#widar #gironextgen #giro #cycling #belgium #belgian #belgique #cyclisme

    Ça y est, la Belgique peut enfin célébrer une victoire finale sur le Tour d’Italie Espoirs ! Et ça, elle le doit à un jeune homme de 18 ans dont on devrait beaucoup entendre parler dans les dix ou quinze prochaines années : Jarno Widar. Plus jeune vainqueur du Giro Next Gen depuis la création de l’épreuve en 1970, le polyvalent coureur de la Lotto Dstny Development Team a éclaboussé de son talent cette édition 2024, remportant deux étapes qui arrivaient au sommet, dont l’étape reine vendredi à Fosse. Au moment de revenir sur son exploit, le maillot rose du Baby Giro voulait surtout tirer un grand coup de chapeau à ses coéquipiers.

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    [Music] yeah no this time it’s done you have won the Chon next gen is it too early to realize ah it’s incredible my team did a incredible work at CF I don’t know how to thank them but they did 99% of the time the work I did nothing and uh yeah it’s crazy I have no words for this have you been worried sometimes with the Riders who were in The Breakaway yeah for sure oh if I didn’t have my team y it was probably G the Jersey have my team did so great for in the last kilometers last 10 kilometers you were at the front of the bench uh not not not your team what did you have in mind at that time yeah I needed to uh yeah tell me if I yeah if I uh keep riding because they wanted to go for the station and as I say for the GC of course and yeah I need to pull sometimes I can’t do yeah I my team can do everything but sometimes you need to do it on yourself but my team did everything you are the youngest winner of the Jon next then so far but it looks like you will stay in the under 23 category next year so you have another chance next year to confirm your win would you like to come back uh yeah of course I will come back for sure that’s one thing that that why I’m sure about that they will come back next year you said in an interview that uh the stew is your favorite climb if the race has the ST view will you come back for sure but without Sal I will also to come back Pablo one week ago did you think you would be here on the final Podium it’s difficult to imagine but I know that I had good legs but always is difficult to be on the podium I fight too much I would like to be in the first position but J was very strong so I think it’s a very good result and I am very happy in which uh stages have you felt uh the best in the stage number six I feel very good legs H I was very close to yo but he was Stronger but I feel very very good and you have attacked him you are the only Rider who has attacked the leader are you proud of that uh yes I am I am the only Rider that I I have attack to the leader in one climb I was feeling good I wanted to win the stage so I attack but it it was not possible your first year how do you see your future after that uh it’s my first year I have to take too much experience but I think I am improving very well so the next year I will will go for winning more more races and for sure I will be very strong I will train too much to be there and after this year a professional I don’t know it’s my dream to be a professional Rider but I know it’s very difficult and I I am going to fight very hard to to stay in the in a in the in the world tour team but for sure I will I will fight and I will do too much training to be there well it was a 10th final you had to be two spots ahead of rondel tell us how it happened yeah it was all the day he was on my wheel I was also watching where he was and yeah in the final I put uh my Sprint mode and uh yeah I could pass him just 50 m before the the line closer than ever before that uh there was uh Leo bizo in the Breakaway were you worried that uh he would take the third spot and whatever you do with Rondell it was him yeah I know know that but uh the Sprinter teams and uh the leader team was pushing hard and the difference was not not too high and yeah we were patient in the in the bunch and we could gu them it looks like a big achievement for you to make the podium of Jon xgen how do you see your future yeah I don’t know it was uh really really good team effort all the week and yeah we could make it in the final be in the podium and yeah let’s see how what what is going on the in the future thank you

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