Cycling the world – Europe: episode 92
    After completing the Camino de Santiago in Finisterre I went back to Santiago and started to follow the Camino Portugues, the Portuguese Way that would take me to Porto. It was very difficult to follow the trail arrows on the opposite direction so I decided it was a bit silly to follow it 100% but crossed into Portugal and made it to Porto anyhow.


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    1. 🇬🇧🇮🇹🇪🇸
      🇬🇧If you find the videos entertaining or useful and want to "buy me a coffee or drink", consider making a donation to support the channel and my round the world adventure: contact me or simply
      🇮🇹Se la visione ti è piaciuta, valuta la possibilità di fare una donazione, "offrirmi da bere o un caffe" a supporto del canale e del giro del mondo: contattatemi o semplicemente
      🇪🇸Si te ha gustado verlo, considera hacer una donación "ofrecerme una bebida o un café" para apoyar el canal y en la vuelta al mundo en bici: contácteme o simplemente

    2. Un gran video, como siempre!!. volví a esa parte del video para ver la travesía en bote. 😡😡😡 quién no se habría enojado?? eso me confirma que la gente desconsiderada habita en todo el mundo. ¿se salvó tu kindle?

    3. I dont understand sometimes neither, more and more peolpe treat public space as their own space. Thats what happens if we educate ourselves only as spoiled client, and not as people with good citizenship… Enjoyed again your footage! 👍

    4. It is hard to folow the camino in the right way, going downhill and fast its easy to miss but if you take it slow because they are made for walking pace you see them.
      The wrong way i think you can folow the blue ones (to Fátima), watching your video i see them a lot like in 3:36. Its the same camino but the blue arrows tell you the oposite direction or what it is called the camino to Fátima. Stay strong 💪

    5. You need to be more observant with your possessions. If some one tried to nick any of my gear to sit on they would get a slap.
      Your shirt is very loud.

    6. Da quanto sento da persone che l'hanno percorso, il Camino de Santiago nella parte portoghese non è per niente ben segnalato e sto parlando in direzione Santiago. Immagino il caos nell'averlo percorso al contrario 😳 grande Davide 💪 al prossimo video.

    7. I appreciate that you share your truthfully comments. It's part of your journey. When you're right you're right. I have drasticly changed camping style to no possible way people will show up because they will

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