Two 12-year-old boys are thought to have become the youngest knife murderers in the UK after being found guilty of a brutal machete attack on a “loving and protective” teenager who was stabbed through the heart in a Wolverhampton park.

    Chair of Community Against Violence Ken Hinds joins Talk’s Mike Graham to discuss this further.

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    particularly harrowing story this particularly awful story um very right though from what Christine said there’s no situ I don’t see any um uh recognition of whether there were parents or whether these two had parents because they were in court I think supported by relatives I didn’t I don’t know whether the parents are involved here yes well look Mike I it’s a horrendous s um event that took place and by two youngsters but I say this much to you one as ECT is looking at the family but my aspect is because I work with a lot of these trouble youngsters and the family and often we find many cases single parents many cases they have reached out to all different aspects for some some sort of support and help so my thing is first of all I’d be looking into the background of the of the parents and see what kind of parenting there was because what is very frightening is for that young person to have a machete under his mattress you know um without because this is why I said to the parents you have to go into your children’s bedroom and look around for yourself because it’s not their home face that will get you into problem is the street face and my thing is simply this I also have to look and see what happened with the um the statutary agency people like Social Services the schools the GPS were they aware of any problems with these two youngsters because they wouldn’t arrive to where they are overnight that would be done over time yeah I would also be mindful of the influence of social social media because it’s quite clear they were posting things beforehand with with them showing them that one youngsters has walking with a a machete showing that that’s what he does so I would also look into that personally I would also have a zero tolerance um with youngsters carrying any sort of weapon yeah I will put them into a boot camp style um lockup for a short sharp period that deals with actually um getting them trained focused and also strengthening their emotional um intelligence and one other things there no point having pupil referral unit because these young people seem to run those units yeah my thing is simply this when as a society we give young people so much rights but they’ve got no they talk about the responsibility and accountability that goes with that we’ve got to such an exent exent now that if the youngster said that they don’t want to go to school they don’t have to go to school well we’ve got hundred we’ve got hundreds of thousands of kids who don’t go to school uh who’ve just of Gone Missing nobody knows where they’re going during the course of any day and I mean this is the other thing I mean we we’re in the midst of an election I keep seeing politicians coming out like today the labor party is talking about you know Banning children from buying energy drinks under the age of 16 well how about you stop them buying machetes absolutely and I’m not on it that what what kind of support are we giving these young people to try to change their mindset because we all have trauma but many of us have found tools to deal with it more effectively but there are others out there that can’t or haven’t been able to deal with their own trauma and what they do they project that anger and that rage onto others I would like to see more time spent instead of physical doing something physical PE and things of that nature but doing more emotional well-being for for the youngsters to get them to tap in to where they are in their heads and I wonder sometimes if boxing or some form of self-defense is not a bad thing either because I’m told by people who do teach kids that it gives them a lot more discipline you know yes you might be frightened that they would be more able to hurt people actually but no because tend it tends to have the opposite effect they tend to be able to control their aggression and they tend to be able to you know to live a much cleaner and and less unlawful life to go along with that I’ve also because we we run a program called aunties and uncles and that’s where we get into the mindset not only of the child but the extended families surroundings um their friends and family because what happens is if you just deal with a child on their own when they get back to home or in their environment they get other influences we have to be able to work with the other influences that will get that put these children down this dark path I’m dealing with one youngster who’s just serving four years for County Line and that’s you’re not going to win all the battles there’s another youngster that I’m engaging with he’s now doing life at the age of 18 for for murder doing 14 years minimum so I’m saying these are things that we have to step up and try to avoid continuing to happen we’ve got to break the cycle and that could only done by a mixture of tough love and also um other kind of support that will come in yeah and and we got to run because we’re running out of time Ken are you wearing a stab vest yes this this is the group I’m a foot soldier for for a volun organization called Street fathers what we do we just go into the hotspot areas and we any sort of bullying antisocial Behavior we step in and stop if for


    1. Do you know what it is…
      Their friends. Look at their friends. Thats where they get the weapons. Your "looking" into things… your looking too deep.
      Teenagers and adult friends are giving them the weapons. Parents/guardians are partly to blame for not keeping their children in when they look like they are about to knife someone up with their face covered.
      "We are trying to get the kids to stop buying vapes, stop them buying machetes"
      You really think they are buying them? … pft.

    2. I’m an antique dealer my brother is a solicitor and my 2 sisters are social workers !
      My Father died when we were all under the age of 9 !! In my day only Tarzan had a machete , these kids are killers

    3. We had a boy in year 8 age 12/13 and staff were very concerned about him but senior managers would not deal with it…he killed another decent lad for NO reason a few years later…

    4. We never had this level of violence in the past, even a few decades ago. We are seemingly reaching or have reached the inflection point

    5. Er!! We need to stop the demonisation of family structures in modern society and as a consequence absolve the State of its duty to the organization and futy to society as a whole!!
      Today in UK society there are a number of so called liberals , the ones I call the " child rescuers" who in their " messianic" minds rather than educate young minds indoctrinate them with fantasies of " rights" in society, but deliberately fail to first educate young minds to spell responsibility, then made to understand the full meaning of the term and how that responsibility goes hand in hand with exercising ones rights in a democratic society!!
      The fact is UK society today operates on a " dog eat dog" principle, the education system fails many young ( Black and White) people, the so called " social" services further fail them as no resources are available to their building maturity, the judicial element then takes over their lives, dole out punishments, tosses them back into the social meat grinder of poverty and its attendants as homelesness, unemployment, etc, and the cycle restarts!!
      Programes as this pontificate over the problem, come up with stupid responses, as there are answers they – the White middle classes – are afraid to discuss much less tackle!!
      Until the issue of class in the UK is tackled head on, and a move away from ridiculous debates about race, gender, so called diversity, incidents as this will become more and more!!
      In Caribbean circles we say, God created every man, woman, child with a belly!!
      No one is different to another, all need the same things in life, not the same amounts, the same things!!
      If society understood that, and ensured that, young people will grow up understanding respect for themselves and others!!

    6. Ken Hinds, speaks about real issues with acute knowledge of what needs to be done, this all started when kids lost respect for parents after the banning of a clip round the ear was imposed, " A sledge hammer to crack a nut" mentality.

    7. As it's not being described as a racist murder the killers are obviously non-white. Now they've been convicted they should be named and images of them circulated.

    8. What about the Music they all listen to that celebrated on the BBC, music that revolves around Gang Lifestyle, notice how this guy points the finger everywhere but at the Black community where this lifestyle is glorified!

    9. Stop the excuses. How many other boys have grown up without fathers and went on to live normal lives. Find it strange people are quick to shout scum at football thugs but also quick to shout "what about the father" to these thugs. Absolute joke

    10. On 12 February 1993 in Merseyside, two 10-year-old boys, Robert Thompson and Jon Venables, abducted, tortured, and murdered a two-year-old boy, James Patrick Bulger.

    11. You shouldn't need to look around your childrens' bedroom, you should have a good enough relationship to know them.
      My children have parents who parent them, hence they don't own weapons.

    12. Dear black people of uk . Please stop. We give up you win. Whatever it is you win.
      Now will you kindly stop introducing knife and gang culture into this country.
      Will you please work honest jobs and stop with the drug dealers.
      Please on behalf of UK we beg you!!!! 😢😢😢

    13. In 1977 when I was 12 I carried (and still do) a swiss army knife and a sheath knife when going to to the scouts.
      Anybody of any age could buy any knife they wanted , fast forward 47 years and its not the grandchildren of the scouts of the 70s that are carrying and using manchettes its those who's family's originate in Africa or the Caribbean .

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