In my opinion Verbier is the best bike park in Switzerland, some people may say otherwise I Find there are not many places in Switzerland where the trails are designed in such way to be able to push yourself and become a better rider.

    Oddly Verbier has the perfect mixture of sand and clay, many of the bike parks around are just hard pack clay. So in the wet they are super slippery and in the dry they are okay. At Verbier its good in the wet and dry, and today we had it between the both so it was crazy gripy.

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    [Music] [Music] all right today we’re at verier most beautiful Gonda to start with I think in my opinion R is like one of the best bike parks in siton and I’m sure with the opinions of many others as well verb only has like three tracks or so does all the bike parks in Switzerland du to like environmentalists and like other factors and stuff like bike there’s some bike parks that say they have more like ver has like a few more but it’s just like divided to three tracks and like with different names and stuff to create more tracks it seems like but there’s really only three tracks top to bottom so we’ll do a full run of the blue track which is really fun and then we’ll do a full run of the yellow track which is like the hard European down cup track so hope you enjoy that it’s a little bit muddy but it’s drying out because it’s a bluebird yes sir all right so there’s this bird section here but it’s really flat and it’s like really wet right now I guess I’ll show you it this time but it’s really not worth filming maybe I don’t know it’s getting better this morning this was really really wet and soft but you can kind of see there’s still some ruts in the ground from the soft [Music] track all righty that’s just flat for no reason all right we’re going to start out going down the bit of the European [Music] truck and then we’re going to turn into the blue track so on the left is the downhill track back there and this is the blue one I think there’s a pull yeah Gap off the boner log land right there it’s a big one but I’m a wussy miss the mud some snow I think there’s people yeah it’s a busy one because not many tracks here ever been maybe go past these guys all [Music] right all right we’re good to go yeah there’s still some snow there kind of interesting makes it a little bit [Music] sketchy so grippy it’s crazy the perfect combination of sand and clay like I just overturned right there it’s so grippy oh super blind there oh yeah [Music] that’s an awkward one oh such a good warm up those burms are amazing all right into the second half hopefully you don’t catch anyone this is a very popular track because it is fun whoa some fun extra gaps super sick going to race line that little wall ride [Music] all right let’s go all right we’re going to start off here on the yellow and then we’re going to turn to the red because there’s no blue truck in this portion of the mountain yo I used that as well we’re not going to follow no way because I want to just do a little warm up on the red here that is really chunky all right and then we’ll go down the road here this is the end of nice little Burmy red track and then to finish it we’ll do the European track that’s like the best chill appp cuz if you can run a blue you can do that red and this red down here into the European Cup track yeah after this we’ll just finish his lap off and we’ll head up for the full European downal Cup track all right into the red I guess we’ll follow this guy hopefully he rips those are cracked nice and then down here to the last little bit and I’ll put you out right underneath the lift which is perfect send it oh that was a bit bigger than I wanted [Music] well I’m cooking into that nice and that’s like the nicest warm up blue run kind of vibe so onto the harder one now all right into the jumps here again good Zach oh he’s getting photos I messed that there’s a photographer [Music] all right let’s hit a lap on the European track here oh I don’t know where to go there right [Music] whoa [Music] [Music] [Music] I’ll take a breath there yeah dude there’s some like I definitely do not have that perfected but it’s just fun to ride for some training but I don’t know I haven’t ridden this track a lot but I mean like the more I do it the more the lines will come so God damn [Music] [Music] [Applause] that’s crazy oh man the tape all right looks like I’m good not a great place to stop yo buddy [Music] [Music] damn I break too much [Music] [Music] there he was busy holy what’s up gang yeah dude [Music] oh my God my [Music] [Music] hands we’ll send it with the the squad [Music] here Gap it cousin oh man you can usually Gap off there [Music] well that was definitely not the best run super busy but hope you enjoyed that track super fun when it’s not busy but yeah all right so I’m just wrapping it up for our day at V just clean the Steed got the wheel off cuz I’m TR it she took a beading out there today unfortunately make sure to like the video subscribe if you’re new I post weekly and yeah hope you enjoyed see you in the next one [Music]


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