In this true crime case we look at a couple who took pleasure in inflicting pain on women, they would place ads in lonely hearts columns and once the women replied they were quickly brought to the house from which they would never escape, they could be tormented for years at a time before their lives were brutally ended.

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    on April 27th 2016 in HOSA Germany police sted the home of Wilfred W and Angeli kab arresting the couple for the murder of a Woman They had held captive for months in horrific conditions however this initial charge barely scratched the surface of their depravity numerous women had been lured to the house through ads in a Lonely Heart column these women often the most vulnerable found themselves trapped in a nightmarish cycle of abuse torture and murder that could span for years victims were subjected to daily torment with stung guns and bunsom burners and many other items used in their sadistic sickening games of torture the case became a media sensation as the grizzly details emerged and the house came to be infamously known as the House of Horrors in h this video is longer than usual because I wanted to show you the development of the crimes and how they kept pushing to become more depraved in Germany they hide some individuals identities so I can only show you images that are publicly available and that’s why some people in this case are not identified but we do know what happened to them they have been dubbed the German Fred and Rose West which tells you how horrific these crimes were but before we dive in I want to tell you about my other channel called grim tales where I am covering true stories that are shocking but not murderous I think if you find this content interesting then you should go and see what’s over there link to the channel is in the comments also if you find this video interesting then please drop the video a like and leave a comment as it really helps me out thank you this video is created solely for educational and documentary purposes the background of Wilfred and Angelica remain largely unknown but here is what we do know Wilfred was born in 1970 in bokam Germany he grew up with his sister in a household dominated by their abusive alcoholic father the constant fear and Trauma of beatings defined their childhood seeking Escape wilfred’s mother eventually found a new partner a farmer and moved the family to his rural property in the early 1990s after enduring years of beatings initially the farm provided a refuge and a sense of stability Wilfred immersed himself in farm work which offered a welcome distraction from his turbulent past however the seeming Tranquility was shortlived every Sunday when wilfred’s mother left to work her new partner would take advantage of her absence and intimately abuse Wilfred and his sister they bore this additional torment in silence feeling unable to seek help to support himself Wilfred took on various menial jobs though he struggled to find a stable career he attempted to train as a dog handler and a mechanic but each effort ended in Failure leaving him to repeatedly return to the farm in 1991 wilfred’s first known relationship began with a woman named Michaela their relationship was casual and open and although after a time they were not an item they were still seeing each other 3 years later in 199 94 Wilfred met Ana s who had placed an ad seeking love in a local paper they quickly connected and moved in together in the city of pador the initial happiness faded when she moves in and wilfred’s behavior turned violent he began slapping Ana which escalated to punching despite this they married with Ana perhaps clinging to the hope that marriage would bring stability and change change instead wilfred’s treatment of Ana grew increasingly brutal after their marriage he beat her with boxing gloves burned her with an iron and a hair dryer and used a lighter to inflict further Burns to her skin Ana was left with open SS all over her body adding to the horror Wilfred invited his ex-girlfriend Michaela to stay with them and she joined in on the abuse Wilfred instructed Michaela to attack Ana with a Club Hitting her in the vagina and burning her Wilfred forced Ana to drink alcohol poured it onto her wounds and tortured her with a heated rubber pipe both Wilfred and Michaela subjected Ana to Relentless mental abuse mocking and humiliating her while cheering each other on the horrific abuse continued for weeks Ana was explicitly warned that any attempt to escape would result in her death fortunately on September 21st 1994 Ana’s family concerned by the lack of contact managed to rescue her from the house Wilfred was arrested and charged during this time Michaela gave birth to wilfred’s child but he had no involvement with either Michaela or the child afterwards Wilfred received a prison sentence of 2 years and 9 months for his abuse of Ana while Michaela received a 1-year suspended sentence for her part in the torture upon his release Wilfred secured a job as a caretaker at a railway station it was during this period in 1999 that he stumbled upon another ad in the Lonely Hearts column this time from a woman named Angelica she was born on January 21st 1970 and grew up on a modest farm with her parents from a young age she was involved in farm work which defined much of her childhood and Adolescence her life was simple and isolated with no close friends and no particular hobbies to speak of but importantly she was happy every penny she earned from her labor on the farm was carefully saved and by the time she reached adulthood she had massed around 160,000 deuts mark a significant sum despite having an IQ of around 120 Angelica had not pursued any notable academic or professional achievements her romantic life was equally uneventful she had a brief fling with a man but that relationship ended quickly when it became clear that he was interested only in her money this left Angelica disheartened and wary of future relationships in 199 99 tragedy struck when her father passed away Angelica was deeply affected by the loss as she had always been close to her father she was very much a daddy’s girl grief stricken she threw herself into her work on the farm finding solace in the familiar routines and responsibilities the farm however was now shorthanded Angelica and her mother struggled to keep up with the demands of running it recognizing the need for additional help Angelica’s mother decided it was time to bring another man into their lives she posted an ad in the Lonely Hearts column on Angelica’s behalf seeking a partner who could also assist with work on the farm it was in response to this ad that Wilfred came into Angelica’s life his arrival marked the beginning of a new a beit troubling chapter for Angelica she described it as Ling at First Sight they would walk the streets handin hand exchanging kisses and displaying their affection openly she was completely smitten just 3 months later on March 17th 1999 they got married a few months after that they welcomed a baby into their lives on the surface they appeared to be a happy family however the same cycle of abuse that plagued wilfred’s previous marriage began to appear four years later in 2003 the couple moved to schlangen in the district of lip sadly their baby was taken away from them for reasons that remain unknown in an effort to isolate Angel Wilfred forbid her from contacting her mother wilfred’s control of Angelica was absolute he demanded that his meals be prepared at a specific time each day and if she fail to meet these demands he subjected her to hours of interrogation if these sessions didn’t satisfy him the beatings would begin if she disturbed him as he slept at night he would chain her up in another part of the house treating her as less than human Angelica had two pets a dog and a cat but Wilfred ordered her to get rid of them and in a horrific Act of obedience Angelica shot the dog and placed the cat in the tumble dryer horrific wilfred’s cruelty extended to what he called games for his own perverse Amusement one such game blanket torture involved wrapping Angelica in blankets and strangling her until she passed out multiple times in a more extreme version he would put a bag over her head and bite her breasts drawing blood and this was his preferred method of the game in in court Angelica later testified that she believed this torment was a twisted sign of love thinking that Wilfred kept her alive because he could have easily killed her the daily abuse included burning her with a bunson burner pouring boiling water on her stabbing her and knocking out her teeth despite this Relentless brutality Angelica stayed with him eventually Wilfred expressed that he no longer found Angelica attractive he didn’t want to leave her but he needed something more desperate to please him Angelica agreed to help find another woman she began placing ads in newspapers with taglines such as poultry farmer seeks love a nice guy with a car looking for a future with a woman when women responded it was Angelica who replied as Wilfred was not good with writing he would occasionally send voice messages and speak on the phone but it was a joint effort to law in the women this marked the beginning of a prolonged spree of torture and murder in 2008 38-year-old k o made contact after several phone conversations she fell in love with Wilfred and moved in with them to make things easier Angelica pretended to be wilfred’s sister quickly the couple assumed control over Katie’s life they changed her address to their own so that her mail would come to them they forced her to beg her grandparents for money which they took amounting to thousands of Euros the physical abuse began soon after Katie recalled a particularly brutal incident and quote I’ll never forget this he went shopping and then came back to me I still had something on the stove and just opened the door for him and went back to the stove I didn’t take the shopping from him that made him so angry that he hit me with both hands he hit everything of mine that he could and didn’t stop I kept it to myself and worked it out myself Wilfred convinced me that it was my fault and I believed it I wanted to have a boyfriend at the time and I accepted that Wilfred and Angelica even convinced Katie that she had epilepsy forcing her to take unknown medication Katie spent weeks locked inside her home mentally broken and believing there was no Escape she was given a list of strict rules such as not interrupting or talking back to Wilfred or Angelica always being ready and attentive and essentially acting as their obedient slave any failure to follow these rules resulted in severe beatings everything seemed hopeless for Katie until one night Wilfred threatened to kill her instead of of accepting the abuse something inside her snapped she ran to the bathroom and escaped through a window fleeing to a neighbor’s house and calling her brothers for help this marked the end of her 9 months of Hell although Katie managed to escape she didn’t report the abuse to the police she thought no one would believe her she just wanted to move on with her life and was grateful to have survived which is understandable but unfortunately this allowed the horrific couple to continue their reign of terror on other victims one thing Angelica learned from this experience was that when there was another female around Wilfred attacked them and not her she like this the next woman to respond to one of wilfred’s ads was named Ana W for about 4 weeks they had been talking on the phone building a connection but they had not yet met in person late one evening Ana’s doorbell rang not expecting any visitors she cautiously opened the door and was shocked to find Wilfred standing there without hesitation he proposed to her pulling out four different Rings he claimed they were from his ex-girlfriends but I have a feeling that they might have belonged to other victims Ana’s instincts screamed danger she felt a chill run down her spine sensing that her life was at risk despite her fear she forced herself to remain calm and play along she chose one of the Rings but kept Wilfred at the door refusing to let him into her home she made up a reason to return to bed suggesting that they could continue their conversation the next day the moment the door closed Ana’s heart raced she knew she had to act quickly the next day she cut off all contact with Wilfred telling him that no uncertain terms that she did not want to see or hear from him again she hoped that that would be the end of it but her ordeal was far from over Angelica and Wilfred retaliated viciously they began stalking Ana’s home watching her every move and calling her almost constantly the tension escalated as she realized they were always nearby a lurking threat that she couldn’t escape the persistent harassment was designed to break her to make her succumb to their control despite the mounting fears and stress Ana remained strong her refusal to give in was a gamble with her life every knock on the door every phone call was a reminder of the Peril that she was in days stretched into what felt like an eternity but Ana’s unwavering Defiance paid off the harassment eventually ceased and she became one of the fortunate a few who managed to escape Wilfred and Angelica’s clutches Anu was safe but I feel there were many more cases similar to hers that we just don’t know about in 2011 Wilfred and Angelica relocated from schlangen to Hoster lured by the offer of a vacant house at a favorable rent after 6 years of payments the house would become theirs situated in a small tight-nit community of Boss born with a population of around 500 the community was one where everyone knew each other and Outsiders were rare most villagers stayed indoors by 1000 p.m. providing a perfect cover for Wilfred and Angelica’s Sinister activities the couple did not integrate with the local community preferring to keep to themselves on the rare occasions they did interact with others they posed as brother and sister by this time they had divorced but it was likely a strategic move to avoid wilfred’s child support obligations and to ensure Angelica could retain her full benefits this deceitful Arrangement suited their dark purposes as money was always tight once settled Angelica began placing Lonely Hearts ads in newspapers far and wide even reaching into other countries in court she later admitted that they were in debt to nearly every newspaper due to unpaid fees surprisingly many women responded to the ads but these were not random choices Wilfred and Angelica meticulously selected their victims the women who responded had to fit a specific profile they were often single without close family or friends they typically belonged to a lower social class these women were easy targets for manipulation and ideally they did not drive above all they were lonely making them perfect prey for Wilfred and Angelica’s predatory schemes under the cover of night in a village that turned a blind eye after dark Wilfred and Angelica’s reign of terror unfolded the idilic appearance of Boss born masked by the horrors within their home where innocent women were lured into a web of Cruelty and abuse this was the beginning of the House of Horrors in HOSA the house itself was a dilapitated nightmare the very image of a house of horrors the walls were covered in mold the wallpaper hung in tatters outside a chaotic mix of chickens goats and pigs roam the grounds inside one room was just for Stray Cats adding to the sense of neglect of the place an unused bedroom lay upstairs cold old and empty the living room was the space in which they lived the only space they could heat with a gas bar fire it contained a worn out sofa a mattress and a cooker the entire property was in such despair that it was no surprise that they were offered it at a low rate one of the first women to respond to Wilfred and Angelica’s ads was an unnamed woman she had been chatting with Wilfred over the phone for weeks and believed he was was a kind man this woman had four children who were her world she agreed to meet Wilfred and he and Angelica picked her up the moment she arrived at their house her heart sank the place rre of Decay and filth she had no idea Angelica would be there and every Instinct screamed that she was in grave danger terrified but determined to stay composed she forced herself to remain calm on the outside she needed to survive for her children that night they forced her to sleep on the grimy sofa with Wilfred spooning her from behind while Angelica lay on the mattress on the floor below treated almost like a dog in the dead of night she was jolted awake by Wilfred trying to intimately assault her summoning every ounce of strength she managed to fend him off without provoking his anger Angelica witnessed this but remained coldly indifferent the next day her nightmare escalated Wilfred overpowered her and subjected her to a day of Relentless intimate abuse Angelica did nothing to help and even became jealous of the attention the woman was getting as the woman endured the horrific abuse Wilfred and Angelica mocked her for not enjoying it calling her boring desperate and with her children constantly on her mind she knew she had to find a way out that evening A desperate plan began to form in her mind she observed the squala around her and realized that they were desperate for money she started to play along talking about the potential of the house and what could be done with just a little money she offered to help them financially but explained she needed to retrieve some documents from her apartment amazingly will W and Angelica were gullible enough to believe her they drove her back to her apartment her heart pounding with fear and hope as soon as she arrived she bolted from the car and sprinted into her apartment she slammed the door shut and barricaded it with a sofa her body trembling with a mixture of Terror and relief she had narrowly escaped a brush with death though scarred from The Experience she had survived and could return to her children children whether or not she reported the incident remains unclear a similar situation happened with another woman Crystal P but her ordeal took an even darker turn Crystal responded to one of wilfred’s ads and like the others ended up at his house this time however Crystal genuinely fell for Wilfred which caused Angelica to have intense jealousy Crystal seemed content with the state of the house even discussing plans to fix it up unlike the other women Crystal was allowed to return to her flat because they both believed she would come back willingly Crystal was happily intimate with Wilfred but she couldn’t understand why his sister was always there tagging along with them even during their romantic moments this fragile sense of Happiness was shattered at the beginning of 2012 driven by pure jealousy and spite Angelica accused Crystal of snooping around the house in a fit of rage she attacked Crystal with pepper spray and shaved her head treated like a spy Crystal’s World descended into a nightmare Wilfred joined in on the attack and they turned on her like a pack of wolves the psychological torment of having her head shaved and attacked must have been terrifying for Crystal shortly after the attack Crystal’s nightmare got worse she said this in court and quote from then on the terror was only day and night when I didn’t clean up once Wilfred chained me Barefoot in the pig eyy it was Winter and really cold from then on he often chained me outside and beat me there with the flat of his hand or with his fist he beat me black and blue Angelica sprayed pepper spray in my eyes fortunately the pigs left me alone once I almost had the chance to get help I was told to go to the neighbors with Angelica and make a fuss because they were standing at the window and staring I just said to the neighbors then why don’t you call the police that was a hidden Cry for Help from me but then Angelica asked me to go back to the house over there they took me to the floor in the kitchen and Wilfred choked my neck he sat on top of me and hit me with both hands Angelica then warned him to stop at some point that was when I had already robed my eyes and was on the verge of unconsciousness I never had the chance to escape the doors were always locked the blinds were down I want to leave I said to Wilfred he just said you love me don’t you once when we were mocking out Wilfred hit me in the face with a shovel completely out of nowhere all I could see was him swinging I immediately fell over and had a wound on my forehead that bled profusely from that point on I just wanted to go home Crystal’s life became a living Hill she was no longer allowed to go home forced to sleep on a filthy floor instead of the couch they stripped her of her dignity taking her bank cards phone and clothes she was denied access to the toilet forced to use a litter tray instead a chain was fastened around her neck and it had a lead and she was led around like an animal when Crystal would use the litter tray they would both mock her for doing so just pure torment the cruelty escalated further when they chained her outside in the pigy during the night Crystal was terrified of the pigs especially at night one night her cries Disturbed wilfred’s sleep enraged he went outside and beat her face with a shovel leaving per permanent marks Crystal endured three months of this horrific abuse her torment only ended when Wilfred and Angelica one day out of the blue presented her with a contract to sign falsely stating that she’d been there of her own free will and had inflicted the injuries on herself surprisingly after she signed it they let her go perhaps they were bored of her and looking for a new victim traumatized and humiliated Crystal like many others did not go to the authorities her silent suffering was another dark chapter in Wilfred and Angelica’s reign of terror now this is where the case takes an even darker turn descending into even worse depravity this is a bit of a warning the next respond to the ad was 33y old Ana unlike many others Anika had grown up in a loving and stable environment she had two sisters who were much older and a loving mother Ana who had learning difficulties lived a fulfilling life working as a housekeeper at an old people’s home where she was adored for her dedication and kindness she had a driving license and was generally happy though she longed for a loving relationship when she replied to the Lonely Hearts ad she quickly became infatuated with Wilfried they talked on the phone multiple times a day and constantly texted Ana gradually withdrew from her family and after only two months she decided to move in with Wilfred at the house in HOSA bringing her two dogs with her from the moment she moved in the manipulation began Wilfred and Angelica limited her contact with her mother to sporadic voicemails often asking for money under various pretexts like vet care for her dogs or a new new car over time Ana’s mother sent over €25,000 all of which went straight to Wilfred and Angelica Wilfred and Ana soon got engaged with a ring Wilfred bought from a supermarket and a few weeks later they married Ana informed her mother of her marriage via voicemail her mother recounted suddenly I was only texting Ana and then in November I heard via voicemail that she had gotten married it happened very quickly of course I was disappointed but I accepted her wish to marry one of Ana’s dogs went missing later revealed to have been abandoned by Wilfred and Angelica this dog turned out to be the lucky one after the marriage Ana was expected to serve Wilfred have his food ready and never question anything and to take a contraceptive pill in front of him if anything was not not obeyed you had to apologize in writing and if you did it again the punishment began swiftly a disturbingly familiar pattern of abuse for reasons unknown Angelica had drove Ana to visit her mother it would be their last meeting Angelica waited in the car whilst Ana spent about half an hour talking with her mother apologizing for taking so much money her mother expressed happiness for her marriage but sadness over the lack of contact as they hugged goodbye Ana’s mother asked are you in the car here yes Angelica is in the car we came here together Ana replied oh that’s nice then I’ll come with you to the car and then I can meet your sister-in-law straight away Ana just said to her mother no you don’t want to meet her respecting her daughter’s wishes her mother refrained from insisting and watched as Ana left she saw Ana walk to the car parked further down the street and drive away her mother later said quote that was the last time I saw her this final encounter I am sure still haunts her mother knowing she let her daughter leave with a woman she never met the abuse then reached new levels of brutality Ana was beaten tortured with a stung gun scolded with boiling water burned with lighters strangled and forced to drink wilfred’s urine most nights she was chained to a radiator sleeping on the floor without even a blanket denied bathroom access during the night she once soiled herself Wilfred found this disgusting so he began chaining her arms and legs and leaving her in an old bathtub in the cellar where she shivered through freezing nights during this time Angelica used Ana’s phone to send mess messages to her mother pretending everything was fine she even left voicemails as herself once calling to berate Ana’s mother for not getting her a wedding present her mother later said un quote and I get a call from Angelica I cut it off cuz I didn’t want to talk to this woman she was already unpleasant to me but she called again and left free voicemails at different times saying I didn’t get Ana a wedding present I felt guilty and decided to bring her some money Anika’s mother knocked on the door of the House of Horrors but no one answered she was not suspecting her daughter was in any harm never mind tied up or too sick to speak eventually she left the money in an envelope and posted it through the door Ana was growing weaker regularly having her hair ripped out or shaved off she looked a mess but this wasn’t enough for Angelica she was mixing glutamate into her food she was intolerant to it and it made her body swell making her even more uncomfortable Angelica would also play cruel tricks one of them was where she left a noose next to Ana and when she felt at her worst she would dream of using it but didn’t even have the energy to do so on another day Angelica left the back door open allowing Ana a chance to escape Gathering what little strength she had left on August 1st 2014 Ana staggered naked towards the exit neighbors saw her leaving the house but she was followed closely by Angelica just as Ana was about to fall Angelica cruy held her arm out for Ana to gain support but as Ana did Angela withdrew her arm causing Ana to crash to the ground and crack her head neighbors reported Angelica shouting get up you lazy peace kicking her twice in the stomach Wilfred joined in dragging Ana back into the house tragically none of the neighbors reported this to the police back inside Ana was taken to the bathtub and chained so weak she could barely move she endured another of Angelica’s sadistic tricks she had turned the tap on letting the water slowly fill around Ana she said to Wilfred I’ve turned the water on she’s drowning now but Wilfred intervened shutting off the water and draining it leaving Ana in the bathtub overnight Angelica would later confess and quote I went downstairs and there she was staring straight ahead it was clear she was dead Wilfred wanted to bury her under the dunk Heap or throw her into a Cess pit we put her body in the freezer I pushed her head in so far that I could put a pizza on top of it we bought a saw and latex gloves I sawed off a piece of the body every day and burned it in the oven when Angelica was soaring the body Wilfred found it extremely disturbing so he put a CD player downstairs in the basement where the dismemberment was taking place so to take his mind of what was really happening Angelica did all the unquote Dirty Work she would grind the charred remains into a dust and mixed it with grit and at night Wilfred and Angelica would drive around and Scatter The Remains through the streets as another blow to Anika even after her death Angelica would continue to write to Ana’s mother in fact her mother only knew of her daughter’s death when she seen the house on the news after the crimes had come to light tragic to add to the horror Angela Leica hanged Ana’s remaining dog bringing to an end her stay in the house of horrors after roughly 14 months of abuse more victims continued to move into the house each one broken in their own way but somehow they managed to survive the last victim however was suzan F whose arrival would ultimately bring an end to the horrors within those walls suzan fit the profile of their victim perfectly adopted as a child she ured the trauma of finding her mother’s lifeless body at the age of 16 a heavy burden that scared her deeply Suzanne married young and had a child but for reasons unknown she left her first family she later remarried and had another child but once again she abandoned this family as well alone and vulnerable she answered wilfred’s newspaper ad hoping for a fresh start at first Wilfred seemed like a good man he didn’t drink and his close relationship with his sister suggested he was a family man but the familiar patterns of abuse soon emerged as soon as suzan moved into the house her head was shaved and her money and bank cards were confiscated and the torment began Susan was forced to carry heavy bags up and down the stairs a pointless task designed solely to degrade her Wilfred and Angelica filmed her struggles finding Amusement in her suffering and mocking her suzan quickly lost a significant amount of weight on the rare occasions neighbors seen her they mistaken her gaunt appearance and bald head for someone who was suffering from cancer behind closed doors Wilfred beat her bit her and forced her to drink his urine Angelica eagerly participated in the torment Suzanne like the others before her was coerced into writing letters taking responsibility for her injuries in one such letter she blamed her sandals for being too big and that caused her to fall down the stairs the abuse was relentless and suzan’s spirit withered away she became a ghost of her former self one evening the brutality reached a horrifying climax Wilfred beat sus done more than what was normal while Angelica slammed her head into the kitchen counter her skull cracked and realizing they may have fatally injured her Panic set in Angelica unwilling to deal with another corpse decided they needed to get rid of her quickly they bundled suzan into the car intending to drive her back to her apartment it was the night of April 21st 2016 Wilfred and Angelica were speeding towards suzan’s apartment who was late in the back seat she was unresponsive her body was cold and covered in signs of severe abuse she was sprawled on top of black bin bags she was filthy and wreaking of urine desperately in need of urgent medical attention suddenly the car made some unusual noises and ground to a halt stranded on the street an absolute absolute nightmare began to unfold despite it being a warm night Suzanne shivered uncontrollably she was wrapped in blankets in a futile attempt to Stave off the cold in a state of panic Angelica dashed to the nearest house and banged on the door pleading for someone to call a taxi but when the taxi arrived suzan’s condition took a drastic turn for the worse as she started to convulse panic escalated into sheer Terror as the couple then screamed for an ambulance Instead at the hospital the medical team noticed all the cuts and bruises on suzan’s body with clear binding marks on her ankles and wrists indicating prolonged restraint she was also suffering from severe blood poisoning despite the hospital staff’s frantic efforts to save her Suzanne succumbed to her extensive injury injuries within an hour of arrival her condition was so dire that hospital staff immediately alerted the authorities the investigation moved quickly just 6 days later when authorities arrived at the house they uncovered a trove of evidence including contracts from multiple victims and even partial remains of Ana both wilred and Angelica were arrested and taken into custody initially Angelica denied any involvement in the crimes however upon learning that Wilfred was placing the blame on her claiming that she and Suzanne were a couple and that he had no part in suzan’s death Angelica revealed the names of seven women who had been tortured and some murdered by the pair she refused to go down alone the actual number of victims is believed to be much higher in court Wilfred and Angelica couldn’t even even look at each other they were both charged with murder by a mission which is similar to manslaughter in the UK shockingly it couldn’t be proven that either Ana or suzan had been murdered in Cold Blood the main issue in court was determining the dynamic of the two Angelica portrayed herself as a terrified victim coerced in committing the atrocities on the women wilfred’s defense focused on his mental capacity with an IQ reported to be 59 questioning whether he truly understood right from wrong a forensic psychiatrist said that Wilfred demonstrated characteristics common to repeat offenders including a sadistic personality and pronounced Psychopathic traits his profile indicated a significant risk of future offenses Angela showed traits of autism combined with psychopathy she manipulated others through intimate relationships and exhibited a total absence of empathy described as exceptionally intelligent Angelica was also known for her dominating nature and insatiable desire for control the trial included testimony from 48 Witnesses and seven experts but it was crystal pe’s testimony that had the most significant impact she had endured the cruelty and survived to tell her story Crystal still feeling shame and humiliation asked her husband to wait outside whilst she testified she later stated and quote it was both of them in equal measure on October 5th 2018 Wilfred and Angelica were sentenced Angelica received 13 years for her part in the murders whilst Wilfred was sentenced to just 11 years also to be served in a psychiatric hospital in 2020 Wilfred was transferred to a regular prison after authorities deemed him fit to serve in a standard facility he now faces the possibility of parole but in 2022 there were calls for him to be placed into preventative detention potentially extending his imprisonment indefinitely Angelica is eligible for parole in 2025 I found this case to be truly shocking and the fact that they could both be walking the streets in the near future is terrifying thank you for watching until next time stay sane


    1. What a disgusting couple and those neighbors!!! They should be held accountable also. And WTH is with 11/13 years! Unbelievable. Thank you for sharing

    2. How do neighbours see things and not ring the police? And those that got away also did not report it, i really dont understand. And why were they not given life? Wow

    3. Funny story. My younger brother bought his girlfriend an engagement ring out one of those 50 cents junk machines at the gas station. She fell for it till she 🚿 and it turned her finger orange and yellow 🤣. She lost her mind and took a size d battery I had on the counter for the boom box. This was 2002. She threw it at his head and busted it wide open. I had to take him to get staples. The nurse asked what happened and he started with a lie. I interrupted with the truth and the nurse said she would of done the same or worse. The Doctor was also female and I think she went a bit rough with the staples

    4. Pure, pure evil!!! 😢

      Poor mother, what a torment knowing afterwards that it was the last time to see her daughter! And not knowing anything about her life, husband and his 'family'….

    5. What is wrong with these people in Germany? A man tortured several women and doesn’t get sent to prison and stay there?
      And these poor women they don’t have any sense of leaving a relationship when their lives are endangered and abused?

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