJ Woodland’s on now don’t forget your on com here like to apologize for any abusive language you might have heard well B hey well done mate yeah well done top man well done recovered not good over that rain look at we how deep that but Anton’s like walking in from the boundary that is and the rain to come there oh umpires are talking now it is a bit brighter over Will’s mother so hopefully it might just blow through so it’s 207 for four runs required 41 do you mean over scone 37 well required run range is it any worse than it was before both teams look like they want to stay on but is it dangerous at the end of the day no he’s not the skipper bringing himself on taking responsibility so Wars is bringing himself on well bow poy seven overs one Maiden for 28 is a good effort where we were I love the fact that we’re freezing those boys out there are freezing all the boys in the changing sorry around with the Chang in the clubhouse are freezing two Lads in the net shorts and t-shirts that’s the way it should be right so Skipper brings himself back on is that a right thing to do PO is bowling well bow poy all right here we go right con and Wars come on Captain the deck hit the deck oh that’s hit the g that’s hit that’s hit the house that has that was four hos not six hes but that puts some up with the Run R come on skip come on skip we need something from you now boy 211 for four all of a sudden it’s in the 30s be good renie good good has Ren it’s now very tense up to 59 viewers Barnes they must be I hope they’re nice and warm right let’s hit hard down to Long off PO is down here you 57 viewers who are on at the moment could you please if you haven’t already subscribed just press the Subscribe button it won’t cost you any money at all and it enables Barns and me to become very important influencers and if you want to go out and buy a new house we can tell you where to buy it yeah or even where to get an umbrella when the rain comes in June yes it’s now the wind is now blowing the rain into the so not only are we in a wind tunnel but we’re in a wet wind tunnel it’s been a joy afternoon if we were getting paid for this we’d probably think of quitting right let’s float it up outside half FY slower ball from Matthew while B I get the impression that fredd got to Freddy on the third bout Freddy is not enjoying his keeping spell this afternoon no right 202 from 12 so they need 38 to win 36 to win 36 to win what did I say you said 38 did I I did as well didn’t I so need three doesn’t or if you’re a rugby player Billy 12 Trees Billy 12 Trees yeah it’s a shame that numbers is my strong point long day world of pain right how many balls left of this over boy one ball to go so that’ll be 38 gone so that’ll leave them five overs so 31 36 and 31 at the minute it’s in their hands only four down he’s had a little wafty nibble well done good recovery Matt after recover even the uh even the light in the scoring shed is uh shining so what George and poy doing they’re having a Sprint off Po’s got a bit of confidence in him after winning the early 60 meter dash I’m taking two crucial wickets yeah well he did get a duck so he uh well batted mate what up very good typical opening bat get 60 odd and he’s upset because he didn’t oh actually went in at three didn’t he yeah he upset he didn’t see the job own but I was very impressed with him and the two openers to be honest but I guess gu our top four fired apart from poor old poy getting a worldy is it that Freddy’s got a catch that’s a great bit of well done Cham well done Cham and that might just make Freddy feel a little bit better about life don’t go back at Minster I don’t think um that undercut I mean they’re n on Impossible mate so you’re coming up with a ball and then the ball hits the bottom of the bat and goes back down again folks might have taken it but that’s about it maybe that is a good Wicket because very important with it AJ Woodland’s a good play AJ Woodland 14 runs caught Freddy Bal Cham I guess you question whether or not that was the right ball to cut very tight yeah not a lot of Bounce but anyway he’s done it 212 for five is that going to roll over to now it’s going to roll over 212 for five more importantly B dot dot ball yes dotus ballist that’s the Latin for a DOT board did you know that dos bicus that’s sounds more like Spartacus I’m bicus I’m borus you’re silly arus I know what a great film Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis Spartacus my mother made me watch that as part of my early early history learning process thanks ma for helping me with my history by watching Spartacus bat and shitty shitty bang bang 15 times right reset 15.1 over s chem now two for 69 he’s on your favorite number Barnes well he’s timed the first two rather nicely so this is Henry Chapman who’s now batting fielded it was not the Vikings Mar I think you find it was spus double check Lo is it too dark for L to see no he’s got it under control shot puts it back in Chen have to go to my app 2133 for five come on then he’s got away with that is end oh no he’s got away with that he came careering down right well just just not that I’m calling you lacky of knowledge but I think you’ll find that the same as Douglas Lawrence Olivier he you say they give 25 points to and somewhere C so they said they’ve won by 49 runs so I’m looking at my app now 1088 for seven or 107 for8 or something they correct after leag yeah perhaps not Tony Curtis but definitely Kurt Douglas Lawrence Olivier jeene Simmons Peter good to see um Chris Oliver get all those anyway so where are we we’re 213 for five 39 over’s gone Billy dods don’t be a hero is on eight KN out chappers is on one KN out chappers is that the War’s War’s bowling his bow five overs nor for 34 cool that’s a funny old ball and we’re playing tip and run Cricket now this is where it’s really really cranking like that was going miles down the leg side didn’t it and then just swung back in late so what do we got as a field obviously no one anywhere near Freddy well we got a deep third man we got a backward point we got extra cover George is just coming in Orthodox mid off we got a deep cover got uh mid on midwicket Wills is at Cal corner and oh right that’s a thick Edge Freddy’s di full length got a glove on it is a chance but a difficult chance Shem is sort of was a chance I’m afraid to say sh’s um parried it on a better day that goes in 45 on the two he’s more just beare all right so Po’s now back at Deep long on George is back at Deep long off well B Wars oh oh no it’s okay don’t panic double teapot from the batsman oh gosh yes poy that’s why you get in at 10 and George has to sit on the wing out the out the way so 216 for five runs required 32 yes Orthodox very feathered through Freddy takes it I’m not sure which one he dropped but that’s made up for it at the moment you need to get Freddy two catches for one so he’s giving you a 50% return on your investment oh no we need to sort this horse box out oh bar you’ve ruined that lovely what no I haven’t it’ll come off it come off anyway there’s another Wicket 216 for six War has picked up his first Wicket well done Wars that was so regulated the way the game was sort of flipped and you know Freddy’s Gone full L for catch then that one is like it’s like regulation was like Almost Boring wasn’t it sorry I’ve just turned this Ana game seems any result SOA game that was Nick Bishop I mean I really don’t know what goes on in that man’s head claims his match manager and then say tells the lads that he thinks they’re playing we have 32 runs to win the 39.4 overs have been bold 216 for six and Cricket appears so are they going to go for it or not were they not throw it away I thought they were I thought they were cruising at one stage as well so that was Billy out so we got George Russell and things got a little bit facing catch oh yeah and big Tom has taken an absolute screaming catch the big man didn’t move he pouched it he went into the buckets the rest was history OMG game on seven wickets down scam get easy that the slip there isn’t an easy slip CH the ball disappeared into Tom cosford and never came out that was never in doubt with Tom’s hands and one thing this game hasn’t had is a hat trick but now we might oh hat trick ball I’ll just go back to my Jeffrey boycott comment many many many many moons ago when they were one Wicket down on 180 something what did he say F Well you see Cricket a te game well that’s rubbish is that it’s about me that’s what Jeff said and I said cheer up Jeffrey boycott how can it be you’re uh well with a team yes of course we’ve heavily edited that song for our PC viewers and our viewers are up to 62 welcome you fair weather viewers just because things are getting exciting and you’ve got bored with watching England going out of the World Cup and bored with watch in Croatia 15 N I think we’re out I think it’s been rained off and we’re out no way um and I’m just spring vicious rumors I don’t know here are H to ball second slips in oh oh he’s edged it for four no he hasn’t eded it for one no down to L well bold Wars Round of Applause from the box so it’s 217 for seven now that’s the best bit of cricket I’ve seen all day I’m not sure if it was Freddy through the Hat Harry Ren who got on the volley flicked up and caught it that’s fantastic that will be they need 31 runs to win and they have three overs to go that’ be 18 pills then son big Tom big smile on his face he’s doing the sber out there has he got his Maracas out into those enormous buckets of hands never in doubt that never in doubt right CH 16 overs one two two for 17 there been an element of times where he hasn’t had complete control No Mess three quick wickets now would make him an alltime hero no message coming at all from um this right I’ve been telling I’ve been telling our listener exactly what the score is I don’t think there’s been a message come from the pavy about oh going for it still yeah you still have a dart wouldn’t you Fields up Po’s going to get that oh a good for good length poy keep him going I don’t know I don’t know how poy is but poy how old he is but he run down here slid and went oh Christ as he got back up again just like when you I sit down what’s he going to do when 54 yeah wait till you’re 60 poy right oh we got a leg gullying interesting not a bad move though because the line that shm is bowling I like that that wasn’t an expansive smash attempt to hit down the ground for six so 4.3 overs have gone required run rate now up to 11.6 yeah I think they’re blocking out bring on the real Pace now get Lo in that’s a good shout Bish doesn’t want to be missing that he doesn’t want to be missing that do not go back at Minster so this is the last ball of CHS over there’s a definite swing towards defense as opposed to All Out attack from the batting side I hope no viewers or our viewer doesn’t write in and ask what the points will be because we do not have a clue that’s did you hear that taken symbols he just went Freddy peir with imperious gloves as always poy two wickets and all of a sudden I’m not sure what the conversation is going to be like in the Caro how many overs are left Sam king would you like to tell him Barnes I think that’s a no I’ll tell you Sam it’s two overs to go and runs required 29 still could explode into life well I think this has been an extraordinary game of cricket I have to say it would be amazing if they all of a sudden had a dip after just blocking four balls out so I can’t see it I don’t know B do they get another run if they get the 225 another point so will they just try and get another six runs to get another point at two ask me I haven’t got a clue I if if any any of our listeners want to know what the score situation is please please refer to the manual we need to do our homework oh that’s hello a bit of fire in the belly from Matt Warner there think I’d have a short leg in short leg just to do a bit of chirping in his ear well that doesn’t look like a shot a man that wants to block the draw out that’s an interesting shot oh my neck Jesus I don’t think I’d be too disappointed about him playing that shot no Chuck a slower ball in now see what happens Wars looks well stoked up really good shot one run into those big old Ms of the paddle man yep that’s one run that’s 22 blind GE for seven 41.3 overs War has three more Wars has three more balls in his spell captivating says what senior SL ball Yorker well be in mind is in the Formula One I think anything is Sam says I don’t think he likes me anymore oh well doesn’t bother him B you’re absolutely right Sam right what’s going on then Big O to Cal Corner straight down wills’s throat oh no he’s gone for Yorker well done seven balls to go and they still need 20 odd so well well done boys because I thought they were in absolute Cruise mode I tell you what I think changed the game I know poy got that first Wicket but the that catch that the catch that Ma took well bold Wars the catch that Ma took at Gully was BL sharp catch Chris Watt says he hasn’t watched Formula 1 for three years not quite should see how that’s relevant to the general conversation said he said it was what did he say on this thingy captivating oh yeah so bearing in mind he watches Formula One I think apparently you don’t know your brother very well anyway we’re down to the last over 28 runs are required the way this game’s going they’re going to hit six six can you imagine if they went first first four balls go for six and then they block out it has been an extraordinary game of cricket I have to say te off right here we go the last six balls in the match coming up from Cham who’s Bow 17 overs oh hang on a second he’s b 17 overs barns as he we can’t have done he has bow 17 overs how many is he land to Bow you better check well no is two leg is 43 a third of 43 is what 14 all right so I guess he can so all right sure we’re not going to mess that up your brother’s going on for something about talking about multitasking about lemon oh he said he’s watching the 24-hour lemon that’s right it’s four RS Wills is still going like no he’s not going to get there so they need one more run for another point I guess that’s what they would do and we got to look for the ball of half now in the n well b c it’s been a day isn’t it so we get seven wickets out we must get a few points yeah I don’t know how it works we need to I need to do a bit of study I think bit of homeor no run four balls in the match to go 24 runs to win so the bare pit man of the match is run out um bare piit man of the match Luke mam I guess for his 9 I think so Direct Hit as well just there and being handsome three balls in the match to go 24 runs to win eight runs of ball required my B shimmy boy shmy shmy baby etto is desperate to get in from uh deep fine leg everyone’s coming in no one really knows what’s going on just Bowl it oh they are they’re going to try and stop the single for stop them from getting a point is going to dance at the Wicket and try and get it and get bow here we go slower board Bal him well called barns that’s an extraordinary piece of cricket so we get must get another point for another Wicket yeah we get another point for another Wicket they won the toss and put us in so we get a wicket not quite sure what chapers was doing there well cuz they need one more run they brought the field in so he’s gone to try and hit it over the top and he’s AR skiters last ball of the match 20 4 runs to win I suppose he wanted to make sure they couldn’t be bowled out so the Skippers called Lo and will in look one ball to go oh no I thought we called him in for chat but he just called them in to save the one to stop them from getting another point 70 viewers on now barns welcome 70 viewers where have you been all day anyway um this is the last ball of the day it’s 224 for8 they are not going to win the game we are not going to win the game Unless somehow we manage to manufacture a run out of a no ball um I have no idea how many points there are but please could you subscribe for free and um make us extremely important influen what would you do if you’re the batsman here would you block the draw or you just Biff it I block it I’m going to play Reverse lap here and just smash it into George now so as his Parsons He hasn’t had a great day the old boy he bowled like a Trojan worked his anyway in he comes slower ball pitched up pushes out game over good game of cricket lad extraordinary game of cricket so just to summarize um Oxford Down’s got 247 highwick 224 for eight match drawn don’t ask me who’s got what points I haven’t got a Scooby um but it was a great great game of cricket fantastic start by high Wickam um Elliot Callis 31 Cameron hemp 78 Dan M 63 then Teddy Caron got two and um AJ Woodland 14 Billy dods didn’t turn out to be a hero got nine Henry Chapman got eight George Russell got not Connor had got three not out Cameron Parson’s not not out Bowers Matt Warner seven overs um two for 39 Los BR four overs North for 27 chem holder 18 overs three for 76 Tom rrid five overs 1 for 27 Harry Ren two overs nor for 12 Tom poy pow Bowl seven overs one for 28 probably the turning point in the game po spell I would say um and um all in all cricket was the winner it’s been a fun blast Barnes another Well Done current producer it’s been another great day in the ice box I mean in the bare pit and here comes Gary Brock out to do his stuff what a what a work ho that that’s why you had two bits to Kate you see great come back by says Chris Watts I agree and um thank you for we were up to 70 at one point you’ll be glad to see so well done and I told them all to subscribe I don’t know we got some subscribers we have yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely see you soon well I’ll see you in August but where you off then off to Canada oh you poor old thingly you taking your go clubs with you no no no no no wife no go CL oh really well she’s a lovely wife so it’s well worth I’m sure you can hire them um so that this has been another broadcast on of the current producer um when are we when are we next in action current producer in two weeks I suppose that’s T20 oh it’s T20 yes I’ll be here on Tuesday night Freddy bear oh will I’ll be here on Tuesday I think I’ll be here on away on Tuesday away on Tuesday and then a week Tuesday it’s at home okay and I haven’t quite sorted out cover cuz the girls are playing that night so are they riding horses no playing Cricket the girls are playing okay and then we need to think about when we’re going to have a a podcast at some point that’d be great because Barnes is messing about but anyway I’m going to tune off now thank you very much for listening to my twaddle all day barns it’s been an absolute pleasure as always day what game of cricket that was it was lovely to be with you lovely to see you all and I’m now tuning off this was the bear goodbye the bear this was or is the bars well done gang well done Matt well done everybody

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