this is just um Spain we got main main Town lovely little chapel and then what looks like an awesome derel house uh just behind it well that’s a big unit big big unit my goodness quite nice we co 3 minutes out the absolute center of the historic town I can smell cows crop talking to me gosh you can tell lots of people are joining the trail tonight they were up late last night um not being too noisy but the Bars were were absolutely rammed 10 when I finally fell asleep at um they might keeping me out I was normally bars will be dead by then a b in place right got all this all this Garden out the back maybe not even 10 minutes in and we’re out street light woohoo we like that this morning little stream buried away in the underground possibly needs a bit more love become very rustic very quick this morning love that I was saying in the guy book that this is the most photographed section of the Cina I wonder whether it’s actually has much to do with the fact that you know most people come at to Syria and that’s where they start their their walk so there one it is pretty but to um they’re just starting on an exciting Journey for 3 or 4 days these uh ancient oh Noble trees St here seen no end of pilgrims walk up here I’m guessing they got to be under over 100 years old here he coming actually in poed I think mankind usually has a negative effect on environment but strangely when we going Copus or Pol trees will extend their life quite dramatically I think there like two or three times oh they robbing nice little rise little flat but it’s uh really quite humid and warm this morning soing a little bit of working up the hill wow it’s lot more pretty PRS we would normally expect largely to have the rad to ourselves at sort of after 6:00 in the morning but we’ve got quite a lot of other pilgrims and very clearly sort of fat people that just joined at area good lots of people do that can we know lots of different ways go this looks like a little dark more Lane a lot of people do a week each each year or um split the commo into third into a third each year some like us do it as a through hike all the way through quite a lot of people stuff at Santiago I think particularly the ones that coming at Syria so we spoken to several Spanish um host at the Alber and they said you know it’s the main reason that Spanish people do it is to get there oh look 111 it’s not going to be too long before we break the 100 um it’ll take us about under an hour I think the um yeah most Spanish people do it uh to get the compostella their pardon for their sins which I suspect is probably you know a bit like being confirmed at home but um the I don’t think many people get confirmed at home cuz they think they’re going to go to hell if they don’t it’s just part of the sort of tradition and rituals of uh of the society we live in some people do but not me lookss quite pretty does it nice fly over over there loes in Portugal we decided that the pilgrim prisons actually grain stores for Maze although they normally have oh you can try and go the wrong way but we’re going to eat you that’s L dogs two 1 two three four five six goodness me yeah they’re coming thick and fast unusually I using uh they still um oh yeah lumps of stone the stakes seen that before so those it’s a little bit like Devon it’s not fing Deon we’ only be able to see a view when we got to a Gateway you end up being in these green tunnels with the high Banks and the Hedge on top it’s a little bit like Britney Britney’s not so well are bits of Britney that are bumpy little bit like Normy but Norm’s got Hedges I think it’s probably like um GLA happens to be where we are another cockle happy sounds got some horses this morning it was good to in a goats yesterday and these grain stores that a difference the ones we saw in Portugal in Portugal they um they’ve carved Granite pillars uh to create the air channels and keep the maze inside and they’re not as narrow these are ridiculously narrow here they use um bricks to go and create the uh air flow through and maybe the same sort of height but um half the wi half the width on to saw Portugal it’s nice just left the the road bit which actually was very pleasant there’s a real wave of people behind us they said we were going to notice they pick up a volume we sure are so we’re feeling very uh homely at the moment we uh a little bit a breeze spect up which is quite nice so a little bit fresher we got very light mizzle so home ridiculous number of these things 108. 7 or they like to do it in meters 10 18,700 something definitely too many of though yeah intensive Pig unit they’re not nice L um the Modern Trend these days is to keep Mountain Fields and little pig arks so they can have a fairly Natural Life amazingly clean Peak so I like to go one one air for the toilet one air for sleeping and one air area for uh digging and rooting green toles Game of Thrones I finally given in and started watching The Game of Thrones I’m want youin it um run in season 1 episode 8 I think early days one of my friends on the communo said it’s really worth watching it’s very similar to the power struggles you see in modern society today oh okay all right so got out of my back of my mind while I’m watching it is problem Miss got the grass and can’t quite figure out why at all the dev mles the misles actually cooled it down a bit which is nice we about to go put our waterprof not too bad very popular ponchos interesting trying to think why up the mountains which that’s my training ponchos don’t work they just blow around just become a flappy flag look meina we haven’t said that there’s some Mountain stuff as well I’ve not uh I’ve not tried one so it’ll be unfair for me to P judgment there’s a challenge with the Camino you’re not sure what you’re going to get talking to Brad the other night and the uh past that we did a few days back did it one year and it was blowing no actually this year when he went across over the top of the Pyrenees they had 60 mph winds the Poncho not going to work then how I guess that’s unfair it will work but it’ be horrendous flapping around and make life more difficult for yourself I they go they right it’s got the more traditional sort of mountain attire it’s nice and neat isn’t he if you got to go and do some first aid and take your rock off and if uh you’re a discreet unit we get waterproofs on and we’re typically English I’ve got quite a beasty Montaine um quite a heavyweight thing it’s got cracking grip see but who and great pit Zips at um so actually is surprising cool and some waterproof jackets um are really Pleasant to wear next to your skin when it’s hot and sticky this is one um I’ve got a North Face one which is also gortex but so many different types of Cortex um that’s like a cook in a bag it’s much more lightweight than this one but uh when it gets hot it’s clammy and on your skin which is what you don’t want then we’ve got waterpr trousers and I’ve got little tiny Gators to go me I don’t like getting wet feet I uh suffer from athletes foot although we managed that well on this trip spray my shoes with um athletes foot spray every night that’s dry in the morning and wash me socks every day and they’re great but I know if you if I’ve got wet feet so the recommendation is to wear um summer trainers that are not gortex lined for the Camino and definitely when you’re across Su seter and it’s dry it’s like oh gosh yes um but if my feet get wet and stay wet all day they start to get soft and wrinkly and it’s horrible but um so mine are gortex ones which is great when I get home uh and then when I just when I stop pretty religiously probably won’t do it today cuz it’s wet but normally I iously take my shoes and my socks off A’s my feet has my socks as’s my shoes and we’ll probably have two maybe three stops a day especially when it’s really hot um and I find that that works great I got my bridge stale there quite a lightweight um ankle sock there we go um they work really well and they uh Marina w um polyester oh got a whole host of synthetic and natural Fabrics in there it’s quite a magic Little Mix and they’re actually uh I haven’t found them we’ve been in some hot weather and to 106 still taking away Way um yeah it’s worked really well I’ve been a bit ra I brought three pairs of socks because I wash them every day and they they dry overnight um I sent the other two home in hindsight I think maybe I should have kept one spare I don’t wear we very much could should have kept one spare set in the bag I have got a um um when we were in I don’t know one of the towns went into a very nice walking shop and he persuaded us to buy some Thin synthetic shops with silver woven in them particularly for car’s feet um but we both wore them for a day and didn’t like them they they they don’t Wick the moisture from your feet so I mean my socks are really really damp that evening so I literally only wore them for one day I have still got them in my bag it’s kind like a backup pair of socks if I need them these uh Grain Stores we had the ones with bricks this is the one with wood in it little flange at the bottom to keep the rats and the mice and R some pieces out I look like the steps don’t join to the to the grain store so the rodents can’t go and jump up in this day that would have been incredibly Precious on it that would have been your bread and your pastry store you’re probably going to die if your grain store got ranted like your dandelion and berock there’s berock it’s a b anual for two years think the other one with coats is um the Billy Conley syndrome no such thing as bad weather just B clothing of course everybody’s says it but I think there is some truth in that to actually buying yourself a nice rain coat that see we in the town if it’s persisting down as it does in De an awful lot or you know go out on the countryside or up on the top of the fs but um you want a nice coat that uh you’re going to be comfortable in whatever the weather I think a raincoat hits that more than a PPO does Whatever Gets you out yeah great outside some lovely sounds of the birds we’re 105k from Santiago ready for another coffee stop oh I’m quite likeing in the Mist on the top of the trees up there look nice fog today it’s just that Devon mizzle but actually there’s the got a little bit wetter got a little bit cooler not quite as muggy muggy as it was earlier ch it’s got a um slightly an aedy flavor it’s actually really really quite um quite nice sming at my hand Mouse barley what incredible color I like that you want on me now spy sure and uh Hemlock are very similar plants it’s like oh is that that sort of family of plants you got to be super careful with one that time that’s old boy in there oh a dog watching me what are you doing you asked my owner we going back to Bricks for the the store awful lot of vending machines we’re after a cafe I next one’s about 4 carway that one was about to open but not quite we weren’t that Keen and we’re going to wait for it to open we’ve been caught out before they open door and then you got to wait for the coffee machine to warm up and before you know it’s half an hour before you got your drink some pretty flowers that looks like there must be Fords isn’t it they probably got a factory license to produce oh hello dogs everywhere I reckon they are licensed to be produce a Ford tractor under an Ebro name I’m going Google it find out Ford iir was uh it was a joint venture with a factory in Barcelona and Ford in 1920s and in 1954 Ford pulled out and then they were rebranded and became motor iira and then eventually Ebro which makes buses and lorries and the like tractors but hence why the little tractors look like little Fords they are we could really be uh walking out on the edge of dmall here o trees and moss covered rocks of course considerably drier but I think that’ll change as we move to the Atlantic car go big mod houses five Ys Cina 103 885 Miss clad Hills is that like Cornish or Dev Granite quite few these got Babin Brook impressive granite PA wet Fields getting pretty close now we’re about 103 km a cafe stop before [Music] that talk to a lovely lady with her daughter I was going to say I spoke to her daughter as well we didn’t she was engaging her phone at um from he’s a an attorney has a tough job does all the child abuse abuse cases she seems pretty robust doing it for a long time but we’re just astounding talking about you know she was apprehensive started in there San doing this last 100K or4 I think is from s uh wait just take it nice and easy and now materialize it she doesn’t walk anywhere her office is just down the down the hall from the court um so she says she normally walks maybe 3,000 steps a day and I said well you must go out and walk in the countryside in the trees I said no I said she got a dog I said oh we take a dog out for no no no it’s just in the backyard well I supp you play golf no no don’t play golf like holy you really don’t do any walking so uh I’m sure she’s going to do really well but she just going to a little bit of a shot for her and she’s been quite clever that she’s getting a bags mov on each day any hassle with that is of course you’ve committed yourself to walk a particular distance but you can also get taxi you finally get too much towards that’s the key weather Cino not getting locked in I think you got to do a particular way being kind of flexible adapting strength through adaptability zenway apparently we in the oh gosh it was almost scary was there was so many of them you like it my cake y qu time looks oh I going to say it looks like 135 it’s actually it’s not 155 there we go sensible size tractors oh my goodness Ebro as well I was assuming cuz it was red it must have been a um a messie maybe she’s the grill the front grill on the front that’s a bit sad Grill on the front’s say a Massy Grill E bro must have had a contract oh col in there hello sweetie e must have had a contract with um mie Ferguson as well I guess oh I want to take a photo taking a video kind of cool little stream running down next to us we are I think we’re like 101.3 something like that it’s funny isn’t it does it really make any difference when we get to 100 km bit yeah it does just one of those little markers we got lots and lots of kids groups on the Camino we were being very judgmental nauy of us as an American group go through and the uh Electra shot off with a group of kids that were having a great time I left a girl there that was really struggling she broke down in tears that when uh when they all left without her was like God guy you really professional teacher like kicking him in the balls liking this bit of path it’s kind of cool we lost the [Laughter] stream oh where’s car lost hi babe caught out with a clown oops sorry can view that’s a lots of lots of happy folk Co there you go how many times have you seen a farmer going in cutting out the U hatherly Heather as we call it around here by hand he’s a tough bunny he got a lovely cyler herd there good on you mate just a sounding isn’t it we’re going back 60 years I’m guessing much nicer actually going around cutting out those reads with a um a hook then it would be well you wouldn’t do it with a stummer it sounds like an angry angry Hornet we uh home is done with a Topper so you’re s on a tractor and whizzing around so I mean my goodness you’ve got modern day you’re going to be an air conditioned tractor with your your stereo and a nice um airs sprung seat my childhood it would have been a that little 135 and uh you might have had a cab you might not have a cab if anything it’s just a sound boox that amplifies the noise of the tractor as you’re going along 101 277 got some beehives so this day that would have been me but now it’s for m Nicki well come on focus on the beehives you can do it there we go I would say I don’t know Lang trth modified Dand something like that neck of the woods there uh use modified Nationals or if you want to something that’s really pretty WBC Hive yeah gosh that is a nice view with these who and great um bits of rock really than slate aren’t they for the roofs yeah so um National hives are really quite small frames just for the bees and then I think maybe lross the next size up but um cracking little tractor here a slurry mixer there we go wonderful I don’t know it’s the farmer or is his wife but he like their roses how beautiful cool oh got the dairy milk tank outside there the potatoes oh we got a dog following us hello woof woof said you were pausing too long [Applause] lots of dogs got a Col in there [Laughter] oh yeeha oh my goodness lots of dogs we got two dogs that can keep us company what are you doing close 100 75 1,000 100,000 757 oh 100 km7 that’s good for that it’s just way too much all these meters I like meters but we start talking about hundreds of thousands of meters it’s like come on just be sensible oh and we got another one they do come up rather quick I bet even this one’s not going to be the 100 kilm one or 100,000 me to one let’s see I’m listening to Robin Williams with Parkinson it’s quite a long one 25 minutes oh go it’s just so funny look at it 100,000 77 M like come on guys did we really need to have one there it’s got a different feel it it suddenly feels like a bit like the foothills of the Alps for a second oops thought took a photo 485 photos before we get 100 km one oops thought took a photo 485 photos before we get to 100 km one it’s obviously some good photo cuz all the kids are messing around taking a photo but we don’t think we’re at 100 km Mark yet love these cafes and you got seats either side of the road so always surprises around the corner so look at this surprise look at that from I don’t know what is it it oops going way it’s a crypt or yeah well there we go whatever it is it’s new oh it’s lost one of the bits it’s lost several bits that’s kind of a shame maybe the locals have not I’m more interested in the grass cutter look at this with a trailer this is great oh wow look at that oh we got a goose we need to be more worried about the goose than the dog oh the dog’s dog’s tied up oh it’s a Setter hello sweetie very frustrated being tied TI all right all right all right we won’t give you a hassle yeah look at this that is awesome we got this piece up here for a little trailer there oil I’m loving [Laughter] it well that sounds awesome let’s going look at this thing yeah that’s definitely a big guy there we go don’t normally like the church yards in yeah there we go just this one’s actually way prettier than lots of the other ones we looked at some of them look like um oh my goodness it’s already very pretty and elaborate but some of the ones we’ve been M they look like the storage containers you go and hire at home to go and put your stuff in there we go this is a bit s under 2 by two just like you hear that no he was coming down the road y you can see the hill yeah he on the stop yeah and there a big Ro so he’s coming down the hill going one come out literally the top of his get out of the way a pebble Shrine I was enjoying the view I was going to take a photo it’s been stopped again that’s going to be 100K now and then we can [Laughter] relax we’ll worry when we get down to I don’t know 50 Maybe my little tractor Ro be oh dinky little r Bor it’s kind of cool you can see what it does want a photo on 100K mark only Gala 9,930 and the 100 bar is just the group for kids ridiculous number of way markers in Gala but they’re kind of fun 100 km bar which imagine it does well other times video this SP P chicken it’s like w got a r light and red it is quite a cool um they just are all of a sudden everywhere although um when we went to Portugal over early in the year you’d find on the edge of the village there might be oh my goodness you know 10 20 30 odd but um these seem to be every Farms so it has one oh or two in that case it’s a different Farm look at the Hol Hawks I think they are gorgeous mow mow is very pretty we got holks a size of those beams are putting up there for repairing it’s like wow these are unusually little slots not quite sure what that’s about wonder if it’s like a Deon long house whenever there’s animals underneath JD and the house above chair watching all the pilgrims walking past this particular case is a horsey CRA has I change liking this little fire and an oven for the pilgrims an old cart bed oh and look there a Rin dry whatever they call them we’ll to find out what they’re called oh it’s lovely just got this lovely weaving tractor on now and it goes through Little Farms occasional Cafe popup loving it this place is really cool really really cool mirrors a bit deceiving should you under here good English summer weather they kind of cool these little l m and they that’ll be way more fun than uh going Mo lawn yourself look at this view amazing the music they paining in there reminds me of Austin Powers in a really nice way Austin Powers is just brilliant having heavy showers oh there cattle and tractors what a heavy mix a little tractor over here in the shed John de this place is very oh look at a cat cool that we’ve seen several cats asleep on the tiles cuz it’s nice and warm not today it’s a very upm market place it’s very pleasant having a second Coffee Cafe conri can be a little bit milky but not here had these views across this Valley all morning and they uh clearing up a little bit I’m loving the that you can see the wind turbines that cool I’m getting some great the clouds the blue bits through the clouds we uh today’s walk got Sunny’s on um finishes a reservoir and there’s a bridge across the middle of the reservoir quite a big beasty and just before just yeah just before the bridge is uh Liberty proba peace spell onina so that one’s going to be ding ding and um in this afternoon it’s supposed to be bright Sunshine which definitely seems to be going that way but getting few heavy showers yeah mle this morning few very short heavy showers this afternoon um and when the sun comes out it’s got some power so with a bit of luck we might be a to find somewhere to go into the reservoir and have a swim we’ll have a SE I’m not quite sure I I mentioned it before you know so I think we’ve got 26 reservoirs in the southwest three of them you’re allowed to do water sports on none of them you’re allowed to wild swimming when they do do sort of triathon events and bits and pieces my guess I mean recreational swimming it’s my mindfulness but um so of course I I follow those rules and regulations and I haven’t wild F in any of those 26 reservoirs hand on heart um France they’re uh my experience with France is they uh obviously doing all of them but I’ve seen quite a few where they put artificial beaches and um they do go and rope it off but the Rope off bit I think is just the limit of the lifeguards have lifeguard and a cafe there the reservoirs so they just turn them into recreational um places for people to go and swim enjoy water sports quite often have water slides and all sorts going on there um Spain I think they’re quite officious it’ll be interesting to see 96k another way marker got a cracking view yeah so we’ll just have to play it by year to see whether it’s somewhere that we can swim in or not I’ll let you know later amazing difference between walking on a gravel track and a Tarmac tac’s okay the worst one is um concrete Paving slabs you get in a in a city to really feel that jar on your legs look at the um Fox gloves woohoo AR they just gorgeous just kind of nature showing off going walk up now um ah and then walking on the grass even better which is another benefit of my um gortex gortex lined cuz the the grass is quite wet wo um but boy can you feel the difference between uh concrete Paving slabs tarmac gravel and grass um much more then this is the first view we’ve had I think maybe this is a store coming is it a stalk or a bird of prey no it’s a bird of prey can I catch her there she is she’s going to disappear out sight or he first view we’ve had today opening out to the right had this finally on the left for hours and hours it’s been gorgeous Town we’re not very far um I think it’s less than 5K to the end today so I’m guessing this not the town that town thought that’s a bit too close it is there’s a whopping big oh another one two of them flying together was a kite they actually got our neck of the woods um only red kites but theyve got a whole host of them in uh in Spain if you way if you remember way back in the Pyrenees at um up taking some there some cool information boards telling you about the different types had a pilgrims on a track today we chatting to Rudy like we got this bit here but if I go down look you can see him down there um although there we go look I’ve only got one behind me at moment seems to open up a little bit I think you get little windows but um so we set off pretty early cuz we thought oh we I miss all the day Trippers I think we did do that and but the day Trippers have been kind of catching us up a little bit but they’re just coming into the cafes as we’re leaving them yeah yeah I’ve talking to this uh University student from Philadelphia that we’ve been walking off and on for last week and actually it’s going to be all the way into Santiago cuz they paying univiversity is paying for the B um fumigo to be 96 to be um swung which will be amazing um so we definitely to join them for that offer to give them some money but they um I didn’t want it so we wax some some charity what what Sunshine yeah Rudy was saying it’s a he went to left yesterday there a really I think it’s the oldest Monastery on the Camino and we went right which um rag was said was a prettier one and had a few cafes and bits and pieces had a lovely walk yesterday said it was a a hard walk with um I don’t think I had any cafes oh yeah there’s a reservo just there sorry that’s out town and U but he was saying different type of tough today just you know so many people in the commo so much so that when you stop and you want to move from left to right in a path it’s a bit like on excuse me a Motorway you got to sort of um look behind you not going to get run over by somebody coming past no no bikes on a oh only had two they must have got a separate route there little glimpses I don’t think it’ll come up on the camera of the reservoir that’s coming up M sort of Peak District um funny isn’t it how you get different bits that remind you of different parts of of the world I was remembered a while back I’ve not been there but in brioso um there a guy I know really well that did a lot of coaching early on in my kaying career um I did my level two coaching Award with him and several others uh but he used to run lots of trips to I used to spend the summer in Bri um running trips and coaching there and then just before Christmas he would take a group on a Ken trip to the pool every year and apparently there’s a valley just above briosa which um he said you just think you’re in the pool I’ve not I’ve not seen that yet but we will it’s one of those places that we like going back to so we go skiing there most of years so not be skiing there last couple of years um but it’s just as lovely in the summer as it is in the in the winter and we’ve not on the fern on Gorge which is just a little bit further down so that’s that’s going to happen wheel barers of grass where they’ve um we saw that little tiny grass cutter with a trailer um and I would guess that that’s where they’re keeping cattle inside all the time and doing zero grazing so every day they go out and cut enough grass to feed them but um you know if you got a wheelbarrow it’s probably only one or two cattle maybe just about to find out it’s a cracking CA with the view isn’t it not that we just not have one equally nice outside smiling the carry how nuts it is here 21st century pilgrims walking along going through these little farmsteads with farming practices that go back 60 years maybe um I reckon probably their Suns and daughters are the ones that running the cafes that we walk through which are rather awesome Clarkson would be impressed oh there we go I’m happy seen some chickens H girls oh of course there’s a craw hello mate Co there dust bath uh so I think these are sweet chestnuts just suddenly changed again yeah farming scenery 95k some pine trees into PL with Chestnut trees and two green not I’m not a great fan of um rain covers for your rock sacks but somebody had left one in a oh it’s a strange thing like a a concrete sted structure not much bigger than a garden shed only almost 7 left one in there so I I grab on and uh and now I do use it we got a little rain showers it’s not really to keep my kit dry that’s all in dry bags it’s like oh I really want a wet Rock sack a rock saac used to be many moons ago waterproof those days are long gone all the waterproofing is uh flaking off um nice section of uh path of quite big Granite edges and steps just coming down towards this Reservoir only seen some little glimpses it’s only couple of K not sure they can see it through trees or that or some more round Bells C goes to speaking to me or the camera got witch stay fit and healthy in old age keep fitting active grow some healthy food mom is going to walk past some twinings tea I mean that’s pretty serious how exciting a swift just shot down about two foot of the ground past me it’s great walking through all these places lump of rock oh one of the grain drying things a m shift Greenhouse navigating on the Cino is no big here just look for the yellow arrows they’re quite recent I think something like 56 so some I think there a priest at um in his citen I’m hoping it’s a 2cb we’re going have to go and find out um drove around and put yellow arrows on the route and they were yellow because he was able to get hold of a load of yellow paint that was left over from marking the roads cheap and um and that was a sort of Regenesis in the sort of late 50s of I mean commun been W for thousands of years but sort of current uplifting people doing it it’s down to this one priest with his Citron and his can of yellow paint wow look did you go then we have to we have to swim the next bit we got a r l how much of a ding are we going to get it’s not bad it’s not bad way smaller than I thought it was going to be but not to upset the locals too much it is nice in some water big chunk of water apparently the church up there has been Mose Stone by Stone and whether it’s this side or the other side the Old Village is flooded um and on clear day so I’m told there’s a strong wind can you hear me on a clear day supposedly you can see um some of the ruins of the buildings it’s like oh yeah it’s not clar to see today hello old man oh your legs are talking to me lot of steps what lovely Arch into the town there we go iing nice little town nice little Street yeah nice hey [Music] 12:55 old hand blade through Merchant on the High Street how cool is that I’ll pick out some chicken food liking it that’s chicken grit that I’m struggling to get it home ah the church at move it’s got some cool St glass the groco shop extraordinaire look the bridge oh sorry oh I guess that must have been the bridge over the river at some point yeah before yeah so they’ve just kept the steps there we go the Parago groc shops oh my goodness come on ni

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