Did you ever wonder how the Dutch kept their cycling culture alive while so many other countries lost theirs to the automobile? This animation examines many of the reasons while also looking at the social benefits for living in a cycling-obsessed society.

    Written, narrated and animated by Lucas Brailsford.

    Made with help from Marco te Brömmelstroet from the Urban Cycling Institute.

    For more information visit:




    Music: “Zeitmaschine” by Melodiesinfonie

    The Netherlands is the bicycle capital of the world. The Dutch make 4.5 billion trips by bicycle each year. And each cyclist travels an average of 878 kms annually. 84% of the population has at least one bicycle. This includes men, women, young, old, rich and poor. This system is so efficient that in urban centres, trips made by bicycle are on average 5% faster than the same trips made by car. For a healthy population this is great because this form of transportation is free. It also provides freedom and accessibility and it offers an important means of exercise, with studies showing reductions in illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and depression. Cycling also promotes social capital and belonging because it fosters interaction between people and their built environment. These are interactions that don’t seem to take place in the same way from the seat of a car. This begs the question, how did the Dutch keep their cycling culture alive while so many other countries lost theirs? Many people think the Dutch cycle just because they have designated bike lanes or because the country is so incredibly flat. Sure, these play a significant role, but maybe the most important reason for the Dutch cycling culture is actually overlooked. Bicycles were a major means of transportation up until the 1940s, but in the years following WWII road networks and highways were constructed across the Netherlands welcoming the age of the automobile. Dutch city planners approved routes for expressways leading directly into city centres to facilitate traffic, and in Amsterdam, demolition crews cleared large swathes of historic neighbourhoods to make room for intercity highways. This is how the public reacted— A battle erupted between the government and the public over the construction of this automobile infrastructure and the increasing danger caused by cars for both cyclists and pedestrians and especially for children. After years of protest, the public eventually won and construction of urban highways ended. Politicians finally realized the important role that cycling had in society. During all this chaos in the streets a quieter victory was also taking place. In the halls of power laws were passed that banned big box stores from being built on the outskirts of town. This seemingly small land use policy had a huge implication on the future of the country. Now development was pushed into city centres, and small-scale supermarkets and retail stores sprung up in most neighbourhoods. As urban density increased car ownership was optional, not mandatory because people could easily access all their basic needs by foot or bicycle. The real lesson here for all the cities across the world trying to develop a similar bicycle culture is change requires two elements— a dedicated public outcry and forward-thinking policy. While protesters are an important catalyst for change the paper-pushing bureaucrats remain the true unsung heroes. So I’ll take this moment to give a well-deserved thank you to those protesters and paper pushers who unknowingly made the Netherlands such an accessible, healthy and open society. You left a pretty great legacy.


    1. Yes they ride those ugly bikes because it´s all plain wherever you go: I want to see them riding those ugly stupid bikes here where i live and using it daily. So: BULSHIT

    2. The Netherlands isn't the triumph you make it out to be: cyclists are BANNED from many roads, instead obliged to use cobbled cycle paths that are narrow and crowded. Hard to get moving on a bike there. Frankly 878km/year is very little (~3km/day) Meanwhile, the motorists enjoy immaculate smooth asphalt everywhere on a network of motorways. And good luck with crossing the road in towns which are effectively cycle priority. So no. To be imitated only with very large pinch of salt.

    3. Woah woah woah.. bike trips are FREE!?
      Sure, I got my bike for free (not counting all the money I paid), maintenance is free (again, not counting the money it costs).

    4. I am a little shocked. If a bike has gears there is no problem with wind or hills. ,,Hipster bike'': should be standard in a not too bare bone version. Bikes at the trainstation do fill up.

    5. 2:15 story of fucking eastern europe. in my city we got huge malls with huge parking lots and parking houses. and the only small stores are cellar stores that thrive on selling alcohol and little else.
      every day I commute to work on a bicycle and I see hundreds of cars and perhaps two cyclists. with the current weather anyway.

      also bicycle holders everywhere are ones where you stick your front wheel into.

    6. Nice video.
      You're forgetting one other important factor in this though:
      The oil crises of the 70s.
      The government banned cars on sunday's for a long time so riding bikes got a big boost.

    7. I am very limited as a cyclist in Austria. The differences in altitude are too great, I usually stay in the valley. In addition to that, pick a wrong day and the wind pushes you back to your origin 😉

    8. I like this video, but wish it didn't have that song playing in the background. I am pretty sure the only lyric is s**t, which means I can't use this with my young students. Can you please post a version without the song?

    9. I think the most interesting thing isn't that the Dutch kept their cycling culture; it's that they lost their cycling culture and went to automobiles.
      But once they found out what cars really cost they rebuilt the bicycle infrastructure and reclaimed their past.
      I think one of the biggest factors might have been that the Dutch don't have major automobile manufacturers. Car companies spend a lot of money making sure that you don't have an alternative to buying from them.

    10. "This form of transportation is free" . The 10 bikes in my shed just dropped from the sky of course. And they require no maintenance either. Cheaper than a car, yes. Free? No way.

    11. I personally “gently harass” my county in order to make it more bike/pedestrian accessible. My county had a population/housing explosion and they did not properly create the roads/proper infrastructure for the cars, let alone cyclists. Their response so far? An official sign, telling cars to “share the road.” We don’t even have sidewalks, FFS.

    12. I think cycling in the Netherlands is save, we have also a lot of specialy bikelanes.
      Another reason> biking is cheap and the timetraveling is almost the same as with a car, in the cities the bike is even faster than a car.

    13. There are about 9 million cars in the Netherlands, driving 122 billion km per year. And there are some 23 million bicycles riding a total of 15 billion km per year on a population of 17,5 million people. The average tripdistance on a bicycle is only 3 km and the average total distance per year is 850 km… we make 280 trips per year, let's say 1 trip of 3 km per day.

      So bicycles are mostly used to make little trips that could be done on foot. However, 3 km takes a 36 minute walk and on a bicycle only 12 minutes.

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