ONLINE DARTS LIVE LOUNGE | Episode 163 – Price is back but huge injury concerns over Aspinall


    Online Darts Live Lounge Monday 10th June 2024

    During the Online Darts Live Lounge, we will spend the next couple of hours discussing all the big news from the last week in the darts world.

    🎯 Price too hot in Copenhagen
    🎯 Aspinall arm injury ahead of the Matchplay
    🎯 Pro Tour returns
    🎯 England Open draw issues
    🎯 A week in darts
    🎯 Your Questions

    (Picture Credit PDC)

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    e [Music] [Music] [Music] heart [Music] good evening ladies and gentlemen Monday night 800m the online DS live land returns myself Phil bars Jack Garwood and Dan Simpson are here for the next couple of hours to talk through everything DS has happened in the last seven days and the breaking news is that yes Gob finally has internet down on the south coast gentlemen good evening sorry what [Laughter] pardon a it’s a pleasure to see you in real time Jack not on a 15sec delay I mean I’m not still fully in I do have a rout right next to me but I’m not hard wide in because I haven’t set the rest of my desk up because I fell asleep understand and I’m also like debating buying a new desk so I don’t want to get both my monitors back up and everything else and then start building it and wire it in because I get quite my cable management is on point but it takes a long time just to go do you know what I’m going to stick a slightly wider piece of wood in this Gap where my desk is in a week’s time fair enough um but how are we Jens s right yeah I’m all right done in today I I was I’ve been off work for a week which was delightful I had a really really Pleasant week off work I had a week off work to do nothing which was Bloody marvelous but then today I’ve gone back into work to 200 odd emails like loads of stuff to sort out so I was like back to Earth with a bang at quarter to 6 this morning when I dragged myself out of bed and pulled a shirt and tie on but um but all right yeah plotting along 2024 who the [ __ ] is still wearing a tie to work grow up oh mate we got a street dress code where our work that’s just for the kids what about you you can’t be you’ve got to have some accountability you can’t be expecting other PE you can’t be expecting to say to people you have to wear a jacket and you have to wear a tie if you stood there like you know looking you gota look smart haven’t you teach for the future to do what no one else does in any profession these days unless you’re in court yeah I’m not a teacher so I don’t have to worry about but I do I do wear a tie for work I do um have big I we time most stairs actually right let’s jump in the chat let’s say hello malachite is in Owen salesman Kieran Adam how do uh Craig Mark uh Warren Carl from th stack hope you are good my friend good to have you in as always hope you well uh Cameron Daniel uh James uh Shelly is in Chris Tom uh Matthew um how are we doing now don’t worry W mention England against Iceland um Salman says hey Phil go and Dan and of course Anthony is in all the way in Texas hope you are good my friend evening Max look plenty going on in the world of darts right now boys um another world series event check off G and price back in the winner circle challenge tour action um wdf stroke England darts action Matthew Edgar’s video blog of the weekend is also quite topical because we’re gonna talk about something that affected him um massively um as well just Lots going on in the world that never sleeps boys it’s been a busy all week a it in Planet Dart never a d is there um right let’s let’s go straight in G in price back in the winner circle and I don’t think this is too much of a surprise to people he’ve been threatening this the overall game has been good and now it’s converted into a win in the Nordic darts Masters were were any of you surprised to see go and price lift a title at last is he not been threatening the exact opposite to not bother with non EV to see he’s been threatening I think he’s been threatening to not turn up at these events hasn’t he never threatening to win them um first that’s exactly where I’m gonna go come on you can have it mate in you get don’t get wrong the form has been very very good but he used the last Euro tour out in two winners interviews on stage to go I feel great now that I’m not focusing on non-ranked events I’m not going to play in them I’m not bothered XYZ bang WI wins the World Series oh it’s great to play in front of you fans I love these events Ling [Laughter] bastard we’ll come on to that in a minute but the actual result of him winning winning a title could be the Catalyst that go and price needs to go on and ReDiscover the going price of 2020 2021 it’s the performances I think it’s not just I I mean yes yes he’s won a I mean let’s like yes he’s won a title but let’s let’s just you know be realistic when we’re referring to winning a title with like with the greatest respect to the Nordic darts Masters um but what he has done is he’s rattled together four victories over some fairly game opponents he’s averaged over a ton two matches I mean 102 and 105 he’s he’s rattled off two games in a row um he’s beaten you know Rob cross who has been one of the best players in the world this year so far he’s played some amazing stuff Michael Smith again you know Premier League finalist Demetri vandenbberg UK open Win he’s beaten I know mades rasmus’s game they come well um you can’t he’s he’s took a hard route he’s beaten some players who are arguably in far better form than him and he’s done it playing good d I think those series of things will probably mean more to him than lifting the trophy at the end it’s whether or not he can convert it into games that matter because because being I mean again with the greatest respect these don’t like this isn’t you know he’s not it’s not ranking money it’s not pulling him he’s not qualifying for thing he’s not helping his seedings it’s not helping him defend money that’s going to drop off it it’s whether he can do it when it matters and at the minute we’re not seeing that from him what he said it’s not but it’s the Catalyst of what it does winning on TV for me I I fully agree with you that yes look they’re not ranked um XY and and Z they they could be class as televised title if you wanted to um but it’s what that winning feeling does for go in price for me the only people that want to class these as TV T let’s just put this out there by the way the only people that ever want to or need to class these as TV tites are those that need to justify their position in the Premier League when they’re selected next year without winning anything else AG the same way Raymond van barav Justified his position for the last five years of his career by saying he’s the world pairs Champion you w my favorite World Cup it will be be frustrating I think if that’s what if we end up you know come next February discussing the fact that that’s the justification of him being you know he’s done sod all since but he’s in the Premier League because he won the Nordic darts Masters because yes he played well and he beat some players that have shown some form of late but you know that weekend for me and I you know Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion is to who they want to see in exhibition but for me that doesn’t justify a premier league pick he’s going have to do a hell of a more um yeah and N says is this the same show that predicting gz’s retirement a couple weeks ago I stand by that I don’t think we see gazi playing Professional Arts in five years that him winning this hasn’t changed my mind on that I think that he he will be in and out very very um quickly with the with with the sport but over the weekend also did the Nordic darts Masters give us more questions than when the tournament started I’ll tell you what it did give us before we get into it because I’ll probably let Gob talk more detail about darts it did give us another and they are one of my favorites Mr Vegas stage I Mr Vegas stage is it’s a thing of beauty like the Mr Vegas it’s up there at the minute with what’s currently our current annual cycle Mr Vegas is right up near the top so if nothing else it gave us that correct other than that I’m not really sure the two Lukes are the two lukees I still think they’re the dominant pair in the sport Rob cross putting together some lovely lovely performances um the absence of Vann look we know he’s taking a a bit of a break I don’t think it left us some more questions I think there’s a question as to perhaps why we’re in this region for a World Series and the relevance of a World Series but not necessarily on the dart board I think the players who expected to go deep went deep um no l no vanin makes a big difference I thought Bunton got his shot he didn’t quite run with it but let’s be honest Rob Cross of the last few weeks has been virtually unplayable um yeah that’s about it the takeaways really how many do we continue laboring with and do we keep laboring with Peter right at these events because like he’s out in the first round again like he’s not he’s he’s not managing to reach the level of the local qualifiers he’s shown glimpses the last few weeks Pro Tour foreman and runs on Euro tours and whatever but something seriously got to change the fact he was sat at the end of this Premier League campaign going I’m all for bringing the youngsters in but I want one last shot you got to go and earn that shot and at the minute he is miles away from doing that he is you know I mean so you look obviously we we appreciate we we’re missing um we’re missing ller and and then Michael vano in this this weekend just gone but and and arguably you know bunin and Dimitri venberg have come in like neither of whom I mean look out a place you know B Bon’s been beaten in a quarterfinal by Rob cross and he’s averaged a ton in doing so like realistically can you make a solid case at the minute for upcoming World Series events that Peter Wright is the better shout than Steven Bunton other than that like I don’t think there is one because I also think that Bunton has a good level of crowd appeal he he works into social media better than nearly all professional darts players do um you know if it’s a bit ruthless but and I appreciate these things you’ve got a predict them a little bit because tickets go on sale well in advance and you put people on a poster and you know the card is subject to change isn’t it and for me I I’d probably look at giving bunt in because whilst he has gone out to Rob cross in the quarterfinals I think we can all acknowledge that if we keep putting Bunton into these World Series events he’ll win one sooner or later because his game’s at that level and he if he finds it three games in a row he can compete with anybody in there for a weekend um I mean if we take this conversation back to November December I was s calling for right to be absolutely nowhere near the Premier League for bun in on inclusion I understand why he was picked Scottish influence two nights up there and the fact that he was the only other player not named Luke humph to win a major in the second half of last year but he still wasn’t playing anywhere near good enough to justify that inclusion on the dart board and he hasn’t anything saying exactly the same thing that’s and how long do you go on carrying on you know keep booking him those slots based on his walk on like if you if he if that’s what if that’s what it means to you then somebody needs to then start to produce better Walk-Ons for other players they need to work with the other players and produce better Walk-Ons um if that if if that is something that you know you you want to be a main feature of your events look this isn’t just pick on Peter right because no absolutely not Barney had way too many chances towards the back end of his career it’s like oh here you go you’re a big name the point is that yes it might be working with fans right now but if you keep pumping out the same six to eight players over and over again playing the same matchups you’re not going to go and Garner these new fans that you were interested in you’re not going to bring these people in because the man’s got a funny haircut and in the process you’re going to wind up actual darts fans or people that have been fans for a long long time that have seen this over and over and again that are aware that dark players exist beyond the 12 players that they roll out for the events between January and July but the other thing as well is is it and and again it’s not just pick on Peter right there but to go back to the original like the the first point or the first question that Phil asked about you know what does this do for go price and what is it you know what how what do we see it well it’s diluted by that fact you know the fact that we are still looking at players that we probably think don’t deserve to be there and there are people that would play better if they were picked and they’re getting knocked off by the local qualifiers and well does that not dilute what going prices are Che you know does it not dilute what winning one of these events is if if if if that’s what it’s become just a sort of like sure it’s interesting um one of the other massive pluses from the weekend is mat’s inclusion on the world series broadcast team has elevated it massively again the the the three they had this week in Dan Mason Webby were just world class it’s a proper Elite level team that like Dream Team for me and then appreciate everyone’s got like their preferences people like different things from commentators it just that’s the nature of sport um in terms of what those three offer I think that’s as good a team as you can post there are other people who are at that level but that’s as good a team as you can assemble in my opinion I think it needs it when the presenting is what it is look Ali can present I think she deserves time to learn darts first if it’s no different in three or four tournaments time agreed but the lack of other presenters she can present thought she as in her presenting is okay just needs to learn the sport and I think that needs to be given time I’m not sure about a lack of other presenters all right a lack of other presenters that aren’t contracted to broadcasters that they can’t be used there we go yeah that’s it but look that’s what happens if you tied to a broadcaster and these events aren’t on that broadcaster that’s always going to happen yeah and that’s going to be that’s going to continue to be the case for for these events unless the PDC you know comes up with more something more stable in terms of a broadcast agreement in the UK isn’t it um right we’ve got a couple of points first of all we’re going to hear from price after winning I’m just trying my hard though to to win a tournament and it didn’t get hard you know last week it was the same I was just trying too hard to get over the winning line bombed the chance and fair play to Rob took his chances I thought exact same was going to happen today so yeah I’m just glad I played well at the back end of the game stepped up in the middle yeah another Trophy and I can just for get about it now and just roll on and just like another day at the office I’m playing like I I’m playing pretty decent I just need the stop being so negative in my head I’m missing loads of doubles because you keep thinking like how this is going to keep happening so yeah just positive from you on in out I’m playing well big scoring and checking out yeah yeah I mean my scoring games there I think I live with anyone I don’t think everyone can live with me when I’m scoring you know you got the one or two like Rob cross and LC free those sort of boys that always on the game and Rob’s been fantastic I’m you know Rob’s a great friend of mine and you know haven’t just got there didn’t be him last week I needed I needed a win this because a little bit of bragging right has always practiced with him and yeah if I go into the next one yeah it’s like yeah it’s frustrating but yeah I’m just cling this he’s also been to the Vincent Vander for school of moving on interviews oh mate the worst thing you ever did was Vincent because he just so big you frame up and then he half a step forward and his chins just sitting in there um but it was nice that price spoke about thinking positively as as well and and mentally thinking about his game a little bit more I like that approach from him 20 Grand’s 20 grand as well isn’t it like I know we keep saying about price that he’s got his properties and he doesn’t need the money but I don’t care how rich you are 20 grand is 20 grand you’re going to be pleased with picking it up yeah 100% off the bits you were talking about or we were talking about play I’ve got some clips first of one from bunting yeah I don’t I don’t know what it is just um certain I don’t know practice regimes or something’s not right but yeah it’s a quick fix in my opinion I think um I know what the problems are and I can eye in the mouth and I’ll be ready like I said but um it might not be as quick as tomorrow but we’ll see we’ll see I’ll be ready just just a little bit about winning not coming as easily for him at the moment and just trying to iron out those those little kinks into his game because it’s not the same Steven bunting as it was seven eight weeks ago don’t get me wrong it’s still a very good Steven bunting but it’s not the one that looked like he was going to go on and win Galore you know what I mean next question there there’s a question to this rather than a answer or response it’s how many times of players outside of the Inner Circle should we say picked up their darts in Fury in the last eight weeks since he was playing well once yeah one pro tour weekend in that time and a couple of Euro tours yeah no no I don’t disagree and we’re gonna speak to Rob cross because in his own words the Swagger is back and I’m getting out there got a Swagger about myself and and I just want to win that’s that’s that’s plain and simple whether I do it with all big flashy lights and and all the great endings or I go up there and I get the job done both good enough but I want to perform you know but he Life’s good Life’s good could treat me any better that Bobby cross Swagger as you just called it is that the same Swagger that you had when you went on in 2018 I’m going to say it is the Swagger I still think I’m a little bit off here and there but um it’s very very close probably the closest I’ve been and you know I’ll come out I’ll get me get me work done now I’ll like I said in me last interview or whatever I Chang me little ring and and I feel fresher I’m going out there I’m concentrating and when I’m doing that I’m putting big numbers in and all so um yeah on to tomorrow and hopefully it saay that’s a big smile he’s got right now in there he looks great and I think it’s just about giving cross time now and not raising that expectation level too quickly along with this not everybody can win every single time you step up on stage the two luks are making making a show of it G’s back playing lovely there’s there’s so many quality players that Gary Anderson is still with one of the best running averages of the year he’s missed the last couple of Eur have been a ball leg to get to it’s What Gary turns up we can’t just go right robc cross favorite robc cross is favorite because he’s going to be in some battles but he looks magnificent right now in great touch he he’s he looks like he he’s a threat for everything isn’t he like you’re not going to make him the fair let’s be honest he’s not going to be the favorite he’s not going to be the second favorite for any tournament he enters this year at all but he is a major threat in every single every event for the rest of the year and it wouldn’t surprise me if he picked something up wouldn’t be wouldn’t surprise me if he picked up more than one thing because especially when like especially when you think that liter is going to go into some big events unseeded that then that like because if the if the meet before the final you’ve got let’s go you’ve got an open you’ve got an open half of a bracket haven’t you completely and and Rob cross for me at the minute is is in that drivage seat that I’d probably make favorite to come through that bracket you know if if the lukees end up on this on the same side that’s where my 50 pents will be going if for the match play um will be will be on Rob cross because he just seems at the minute to be able to turn it on and he can play both luks and he knows it he also is one of the players out there that knows and has done in the past that he can win titles of his b game you look at his list of Majors how often he was actually on it during those Majors some of them were were shocking but he found ways to win those and look we’re seeing his a game a lot lot more right now but if he knows he can still get over the line with that b game because he’s done it before European championships or he’s done it before in UK open campaigns which bloody hard tournaments to win by the way especially that UK open all on the same day that quarter semi-final breakdown and and whatever that’s a big worry for the rest of the field right now two card race as well he’s provisional world number two if lit doesn’t win the World Championships this year like you know Rob cross is is is I so he his game’s where it is let’s what he’s almost a banker for the Premier League next year so he’s coming back to the play Premier League DS again next year um he’s going to be a regular fixture and World Series events as he you know because we know he’s he’s he’s often struggled to find the consistent performances that have won him big titles in the past and he’s he’s peaked and troughed throughout Seasons um you do feel though that he’s sort of hitting a patch of his game at the minute that he could maintain for a period of of of months it’s really exciting to see for those that don’t have to play against him anyway 100% we’re going to play Michael Smith and then we’re going to decipher cuz it’s a funny little story this one definitely I was that’s one of the worst I’ve ever Felts I know I lost her last year but well and then I W year before but losing against Jeff I let everything get to let what he was doing get to me let myself get to myself and yeah so today I had to prove a point and if you look at my social media I put I was saying I need a big performance today to get your picked back up and luckily enough it was a big performance today just two sloppy bits but everything else was perfect today that’s I like you to let things get to on the normally you just block all that out so what what happened last week when he were walking past me he’s called The Silent for the reason he walking past me he were talking he were doing this every time he pass stamping and I sent him after the game away listen please don’t do it next time you better warn so he admitted it to me then Contin to interview you and said I him so I admit it and then do it but it’s one of them offing I want more on stage because I look like a B I said it J after the game just to manto man he admitted it and then denied it and then yeah but for that now he not taking away from that performance now played well so are we going to play detectives because party number one is saying one thing party number two is saying the other and then they’re both saying no it didn’t happen or I love it when there’s something like this because normally you can see it and and it’s obvious obviously what happened in in New York Jeff said that Michael was unhappy he hasn’t done anything Michael was then said this Jeff has obviously listened and heard the interview and said on social media he’s talking bollocks I never said that it’s great isn’t it I mean I’m with Jeff tomorrow so this is a slippery slope for me [Laughter] I don’t know we’re not saying one right but they’re both saying different things I think this is a case of one of those situations where there may or may not have been little things going on but there are things that you don’t normally notice or that aren’t an issue if you’re playing at a reasonable level and M found something that he wasn’t comfortable with when he’s taking a drob in playing crap yeah what he said it happens I mean I can go to Super League be two up and then I can hear someone open a Chris packet at the wrong time if I hit a 45 and suddenly that’s it all hell is breaker loose and they’re a complete disrespect from noed like you you spot those things when you they’re a trigger or you notice them a lot more when something’s not going your way yeah I agree 100% I think that is exactly what I I I think that I would I would I still I said it last week and I still stand back I find the suggestion that Jeff Smith was engaging in some level of purposeful gamesmanship very very hard to believe uh but I can completely see how somebody who is not having the best game of their life um under pressure getting a bit of a whooping having traveled across the world for the pleasure of taking that whooping could become hyper aware of every little creek and noise on the stage um and perceive that like everyone’s perception of a situation is their own and they are going to disagree like if Jeff Smith hasn’t purpose Y and engaged in gamesmanship then he’s going to [ __ ] hold that line he’s going to keep saying I [ __ ] didn’t and if Michael Smith is perceives that what has he has heard was that then he’s going to stick to that as well what what Michael Smith asked I suppose the only thing Michael Smith has to do is he has to be sure in his own mind that before you accuse a person of something like that you’ve got to be comfortable like making that accusation and and confident that you’re right because it’s a big thing bold thing to Chu at somebody um which is a long way of saying what he said like it is that that sort of yeah not for me oh it’s just it’s just one of those ones where I like it where it’s like this um right we’ve got two more to come out of um nor we’ll do this one first cuz the other one may be interesting um the the official cut off date is um not this week but after Poland uh BDC is looking at all sort of ways I am I’m here I’m standing here and the only thing I can say is that I’ve got no knowledge um I know that Kim is in an injury I know that our uh our contracts with the PDC stands that you need to prove that you can be at a 100% ability to play so yeah I’m standing here as number one from Belgium as you say but I’ve got no more knowledge than who is going to be my partner there is a reason why it says to be confirmed so they got to be busy with it uh behind the scenes but so far I’m busy with this tournament what does he think they’re busy doing [ __ ] regrafting his [ __ ] colborn um I thought it was interesting that the bit that said in the contract that needs to prove that he is fit to play where before beforehand we always assume that it would be on the player where it was down to them and if they said they were fit then it would go with that call but having been there the weekend speaking to a few people off camera I believe that if there are any doubts that he’s not fit the decision will be taken out of his hands surely he just has a medical and and like the that the decision surely in a professional sport the decision whether or not someone’s fit to play or not isn’t taken by an administrator Sur he will have to medically prove he is 100% fit yeah just like a doctor’s gonna have to say yeah on he but here’s the caveat to that should he be this week this these protour without that same medical slip then well no of course not but but he is well then he’s fit is he well he says he is but what happens if he goes and loses 60 60 and averages 65 in both games that’s the best of his ability right now but that’s if a doctor said he’s fit but has the doctor said he’s fit or is he just going and playing because he’s a tour card holder well then but if that’s the case said he’ll be able to throw but they are worried about his ability to put Force through it this time but if he can get through that and he can hit the D board then it’s his decision surely I mean I’m not going to lie the minute it got there was a very early point where Demi said I have no knowledge and I sort of zoned out after that because that was all I needed to hear from him but why how what’s this contract that he refers to that the PDC have that distinguishes yeah know but why is why is the why is there some sort of asteris that where the rules for a a Players Championship and the World Cup are different in terms of your medical Fitness well I don’t know if they are but I don’t know what I mean like it doesn’t it do I don’t know whether the protour get upheld as stringently as the TV events no I just it for him to specifically refer to the Contra you know the contract it it would like the way he says it doesn’t sound like that that would be you know you wouldn’t have an asterisk next to it that said like except for the World Cup or except you know like it just it surely it’s either one thing or another now they are like again they’re not employees they’re not know they’re they’re contractors in in technically aren’t they so they are responsible for ensuring their own health now it there’s Al it seems like a right kind of wordss because surely if the PDC have to impose a medical on Kim hybrids or or choose to and say he’s got to prove he’s 100% fit why didn’t anybody else why hasn’t Dirk Van dor have to do that at any point this year why hasn’t why doesn’t Nathan Aspen have to do that when he’s had problems with hisi like you’re not like we know let’s be brutal Nathan aspel has played major events with the PDC knowing he wasn’t 100% 100% fit might have been 97 wasn’t 100 I just don’t get where this Asis comes from around the Belgian team in the world cup it seems like there’s just always a shenanigan around the Belgian team at the World Cup and someone watch though in it oh don’t get me wrong oh I I I’d have another if you could interview me six more times about it Phil that would be brilliant but but my suspicion would be in each of those six interviews we’d get a slightly different interpretation as to what the situation is oh yeah 100% but but but that’s my point is that should it be that should he have to be 100% fit to play tomorrow no well it it doesn’t really make any whether you for me all that matters is the rule should be consistent whatever whatever whatever the rules are for him playing tomorrow should apply to the World Cup and any other event and any other player I don’t think it’s fair that Kim hybs has to prove something that Nathan ASP dir van d b or Michael vanwin or anybody else doesn’t have to I just think that’s unfair it’s it’s not it’s not how it should work um you’ve got to have parity across the board but for me he definitely should be playing because it’s far more fun for us to watch them2 play 100% well that moves us on to another good point because we are going to play this one and this is this is more interesting we’ll talk on it in a minute can I swear I’ll I’m I’m in a bad place but I’m trying my best I’m trying to keep going for my and uh yeah I’ve been a bad way I’m is it a reoccurrence of the original one you had a few years ago how did you put that to you back of your mind and try and play to the best of your ability just remember why doing it you know what I mean keep fo B in the face yeah I’m in a lot of pain I’ve got lot of issues at the moment but um yeah we’ll keep fighting I got I’ve got the the right people around me the right family around me me but yeah I’m struggling I’m in a lot of pain but I’m still winning games you know I’m still I’m still I’m still taking the best um to the wire I’m I’m still beating the best lers in the world with with half an AR so uh I take the positives from that but yeah I’m uh I’m not the best of place at the moment you know I don’t I don’t want to wa along cuz obviously two years ago was bad but this is worth it’s a good job he’s not in the World Cup isn’t it well where’s he giv this interview at a non-ranked World Series event [ __ ] are you doing there for if your wrist is genuin if your wrist is genuinely that bad then surely your focus for now whilst you get back on the end should be ranking events protect your position so that if you have to have a period of time out you return in a solid position not your appearance Fe in room of it and then cry about he’s playing tomorrow he if well he’s on the list but the the the tone in his voice doesn’t sound great at all he was almost in tears talking about it which suggests to me this is a very big concern it’s really difficult it’s because it’ almost be easier to analyze and talk about if he was playing [ __ ] but he ain’t like he’s just he’s just gone all the way through the Premier League and barely missed out on finals night he’s like he’s he’s winning matches he’s going to these you know events and he’s winning games there he clearly doesn’t feel right and there’s something wrong with it but I I really like Nathan but it’s really difficult to sympathize if if the answer to his problem with his art and unless it is not a physical one but if the answer is going and playing unranked exhibitions I don’t know what the problem is what’s the question if the answer is playing unranked tournaments in Denmark how do you cut your career even shorter if you’re struggling with an injury on the basis of handouts or is he genuinely worried that his career threatening and you take every penny that’s on offer because it may not be anymore I think that’s quite shortsighted and poorly advised yeah I tend to agree only because like you you don’t know what comes next after d do you for anybody you know what comes next and if it is career shorting there’s lots of other things that people can do and what you don’t want to do is cause yourself more undue physical pain for an extra three or four grand like in reality it it seems badly thought out if that’s the case there are there are far more lucrative things that he could be investing his time and money into than trying to get through a quarterfinal in Denmark to pick an extra couple of grand up um like he seems to be definitely struggling definitely and it’s not an enjoyable thing to watch He’s enjoyable to watch play DS well that it’s a tough it’s those interviews are a tough watch but it’s just incredibly difficult to analyze because normally when we talk about someone who you know who who who posts an interview like that it’s because they’ve been battered 6 nil for four weeks on the spin and they can’t [ __ ] hit the board whereas he is like he says consistently mixing it and beating the best in the world which makes it very difficult to even know what what angle to come from doesn’t it it is and it it’s it’s a really intriguing one because the match plays on the horizon and look we don’t know what the injury is we know he said it’s worse than the one two years ago and we know what he went through to play at the World Championships he had that much tape on his wrist just to get through now if it’s as bad do you sacrifice the match play have something done now or do you try and defend your match play as you are then you have whatever needs doing done and hope to be fit for the world championship it just it totally depends on what the injury is and what the possible solution is you know if it’s surgery or if it’s cortisone injections or whatever that may be it’s it all really depends on on what it is it it is frustrating if he is battling an injury but not managing his schedule and his work Lord to to do what he can to improve it or to potentially recover from it that’s what I that’s that’s what I find confusing is it doesn’t appear it appears that he’s got an injury but and and and again you know I’m not a doctor but the the small bit I know is that when you have an injury there are different ways of recovering from It generally they’re not flying to Denmark and doing the sport that’s potentially triggered your injury um and fine yeah that’s but but we’re not seeing really him manag and we don’t see a lot we’ve talked about this we don’t see a lot of schedule management from the top players in D I think we should see more I just think we should see more of that because they should be a bit smarter about what they do and how much they play and how much they save themselves for different events and how they physically recover from what is an underestimated toll that their bodies you know undergo but if he just keeps play everything and averaging a 100 all the time and beating people it’s difficult to see and really analyze what happens next the problem is we saw it last year with this same person he got his schedule wrong he missed out he missed out on the player championships is pro GNA do again’s he’s gonna miss out the players again if he’s got an injury like this and he’s gonna play World Series events in Denmark and if flies to Poland or whatever goes oh no it’s too bad to play a pro tour in hildersham this week or whatever is going to put himself straight back in the same position which means if in three months time his wrist is okay again he’s either chasing Pro Tour events at the back end of the season like a mad man or putting himself under way too much pressure in the major season it doesn’t make any sense it doesn’t but also is there a fear of if you say no you’re not going to get picked again I don’t think for not his world rank projection cu the top four get invited pretty much to any to any and all of them anyway if you B your to be there and if it’s for a genuine risk if it’s a genu if you say no I can’t be asked to travel to Australia that’s a little bit different to actually J mind if I don’t go to Poland because my wrist is about to snap in half and I need it for the rest of the year I also think that’s a different question that if it’s not Nathan aspinal like you know we’ve talked about people we’ve talked about Peter rght we’ve talked about GN price we’ve talked about people you know cby for the premier league cby for World Series events like realistically if Nathan aspel is in the top six in the world he’s go into most of these events is he he could have a year off and come back and be there because people like the the people like the way he plays the crowd get into it his Walk On’s there he plays well he interviews well he he he’s a good in terms of the image of darts the way that he presents himself um and his personal life and everything like that he’s he’s a good he’s an asset to to darts and to the tour um so I wouldn’t have thought that that would be I wouldn’t have thought he should whether he does or not is is down to him I wouldn’t have thought he should feel under threat in terms of his position the only reason I say that is on the tour card race he is provisionally world number six however between him and Bunting in 11 it’s one good run on TV yeah there’s a good chance looking at who’s under him as well that there’s a good chance if he doesn’t pick up a semi final he’s outside the top 10 if he doesn’t pick up a major semi-final this year he’s more than like just because you look at whose cre I mean headers OB head above him but chisel just Underneath Him Luke liter steaming in Steven starting to play well again yeah Net’s not a million miles behind and Danny NOA is consistently there are there abouts Danny noet will consistently make last 16s of Majors he will you know he will pick up a quarter final but you know depending on how the brackets go um and and he they will start to and and he’s defend you know Nathan’s defending money as well people will start to make further inroads on him and and and that’s why I say that is it on his mind because all of a sudden if you’re 10 or 11 that’s a lot harder justification not if your name is Peter right well but that’s probably why I might not be as worried if I was Nathan because he knows that Peter Wright’s probably going to be outside the top 20 and that’s where the conversations will be it will be you know it won’t be is that you’re not going to remove you’re not g like as the CO as long as the conversation for those events and you know surrounding Peter right it’s not about Nathan aspel um I think Peter Wright could ask you know he could he can Shield him you know aspel and price maybe from some of those conversations um because he’s going to be some way off right in terms of his ranking and obviously we don’t expect him to pick a major up he could do um but I think that might he might just Shield some of the others yeah look it’s interesting and that that moves us on to the protour returning in Hilda’s home uh tomorrow and Wednesday uh look again the list of absentees is is fairly big again people not going to Germany um the Gary Allison effects rubbing off on Ryan s um but what are we expecting over the next couple of days I’m three I’m expecting three so these three three little picks I’m expecting a GN price win I’m expecting because of the levels that we saw from the weekend at least a board final from Connor Scott because he was unbelievable at the weekend some of the doubts that he managed to throw um and we will see one of the finest Dart shirts on the pro tour used for the first time if anyone’s seen Rob Grundy’s new shirt it’s class proper good that’s that I believe is being unveiled for the F first time so there’s my three little three little gems for the next couple of days there what are you expecting go me to ignore completely CU I’m ref in all week uh I don’t really know look we tend to get the more errant Finals should we say in hildesheim I’m expecting plenty of topups uh which are probably more difficult because there’s been a gap they did but they all play challenge tour the weekend yeah but that’s what I mean normally it’s challenge tour for a couple of days and we’ll play pro tour Monday Tuesday now you’ve got to fly those challenged tour players back into hilder’s home unless they’ve been away made aware a lot earlier so it depends how late players pull out as to how easy it’s going to be to fill those topups if they’re still in the country then it’s fine if they’ve left and come back and you go by the way jump on a plane and go back to exactly where you were 48 Hours challenge to wasn’t even in Germany this time oh yeah well even worse close enough I don’t even know what day it is um I’m I’m expecting go and price to win one of them I agree with you there uh Dan I’m expecting a good run from Johnny Clayton as well I think there’s there’s been some signs that is on the right track again Joe cin needs a good performance in hilders home the last set of pro tours he was shocking um and again he’s one that is slipping down rankings at the moment so the Rockstar needs needs something um problem is with Joe he cre a narrative that he can’t play darts in Europe there’s opportunities there isn’t there for with with the names that are missing there is definitely opportunities and I’m not saying from a you know for a total Wild Card someone to come from you know outside the top 100 but you know for someone who’s had a de you know someone like a like a Damon hetter or a Ross Smith or you know that that’s where I think we’ll be for it I think GN price will win one and I think the other will maybe a hetter or a Smith or a chizy I appreciate I’ve made four picks there but that that I think someone from the top 16 could just boss one of them because they there be a few open doors and there should be there’ll be a few people like those that I’ve mentioned there who’ll be able to look at their brackets and think all right yeah that’s all right fine it’s also a big couple of days for look how far down I’m going Jermain mamina Gabriel Clemens Dirk Van D boder Cameron menes Mike de deer Kevin dutes Callum ridz James Wade and Andrew gilding I think you’ve been very generous there with how far down that list you’ve started possibly but and I’m all for it I like I I love your optimism Phil I think it’s a brilliant quality I think you’ve been you’ve been generous with how far down that list you were willing to start off where would you have started out of Interest G rids no see I I was always going lower because no in reality I um probably just because of the amount of shuffling that needs to go on and how many people are likely to pick up something over the course of the week because it’s it’s you would expect everyone to not blank the weekend um and when you pick up a little bit it means everyone else has to pick up a a little bit more than than you and go that little bit further um I think it’s all to play for from cam men’s up over so I think men’s de DEA dutes and rids I think you got six people fighting for for two spaces that’s what I think well when I was doing comms on Thursday with niiko we were looking Karen M’s averaging nearly 97 for the year if that was anyone else we’d be waxing lyrical like but it’s kind of gone under the radar he just keeps running into walls don’t he that’s the that that has been the problem you know we stood we stood what a meter away at the UK open cup and watched him play Gary and and like he just keeps running into players who are playing exceptionally well he doesn’t really seem to have had much of a bad spell himself but has struggled to pick up wins we saw on the Euro TOA stage just a few weeks ago again playing well um you know be Peter Wright and then Barney was it on the bounce yeah um beat Peter right beat Barney and I can’t remember who then beat him in the in the round after that but you know didn’t play badly just bumped into somebody um that that was playing really really well he’s been unfortunate I think he’s been unlucky yeah interesting right we’ mentioned a name that has been on absolute fire and that is Connor Scott played exceptionally on the The Challenge tour um at the weekend it started on the Friday in il um in The Penton where was it 21 d th000 on one leg 410s on the yeah backed it up on the challenge tour 19 I I think it was 21 no it can’t be 71 180 is 18 He Went 71 480s and then took the 110 didn’t he yes that’s what he did I thought someone put 21 but whatever it was still exceptional but he was absolutely top draw like at the challenge to her like not just the event that he won because he obviously he won an event but then as well as that I mean I think he had a quarterfinal and a I mean on the I think 15 the event on Sunday he had a he he whitewashed he had a he had a 5 nil whitewash averaging 109 like he played some unbelievable darts all weekend um the fact that he only picked up one title was like a bit strange just because of the levels that he was able to keep reaching um and he wasn’t like he wasn’t just just winning because he was playing you know he was he didn’t let’s be honest there are players who can get a favorable draw in the challenge tour and you can get you can come through a challenge T and go deep in a challenge T by picking up a nice draw like he didn’t he just played unbelievable DS all weekend really really positive yeah look Christian kiss um went back to back on the Friday something is very hard to do and we’ve seen this from kiss a when he is on he is still incredible but it just doesn’t have that consistency to back it up day after day because of the injury everything he’s going to get opportunities though because he’s right up that challenge to order of Merit now after those obviously those back toback wins sit him second does that mean though he’s just going to be one of those players that is too good for not being a t card holder but isn’t good enough to keep it because he’s too inconsistent potentially yeah yeah but most likely unless he can make a real Leap Forward um and then Conor Scott and Justin Hood winning the event on the Saturday uh Justin Hood a man we’ve seen at the Super Series um do really good things so Happy Feet but is it a coincidence that Connor Scott is playing exceptionally well again because he’s playing all the time is it a coincidence absolutely not he’s playing lots of competitive darts is he yeah and and you know the proof Dart is quite easy to analyze sometimes it’s just numbers you just look at it like if he’s if he’s bashing up people 5 nil and he’s averaging 109 and he’s like and he’s and he’s going 18 19 DS for th1 like it he his game’s there and again and that’s why like he is in far far better form than 50% of the pro T and I’m not talking about like who he’s beating it’s just the level of darts he’s able to throw the darts he is able to put into the board the minute are better than 50% of the pro to of this year we saw him turning up for events for the next couple of days is a proper threat I don’t think he win but I I would not be at all surprised if he picked up a board final over those two days no will I’ll St your question we’ll come back to that a bit later but yeah you look at the top of the challenge to order of Merit Danny yansen Christian kiss Andy Bolton con Conor Scott Wesley Placer John Henderson Daryl Pilgrim Oscar larak your top eight tidy yeah ridiculously tidy yeah none of whom would look out a play this on T no and haven’t really and I appreciate that there’s you know lost T cards are plenty among that list but they’ve all we we’ve seen extended periods of all of them you know when they were in really really quite electric form and if any one of them can find a way to make that consistent and keep that level they’re all dangerous they are but going back to gob’s question earlier that I’d be amazed if one of or two of those top eight don’t win the Tour cards but God made a good point that how many of these do we think are too good for the challenge tour but potentially not good enough to keep their card and will just yo-yo um jansen’s in great form but his action we’ve shown that his second season syndrome was really really tough kissed again we’ve just said that action has out got issues Andy Bolton is a yo-yo man historically he’s one we’ve seen on and off Connor I think will be better equipped to deal with a second shot at the pro tour my only my only concern for Connor is what we spoke about is if he’s got can’t play enough to replicate this form he’s one that needs to play 247 if he’s playing 247 we get astronomical numbers but is that said there would does he go into that better equipped and does he find ways Poss yes I I agree he may be able to find a way to replicate the pract or the the time he needs and I hope he can um again placea we’ve seen massive pigs and troughs from him when he’s good he’s very very good Henderson I think could keep it but again he’s not getting any younger the only one that I’m absolutely certain of the top eight that would go on the pro tour and keep their C is Daryl Pilgrim because youour environment and he absolutely thrives you put him in an environment to go and win that card IQ school and it all goes to pot but the level we’ve seen from him at the Super Series in the past and the level that we’ve seen from him when he steps up to play on the pro a couple of times now you think there was one season where he sat at top of the averages from one appearance 100 average loses completely ruins the stats Dan Dawson’s mind is blown for months like we see that level from him consistently and he’s the one that I’d confidently go you know what he’ll keep his card in two years time I’m I’m I’m 100% with you on there and we’ve said it for a long time that once he gets that card you’re not getting it off of him just needs to get it in the first place my I’d be worried about second season syndrome kicking in for Daryl but I think he’d be so explosive in that first year yeah yeah that he’d have less to chase to keep in that second year yeah no I I I completely um agree Adam um I’m sawing it with Matt at the moment we will have it soon don’t you worry uh also I didn’t see a lot of it over the weekend but the Asian tour returned I wish the Asian tour was on at a better time do you know what I mean so I can put more attention on it but the the the time it falls is is hard work um but pal and abraa um again had an unbelievable weekend and starting to show what talent he is uh back toback titles in Mongolia the fact thatan hasn’t made the Philippines World Cup of darks teams tells you everything you need to know about the current player of Neo and Alexis toer yeah yeah that’s unheard of in that region him and Malik then were the top two guns and now they’re they’re being pushed out almost um Perez as well obviously got a tour hard um man well an event it is an absolute crime that more attention is not paid to the asan IE by streaming it at a reasonable hour around the world or by giving it a World Series event at least one that it definitely deserves I know Niko was was talking about this on commentary last week at the Super Series as well the fact we’re banging our heads in the Netherlands for a World Series event that is meant to develop and grow the game and draw more people in who are one of the most dominant Nations the sport has ever seen in fact outside of the UK and the Bri are the most dominant Nation we’ve ever seen but we go there for a World Series but we don’t put one anywhere in Asia when we’ve seen quality from Japan over the last few years in the world cup and making the world championships and pushing people on the Philippines are becoming an absolute you’ve got Singapore Paul ly won a title this weekend the man 70 yes why why on Earth is there no World Series event in Asia it is absolutely mindboggling not about the money oh sorry it’s ridic ridiculous that it is not there um but see this annoys me as well it’s like oh if you can afford to pay for a World Series event you can have one it should be the other way around the investment should be going into those regions and then try and bring somebody on board afterwards if you go there for three years in a row making a massive loss then fine that’s when you pull out but you got to go there you look at the others as well that stands out obviously touch on there man l l winning um Gotto again we saw what a talent he could be at at the World Championships a good run and makuru Suzuki getting to a semi-final as well good to see good timing with the Women’s World match play coming up certainly is um she beat lawrencean on the way as well which was which was sent um also there was some darts in the the UK um England darts to wdf Silver events um took place at the weekend but again kind of over shadowed stuff off the board than than on it I think it’s fair to say uh across the weekend didn’t quite go according to plan I think it’s fair to say are we at any point surprised no I’m staggered as an organization it is depressing to see the state of what is effectively the national governing body like England Arts should be they represent the England Arts team at amateur Grassroots level if it’s not PDC it should go for England Arts they are ridicul ridiculously out of touch lack of social media updates technology pissing about withdrawals again we had conversations in the last week or so about them refusing entry of players I find it frustrating to the point of just like like boring like you know that’s the one thing you don’t want to be like is is even criticizing it becomes boring because like I you know like throughout life I watch people do things that are incredibly complex and they do them really competently and I think like oh is that impressive like that’s really good and then I think they can’t [ __ ] manage an open Draw like that becomes too complicated an open like an open Draw is about as easy as you can make it you put all of the names into a [ __ ] hat you take it’s like a tballer like I can teach my kids to do that in 10 minutes I’m confident I could train my kids to do an open Draw in 15 minutes yeah every time these people get their hands on one it goes to [ __ ] it’s like it’s boring so the the the the the draw itself the [ __ ] up that happened in the draw and for those that haven’t we mentioned earlier there is a video on on Matt’s Channel um go and check it out after the live Lounge because of all people to [ __ ] up the draw with doing it with Matt is almost career suicide because you know it’s going to be publicized and right yeah I I’m rightfully so so they did the draw and they didn’t put mattin as a seed although they put on the their social media following the seeds for the draw and yet then didn’t put Matt in and this is where it gets even better after then realizing they [ __ ] up instead of then scrapping that draw and doing a redraw with the seeds in the correct position they put mattin in his right full seed and then bumped everyone else down and left the draw as it is like now bear mind she’s before anyone’s thrown a [ __ ] D like and you’ve it’s honestly I feel like we’ve just spent and I I I do not like it brings out a side of myself that I don’t like because I find that like I don’t like kicking people when they’re down but when they [ __ ] keep jumping off Clips themselves you shouldn’t have done done that that was a bad thing to do um Jesus as soon as the draw is wrong it has to be scrapped and done again you can’t then just move people within a draw you can’t do it why is spent the weekend as a tournament director and I hold my hands up I’ve had to do one redraw while I’ve been doing the wild seniors but I had a 20-minute window between events to go from one to the other a player had withdrawn they were seeded or would have been seated and then the next player would have got a by and whatever else in it and literally up put really sorry guys I’ve put a player in that shouldn’t be in I can’t just give somebody a walkover because that walk over or that buy into the next round should have gone to a different seed if they’re not playing in this tournament I’ve got to do it again and everyone was like fair enough it’s an extra 10 minutes honestly it’s just like there needs some an adult they needs just an [ __ ] adult to help them like is there a grownup that can supervise these things like what honestly it’s [ __ ] infuriating like there are people though this is what pisses me off is there are people who have like traveled gone to expense like they they there are people men women children who are desperately trying to develop themselves and their career and they are deeply passionate about darts and they are being [ __ ] around every single time by people who can’t find their own ass with both hands it’s not complicated if you can’t manage it be be like mature and wise enough to step away and hand the rein over to someone who can but like and as long as you get the basics wrong like and this is the thing like and it like and I I have to be careful because I don’t want to talk directly about my actual job but organizations right when you when an organization is making fuckups like that and it’s that badly like badly organized I promise you I promise you there are aund there are aund other things that you can’t see that aren’t going right as well like there’s a hundred other things because the entire result of it and it’s always the same thing that’s wrong it’s always leadership it’s always that it’s badly LED it’s always that it’s badly LED and it’s broken like the organization is broken and and anyone that says to me it’s not badly LED like they’re they’re just wrong because because if that organization was led better then there would be systems and processes and operating procedures and everything else put in place to make sure that these things didn’t happen or if they did happen there was some there was an immediate resolution oh we know what happens when there’s when we do this wrong we do this like there there’s a grownup that they can turn and talk to and say what do I do now you do this and someone’s [ __ ] there to take the reins but that doesn’t happen the problem is with this one is there’s good people involved in England Arts ridiculous there’s people that have run tournaments over and over and over again sat there help and someone else at the top is too busy writing statuses taking all the credit for Luke ller and Bo gree success because they play for England twice it is also though and this is where and this is a bit hashed but it is just the truth it’s just reality there is a difference between good people and competent people like the world is full of good people there’s loads of them like you meet them every day they’re [ __ ] lovely like they’re dead nice they’d buy you a coffee they whatever like this world’s full of good people it’s not full of competent people and what organizations need to be successful isn’t necessarily good people it’s great when they are good that’s brilliant but what the cor needs to be before anything else is competent and and that’s that’s got to that okay that’s know not just the one or that organization that’s every organization that’s the world that we all have to live and operate in and um they’ve got to be competent and that’s what doesn’t come shining through and there are there are so many good people that are both involved in it and take part in it that it’s a real shame to see the way some of these things turn out well I’m going to read you another social media post as well this was deleted a couple of hours after about five hours afterwards but I get the impression you might have been told to delete it the England open when can they ever get it right good night on Friday the pairs the draw goes up on Saturday go to The Venue on Saturday and of course it changes not redrawn just changed and people added question mark can’t say anything like you’re manipulating the draw for the fear of being exterminated for [ __ ] sake um appreciate the draw and told it is what it is played then on Saturday sorry play down on Sunday three in our last 32 game an official starts to take the board down to our right of our game I say politely there’s a game going on here at three all he laughs at me and minute to later um just let us get off unbelievable he then proceeds um to try and throw everyone else under the bus saying um take the balls down off gez could could apologize for his mistake but no just blames others even when that’s what told the game was being played an hour has passed and the boards are still going on noow entries this weekend you go back to Cela that could be good let’s just hope it runs better it’s [ __ ] badly LED disorganized no accountability no one’s accountable so with that social media post and I haven’t listened to I haven’t listened to Matt’s videos yet but he’s going to tell the truth as always tell her how it is and I’m guessing he won’t be complimentary about the draw because it’s wrong there was someone removed from the entry this it’s on social media so it’s common knowledge now and the excuse that was given was Gob you’ll correct me if I’m wrong due to comments that were made about England arts and England Arts officials an England Arts official yeah so with that post and with with with what Matt’s probably going to noty too complimentary about it will they then refuse those entries into ah [ __ ] I haven’t got a chance of being allowed to play have I for three years officials on social media now should or will these get the same treatment as the person that was chucked out oh well again it’s it’s like I mean Matt edar is arguably arguably one of their most marketable players that takes part in their events and as a big following and like yeah let’s again like if you were the person running the WWF you would be Ro like you let’s be honest you’re trying to grow an organization you try to bring sponsorship to each trying to bring names to it trying to people want to play that you would surely to God you would find the person that has probably the biggest audience of anyone else that’s going to walk through the door that day like you i’ be [ __ ] taking him out for tea i’ be sending him Christmas presents and like because surely you want them to protect that person but now you you make a precedent for yourself where you either look like a complete hypocrite where you were just having a dig up one you just didn’t want that person so you selected you’ve selectively decided oh because that person’s done that like and where like they can’t be allowed in again I feel like we’ve teed him up a little bit for this because I’m not sure he knows who we’re talking about no but he doesn’t but I also like the fact this is keep going dad keep going on your on your train of thought and then we’ll spill a little bit more then but like you can’t have well again you can’t run an organization with inconsistent rules and and if that rule is not is is because if you do especially when the rule pertains to you not allowing players to take part in events because it just looks like you are just [ __ ] picking and choosing willy-nilly who isn’t isn’t then allowed to play based on your personal preference if you want them there or not so what it tells me is if they like Matt Edgar he won’t get that same sanction he’ll be allowed back again or if they want him to continueing making videos if they don’t want him to make videos about their [ __ ] [ __ ] events then they probably will bar him won’t there well I’m actually really pleased Dan that you’ve said that without knowing who the person is no I genuinely don’t and now [ __ ] because you’ve given it as an honest thing of we just told you someone was chucked out for being rude on social media to an official the person in question was Samantha Lewis who identifies as trans who identifies as trans oh Fair news well the excuse was you that she was removed because of her inappropriate comments about an England darts official well there you have it you have my genuine take on that for the reality and and and that is but it is what it is though you canot and so now again like how do you then want to be perceived as an organization now bear in mind like and I’m veering slightly but there’s a football club who you you a lot of people didn’t had never heard of yet yesterday it’s about three four miles from where I live thornaby FC you see both of you nodded no one’s [ __ ] heard of thornaby ever do you know why everyone in Britain’s heard of thornaby today because they made a ridiculously poorly thought out decision that was then communicated really badly on social media and everybody in the country who has a loose interest in sports thinks they’re scumbags that’s what’s and it happened in 24 hours right that was it 24 hours done never never welcome again at the table now so what I am now waiting for from the WWF is consistency in their rules like find it get in touch with everyone who has criticized somebody on social media and bar them from their events or just put a statement out to say actually um it’s just when we fancy not letting anyone in that’s what we say well here’s one on this are we getting close to the wdf having to step in here because ultimately they’re the governing body over this to to do something when the boo were messing up draws for major events the wdf removed the beo as the sanctioning body correct they stepped in now I saw a tweet earlier in the week someone saying oh it was about the Mongolian open this weekend and they’re like oh isn’t it brilliant that the wdf are putting on these events and giving players like this the chge a couple of the I think there was a 14year old Mongol in that that went deep in one of the events and we’re seeing Paul that’s not technically the case what happens in the WF is the Nations or the organizations ofin those country can apply to affiliate themselves with the WF and then they can apply for sanctions and ranking points for each of their events so the WF don’t actually do that they they basically I don’t know how to explain it elsewhere or comparative but they don’t run any of these tournaments or events they leave it to someone else and then you pick up WF points that go towards their world championships and their major events they can remove those sanctions or that affiliation at any point to any of these organizations if they’re not following the WF rules now England will paint it one way we’ve seen the comments painted the other way about the removal of Samantha Lewis from the event before this weekend took place now we see a mess up withdraws it’s been rumored that the England Bard are quite against trans participation in women’s events in there and now they found a loophole this is something that has been murmuring away in darts for a long long time now again it would fall on the WF to prove this but it’s getting very very close to that line where they’re gone 100% And then there’s no England participation in the home Nations you even have a home Nations event if england can’t play Do you have a Nations event if there’s no England team I just you lose another silver event from your calendar that that wor I think is how much England darts contribute and provide to that wdf ecosystem and that they provide national teams for your World Cup for your six nations for your home Nations and whatever not Flagship events but events that actually whilst they don’t have a shedload of TV events are ones that draw attention to the wdf model and brand and look you can go and play for your country isn’t this brilliant Scott Mitchell look at Tom syes absolutely flying right now Luke gliter and Bo Greaves are both play for England that they’re big spinning points for the WF system right now in an era where it’s never been more competitive that that’s our next topic of conversation but as long as that logo is on the top of the England darts page then every single shenanigan reflects barad every single decision every single like so the big letter like you you open that you open the website up England do I was only having a quick look there at the diary see if there’s anything I could enter just just just wondering if I’d be allowed um but it literally said big letters right across the top so you got the wdf logo at the top of the page before the before you get to the England darts logo you know England darts recognized as the ruling body for the sport of DS by the world darts Federation big letters right across the top of the website which to me like call me an amateur but that means that all of the not the the above that we’ve discussed the exclusion of players and then the non-c consistently of not sanctioning other people that have criticized people on social media all very video has only been out 90 minutes give it a chance he’s got away on Facebook and sending DM but which by the way was how the player was removed not in an capacity not via email not through an England darts Organization for a personal Facebook account of one of board members but as long as that takes place and it’s in the public domain that that’s taken place the wdf until they come out and criticize it until the DF come out and like hold somebody accountable right accountability again that doesn’t seem to be there it’s like they they are going to suffer also their L their loss of reputation that reputational damage is going to be it’s going to carry through to the wdf by proxy because they’re going to be seen to just be allowing this like shotgun approach to being a ruling body a national ruling body for DS and let’s be honest like can you e even just the few things that we’ve discussed tonight just those few things and then to use the phrase like the national ruling body come on really well off the back of this we do have some very good news for the amateur game that dropped literally 40 minutes before we were coming on air um the ADC have announced the global Championship to bring the Cur and down on the end of season every year in collaboration with the motor Super Series yes the total prize fund of £85,000 I am just going to get the press release up here and read off of it and then we’ll discuss so the announcement is ADC Global Championship mod of Super Series to host the inaugural ADC Global Championship the amateur Dart circuit the ADC will stage a new Landmark event in December 2024 in collaboration with the motor Super Series the inaugural ADC Global World Championship will see 24 players compete for a share of the prize fund of 85,000 with the first Global Champion set to pocket in excess of £25,000 the event will take place over two weeks from Monday the 9th to Sunday the 22nd of December 2024 at the motors live loue in Portsmouth and will be streamed on the motor Super Series YouTube channel the the event will feature um the top ranked ADC players from various ranking systems including the top two women from the W ADC tour the adc’s four top players from the UK rankings will be joined by the top four um UK winm Tour player rankings in addition the number one ranked player from southern Europe Belgium east Europe the Netherlands Nordic rankings will be awarded places along with the balux open Champion further spots will be filled V via qualifying events from oceanana South Africa the Netherlands Belgium Ireland uh North UK south UK and a world seniors qualifier uh then we’ve got some quotes from Scott uh let’s go down to the next bit um the event will follow the format of the motor super series with 12 players competing in best of seven group games each week to week Saturday night’s finals um one of the six players finals night and then Grand finals on Sunday the 22nd of December let me go to page two to see if anything on there we need to bring up before we discuss it’s the money uh the grand finals will carry a prize fund of 55,000 with the winner claiming the 25,000 first prize additional prize money will be received for the qualifying weeks in addition a 1,000 bonus prize will be offered for a nine Dara hit during Grand finals the quarterfinals will be played over best of 11 semi-finals best of 13 and the grand Finals over best of 17 uh more details on the qualifying event to be announced soon we’ve been calling on this for a long time it’s now here um I’ve got a couple of bits on it as well but first of all this is a very very good thing for the amateur game it’s existence very very good link up with a super series despite the fact I is very good the venue is built for something like this y that’s what it’s there for you’re not good there isn’t a better stage to play darts on there’s no excuses we’ll get some crowd in look there won’t be a crowd well it’ be brilliant if there was a crowd every day and this is marketed that way the one drawback and concern I have is the time of year that’s on my list as well because that point you’re going up against the WF world championship and the PDC World Championship there will be an overlap with both of those things but and this is probably like so I tend to agree on on all I think they I think the qualification is is superb I I love the idea of everywhere that they’re taking people from from I think it’s absolutely brilliant like perfect I’m not a fan of the format only because I don’t like the idea of this event lifting the super series format I didn’t even realize I didn’t read that far until F ready out there um I would have liked if they’d have come up with their own format my assumption and and you two might be able to answer me you might is that it they wouldn’t go nose to nose and run alongside the same timings as the PDC by and large would they look to avoid that like we like we see with the super no we we see Super Series running on Thursday evenings getting started after the Premier League finishes like is and and if that’s the case if they’re going to look at their day their programming and fitting that not running really had you know hard against the PDC is it a really clever strategy in benefiting from everyone in the country being in doubts mode at that that time and watching loads of doubts and and and and taking it you know taking and and capitalizing on that um I’m not sure my overarching view is those if was to run anything in that it wouldn’t be in those three weeks probably oh certainly that last week personally it’s mint because I knock off early for Christmas and I’m almost guaranteed to be available and like free to travel down to Portsmouth to take in some of that Dan you’ve got to stay at home and do the Fallout bar because if it’s linked up with the Super Series I’m going to be in the building and kind along the stream yeah but you’ve got internet now I can stop with your house I can come back and do the Fallout there so yeah I completely agree but one it’s fabulous now the ADC have got an end of season tournament it’s something we’ve been calling for for a long long time and I’m not calling it a world champion is mint in an era where there are far too many world champions that that is a massive plus yeah um I’m I’m with you I’m skeptical of the times because I want as many eyes on it as possible and I’m not sure at that time of year all eyes will be on it well it is it is pre Christmas PDC is though isn’t it like it’s not like it’s running hard against you know last 32 no but the the Grand Final on the Sunday the 22nd I would want all eyes on that because I think it’s going to be brilliant but you’re you’re gonna be going up against a double session at Ali p and that’s my concern that it won’t get the eyes on it it deserves because everyone will be watching Alexandre Palace my next concern is Staffing it because everybody that’s your top tier broadcast team that we have at the Super Series are the talk sport team correct again I remain available at that time of year to travel down to P the the other thing that I said to Dan about offer and I’ll say it again the both organizations the Super Series and the ADC as well also have to make it feel special and not just a specials week for the Super Series do you know what I mean yeah will we see and do you think I think that’s referee in a different color polo shirt and get some more branded on the stage do we I was going to say do you think we see a different stage image um obviously we might see different sponsors because I assume that the ADC sponsors of will be looking for sponsors for this event I mean I would be if I was in charge of them I’d be looking for sponsors for this event and the first thing I’d want to sell is that sponsor image on the stage yeah like that’s what so I think and immediately you change the look by the you know straight away don’t you yeah and I’m sure the powers at be both will get this right but I think that’s something important that they have to get right is it has to look and feel different to anything from a super series week do you know what I mean has to be different slides have to be everything has to be different to make it feel as special as it should be do you know what I mean why I would like a a a change in format just to just to make it really clear to because when you turn it on you we don’t want to look at and you don’t you don’t want people tuning in and thinking oh it’s a super series it’s a special week they’ve put a different stage on or they’ve got some new sponsors like you know and and I think that even just a slight change in format would have done that it would have made it really clear that this isn’t that this is something else this is this is a big special thing that happens once a year um that would have been my I would have thought just a slight change in format might have done that I mean I don’t know how to phrase it or how to say it but I guess we know why the format staying the same because of who the product is initially designed for and propped up by and that’s still going to be a big point of look of course it is put bombs on seats every single day for two weeks solid so if you’ve not got ticket sales you’ve got to fund your prize fund somehow yeah no exactly which is why I get it which is why I say that it has to feel different yeah is the thing otherwise if it’s just the same format and looks the same I think the general public watching it will just go oh it’s a specials week you know and I don’t want that because I want want it to be given the full treatment it deserves because it is brilliant um uh I disagree with the way the world is now the way people consume content is completely different if we if we’re going back five or six years I would agree that TV is a must but the way people have Smart TVs the way people consume content now I think you if you if you’ve got a successful broadcast on YouTube it’s as good as a TV broadcast yeah I’ve noticed so when when it was on sporty stuff I had the you know Sky Q Link on that you know and it would just drop there into my recordings all the time now if anything else it’s it’s sort of the same in that I just on the because it’s a smart T everything’s got the YouTube app connected to you just press YouTube and there it is there anyway so it still doesn’t you still don’t have to watch it live you can watch on catchup you can fast forward it you can pause it you can do you it it really if you want to watch it like if you want to watch it you can like you you you can watch it anyone can watch it if they want to and argue so then all you’re missing out on in theory is your sort of Channel flickers you know those who are flicking through the channels looking for some to watch and stumble upon you like I can’t remember what number on Sky sporty stuff was but if it’s a [ __ ] well it’s a dry night isn’t it like if you’ve got that far through just flicking up up up up up what chance on someone who’s never watched darts before like you know sticking with it like I think they know that it’s a targeted Market who tune in like they’re not really looking for channel switches you know Channel flickers to stumble upon it are they with this announcement does this change the landscape for am doarts especially within the UK because this is the thing that we’ve said that the wdf still had the advantage over does this now change the status quo I think you see a few more flocking towards the Tour Championship the fact they closed entries on that previously because it was over subscribed they’ve got to find a way to accommodate more people now for the the tour events that we’ve seen up in Middlesboro and I think there’s the next one in Alsbury Etc like next two in Ellsbury yeah yeah you’ve got to ensure that your event can hold as many people that are going to want to be there now you’ve just dangled a massive carrot in front of people you need that to be open to as many as possible yeah also a senior’s qualifier I missed that bit just what I need another weekend away from home that’s you getting that’s graft for you man that’s putting on the table though these people are putting red on the table well it means it’s going both ways though because actually as part of the announcements made by the world senior DS tour uh in February at the the World Championships heading towards 2025 there will be a spot for an over 50 ADC player at the world senior DS Championship so this is their way of re reciprocating that I guess and we’ll have an over 50 seniors player in the ADC Global Championship but I think that’s I mean truely that is amateur darts yeah working well is it like that’s that’s the power that that can be bought when you work together and this is it and and if if you and and but what that is is that’s that’s grown-ups establishing themselves as competent and trustworthy people you know who do what they say and say what they do and and and then you can form relationships because you can trust that they’ll happen like it’s very difficult to form relationships when you like you know it’s difficult to make a relationship with someone when you’re 90% sure that their event either won’t go ahead or will be a catastrophe um you know when when you when you are when you’ve got that Assurance there um you know it’s easier for everybody to come to the table yeah I I just think it’s I I think it’s a great move for the amateur game um it’s another massive tick and a massive plus I think he’s really really good um so kudos to all involved um what else have we missed what a talking points week one yes week one of the new Modo super series series and look what a what a final it was I like both Lads that were in in the final part of me was a little bit guide for Justin but then the other half of me was really really happy for for for Tom Sykes um we’ll do Tom first of all what a player he is developing into love his action love his application and I starting to put him in the same bracket as Daryl Pilgrim that could be a massive danger once he gets his card yeah he is one of the most well equipped players we’ve seen come through those doors right now and the scary thing is he got six months more until realistically he’s not allowed in that building again because yeah right now there’s absolutely no doubt in my mind that that Tom SS picks up a tour card next year 100% he is a fantastic Talent his scorer and power ridiculous bit of a first start Merchant but he also has the ability the players I absolutely love right now in the AM game are the players that can ignore a dart that just sits below the wire and throws straight through it as if it’s not even there y and Tom syes is one of them and another one that I’m quite big on didn’t have the best weekend at the challenge tour this weekend is Joe craft the fact that they can just absolutely ignore a dart sitting below but are also Adept at switching around right that that’s the thing it’s not we just glutton for punishment and only play on the treble 20 Alan Martin Adams last week it’s if we can get through that we’re going to ignore the fact that that blocker is there but we’re also confident enough to go well I’m on 262 so I need to use the 18s or yeah yeah 306 so I should start downstairs or 271 19s like they’re the big giveaway sign that the players know what they’re doing as well at the moment yeah Tom is incredibly well back Yorkshire is not a small County but they’re one that is possibly under represented at the very very top of the game at the minute uming their history yes yeah um great lad great mentality great application taking everything in this stride as well um just fantastic talent and so much nerve as well the amount of times we’ve seen that in last leg deciders and and the ability to just but 28s in a decided leg ridiculous yeah um oh yeah look an incredible Talent um and will go on to very good things but also what I’m going to say here is nothing I haven’t said to Justin either but could you imagine how good Justin Smith could be if he applied himself a little bit more when he came in on I’m not even sure it’s out yet Challenge on the Thursday I was like damn that is seriously good yeah um if he applied himself a little bit more again he is a PDC player in Waiting he’s that I’m not even sure it’s application you know there’s a little technicality in his throw where he brings it round to set and if he holds it there for half not even half a second but a little pause at the top Solid sometimes he brings it round because he’s got not not as dramatic but he sets it in place from the side he doesn’t quite let it get there before he wants to get rid of it yeah I don’t when he was missing it was a a brilliant brilliant final from great finals as well let’s not forget Bradley Roose really struggled at the start of the week I had couple of conversations with at the side I know a couple other people did as well wrist injury but also I think what wasn’t mentioned was the fact that Bradley qualified for Champions week through series seven like week two week three it then had an awful long time sitting around to play in that Champions week gets a Champions week in a tough Group B orc whichever one it was and doesn’t quite deliver in an incredibly competitive Champions week so it doesn’t go to plan he spends half a week visiting red dragon where he’s tinkering about with custom made darts a little he had them on him during Champions week used them on the second day because there wasn’t really a lot to play for by them and then it’s rocked up again and it’s not gone to plan day one and day two for somebody who is World youth champion and expects levels of himself and and competitive us to not be producing what we what we saw from Bradley last week was was a young player learning and growing yeah and I’m glad that nobody’s really gotten his back at this point because when we saw and even younger Leighton Bennett at the lakeside stro him when he’s missed a dart or or not quite going his way he got hammered for being petulent well there was a moment I think it was on Tuesday that Bradley did have a real petulant moment but I I believe that the gentleman and the Godfather of darts that he is that Wolfie put a little arm around him in the practice room afterwards and on and on Wednesday and we didn’t see it again which 100% I can live with that every young player at some point will have a petulent moment but it’s learning from it and the way Wolfie put an arm around him and I think that helped Bradley as well yeah but that’s hey a perk of the format isn’t it one it can absolutely destroy you can get caught up in losing and being a r but actually it gives you a second chance to get back out of this the maturity and the turnaround from Bradley into that group c campaign and then into finals night as well which an incredibly tough finals that but made the semi-finals two fantastic semi-finals well I’m going to shout out the other semi-finalists in a minute was incredible yeah that that’s that’s the level that we don’t see from some professionals but to be able to turn it around that short space of time and put it behind him and reestablish himself as dominant in the group that he ended up in was fantastic from him and that’s something he’s got to keep with him for when he’s inevitably back uh next year or next series or or whatever way it falls in that one and onto the development tour and Beyond the other player in the semi finals that we absolutely must talk about the Andy Hamilton Resurgence h is so so good yeah I’m with you his on Thursday night was unbelievable 100 100% yeah everything he’s doing is it’s working isn’t it yeah yeah it was so so good to be fair the whole the group b itself was was brilliant revino there’s definitely a a young diamond in there that can be molded um first time I’d seen him up close and look there was inconsistencies but there was enough in there to say look that if he carries on there there’s a player within there I thought Jamie Kellen was solid again had the Y catch in was it 105 um and again narly missed out in a good group it was just an all around good flavor yeah had the best view of it yeah gave this Saturday night yeah you carry on pal um another one that came out in over the week it come up in the chat room uh doesn’t look looks like a bit of a bit of split between Leon Bennett and his management company prompted me when you said there um a little bit murky that everyone has seen those videos um look I’m just going to say how it is Leon’s a very lucky lad he wasn’t arrested yeah I’m I’m fairly surprised that he wasn’t and I can only assume he’s benefited from that not being a particularly a sport that is really under the under the you know under the microscope of of the of the broader mainstream media and and the fact that their focus is loot lit and everything else because you do sort of think it would have only took one mainstream journalist to pick up on that and get you know get sent that in the wrong WhatsApp chat or something like that before it gathers some wheels and he I I feel like he’s totally got away with one there he might not feel like it but in the grand scheme of things he he probably has yeah look what goes on behind closed doors look we we don’t know but just in terms of those videos he’s a very lucky lad I mean we know an awful lot of what goes on behind closed doors this is what we do but yeah 100% look he is a young man who has a ridiculous amount of talent but as the years go on the stories get more and more ridiculous about his behavior and where he’s being led and and where he ends up or the actions that he then produces off the oy and he will the worry right now is that Leon Bennett becomes a warning of what not to be for players in the jdc system yeah you have end up with the jacquel Hyde at the top you have two pict one of l l one of Le Bennett do this don’t do this yeah they they will be compared and contrasted 100 the next 30 Years what what I know and and again there’s probably well you know there’s people who be far more in in the loop on these things than I but obviously there’s been a separation from his management company and what he needs is for whomever is taking over that management um to to like to do you know to to be and I don’t know who it is but I I I I hope whoever it is they are able to guide him um because he probably does need and clearly from the actions that we have seen he needs some uh Direction and control and and and and if that management New Management can given him that direction and control then we could have a hell of a dark player that had a bit of a blip and that and that is really what he need the little bit it feels like like a bit of a Rudd ship and there’s clearly been some problems between that uh I don’t know it almost felt a little bit like an overlap potentially or if there wasn’t an overlap he maybe tried to you know there’s clearly been some complications between that move that shift but it can just be hope that um the new management team and stable that he he ends up aligned with are able to guide him and lead him and develop him into a you know functioning civilized member of society who’s also very very good at DS for for me part of that is an if if he ends up with a new management team now we know that the break reported was because he was allegedly trying to make a break but actually now that it’s been reported in such a way do you still pursue him in that manner somebody will won’t they will they I I mean because look there’s another line in that statement that says that invest that they hope that he’s the investigations around him or whatever aren’t Jack there are football there are there are sports agents and management companies who have taken on willingly far far far bigger problems than Leon Bennett with a smile on their face because there might be a few quid in it for them um let’s not let’s not pin everybody with they outed out a management company or the one that he was talking to or whatever do you do you then look bad publicly if you announce him a week later or two weeks later and if there is still investig do you take that risk early or do you wait until you see the outcomes of whatever his former management we hinting at I think the one he was talking to will probably know about the stuff that was being hinted at yeah I would Hazard a guess yeah you would assume that they’re not finding things out for the first time wouldn’t you you you would assume that they’ve been probably already offering some guidance to him on how to deal with the situation as it unfolds um but like we say interesting uh to see uh right get your questions in can’t finish up a live L that question time while you get those in have we missed anything else boys I feel like now is a really really really good time to remind everybody that we will be doing this in person unless than four weeks and we’ve not given anybody the location all the Brandon all gone yes join us here at this time because we will get some you live in the middle ofing nowhere and we need to get a few more people to come and watch us chat [ __ ] in person uh we will get some stuff out this week but it is going to be Saturday the 6th of June a lie Dan you can tell him where it is yeah it’s the Billingham Catholic Club it’s not a Catholic Club it’s just an old name of a building um but it’s yeah we’re going to be in the G hopefully hopefully we get the weather because we got nice big Marquee outside outdoor bar we’ve got a stage set up so we’ll be able to do some content and interviews and Chats on the stage with some backdrops and we’ got some darts boards set up so we can do some bits with some darts as well um there’s a there’s a band on from I think probably about halfast 6 7 o’clock so we’ll probably be spending the afternoon doing afternoon things there’s a band on inside so anybody that’s in into that sort of thing will can go inside and enjoy that we’ll probably be outside in the Marquee until God knows when um it’s going to be good fun we’re going to put there’s going to be loads of Real L on be loads of other stuff on as well s might even like the barbecue um Adam good question the unlikely but if england do make the final where [ __ ] I said unlikely but if if if they do I do believe there is a plan in action for the match play times to move yeah there will be wouldn’t talk about this in previous years Haven we yeah the the the same as it in mine head when they did that super long session yeah that there will be a plan for if england are in the final the darts will not clash with the final no no if it does I’ll be watching the football sorry not sorry the Grand Slam schedule is out and once again we’ll play all of the finals on the same day yeah um at the moment he is still suspended um pending in an investigation by the Dr how long that investigation will take or how long down the road it is I don’t know but until that investigation has been concluded he is suspended my guess is that there will also be a suspension after the um investigation I couldn’t resist a chuckle there just because the wording of the question was he couldn’t play in the PDC or darts in general and immediately sometimes sometimes my brain just paints scenarios in it really fast and IM me when it said in just baned from darts in general that he would be completely banned and that like he wouldn’t be allowed a board up in his house and someone would go around you know like the equivalent of the TV license man just to like make sure that he hasn’t put a board up in his house like we like just to double like looking through the windows to make sure he’s not throwing DS if if they catch him they extend his suspension even further um yeah go youve got the seniors I genuinely thought we talked about it Noe told you I don’t know what that is uh yeah two events in New then Matt Clark picking up a title in the first one that played him really nicely in the race to the tavern the new one-year ranking list at the top four of that not already qualified elsewhere will book their spot of the world championship and then it was a welcome return to the winner circle for Robert Thornton a while since he’s picked up a seeing’s title he played brilliantly on a Sunday as well um much needed uh I don’t want to too much but uh could be quite a significant shift in the rankings in the next few weeks interesting um you could play in England darts again if he doesn’t insult anyone on social media he’s probably well he probably [ __ ] welcome any he probably probably more can we go back to that though how long does that investigation take it’s not as if they need to go to the venue to get the [ __ ] CCTV could pull it off Twitter for Christ’s sake yeah it’s I mean they’re [ __ ] busy three eyewitness accounts him the marker and the other player about what happened put him in and have a conversation and then [ __ ] get it done yeah to be fair and I agree like why doesn’t someone just say we just put that meeting in on Tuesday morning yeah we just do that and it’ be done by Tuesday lunchtime yeah why is it taking this long we could be in weather spoons by 12:00 let’s deal with him on Tuesday morning and get cracked on you could take the meeting in Spoons on their Wi-Fi um yeah this is the Dr talking now meeting could be in spoons they just do what they want then they not saying that’s right by the way but it’s just they do things that we’ll get case notes for three years ago soon we still don’t have the second half of 2023 I’ve just looked no I know yeaha yeah so yeah your guess is as good as mine uh Brock we talk about mg’s action um last week I just think that mechanical changes have snuck in and he’s not addressed them and it’s ended up in the position we are now we spoke about it quite a lot last week yeah there’s there’s a fun line between a throw naturally evolving and a throw that is going to cause you serious issues and My worry is that Michaels May well end up in the second category because he’s overworking it and because his combat to that is to go up in weight of the darts so they’re going to work even harder um but the fact that Michael is aware of issues with his throw and is’s working with vavor Etc to try and put those right yeah yeah no I don’t don’t disagree um at all um everyone thank you very very much for the last few hours this will be available as an audio only in the morning so we’ll be available on all good podcast providers but thank you very much for your time as always if you haven’t yet make sure drop us a like And subscribe to the channel plenty going on and all social media platforms Facebook Twitter Instagram threads Tik Tok You Name It We are on it um but boys it’s been a really really good show as always thank you very much for your time um we will be back again next week but plenty going on so here at online DS thank you very much myself Phil bars Jack gwin and Dan Simpson and we’ll see you all very very soon [Music] bye fire all [Music]


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