this trip honestly feels like a dream and as if it never happened, it was just the best and i would do it all over again if i could ~

    a dreamy weekend stay in assos, kefalonia, one of the greek islands

    nish x

    Music by monomenu – jazz guitar –
    Music by Grace Chiang – biking to the beach –

    this video was not sponsored | all opinions are my own

    [Music] [Music] we’ve just made it to a sauce from austo it’s been about an hour drive on our quad bike which took a while to get used to still trying to find the house we need some money Jes that was a pain I don’t have my pants done who cares cuz we’re in our house oh my god dude the view the instructions yeah not going to lie that was a tough find he said there were photos but then there are no photos this is nice this is really like fancy also I’m like in Shock by The View that drive was really nice as well you didn’t find it too t no after a while I got the thumb got used to it oh really yeah that’s crazy about like 20 25 minutes in the pain went away yeah [Music] we’ve got our own private beit front it’s so Rocky [ __ ] wait how do we open this yeah I I just shut the door apologies for the helmet here um we’ve just we’ve arrived in Asos finally kefalonia we just drove an hour on quad bikes we really wanted scooters but we weren’t allowed because um we haven’t driven Scooters or motorbikes back home in us so our International driving permits didn’t let us um get scooters so we got a quad bike I was driving um with Jews in the back and it was like an hour drive and there was so many turns we had to go we went from the coast through the mountain and now we’re back on the coast my thumb from holding the accelerator it killed for like the first 20 minutes but then it slowly adjusted um it was stunning like I did not expect um one of the Greek Islands to look like this it’s so different to um it’s so different to like M sanini and all those other Islands it’s insane I’m still in shock um currently sitting on the porch Jules is gone for a swim I’m still in my airport clothes because we just got locked out we just checked in to our place and we didn’t realize the door locks as soon as you shut it even though we’d been inside and we neither of us had the key thank God Jules had a phone so now we’ve messaged the ABNB guy to come and um help us um so yeah currently I’m chilling waiting to get into my BS whilst juls is checking out the fish is in the water in the meantime this is the view I don’t know how to explain it it’s honestly stunning like the drive here through the mountains and then as soon as we felt that seab breeze and then came on to um like saw the coastline it was it was just like pristine blue I don’t know how to explain it the water is crystal clear and I never picked it I honestly never picked a greas to look like this um I reckon it’s going to sit there as like one of my f I know I’ve just gotten here and it might be a bit early to say this but I reckon he’s going to be hands down like one of my faes is like I don’t want to leave here for the next 2 days we it’s Saturday and then we leave on um Monday night um our plan is to explore a town or two a different Beach but H honestly like this the spot where in is gorgeous and it’s so secluded it’s like a tiny little town um plans for dinner not sure we’ve got a like a little patio section overlooking the beach so really want to make the most of that um there’s a supermarket close by so we’ll probably hit that up um there’s wine in the fridge so drink sorted for tonight um but yeah so excited as soon as we get back into the apartment oh and I forgot to mention um Jules was Jules um who’s here with me she’s my mate from Melbourne a really good friend from home she was originally going to surprise me in London I would have died she if she did do that um but she’s literally been in Europe for the last month and I’ve only seen her for the first time yesterday today just before this trip because it just so happened to coincide with my trip with my parents who were here and have left like 2 weeks ago so I literally haven’t seen Jules till now and that’s why we’re celebrating with this trip um before she heads back next Wednesday in a few days time so yeah I’m really excited for this trip it’s 30° I need to cool down so I’m going to chat to you guys in a bit the seaweed they’re scary just looks like a forest wo it’s g under for ages oh my God h huh [Music] did you see is this recording did you see the two people sitting on the beach like as soon as we walk we’re on our way to the supermarket who you talking to um but we’re already here cuz it’s only a 3 minute walk that was 60 seconds actually yeah it’s like a minute from our place so yeah we just arrived picking up um some dinner well we can go to another one as well let’s check this out and then this what theu it’s the cat lady d it’s your future I yeah I like the olives that are hot on the outside I think it was in your graen bag yeah [Music] cold some I would have liked going good morning guys to day two should be saying afternoon actually because I’ve just slept like 12 hours um didn’t realize how tired I was Jules is already right right in there hey Jules wearing a hat because means some protection but also my hair’s out of control so my hair is back um it’s almost lunchtime it’s almost 12: I was so tired I literally knocked out last night we woke up for sunrise this morning well when I mean wake up woke up I mean like stepped out well I stepped out for a minute no sun came back went to bed and have now woken up it’s nearly 12 we are going to I’m waiting for my sunscreen to settle in um and then we’re going to head to the bakery there’s like a really nice Bakery we saw by the supermarket yesterday um I’m going to head there and then grab some Greek goodies um also grab some water because we can’t drink the tap water here and I washed my mouth with it and um when I was brushing my teeth and it is so salty um so yeah we need to grab some water um brunch and then come back and we’re pretty much just going to chill here for the rest of the day um it is so nice here and it was so nice to just sleep in and not worry about waking up so I don’t think we’re going to drive anywhere dinner tonight we just want to have one nice dinner here um um yeah have a nice dinner tonight and then tomorrow I reckon after we check out um we’ll go and check out another town there is one close by I reckon we’re going to go and head um drive up to MOS Beach spend a few hours there grab a late lunch and then head back into town you guys haven’t even seen the quad bike yet hopefully I think jul is going to drive tomorrow and then you guys can see the amazing view we had yeah it’s time to head back home the human fish Jules [Music] strawberry in line as well pu oh cute the Pink’s cute too everyone one of the zucchini there’s also chicken and then SP cup it up show me the good your cream okay maybe tomorrow if we got ice ready like we have to have ice ready [Music] off why would you leave haven’t read my book yet I’m exited you won’t be a you surpris I know would you one to yeah but at the same time I feel like I needed to sleep yeah like I was not that foras [Music] heig you going [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] o are you sure they’re fighting yeah they they could be also in love [Music] [Music] there oh my gosh [Music] [Music] this I is I’m know [Music] [Music] spe [Music] [Music] [Applause] on [Music] it was genuinely so nice to not look at what this look like online yeah and just seeing it for the first time like this is [Music] crazy just arrived at bird off Beach [Music] [Music] the be Jun Junior Bo [Music] [Music]

    1 Comment

    1. Loved this vlog, thank you for sharing, I love Kefalonia and can’t wait to return next month
      Please could you share the Airbnb info, thank you ♥️

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