Today we’ve got sun and hot in the morning. So we start from Newport to north direction. We do not have a specific destination because we split the day in 2. Yesterday when we reserved the ferry to Ireland, there was no space available for two motorbikes, so we have to move on the next day. So we ride in the Bannau Brycheiniog National Park, what a scenery! We have a stop in a small café, and back on the bikes, riding up north again. The roads and the scenery are simply amazing. We fill up our heart on those roads. We end up our day in Aberystwyth where we’ve found a nice old hotel directly in front of the beach, wow!

    good morning internet so today it’s late it’s 10:30 the weather it’s uh gorgeous it will be sunny like 22 and today we have a smooth day because uh we’re are we were supposed to take the ferry tomorrow to get to AirLand but uh unfortunately it was full so we shift one day so we have two day to get to ho ho ho ho head so we’re going to take our time today so we have like 400 or 325 kilm to get to Ho yet but I’m going to split that in two so that’s uh why we are late this morning and uh so today we’re going to ride in the whale I think whale Province and it’s full of mountain so I think the scenery will be beautiful so we going to pack now and we’re going to hit the road okay we’re on the road 11 22° going to go get gas you and uh to continue on our traffic so enjoy the ride my friend those bump are for the spiders here [Music] out the way [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Applause] [Music] time on the way [Music] [Music] oh the way [Music] stop play joke joke Fus [Music] oh [Music] it’s on the [Music] [Music] way take [Music] this on the way [Music] [Music] oh the way [Music] [Music] [Music] okay my friend we’re at the hotel near 5:00 p.m. so it’s supposed to be a short day but uh it’s finished on a long day so but we have the hotel now with the we’re by the sea with a super nice scenery so today we drove near 200 K the scenario was just beautiful crazy I want to make movie uh all the way but maybe uh I stop because I don’t want uh the video will be boring so so I make part of video but all the road was crazy beautiful okay we’re in the city of uh abery S I don’t know exactly how to pronounce it but here we are it’s super nice city by the beach so I will show you on the map uh what we ride today okay so this morning we start from Newport we did something I don’t know exactly something like that we’ve been there there like that and then uh maybe there and we come back like that and we are in abber I don’t know exactly no 200 kilm we going enjoy the place now so I hope you like this video if so give a thumbs up subscribe down below we see you in the next one


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