The most perfect gravel roads I’ve found yet and my favorite day on the bike in Portugal. This is a TOUGH ride with nearly 8000 feet of elevation over 54 miles.

    Link to the Strava route:

    all right so just left tavier about two miles outside of town and so far just these absolutely beautiful gravel roads through the Farms not a person or a car in sight um hoping it stays this way and doesn’t turn into some gnarly single track but so far just incredible here awesome weather cooled down a little bit so good thing I brought uh some of that Gear with me this is the first day I’ve really needed it um so yeah about 5 hours to go all right now out of t on this awesome gravel climb 12 133% definitely waking the legs up a bit but views are awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I have to say I don’t understand how cars use these roads just came down and gravel descent loose rocks everything probably like 20% grade if I hit the brakes my bike didn’t stop I just kept sliding uh so I literally could not stop on it but all these little low horsepower cars I just don’t get how they actually get home but it is beautiful [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so it has turned into a little bit of single track but ridable for the gravel bike so far and uh I mean I’m enjoying it nice peaceful Creek all to myself maybe have my uh cookies I stashed here along the creek bed now there’s something I love about coming these places in the off season um going out remote places by myself is that you get areas like this all to yourself um I get the hog it it’s all mine there’s no one else here so the experience um just with my thoughts or speaking them out loud to the camera and if something really special um you know to go maybe some of the restaurants are closed maybe the weather’s a little cooler than you hope but to get this type of experience um I I just think that there’s something you know money can’t buy just having um everything to yourself and just an all inspiring place [Music] quick stop at this Viewpoint oh man about 28 miles in about 4,500 FT elevation so it’s a tough ride but worth it um you see the valley just all those gravel roads Criss Crossing along the side of the hills on the ridge lines and that’s really what been riding why so much elevation up down up down um but here views of the ocean I think that’s T over there uh or there we’re eventually heading back to but uh this is amazing this is what I had in mind when I bought this bike this is I think what this bike was made for is just these perf perect gravel roads so I can’t recommend it enough um one thing I will say be ready for lots of dogs um most of them are chained up they all bark at you I think they’re trained that way but some of them will chase you um I’ve been using the get off the bike and put it between me and the dog maneuver quite a bit um haven’t been bit yet but definitely uh something to keep in mind to expect if you do this ride it’s okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right I’m stoked because I finally have found Portugal secret gravel um if you head Inland away from the coast you get real gravel roads my mistake was hugging the coast a lot single track mountain bike there are just thousands and thousands of miles of perfect gravel roads no one in site um just absolutely incredible I this I can’t imagine there being better better gravel riding anywhere in the world than this it’s just beautiful I mean perfect roads tough climbs rapid descents um it’s amazing so I think finally on the fifth day whatever this is figured it out just in time to go home but um yeah I can’t recommend this enough if you have one of these [Music] I [Music] [Music] nothing nothing [Music] I’m [Music]

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