
    hi everyone go here so today we have got an 18 Revit in front of us and we’re going to be building this bike the people who are getting the bikes in the Box know exactly how to put them together we’re just going to be using the tools in the actual box that it comes with just so we’re not using any fancy tools show you how to do with the things you actually get with the bike so we’ll first start by unpackaging [Music] it make it a little bit easier I’ve got a stand if you if you’re home and you’ve not got a stand you can use something similar like a chair over to the poling insert that comes with the box and you will have the handlebars and the stand so just take the stand out flip it to the side and grab your handlebar assembly we then need to grab the tool kit provided and we need to take out the Allen key for the stem we’ll just take out the bolts for the uh handlebar clamp on the stem being careful of the little washers that are there as well just slide that so now you want to grab the handlebars them onto the bike uh CL back on the top and tighten them down just slightly so this threads start so just start the bolts off don’t tight them up too much yet just uh tight them on to the bar stay on there remembering to include the washers that came off the bolt so now you need to get the bars into position so choose your desired bar position making sure that the bars are Central and what you need to do is tighten these down to The Snug just by hand like so once you’ve got all the bolts tightened down you need to tighten these bolts in a diagonal pattern to make sure the clamp comes down evenly so we’ll start off with this corner then we’ll go to the opposite corner then we’ll go to the top corner in the opposite corner let’s repeat that process Again One S so next we’re going to put the throttle plug and the battery gauge plug into the plug itself this only goes one way there’s a slotted inser there so don’t try and force it unless you get it lined up correctly so once you got it lined up they will just slide in nicely like so now it’s time to get the brakes on hand ours we’ll just unpackage [Music] them so we just need to drop the forks down to level the suspension off so we just undo these bolts just here and here and there and there and we’ll drop the for legs down to level [Music] [Music] so now it’s time to put the front wheel on there’s a few little bits you need to do um which is remove the brace that comes for the packaging reasons just give that a knock that will come straight out and there’s a little uh plastic spacer in the caliper you just pull that out with the tab as you can see that’s just there to pull the out of the caliper and we unpackage the wheel take this packaging off there there’s two uh D nuts they just need unscrew in to the end of the thread we putting the disc brake side in the correct wave we just slide the wheel in making sure the washer sits on the outside of the fork then hand tighten that so the wheel stays on you can use a ren provider to tighten the the [Music] nut now it’s time to fit the m b provided by just taking out this ball on the forks and putting it through the number board and scre it up [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we can undo the seat clamp and Slide the seat in to your desired height so your stand will go on the bike make sure your lock washer is on the bolt slide it through the stand place it onto the bike lining the bolt hole up screw it in nice and gently with finger tight then once thre is started get your Allen key and tighten the stand down so we’ll now spin the bike back around onto its front like so and we’re going to show you how to turn it on and change the speed settings as turn the bike on you will remove the cover on the throttle you hold the button for around 8 to 9 seconds as you can see the battery lights have stayed on which means the bike is on you have got your battery gauge here this one being quite low at the moment so we’ll always charge the bikes on the left hand side you’ve got your speed indicator green being the slowest Amber being medium and red being the fastest to change the modes all you need to do is hold the button for two to 3 seconds and you can see the speed level will change and once again two to 3 seconds and that will change to red which is the fastest setting as you can see now the bike is active and working simply press the button for another 8 to9 seconds to turn the bike off once you built and pded the bike it is always good to make sure the brakes are operating as they should simply roll the bike forward and make sure both the brakes are working and locking the wheels it is also a good measure to go around the bike and make sure everything is tight so we’re going to just quickly do that now so with the Revy 18 you also get the instruction manual you get two sets of number stickers and you also get some letter stickers these being for the front number board so you can make custom number and names for the front so now we’re going to show you how to uh charge the bike there’s two ways to do this one being plug in straight into the frame whilst the battery is installed and the second way to do it is when the batter is removed you can just plug it into the top of the battery so first of all just unbo your charger and then you will take your main power cable and you will plug plug it into the Transformer of the battery you plug this part into the wall and you’ll get your end lead and you will go to the underside of the bike and you will see a plastic spring loader cover that you pull down and you simply plug that lead into the battery your bike will then charge it’s always good measure when the bike’s new to put it on charge straight away so you all probably know already one of the greatest features about the Revit is the fact that you can remove the battery and change it out should you need to so I’ll quickly show you how you do that on the Revy 18 you’ve got two little thumb screws at the bottom take both of these out pull the tab slide your battery out notice at the top you also have a charging port so so you want to charge extra batteries not in the bike you can just simply plug them in at the top there to reinstall the battery slide it back in it will click at the bottom then simply just reinstall your battery cover and screw the toggles back in this is the bike now complete and you’re ready to rip

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