Olympic cyclist Sir Bradley Wiggins is bankrupt, homeless and has “lost absolutely everything”, according to his lawyer. Wiggins, 44, rose to fame as the first Briton to win the Tour de France, but has since experienced persistent financial difficulties with his business ventures #LBC #Shorts #uk #uknews #cycling #bradleywiggins #teamgb

    Olympic cyclist sir Bradley Wiggins is bankrupt homeless and has lost absolutely everything his lawyers say the five-time gold medalist Rose to fame as the first Britain to win the Tour to France but since then he’s faced huge financial difficulties through his business ventures because of that he’s now at risk of having to give up all of his prizes his five gold medals could fetch £250,000 but when his business went into Liquidation in 2020 wigan’s rights limited owed £300,000 to hmrc


    1. So pay your tax!. We all have to just cos you own a business and run it badly I'm not feeling sorry for you.
      Put all tax you owe to one side and try to claim it back on allowances. Don't use it to fund a business that is in trouble like you are at the roulette table.

    2. I'm sorry but who cares. People go bankrupt every day, manage your money better mate. I have no sympathy. Everybody has to pay tax he chose not to for how many years.

    3. So he's back where he started. Pretty sure one of the big stories at the time was he ate jam butties to afford to fund his Olympic dreams. Whilst I wouldn't want to see anyone homeless. He has the fame to not be.

    4. The guy is a legend. To those who call him a cheater……did you see the way he climbed in parts of the tour he won? Cheats don't struggle like that….he had to earn every metre of that tour.

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