How do you do?! 🇬🇧 To celebrate the release of ‘Hit Me Hard and Soft’, Capital Breakfast’s Jordan North took Billie Eilish for a very London lunch at Claridges, filled with her favourite vegan snacks including SANDWICHES! How very British of us 🤭

    In this interview, Billie learns about all things British including the most inappropriate phrases, naughty words and what a chip butty is (her british accent has us weak!) Plus, we try our luck with the one question everyone wants to know about her album release dates 👀

    #Capital #HitMeHardAndSoft #BillieEilish #Lunch #BirdsofaFeather

    00:40 – The correct tea etiquette
    01:00 – Why you shouldn’t stick your pinky out!
    02:20 – Teaching Billie Eilish British slang
    03:40 – Billie’s views on ‘Hit Me Hard and Soft’ being released
    05:40 – FINNEAS’ difficulty creating the album
    08:10 – “Nothing fun happens after midnight”
    09:30 – The Oscars’ after party at The Diner
    12:00 – Jordan North’s dream about Billie Eilish
    12:30 – Billie’s obsession with ’The Office’
    13:30 – The greatest TV show ever made is British!
    14:30 – How Billie Eilish releases music on her family’s birthdates

    Billie Eilish Surprises Her Biggest Fan 💚
    Billie Eilish Tells Us A Horrifying Childhood Memory
    Billie Eilish Talks Creepy Insta Comments
    Billie Eilish: Same Interview, Ten Minutes Apart
    Billie Eilish Roasts British People

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    Billy delighted you could make it oh thank you for having me welcome to a very London lunch it’s all vegan amazing glutenfree wow look your tea there cheers oh my gosh cheers I don’t really speak like that it’s very nice have you ever had a tea like this before not like this I had tea parties when I was a child and it felt very similar did you yeah but like pretend ones where you to pretend to pour it in well we would make real tea but it would be pretend everything else would be pretend I have a friend who’s an etica expert and he says and I don’t mind but he says apparently when you stir your tea you meant to do it back and forth instead of a circle interesting apparently that’s like front and back yes interesting why it doesn’t make any sense to me I I I agree I don’t know why it’s stir just give it a good stir give it a good stir now you know some people when they have tea at fancy place what’s wrong with that you know a lot of people stick their pinky out when I know isn’t that rude or something nailed it so apparently it’s from the 18th century might be the 16th or 17th I can’t remember but it was a sign to show that you um you had syphilis straight up mhm so it was to give other people a sign that you had it so then they got together so so they didn’t spread it to other people that’s a true fact straight up I promise you I promise you that is true and people think that’s like really fancy to do that and it’s not so no pinky out no pinky out absolutely not that is great too okay got it is this the first thing you think of when you think of the UK and British things I think of the accent do you yeah okay do you think of yourself having an accent yes I definitely have an accent do you think I have an accent you definitely have an accent for sure do you know whereabouts in the UK I’m from no do you want to have a guest no I’m from uh a little town in laner called Burnley Burnley Burnley cute is that where you grew up yeah well my dad was in do you live there currently no I live in London now oh but my dad was in the Army so we moved around a lot wow what would your favorite type of lunch be I really like sandwiches yes what do you like I like a sandwich as well but we call it a butty oh what a butty how do you spell that b u tt y a butty ay yeah ay b u tt y yeah that’s crazy a butty a cheese andam butty huh or a chip buty huh yeah and like so you’d call them french fries so you call them chips right oh so like fries in a sandwich is Chip and Body Buddy chip bu buty yeah what do you think is like the weirdest thing you guys say put what in fold huh what is that you guys are you guys are not real this how I feel like with like Canadians and Brits what’s like an insult we say um Gob huh that’s my favorite swear word Gob yeah yeah so if someone said oh he’s a complete an utter Gob that’s like a person they are a Gob they talk rubbish oh they like they’re a bit like a little stupid yeah now I don’t want to beat about the bush we need to talk about the album okay it’s your third album it’s had an amazing response across the board it’s only been out a few weeks has it sunk in just tell us how you’re feeling about it I feel so good about it it’s been like the most shocking reaction of my life it’s been it’s been so good I can’t even believe my eyes every time it’s been like better than I could have ever dreamed of in a million years is it fair to say this is the most personal album for for me for sure yeah for sure like we’ve seen on the comments and stuff from many fans and one that I loved from one of your fans was that it feels like they’re reading your diary when you listen to is that weird it’s weird is it it’s also weird because normally there’s so much time that passes between finishing an album and putting it out because of vinyl and because of you know videos and artwork and promo and whatever and this time I was I was very clear about I really want to do this as quick as quickly as I can I was like it’s done now and I want to put it out as fast as I can from the moment it’s done do you feel like you’ve over shared in the album over shared yeah no no not at all I sometimes go away and feel like I’ve probably giving away too much there I feel like that more when I talk but in music they’re not so specific about my life that I mean they are for me but I think that you hear them and you don’t think that’s only about her life and she’s the only one that can relate to that I think that’s what’s cool about music is that it’s for everyone um did you enjoy doing this album Finas and I really went through it with this album and after a while of not enjoying it we then enjoyed it to be fair um we just were feeling very ve like so uninspired for so long long and not on the same frequency the two of us as siblings and living different lives and just like not creative and not really inspired and that was really stressful and that that was that was honestly a scary period of time and it was very punishing and not enjoyable and we would have moments of creating in in between those those off moments and those were always great but even still it always felt like are we do we know what we’re do do can we do is it good like we just never felt confident and then there were moments along the way that kind of brought that confident up there was when we wrote Skinny which was like the first song we wrote in its entirety for the album and then we wrote what was I made for which opened a door to like honesty and creativity and then the main moment was when we wrote a song called the greatest and that kind of opened the door to like vulnerability and allowing ourselves to really just be honest and then create the rest of the album and as soon as we made the greatest I think that’s when we started having a lot of fun because vas was really honest and open and he said that he at one point was like I don’t know if I want to do this anymore yeah isn’t that funny what I mean your little sister what what was going through your mind then um I was really scared and I had always been the one that didn’t like making music and he had always been the one that would loved it and you know had so much passion in it and I always relied on that and then I started to like it more and we were making this album and yeah he was just he was he was very vulnerable with me and honest and he was just like I don’t I don’t want to do like I don’t feel like I have anything to say I don’t want to do this right now we’ve always been like that we’re so close and like get each other better than anybody else I feel like Phineas is like my my conscious in a way like he’s he’s always thinking for me and um trying to help me through my poor choices in life oh don’t worry I’ve met many of them yeah many of them what’s one uh this weekend oh yeah I was at a friend’s wedding in Spain yeah I should have gone home the wedding finished at 2: a.m. yeah I stayed out till half 5 yeah the next day right half what’s wrong with that I had to do the radio I’m I’m 34 now Bly it’s you know you got to be is there a cut off age for fun not a cut off age but have you heard the saying nothing fun happens after midnight who is saying that why who’s saying that when have you ever heard that I’ve heard this is what people who’s saying that oh is it 2: a.m. nothing fun happen oh right oh sorry I’ve said it wrong nothing good happens after 2: a.m. get okay I get that more crazy that you said you didn’t say that okay I said that wrong that’s my bad said nothing fun happens after mid keep that in that was my fault but nothing good happens after 2: a.m. I would disagree though okay yeah I would strongly disagree and I think that you’re you shouldn’t feel bad for having fun at your friend’s wedding yeah I don’t think you should feel bad for that oh my God no no that wasn’t a bad decision was it you only live once don’t you mhm yeah sometimes like you got to risk the lack of sleep for memories man exactly there’s been so many experiences where I’m like oh my God I’m so mad at myself right now that I’m not getting enough sleep and then I think why this is like the best night of my life like why would I I’m I’m going to look back and be like wish I had slept that one night in 2024 instead of had one of the best nights of my year what’s the funnest thing that’s happened to you after midnight can you think of any oh that’s so so true uh yeah that’s actually such a good one my mom just said the diner which is not my song I’m talking about an actual Diner that I went to the night of the Oscars um yeah this was like in March when I went an oscar but um two second but I we went to these parties and then parties and more parties and more parties and instead of going to more I had just met these new friends of mine and we decided to go to a diner and we were at that Diner until 6:00 am and from from like 2 am to 6 AM or something like that no it’s probably like four or five to six and those are now some of my friends for life really yeah that you met at the Oscars yeah I kind of knew them before that but then we we knew we knew in those moment we were like oh this is these are we’re we’re each other’s family that’s so cool yeah okay right that whole saying that many people have heard good happens after 2 a.m. you’ve heard it here first Billy says that is not true okay um what was he like at the Oscars do you ever CU look you don’t need me to tell you this but you are a mega Superstar do you ever feel out your comfort zone there or are you quite comfortable with all those famous movie stars good question I think the Oscars is probably I think this last time I felt pretty comfortable but I think I’ve been now three times and it’s very scary and intimidating and it’s not my world cuz it’s acting and it’s movie stars and it’s like a whole different thing that I am very intimidated by but also think is very cool so I definitely feel a little like I don’t I feel like I kind of snuck in a little bit like I felt every time I’ve gone I’m always like you know kind of feel like this I’m kind of like do I need to like I feel like how I feel at this kind of situation where I’m like I don’t how do I do I cross my legs do I need to take my hat off you know what I mean I once got told you know when you go to a party and you’re bit nervous yeah and you can be a bit anxious and you’re like oh what do I say or you go to a wedding and you don’t know anyone everybody else in the room’s feeling the same I know and that we forget that you just think it’s you don’t you yeah yeah it’s true and I was nervous about interviewing Billy ish before were you yeah last night I was doing research did you have dreams about me I did I did I did I’m yeah because you always think you I was a bit nervous last night and I was like doing doing my research none of the questions we’ve written we’ve we’ve done which is perfect cuz that’s how it should be it should be a chat conversation and I had an interview that it kind of went wrong and I’d offend you and I don’t know there’s so little like I don’t even know what you could say that would offend me yeah well we can find something well let’s not do that can we talk to you about um TV and movies please your favorite show is the office yes the American office yes uh is it one of those that you just re-watch over and over again yeah yeah okay how many times have you rewatched it you think I have lost count but it’s definitely in the 30 40 range get away yeah see I’ve rewatched Modern Family have you seen Modern Family I actually haven’t it’s so good yeah and it’s it’s based around La as well I know amazing it’s really fun it’s really fun how many times I’ve probably watched that about four or five times yeah that’s a lot that’s how I am too I I love rewatching stuff I’m not a new show movie person sometimes when you’ve had a day of it you just want to get home and watch I’m not even a TV person really I don’t watch new I haven’t seen anything okay have you seen flea yeah that was all filmed around here I know it’s amazing greatest shows ever made see I I wouldn’t know that that would translate in America it translates from me does it yeah have you met her before yeah she’s the coolest no that’s fine she’s really cool she’s the coolest cuz that started off as a play I know I’ve seen the I saw the she put out the one woman show I haven’t seen it in person but I saw the right on camera or whatever version but yes it totally translates everybody loves flag before we let you go Billy thank you so much for taking time to do this of course this is great is there one question that I’ve not asked today that you would love me to ask or that you’ve not been asked about the album I know that’s putting you on the spot a bit but it’s the one cuz I feel like you’ve been asked everything about it yeah it’s the one thing that you think why has nobody ever asked me about that oh my God it that’s a good one I feel like I get asked the same questions mhm and there’s so many questions that have never been asked I can’t think of them what is there anything that you thought that you’re like I can’t ask that but you want to there’s a few but your PR team are here so you can still ask me I don’t have to answer so you’ve released a single on your dad’s birthday no on your brother’s birthday before figure it out in the past find it you think and then find it sorry okay it’s just I thought I’d be all right I did I put out my first album on my mom’s birthday that’s right I put out my second album on my brother’s birthday okay and then I put out this one on a random day in May but will you be releasing a single on some someone’s birthday yeah maybe someday oh okay okay who knows all right the funny thing is it’s so it’s totally random uh don’t say that cuz I’m going to keep the fans thinking I have this whole master plan that I don’t actually have thank you for joining us for lunch today thank you for having me I really really appreciate it of course and if you ever think of that one question that you’d love to be asked let us know I’ll think about it cheers cheers for


    1. Actually the guy in the interview was totally wrong about the pinkie. It was a sign that you have
      NO syphilys because it showed that your fine motorics are still working.

    2. She's incredibly charismatic, relatable, and humble for such a big-time hitter. So classy!!!
      Best moment: "Can you spell that?" Lol

    3. She's down to earth and such a real person. Really, she's just so normal and so not a celebrity in some ways with the way she acts. It's just so refreshing. I love Billie

    4. The King and the Jester are both there for the Queen. The Dragon Queen. I just posted my latest performance of THERE'S SOMETHING AMISS IN THE KINGS CASTLE. But wait are you the Dragon Queen because I know you fly on high. We watch you driftin' by

    5. did she jst say “ I’m gonna keep the fans thinking I have this whole master plan that I really don’t” exuse me billie. we need that new album

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