Hello dear viewers, in todays episode we explore what lowering your tire pressure can do for your off-road riding. we are on the trans euro trail section 4 in Estonia.
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    [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is up guys and girls I hope you enjoyed that little intro uh just trying to have a bit of fun see what we can do today’s video as you saw in the thumbnail I want to see what tire pressures actually do like are they actually significant changes or is it not worth changing like just remain on your tire pressures so I thought what better place to do it than on the T that goes towards palisi from Talon because there’s quite a lot of sand end so I thought I’d do you know kind of a before and after or something like that yeah do a bit of testing you know I’ll run through it with my tire pressures as normal and then I’ll let them down a bit and see how we go do I need to go left no let them down and then we’ll see what uh what the difference is let’s see if I can get through here without falling off now I just realized I am in Road mode so I went to twist the throttle and nothing was happening that’s where I got stuck just there anyway uh let’s change that mode thank go that’s more better let’s go [Music] no nice a this Trail is super fun though really enjoy it woohoo oh that’s good good fun so right now I don’t feel like I don’t have enough grip but of course the grip could always be [Music] better watch where you going mate [Music] trees and mud okay this is where the sand pit starts oh but but first there’s a little bit of mud apparently here’s the sand pit okay I want to get it up to [Music] Second so I had to drop down to first I was just getting stuck okay let’s turn around get back to that other side I’ll lower the pressures and we’ll see what’s the best way maybe should I go that right hand way nope I don’t know yes woo hey she’s deep very deep I need to turn [Music] around okay so let’s let a bit of air out of these tires eh now the PSI I was running is not the PSI the bar that I was I was running is 2.4 and 2.7 rear so 2.4 front 2.7 rear let’s see the old stick in the Val try and get it same time for both tires then they should come down equally okay so it came up with those error messages I’m at 1.9 so that’s pretty good for now it was at 2.4 remember so I dropped five bar or5 of a bar sorry so how long did I hold that one for maybe 5 seconds so let’s see 1 2 3 4 5 yes yes we know oh still reading 2.4 so that only went down by three3 I want to go more let’s go a little bit more shall we about that much okay don’t need you thank you oh my goodness look at that thank you got red lights everywhere can I erase that 4 million years later lights RDC what’s Rd D see Target pressure worn off all right so let’s run this again I’ll try and pick just a slightly different line so it doesn’t throw me off and let’s see what these pressures do does it feel any better does it feel any different let’s see I’ll do the whole Loop I’ll come back to here and we’ll [Music] see he let’s go [Music] around I don’t know if it looked like it but I I can definitely feel the difference that’s for sure I mean that might have just been too deep of sand to really notice on camera but I can definitely feel the difference let’s see go this way now oh yeah easily definitely feel the difference there [Music] [Applause] okay now this is a pretty good test I’ve just come through that little water crossing and this is uphill deep sand so let’s see how we go with these tires eh uh I needed to go that way can’t see yep well there you go proof is in the pudding oh yeah yeah this makes it way easier oh yeah oh that’s nice oh this is great so anyone who’s a skeptic about letting their pressures down don’t be let your tire pressures down when you’re going Offroad this is amazing oh yeah so amazing oh man this is just so much better hey so much better with the tires let down now like I said I’m at 1.9 bar front 2.2 bar rear bloody hell didn’t know this was coming and we’re going to get up that let’s see this is a test oh yeah look at that now for those of you who have watched my other videos this is actually the area where I got bogged oh my God got to go this way now yeah this is the area where I got bogged stuck for a little while so this is the ultimate test I suppose now that I’ve let the tires down we’ll see if I get it stuck again we need to get back out here though oh my yeah here’s that area where I got bogged oh there’s more water though I don’t know I need to go check that out cuz that water was deep last time are you going to fall over whatever I’ll pick you back up if you do yeah man this water was deep last time I went through it but I think if I just go to the very edge here should be all right yeah it’s very deceptive that that it’s actually quite deep this is this is shallow enough though all right can you see how big that Hill is probably not on this camera anyway we’ll find out I’m going to go to the right I think to the right how’s it look from there guys enjoyable angle let’s make sure she’s still tight feels that way catch my breath I don’t actually know if I’m going to try that sand I don’t really feel like getting bogged uh might just take the chicken road but I’m still going to go across this water and up there let’s see yeah I don’t know I don’t know if I’ll make it am we’re going to make it gang or am I just going to get bogged screw it let’s give it a go for you for you probably going to get [Music] stuck come on yes oh man I thought I was done [Music] oh moral of the story guys let your tires down oh man let your tires down for offroading guys you will have so much more grip yes oh man I’m so happy with that that was sick we’ll turn back around and woo let’s see oh yeah so I’m still on the uh Mitchell and anak Adventures [Music] did I just Crush sure did just snapped it I think I just snapped my uh selfie stick oh no bloody hell you can see it was dragging ah what a I done second day bloody hell second day of using it Look Ah that’s what I get God look at that screen protector right still recording though ah and that is the outcome guys he damn I mean the camera is still fine just the selfie stick broke which is very unfortunate um you can see that it was dragging for a little while I didn’t notice I was focusing on this Crossroad thing here to see oh should I turn should I not and then when I got to here it really grabbed like you can see that lens cover and it grabbed and just pulled me over anyway bloody hell bloody hell all right well guys you’re back on the handlebars uh we broke the selfie stick but the camera is still good although we’ll see uh I scratched up the lens guards but that’s what the lens guards are for so uh they’ve done their job the lenses are still clean I just need new lens guards and a new selfie stick uh it’s very expensive it’s unfortunate but uh sometimes it happens sometimes it happens guys and you just can’t do anything anyway if you want to if you feel like helping me out and supporting me you can donate to www.w an idiot. comom but anyway let’s uh let’s continue riding I’ll uh start to head home now I think anyway oh man [Music] but long story short today guys if you are taking your motorcycle Offroad reduce the tire pressure so I reduced Mine by about half a bar which is this much in PSI and it just made a world of difference I have so much more grip [Music] okay it’s uh currently 5:30 and it’s Rush Hour everyone’s heading home for the day good thing is I’m probably going a different direction to everyone else maybe anyway guys I’m going to go home and lick my wounds uh if you likeed this video give us a big thumbs up if you feel like seeing more of my content consider subscribing as always thanks for watching I hope you had a good time I had a pretty good time up until I wasn’t having a good time H but anyway I will see you in the next one


    1. Great video so glad you tried my advice and made a video about it! On rocky terrain tough dont deflate too much to avoid punctures.

    2. I suppose you do have a nice little battery powered tier inflation device, or a pump 😅? I plan to get a good one once I buy my GS. I hope you have a great example to suggest for buying. Also once you come to TET Croatia you are going to be my off-road instructor, you are better than me. I ain’t horrible, but I don’t have a lot of experience. 😊

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