The Tragic Tale of Ashley Wadsworth – A Love Story Turned Nightmare || True Crime Documentary


    19-year-old Ashley Wadsworth traveled from Canada to the UK on November 12th, 2021, to meet her internet boyfriend, Jack Sepple, whom she had been communicating with for years. Ashley was excited to finally see him in person, but this meeting turned tragic.

    Born on July 25th, 2002, in Vernon, British Columbia, Ashley was a cheerful and outgoing girl who loved outdoor activities and was active on social media. She met Jack online in 2015 when she was 12 and he was 15. Their relationship grew over the years, becoming more intimate and romantic despite several breakups and Jack’s troubling behavior.

    By 2021, Ashley had saved enough money to visit Jack. Her family was concerned but couldn’t stop her. After arriving in the UK, Ashley stayed with Jack, who initially seemed affectionate but soon became controlling and abusive. Despite the abuse, Ashley remained hopeful that Jack would change.

    The situation worsened, and on February 1st, 2022, Jack brutally attacked Ashley, ultimately killing her. He was arrested and later confessed to the crime, claiming a psychotic episode. In September 2022, Jack was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole after 23 years.

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    [Music] November 12th 2021 19-year-old Ashley wodsworth journeyed from Canada to the UK to meet her boyfriend whom she had met online the girl was thrilled that after years of virtual communication she would finally be able to see him however no one could have anticipated that this joyous meeting would end in tragedy Ashley wodsworth was born on July 25th 200 to in Vernon Township British Columbia Canada she was the daughter of Kenneth wodsworth and Christy jenden and had an older sister named Haley the Wadsworth family was large and close-knit consisting of over 50 relatives including cousins uncles and aunts of varying degrees of kinship they all resided in the same Community Ashley was a cheerful and energetic individual who was well-liked and had many friends she enjoyed outdoor activities such as swimming horseback riding and skiing additionally she had a passion for tennis and played the clarinet Ashley was very active on social media where she frequently shared memes jokes and photos it was on social networks that Ashley met Jack seel their introduction occurred in 2015 when she was 12 years old and he was 15 Jack was born on January 9th 1999 his mother Tracy Dalton had married a man named Ricky his relationship with his father reportedly strained his father passed away in 2019 Jack did not communicate with his brother Jordan but did stay in touch with his sister Nadia apart from his mother and sister Jack didn’t have many close connections and preferred engaging with people online through video games some acquaintances of Jack mention that he often found himself in trouble at school while they recalled him as fun and Charming at times he also displayed a darker side that emerged when he became angry or aggressive towards himself or others it was one of Ashley’s friends who knew Jack through social media that introduced them to each other virtually for many teenagers like Ashley it felt natural to establish connections with strangers via various platforms and build virtual friendships based on common interests or mutual attraction Jack and Ashley became virtual friends rather quickly at the time she didn’t possess a smartphone and use the family computer to access social networks as a result her friendship with the Englishman was never hidden from her relatives according to Ashley’s mother during their long-distance friendship Jack had multiple relationships with different girls meanwhile Ashley also experienced typical Teenage life phases even during periods when they ceased communication their connection never entirely disappeared it endured over the years as they matured their relationship evolved communication extended Beyond social media to include video calls consequently their bond became more intimate and romantic before long Jack became a familiar face to Ashley’s family members if they passed by during their conversations they’d often greet him as if he were right there in their living room he frequently sent her gifts teddy bears and purses among them her family and friends observed that she often compared every boy she met to Jack with an 8-hour time difference between Vernon and Essex where Jack resided the young couple would wake up early and stay up late just to be able to talk by 2018 when Ashley was 15 she began expressing a desire to meet Jack in person however her family wouldn’t permit her to travel alone across continents occasionally like any young couple they quarreled when arguments LED Ashley to block Jack on social media he would create new accounts or message her through his sister or mutual acquaintances something disturbing and intrusive for those close to her yet she maintained that he was compassionate and kind-hearted in October 2018 Jack tattooed Ashley’s name on his arm at that moment she was 16 years old while he was 19 her parents deemed such an act excessive and cautioned her against reciprocating similarly eventually during one of their disputes Jack inflicted a knife wound on his tattoo bearing Ashley’s name following this incident he exhibited jealous and violent Behavior he grew angry at the thought of Ashley dating other guys despite continuing his own romantic Pursuits with different girls himself claiming Ashley remained his favorite and asserting that he wanted only her one day Ashley phoned a friend who happened to be at Jack’s house and informed her that he wouldn’t let her leave the friend present during this call noted that Ashley didn’t seem upset instead she reacted as though such situations were common place for her she simply asked Jack to stop acting erratically around her parents about it however she did tell her friends who insisted that she cut off all contact with him despite the guy’s frequent fights and problematic Behavior the couple always reconciled Ashley was only 18 years old and had known Jack her early teens she didn’t seem to grasp the extent of his influence over her at a young age Ashley began working in fast food restaurants and department stores this allowed her to save money for various personal expenses the first thing she bought was a tablet to use social media more privately she then started saving money for a trend for her senior year of high school Ashley had always been very spiritual and inquisitive after after reading the book of Mormon she experienced a moment of insight and began following the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints she graduated from Satan High School in 2020 and had plans to study law at Thompson Rivers University to become a lawyer but did not immediately enroll because classes were being conducted via video conference due to the m 19 pandemic she wanted to fully experience University life and decided to take a sabatical for a year before continu ing her studies during the first half of 2021 Ashley continued to work and save money in April of that year she was baptized into Mormonism always bold and determined Ashley decided to travel to the UK to meet Jack in person and spend his birthday with him her parents and Friends weren’t pleased with this decision but nothing could stop her since she had her own money and was of legal age on November 12th 2021 Ashley left Canada for the UK on a six-month tourist visa this was her first time leaving her Homeland and she was very excited about the event Ashley and Jack met in person for the first time on November 13th 2021 on that same day Ashley changed her profile picture to one with him by then Jack was already 22 years old and appeared much older than Ashley he was covered in tattoos even on his face creating a stark contrast with the young young and Lively 19-year-old girl during her stay in London Ashley stayed at Jack’s house a young man who had been living alone and Annex within a public housing estate in Northwest Chelmsford since 2020 the neighborhood had a somewhat dubious but they had explored nicer areas of the city in Essex as well Jack appeared to be the same man Ashley had met online affectionate and caring constantly showering her with compliments and never declining romantic selfies yet his behavior could be inconsistent and at times he seemed quite cruel the young couple spent every day together Ashley on a tourist visa was unable to work while Jack was unemployed and receiving benefits occasionally his mother Tracy who lived nearby provided support Ashley frequently posted photos and comments from her trip online most pictures showed the couple embracing and enjoying romantic moments together she maintained constant communication with her family via video calls giving the impression that everything was going well they even adopted a kitten named Winston however as time passed Jack began to withdraw he no longer wanted to go for walks or sightseeing instead he preferred staying home smoking illegal substances and playing video games being in a foreign country left Ashley with limited options although she loved being outdoors she was constrained by what Jack wanted before before traveling to England one of Ashley’s church friends connected her with American missionaries who would be in Chelmsford at the same time Ashley expressed interest in meeting these young men who shared her religion but faced resistance from Jack whenever she tried to attend church on Sundays nonetheless she kept in touch with them via text messages and deleted the correspondence to keep it hidden from Jack the missionaries quickly realized that Jack was controlling and possibly abusive in conversations with them Ashley admitted that although she knew she deserved better treatment she simply wanted to make jack happy the abuse extended Beyond controlling communication about 6 weeks after arriving in Chelmsford Jack texted his mother confessing that he had physically assaulted Ashley because he discovered that she had blocked two UK numbers on her phone which he suspected belonged to other men throughout this period despite attempts to maintain appearances through social media posts and regular communication with family and friends back home it became clear that the situation between Ashley and Jack was far from ideal or safe for her well-being a few years back Ashley experienced a surge of jealousy even though she continued showcasing photos of her seemingly perfect trips on public social media accounts she created a secret profile to document her bruises she didn’t keep this issue hidden from her sister Haley but warned her not to inform their mother because she feared their family would Harbor animosity towards Jack in late December 2021 Jack ingested an excessive amount of anti-anxiety medication Ashley promptly called an ambulance which transported him to the hospital where he received treatment for an overdose subsequently Ashley was appointed as Jack’s caregiver and took charge of safely admin ministering his medication although she kept this information from her mother and Friends Haley accidentally disclosed it their mother expressed concern and asked Ashley to return home but Ashley insisted on staying until Jack recovered in early January 2022 another incident occurred jack smashed a beer glass over Ashley’s head while sobbing she contacted Haley via video call as Jack made her clean up the broken shards in the background Haley could see him pacing back and forth screaming and clenching his teeth she pleaded with Ashley to come home but Ashley refused on January 9th Jack celebrated his 23rd birthday with his family as if nothing had happened shortly after this event Jack’s mother and stepfather planned a family trip to a small Seaside Town hoping that a change of scenery might ease tensions the trip seemed perfect in photos even Ashley’s parents unaware of the gravity of the situation felt some relief seeing their daughter’s apparent happiness however this calm was shortlived during an argument in late January Jack struck Ashley again and threw a candle and TV remote at her while she was on a video call with Haley once more Haley begged her sister to return home initially agreeing to leave Ashley soon changed her mind she continued to believe that within Jack’s cruel exterior was still the Charming Man she had once known Ashley had known Jack for many years and hoped that with time medicine or her love he would heal from his conversations with her mother it seemed Jack realized the cycle he had driven Ashley into accusing her of infidelity beating her and then apologizing despite feeling guilty for his actions it wasn’t enough to prevent the tragedy that eventually occurred on the morning of February 1st 2022 Jack was angry at Ashley again he accused her of running away and dating other people behind his back he even demanded to check her cell phone and social media accounts shortly before 8: a.m. neighbor Helen Borton Shaw heard Ashley screaming through the shared wall moments later Helen appeared at Jack’s door when the door opened Helen saw a Barefoot and crying Ashley with blood dripping from a cut on her Palm Ashley revealed that Jack had caught her looking at nude pictures of another woman and had become raged he verbally abused her then punched her smashed her phone and threw her kitten against the wall despite fears that Jack was trying to kill Ashley she asked Helen not to call the police Helen agreed but begged Ashley to go with her to a doctor’s appointment instead of returning to Jack’s apartment however Ashley refused Helen decided to talk to Jack directly he apologized for what had happened and remained calm so Helen left for her doctor’s appointment around 9:00 a.m. later that morning Lucy’s neighbor brought Jack a package that had been mistakenly delivered to their address although he was reluctant to answer the door due to his unfriendly and paranoid nature Lucy didn’t think much of it around this time Ashley called her family using Jack’s cell phone by then Ashley’s mother was already aware of what was going on because Helen couldn’t take it anymore and had confessed everything her parents immediately bought Ashley a return ticket for February 3rd when Ashley told Jack she was leaving he agreed to accompany her to take the 919 test required for the trip and also said he would drive her to the airport Ashley’s mother warned her daughter to head straight to the airport if Jack assaulted her again and cautioned him that she would call the police if he hurt Ashley once more Ashley engaged in a lengthy detailed conversation with her family this exchange lasted about 3 hours by the time they it was 11:00 a.m. in Chelmsford and 3:00 a.m. in Vernon shortly thereafter Jack texted his mother confessing that he had once again severely beaten Ashley this time knocking her to the floor and potentially breaking her arm this incident occurred between 11:22 a.m. and 12:38 a.m. during this harrowing period Ashley sent several distress messages to family and friends from Jack’s cell phone however as it was nighttime there was no immediate response she also reached out to her friends at the church in chelsford for help emphasizing the urgency of the situation sadly these messages were not seen until much later when help could no longer be rendered between 12:38 and 12:45 a.m. Jack committed another assault on Ashley by strangling her until she stopped breathing following this act he went to the kitchen retrieved an 11 cm knife and proceeded to stab her in the chest and stomach approximately a 100 times ending her life disturbingly Jack then changed his profile picture to an image of himself with Ashley along with the caption always mine adding to this Grim scenario Jack recorded a video message addressed to Hala where he expressed his love for Ashley apologized but stated that he couldn’t let her go he claimed his mental state was UN stable the video which remained unsent included footage of Ashley’s body beside him meanwhile in England Ashley’s family awoke in Vernon and discovered the numerous messages Ashley had sent them throughout the night acting quickly they contacted Jaimie Ashworth a Mormon friend located in Chelmsford and requested intervention Jaimie along with Tyler bordon another church member went to Jack’s apartment but received no answer upon knocking on the door subsequently they called law enforcement and left at nearly the same time back in Vernon Ashley’s best friend observed unusual activity on Ashley’s social media accounts despite being aware of recent events prompting immediate concern and suspicion she sent a desperate message seeking confirmation however Jack pretending to be Ashley replied under false pretenses stating he needed help passing a May 19 test but that assistance was no longer necessary messages from concerned family members and Friends continued pouring into Ashley’s inbox despite all avenues being tragically exhausted by then Jack disregarded everyone’s pleas they were all eager to hear from her eventually Jack contacted his sister Nadia when Nadia answered he confessed to killing Ashley and even showed her the body this occurred around 413 p.m. when the police arrived at the apartment in response to Jaime’s call it only took them 10 minutes but it was already too late officers arrested Jack immediately finding him covered in blood he informed them that he had experienced a psychotic episode and confessed to the crime on the spot Jack was subsequently sent to chelsford prison with the trial scheduled for September 7th 2022 at chelsford Crown Court a toxicology examination revealed only traces of light illicit substances and a small quantity of anti anxiety medication in his system according to a psychiatric assessment the defendant was deemed fit to give evidence and stand trial the case against Jack was strong and included a videotaped confession he pleaded guilty right away the judge told him there could only be one sentence life imprisonment during the hearing at Chelmsford Crown Court presided over by judge Edward Murray prosecutor Simon Spence disclosed details of Jack’s criminal history dating back to his teenage years it was then that Ashley’s parents learned more about their daughter’s boyfriend Jack had been involved in legal troubles since 2014 having faced multiple arrests for stalking a girl kidnapping unlawful confinement in a home and violent assault along with restraining orders from both his mother and girlfriend Ashley’s parents were devastated upon learning about the criminal past of the man who had taken their daughter’s life during the hearing both prosecution and defense discussed a letter Jack had sent from prison to Ashley’s family expressing remorse for his actions after deliberation judge Murray allowed this letter to be released publicly on grounds of open Justice in this letter addressed primarily to Ashley’s mother and sister Haley Jack acknowledged that nothing could return Ashley or alleviate their pain he expressed deep regret for his actions and recognized that his mental state had significantly contributed to the tragedy He also mentioned that he had openly discussed his mental health issues with Ashley at the conclusion of the trial Jack sapple was sentenced to life imprisonment with a possibility of parole after 23 years in 2012 at the Summer Olympics in London the star of a young Puerto Rican boxer Felix verdejo Sanchez shown brightly he was called a diamond one of the most promis Ing and promising athletes of his country he was predicted to win titles and gold medals then it seemed to everyone that this talented and motivated young man will reach fantastic Heights in sports in 2021 the name of the boxer again traveled all the world’s media but this time fell into the section of criminal Chronicles this story is about a teenage attachment that grew into a kind of addiction and led to a terrible tragedy and also about how the author of the main knockout of 2014 who was praised and promoted by two-time Olympic champion vasel lomachenko almost received a death sentence but eventually went to prison for life it is noteworthy that despite the presence of irrefutable evidence and confessions of the boxer’s accomplice he himself to this day refuses to plead guilty the future star of World Boxing was born in the Puerto Rican city of San Juan in 1993 on May 19th he grew up in a rather modest large family and from an early age was fond of Port true in childhood he planned to connect his life with baseball but his further fate was determined by a funny incident when the boy was 9 years old a family friend came to visit them with his son of the same age the boys were playing in the yard but suddenly quarreled and a fight broke out parents separated the children and the father of the future athlete noted that if he wants to fight with someone in the future let him wear boxing gloves after that fight f at his request was taken to a local gym where the boy as he later admitted himself from the first training session fell in love with boxing at the age of 16 he won the Pan-American Junior Championships a year later he won his country’s championship and a year later he went to the Olympic Games in London where he reached the quarterfinals in the same year began His Brilliant career in the professional ring in total verdejo had 29 fights gaining 27 confident victories and in 2014 he was recognized as the author of the best knockout in the fight against Sergio villanua a year later Felix won his first championship belt with the WBO Latino title which he subsequently defended six more times in two years everyone who saw him in the fight had no doubt this young man will write his name in the history of world boxing and now let’s get to know KLA Rodriguez the girl was born in November 1993 in San Juan the full name given to her at Birth is KLA Marlene Rodriguez Ortiz her parents Jose and Kayla Rodriguez had another common daughter bares Nicole and also the couple raised Kayla’s son Jonathan from a previous marriage of a woman KLA grew up an open and sociable girl she did well in school and adored animals dreaming of becoming a veterinarian in the future her best friend was her sister barise to whom she confided all her secrets and worries KLA studied in the same school with Felix verdejo who was her age young people were acquainted since childhood and in adolescence between them began a romantic relationship in 2011 Rodriguez’s parents divorced and separated Kayla moved to relatives in Florida and her daughters who were by then already adults decided to stay in San Juan despite the fact that each of the sisters had long since lived their own lives they continued to stay in close contact and told each other about everything that was happening to them at the age of 18 a promising boxer who has already managed to take part in the Olympic Games had an affair with a young school girl and aspiring model Elisa Maria Santiago Sierra at that time the girl was only 14 years old and she was still in school but even then she made big plans for the future with a promising and world famous athlete in addition Eliza’s parents were not at all against this relationship attractive and talent ented Felix who has always had a lot of fans becoming a boxing star literally bathed in the Rays of Fame and was surrounded by female attention he did not miss the opportunity to spin a novel or a passing affair on the side and also despite the serious relationship with Eliza continued to meet with his schoolfriend KLA kisha’s sister barise and her mother Kayla Rodriguez knew about the affair and did not approve of the relationship in addition the situation was very ambiguous on the one hand Eliza considered herself the only woman and great love of the athlete Was preparing for the wedding and made far-reaching plans for their joint future on the other hand Kisha knew that the lover has a fiance but at the same time Felix did not let her go on top of that he was her first great love and deep down the naive girl herself still hoped to be the one in 2016 the boxer Did marry the young Eliza who at that time was barely 19 years old Eliza by that time was already quite a famous model had tens of thousands of followers in social networks and also opened her own Beauty studio for eyelash extensions in August of the same year just a few months after the wedding the athlete got into a serious car accident when he was rushing on his motorcycle he was taken to the hospital in serious condition with head injuries bruises and lacerations his trainer Ricky Marquez seriously feared that his talented charge would go off the rails at the height of his career but Felix contrary to the disappointing prognosis made a rapid recovery and soon returned to the ring in September 2019 the boxer published in his profile in The Social Network a picture with aise who was in a large term of pregnancy in the comment to the photo he wrote soon I will meet my daddy’s princess and a month later he announced the birth of a daughter who was given the name Miranda verdejo Santiago the young man in public looked like a loving husband caring father and an exemplary family man but secretly from his wife he continued to meet with KLA who could not let go as Eliza later admitted she guessed that her husband was cheating on her but every time he tearfully vowed to leave his mistress Kisha repeatedly tried to break off this painful relationship but Felix would not let her go she had no other men because the boxer threatened that if he found out about the fact that KLA had someone not good for her and her Chosen One KLA herself who had fallen in love with verdejo since high school continued to love him despite everything Rodriguez as planned connected her life with the care of animals and got a job at the center of veterinary medicine and Aesthetics colleagues described her as conscientious hardworking and very responsible she lived with two dogs and a cat which she simply adored in 2020 Eliza discovered the correspondence of her husband with several Mistresses including KLA the wife gave her husband a scandal and threw him out of the house threatening that she would file for divorce and forbid him to see his daughter Eliza’s threats had an effect in addition in the career of the athlete at that time there was a serious Decline and unnecessary problems where he did not need for a while he really stopped seeing Rodriguez but Felix still did not let her go trying to control almost every step KLA after a few months of secret visits resumed and in April 2021 Kisha discovered that she was pregnant she bought a rapid test at the drug store which only confirmed her fears she first called her sister who was aware of her complicated relationship with the athlete and told her everything it was out of the question to have an abortion because Kisha was already 27 years old and she was ready to have a child even if she had to raise it on her own a few days later Kisha broke the news to the father of her child hoping in her heart that he would accept it but Felix was not happy to put it mildly he got angry and told his mistress that she should go to the doctor and if the pregnancy is confirmed it will be necessary to have an abortion naturally Rodriguez answered him with a firm refusal but the boxer began to threaten her and insist Felix said that an illegitimate child will finally destroy his reputation and this he canot allow after kisha’s visit to the hospital her pregnancy was confirmed and she now had a certificate to prove it she called Felix and told him everything which made him Furious Felix shouted and demanded that Kisha immediately get rid of the child but she again responded with a categorical refusal then the athlete decided to go on the sly saying that he did not believe her and wanted to personally look at the issued medical certificate he appointed KLA immedi in the evening in a crowded place which did not surprise her because they always tried not to draw attention to themselves and did not get in front of anyone a few days before the meeting the boxer stopped by his old friend Luis Antonio pis who worked in a local machine shop and also had ties with the criminal World selling illegal drugs Felix briefly outlined the situation and asked him to help him get rid of his pregnant mistress Luis had previously been in the field of vision of the police and the prospect of being in prisoned scared him but the athlete was persistent assured that everything would go smoothly and the police will never come out on them besides Felix promised him an impressive cash reward and Luis agreed with the support of an accomplice Felix called KLA and told her that he wanted to meet her on the evening of April 29th to confirm her pregnancy and decide what to do next immediately after talking to her lover Kisha called her sister back and told her everything she still had hoped that Felix would accept her child and would not insist on an abortion but Bar’s all this situation is quite alarmed she knew that the boyfriend had threatened her sister and she was worried that he wouldn’t do anything to her barise called her mother and shared her concerns but even together they could not dissuade Kisha from that fateful meeting at the appointed time Rodriguez taking a doctor’s note arrived at the meeting in her own Kia Forte automobile verdeo drove there in his pickup truck in the back of which Luis was hiding Kisha immediately got into the athletes car and showed him the results of the tests he once again talked about terminating the pregnancy but Kisha crying again responded with a refusal against this background the couple began to quarrel violently turning to shouting then Felix suddenly hit KLA in the head with his fist from which she immediately lost Consciousness until Kisha regained gained Consciousness Felix took a syringe with a large dose of illegal substances hidden in the glove compartment of the car which Luis had obtained at his request and injected KLA then together with his accomplice They carried her to the back of the car where there were already prepared pieces of wire and a concrete block the men tied Rodriguez up attached the load and then covered her with a tarp so that no one would accidentally see anything Felix then returned to the pickup truck while his accomplice got behind the wheel of kisha’s vehicle together they drove to the bridge over the San Jose Lagoon it was virtually deserted at night and the men making sure no one could see them threw KLA still alive into the water afterward however they decided to fire a few test shots in Pursuit using the Firearms they had brought with them so as not to leave the victim any chance having finished the massacre each of the perpetrators went home kisha’s co-workers were the first to worry when she didn’t show up at the veterinary medicine and Aesthetics Center the next day KLA has always been very responsible and couldn’t just not show up for work without notifying anyone since she didn’t answer the phone it was decided to contact her sister to find out what happened after several unsuccessful attempts to contact her sister she went to her house no one answered the door but barise had a spare key so she got in without difficulty however she was met only by hungry animals who had not eaten anything for almost 24 hours now barise was already in a panic because she realized that something terrible or irreparable had happened to KLA she immediately called her mother and told her everything and then reported to the police about her suspicions and threats to her sister she also called Felix but he claimed that he had spent the previous evening and night at home with his family and had not gone to any meeting the missing girl’s mother took the first flight from Florida to San Juan she thought that her lover might have taken her daughter to a private clinic and paid for her to have an abortion without her consent Kayla didn’t even want to think about the fact that Kisha was no longer alive the first thing to do was to question the missing girl’s neighbors and co-workers but they didn’t notice anything suspicious and couldn’t provide the investigation with any useful information in parallel messages about The Disappearance of Rodriguez were posted on popular social networks with requests to respond on to those who know anything about her fate or current whereabouts the case quickly received wide publicity and when it became known that the missing girl was in a long-term relationship with a famous athlete and was expecting a child from him reporters literally lined up to interview any of Rodriguez’s family members the relatives did not hold anything back and spoke out about their suspicions among other things blaming Felix for the incident on April 30th cas ‘s car was found abandoned on the east side of the city with her documents and personal belongings inside no signs of struggle were found in the interior giving a faint hope of finding its owner alive on May 1st a passer by strolling on the bridge over the Lagoon saw a strange shape resembling a human body in the shallow water he reported his Discovery to the police who soon recovered from the water the body of a young woman presumably the same one the whole city had been looking for for several days members of the Rodriguez family who arrived to identify the body hoped to the last that it was not KLA but their hopes were not realized the body had been in the water for several days and changed a lot but the girl was immediately identified by a remarkable tattoo on her arm when news of the gruesome Discovery hit the press the residents of the city revolted and began to go out to spontaneous ralles demanding punishment for those responsible the same day verdejo was detained and taken to the the police station for questioning but the athlete categorically denied his involvement and claimed that on the night of kisha’s disappearance he was at home with his family as there was nothing to charge him Felix was released on his own recognizance one of the key Witnesses was the athletes Legal Wife who at the first interrogation admitted that she was aware of his affair with KLA but that she had heard about her rival’s pregnancy for the first time on top of that she did not confirm her husband’s alibi saying that he was not at home on the night of the murder the first thing investigators did was check traffic surveillance footage on the way to the bridge from which Kisha was thrown that’s how they found Felix’s pickup truck and the victim’s car traveling behind each other but the key of forte was clearly not driven by its owner on the same day the boxer’s car was seized for examination and in its body they found some hair of the deceased Luis was the first to surrender to the police promising to tell the whole truth in exchange for a reduced sentence Felix was also taken into custody but he refused to cooperate with the investigation did not answer questions and continued to deny his guilt despite the presence of irrefutable evidence a firearm was seized from Felix which he used to shoot the victim from the bridge and for which he had an official permit also a cell phone check confirmed the fact that Felix Luis and KLA were in the same location on that fateful night kisha’s final farewell was on May 8th and the funeral ceremony was all over the national news it was a kind of action calling for the perpetrators of the tragedy to be punished to the full extent of the law as well as an action to draw public attention to the problem of gender violence the coffin with Rodriguez’s body was brought to the cemetery not in a traditional hearse but in a white Carriage over which white flower pedals were thrown from the air many famous Puerto Rican natives including Show Business Stars athletes politicians and public figures have spoken out about the high-profile incident verdejo was charged with carjacking kidnapping premeditated murder and the murder of an unborn child all of these crimes together carried the death penalty but the relatives of the deceased from the very beginning asked the court to elect a sentence of life imprisonment for the killer so that he would suffer in captivity for the rest of his life the hearing was repeatedly po postponed due to the worldwide Corona virus pandemic but in the spring of 2021 the trial was held in Virtual Mode the court found that the crime was committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy and with particular cruelty against a pregnant woman it was possible to reconstruct the chain of events of that night and the details of the crime mainly thanks to the testimony of Lise who did not deny his guilt he admitted that it was he who at the request of a friend got the drug for injection and also brought a wire in a concrete block to get rid of the body but Felix continued to insist on his non-involvement in the case although his words could not seriously affect the situation by the way the wife of the boxer who acted in court as a witness almost immediately after the arrest of her husband filed for divorce and tried to abstract from what was happening focusing on the development of his business and raising a young daughter According to some reports not so long ago Elisa Santiago remarried Elisa herself admitted in an interview that she repeatedly received anonymous calls and messages with death threats as well as death wishes to her and even Miranda many considered it was the spouse of the athlete as the organizer of the crime but no evidence was found in the summer of 2023 it became known that the jury having familiarized itself with all the evidence and heard the testimony of all the witnesses was finally ready to announce the final verdict Felix verdejo and his accomplice Luis kadiz were found guilty on each of the charges against them but despite this The Killers have not yet been sentenced the next court hearing is scheduled for Mid November 2023 most likely both men involved in the deaths of KLA Rodriguez and her unborn child will likely go to prison for life with no right to ever leave prison shafilea Ahmed was born on July 14th 198 six a British Pakistani girl shafa’s father ifar Ahmed originally hailed from the Gujarat District of Pakistan at the age of about 20 to 22 ifar moved to Britain for employment while staying there for a while and during work if darar falls in love with a foreign girl and marries her soon he becomes a father but when he returns to pistan and informs his family about his marriage they do not accept it then if dear’s family puts heavy pressure on him to marry another Pakistani girl despite if dear’s resistance he eventually succumbs to his family’s insistence and he marries a Pakistani girl named farzana after the marriage ifar returns to Britain and after revealing the truth to his first wife divorces her then after some time ifar calls his second wife farzana to Britain from Pakistan after after coming to Britain ifar starts living with his wife in the city of Bradford in West Yorkshire it is here that on July 14th 1986 shafilea Ahmed is born shortly after shaila’s birth the family moves to the town of Warrington in Britain it is here that chaala completes her Early Education during this time two more daughters are born in the family and iar’s family grows larger although this family resides in Britain on holidays ifar used to take his wife and all his children to paristown for vacation now the year had come 2003 and by now shafilea ammed had also turned 17 and was studying law her dream was to become a lawyer when shafilea and the other children have a break on February 18th 2003 shafilea comes to Pakistan with her family for vacation during their trip to Pakistan this family also participates in a family wedding ceremony however just a few days after this wedding a major incident occurs with shafilea she accidentally drinks fennel FL cleaner actually fennel is commonly used in Asia for cleaning floors in homes now because fennel is made by mixing some chemicals and soap drinking it causes severe pain in Cha’s throat the reason behind chaala drinking fennel is initially said to be because her parent parents pressured her into arranged marriage with a Pakistani boy because of this pressure chaila drank the fennel intending to end her life but later her parents claimed that someone had poured fennel into an old bottle of water kept in the same bottle usually used for drinking water and in the darkness of the night chaila mistook final for water and drank it due to this mistake Chila had to endure a lot of pain as a result she’s admitted to a hospital in Pakistan now because Sheila’s injury was quite severe she has to stay in the hospital for a long time during this time the holidays of other family members also end so ifar takes his two children and wife back to Britain while Chila has to stay in Pakistan for treatment however shortly after if diar arranges for shila’s return as well and on May 27th 2003 chaila returns to Britain straight from the the airport Chila is admitted to a hospital for treatment through an ambulance after several months of treatment shila’s throat heals considerably and now she rejoins College alongside college she also starts a part toting job but on September 18th 2003 a college teacher notices that chaila Ahmed hasn’t been coming to college for the past week attempts are made to contact chaila via phone but she cannot be reached When teacher asked about this to shf aa’s parents they revealed that chaila has not been home for the past week their daughter has been missing for a week and her parents hadn’t filed any complaints about her yet which strikes shaila’s teacher as very strange immediately after this they inform the police upon filing the case a police team arrives at shaila’s house for investigation and questioning begins with her parents shaila’s parents say that they last saw chaala at their home on September 11th 20 three and since then she hasn’t been seen upon this the police ask when your daughter has been missing for a week why haven’t you filed a complaint with the police yet to this shafilea’s parents respond this is not the first time shafa has been missing from home for a few days it has happened several times before to confirm this when the police checked the records it is revealed that chafia has been missing from home several times in the past the first time was when chafia was only 12 years old she went missing with her younger sister on March 10th 1998 because of this her parents had also filed a missing report for both their daughters with the police however at that time chaila returned home with her sister as evening approached according to records shafilea ran away from home for the second time on November 25th 2002 once again her father ifar Ahmad f a missing report for his daughter after extensive searching chafa was found by the police sitting in a park according to police records for the third time shafilea left home with a friend on February 3rd 2003 this time Shaila did not return home for 2 days and then on February 5th 2003 she went to a safe house for orphaned people and filed a report against her parents for domestic violence and mental abuse after the report was filed the police officer spoke with chaala Ahmed and her parents and after everything was cleared up chaala returned home after this on February 18th 2003 chafa along with her two sisters and parents goes to Pakistan for a family function and disappears from there shortly after returning to Britain now looking at old records the police also suspect that chaala Ahmed may have gone somewhere again this time and will return home in a few days therefore the police try to find chafa in all those places where she could have gone however even after a few days the police cannot find any trace of shafilea from anywhere considering shafilea’s history of running away from home before the police show a little laziness in the investigation this time after this some local media start making an issue out of the police’s laziness as a result demand for a thorough search for chaala increases at the local level due to the progress in the chafferer missing case the police accelerate their investigation subsequently they discover numerous poems written by shafia at her home and there was still no evidence in the case of shafilea Ahmed the police were engaged in efforts to locate chafia meanwhile floods occurred in the famous Kent river flowing from the Sedwick area of Britain when the floods were under control the body of a girl were found in extremely poor condition on the bank of this River the distance between the place where the body was found and where shafa ammb had disappeared was 70 Mi but still the police have doubts whether this corpse could be chafas however to confirm this DNA samples are collected from the dead body and then matched with the DNA of ifar and Faz in this case a major twist occurs when a body washed away in the flood matches with the DNA samples of ifar this meant that the body washed away from the river was not someone else’s but shail ahmed’s meaning in the search for chail Ahmed whom the police had been looking for the past year now reaches the police itself in the form of a corpse now the biggest question in front of the police was who and why murdered shafilea Ahmed however even before the statements and actions of Corpse’s parents there were doubts and in 2003 these two along with five others were arrested therefore once again shaila’s parents are arrested and questioned the trial of this case is also going on but even this time no allegations can be proven against them which leads the police to release them again however after that the police detain some other suspects and proceed with the investigation against all of them but despite many efforts the police cannot reach the murderer as time passes people slowly start to forget about shafa ahmed’s case Shaila disappeared in 2003 and now it was 2010 that is it had been seven years since shaila’s death by now shaila’s family had also moved on from the incident and had become busy with their daily lives but then on August 25th 2010 a major theft occurs at IFA ahmed’s house by now ifar ahmed’s family had already become the center of attention in the city due to their daughter’s disappearance due to this when theft occurs in this house it starts making headlines on the front page of newspapers but once again this puts heavy pressure on the police despite working honestly the police quickly get involved in the search for the thief after many days of hard work the police make a revelation that surprises everyone actually the police arrest not someone else but impar ahmed’s daughter Alicia Ahmed on char chares of theft in the house in fact Alicia was shafa’s younger sister according to Alicia she didn’t get as much money from home as she demanded and needed because of this she orchestrated the theft of her father’s money at her own home however the police had solved the theft case very quickly but the police spot an opportunity here and now they start talking to Alicia about her sister shafilea who disappeared many years ago and reopened the file related to the Shaila case in the initial conversation the police suspect that Alicia knows something about The Disappearance of Shaila that the world is still unaware of the police officers try to uncover what happened with shafa but Alicia refuses to cooperate with them however the police then tell Alicia you have orchestrated a theft in your own house which could lead to a long prison sentence for you but if you can provide any information about chafa that nobody else knows your sentence could be significantly reduced afterwards when Alicia reveals some details to the police everyone is left stunned Alicia explains it was not someone else but my father ifar and my mother farzana Ahmed who had beaten shafilea Ahmad in front of all of us sisters then our father put poly fine on her face and due to Suffocation she was dead then he placed shaila’s body in his car and threw it into the distant jungle however due to the flood the body drifted to the riverbank from the jungle according to Alicia ifar and farara did not like their daughter’s modern lifestyle at all on the surface Chila started falling in love with a boy and when this matter comes to light if darar and fana quickly try to arrange shafilea’s marriage with their preferred boy when the family goes to Pakistan for a family function there is an attempt to forcefully marriage chaila to a boy there but chaila refuses to marry for this reason and she consumes fennel after that her health deteriorates and her marriage does not happen either when shafilea returns to Britain her family members here also insist on arranging her marriage with a boy of their choice but when chafa repeatedly refuses this marriage her father gets angry and at first beats Shaila in anger and then covers her face with a poly theme bag and then due to Suffocation shafia Ahmad dies here but immediately after this disclosure Alicia Ahmed becomes a government witness in the case in exchange she is assured a minimum sentence in the theft case however based on Alicia’s statement on September 2nd 2010 farzana and ifar are arrested and then a case of their own daughter’s murder is pursued against them both of them remain in jail for several months after the arrest however nearly a year later on September 15th 2011 they are granted Dale by the Manchester Crown Court in the further investigation the police gather some crucial evidence and based on that evidence the trial of this case begins in the Chester Crown Court on May 21st 2012 initially farana and ifar continue to deny their involvement in their daughter’s murder but when fana begins to suspect that she is being framed for her own daughter’s murder she finally accepts in court on July 9th 2012 that chafa ahmed’s murder was not committed by anyone else but by ifar Ahmed himself in her statement farzana also reveals that she tried to stop ifar but instead ifar beat and threatened her family saying if any of you ever talk about this to anyone your fate will be just like chafas now two witnesses had testified against ifar Ahmed besides the police who gather evidence also indicate that it was ifar Ahmed who murdered shafilea then threw her body far into the jungle however a natural disaster struck that area and with the flood waters shaila’s body drifted and reached the riverbank on its own after a lengthy trial in August 2012 farzana and ifar are found guilty of murdering their own daughter and disposing of her body after the murder they are then sentenced to 25 years each it is all also proven in court that this was an honor killing following this verdict every year on July 14th shafilea ahmed’s birthday the national day of memory for victims of honor killings is observed in her memory so with this the case of shilia Ahmed comes to a close however perhaps nature also desired that Shaila Ahmed receive Justice and her Killers be punished therefore albeit late shaila’s parents her murder ERS are also sentenced if you appreciate our efforts like and share this video If you haven’t subscribed do so now thank you


    1. Its up to her parents to protect her. Who the fuck allows a 12 yr old CHILD to date. They are to blame!! Its always the stupid fucking parents 😊

    2. It was never a love story.
      You don't need to lie just for click bait.
      Maybe on her part but he was a predator and what he offered was not love.

    3. Don't mean to be rude ..but American"s knowledge of geography drives me crazy England and Britain is not the same place ..well sort of not. England is a single country and Britain is England Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland .. pleassssse get this right. There is no such thing as a British accent it is either English Scottish Welsh or Northern Irish ..

    4. The government set her up like they did Michael….. Jackson. Once she started teaching kids that black people were never slaves that’s when planted the kiddie pic. She didn’t try to jump off the bridge the people in the Matrix were chasing her and the bunny she was following jumped over the bridge what was she supposed to do. I mean yea she jumped over the bridge but what would you do if you were chasing the rabbit and the officers in the Matrix were following you. They don’t put up with teachers who teach the truth. Damn my dick itches

    5. So if she didn't meet in person until 18, then how did he ",not let her leave" previously? Please dont tell me this was over video chat or something, if so darwin award.

    6. Why do parents allow underage children especially girls to communicate with strangers online? She practically had dated and idolized him since she was a child, which prevented her from developing healthy connections with other boys. Her family's admiration for him when they saw him online most likely fueled her idolization of him even further.

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