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    How releasing our ‘inner artist’ can help keep us calm

    From “craftivism” to easy, imaginative upcycling, being creative can bring a sense of peace – and …… the urge to acquire more and more …….

    From “craftivism” to easy, imaginative upcycling, being creative can bring a sense of peace – and quell the urge to acquire more and more stuff.

    Designer Lou Rota started upcycling some years ago. “I’d walk ……. a salvage shop and there were always teetering piles of those ubiquitous stacking chairs which, were often in uninspiring …….. of grey or brown,” she tells the BBC.

    Designer Lou Rota started upcycling some years ago. “I’d walk past a salvage shop and there were always teetering piles of those ubiquitous stacking chairs which, were often in uninspiring shades of grey or brown,” she tells the BBC.

    “I bought a few and proceeded to ……. by sanding them down, and ……. them in strips of the Financial Times.”

    “I bought a few and proceeded to experiment by sanding them down, and covering them in strips of the Financial Times.”

    The newspaper’s “pleasing shade of plaster pink” became a ……. for motifs that Rota made using photographs of insects.

    The newspaper’s “pleasing shade of plaster pink” became a backdrop for motifs that Rota made using photographs of insects.

    Before long, the ……-end ……. store Liberty had taken the lot.

    Before long, the high-end department store Liberty had taken the lot.

    “There was something very satisfying about seeing a piece on the glamorous shop floor of ……. a well-known store and knowing that it had been rescued from a …….. ,” says Rota.

    “There was something very satisfying about seeing a piece on the glamorous shop floor of such a well-known store and knowing that it had been rescued from a skip,” says Rota.

    Rota is just one of a ……… number of artists finding new ways to make use of discarded ……..

    Rota is just one of a growing number of artists finding new ways to make use of discarded items.

    In the book Broken: Mending and Repair in a Throwaway World, craft and circularity expert Katie Treggiden ……. 28 artists, curators, menders and remakers who celebrate care and repair:

    In the book Broken: Mending and Repair in a Throwaway World, craft and circularity expert Katie Treggiden profiles 28 artists, curators, menders and remakers who celebrate care and repair:

    from Linda Brothwell, a Bristol-…….. artist who started her art career by darning and embroidering …….. seats taken from the London Underground,

    from Linda Brothwell, a Bristol-based artist who started her art career by darning and embroidering upholstered seats taken from the London Underground,

    and Aono Fumiaki, who created artworks from ……. gathered from tsunami-hit cities, to former nurse Celia Pym, who hand darns humble items …… as paper bags and tracksuits.

    and Aono Fumiaki, who created artworks from debris gathered from tsunami-hit cities, to former nurse Celia Pym, who hand darns humble items such as paper bags and tracksuits.

    Now, their work is playing into broader narratives around over-consumption – and ……… the question: could creativity be our way to stop shopping?

    Now, their work is playing into broader narratives around over-consumption – and posing the question: could creativity be our way to stop shopping?

    Once people …….. how easy it is to make something relatively impressive, you can really see them get the upcycling-and-crafting ……… – Lou Rota

    Once people realise how easy it is to make something relatively impressive, you can really see them get the upcycling-and-crafting bug – Lou Rota

    The past few years have seen research that ……. the charge of the changing climate firmly at the ……… of modern society, in which shopping has become a primary leisure activity.

    The past few years have seen research that lays the charge of the changing climate firmly at the feet of modern society, in which shopping has become a primary leisure activity.

    When public interest think ……. Hot or Cool published 1.5-Degree Lifestyles: Towards a Fair Consumption Space for All (2021),

    When public interest think tank Hot or Cool published 1.5-Degree Lifestyles: Towards a Fair Consumption Space for All (2021),

    it ……… findings by Oxfam that to limit global heating to 1.5C, “the per capita consumption emissions of the richest 10% of the global population should be reduced to about a tenth of their current ……..”

    it quoted findings by Oxfam that to limit global heating to 1.5C, “the per capita consumption emissions of the richest 10% of the global population should be reduced to about a tenth of their current level”

    so hi there everybody great to be with you all again next stream will be on Tuesday which will be the 18th of June at 10:00 a.m. UK time and welcome to all of you so let’s see welcome to Alex and Bogdan and Elena and manisco thank you to oxan and Roland and and Ronan and Valentine and Vitali and Elena and hi to Julia and manisco as well okay so standing in the rain wow okay so let’s start straight out okay how releasing our inner artist can help keep us calm okay yes so here we go from craftivism to easy imaginative upcycling being creative can bring a sense of peace and the urge to acquire more and more hian okay so from craftivism to easy imaginative upcycling and raise the urge I think it’s the opposite and create the Earth is the to so to acquire more and more skill skill would work for the second one more and more skills and subdue that’s much better Valentine that’s the best answer by far hi rainard and subdue the urge to acquire more and more so up cycling is taking old things and uh working on them and making them better and newer more and more repertoire wow thank you upcycle that is so kind of you thank you upcycle thank you thank you wow acquire more and limit the urge to acquire and restrict the urge and hinder the urge thank you up cycle that is so kind of you assuage the urge to qu acquire more and more items good Renard and discourage yes Roland hi Patricia stuff stuff is the second word Patricia wow thank you up cycle as well whoa hi dat dpack as well wow thank you thank you thank you that’s so generous of you hey wow okay so can quell can kill can destroy the urge to acquire more and more stuff more and more things wow thank you upcycle that is so kind of you to quen okay so let’s go further into this and wow that’s a an amazing start thank you thank you again upcycle that really is kind of kind of you and this is this article is actually about up cycling okay so designer l r started up cycling some years ago I’d walk okay we’ve got into from vitalian Oxana and Bogdan and white stripes and hum I’d walk near shades of absolutely Oxana Shades of Gray or brown Hues of walk in to yes to muffle the urge I like the muffle to acquire more possessions yes that works uninspiring tones tones is a good word Alex Shades foran uninspiring color color doesn’t work Valentine Shades Shades of Gray it’s got to be Shades of Gray hasn’t it okay so I’d walk past a Salvage shop I’d walk past a Salvage shop often uninspiring Shades I like Alex’s tones as well Shades of gray tones of gray yes and let’s continue hi pil H thank you as well upcycle you are so kind upcycle you really are okay I bought a few and proceeded to by sanding them down and them in strips of the financial times it have to be Hughes with an S to sand down to take sand paper and to rub you know if you want to smooth a piece of wood or to smooth the surface of something you take this paper which is covered in sand and you rub it to sand it down I brought a few pieces and proceeded to okay wrapped for the second one to craft and cutting them in strips cutting doesn’t work for the second one and repair them by okay proceeded to repair them yes to work them okay wrap to wrap them in strips of the financial times yes to cover well done Valentine to restore them by that’s good r yard to work by I’m not very happy with work for the first one at all and wrapping them in strips yes hi C men lovely to have you um and to stain them stain stain is talking about color Cardman and tearing them in strips okay to polish them by sanding and to clothe them in strips of Financial Times wow okay so I bought a few and proceeded to experiment by sanding them down and covering them in strips of the financial times I quite like that close Okay so I’m experimenting by rubbing it down making the surface smooth and then covering it in strips of the financial times which has this lovely pink color the newspapers pleasing shade of plaster pink became a for motifs that rter made using photographs of insects a regular a model I don’t think but motifs these are other pictures that R has made using H you see I don’t think any of these fit a regular for Moes no model thank you Valentine a background yeah so she’s taken these chairs she’s covered them or he’s covered them in pink uh this pink newspaper and now is using it as a background as a foundation yes as a backdrop yes Vitali as a template not normally cuz a template you it is it is a uh something that you copy a backdrop to whistle in the dark you’re frightened so you whistle to keep away the the the bad spirits as a blueprint okay as a backdrop as a background envelop them okay the newspaper’s pleasing shade of plaster pink became a backdrop a background for motifs that rter made using photographs of insects well done up cycle and before long the store Liberty had taken the Lot H so before long the notice Liberty is a capital l Liberty is a brand well done Oxanna high end h n high-end art store okay so firstly points for Roxanna for highend because Liberty is a very expensive shop hi Sid so the high it’s the highend and what type of store is Liberty a backdrop for motifs yes Patricia Liberty is not a charity store antique store M no it’s not an antique store they sell new stuff he craft store luxury store luxury is the best answer answer yet well done well done Elena Furniture Store the West End boutique store furniture store I love gaman fashion store High Street Liberties an American uh brand name um Liberty’s on uh I think it’s on on Bon Street yeah on or on Oxford Street I think it’s on Bon Street okay so I’m going to take you out of your misery before long department store well done ban jewelry store would work before long the high-end department store Liberty had taken the lot modern store I like modern Julia so highend is expensive Liberty is very expensive very expensive shop yes Barman well done Barman the K9 AP okay highend highend means trendy uh high-end trendy stall yes trendy would work full foul of to get in trouble with you full foul of the law there was something very satisfying about seeing a piece on on this glamorous shop floor of a well-known store and knowing that it had been rescued from a says R classy store classy would work for high-end classy store that works very nicely rainard that’s actually a good word well done there was so there was something very satisfying about seeing a piece on on the the Glamorous shop floor of rescued from a fire from a dump good dump so a fire is good a dump is even better from a waste no a waste s of no it doesn’t work okay such a well-known store well done Alex such a well-known so what where do people throw things away falling into Oblivion from a bin bin is the best answer yet Bogdan a big bin a bin is the best answer get by by Miles so such a well-known for Alex and from a bin for Bogdan a dumpster that’s the American word what what’s the British word for a dumpster from a trash can yes renyard well done Alex from so wellknown a store that’s good from such a well-known store door from a trash Heap that’s the idea cman good there was something very satisfying about seeing a piece on the Glamorous shop floor of such a of such a well-known store and knowing that it had been rescued from a skip from being bin that’s the idea hi Polly bye hey well great to see you even for a second Polly from being bin that’s the idea Elena and let’s continue R is just one of a number of artists finding new ways to make use of discarded of such a well-known yes Bogdan a large number good Bogdan of a big number large is better than big of discarded items good large items good White Stripes discarded clothing could be a big number I prefer large large number a slew of without number a huge number good rainard I like huge number using discarded stuff good word rainard discarded pieces yes pieces is a good word as well items things hey rubbish dump so high cry a large number discarded items that’s very good Sid a huge number that’s good Maggie of a rising number that’s even better a growing number higher M Pete lovely to have you such a well-known that’s it Patricia thank you Jessica good to have you a prodigious number of discarded Commodities discarded Commodities is a great word great to have you on Pete we got lots of of of people today this is great so R is one of who’s um of a growing number making use of discarded items okay and this is a hard article today that’s good I like that so in the book broken mending and repair in a throwaway World Craft and circular expert Katy teden 28 artists curators Menders and and remakers who celebrate care and repair sites I guess sites would work a growing number of an increasing number of good for renyard and Patricia me I like mentions acknowledges mentioned yes they’re all related meaning a large uh a large a large amount discarded items yes Patricia that mentioned good fan questioned yeah questioned would work as well Praises I like white SC describes good Valentine gives credit to catalogues credits interviews I like that interviews Gman that’s a good word interviewed for Valentine as well pointed out discarded parapan Alia yes Patricia named features that’s a good word as well so named I like features displaying oh okay profiles profiles canvas’s opinions from celebrate so I think G Men’s interviews is is is probably the closest features from Alex is also a very good word as well discarded riffraff not quite not quite Patricia so he um they they she profiles these artists from Linda brothwell a Bristol artist who started her art career by darning and embroidering seats taken from the London Underground okay good well done Bristol born I love it Vitali Bristol based good reard based for Valen based for Bogdan this one’s hard today yeah Bristol Bas well done Elena Bristol born train seats so Bristol based for Alex and Oxana Bristal born H Railway seats damaged I love it previously enjoyed seats I love it dis discarded is a good word as well decommissioned I love it Carriage seats old seats old seats is a good word worn out discarded so what thread Bears a great word as well um what do you call what ripped seats with Bristols from Bristol based artist graffitied seats okay upholstered seats okay upholstered means textiles Bristol settled yes that would work NAD I did miss it as well Bristol resident artists old seats weathered seats I like it okay upholstery is textile on uh a sofa or a chair or something like that it would be torn seats okay let’s continue and our honor faki who created artwork from gathered from tsunami hit cities to former nurse Celia Pim who hand DARS humble items as paper bags and tracksuits torn and worn seats it works very nicely from waste Bristol is famous for its graffiti riffraff is only for people is Bristol famous for its graffiti and uh I’m wondering if um Banksy comes from G from Bristol well done oxan well done Bogdan DeBry waste gathered good H Rubble works as well Alex debris such as well done White Stripes such as well done Vitali such as whan good such as Oxana such as for Bogdan as well DeBry well done gmen things GA from things gathered yes renyard washed up items gathered yeah gathered washed up I like I like a lot detritus good word Vitali such as from rainard from remnants they’re going to have to be plural said remnants gathered uh such as good Maggie items it without the air so namely paper bags and uh tracksuits Elena without the as Bristol based yes Patricia um bris Bristol from kavas my god it works though White Stripes I don’t know if Bristol is the name of a fashion magazine but it it’s uh it’s a big town from RE no items items such as so Dey debris definitely such as paper bags and trapit Deb gathered from these tsunami hit cities let’s continue now their work is playing into broader narratives around overc consumption and the question could creativity be our way to stop shopping and begs the question good word Vitali and raises the question good word Oxana poses it needs an S valantine but yes brings up the question yes Renard and and raise is and asks so raises B down asks NAD and poses yes Elena and ruminates on good White Stripes scraps gathered I like scraps that’s a good word Patricia okay to DAR if you have a hole in your sock you take a needle and thread and you Dar you cover the hole yeah um it to to Dan is to uh to fill holes in things like a jersey or a shirt using a big needle and wool or something like that to DAR and raises the question s such as good Patricia brings that’s my pleasure displays the question and and posing the question so it is an in it is an in and I was wrong with that and posing the question could it be our way to stop uh uh shopping oh okay once people how easy it is to make something relatively impressive you can really see them getting the upcycling and crafting once people learn good word no no notes at all hman learn realize for renyard yes reard once we grasp good word Vitali learn realize for Bogdan realize roxan realize for Nadim man realize for whan realize grass for White Stripes once people it’s got the idea of understand Manu people realize yes it begs the question yes Patricia yes Sid the crafting bug well done Oxana good evening Puja kits kits doesn’t work at all Bogdan once people discover good word Maggie once people comprehend yes manisco understand yes chess ner nerd once people realize yes chess nerd crafting fans fans okay yes fans definitely works rainard okay yes I now now you’ve explained it Bogdan I understand I think it would be um it would work um but once people see yes Elena so I think kits would work if these kits were for sale and crafting you can really you can really see them getting the upcycling and crafting thing followers good word manisco followers is a good word once people realize once people catch on to good word Vitali um you can you you can really see them getting the upcycling and crafting bug uh getting the the feel for it okay the art yes okay the past few years have seen research that the charge of the changing climate firmly at the of modern society in which shopping has become a primary Le legislative Leisure activity people are made aware yes Patricia okay bug in this sense is almost like an infection that you you just love doing it um if you get the bug for something it you become infused by it um you you you you C almost catch catch the dis disease of wanting to do it um so a a fashion yeah is you catch the bug you really want to do it um so you it’s almost you become infected by a desire to do it that saw the charge I think saw would would work well done White Stripes places at the foot okay I like put Valentine take the charge of oo overturn the charge Alters the charge at the foundation oo this one’s a really difficult one The Heart of at the at the heart of modern society I would accept heart um best answers so far are by White Stripes looked at the attention at the Forefront no no no not quite this is the idea that’s it that’s it Lally to lay the charge places yes Oxana places the charge lays the charge places yes so lays the charge the charge the accusation of the changing climate firmly at the that puts but yes now at the door good word Vitali okay so this okay so at the heart of Society so the past few years have seen CH research that lays the charge of the changing climate firmly at the feet of modern society in the lap of that’s very good gmen I would lay at the lap of I would say lays it in the lap of at the core of Consciousness doesn’t work okay so this is saying that um research accuses um modern society of being uh responsible for climate change at the nucleus yes to lay the charge to put the blame on yes Renard that’s the idea okay ladies and gentlemen I’m going to stop there it’s been great having you all again thank you all for coming at the foot of at the feet of it could let’s see it could be both one and or two uh white stripes and you’re the person who got foot to lay something at the foot of at the feet of so it’s been great having you all it’s been a great stream this has been really probably one of the hardest we’ve had recently so next stream is on Tuesday which will be the 18th on Tuesday the 18th of July at um at 11 a.m. UK time so it’s been great at the thrust at the feet of modern society it’s at the feet of so thank you all for coming it’s been great having you all um so thank you to Alex and Bogdan and Garmin thank you to Elena and humman and Maggie thank you to manisco and Manu and nariman thank you to Oxana and Patricia and Pua thank you to renyard and Ronan and Sid thank you to upcycle thank you thank you thank you and thank you for your generosity upcycle thank you to Valentine and Vitali and thank you to White Stripes as well okay it’s been a great stream thank you all so much have a wonderful day it’s been great thank you manisco so let me put this in here and I hope to see you all on Tuesday that’s okay Manu no no problem it’s great having you here take care

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