Join us as we head to Funny World in Germany, home to a wide variety of self operated rides! In this vlog we share on ride POV’s from everything that Funny World has to offer, so come and join us for a day of operating rides and plenty of laughs!

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    a very good afternoon from the 12th Park of our Europe road trip today we’re back here at funny World in Germany we had to come back here last time we came we had such an amazing time we had such a laugh oh we did that was back in 2021 a lot we said it was the funniest Vlog we’ve ever filmed here on theme par worldwide you’ve all been commenting saying you’ve got to come back to funny world and you know what we’re here and yet this is located about 10 minutes down the road from Europa Park we’re going to be heading there next and those Vlogs will be coming up but today it’s all about those crazy self operated rides isn’t it I’m so ready for this we had a blast last time the question is Charlotte are you ready to be a ride operator again yes I am ready yeah literally everyone in this park self operated we’re going to have a great time come and join us to lovely sunny day in Germany welcome back to funny World here on theme par worldwide and here’s a look at the main entrance to funny world oh it looks exactly how I remember it from a couple of years ago and yeah here’s a look at the map I’ve just noticed there there’s a couple of bits that say new on including there and off to the right so yeah it be interesting to see what they are hopefully some new self operated rides for us that would be really good I’m hoping that this is open cuz this was closed last time we was here yeah so we’ll get on that fingers crossed today you got the nausey Jets up there so many other Classics you’ve got a big indoor area with Inflatables as well and yeah look at all this I’m really excited to get back in and we’re now inside the parking here we’re going to start off with the ride on this dolphin to get on for thank you Charlotte remember his stuff’s back that’s it just you don’t need to pop your seat belt on you’ll be absolutely fine you ready to go sure I’m I’m ready to go yeah that’s it how she goes dispatch and yeah they got their Halloween on as we can see we got the bouncy castles hey there’s a few more people here than oh he’s struggling few more people here than last time that’s got a proper panel down there it is oh is that it you want to go again yeah send me again I want more than that all money’s worth let me just oh that’s it we go he got to start off with this yeah you got this quite large indoor area all inflatable it’s struggling this thing this is not riding as good as 2 years ago you only got one lap you are thank you very much just one lap for you thank you yeah look at all these big inflator balls oh yeah oh my God it’s fast oh my God that oh that was quick that was on it oh she straight off and all the play equipment over here when we got kids one day we’ll be coming here every year trust me with Europa Park my favorite theme park being down the road making the most of it look at these Halloween inflat balls though it’s fun of laughs here hence the name funny world oh that look pretty good fantastic this place and he’s [Applause] off J me out on the floor outside they’re now on this beautiful October day it’s one of our favorites last time it’s the SK diver basically these chairs that you sit on sa you for a ride they lift you up and you go fly down there let’s get trapped in hey press the start button we’re lifting up quite an interesting LIF H system look at that beautiful blue sky today lovely this hopefully we’re insan g bye Charlotte flying over Germany and people are looking up at us like why are two bricks having so much fun here but honestly we love those plays we had to come back forwards we go I don’t know what this is coming up down here I can’t remember been a lot of places in two years since we last came funny World here we [Applause] go that’s it I think he’s going to lift us up again now oh hey oh what are you doing down there bye a you said you a race Charlotte oh it’s great yeah it’s a bit busier than last time when we came the last r that we had from here has had like a quarter of a million views so maybe it’s uh got a lot of people down here to come and check it out hopefully we like to V in these small places it’s great fun here there was like1 14 a ticket to come in it’s great fun for a couple of hours Bo had T Park oh what’s on that when you come down knocks the car oh does it needs them shrubs pruning there oh I did not disappoint love getting back on that may as well go again there’s nobody here bye oh it’s ridiculous I’d love like a massive one of these can you imagine it like over the alt Tower’s Gardens or something saying that’ be pretty terrifying just this little LP bar that lifts up KN the bush again oh here we go [Laughter] on the con just over there hey yeah they got a few more food places open last time we got alaro it’s over there as well it was on Al Taro earlier this year oh right we’re going again we’ll see you when we come off those things are ridiculous aren’t they like I say can you imagine a really long one of them over a massive tall like Ravine or something it’d be epic oh amazing love getting back on those nice Halloween display here look at all the corn pumpkins those are sweet corn for sweet you enjoy those oh that was so much fun wasn’t it it was it’s really warm today as well it it’s quite warm today yeah weather’s good yeah here’s a look at the Halloween display that pumpkin that’s a massive one isn’t it I like how they just kind of spray painted it nice displ just down there right then we’ll head over onto the NC Jets now which is this boat ride Charlotte then getting loaded in nice water ride for you Charlotte lat bar down Gates closed that’s it make sure that’s fully closed there you go oh ladi’s helping you and you’re off see how with this it pulls you up and then drops you down here straight into the water it’s always great fun I’m sure we’re going to be Charlotte scream look at him go here we go hey look at like a little Hill down there and everything I can’t see her she’s somewhere behind that tree now Charlotte will be emerging there she is he oh my God it’s one of the scariest rides you’ll ever do this so scary have you got a little bit worse a little bit but oh that is so scary it it’s when it comes off the top there is it like you feel like the boat is going to cap size don’t you oh my God right I’ll take you all on now that’s it loader up out of the water she comes brilliant not it gets let’s go you’re just rocking back and forwards Now get it’s open you if you just want to get in there for me I’ll just put your arest down are okay so you be gopr on this ride yeah yeah that’s absolutely fine you all secure there yeah thank you very much y I’ll just shut the gates on you are you ready what do I do you can just pull that lever what I’ll just go yeah goodbye yeah it takes she all the way up there you don’t realize how high it is it’s so high it is I know what of [Laughter] you got a crane over there maybe they’re building a big hyper coaster or something you never know these things terrify me terrified here we go oh BL me it’s just that feeling of the unknown when you come off the top it honestly just feels like the boat is just going to tip on its side like crazy really edgy can you imagine if I got soaked then oh look at the theming around here though it’s all like pirate themed that building’s quite nice and chairs go over the top where we’re just look at the little pumpkin display that one’s fell in the water oh terrifying that so much fun though oh oh you may as well send me again I’m just going to come and check your arest again make sure you’re secure thank you I’ve got to say you’re the prettiest ride operator I’ve ever seen a thank you yeah we do have a Reider policy here so you can just keep reiding that’s make sure you’re all secure so you’ve got a Reider policy but there isn’t a Reider policy Reider policy are you ready to go yeah why not dispatch oh I’m glad that it’s quiet still for us to get Reise down yeah I don’t think it gets busy enough for big qes though I’ll give you a bit of ride cam so you can see just how terrified I am coming down then it’s just it is like literally when it feels like it lifts off the track down at the bottom nothing quite like it that adrenaline rush you know just feels like he’s going to C size oh my god oh that was a really wobbly one oh blind me I wonder if one of these has ever gone over like terrifying absolutely terrifying so much fun though the NAIC Jets yeah all them big rides that are go on but there’s just something so edgy about this that gets me every time I think is literally the fact you got this little pool C there and that is literally it right what an [Laughter] attraction oh there’s just something so edgy about those attractions isn’t they it is so scary that’s why I’ve only had one go it’s more the fact that you feel like you’re going to cap size down at the bottom I’m not really sure if any of them have or not before but it feels like it just having the Rope as well and the fact that you’ve got that little lat bar in if you did kind of tip over oh it’s just so edgy get on any roller coaster but that gives me so much adrenaline as you’re coming down there and you know you’re just going to lift up an out and you got a bit of air time as well oh it’s so much fun it is great oh I love getting back on that these are the nice little pumpkin decorations that they’ve got unfortunately one had fell in the water down there look how nice are those very ainal big pandas just over here aren’t they lovely those they still got the priz tag on oh on the 50 I think oh €150 probably there we go right let’s head round onto a coaster yes they have got some coasters here hey look we go yeah these are butterfly coasters they got two of these here I mean whether you want to class them as a coaster credit or not is up to you but they are I’m going backwards a kind man has actually just dispatched us so we can go together I’m not too sure if it works or not cuz there is a start button woo hey great view of the Park yeah I can’t remember from last time we did it together or not I don’t know maybe we do have to dispatch it I got a start button though I don’t know we’ll find out in a sec see T you up the lift and you just go back and forward so we they got two these two coaster crbs yeah many fan by Sun kid I believe yeah butterfly coasters see quite a lot of these around in Europe they’re very common rides over here but we don’t have any of these back home so cool this quite aren’t they yeah let’s see if we can send it from an A or not yes you do need someone to press the button out here hello there hello welcome to funny worlds thank you you got your money no it’s €2 a ride I’ve already PID mymission to come in all right okay I’ll let you off then let’s just get this bar down for you CH that’s nice and secure you feeling secure there that’s okay okay let me just shut these off for you that’s it you just want to press that start button and we’ll get you dispatched anytime soon there we go left’s kicking in and we’re off bye-bye an on Photo there isn’t onri photo but there is a video provided by me oh okay enjoy here she comes you got some fores actually when he goes down the bottom here especially on that first drop when he’s sitting backwards hey imagine one of these an inversion that’ be good for it just start to lose momentum quite quickly any’s actually got a braking system down there and oh yeah it looks like it has this is a fantastic TR no problem oh there you go yeah it just rubs on that tire there cuz like brakes is that much lift up and it wants to stop I it just keep going for ages would it what a ride no problem you just want to remain fully seated until the ride comes to a complete stop thank you very much oh get me on St yeah oh there you park right yet that’s it can you just wait for the ride to park please thank you very much thank you enjoy the rest of you Day funny World Germany thank you and charlott just dispatched me for a nice ride now I went forwards last time so I thought Ma I go backwards yeah imagine like a massive one of these as well like scale up all these rides here be pretty extreme experiences wouldn’t they what a beautiful day for this he bit fash at there at the bottom he yeah this place there you don’t the any sta to run it you see a remember staff at the entrance like one guy just walking around that’s about it oh slowing down I’d love to know how long this would take to stop if you didn’t have that wheel at the bottom main C little do thank you you enjoy that it was very good fun thank you very enjoyed it brilliant we actually know that we’ve inspired quite a lot of you to come and visit funny world when you’ve come to Europa Park so drop us a comment down below if you’ve been here before and also what your favorite ride is we’d love to know I’m glad you enjoyed it there we go thank you very much right I’m going upside down now oh the great fun those are and now it’s time for Bongo Bongo trumel just here what a name yeah here look the ride system itself and now with this you actually go upside down and you control it by the little lot panel just on the side there the sh’s going to make sure I’m secure you need to make sure you’re properly secure on this one it’s crazy though it a rideway you’re going upside down and you’re checking yourself but yeah here’s all the instructions good thing is they are available in English as well so if you are coming here as an international guest U then yeah you won’t struggle because they are in English too let’s go Bongo Bongo Trumble what’s quite funny is these was at Legoland Germany and now you’re doing it yourself but they I’ve got one here like that that goes round they have it was closed last time so hopefully it’s open think it’s crossed I’m literally getting these ropes from my oh from my jacket come round on my head that’s it end of the cycle oh want some more I’ve not had enough yet let’s send it again and we’re off again hey oh got the strings on my hoodie from Ste Vengeance here let’s keep coming over me oh how many inversions can we get but let’s keep doing this for the whole cycle do you think that’s three can I beat the smile anything four it five six guys when it starts putting the strain on your head doing it constant oh seven are we going to get it it’s about a minute cycle eight this was straight is wobbling oh nine oh nine nine inversions maximum that’s what you can get in a cycle oh someone’s on the butterfly Co through again here they come thank you very much enjoy the rest of you day oh what a lovely ride operator hello there let’s get you all strapped in how you feeling you ready okay let’s get you closed up and we get a dispatch we got green means we can send it anytime you’re ready oh oh my God straight over look at hero oh no it’s quite forceful is it oh look look at her sliding out you’re joking oh my god oh she e stops that’s it emergency stop is everything all right oh she’s going the other way oh you’re all right oh my God what’s happened I’ve come out have you we not oh God weide down properly it was yeah that was your operator that was let me come in and have a look for you I want to get off oh you doing are you stuck in no get me off it’s it’s stuck I can’t get you out I think it’s is it broke are you it won’t open I don’t is it part oh there we go what happened did it onto the next Attraction what’s up I got my legging got caught my it wasn’t a good ride for you now was it oh dear well I think sh’s recovered now from her exper I didn’t enjoy that it’s made me feel sick it is really forceful on the head actually I think it’s just cuz it’s a short circuit feel it more yeah like nine inversions look at that spider painted on the barreless there those are trampolines for the kids literally all these flat rides you just press a button and start them yourself it’s crazy this was closed last time we were here so I’m looking forward to giving this a go yeah it’s similar to the ride that we’ve just been on however actually goes round on this track it looks like maybe H theme actually it looks quite fresh since we were last here got my favorite plant cactuses as well there’s a look at it yeah exactly the same setup as that one just but yeah you do the full kind of circuit round see let’s go on there’s a squirrel there this came out the station so fast I might go around but don’t spin it and we’re off see you just go around on the track oh hey that was faster than I was expecting hey what a start nice floor there I just find it crazy that you know I’m going upside down on something that Charlotte’s checked oh this is better than the other one bit smoother can we go backwards as well think we can it goes round quite fast on that Circle oh a ah not the most comfortable that’s there we parking oh oh it’s all be upside down then I think we because we got back to the start as to park properly oh I’m glad I got on that one never done a one like that before that goes around in a circle there she [Laughter] goes oh funny design why does it feel like it’s going around quicker for Charlotte than it was for me it’s not going upside down she L she just going around in a circle oh there we go there she is hey one inversion just the one just the one really pleased that was open yeah was a bit good it was shut last time saying that we had an amazing time anyway discovering it all for the first time oh yeah getting on this was really good it started off surprisingly fast at the start there faster than was expecting then it slowed down a bit even cooler wouldn’t it if it went full speed you had a couple of laps round but still it was great can’t believe that it’s near the end of October I’m not wearing my hoodie now it is really warm this afternoon here in Germany theming is great for this vintage cars ride yeah we’re going to head on here now look at the dog in the dog basket just up there let going to make our way around the entrance is just over here here it is this is actually a full size vintage cars ride without any staff running it and you go you press that button to bring It Forward I’m going to do the driving for a train Charlotte there we go normally it’s always the other way around is it there we go last in we’re off coming to get going that on good theming around here I like how they put all the corner around as well and now looks like they got some pretty major construction going on down here at the back here’s the other coaster they’ve got this is the better themed of the two like a Mexican theme going on looks like they’re building something else it does maybe they’re building something pretty major got the cowers around there as well I just find it phenomenal really how you know you can have some rid especially like this that don’t even require a member of Staff but it’s really good on operating cost isn’t it I mean you know it’s amazing [Music] really alaro again they’re obviously big fans of the ride Six Flags Great Adventure What’s happen to his sheep why is it on his side oh no he’s not looking very well is he oh poor sheep what’s he doing like that we oh his head fell off look oh no he’s without a head oh poor sheep they have got quite a lot of permanent lighting so I don’t know if they open on a night sometimes I mean it’s open 10 till 6 today obviously you’re not going to be here all day you know it’s more just coming in for a couple of hours really if you got kids though you spend longer here you probably could do the full day if you got kids I’ve got a restaurant when you first come in all these kind of wild west buildings got our little bumper boats there some other little boats of the kids good to see more people here this time he’s was playing his guitar in there that’s the vintage cars ride just come off the vintage cars and saw the name for this it’s called the Mexican crazy worm there he is in the middle the Mexican crazy worm himself and I think he’s called Carlo based on that Carlo’s Bakery just there oh I love car SL just in go on this other coaster let’s get this one to go yeah this is the better themed of the two it’s a big bird this one oh nice boys just press the button for us so we can ride together just to yeah know we might get an aerial view over the construction what’s going on down here I like how it’s a big bird is it part of the park or not there look like you might part of the farm line that was all solar panels over there look at your ass not about that ride the fly oh yeah you can’t it’s you joking no it’s Clos what the flying sombreros a oh no little yellow oh that’s a shame oh lights are flying Sombrero last time this is open though and now we now to get these things going I remember last time never seen one of them before now we’re experts yeah i’ seen a couple of these s see how we’ll get on that next oh a swing ride I feel like this one doesn’t break as much no it takes a while to stop it does it’s got a bit more momentum about it she good oh I do love going to these small quirky places and we we hav heard there’s a few other of these self operated parks around so we’ll definitely get to them at some point 100% we just have so much fun here that’s the thing it’s just great hence the name funny world that’s it it’s got takes a while to stop this one it’s not kicker Wheels to stop it no know it stops more gradually it has got some wheel but I can it just take a while I can feel it still that’s it them doors to open thanks for riding amazing oh oh oh we’re stuck use fours get one of these alt Towers nice little horse just there as well first opportunity he could do paint up a little bit that horse couldn’t he all this nice Mexican theming around this is wild themed what’s the name of this one mexic post let go that’s it let’s go ride look at all this very nicely fainted up I’m in and we’re off so when we came on this it was our first ever one of these and I thought you needed to let go of the Rope to give it momentum but you don’t you need to just keep pulling down on the Rope if you come in here and yeah you press that to stop whenever you’ve had it enough really yeah take quite a while to stop yeah it takes quite a while to get going as well actually yeah these smaller quirky places are good there’s a pony ride just over there literally nothing requires a member of Staff like it’s very good design really it’s really good cuz people just do it themselves yeah and that adds to the fun of it I mean if it was ride operat it wouldn’t be as fun would it you know it it’s that charm of having to do it yourself yeah and they clearly adverti that on the website you know I think it says like there’s 50 things you can do here in total so good you know I’m assum that includes like every bouncy castle and trampoline and stuff but still like you know you got 50 things that you can do here um you know and literally you just do it all yourself and it’s really nice it’s very quirky and some of this stuff like you can build it in your back Garden like you know great we’re getting we’re getting momentum now so it took like a minute to get going yeah next Vlog coming up we’re going to be making our way down to traumatica at Europa Park which is the Halloween scare event completely separate to the park we’ve got that coming up so that’ll be the next Vlog and then a couple of days enjoying Halloween at Europa Park oh I’m so excited yeah it’s going to be great looking forward to it there we go we’re getting going good now we are I don’t know with this like does it just keep going till you we stop it or does it come to the end of a cycle I don’t really know but we’re get quite good on this now could that pony track ago remember they had goats here last time yeah some goats down the bat there I can see them they’re still here yeah lovely goats hey have you had enough yet been a little bit longer oh you want some more that’s it one of these would be good that you go fully over wouldn’t it we’re getting steam now that’s good I like a little noise you make it there say hard enough e stop yeah see how long it takes to stop it’ll take a while I think it down it might go stop quicker that isn’t how an e do works I can tell you never work on R before there we go [Laughter] operated that’s it we’re gradually coming to a start what a great ride yeah we’ll give this Little Pony track a go just over here show about the Som bro just over there being closed looking forward to getting on those hey there he goes feels with quite a bit of speed I don’t know what the top speed is when it gets to the bottom but it’s something oh oh there’s another little train there you go I remember now oh that’s it they stuck the chair out the front the attraction’s closed yeah this was really good last time this goes all the way over as you got a bit of air time on the flying Som bro but yeah it is unfortunately closed oh you’re right over there I like how all these are just free to go on as well which is quite good you just press the button and good so when it said there was 50 attractions two of them are right here some nice rock work just over here as well we’re going to have a ride on the uh the pony Tru ride just over here and once again you just send yourself there we go getting on that nice horsey just press the green button and you’re off I brought the saddles on this one they do a good job with the theme in there’s a sign just at the top quite nice isn’t it let’s go on through the gates a yeah all right dispatch let’s go Cowboys attention that looks really creepy doesn’t it still go on its own look at these pumpkins as well great fun for everyone here at funny world oh there a go on the bike C the a member of Staff something you don’t see very often at this park look at that horse just up against the canopy over there oh fence replacement going on just here there we go what this SP to come around the corner and see that is in the r area there we go literally replacing a bit of fence there why not only quite a short ride but still you have got 49 other attractions to enjoy here at this park oh I to stick me head on the side of the station oh yeah it was good it’s not a pony track oh no it looks like the goats have gone I can still smell them though you got these big cut crawls just there that you can sit on but it does say oh he’s here oh he’s here can still smell oh can we go in with him or not think so I don’t know could we last I thought it was closed they had this big board up can we go in or not no I don’t think we can can we there he is oh they’re all around there Billy go hello sorry for saying that you’re gone oh he’s coming to tell me off now oh he’s strutting over gone I’m not gone I’m here I’m here I know you’re here now hello hello I got no food for you but you’re coming up to say hello hell hello a a funny World goats hello you’re very beautiful ni you going to get your friends to come over say hello tell you what yes a lovely goats SP goat par worldwide you like the camera oh he likes the camera don’t you yeah I thought it was gone because this sign said like 2023 season or the celebrating 25 years there we go 25 years of funny world everybody 1999 to 2023 all these memories great oh lovely goats oh don’t you like the goats you got some more player equipment down here at the back another slide over there and we got some big swings to go on down here now W look at that cor lovely you paid 4 was 50 for one of them the other day I know I love sweet corn you are a big sweet corn fan wonderful that’s it pull this and get some momentum do you want me to give you a push get you going a bit yeah then it’ll out you along won’t it that’s it hey get you going see you’ve got to get the momentum right you can go quite high on these [Music] actually oh T work this is get that exercise in [Laughter] oh oh guys it’s hard maybe we better off going on together Charlotte nice B music playing us here that wasn’t unjust was it when we went around on the Pony train do you reckon that’s why he took the fence panel out but it stopped oh oh is he stop maybe he took the fence panel out to go and work on that too sure yeah you got the pedal natic Jack just over we’re going to get this going last time we have noticed it does say 30 kg on the side so yeah we best not go on it yeah we best we’ll behave nice animatronic scenes just over [Music] there wolf wolf that’s just answered one of my questions I’ve always thought about this place what happens when a ride breaks down like that just sit there mean you yourself as well I don’t know right I think going on the Santa Fe train just here now number 1846 just here start that’s it starting today I can just about put in oh oh that’s it thank you very much yeah Charlotte can’t ride this one she oh hey oh my God why is he Jing so much yeah she has to stand on that just hey that’s [Music] that oh she makes a good ride though guys are there hey give me cho cho let’s go again goes quite fast around the corner is Santa oh oh no just remain seated I’m just going to oh oh do we get free fast TR for that um we get another go round if you like look at that for parking oh that’s great that oh [Music] hey for can he park it as good oh he’s not letting me off now excuse me I want to get off Lally 10 minutes later I’m still going here she W let me off I get fired you’re getting fired around again oh God’s sfe are we breaks down again I just s Charlotte for a ride around on the train there as well special you enjoy that yeah it’s really good these are quite creepy looking aren’t they very creepy lots of barcy castles over here now I’m sure you all want to see me on these swings again like last time they are occupied at the moment so we’ll see if these get off it’s hilarious I’ll try and get right in on these swings just here right here we go it’s going to get on Dis Let’s Go send it it won’t even move no let me just reset this oh reset the panel oh there we go that’s it no Max wa we one ad can’t be having the six how many SE he’s got it’s not very comfortable on I’ll say I’m getting off seat St on me bum oh God the seat St I’m to e St oh God that caused me pain that is where fault for going on funny world everybody that’s bit of op from Charlotte there what Ticky tack land I can’t remember what’s inside Ticky tack I don’t know we got some up charg massage chairs unfortunately these aren’t included in the 50 attractions I sort of about to go like you got to put a coin in I don’t enjoy a massage chat wouldn’t you enjoy there’s no start button or anything is there I don’t think two a two yours for the massage CH what we have got in here though that’s included in the price the small boat ride there’s the captain yeah you just got to jump on it nice cannon that you’ve got there what’s it it’s inflatable at the bottom that’s different oh and we go down she comes I can’t believe them swings my bum is hurting after going on those again hey we’re got on the funny Fant just out here now which I believe means elephant let’s go and give it a go corn in the way can we both go on this or someone oh I’ve got to operate it for you you jump on look get your sent there we go we can fit one of these in the garden I will did she get in oh that’s it please remain SE can you please remain seated I’m not even sat down you didn’t even let me see you get in there and we’ll wait and see you I’m in now hey off it goes enjoy your ride I’m going to keep you on there now for at least 30 minutes no what that cor I don’t have a clue funny Fantastico got the clown just there he’s a bit creepy looking look a little bit like Ronald McDonald clown P Pino is that his name Pino where are we now le got around this way got this little mirror maze in here I remember from last time these are proper cute these little pumpkins how’s your ride on the elephants oh that was all right that was I know it’s not very good though oh it’s glued down oh he has some quite nice scenes in here welcome to the circus you know it reminds me of we you know when go to your local Garden Center at Christmas and they put like all the lights on yeah like they do a display don’t they like put curtains and lights up and stuff to kind of showcase what you can buy kind of reminds me of that in a like you can buy this wreath for $14.99 oh Big Bear he’s quite creepy anyway you zooming on his face how scary is that up Halloween viewers here we go [Laughter] why is that weirdly satisfying doing that here we [Laughter] go oh God I not watch this at night K before go to sleep oh God that is really baby C here we go we another girl on big Mar Splash just oh what a crazy ride love it what a lot of your games are included here as well is this good you got get the ball in oh you got to try and get it to the top out that’s it oh come on charot oh oh I can watch people on this all day just spectator sport isn’t it and the fact you’ve got all the seating around here at the side as well terrifying I know he going to get our last couple of reides in now here at funny world what another great visit is to this part it’s been so good I love it here oh look at the Kangaroo there as well that’s the weird things since last time we’re here we’ve been to Australia as well we’ve seen him back on the chairs One Last Time up we go delay I know yeah that was happened to you at the start there wasn’t it gotting a bit cloudy now actually woo Charlotte says I’ve got to watch me feet on the Conifer on this one let’s find out where’s the Conifer oh it’s there oh it’s all right I didn’t hit I didn’t even hit it oh is it on the way back is it why is that the moment at oh see what J means now you must lower down I see have to lower to come back doesn’t it there’s nobody here send it again oh I love those chairs they’re so quirky but imagine a big one of those and yeah just show show you the inside Area two big Thrones there for the king and queen whenever they come to visit and yeah here’s the big play area inside as well funny World got a small little pigs riding here as well Charlotte’s just tried to fit in but she won’t fit in there we have just spotted a small Ferris wheel I don’t think we saw that last time quite noisy into when it comes around can we get perfect [Music] parking no no we have done it but it’s 40 kg maximum and you’re struggling to take that boy round so I don’t think it’s going to lift us up well there we go a lot of you ask for us to come back here to funny world we thought it’s been a couple of years let’s come again and we’ve had a really good time haven’t we we have had so much fun a fun couple of hours oh it really is greatness coming here operating your own rise it’s just so unique doing that isn’t it it is it’s just so much fun and they’ve got such a variety as well which is great over 50 attractions including each individual thing we have my favorites there definitely the natic jet that is the scary iest I really like the chair and yeah of course the inverting rid they’re pretty good as well the chair is my favorite I really like that it’s just quite funny isn’t it the naughty jck though is terrifying it’s so scary oh amazing R did actually used to have a couple of those back in the UK but not anymore as far as I’m aware Wix Ste Park I know used to have some of those over here in Europe there’s still so many of those around um but yeah not so much back home so we love coming here as Brits to come and see it it’s so fun it’s so quirky and the great thing is you don’t really have to travel out the way to come here if you’re down at Europa Park it’s actually a few miles from here in fact when you’re on the chairs you can look across you can see the top of eurosat K can coaster and Silver Star um yeah it shows just how close you are worth pointing out it is €250 to park on their car park now it used to be free didn’t it yeah it did used to be free but 250 is not too bad it’s not and you’re having fun it’s cheap ad Mission if you’re an adult it’s a good fun couple of hours having a laugh operating some rides uh and then yeah if you’re a child you love it and you probably could spend the day here actually yeah you could with all the play equipment and everything as well oh really good fun thanks for joining us here from funny world next coming up here on theme par worldwide will be uh traumatica which we’re looking forward to it’s the horror event down at Europa Park and then we’ve got the Halloween event checkout in the park itself as well and so we’re looking forward to it another great visit here to funny world we will be back in the future but you know what I’d like to check out another self operated part next time i’ would really like to see another one yeah I believe there’s quite a few in Germany we’ve had some friends that have visited one a few hours away so maybe we’ll get that one in on an next Europe trip so a little bit different and see what they’ve got there from funny world that leaves with one final thing to say get out there and keep on riding we’ll see you down at [Music] traumatica


    1. Your first funny world video was the first TPWW video I’ve watched, and I fell in love with the channel, I’ve always wanted you to visit again! And it’s finally happened!

    2. Thank you for returning. I often think about the last vlog. But I couldn't remember the name of the park! 😂 I love when you guys go to these smaller parks. Some of the best vlogs come from them! Much love from Cali!

    3. 😂 funny world. Glad you guys went back this place looks hilarious. We will have to take our little boy here I’m sure he will love it.
      You need to visit more self operated ride parks.

    4. I always wished hoped the uk would invest in these quirky unique fun parks, I saved this vlogs that I've watched today on my 40th Birthday it was hilarious you guys are always great to watch with your inverted rides plunging boat water coaster ride the swings honesty you guys always cheesy to keep us tpww viewers entertained the parks true to it's name funny world the theme park of fun laughter best vlogs ever thank you

    5. I've had a very hard start to my birthday menopause threw me to the floor emotional meltdown of constantly uncontrollably excessive crying hrt patch not working waiting to see my menopause specialist consultant to get a proper diagnosis medication on November 28th 2023 in order to get to be the better happier confident cheesy witty version of myself however I'm glad I purposely saved this vlogs for my 40th Birthday which you guys are helping so much with your positive cheesy witty humour thank you both so much for making me feel better you guys are actually helping so much I'm priveledged to be your tpww fan supporter, please can I ask can you have your fingers crossed for me please Shawn and Charlotte as my gynecologists appointments been cancelled re scheduled I'm hoping my menopause consultant appointment won't be cancelled I can't afford it to be cancelled it's essential I see the consultant to get the menopause under control, thank you xxx very appreciative greatful

    6. Hi Shawn and Charlotte absolutely love this park so funny 😂 Shawn was hysterical on those swings 😂😂. Fab vlog thanks for sharing with us. Love to you both as always Tracey 💕Xxxxx

    7. Nice vlog, really enjoyed and look forward again to seeing more in future. Would love to see a coaster here in future which could be maybe self operated? Or a dark ride? That would be epic lol, but I guess we shall see? But yeah, nice and funny vlog, enjoyed & look forward to more in future. 😀👍

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