This week, we travel with the Conscious Heart Warrior Tribe to the second ever ‘Campervan Campout’ and offer a safe, healing and loving environment within an erected village to the masses. The first major UK vanlife festival of the season was attended by thousands and numerous healing modalities where on offer from breath work to ecstatic dance to drumming circles and beyond to compliment a large array of activities on hand for this amazing weekend.
    #vanlifefestival #wellness #offgridliving

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    Our Van Tales –

    Find breath work dates with Lyndsey & Jessica, bookings and event tickets

    Muk Junkie – (Use Code Ourvantales for 10% DISCOUNT)
    Lifesaver Jerrycan –
    VanLove Festival Tickets –

    hello and welcome back we got back from Europe a couple of weeks back and it’s just been busy busy busy so we haven’t really been filming too much for vlogging purposes right now we are on our way to camper van camp out down in where Crawley Direction s towards Brighton dead excited about this one this is the second ever camp ofan camp out the first one being last year of course their maiden voyage was wicked so second time round I think it’s going to be even better still conscious heart Warriors Jess and Lindsay are running the entire health and well-being Village so we’re fully laden with tents and their equipment between my van Nick’s van and a couple of cars but there is a full Entourage full crew are coming on this one it’s going to be amazing cuz there’s everything from the breath work yoga Spiritual Development uh there’s drumming circles there’s massage there’s sharing circles psychic medium he just says here yeah up in front of all these people it’s fantastic ecstatic dance it’s going to be jewelry making oh even our tattooist is down as well so get yourself a tattoo there’s so much going on I mean you name it if it’s to do with health and well-being then you’ve pretty much got yourself covered with the village that the girls are bringing along and we’re putting up it’s going to be a little bit of bliss I might say myself CU it’s a Warner show and they know how to put on a show this is the camper van version of events obiously they do loads of stuff throughout the year throughout the country for the motor home scene this is the camper van division the cool kids and who’s on the decks this week I think the the Highlight DJ is Chris Moes his what do they call it the hangover Road Show I don’t know this is The ’90s Hangover don’t know never been into Chris Miles never liked the fell but then that’s a long time ago but now yeah know we all changed it we now I’m all love and light if you do go along I’ll yeah I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt chances are might enjoy that but silent discos silent disco part of campan camp out was always a highlight so hopefully that’ll be just as good this year but it’s different talks advice to get chauan scal it’s going to be really really amazing and I’m actually looking forward to meet in uh there’s a number of YouTubers that I want to see and Instagram folk that I want to catch up with but anyway I’m waffling trou is we’ve got to get on the n25 which is always a ball Lake oh here we go but we collected everything we needed from the lockups bikes on the back sun’s out and of course always amazing about these van festivals is we get to meet you guys some for the first time some for theth time but it’s always good to go and hang out at a van Festival cuz there’s just such a good Buzz about the people seeing the Vans I know Lindsay’s got her sight set on getting a van with Jess for their work as well as um sleeping in when we’re not traveling together which does happen from time to time so we should have another van on the go soon but know Lindsay and Jess want to be looking at a few vans so yeah this is going to be a bit of a treat for us all but of course we’ll take the cameras and therefore yourselves with us and coming up look camper van camp out at the south of England show [Music] ground you notice that we’re on site early this is to set up and be ready for Friday’s opening right so we’re in I’ll show you our area the whole wellbeing Village is going to be pretty much this area here so this blank canvas is what we’re going to transform all right blue you ready mate ready to do some work good boy [Music] [Applause] it’s [Music] [Music] [Applause] so we are now nearing the end of day one the prep day the build day and we’re ahead of schedule hope haven’t just jinxed that so fingers crossed let me go and show you so we got the big 7 m tent dressed look at that see that there’ll be nothing untouched if it’s around if it’s around the girls area it’s getting twinkly fairy lights and why not we do love the twink now given that we’re nearly finished building the village it means tomorrow we can concentrate a little bit more on cleaning the Vans because we’re meant to be showing them and I haven’t actually washed that van since last year in Spain Before Christmas oops there’s bird poop and everything good morning and welcome to a slightly overcast Thursday morning time to clean the vans today hello shans are beginning to come in good morning Lindsay hello I’m just making my I’m just making myself look beautiful this morning you are yeah thank you no we um we set up all of our stuff yesterday I didn’t don’t think Andy actually even got me on camera cuz I was so busy working when I’m in work mode I’m like like that thank you Lindsay anyway oh does anyone want to see my nice perfume look you’re talking perfume I’m trying to do something Tom Ford mer if anyone wants to smell as good as me need to get right thank you for that right now whilst we were in angle SE we bumped into Wayne and an of mck junkie just random ly by the beach and they said oh we’ll give you some of our Caravan and motor home cleaner so guess what we’re cleaning today with nck glass are you ready to use the Muk junkie yeah yeah yeah they popped in some um bike cleaner as well so if the bike gets Mucky that’s getting a clean bit at the moment we got to read the instructions cuz I’m sure this 5 L bundle here probably needs to be watered down somewhat now reading the instructions it’s one one part of this stuff to nine parts of water so that’s going to last forever thanks for this guys can’t be that hard so just pour some [Music] in Suck It And See really is [Music] it oh baby [Music] the van well it’s nearly clean I just got to do the inside and that really is a allall all this so for the sand still from our little trip away but just got to change TCT to the moment cuz Jennifer ink boss the tattooist has turned up we got to get a full tattoo chair in on site don’t about smashing the place up table you grab yeah there like that oh it’s got it that’s it yay yay nice one got sorry yeah this was also the first opportunity to drag everything out of the van since Spain and Morocco there is sand still everywhere but it’s getting there it’s coming up still needs a little bit of work but it’s is fair to say that the mck junkie that special juice did a good job the van is shining like a good and I really didn’t put any effort into it so well happy with that Thursday evening the eve before it all kicks off it’s pretty much set up so that’s good but it’s cold and it’s drizzly miserable but if I’m right Brandon’s in and he’s got a log burner cat was there have we got a log burner in here hi Andy hi so this is Brandon’s luten look look log burner that’s why it’s so blasted warm in here but look at the art which there’s arguments between Brandon and Jennifer who actually did the art in here how much do you do Brandon all of it yeah it is insane beautiful and I’m told there’s strategically placed Moss which blocks water penetration and any any kind of General mistakes hides a multitude of sins if there’s a hole it gets mossified and this is the shower to be yeah yeah have you seen the have you seen the nest down there there’s another hole oh there was a hole in the floor that became a nest mushrooms are finish it I’m going to have some mermaids in the water with the water and there’s a fairy about so that’s going to go there some more mushrooms growing up there loads of little creatures have got coming we’re going to paint Neo you just couldn’t be bothered to finish it for we just did ran out time ran out of time seen this Andy I like little mushrooms in there hang on wait there wait there [Music] andy drawing in and the rain drizzling down a little bit we retreat to the big tent for a communal chill out this is the place to be everybody out there is it right in here we just going to do like words and laminate them on like a ring and then you got loads of different things and then you just share them and you be like no one slip for the words but that’s for the next one cuz we always get better you see yeah yeah my guitar’s out tune do you need a guitar no oh okay let’s do that this is one for clapping I like Clapp I like a good my [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that was amazing that was good [Music] the it’s the last chance to see the quiet before the storm the opening in the [Music] morning Dar the pass this journey [Music] long learn to be strong just let it go let it let [Music] it more coming in now so I think it’s time to get the bike out and have a little ride over and see what’s going on now can only imagine cuz it’s Friday there’s possibly a lot of kids that are still at school they come out I people are going to be finishing work today but there’s a lot of bands that have already come in let going to start over the far side and it’s quite a big slight this so lucky I got the bike AI hold up got something for you got our little present have you really there down there so come up there you just going to I’ve been stopped cuz someone wants to give me something now I’m never going to turn that down any what is it it a surprise surprise you Lindsay oh this looks oh bless you oh my days would you make these yeah and I drunk the rum made V see see why it’s both of yours and there’s a couple of um what you do you put them on the fire you like them don’t if you seen them before and all the colors change see on the that’s amazing thank you thank [Music] you oh hello let’s put you on it then hello are you on Instagram as well what’s your name oh gosh no oh that’s ruin it I going to Big you up then this is Simon Just sped Simon he tells me tell me what basically I’ve been watching you for a long time and I’ve gone out the way and I’ve bought my first motor home thanks to you welcome on board to Van life s yeah so it’s going to be a good show and uh I’m glad to meet you and this is my scker stick on love to me nice to meet you [Music] if she was to fall out with somebody there’s no going back all right once that’s done it’s done all right and now I know here as well of her showing me of an emerald ring you understand it’s Emerald as well and I know here she’s got quite a bit of jewy quarter to three she’s just said to tell you quarter to three I don’t know what this is four oh my gosh okay thank you next Friday oh I really SW it and she just says here she’s going to communicate with you through your dream state because that is when you go into an aled State of Consciousness and this is how she’s able to do [Music] [Applause] this e static dance with shaine that always leaves you feeling amazing just pop out a blindfold and a pair of headphones and move around like a n Just Dance Like no one’s watching [Music] oh [Music] n [Music] [Applause] [Music] in the beginning there was Jack and Jack had a groove and from this groove came the gr of alls and while one day viciously throwing down on his box Jack B declared [Music] be hey [Music] [Music] mother as much as the abundance of live music was entertaining we had vub radio the silent disco to get to [Music] on off on the bottom is it yeah and then on the side is the change between the DJs and then on the other ear is thank you [Music] [Music] waiting for [Music] ready or not here I come you can [Music] hide ready [Music] or good morning to you it’s Saturday morning the sun has appeared this morning it’s actually warm and pleasant and dry so we’re well Chu with this lovely to meet you all loads of people coming out say hi and grabbing a sticker so thanks for coming over and uh giving us a hug and all that and come bearing gifts Russell cheers mate now you made us these uh I think they’re like ginger spicy shot pot so thanks I’m going to get that down me oh the other oh now this is incredible Hazel and Andy so so impressed with this I think it’s Andy’s hard work that has created it’s probably not going to pick it up at the moment so I’ll show you this evening cuz it’s solar so I’ll like that and show you that Hello darling hello and beers from Rich cheers me is the tiger and B heeding now this is a new one on me I’ve never had the chance to check it out before now but this weekend I did it and it was fabulous for other to snake with this beautiful medicine all of it teaching holding us [Music] safe shops and stores there were two streets full of loads of choice everything from camping equipment clothing Edibles booze you could even buy a new van if you wanted to drive it home there were activities to try talks to attend Bushcraft and displays foraging good morning your shop on so much to get involved [Music] with a massive inflatable it’s or knockout style a s course for the kids I’m sort of wacky bouncy feet [Music] things archering shooting I don’t think I’ve seen so much at any van Festival [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh that’s bloody good cheers mate well done that’s got a kick to it C and an afterburn bloody H all right I’m just going to pop over for breath work at 12 with the conscious heart Warriors whil I’m coming over last night what a crap they have an amazing silent disco here on a beach covered so if it did rain it’s no bother but if anyone saw last year’s video you know how inter the silent disco that Lindsay is Lindsay loves a silent disco to the point where she will fight kids off for a headset to get involved actually I might splic in a bit from last year to prove what I mean about that she’s one big kid talking of the silent disco she got so into it she was even fighting the kids she was going Toe to Toe with the kids to get to the front of the queue just in case I ran out of headsets I actually did it was brutal remembering we are brothers and sisters we’re not here to fight each other or compete against each other we’re here to shine our love to each other we’re here to be a mirror of unconditional love not hate not fear love so remembering that keep breathing and release anything the isn’t of your highest good fear anger jealousy they there to warn and we need to learn to work with our emotions so they don’t become toxic and this is the work keep breathing that breath in and then releasing on the exhale let go you are safe you are held and you are loved you are the magic and you are the medicine your breath is your healing medicine so use it learn learn to have an intimate relationship with your breath let go shall we so bringing in that breath just go a bit [Music] deeper really Brea in deep now this is how we clear get in [Music] me [Music] [Music] he IW that c [Music] we’re going to pass the r around and to we want to get a quick CH in so what we’re going to do is we going to pass the r around we just got one word for how it was how you’re feeling now and then I’m going to come around and get every single one of your CS so please time okay [Music] thank you for coming to this medicine space now we wish you back to where you come from our home [Music] [Music] [Music] this is the ’90s hangover and here’s Chris [Applause] Moes hello everybody where is he he’s here [Applause] hi everyone let me say [Music] [Applause] with your [Music] breath I’m Lindsay this is Jessica we are the conscious heart Warriors and we have people helping us hold space so you are in safe hands just to let you know um who here hasn’t done breath work before ooh I like that so with this breath work we’re going to be unearthing these treasured wounds that every single one of us carries what we’re going to do here is we’re going to be bringing you back into your [Music] spirit no if You’ got [Music] [Music] let it all go go you are safe stay with the to the in your heart never to thees in the that just want to be se you can lie in B andh your bre [Music] [Music] you are doing amazing you are actually shedding all of that heavy energy that heavy hoocha and you are transmuting it to light you are doing beautiful work for this planet the more people that heal and wake up to love then we have the ability as a human race to create heaven on Earth that is what love has the power of doing e [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] away [Music] [Music] oh oh [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] [Music]


    1. Aww what a lovely vlog… thanks for sharing what looked like a very uplifting few days!
      Love and light and positive energy always 🙏🌞🕉️♥️💙

    2. Great video, would have come along if I knew about this – what is the next big weekend? I am trying to find a list of all the events going on this year?

    3. What a great vlog and weekend. You all absolutely smashed it.🙌🏻🫶🏻💛
      I loved my time with Lindsey and Jess doing the breathwork, I wish I could do it every day!
      A great festival, made even more special by you guys❤

    4. Didn't see you sneak past with the camera 😂You guys had such a busy weekend and everything we heard about the breathwork etc was so so positive!!! So well done 👏

    5. Hi Andy, looks like you had an amazing time at the festival, and I can remember Lynsey fighting the kids last year for the silent disco 😂😂 and thank you for the sticker in the post. 😊

    6. Jif you wash your van with the same wash mitt as your van you’re going to get scratches on your van. Easy easy way to keep your van looking in show room condition is fusso wax followed by Ez chromance. The fusso wax puts an amazing protective wax & the EZ chromance makes it shine amazing.

    7. lol, as soon as the guitar and happy clappers started I had to fast forward, love the video’s in general though guys 😍😎

    8. Fantastic video, as always; what a wonderful weekend! It was great to finally meet you guys. we loved seeing us all on your video, the girls loved doing the Breath Work.

    9. Can't thank you guys and the amazing conscious heart warriors enough for the breathwork sessions! It was so freeing and has genuinely changed our mindsets for the better, we NEED to do another one x

    10. Met you guys the other day in Asda car park me and my son wills. Can I say thanks you were so nice to my son William . Andy you’re a great guy. First thing you said was would William like a sticker. Made our day lovely to meet you guys. Kev and William

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