The UCI Downhill World Cup made its way back to the beautiful mountains of Val Di Sole, Italy for round 4! Check out the race highlights as the 2024 UCI Downhill World Cup season gets going Italian style.

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    The UCI Mountain Bike World Series unites mountain bike’s major formats under a single brand for the first time. The new UCI Mountain Bike World Series includes the UCI Mountain Bike World Cup for Cross-country Olympic (XCO), Cross-country Short Track (XCC), Cross-country Marathon (XCM), Downhill (DHI), Enduro (EDR) and E-enduro (E-EDR).

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    [Music] as we reached the halfway point of the season last year’s overall Champs have been dominating so far but over the last few days there have been rumors of something special Brewing from two former Champs plus there are new Elite Riders getting themselves firmly in the mix to add to all the drama this weekend they take on the most demanding course on the circuit the black snake of V solle just who will come out on top this is honestly the hardest course we’re going to have all year for sure yeah we’ve seen many many about at least 30 Riders yesterday going to speak to the Medics which is a a huge number Aaron we’re just taking a look at the full course run where does the difficulty start I think you’re going to say at the top uh yeah in the first turn probably I think the key section though is going to be this last half of the track today it’s uh it’s so physical the riders that are able to kind of have some energy at the bottom keep that aggression up I think that’s where it’s going to be one or lost you definitely can’t afford to give away time at the top but is so physical here that you’re kind of just hanging on at the bottom and you got to keep making time down okay it’s about to get real it’s about to get real okay Dakota Norton had his own dramas yesterday with a bit of a technical malfunction on the track this type of Rider whose setup would suit V perfectly yeah he was telling me this morning he switched a line up here at the top of the track in this first wood section he thought it was maybe a little smoother we’ll see what the time tells us the time tells us that Dakota nordon is back he’s 2.4 up in the top split he’s made his way through the rain at the top you can see that rain visor in the front of his helmet there just to keep a little bit of the rain drops and splatter off his goggles you can see a tear off lens on the goggles and he continues to push and accelerate forward he’s 3.9 seconds up at the second split toota Norton it’s putting something special down here this afternoon 5.9 seconds up Dakota Norton is tearing this track apart he didn’t even make the finals last year he had a ordinary semi-finals here today but he’s put it together when it counts Dakota Norton 5.9 seconds up as he comes into the Finish Arena over 20 M careful two whe drip look like he might have come out of the clip but he’s back in now he clicks another gear he was to the line Dakota Norton crosses the line with a 3 43.8 6 seconds up wow that was incredible Dakota Norton you got to be happy with that you’re shaking your head in astounded astounded 127 beats a minute in the whoop D he’s ready for this as he almost sucks the front in the first corner he did this in Leo gang last week got all grumpy but he recovered flawlessly loic bruny he crashed in qualification in semi-finals yesterday he put in a great morning but he’s been struggling a little bit with the treacherous conditions out there hold on to it LO yeah I’m very curious to see how this goes immediately shows the Dakota put down something special gets that inside line as we saw earlier here if anyone can rally and bring this back it is the man himself Lo bruny he’s come off two victories so far if he were to win here that is a clear statement to the rest of his competitors Lo bruny must resettle here and focus back in he’s not riding with the same anticipation we’ve seen before he’s riding in the moment right now which may be a little detrimental to the time outside line carrying good speed he’s lost a bit of time there he’s put it he’s lost 1 second to Dakota through that middle sector launches long off the Rock drop he’s coming into the Finish Arena here what can he show for us he’s 2.8 back from Dakota Norton yeah he doesn’t look bad just looks like he’s kind of fighting that flow a little bit we’ve seen him so dialed in this year when he’s in the zone maybe not quite there but this is still going to be a solid ride for him he’s almost a victim of his own Perfection Lo bruny to the line he’s still charging hard what has he got in store he’s got in store 347 which is good enough right now for the second fastest time of the day yeah for sure the expectations come with when you finally done it you got to kind of to be consistent at this level is so hard but he’s put down solid runs every weekend so I think it’s just going to be more and more progress from this boy as it keeps going he’s hit threshold from the start gate and he’s held it all the way to the Finish Line Ronan dun Sprints across the line 173 beats on the Ronan D crosses the line here in B with a 44 a 3 48.6 he’s got a couple of Corners to go before he can get out into the open he’s still within that same second of Dakota so he’s on Pace in the middle second here he’s made up a little bit of time so he is getting faster towards the bottom just tag that is so blind coming in there Andre cornering to land right on the back side of where they spray painted that rock pink man that is a clutch move he’s doing good here though the time is slipping back a little bit from Dakota but his finish position is actually moving forward he’s charging to the line big sprint to go the andun fire but the leg should be somewhat ready to Sprint what has what has Luca got for as he goes 7.2 back 351 looks so easy looks so easy he’s touched the ground more than once this week but he’ll be eager to put it together today Aaron that does not look to be drying at the top of the hill just hard to kind of figure out what it is that kind of triggers that some days oh oh l oh no hold on to it boy hold on to it get back up there oh Lis is coming a little bit hot and heavy it’s a bit spicy up there you can see the shiny rocks that is going to cost him so much time he was 3.4 back so maybe an early mistake just before we got to see that top split time there coming through there almost in the same time so he did refind himself he did regather himself and he will charge across the line and that Tre Factory racing gravity bike Loris verier comes across the line with the 354 a little bit safer avoid the big mistake oh yeah and he’s right in touch look at this that early aggression out of the start gate has paid off cuz he’s point two off toota Norton so we’ll be finally going to see someone TR on it he almost gets ejected out the front door Troy broen asked Canyon to make him a bike that can win and they delivered everything he asked for will it be enough today he’s 1.7 back this is the Troy broen we know and love and he is charging all the way to the Finish Line he’s got two to go he almost Los the front the final quarter Aaron yeah it was maybe a little tighter than he wanted to be getting out of there with the exit speed he goes awesome run here definitely f for a great finish come on he’s going to ped to the line he has not touched these breaks in seconds look at him Sprint one of the most powerful Riders on the circuit Troy brosen lunges to the line to claim second place and an incredible run he’s had a bit of drama last week oh look how calm he is yeah 122 this could be a massive run absolute Danger Man on this course the question is going to be can Finn hold it together if you’re overly aggressive here today I think that this track is going to make you pay Finn has been on pce since practice day one of the only Riders when it was super muddy first day of practice that actually seemed to really be enjoying the track and working with it had a couple of crashes this weekend but doesn’t seem to have deterred him very con very uh consistent yesterday I think second in quality and second in semis so definitely finding consistency on a track where it’s very difficult to do that oh I get that low line but my goodness he exited with some speed there got to get through this tight little wiggle here where we’ve seen all the is choos to go around the outside play it a little bit safe that’s a probably a good call it’s definitely a good call he’s charging he’s 6 up he’s 6 up on Dakota Norton so he is right on Pace here as he enters into the woods the first sector we’ve seen is crucial oh he gets a little bit wild coming down there he’s just got to regain it goes main line with confidence key part he’s got to exit this corner well oh he lost a little bit of speed there but has he maintained that five [Music] yeah we missed that section on camera but I think he’s still on Pace here the bike’s looking good not hanging up oh he’s losing a little back full second back now a so he’s had a bit of bit of a mistake there he lost 1.4 seconds so Something’s Happened which threw not only a Cameron man but through fin off he’s got a reset we’ve seen plenty of time be made up in this lower section of track not only is the race round on the cards but so is the overall the overall series lead 174 on the BL heart rate he chares to the bottom what got for us can he make up that deficit of9 of a second can he knock Troy broen off the second place seat what has he got for us the young Canadian crosses the line with a 344 and goes second n back from D back into his familiar and favorite position as the last man down the hill Emory Pon is on track and he’s got it all against him he would know exactly what Dakota Norton has done he’s watched the course conditions changed all afternoon he’s been in this position before he’s one of their greatest mountain bike downhill athletes emry Pon is’s on track here in val solle trentino that looked about as good of a start as you could hope for what return this would be if this man can pull this off after everything he’s been through with the injury last year missed the whole season huge injury lot of time off the bike man he’s looking good and this if you were going to pick a track in conditions that would sue Amry I would say this is about as good as it gets 2018 oh man he’s already up by a full second after the first Split Second Emory Peron is on one he’s over a second up on Dakota Norton 2018 was the last time we saw Emory Pon take the win here he knows what it takes to win in valou and he knows what it what it is going to take to claim the victory here today that looks so good to be able to hop High there and then slow yourself self down and go all the way around the inside of that right hand corner that takes so much control on the roots to be able to do this this absolutely looks like the Amory that we are used to seeing winning these races year after year if anyone can handle the pressure and handle the stress coming into a race like this with the weather with the deterioration of track with being the last man standing it’s Emory Pon he’s been fighting for this moment he’s been thinking about this moment for months and months and months and this is going to taste as sweet as ever he’s w one sector down he’s 1 second up oh he gets the inside look at that I was going to say I cannot pick this apart at all looks like he’s doing everything absolutely perfect the momentum he’s carrying there’s no naess in his riding he’s skipping over the tops of the holes look at that short way down around that corner just diving into the outside this is incredible he’s 2.7 seconds up he doesn’t doesn’t just drop over the Rocks he jumps over them he gets that inside line we almost saw Troy broen tuck the front end on he’s carrying exceptional speed look at the speed and the momentum oh look at that l oh hold on to it buddy oh just ping pong b ball through there Emory Pon is charging here leaving no stoned unturned he’s charging down the hill he gets the pre oh wow this is one of those faite bit I can’t believe what we’re watching here what a return to form if you thought Amory was out of the picture you have made a big mistake you have made a big mistake 4.1 seconds up here we’ve been watching Dakota’s time be untouched all day but the man the myth the legend Emory Pon the return is back and in fine form oh he slaps the pivotal Corner Max common cell hold on to your hat mate here he comes this is vintage Emory Peron this is some of the best riding we have ever seen from this young man and he has picked an incredible moment to pull it back out of the bag Emory Pon continues to lead his 4.3 up into the final couple of sectors don’t lose focus come that’s going to do it he’s just got to get around this flat left-hander here and he’s pretty much home free hold on to it buddy he made the final corner there’s no Sam Hill incidences here today he’s got one big sprint finish to go he’s over 63 km an hour ladies and gentlemen Emory Pon claims the win here in val trentino for round four of your UTI downhill World Cup what a performance what a run what a champion in emry Pon what a comeback I was just going to say wait till you see the emotions come out of this kid right now after everything he went through last year I would say that is the best I’ve ever seen him ride that was incredible that was Perfection he was precise committed aggressive you could see the anticipation and how he was riding and this started early in the week Aon every day we’ve seen this man ride he has just grown he’s feeding off that confidence Aaron Miriam Max or you can see Miriam there ready to go what a return for the entire team this weekend man it’s insane this week marks like the one year surgery after my broken neck and uh so much I’ve been through that air you know massive dupes DED all the year it was really really bad and uh I never give up you know like keep dream keep dreaming even like right after cury I was like what doesn’t kill you make you stronger sorry for the ring but uh and here we are one year after winning a World Cup on the toughest track it’s it’s insane it took me a few races to build my confidence on my speed back but this track was super technical so it was not much of a full gas flat out it was more like a smart race you know having the good lines and then with the weather it was changing all week so it was really hard mentally and physically so could be more Stu at the time how it’s insane Pon there’s no place he’d rather be driving the v a trentino crowd wild incredible to [Applause] see as your fastest five Elite men athletes in the world this is incredible emry Pon takes the win here today to R Orton holds on to second place with one of the longest hot sits we’ve ever seen fines Troy brosen in fourth low bruny runs out our top five Ronan Don slides back to six and ocean o Calahan in seventh with a great run from the two young Irish men let’s break it down a little bit Emory Pon went fastest in every single SE sector today and he claims the perfect run with a 3394 after a spectacular day L Bry holds the lead will maintain his leader Jersey in second TR broen up into third Amry Pon with that win claims fourth Lucas Shaw now into fifth 10th Place Andreas C sits just behind by one point


    1. Really good highlights many thanks! Pierron IS THE man. One year off, 5 seconds better, 5 seconds!! I'm french and still emotionnal… What a run!!! Bruni was chilling I think he didn't want to take risks. Finn Isles was really shocked! They all found their master today 😁😁👍

    2. Thats a HUGE ADVANTAGE win, reminds me me of Sam Hill a little. Amaury knows how to ride, can cay it from outsomes and advantages like this similar to great ones of the sport. Commentary DOESN'T keep up with emotions and whats going on screen thoiugh at ALL, this guy is letargic and sleepy, wtfff??,You need Rob Warner guys or better shut down!!

    3. I’m just curious why the highlights for elite are like 14 mins….. and for the jnrs is like an hour. Love the juniors there amazing don’t get me wrong. But 14 mins elite highlights is a joke.

    4. The bikes you see with the rear suspension components covered up is that done to protect them from the mud or to hide the tech?

    5. Really hope Discovery is paying attention. To HOW MUCH RIC SUCKS AS A COMMENTATOR!! Please leave him to ruin XC races, keep him AWAY from DH races

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