Scott Ritter: Russia hold nuclear pistol to West’s head, Ukraine – Israel lose Hezb0llah within 24h

    oh I feel for you I feel for oh it’s okay I did my best to ignore but just some things can’t be ignored so it’s like okay what a it might be just me it’s a little hard to tell in this streamyard studio audience please tell me it sounds like Mike’s um like Scott’s mic is up a little too loud so let me know audience and we’ll we’ll convey that message to Scott let’s see what they say Scott before you turn it down quietly no no no no never never be you be you always all right so you went there uh well paint us a a little picture uh you did at least one interview I saw too you didn’t just participate in the Forum right you went to a studio in Manhattan to do this well let’s just say that the media interest non-mainstream American Media interest um has been um through the roof yeah since I got back and I’ve been doing my best to meet you know that which I can um and I I feel a special obligation at this juncture to um to handle the Russian uh media um requests because I after all was supposed to go to Russia and that didn’t happen and so I was juggling oh six different uh media interview requests that I was trying to make happen um and it’s all all involves just squeezing in the time um and so I I went down to New York City and because the St Petersburg International economic forum is a very professional place we had to do a whole sound check video check com check so that was my first priori go in there and do that you say I’m a tough Tas Taskmaster but what about their standards well let me tell you what though Jeff they they they booked a space in one UN Plaza the Millennium Hotel um the only the only Suite available was the king’s Suite apparently um so was up on the 37th floor and literally the way the building’s constructed it goes out to a point and so at the tip of the point is where they set up the uh chair they had the camera right here pointing at me but on the windows on each side on one side you looked out and you had the whole United Nations just lay down and it’s full glory for you and I was like hey that’s where I used to work that’s my building that’s the window I sat at and then um on the other side when marine and I lived there in in when I was a you at the UN we uh we rented a place or the final place we rented when we finally got upgraded um we we moved out of the slums and we moved into this wonderful 20 the 25th floor of this this great building but literally when you sat down in our living room you looked out over you know the window and and you had the World Trade Center the New York University Gold in front of you was the Empire State Building then the Chrysler Building and you could move on it was just all right there so every night you just sat down and went oh Manhattan and I sort of forgotten that we had that view until I literally got in there and I looked out and I went oh Manhattan and there it was in this so whoever gets this Suite literally has two of the best views of New York imaginable of course they stuck me in a corner and then they shut the curtains and the only the other I think the other reason why we got that suite at a affordable rate was that the air conditioning was out so you come up there yesterday was just one of those hot sticky rainy humid days where this a sticky wetness is everywhere so you walk in and immediately you’re just drenched from the sweat then they put the hot studio lights on you so I’m just sitting there going oh and so in addition to being tired it’s literally sucking the life out of me I’m just sitting there going and it was great but I did that then I went and knocked off two interviews I could do with my camera then I had to go to another studio in New York to to do that interview come back when I thought I was going to get a nap and I ended up doing two more interviews um you know and so but I think and well then I have an article that I’m writing and other things that I have to deal with editors so I was supposed to try and go to bed at like six o’clock and you know get you know because I had to be in that studio before three so I thought you know maybe I could knock out you know some sleep ah man my eyes didn’t hit the the closed mode till around 11 o’clock and um and then you know you’re always worried at that point in time am I G to sleep through it am i g to sleep through it so even though you’re trying to sleep and even though you set the alarm it’s like what time is it okay I got two more hours of sleep what time is it got an hour and a half left to sleep what time is it got an hour so means you got no sleep but anyways that happened I I’m just in Marine mode right now I’m literally in terminal exhaustion mode so um you could probably tell about my answers I’ll tell you what Scott I’m gonna use my gentle Voice tonight I’m gonna be very soothing no no don’t don’t don’t I can take it all right well anyway um it was it came off very well uh you know one really couldn’t tell what your whole surroundings were of course watching you we just saw you sitting in a sort of Regal chair and it looked really good on the St Petersburg and I don’t know if you were able to appreciate that they had big two of you and big screens up and everybody saw that afterwards but in in the place that I was there was no screen for me to see so I was just staring into a camera oh so you only had the audio and you couldn’t see them I couldn’t see them yeah okay so I was talking to a camera um which is probably because you know when I can see people I my eyes take on a different thing because I’m I’m to me they sort of come live because I’m like interacting with somebody I you know it’s more natural more natural yeah but instead it’s like uh you know talking to a camera you’re like I am talking to a camera I am gesturing like I’m talking to a camera so it just it didn’t have the same um Pizzazz but you know it wasn’t bad I watched it I I think I did okay for a guy who whose brain wasn’t working I was you know what what happens when I get really tired is I can start sentence very very well and I have my thought and then about halfway through being typical Ritter fashion I’ve gone on 26 tangents already and now I’m trying to bring it back to the end and I’m going I have no idea where I’m trying to navigate so I’m just gonna speak and speak and speak until Tada and fortunately both answers I was able to you know yeah and that’s all you get too and you must have been aware of that going into it you know when there’s a panel of five six people whatever it is an hour or even a little less I think was the whole thing each person is only going to get a couple of minutes or so to talk right I was expecting three questions um but we we were 15 minutes late rolling in on their end not my end so we didn’t get started till like a quarter after um or 3:45 um and so by the time the you know the second round of questions was done that was that was it they didn’t go to the third round we we cut it off because that’s the last cycle of um of panels before the plenary session and that’s the big one where Vladimir Putin gets up and issues the you know the the major announcements of the year uh kind of thing you know this is how the world is going to change and everybody’s listening so you know you can’t you can’t extend through I I imagine on the day before you know as long as there wasn’t another panel coming on he could probably have gone in and squeezed in that last question but not this time got it all right well tomorrow June 8th is uh USS Liberty Remembrance Day and we have a Survivor from the USS Liberty Phil tney who’s been with us once before when you were having internet problems and you weren’t on camera so we just had you on the phone so Phil will be joining us tonight at about 45 minutes past the hour and also Ahmed who is the filmmaker and editor who made the video that we posted yesterday uh in honor of the uh veterans who were on the ship that day especially the ones who were killed uh or wounded so uh before we get to them let’s try to squeeze in a few questions from our beloved audience and let me let me just ask Ryan to put that question up that you just put something across the bottom there by Nash somebody Nash somebody Ryan n uh about me doing a film with Michael Moore directing a film and Nash Nash has been throwing in comments All Night Long like if I could go back in time would I do anything different about my time as a un weapons inspector in Iraq and then he hinted like don’t inspect for weapons of mass destruction I’m GNA be nice Nash um I just want to remind n that uh Saddam Hussein’s Iraq invaded Kuwait in aug August of 1990 a flagrant violation now we can go back we play stupid games like well Kuwait was slant drilling yes they were um Kuwait was ordered by the United States and Europe to screw around with the London banking to get Iraq to default on its loans yeah yeah they were they were you’re right oh gosh you know Kuwait uh purposely flooded the market with oil to keep the price of oil below $14 so Iraq couldn’t earn enough money uhhuh you’re you’re right Nash they they they did all that and guess what Nash Saddam Hussein invaded [ __ ] Kuwait all right and guess what happens when you invade [ __ ] Kuwait the world goes [ __ ] crazy and the United Nations passed a resolution you might want to look that one up because it’s called International [ __ ] law um we passed a resolution we the world community that said Sadam must leave Kuwait can’t have it not yours Saddam said [ __ ] you and when you say [ __ ] you to America America does weird things like mobilizes the [ __ ] Marine Corps and the Army and the Air Force and the Navy and we set 700 americ 700,000 Americans over to the gulf where we kicked Saddam the [ __ ] out of Kuwait that’s what happened and then what happened is Saddam had weapons of mass [ __ ] destruction chemical weapons bial nuclear weapons long range ballistic missiles and the world said disarm now we can get into it again we can play stupid [ __ ] games like did they really want them to disarm we know the truth of that but it doesn’t [ __ ] matter does it n because as a un [ __ ] weapons inspector my job is to implement the [ __ ] resolutions of the [ __ ] Security Council and don’t you ever [ __ ] forget that so stop playing games that somehow we did something wrong we inspectors did nothing wrong we did our job and we did it pretty [ __ ] good so [ __ ] good that we got rid of all the [ __ ] weapons that Iraq was hiding don’t ever forget that either it’s not like Iraq rolled over and played dead and said here they are man no they HIIT them from us they didn’t just hide him from us they put guns in our [ __ ] face and said don’t bother looking for them and we found them anyways so n back the [ __ ] off because I’m not in the mood to play stupid [ __ ] games about Middle East politics dealing with weapons of mass destruction watch shifting Sands the movie’s been put out there watch it you’ll know the truth am I happy about what the United States was doing absolutely not am I happy about what happened to Iraq absolutely not but I will tell you right now I will defend the work of the inspection teams that I was a part of and that I led we did our job and we put did it pretty damn well so don’t ever criticize us again do you understand did I make it [ __ ] clear thank you now we can move on Jee I just needed to get that off my chest because I’m tired of seeing [ __ ] snipe at the weapons inspection process who doesn’t know anything I don’t know this guy from Buu maybe he’s an Iraqi but I’ll tell you what I know the Iraqis that were involved in this I made in shifting Sands with them I know where they stand on this issue and I will tell you this I’ll bet you a dime to a dollar that Nash had nothing to [ __ ] do with weapons of mass destruction or the weapons inspections that he doesn’t know what the [ __ ] he’s talking about because he wouldn’t ask stupid questions like that and again now part two I’ll back off but I told you I’m tired and I’m just not going to put up with it really not going to put up with it don’t [ __ ] with me buddy actually I think that was a strategic decision by Ryan to get you riled up so maybe it would wake you up a little bit it but I I use my I use my quote of the f word we can’t I can’t swear anymore tonight so we’re done I’m innocent I’m innocent fck [ __ ] [ __ ] all right let’s get to the questions from our beloved audience and when I say our beloved audience I don’t mean Nash I’m having trouble I’ve got an issue on my end is that okay visible to everybody all right yep all right Rebecca from Nebraska how soon do you expect to see us weapons strike inside Russia now the genocide Joe has granted permission we’ve already seen them we we’ve seen the we’ve seen uh Ukraine used attachs and high Mars um against Targets in Russia um it’s already happened the the the question is I guess how soon do um I expect to see them strike targets that could get the United States and Russia embroiled in a war the interesting thing is before sometimes I do believe that there’s a God out there you see I was writing this article sometimes I get frustrated because I start writing articles and then things happen and the article should have been published the day before because I’m like but I got lazy or something else happened I didn’t get it done and I’m like damn it damn it damn it everything I said was gonna happen happen I could have gotten it out yesterday and been the freaking genius of the world instead I’m playing catch up and all this stuff I was writing an article um about the potential of nuclear war which if anybody’s been watching me over the last couple days I’ve been saying we are one millisecond away from midnight it’s all gonna end goodbye goodbye goodbye until I watched Vladimir Putin speaking now re I’m rewriting the article I don’t want to give away the the gist of it except that um there’s one responsible party in the world today and his name is Vladimir Putin because it doesn’t matter what genocide Joe and US government and zalinsky want to do um Putin came out today and said stop talking about nuclear weapons maybe he was talking to me Ritter stop it stop it bad boy um we’re just not going to use them it’s not there’s no reason for us to use them it’s not part of our Doctrine there’s no existential threat hey if America wants to have the ukrainians attack us with longrange Precision weapons we’ll just turn long range Precision weapons over to other people to attack America we can play the game too uh but then today because he is the most most mature responsible player on the world stage they said we haven’t made that decision yet we haven’t acted on it so we haven’t actually done it imagine that here’s a guy everybody’s talking including me about the potential of nuclear war gets scared and this is the guy going we’re we’re not gonna let that happen I’m in control of this narrative we’re uh we’re just not worried he said some interesting thing I saw another one of these questions this was a good question so I’m not mad at the guy who asked this question in the chat it was a am I going to reassess um you know the the war based upon what AP aladan was giving you know the briefings he was giving look AP aladan is a military man and he gave a military response he said that um the the map of the battlefield is going to change and that there’s going to be dramatic things and he felt that this war would end by 2024 but you know why military guys say that because they’re leaning forward because he’s saying again a little aside that was I was with op alad donov in a restaurant and we were talking and I um I made some stupid comment likew you’re a general now you don’t really get to do much fighting to oh I pissed that guy off so bad I mean and you don’t want to piss off a chin after pulls out his cell phone just a general not on the front line pulls up the video it’s of him he had some of his guys get wounded who were fighting on the front line they could couldn’t get the evacuation vehicle in a time so OPI the commander jumps in a BMP with his other guys and drives it off to the front line screams in with the BMP gets out he’s got his you know AK and he’s sitting there pouring down covering fire while he’s telling guys covering fire go get the guy cover screw it he goes and gets the guy brings him back covering C fire boom stuff’s going off he’s laughing covering fire covering fire guy gets wounded he bandages him up puts everybody in and drives off that’s what we’re dealing with guys this is the general in charge of everything who said screw it I’m going to go rescue my men because they’re wounded there you go so he’s the kind of guy that says I know how to win this thing I we can go here we can go there we can do this we can envelop Bo boom boom and it takes casualties and that’s a reality of wartime Vladimir Putin today said we could end this war today I mean this is very easy to end but we would take unnecessarily High casualties and I don’t want to do that so we’re going to slow it down we’re going to be patient we’re just going to let this thing right out we know what we want to achieve we know that we’re going to achieve it we know how we want to achieve it and we’re just not going to let this we’re not going to let a calendar drive us so my new assessment that’s the bad thing about being an analyst people you make assessments and then new information comes in you have to go oo time to reassess my new assessment is let’s just stop talking about calendar because Putin’s playing the long game right now um he he said for instance he’s talking about zalinski there’s a lot of speculation that you know again I I maybe I participated in some of this not as not as heavy leaning forward as others but when zalinski you know when his term ran out in May everybody’s like well he’s been delegitimized that means that the Russians are going to move in and replace him and all this kind of stuff and Putin’s like we’re not doing anything he’s there um it might we’re not going to get rid of him America’s going to get rid of him and uh it might take up to a year Scott I disagree the whole world Putin Z Kim J comp he all seem to be rational except I don’t know what you’re disagreeing with I no he I think he’s disagreeing that Putin is the only sane one he’s saying some of the maybe the only sane one dealing with this uh issue of Ukrainian escalation because Z even though he’s Chinese and they seem to run the world Kim Jong-un he’s cool guy but he’s just hanging out in North Korea and H is in Iran I think Putin I think I’m talking about Putin invol in terms of the NATO equation you’re right the other ones seem to be rational um but you know Putin is he’s doing escalation management um on on a genius scale zalinski is he he’s the implication is you know we’ll let America get rid of them and then when they get rid of them we can deal with whoever they did but if they don’t deal who with whoever did um we’re not going to do it so this the implication is this this war is going to go on into next year so there we are um I don’t know I mean I’m tired of I’m tired of guessing on these not guessing but I’m you know tired of making an assessment based upon data uh based upon certain assumptions um and then the assumptions change because new data comes in but right now the the Russians don’t seem to and any I think what happened is they they moved in on COV and um they did what they wanted to achieve they they forced Ukraine to suck in all of their available reserves up into the carco front which stopped the Russian Advance because the Russians only came in with certain number of troops um and then the Russians are turning it into another bahmut aeva meat grinder where the Russians have gone in they stop they’re digging in and they’re killing everything other interesting thing that came out with what Putin said during this week was that um you know I’ve been talking about you know 10 to1 casualty ratios and things because Putin used that term used that ratio a while back but he was using that as a the 10 to one was had parameters of time built into it now he did an overall strategic thing he talked about um there’s an interesting term they use uh the not irreversible but the irrecoverable or um something casually so it means you’re either dead or your body’s been so broken that you can’t be returned to the battlefield um and he said that it’s a five to one um ratio that for every five ukrainians that are irretrievable losses there’s one Russian and if you’re saying 500,000 dead ukrainians that’s 100,000 dead Russians guys that’s a lot that’s a lot this war is costing all sides a lot the Russians aren’t losing as much as ukrainians but remember it took us 10 years to cycle through 58,000 Americans in Vietnam and that broke the will of our nation you guys think that the West is going to break Russia in two two two and a half years 100,000 dead and the Russians are like screw it man 50,000 a month volunteering we got I mean the Russian people they they ain’t backing down this thing ain’t gonna end until Russia wins so all the people out there that think that they can Outlast the Russians they can break through Putin just gave a speech again talked about the economy let off with the economy um you know he he I keep reading like when Ryan puts it down there I read it because my brain is slow I I can’t dual process but um Lush I lost it so let’s move on my brain just let let’s take a phone call Scott is a little tired he’s losing his Focus but you are gonna bring it back with a great question what’s on your mind okay I’ll tell Scott koni later that means in Russian um peaceful rest peaceful sleep but Scott my question to you is this you’ve talked uh in the past about um drone Warfare and how it’s changed the battlefield and you’re going to know this among anybody else how small can a nuclear weapon be uh Hiroshima and Nagasaki I guess they were like 20 kiloton can they get reduced to the point of actually being able to be deployed on a drone so you would have like some sort of Nano um nuclear war whereare uh it’s devastating in specific areas so that’s my question again spon noi Scott God bless you don’t say spon noi too much because I might follow your orders I’m programed remember I’m a marine I’m highly trained muscle memory spon noi I’m out but um okay nuclear weapons design I don’t think at this point in time we can speak of uh building a um pizo m that can fit on an fpv drone I mean no uh because you need a certain Mass it’s not just the enrichment level but to get what they call critical mass that means you need enough of the physi material so that the neutrons start to interact with each other in a way that generates the reaction you’re looking for if you don’t have enough of it you’re not going to get that going now you can boost it and this is where it gets tricky because a we’re moving into nuclear weapons design and even though I’m not a nuclear weapons design guy I don’t like talk about nuclear weapons design and B we’re getting to a level of nuclear physicist that you know Edward Teller could sit here and talk to or sakarov could do this scot Ritter is a simple marine and I’m not gonna pretend that I’m some nuclear physicists G say well if we get enough tritium put in there you get the fusion boost but no matter what you do boosting it um Etc I don’t think you’re G to there’s there’s a limit to how small it can get um we could put a you know a a a a design in an artillery shell 155 millimeter artillery shell had you know a nuclear weapon in it um maybe the how many Russians were lost in Afghanistan around 10,000 um maybe the Baba yag is this big old helicopter this four thing drone that the ukrainians use has got this giant noisy engine on it and they’ve been using it to great success knocking stuff out um maybe you could put something on the the Baba yag um I don’t know um I would hesitate to put something on a drone though because drones especially the ones that are dominating the battlefield right now they they could be taken over I mean it’s an iffy proposition you’re going out there and you’re playing a game it’s not like you’re GNA get to where you’re going automatically you you’re going out there playing a you know cat and mouse game is you’re going in they’re coming at you you got counter drones you got guys with drone guns trying to bring you down electronic warfare jamming other drones diving in and knocking you out I wouldn’t put a nuclear weapon on those things because the key thing about a nuclear weapon is you sort of it’s a weapon that is intended to achieve a specific result in a specific place at a specific time and you start throwing it out on drones you could lose control of it your enemy gets it so I I don’t think you’re going to see an integration of nuclear weapons with drones but drones are changing the the battlefield um and in some ways the impact they’re having on the battlefield is um more um fundamental than it a Baba Yaga uh then it would be if you um if you if you put nuclear weapons on them I watch this gets scary as hell the Russians you know their T90 tank and they built they built this drone cage over it because you know you’re thinking okay drone’s going to come in bounce off the cage then they put reactive armor all over there so the Drone comes in and touches the tank and off it goes well what happens when you’re in the tank you go I gotta pee so you open up the hatch you climb out of the tank you go off in the woods and you’re doing your thing and then comes this stupid little Ukrainian drone comes down finds the opening goes in and goes down the hatch and blows the damn tank up drones are dangerous things guys and in the hands of capable drone operators um they they can do the job the Russians have said the greatest threat they have right now is Ukrainian drones uh you know when the ukrainians put the Drone apply their drone operators who are very good to a part of the battlefield the Russians are just basically saying when it’s a drone versus a man or a drone versus a team of men the Drone always wins unless the team of guys has some way to shoot down the Russians are experimenting with shotguns with Nets uh some guys get lucky and use a machine gun or AK but you know firing Ryan knows this you’re getting that little tiny little bullet out there to try and hit a drone in Flight good luck um you know so when the ukrainians flood the Zone with drones they kill a lot of they kill a lot of Russians they blow up a lot of things they kill a lot of things now the the bad news for ukraini is the the Russians aren’t just flooding they’re flooding the whole Battlefield the ukrainians have said that from the moment they enter there’s no maneuverability there’s no there’s nothing they have to go straight underground and you know one of the experienced guys going we’re going to spend the entire War underground because the second we lift up there’s a drone hovering over looking for us once they see where we come from they come in and you’re screwed because like I said the Drone stop it’s not a bullet stops hovers Maneuvers down there goes in and blows up so drone Warfare next pick your city pick your city tell me you know Kevo fan is one of our regulars in Ireland and I saw what you said Kevin that our sound levels are okay thanks for that he uh left us a voicemail or left you a voicemail message and a little bit loquacious which I think may be a characteristic of the Irish not reaching the levels of Mark in Ireland however but let’s let’s give a listen to his voice mail message hi Scott uh Jeff how you doing um keville Fon here again from Ireland uh very disappointed to learn of your your travel disruptions this week sign of times I suppose H just got two short questions they’re again on Israel and Palestine uh first Scott what’s what’s your estimate on IDF casualties um the Battle of jabalia last week that ended last week Israel only admitted to 10 casualties in three weeks of fighting as bar bar bars bigger than that I’m sure you’ll agree um second I believe Israelis as a population are suffering I suppose intergenerational post- trumatic stress disorder for one of a better word do you see any hope that they will come out of this fog and see that their only hope for the peace they need to heal from those centuries of of Oppression and the PT PTSD has come after it uh is to form a a northern Ireland style State uh where Jews have 50% in cess uh Palestinians have 50% uh and they kind of commit to to to building a a New Jerusalem so to speak um anyway hope your next travels go smoothly cheers guys thanks on Israel casualties um you I I I don’t know there’s logic dictates that they’re taking more casualties than they’re admitting to and that there may be a reason especially with Hezbollah in the north because of the desire to avoid escalation because the political pressure that would be put on the Israeli government to um engage decisively with Hezbollah would be a lot greater if people understood how much damage Hezbollah is doing to uh to Israel there so there’s good reason to believe that the um the casualties in the north are being you know undercounted uh in in Gaza um I I I don’t know to be honest on that um I think one of the problems with Gaz is that we we look at these videos that come out because we’re all prisoners of the same data set I mean you know Hamas releases videos well Hamas only releas is the videos that look good trust me they’re professional information Warfare people you know humas isn’t going to have the video of the guy coming out going ah bar fires his RPG and it glances off and misses they’re not gonna show you that one I can tell you in combat that happens more often than the Direct Hit all right this the way it is [ __ ] doesn’t work all the time especially in combat hardly ever Works um people are operating under the premise that every time Hamas pulls the trigger they’re hitting the tank that’s not the case most those tanks have reactive armor so even though you’re using a tandem Warhead they slap the that was Hezbollah they use a new weapon send a signal to the Israelis that when when the time comes for the full scale War you won’t have an Iron Dome I think the Israelis notice what they’re not talking about right now invading hezbo why because they don’t have an Iron Dome and they’re like damn it if we go in there and we can’t do it but back to Hamas they have a tandem Warhead so the the the initial reactive armor busted up secondary explosion comes in burst through hits the armor and you might get some Spalding or you might get some sort of concussion in there but just because the tank goes boom on the outside doesn’t mean the Tank’s going boom on the inside and and so a lot of these hits that we’re seeing that look pretty cool um aren’t generating um killed in action or to use the term of the Russians irretrievable losses uh you are getting guys with headaches U and you are getting some wounded guys uh the the big number that the that they’re not talking about is the number of wounded everybody’s looking at the dead saying that’s the thing hey look from hamas’s standpoint whether you kill an Israeli or you compel the Israeli to be medevaced with wounds they’re going to keep from the battlefield it’s the same thing the the Hamas has taken thousands of um Israeli soldiers off the battlefield not necessarily in body bags but off the battlefield I mean some estimates have the numbers up around 12,000 um I don’t know what the truth is but I do know that the real numbers would demoralize the hell out of the Israeli citizens so I do believe that the Israelis are not telling the whole truth about their casualties because they’d be revealing things that they they don’t want to reveal to the enemy to let the enemy know how effective their attacks are and um and and and also to the Israeli uh public now as as result as regards Your two-state solution idea man why don’t you put together and I’m saying this in all sincerity H because the northern a lot of people are critical of you know Northern Ireland today and the you know what’s going on there but um you compare that with you know the late 1960s early 1970s it it’s so much better it’s not perfect but it’s it’s they’re moving in that direction um maybe the Irish should be the ones who um take a lead in negotiating this two-state solution maybe the IRA get America the hell out of the way we’re not impartial negotiators we we have sold our soul to Israel and the Palestinians can never trust us again um maybe the Irish could come in and uh and and say you we’d like to teach you about the um the Northern Ireland solution um you know how you take an extraordinarily difficult situation how do you get you know orange and green to uh to live side by side well they’ve exceeded in Northern Ireland is it perfect nope but you’re not going to get a perfect you know textbook solution out of what’s going on with Israel and the Palestinians either so maybe it’s time for the Irish to uh throw their hat in a ring and say hey we’d like to take a swing at this maybe talk to the Chinese and talk to the Russians and see if um if if there’s a way to get Ireland in there is a is a neutral voice all right I mentioned earlier that tomorrow June 8th is USS Liberty Remembrance Day and that refers to the Israelis attacking an American ship back in 1967 and we teamed up with Ahmed and his team at propaganda and Co to release a video yesterday that borrowed rather liberally from a previous documentary made by Al jazer and you can see it at Scott you can also see the panel discussion we mentioned earlier that Scott participated in this morning and we are honored to have back with us Phil tney who’s the president of the USS Liberty veterans association but before we talk to Phil let’s take a look at uh a little bit of that documentary uh and then we’ll [Music] June 8th marks the 57th anniversary of the attack on the Oh I thought that was the trail I think that’s actually the full documentary We’re not gonna watch the whole thing right now hey Phil how you doing uh good good Jeff uh nice to be on with you guys uh Scott you’re in person last time you in cardo yeah I know good to see you H thank you sir I appreciate it well nice to see you two getting along so well because I know that Scott didn’t quite reach the exact same conclusion you did Phil and some of other folks who were with you who believe that it was an intentional attack by the Israelis Scott’s not quite convinced why don’t you guys get into no you can’t speak for me I can only as an analyst I can only go where the facts take me and when I reviewed all the Declassified facts I went were there but if you listen to me at the end I never once discounted the things that Phil and the others were saying I never once said that they were wrong we didn’t reach different conclusions I simply as an analyst I can only attest to that which the facts give me what I have said is that the US government has not done the fullscale investigation that must be done for the truth to come out until that happens there’s a whole wide range of options that that could up being reality and so you know I I don’t want uh you to put Phil and I uh you know on on in a boxing ring where we don’t belong we’re we’re actually on the same side here I just I can’t as an analyst go all the way forward a I mean look Phil Phil’s not an analyst there’s the difference Phil was there Phil has firsthand experience I’m a guy who wasn’t there I’m a prisoner to the data sets that I can evaluate uh and I went as far as I could with the data that I had available but I recognized at the end that there’s a whole there’s a whole range of possibilities that exist that can’t be either endorsed or um negated until there’s a full investigation and the US government isn’t allowing a full investigation and I think on that Phil and I agree the US government has not done the crew of the USS Liberty the the they’ve done them a huge disservice they have an honor the Sacrifice by doing the fullscale investigation that needs to be done all right I don’t think I meant anything other than that uh it’s just that Phil seems more certain that it was intentional that’s all I was referring to so why don’t I let you speak for yourself Phil yeah thanks and you know Scott that that’s a very a very good analogy of what you said uh you’re looking at both sides you’re looking in the middle you’re looking everywhere and uh that’s what really honest people do and uh whichever side it is and I I think you’re exactly on the right side uh I’m here in Virginia uh Arlington now with some of the uh greatest spies in the world and we’re going going to Arlington but we we do have positively proof positivity be Beyond a doubt from eyewitnesses and Admiral Thomas Moore in his Memoirs the Moore report uh sacrificing Liberty and everything like that but but the real deal is America needs to give us a chance as as as you’re doing Scott to tell the world the real truth because our Republic demands it if we don’t have the truth our Republic will fall and I I I don’t think there’s anybody else that understands that better than you Scott well no I appreciate it and look you understand it better than I do because as I said I’m just an analyst you uh you’re living this tragedy you I I look I’ve been screwed around excuse my language screwed around by the US government you know six ways from Sunday as Chuck Schumer is famously said and uh and all that but um you know I wasn’t on a ship where 34 of my Shipmates were murdered by the Israelis I wasn’t on a ship where 172 of my Shipmates were wounded grievously wounded uh watching you know their lives bleed out from them uh I wasn’t on a ship that was attacked by a nation we thought was an ally um I mean that is getting screwed um that that’s getting the short end of the stick and um you know what you guys have been living with this for 57 years 57 years I mean I sometimes I I I feel like I wake up in the morning I feel like I’m going insane about what happened to me 20 years ago or 30 years ago to carry a burden like the one you’re carrying like you and your surviving crew members are carrying for 57 years the fact that you’re still here amongst us that you’re sane that you’re rational that you have your health um is a testament to to the resilience of you and your ship what would we expect you guys are the goddamn crew of the USS Liberty you didn’t go down you didn’t sink you didn’t falter you stood proud you you you you didn’t abandon your ship you didn’t abandon your Shipmates you didn’t abandon your cause you didn’t abandon your nation your nation may have abandoned you but you never Abandoned America so why am I surprised that you’re still here Fel I shouldn’t be surprised I’m just saying that it’s it’s a hell of a thing and people don’t for for people who haven’t borne the burdens that you’ve borne and I to a lesser degree have borne um they don’t understand the toll it takes to live a life knowing that your government has lied about the service that you provided lied about the sacrifice you made and is blocking at every step of the way any effort you make to tell the truth to get the truth out there because you know how and you know this Phil how do we ultimately honor the 34 dead the 172 wounded and the survivors with the truth with the truth that’s all anybody ever asks the truth it is and that’s that’s what’s happening right now uh Scott on your show and the passion that you show for not just the USS Liberty but America is commendable America needs us the country needs us to tell you the truth of what the real world is when your own government sets you up to be murdered by a a foreign government design the state of Israel and that’s exactly what happened our own government set us up to be murdered and that’s a fact that’s a certainly a fact to bring us into a war we never belonged in and it is imperative people understand that there’s nothing’s changed in this world that I’ve seen since I’ve been alive you will convince me that we’re not controlled by another government or our Congress people aren’t bought and paid for because nobody in Congress wants to touch us we’re nothing but lepers to them we’re Liars we’re cheats we’re anti-semitic Jew haters we’re not man we’re just here telling the truth and we get labeled we didn’t kill anybody we didn’t murder anybody they they did all the killing and they they took away our first amendment rights and told us never to say anything we go to jail fines or Worse death that came straight for Admiral kid a flag Admirals dressing us down when he should have passes on the back we got treated like [ __ ] before that we kept our ship aoat by the grace of God and then Admiral a flag Admiral tells us just shut the hell up well we ain’t shutting up our country means more to that our 34 dead we’re going to celebrate tomorrow it’s sorrow they deserve that because we don’t forget we don’t leave anybody behind we don’t forget we’re Americans we love America that’s what we’re doing this for is all of us and God bless America I fight for this country again but not under a government subservient to somebody else you know Phil I just want to say something I don’t want to get you’re like me Phil you wear your heart on the sleeve and um I last thing I want to do is is is get you riled up but maybe we need to get riled up but you know Congress is abandoned abandon the Liberty survivors abandon the Liberty dead abandon the Liberty wounded as Phil just said in Congress today we have a uh a congressman I believe his last name is Massie um he served in the Israeli Defense Force and he wears the Israeli uniform in the US Congress so we have an American representative who wears an Israeli uniform the uniform of the nation that attacked the USS Liberty that killed 34 Americans wounded 172 he wears that uniform in the US Congress without any penalty and he Advocates and this is the part that really gets me if if if your blood isn’t boiling about a congressman wearing the uniform of the Israeli Defense Force while he’s in Congress doing his job then the next one should he is advocating because right now there’s 20,000 American citizens fighting for the Israeli Defense Force today in Gaza and against hezel 20,000 and he is basically saying that America the Congress needs to extend to these 20,000 Israeli Defense Force fighters who hold an American passport report the same rights and privileges that are enjoyed by American reservist and National Guardsmen who get called up and have to leave their jobs and their jobs are supposed to be protected for them so Congress is willing to do the unthinkable which is to extend rights and privileges that Ur solely to American Service members and extend them to Americans serving the Israeli Defense Force that should sicken you but what would should really sicken you is that Congress is bending over backwards to appease the Israeli lobby while they continue to stifle the search for the truth about the USS Liberty and the murder of 34 American Sailors if people don’t start getting pissed off I this is the kind of stuff that should have all of America up in arms my God if you don’t stand for American Dead you stand for nothing these 34 died serving their country they died in a secret war that not too many people know about even today when I was digging through the the archives there’s so much I mean you you you go into some of these reports and entire pages are removed um and I’m somebody who’s a historian and I understand the value of words and when you remove entire pages from consideration by the public that makes you say you know there’s that old Monty Python skit the things that make you go um and that’s one of them well why don’t you want us to know about that is it about classified well I’ll tell you another thing too 1967 you guys may have been doing some top-of-the-line stuff in 1967 in terms of Technology but it ain’t top-of-the-line today and so what are we protecting what are we protecting um you know when when when back then you know they would take the UHF and VHF signals and they would bring them together and one of the great things that the Liberty could do is is to break those signals apart um well gosh guys hardly anybody uses those anymore um that’s that’s old school stuff what are you protecting what are you protecting are you protecting how we collected intelligence or are you protecting what intelligence we were collecting are you protecting the specifics of the intelligence that was collected we don’t know that’s the big thing we’re asked to draw conclusions based upon an incomplete record an a record that has been what has been put before us has not been done by Phil I would love Phil and the others because you know what Phil I can guar guantee you this too I say this because I’m we’re C for the same piece of cloth you would never hurt America you would never go out of your way to hurt America so if I put in front of you the entire Liberty archive and I said Phil declassify that which you need to tell the truth but remember we need to protect American National Security interests too that we don’t want to put anything out there that uh to give you an example when Edward Snowden released all sorts of documents about the violations of the fourth amendment I will never condemn Edward Snowden for doing that because uh the moment we have us intelligence Services violating the fourth men rights of Americans we got a big problem but there was some stuff that was released through Snowden that should never have been released because it didn’t further the argument all it did though is give away capabilities to you know enemy so I I think Phil I trust you and your Shipmates to go through this material and say yeah we don’t need to say this we don’t need to say that we don’t need to say this but we do need to say this we do need to say that if I were in the US Congress today and Dennis cenic if you’re listening Dennis is our good friend who’s running for the Seventh District of Ohio Dennis my God man one of the first things you need to do when you become a US congressman is convene a USS Liberty hearing and get these survivors while they’re with us before you to tell you the truth so that you can begin the process of subo the intelligence community to release the material that needs to be done and get Phil and the others to form you know one of these tiger teams to go through the documents and say this is what we need to tell the truth this we don’t want to talk about because it it it hurts us but this is what needs to be done Phil you guys are a National Treasure and we need to take advantage of you while you’re still with us while you were talking I flashed on a couple of uh quotes from a couple of letters one of which is from a current member of Congress Ed Case in Hawaii who confirmed that there’s never been a congressional election is he an ally Phil or is he just simply answering the question I think that uh he’s an ally for exposing that there never has been a an investigation in the USS Liberty because it’s already been investig investigated by the board of inquiry which was a scam in seven days so the Congress tells us that there’s been multiple investigations there’s never been one uh not one and to get back to uh Scott about uh is it Brian Mass I believe in Florida that were M yeah and uh a good friend of mine is running against him uh Rick Wilds and he can’t get anything going with uh the media because of the quote unquote uh superiority of the the the uh sinist regime regime and to have a person a congressman walk into the halls of congress with an Israeli uniform on that is treason that is preposterous it’s disrespectful it is heartbreaking our country’s come to that because we are not sub subservient to Israel but really we are and that’s got to break that Cycle’s got to break or our country will break and uh I wish oh Rick Rick was one of our guest speakers today and I wish him all the best because he’s best for America and he’s best for our country and uh Scott I don’t know if you’ve been in contact with Rick Wilds or anything like that but he’d be a great guy to get in contact with well Phil you just read my mind uh Jeff I I I Jeff’s the smarter guy of the two of us I’m the guy that wears his heart on the sleeve and likes to yell a lot Jeff’s the patient rational character who says nice Scott but no um okay I I don’t know what we do in terms of our you know you know politization but um yeah let’s get this guy on and let’s boost his candidacy and let’s uh let’s let’s get this guy in Congress and let’s get that Israeli Defense Force uniform wearing son of a [ __ ] out of Congress he doesn’t belong in the people’s house we need to get an American in there who believes in America first and I don’t mean America First in a jingoistic fashion I mean that you’re you’re you’re a congress a representative of the American people uh not the Israeli Nation not Israeli Lobby um and and so yeah uh Phil thanks for doing that Jeff let’s see if we can make it happen man we should do this all right well right now we have a question for Phil from one of our regular viewers uh and it speaks to uh what we alluded to earlier and that is Phil’s belief that it was an intentional attack this is a question about motive I’ll read it out loud because some of our audience uh is Audio Only on Spotify it’s from media kov in Malmo Sweden her question if the attack on the USS Liberty was a false flag operation what could have been the reason for doing such an awful crime against its own people I mean what kind of terribly disgusting plans must Washington have had that they needed to kill hundreds of its own Sailors and syn their own ship just to justify whatever they were planning what a great great question the uh USS Liberty as we all know was the most sophisticated spy ship in the world and they sent us there for a reason LBJ uh and his cohorts Levi escoll he was the prime minister at the time and people in government many Jewish people there that supported Johnson and by the way Johnson was come from a Jewish background I think everybody knows that they don’t they should read up on it but we were sent there intentionally perhaps even a year before this happened like I said before but for it Israel to sink our ship as fast as they could as fast and they tried they tried tried and tried and tried for almost two damn hours it was a two-hour attack with jet aircraft on Mark J aircraft to hide the identity torpedo boats machine gunning this torpedo us shooting our life rafts we’re put going to put our seriously wounded in there and they shot them out of the water and they took one board the their boat as the trophy of the kill so it’s a it’s a pre-planned attack but we didn’t sink by the grace of God we didn’t sink and we’re alive today to tell everybody what our country did we don’t we really don’t hate anybody all we want to do is just to get the truth out because our our country deserves it and it’s our duty As Americans we’re all Americans Scott Jeff your listeners everybody’s doing it we love our own country so let’s let’s do it in Truth not lies we don’t need any more lies we got enough going on now that last for hundred freaking years so what what you guys are doing I’ll tell you what I I bless you for it I bless you for what you’re doing for America having me on thank you well we love and support you Phil and I was so happy to hear that you finally found a home for the monument I remember when we were talking the last time that still hadn’t been settled and why don’t you tell us a little bit about who turned you down as well as uh who finally said yeah we we’d be happy to host this Monument oh thanks Jeff this is a a a very great thing that sh in my hometown in C R Colorado and uh Kathy mcll was a she she did a lot of a lot of uh monuments and stuff and I asked her if she would consider doing the USS Liberty and I told her that it could get her in trouble because uh just of the content of it uh but it’s the true story there’s nothing anti-semitic about it whatever just tells the truth but we tried to get the Navy to get it at the Navy Yard Museum they turned us down the National Security Agency turned us down uh Cold War Museum turned us down National Spy Museum turned us down I could go down to dog catcher they would turn this down too but my friend uh Terry McFarland uh he’s a shipmate uh a former board member he found a post because he wouldn’t give up and I wouldn’t either 4809 in Tide Water of Virginia said we’ll take it they had a 100% unanimous decision by all members we will take it so it’s it’s it’s in uh Tidewater Virginia now and you know think about it man we got veterans coming to Veterans to help us our government didn’t give a [ __ ] about us then they don’t give a [ __ ] about us now but veterans do and that that that’s where our heart lies Jeff could you put up the the those images again I just wanted to point something out um you know look at the one on the left um look below at the very bottom there you’ll see five Metals laid out in a ribbon um the metal on the farle is the Congressional Medal of Honor awarded to the captain of the ship um the the metal next to it is the Navy cross it is the second highest award for heroism that can be given um in a combat situation the Medal of Honor is a combat medal next to that is the Silver Star the Third highest award for bravery that the United States hands out for combat then the Bronze Star now the Bron star can be used for meritorious action but in this case it’s a heroism ribbon the last metal there is the purple heart that is issued for wounds in combat and then just to certify the point I’m making the ribbon you see is the Combat Action ribbon all right we’re talking about a battle here we’re talking about one of the most highly decorated crews in the United States Navy history if not the most highly decorated crew in the United States history especially if they understand that all of the heroism that we’re talking about here took place in the span of two hours I mean the heroism lasted longer saving the ship Etc but I’m talking about the combat aspect of it of it um and we we can’t forget that these these men were awarded the highest Honors that the country can give Warriors Warriors and they weren’t Warriors in the traditional sense of the word these weren’t infantry men trained to go over the beach these weren’t guys on a destroyer ready to lay down suppressing fire they weren’t on an aircraft carrier ready to launch these guys operated a old cargo ship that had been converted into an intelligence gathering vessel a defenseless vessel that’s it they had some 50 cows on the that they could put up on the mount to you know repel borders um but you can’t shoot down aircraft or shoot down torpedo boats with 50 cow machine guns um this is a ship that was not designed for War crewed by men who were not trained for war they were trained for intelligence gathering and they turned out to be the most heroic ship in America’s history man heroes come from different walks of life they always said the Marine Corps you couldn’t really tell you know you got the guy who lifts weights and looks great on the parade field in peace time and pisses his pants and runs away in combat and then you got this small skinny guy who’s drunk and getting in a fight and he’s just getting Article 15 and Page 11 all over the place and in combat ends up saving everybody’s life you can’t tell until the moment comes and Phil you and your Sailors your fellow Sailors the sailors the heroes of the Liberty man you you were tested to the utmost and a test you never should have had and you passed this test Phil you passed it with flying honors that’s why this this Memorial needs to be up there so people can see that and look at those metals and understand what those Metals mean those metals are everything because they’re more than just ribbons they’re the only recognition that our government has put forward about what really happened that day the only true recognition they couldn’t turn their back on the heroism of the crew the USS Liberty they did turn their back on the truth about what happened but they couldn’t ignore the heroism they couldn’t because it was so unbelievable what you guys did so again I’m just honored to be I’m getting ready to break down a cry man I’m I’m honored to be on the same uh you know the the same screen with you Phil I mean you are living history you are the epitome of what American Service is all about and I salute you well wow uh are you sure you wasn’t there with us in spirit baby in spirit I was six years old but no that was very kind but you know it was a ship a divided ship we had Spooks we had ships company like me and engineering and damage control but you know Scott F when this happened we didn’t know the CTS the spies and they didn’t know us much we weren’t allowed to talk but when that happened we became one instantly instantly and that Bond hasn’t been broken since that bond has never been broken since and I’ll tell you another thing Scott these guys were the most sophisticated spies in the world and they never revealed me back then or now any uh classified information never they will talk about the attack and uh that’s it they never never ever revealed anything secret as we were told not to talk about it or or else but uh it was amazing uh and I still feel that way with a sea of blood and broken men and men dying on the on the tables in the meex the the the the M was full of bodies nothing but bodies it was a sea of broken men [Music] bleeding crying hurt and they left us out there for 17 hours they recalled all the aircraft I mean my God what else could they do to us and uh I have a question for I don’t know if you can answer this question but it’s haunted me ever since I started doing the research uh I’m a marine and um you know so I I every time I I see US Marine my my ears pick up and there were Marines on board the USS Liberty uh part of the uh CT crew and part maybe part of the ship’s crew I don’t know but when the um when the aircraft made its second attack run I think they targeted the um the space where the CT guys were they they they that that that hit that was hit very hard by the Rockets I believe and um it flooded and a marine helped bring people up and then he went back down into the flooded space to recover other people and while he was down there trying to save lives a decision had to be made uh to seal the hatch to prevent the ship from the the flooding and so this Marine who was alive he he actually saved somebody came up he was alive he made the decision to go back down and then he was sealed in there to drown and they knew that when they did that he was going to drown do you know who that Marine was does he have a name well uh I do but I got to clarify something uh Scott what really happened is uh the marange name was uh Bryce Lockwood but I will clarify this and the other two marines were only aboard that ship for about six or seven days we picked them by Maroa they got blown to bits they just got on that ship and got killed but uh Bry Lockwood did I was told brought out some some other people or one I don’t know but I’m the one that opened that hatch and I was one that was ordered to seal it so part of the story is true and part of it isn’t but it really makes any diff no difference the heroism of everybody aboard that ship including Bryce was uh inspirational for all of us because we’re all were one like I said but yeah Marines uh these T man they just we picked them up and roll to Spain and I’m not discounting the people that were already on the ship but man they didn’t know what it was getting to nobody didn’t and they walked on them then they’re dead they’re dead so Phil you you you you are the man who sealed the hatch I opened it up and I sealed it that’s quite a burden to live with but you saved your ship you saved your ship that’s that’s what you said you were damage control you’re part of that the team that but uh man God bless you I don’t know if there’s anybody back down there Left Alive Scott but I don’t think so I hope not but uh it it was flooded they only had about this this much airspace maybe 8 inches and uh the ones that didn’t make it out I assume were blown to bits immediately but uh hopefully everybody got out I was ordered uh by John Scott well let’s seal it up is my uh officer in charge I sealed it up as well as he did but uh by the grace of God uh hope every everybody got out there alive it was alive but these are the kind of life and death’s decisions that you guys had to make over and over again that day to save the ship you know the sh sip the ship didn’t save itself the ship was saved by you by Phil you saved the ship and other people like you damage control going around there doing the most unbelievably heroic things um and I and I just I don’t think America quite understands what you guys what you guys did and what was done to you uh but even more importantly what you did under the most extreme conditions to save the lives of your crew and save your ship uh I salute you Phil I I salute you me too me too I remember when you I’m sorry go ahead Phil no no thank you kindly I was just gonna say I remember when you were with us a couple of months ago or whenever that was I remember we were telling you that we’re not going to abandon you it’s not just going to be one interview and then it’s over with and I was saying to myself because I was very conscious of how you have been abandoned so many times times in very consequential ways I was asking myself I wonder if Phil believes this and we meant it and so we will be looking for ways to to support the cause on an ongoing basis we’ll continue to do it that’s a promise that’s a promise I I I know it is uh and that means so much we’ve been abandoned by our country but we’re not abandoned by our Patriots and that’s a great honor for all of you it’s a great honor for Country uh Usos Liberty veterans are not going to abandon our country or our Patriots because it’s our duty to make sure that the real truth comes out not all the [ __ ] that they’re feeding you you know I’m sick of it we’re all sick of it but I I’ll tell you what because of the alter the media like you guys have is the best thing ever happened to USS Liberty or the the mainstream media never helped us the only people that come to help us is Patriots like you guys and so that’s what keep us keeps us going and uh you I can’t tell you the Gratitude I have for you well thank you Phil if you could just do a favor for me tomorrow when you meet your when when you gather in Arlington with your uh with your fellow veterans uh please pass uh the best wishes from Jeff and I and everybody who’s watching this program uh let them know that uh that we’re with them we stand with them and we will always stand with them with you and the other survivors I was just about to say that and Phil’s actually with some of them already they’re having a reunion in Virginia right now yeah well I I will do that and uh for everybody if they please think about us tomorrow and then if you if you want to learn more go to USS Liberty veterans. org or USS you’ll get to us and you can learn a lot of different things just not my testimony but so many different different things so uh for that I’m forever grateful that you guys are here and I I mean necessarily I might repeat it the reason I do it is because I mean it it’s thank you very much thank you the honor is ours thank you indeed all right Phil send our love and support and respect to all of them and we’ll we’ll talk again soon I I will do that and uh thank you both God bless you simpi SEI you you got that one right all right Bravo Zulu there’s another one Bravo Zulu take care take care Bravo Zulu is is a Navy thing um it means job well done so there’s the Bravo Zulu flags and uh if if somebody did something well they they’d run up the Bravo Zulu flags and so it just became short Bravo Zulu means job well done and then simpi of course is the Marine Corps simper Fidel is always faithful and even though it’s a Marine Corps thing the the Navy sort of digs it when we say it to him so yeah I don’t think he would be insulted at all no oh I think we were both on the verge of crying a couple of times there no it’s terrible terrible what happened to these guys I mean and and and what’s even worse look I I I was looking it up there was a um in World War II uh in April 27th I think it was U there was an exercise tiger it was one of a series of fullscale Landing rehearsals that were done for the D-Day uh Normandy invasion we just had the 80th anniversary of D-Day yesterday um and as the ships are gathering they have this um the ultra code uh basically intercepted the signals from German esbats which are speedboats that said they knew this exercise was taking place and they were planning to attack it and so the high command had to make a decision do we put off the um the landing the the test but then the would say maybe their Communications were compromised because this was the alter code that basically we were reading everything and it gave us a whole bunch of advantages strategically and so the decision was to protect the fact that we had broken the code not to do anything and they let the Germans attack 700 American soldiers were killed by the Germans and in the confusion because again we couldn’t the the command couldn’t come in and tell people’s going on 300 more were killed by friendly fire so a thousand Americans lost their lives um that day because a decision was made based upon intelligence and the only reason why I bring this up is that I look at those blank pages in the in the report and again as I as I said as an analyst I can only go so far as the data T allows me to go um and I made a decision when I was asked to do this film that I I would go based upon the official record um and I I made that decision so that at the end I could say this is the official record side but we can’t know the trueu story until we get everything out there at no time did I want to be seen as diminishing the eyewitness account or the other uh information that’s out there um I want to draw attention to the um the fact that you had dozens of pages with all the information removed is there an exercise tiger there is there something in there that says you know this is why the USS Liberty was sacrificed this is why they were put In Harm’s Way this is why this happened and the um and the other things so um you know we won’t know until this investigation is done so again Dennis cenage if you win the Seventh District No Ohio hold the Liberty hearings and find out what the truth is and Ed Case in Hawaii I don’t know if you noticed that uh those are two letters from again I didn’t know really how much support or how he feels about but he at least gave them an answer and confirmed it so I’m sorry if I made it sound a little sensationalist I wasn’t really trying to drum up controversy it’s just that I had spoken to Phil privately and I knew that he felt certain uh that it was intentional and I wanted to tee it up for him to to be able to say that so I’m sorry if I made it seem a little too contentious when I know that you didn’t intend it in a contentious way look I’m I’m a professional um intelligence officer and um my job is to take the official data and run with it as far as I can run with it with as much Integrity as possible um and so I did that that was my goal in doing this um you know there but there’s a whole bunch of other data out there that um you know probably if Declassified would support the um the the and and I have to say I have to call it unofficial because Phil and the USS Liberty crew have not been allowed to be classified as the official narrative they’ve been silenced bullied threatened into keeping their voices silent so they are excluded from the official record and that’s a frustrating thing as an analyst but the problem is when I when I sat down and said okay I’m going to do this once I start letting other information in I I’ve corrupted the the four corners of the analytical product that I was working on and so I had to stay disciplined and only use the official record uh but at the end I was very assiduous in saying there’s things out there that have to be considered that could change this this narrative and so I think filling on the same page I think absolutely I mean everybody agree that the main message is expose the truth get the information out there the the the you know the thing about Phil is he’s probably tired of U of of people like me because he’s like it’s been 57 years I’ve had 57 years of intelligence analysts coming in and doing an an assessment of the official record well [ __ ] the official record let’s get to the truth and Phil I’m 100% On Your Side unfortunately I’m a simple marine and I have to follow the procedures that done it’s muscle memory that says Define the four corners of my analytical understand he understand and like you said you both are cut from the same cloth really I mean you’re both emotional and it’s a beautiful thing to witness um so anyway that’s that why don’t we try to get a few more questions in in the time we have remaining and here’s one from Shan Strickland in London why does a nation like Russia still employ human wave tactics reminiscent of those used in World War I well Sean they don’t I don’t know why you would say they do you at no time have you seen anything um on on this front from the Russians that resembles World War I World War I was putting uh tens of thousands of men online in a trench line blow the whistle up over the top and go for it that simply is not happening even in bahmut um you know the Russians were rushing forward with assault teams of 20 30 40 men 20 30 40 men that ain’t human wave tactics I don’t know what your background is I don’t know if you know anything about Urban Warfare I don’t know if you know anything about Warfare at all um you know but there Comes A Time in every battle where to take the ground somebody’s got to tuck their balls up into their their gut and just take the step forward and uh you’re stepping into an unknown situation where a land mine a grenade a drone artillery shell machine gun bullet or a rifle bullet could get you you don’t know but you have to go forward that’s your job you’ve been ordered to do it that’s not a human wave that’s just a an assault and the Russians suffered egregious casualties uh assaulting heavily fortified positions in these cities but it isn’t human wave tactic you don’t know what you’re talking about I’m sure that question was not ill-intentioned but it is reflective of the kind of ignorance that permeates the entire West when it comes to understanding Russia and the Russian military do a little bit of homework it’s not that hard to do the studies and and and be careful with your Source remember you always have to go to bias so if you’re like well I’m gonna read chadam house why the [ __ ] would you read chadam house they’re anti-russian I’m gonna read Russy that’s the Royal United Services why they’re already why not read what the Russians write the horses mouth Jesus Christ you wouldn’t want to do that would you um there’s a lot of stuff out there read up on it and I think you’ll immediately realize why I’ve taken the position I have on your question because it’s just there’s no basis in reality to sustain I don’t understand this [ __ ] question Dave from Pennsylvania your favorite state have the US and NATO effectively become a suicide cult whose Dogma has strayed too far from reality to act rationally yes it’s they don’t they they don’t self-identify as a suicide cult um fact is they would say that they’re the exact opposite that they are behaving in a maners designed to sustain NATO sustain Europe sustain the West against you know this this uh Russian horde uh that’s you know swarming in from the East um but they they are again coming back to the question before you know there’s so much ignorance out there about Russia about how Russia operates what Russia’s intentions are how many people actually took the time to listen to Vladimir Putin’s speech I Have Been banging my head against a brick wall uh you know in in amongst very prestigious journalistic institutions and I’ve been saying St Petersburg International economic for is the Premier form of its type in the world you know everybody pays attention to Davos you know Switzerland because all the stars come flying in and there you know in their jet you know Leonardo DiCaprio can talk about global warming then he hops on his Gulf Stream five and flies in and stays in a hotel that’s artificially temperature controlled and he eats in restaurants that put more [ __ ] and more pollution than you could possibly s shake it stick that if people understood the actual thermal and uh and and pollution footprint that takes place in Davos because of the world economic Forum they’d realize the hypocrisy of the West um Davos had 2,400 attendees last year St Petersburg just knocked out 25,000 plus all right this is there’s no comparing to two St Petersburg is is the you know they used to talk about the New York Times being um you know the newspaper of record and basically that you know if it appeared in New York Times basically it drove the story for every other newspaper in America what happens in St Petersburg drives what’s going to happen in the entire world over the course of the next year so how many people actually sat there and listened to Vladimir Putin again these rocksolid journalistic institutions uh that are supposed to be all about you know unbiased search for the truth um you know when I tried to explain to somebody that um the Russians called the operation in Ukraine a special military operation for a reason there’s a real honest to God reason it’s called that not a war or an invasion you know the comment that came up is I don’t speak Putin so [ __ ] you Ritter I’m like really all you showed is how ignorant you are you I can’t say anything um but you know the point is learn to speak Putin because if you don’t speak Putin then you won’t understand Russian you won’t understand what Russia’s doing you won’t understand what’s happening to the world around you which is why you’re getting every story wrong about Russia everyone they haven’t gotten a single story right about Russia not a single one because they don’t even know how to spell it right properly um that’s a gross overstatement on my part they do spell it correctly um but they don’t understand anything about it and they they just poo poo it they don’t want to talk about St Peters well let’s talk about bricks can’t talk about bricks unless talk about St Petersburg because St Petersburg is shaping the world that brics is going to you know be dealing with come October Vladimir Putin today made some important statements but they weren’t listening were they you know like the dollar is going away no it’s not Scott the dollar can’t go away it’s a Petro dollar it’s very important you see the Petro dollar has been at the heart of the global economy for decades now and the Russians simply don’t have the sophistication of psychological thinking and they they have the inability to craft you know the mechanisms necessary to deal with the complexities of global international finance yeah they do um and they’re dumping the dollar and they’re going with something that bricks is going to lay out there because When Vladimir Putin says it it’s going to happen that’s the way it works because he’s not a typical Western politician who just says [ __ ] to make constituents happy he actually thinks things through so the world was put on notice that brics is going to be about a major change in the Global Financial system now I don’t know if most Americans understand what’s going to happen when the Petro dollar is no longer the preeminent you know Reserve currency in the world but it’s not going to be good um have we planned for that no because we’re not even thinking about it Russia is the fourth the world’s fourth largest economy now that’s amazing we said that Russia is the world’s fourth largest economy you know who has the world’s largest economy they speak Chinese um and yet there’s a thing called The Group of Seven oh the Group of Seven these are the seven most influential economies in the entire freaking world these are the movers and shakers baby these are the guys that sort of came up with that world economic Forum thing Davos they are the guys that make the world happen except it’s a lie because if it’s the G7 we know two number one and number four ain’t there are they nope I mean Russia was the G8 was the eight on the G if you’re gonna do it Russia’s the four on the G um United States is two you know and other nations like Germany dropping the hell off economy is shrinking they’re finished the French the Italians it’s a joke the g7’s not the G7 the G7 is the you know B7 bottom seven they suck um and yet everybody in this analytical world out there just bows if the G7 says something that’s Front Page News don’t even question it don’t even question it just print it as it is baby the G7 said it Vladimir Putin says something oh [ __ ] don’t print it well if you do heavily caveat it with what questions coming from where the G7 and you wonder why the West is getting its ass kicked because they aren’t focused on the right things if you weren’t singularly focused on what’s going on in um in in St Petersburg last week uh then you stop calling yourself an analyst stop calling yourself a journalist just call yourself what you are stenographer for whoever you think propagandist yeah propagandist but you know so this was a big deal what was happening in St Petersburg it’s a bigger deal what’s getting ready to happen in bricks brick this this bricks Summit in Kazan is GNA go down in history is one of the earth shattering um moments uh things are going to happen there the continued expansion of it but expansion in a way that the West doesn’t even know you know Serbia was invited that whether Seria ends up going I don’t know but after what happened at the UN where they you know I don’t want to get too political here but they they made the seita thing an annual genocide event and the serbs are like we weren’t the only ones killing people and yet suddenly we’re getting singled out um now what about the croats they didn’t commit genocide the bosan never committed genocide everybody committed genocide or just stop using the word genocide when it comes to that horrible conflict but um you know the serbs are done and the Chinese went in there and signed a wonderful little agreement that said they have a strategic relationship wait a minute why doesn’t Serbia have a strategic relationship relationship with the European Union because the European union doesn’t want them Serb has been trying to be a member of the European Union since 2009 2012 they were invited in they had a plan and and the European Union is just using them they don’t want them it’s just a mechanism of control to get the serbs to do what they want to do so that kosok becomes a thing um so that weakens the Russian position in Europe Serbia is taking hike but you know who else has just said screw the EU turkey turkey’s been trying to member uu a long time too the EU just doesn’t want to deal with turkey so erdogan finally woke up and said yeah I think I’m doing the bricks thing Bahrain they said yeah we’re there too why is Bahrain a big deal how about the fifth fleet has its headquarters in Bahrain so the headquarters of America’s fifth Fleet in the Persian Gul is in Bahrain and Bahrain just said we think that the Russians and the Chinese are going to do a better job of leading the world what about the Indians that’s the one they it’ll never happen Scott bricks there’s that whole eye thing in the middle you got the BR and you got the Cs and The Middle’s of the eye that eye is India and India ain’t playing that game Scott India’s not playing that India just signed a year-long contract with Russia for the supply of three million barrels of oil a month paid in not dollars not Euros what is that currency rubles rubles oh maybe India is playing the the game I see I look at that did you see that self-discipline there Jeff did you see that it was it was rare hopefully hopefully there won’t be too much of this self-restraint because we we like it when you let it rip me that’s the uh world’s biggest economy we we could have gone and said hello to them but hello um so uh thanks Ryan for flashing on the screen that you can see Scott’s speech or not speech but uh discussion participation in the form at uh Scott also the video that we the USS Liberty video that we were discussing with Phil can be seen there in the video commentaries section so what happened to um propaganda and cod well Ahmed is traveling and he warned me that he might be late so I guess he’s even later than he thought so anyway we can have him on another time uh but well actually why don’t we tell folks uh we have a new partnership with propaganda propaganda and co uh and they were the ones mainly responsible for this video and there is the address of the YouTube channel unless they’ve been kicked off YouTube actually I was going to bring it up I forgot to mention well I didn’t forget I guess I was going to wait for ahed to come on but only about 30 seconds into the video uh it’s streamed at 10 AM yesterday and YouTube pulled it down censored it after about 30 seconds fre speech Free Speech yeah and I don’t know amond is in because he’s the account holder he would be in a better position to clarify whatever they might have told them which probably was something less than a fourth right explanation but in any case his channel is actually still going but that particular video was pulled down I just saw a question just so because again I’m not supposed to read the comments in chat but I do um said where can you get a good source about the St Petersburg um Summit or economic Forum actually if you just type in St Petersburg International economic Forum there’s an official site and you go in there you have to navigate it but it navigation is half the discovery process because you realize how expansive and extensive this Summit is you go through the different panels all the different subjects that they talk about you click and it goes down you have the different panel groups click each one and you’ll see who’s in the panel uh and you’ll see what they’re talking about and you suddenly you realize that wait a minute this is like this is the couple phds worth of information that’s being presented in this in in the span of you know four days yeah that’s how big this thing is and um God I’m I wish I had been there because um you know damn you Larry Johnson damn you Larry Johnson Larry is there now he’s gonna be out forever I mean Larry’s a great guy I love Larry but I know Larry enough to know that he’s gon be like hey Scott how you doing I have tell you man St Petersburg was pretty damn awesome why oh I’m sorry Scott didn’t mean to rub that in there and the salt in your wounds because I’m joking but I mean Larry and everybody who went there just had one of the most unique experiences of their life um this thing was so huge and so well done and so professional and so the the the amount of information that’s there and the relevance to the world today uh these guys who went there Jackson hankle Larry Johnson uh Scott Bennett um Tera reads there I mean these are the Americans that I know of I know Pepe Escobar was there but um you know but anybody who went uh they they literally took a giant step forward in terms of how well prepared they are to do their job as geopolitical analysts military analysts political analysts economic analysts um to the people who didn’t go there that’s right Jeff I’m back in the back of the line now I mean I was like top top top I’m Top Dog no my m in the back I got to work my way back up front but Larry will be up the front going too late man I went to St Petersburg you didn’t but uh it was just this was a great event and uh go on get that website here what comes out of this will help your cause in the long run too I agree with Scott see we shall see yeah there you go well not only the website but RT is doing a very good job of covering the form they have a lot of videos of of the different panel discussions that have taken place uh and this would be primarily on their Rumble Channel um I wanted to just follow up with you on something that we were discussing privately yesterday when we were talking about how we can get it up on the website um RT also has an odyssey Channel and odyssey can be accessed in Russia but Rumble cannot does the English language RC do do many people in Russia watch that or not no I mean r r RT um is a Russia s I’m sure I said that wrong but um right it that that’s they have a Russian language service they have an Arabic the RT English RT used to be RT America I don’t know what they’ve call it now but the English language service is meant for people outside of Russia it’s not meant to be the well that explains it because I was wondering why would they put it on Rumble when Rumble can’t even be seen in Russia but that’s because of what you just said okay so if you speak English go to RT’s Rumble Channel and you’ll see a lot of coverage there all right let’s get back to a few more questions before you wrap it up for the loquacious version San hopefully that’s being pronounced correctly from Tran it is said that ships with connection to Israel are being targeted by Hezbollah and the Mediterranean with hoodies claiming the responsibility is this a strategy to achieve maximum military Advantage at the minimum political cost so basically you’re saying that the hoodies are trying to take credit is work um I don’t know I mean uh you there might be a couple reasons for this one to Shield Hezbollah um to as part of escalation management meaning that the the hoodies already have everybody pissed off at them and they don’t care and America’s bombing them and they don’t care and the British are bombing them and they don’t care and they just don’t care um and so the H are like screw it we’ll take it um and hezel is saying we’re doing this careful escalation management thing um that we got to make sure we don’t push the Israelis over the edge so even though maybe hezel is doing it and I’m not confirming that’s the case I’m just running with the the general narrative put out there that hezbo will let the hoodie take credit so that um it doesn’t complicate the escalation management that that’s going on so that’s what I think would be going on if the scenario you put out there is indeed what’s what’s going on you know uh the Iraqi militias though recently just attacked Shipp in the Mediterranean too so um everybody’s getting in the game AP from Earth can the Russian Federation use a very low yield tactical nuclear weapon of 5 kilotons on the Airfield in Ukraine what’s the difference between thermonuclear hydrogen and a nuclear bomb uh well again I’m just a marine man I mean I I’ve read about this stuff but I’ll give you my Marine Corp thing this is this is Scott’s simplistic take what you call a nuclear bomb or an atomic bomb is a fision weapon uh again so when you bring enough physi material together and you compress it enough um it it creates a chain reaction and it can go critical and explode boom out so that’s your basic atomic bomb then you have the hydrogen bomb the hydrogen bomb is a fusion weapon so you use a fision device to initiate Fusion which is basically you’re consuming the the heat is so great it’s being fed by hydrogen it becomes this giant explosion um that that that you know consumes the hydrogen I guess you would say the hydrogen bomb um it’s much bigger and more powerful than that um and there’s things you do with with um that thermonuclear is where you will boost a fusion device um so if you look at some designs that came out I can talk about because it was Declassified or yeah but if you look most people think of a nuclear device is being spherical that’s your implosion device or a gun where you have um the a chunk of bile material and you take the heart of it out over here and then you’re going to fire it Po in here and the impact will create the critical mass the the fion that you want so gun device implosion device Vision splits atoms Fusion fuses at Jared Dam that’s why there’s people out there who are smarter than Marines and Jared is a person who’s smarter than a marine thank you Jared I knew that I just I’m tired and I I couldn’t get that clever but thank you that he’s 100% correct so it’s not the splitting it’s the fusing um which I think if we get into the combustion of hydrogen implies that but you did a better job than me so thank you for that um yeah they use atomic bombs as detonators they use a a fusion weapon uses a fusion weapon as it as its there but now we get to this peanut thing and the peanut thing is basically we’ll get into neutron bomb in a second the peanut thing is you start with a A fision but then there’s other materials tridium and some other things that are Neutron generators so what you’re doing is you’re boosting it so you you you start the fision thing then you get the Boost so you’re going to expand the fision and then you hit it again and now it’s like if I took if I took gasoline and I put a puddle of gasoline on the ground and I threw a match on it the vapor that’s created by the the evaporating gasoline will catch on fire and you’ll have a little flame there but if I take gasoline and I spray it as an aerosol and then I look Comm mat in there boom it’s over so you start it the neutron then you hit it again and you get this gig ganic explosion and um this would qualify as I think a thermonuclear device or a boosted Fusion device that’s as far as I can go on Neutron weapon the whole idea of the neutron weapon is to minimize the um contamination and maximize the radiation and so you’re basically taking a device that isn’t going to have the same explosive uh force uh but it is going to um release energy so the idea was we needed this back to get the Germans to agree to our nuclear plan in case the Soviets invaded because we knew that if the Soviets came in with everything our troops weren’t going to be able to hold the front line the Germans already said they’re not going to let us hit Germany with uh the old school dirty weapons because then Farmers can’t Farm people can’t live it’s got explain two three four stage nuclear bombs something like that thank you nuclear fun time I’m get I’m not a nuclear weapons designer so but um the the neutron bomb the idea was that you would fire this in and you could fire it into a village it would blow up and it might destroy part of the village but the idea was to put in this high intensity radiation that would eat through the the armor and everything so all the Russian troops going through there would get hit with the radiation and then in a day all get radiation sickness and die and they’d all be dead but the the soil around them isn’t contaminated long term and when the war ends the German farmers can come back and they can remove the dead Russians and they can haul off the dead Russian destroyed Russian tanks and the German farmer can get back to farming again so that’s the idea of the neutron bomb earlier Scott you said that you’re going to alter your message somewhat you know you previously been had previously said in fact you made a video a few days ago saying we’re one millisecond away uh from the nuclear clock um but I heard a rumor that you were scheduled to speak in a press conference next Wednesday that I think Diane s is organizing and I think that’s the basic message of the press conference about this uh one millimeter sex are you going to reass are you still going to be in that press conference well I am and there’s no re reassessment I think we’re still one millisecond away because all it takes is again come back to what I said on the Jimmy door show where one attack him’s missile away from thermonuclear war um what Putin did though is say I’m not playing your game all right I I I’m not going to get into the you know irresponsible rhetoric uh thing he said we don’t want to use nuclear weapons there’s no reason for us to use nuclear weapons so you know we’re going to be talking about this at and the other thing however as he said there is a doctrine that requires them to use nuclear weapons if certain things happen and if the United States starts authorizing Ukraine to fire attack’s missiles against nuclear command and control facilities then it’s it’s all over um so what Putin did is inject a an element of you know responsibility into a horribly irresponsible chain of events that’s taking place he is the control rod basically what was happening is you know the Ukrainian conflict was like a nuclear reactor that was just it was going crazy I mean they’re it was going to just spontaneously was gonna become Chernobyl and Putin said n and he threw some control rods in there and they’re absorbing the neutrons and they’re lowering the flux and everything’s going to be cool um but that doesn’t mean that the reactor still can’t go critical and and go boom it can if the control rods are pulled back out out and they can be at any minute you know bad things happen um what Putin did is give me hope that the Russian end of the equation because at the end of the day thermonuclear war requires both sides to uh do things to make it happen that the Russian end of the equation is going to have several more steps built into it um and so the speed in which the Russians go from Zero to Hero um is going to be slowed down a little bit because Vladimir Putin is the smartest man in the room literally I mean no one will ever do it but the guy deserves you know the the Peace Prize because this if it weren’t for Vladimir Putin this thing had have already gone critical I mean Dimitri mvtive maybe his job is I shouldn’t pick on him because I think his job sometime is to be you know the um the junkyard dog out there just growling and spitting you know saying this is what Russia could do Russia get because he’s out there saying we’re gonna nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuke nuk nuke and he’s not a minor official he’s the former president former prime minister currently Deputy to Putin on the National Security uh Council so you know when he speaks it’s it’s not like he’s U you know some he’s not it’s not like if I were out there trying to speak on behalf of the US government I can’t uh medov can speak on behalf of the Russian government because not only was he he is uh but his words are very worrying and what Putin did is he came he adult in the room exactly Putin came in and went hey yeah thanks Demetri but uh you know all right everybody sit down okay third graders [Music] [Applause] [Music] e [Music]


    1. End the cosmic sh** show! Obviously, humanity lacks the intellectual and spiritual fortitude to move forward on any level, especially metaphysically!? Interrobang ⁉️.

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