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    you get to a certain age his daughters don’t stay there because they stay in London um and uh you you get when you downgrade and it’s not a big deal it’s not hopeless it’s actually gives you a fresh feeling and I think it’s very silly that he he’s he won’t do it but he’s determined not to and the king is determined to and it seems that if he doesn’t listen and make all these um uh decorations properly that he’s going to stop giving him the money which would be very difficult indeed for him cuz every 5 years isn’t he meant to paint the outside and all sorts of things and the queen didn’t lend him much give him much money in her will it all goes to the air so um Charles has got the money and so you know you just wonder how he managed because he’s only got you know what he can do how he’ll manage he can move somewhere cheaper like the rest of us I mean £400,000 a month yeah you could go to Frogmore cottage which is the the offer yes exactly that’s the offer and it’s all been very decorated apparently Megan did it very nicely it’s much smaller but it’s also very carefully guarded so he should be able to do that the people’s [Music] Channel good afternoon Britain it’s 1:00 on Tuesday the 11th of June I’m Tom Howard and I’m Emily car you’ll be better off under a Tory government a message from rishy sunak as he unveils the conservative Manifesto he’s promised to cut taxes boost defense spending and clamp down on immigration but do these promises add up and crucially will his pledges persuade voters to back the Tories in the general election reaction and Analysis to come meanwhile labor has promised a 100,000 extra child Dental appointments along with supervised teeth brushing lessons for school children the lib Dems have also focused on health promising to create greater access to GPS in rural areas and elsewhere there’s been another ugly scene for reform UK’s Nigel farage who had building Rubble thrown at him during a campaign event in Yorkshire politician safety again at risk we’ll bring you the [Music] details now did you manage to stay awake through rishy sunak announcement of the manifesto and if you did did you have any favorite moments get in touch GB yoursay yes Tom did ask for another coffee during during that Manifesto launch he took a lot of questions which is good I just would I would have appreciated a joke or two a joke or two would be nice yes I I get I get that it’s a serious moment for the country and and serious men for serious times but my goodness I mean just a little bit of levity I think the only joke we got was that the GB in Great British energy from the labor party is supposed to stand for giant bills that’s the one that sticks in my mind I think the problem is is there’s no strong story to tell no strong story to tell to put across to the nation but let us know your views I’m sure you’ve got many different thoughts GB your say is the way to get in touch we’re going to get reaction from our panel in just one moment after the [Music] headlines Tom Emily thanks very much and good afternoon to you it’s exactly 2 minutes past one and we’ll start with a round up from the conservatives Manifesto launch where Rishi sunak has promised a multi-billion pound package of tax cuts in an effort to get his general election campaign back on track it includes another two pence cut to National Insurance and to eventually scrap it all together for the self-employed in total the package of cuts would amount to an annual cost of more than 17 billion by 2030 well Sakia starmus called it a Jeremy Corbin sty Manifesto which he says is unaffordable launching the manifesto earlier the Prime Minister promised what he called a bold plan we will keep cutting taxes in the coming years meaning that by 2027 we will have Haled National Insurance to 6% that is a tax cut my friends Worth £1,300 to the average worker the conservatives Manifesto also includes help for firsttime home buyers with changes to stamp Duty and what’s been called called a new and improved helpto buy scheme there was also a pledge to address a shortage of housing by building 1.6 million new homes across the country there’s also 8.3 billion pounds to fix potholes and resurface roads along with a total ban on smartphones in schools and on immigration there’s a promise to get flights off the ground to Rwanda every month rishy sunak says the deterrent would be a key part of Britain’s migration plan clearing the Asylum backlog he said within 6 months ending the use of hotels that is why if you vote conservative on July the 4th the flights removing illegal migrants will depart in July establishing the deterrent that will stop the boats because when people know that if they try to come here illegally they won’t get to stay then they will stop coming and if we are forced to choose between our security and the jurisdiction of a foreign Court including the ECR we will always choose our nation’s security but the labor leader sakir starma says the conservatives plan doesn’t make economic sense and that he wouldn’t match that National Insurance cut money is not there for the D the tor’s desperation um and what they’re producing is a recipe for five more years of chaos and I think that’s why it’s so important that we see this election as a choice because we can’t go on like this we need to turn the page rebuild start with labor we we’ve got six first steps that are ready to go on July the 5th get on with the job roll our sleeves up so that’s the choice before the country man sakir starm there speaking earlier well away from the election campaign Trail Police today have arrested a 28-year-old man on suspicion of public order offenses after objects were thrown at Nigel farage during a campaign event late this morning it’s understood a coffee cup and possibly some building Rubble narrowly missed the reform UK leader was on top of the party’s battle bus in Barnsley Town Center Mr farage was addressing supporters at the time when he was interrupted by a crowd of demonstrators he has since said that he was warned by police not to get off that bus Gary Glitter has been ordered to pay more than £500,000 in Damages to one of the women he abused the woman who can’t be named is suing the disgraced pop star who real name is Paul Gad following his conviction in 2015 for abusing her and two other young people between 1975 and 1980 he was briefly released in February last year before being sent back to prison after reportedly attempting to access images of children on the dark web international news and the Hamas terror group has now accepted a ceasefire proposal that was passed by the United Nations last night the UN Security Council backed the three-phase plan which includes the release of hostages and the withdrawal of Israeli forces a senior member of Hamas says the group will accept the deal and that it’s now ready to begin negotiations over the details and finally they say that elephants never forget but now researchers have found that they’ve actually got a particular skill for remembering names as well new studies suggest the giant animals you use individual rumbles to get each other’s attention similar to the way that humans use names evidence shows them recognizing and reacting to certain calls addressed to them and even ignoring calls addressed to others experts used a specialist signal processing technique to identify the subtle differences in each call just like Tom and Emily use for the latest stories you can sign up to GB newws alerts by scanning the QR code on your screen or go to GB [Music] alerts good back uh prime minister Richi sunak has set out plans for a 2p National Insurance cut in a multi-billion pound gamble as he attempts to get the Tory general election campaign back on track he launched the conservative Manifesto at the Silverstone Motor Racing circuit where he positioned himself as the heir to Margaret Thatcher or perhaps Nigel Lawson with tax cutting promises as he seeks to overturn Labour’s stubborn 20o poll lead so the reaction in the room let’s speak with GB news political editor Christopher hope who was their front and Center Christopher hope we heard your question to the Prime Minister about the echr uh were you surprised by his response well hi Tom and hi Emily yeah welcome to silveron the home of F1 he never really got off the starting blocks or pass the Grid at the beginning of a race I think on the answer to that ECR question he repeated the line we’ve heard before that the government won’t be bullied by a foreign court and will overrule a foreign court if required but that’s not really I think what someone on the right want to hear about the take off on the reform UK um party which is hoovering up support on the right because of this inability I think to grip and be firm about ECR withdrawal which some me on the right one so that was a difficult question for him to answer he didn’t like it and gave quite a weak answer I mean the Tories are here here are pushing some highlights from this Manifesto they’re saying that National Insurance for the self-employed will be removed entirely by um by 2029 that’s that’s a 1,300 a year tax cut for the self employed by then that’s almost almost an appeal to white van man to entrepreneurs to people who trade on on their own you’ve also heard there for other measur about no new green levies um the the the measures we knew about to cut uh National Insurance for those in employment by April 2027 down to 6% from don’t forget 12% uh as as late as last December so there are measures here to cut taxes the problem the party has got is no one is listening and they’ got no benefit at all in the polls from cutting National Insurance twice by 4% by a third over the past 8 months Chris what did you get a sense of of the atmosphere in the room watching it from our vantage point it seemed that the Prime Minister perhaps could have been a bit more high energy had he had a bit of his Mojo extracted over the weekend after the after this the Gaff the slip up after D-Day he’s had a hard time h of course he was interviewed on panorama on BBC W in Prime Time by Nick Robinson last night he’s got a lot on I think yeah it did feel felt a bit flat to me um a bit half empty towards the back of the hall where the journalists would were positioned sh shouting questions over the heads of the activists um it’s not clear whether they wanted more people here or not there was a lot of space at the back for more chairs they weren’t taken but then again it may have been hard to get people here because of security issues and ensuring a big crowd you know on a wet Tuesday Morning in silverston it might be hard to get people away from work or the campaign Trail um but the toys are certainly trying to make the case for their their tax cuts they want us to challenge labor on Thursday at their launch about what taxes they may have to increase to pay for their their policy platform but yeah it did feel a bit maybe a bit flat but that could be just me and he said he wanted to Harve immigration with a cap and then bring it down uh further do you think the right of the party will be impressed enough to uh not issue this alternative a rebellious Manifesto if those rumors are true yeah on those rumors what I’m hearing about not so much a Manifesto but there might be some movement on ECR withdrawal there might be some right-wing candidates who want you may write a letter uh to a newspaper or put a put a press release out saying that that if you if they’re elected they will fight for ECR with withdrawal that could be what happens next but suddenly on the issue of falling net migration well every government for the tour part part since 2010 has pledged to get it below maybe 100,000 get that number falling it hasn’t happened yet the problem that pm has got is they they’re looking to be elected for a fifth time having failed the previous four elections to make it happen well Christopher hope thank you very much for joining us there Live From silverston The Heart of where it was happening yes but we’re Jo join now in the studio by the director of the popular conservatives group Mark littlewood and the former labor adviser Stella santu thank you very much indeed uh Mark uh three words to describe that Manifesto launch oh blindy uh predictable reasonable and exciting yeah I think that’s there we go right well should we turn to Stella three words sad stale futile Goodness Me Okay so shall we dive into the detail now Mark you say predictable yeah I mean the I suppose the I mean it’s a bit like when you get budget speeches isn’t it we knew most of what was going to be in this 80-page document because it’s been trailed over the past few days but you’re supposed to have the rabbit in the Hat I suppose that’s really the break for self-employed the white van man tax plan has it been dubbed um I think that I mean that’s a good move so that is a tax cut uh they haven’t gone very far on tax cuts we were expecting this further promise for a reduction in National Insurance so that’s pretty much it you’ve got obviously the protection of the pension uh state pension will not incur income tax so I mean fair play there there’s some tax reductions there uh quite a commitment on house building is it 1.6 million new homes 5 years huge commitment that’s now higher than the labor Target which is 1.5 million yeah um that is I mean that that’s serious stuff I mean whether they’ll be there to implement it I don’t know but the problem which I think Chris Hope was alluding to somewhat is if you make some really big promises now and you say actually this is fundamental to the future of the country the electorate might very well respond well why the hell haven’t you done this in the past 14 years then that’s so what he’s going to try and do is to say look I can be stable uh if you know don’t risk things getting worse I know we’ve had a hard time but starma will make it worse it’ser isn’t it it’s all it’s all sons and rainbows um Stella you say it was all futile yeah I think that the conservative party is already acting like they are the third party because they revealed a Manifesto today that is full of completely unfunded promises that tunak obviously cannot explain a way um which is what you usually expect from the liberal Democrats from the from from from the Green Party it’s definitely what I expect party I wouldn’t say that I mean I’m sure um Rachel Reeves you would argue that the labor party Manifesto is extremely strict on its fiscal rule um but everyone always says oh the labor party you know we don’t trust the mon economy blah blah blah blah blah and then the conservative party they’re coming up with this Manifesto now and they have all of this Fantastical tax cuts and Rak was asked by Kate Manan times radio uh from radio um how exactly is the spending going to be increasing in public services which is what sunak said um how how are people going to see the local authorities the prison Services all of that improve which we know they are crumbling and he has no answer to that his answer to this is that um somehow he’s going to um H H tackle tax evasion yes which which again why has he not done that already well they they say they can raise a several billion a year cuz they’re already doing it they’re already doing it but they’re what is going to dramatically change and then the other thing they’re they’re saying they’re going to do is they’re going to tackle the welfare bill which again how are they going to be doing this the conservatives have been tackling about certainly a big job Stella we we we’ll come back to you in just a minute but uh we’ve got Shadow pay Master General Jonathan Ashworth on the line uh Jonathan thank you very much for joining us on the show um rishy sunak is right isn’t he when he says the labor party haven’t been transparent when it comes comes to tax no he’s not right in fact he’s lying about Labor’s position on tax because labor is pretty clear crystal clear no increase in income tax no increase in vat no increase in National Insurance and every single proposal we put forward in our Manifesto this week will explain how they are costed in contrast today we’ve seen a desperate wish list the most expensive panic in history of commitments that Rishi sunak cannot fund from savings he cannot find because the money is not there to fund any of his commitments and that means with rishy sunak we’ll have five more years of chaos just like with Liz truss and people will end up paying more on their mortgage as a consequence J that’s the reality of today’s Tory Manifesto do do you describe the Frozen tax thresholds of the last few years as conservative tax tax Rises those are uh decisions that have been taken by the conservative government which means that working people are facing the highest tax burden since uh for okay let’s pause there Jonathan because am I not right in saying that the labor party has committed to continue those frozen thresholds dragging more people into higher rates of tax if you’re saying that process can be described as a tax cut when the conservatives do it why a tax rise when the conservatives do it why is it not a tax rise when the labor party do it look we’ve been very clear on tax we’re not increasing the rates of income tax National Insurance and V8 no you’re simply dragging people into higher B prepared well I’m we are going to put the stability of the public finances first Rishi sunak can torch all economic credibility we know what what that means it means wrecking the public finances like under the conservatives and L trust it means people pay more on their mortgage our instinct is we want to see the tax burden on working people come down but we are not going to put forward any proposal that is not fully costed and fully funded put for a program when the money is not there yeah there are a few pledges that have come from the from the labor team today um about how you’re going to teach children how to brush their teeth um you’ve also got uh breakfast free breakfast for every PR Primary School child how’s all that going to be paid for we’ve been because we’re prepared to make tough choices we’re prepared to close the non-domiciled tax loophole and use the money from that to fully close it and use the money how many non-doms are how many n in National we think we will raise over a billion pounds from that change we’re going we’re going to Levy VAT on school fees a tough decision absolutely but we are honest with the British public we’re not going to pretend to the British public that they can have this big long wish list something they’ve not been able to deliver in 14 years but let’s leave that to one side we’re not going to pretend that you can have this wish list as long as your arm and it and when there’s no money there we are going to make those tough choices because we’re not going to take GB news viewers for fools that’s what rishy sunak is doing the reality of rishy sunak is this long wish list this long expensive Panic means that VI your viewers will end up paying more on their mortgage as a consequence you’re talking of these uh policies as if they’re sort of I suppose um lacking in detail and yet I’ve I’ve been looking through the conservative Manifesto today uh on the issue of Housing and and on housing they say specific areas where more housing is going to be built there’s going to be new quarters added to leads Liverpool York along with the already announced plan for 250,000 extra homes in Cambridge now added to intensif in London that’s 1 2 3 4 five specific areas where effective New Towns or intensification is going to take place that’s the conservative proposal the labor party has said it’s going to build New Towns but you’re not telling us where those towns will be in fact when we’ve asked your representatives time and time again where are these new towns going to be you say you’ll you you’ll start a commission you won’t decide until after the election we don’t get to know until after we’ve voted that’s taking the public for fools isn’t it well I’ve come straight from the BBC I haven’t read that particular chapter of the manifesto I’ve been looking at the the scorecard chapter and their their fantasy uh spending because the money is not there so just help me what does it say about planning reform in that chapter I’ve not seen it says it wants to abolish the EU it says it wants to abolish the EU neut neutrality rules to unlock over 100,000 homes incidentally they’re going to build 100,000 more homes than the labor party according to this esto but are they going to reform planning are they going to reform planning cuz this is quite important because as you know you’ve reported on it a lot the Tor MPS who get reelected to this place or is block planning but if it’s in their Manifesto they’d be under an obligation they certainly would be and Jonathan Ashworth what they say on this what they say on this is to my mind remarkably similar to what the labor party is saying you’re saying New Towns built with development corporations are they talking about planning reform the Labour party describes its planning reform as building new towns with development corporations overriding uh those local rules now the conservatives have announced in the same way they’ve done the new quarter in Cambridge leads Liverpool in York using the same Development Corporation model now that could be described as planning reform so the Tor MPS are going to vote for planning reform oh a pig flying no way they’re never going to do that you know that as well as I do Tom the Tories will not prepared to take the tough decisions on planning we are we’re going to build in this country the fact that we do not building this country was described by the financial times yesterday as a disgrace and an embarrassment right get so much for your time Jonathan we’ll have to end it there but thank you very much indeed as always Jonathan Ashworth Shadow pay Master General right okay well we’re joined back in the studio by the director of the popular conservatives group Mark littlewood and the former labor adviser Stella Santa kidu uh Mark uh Jonathan 20 points ahead in the polls they don’t have to be that secure on absolutely everything that’s in their Manifesto well I mean the labor party are playing it incredibly safe I mean I I do buy into this idea that they are trying to just transport a mingas over a polished floor as long as they don’t drop the mvars you know the opinion polls would suggest their home and host there are some good things in this Manifesto I just a bit surprised that sunak didn’t go a bit Bolder I mean bold is written into the into the whole plan there was some stuff here that I like but uh Chris hope picked up the ECR thing he hasn’t moved the dial on that at all he could even have said more explicitly that if the ECR block the rander flights taking off that’s it we will issue our letter of withdrawal right so he might think that they won’t but if they do we will do X he was a bit Wisher washer than that so I would have preferred him to be somewhat Bolder uh I don’t buy the idea that the sort of the money isn’t there I mean you can chop and change your spending commitments the idea that we start with all the government spending commitments and and work from there I mean you can start with your tax position and work back Wards the other way round uh so I welcome the tax cuts wish it was a bit Bolder bit clearer wish we’d actually if they were going to go all the way to silveron in a rather more IM imaginative backdrop than just the standard cons blue conservative screen with the logo on it I was hoping him he was going to do a lap or two in a McLaren yeah during the referendum campaign Boris Johnson took a took a lap in a very fast car that was a a seminal moment but Stella talking to Jonathan Ashworth there it seemed like he sort of tactically admitted the labor party will will be raising taxes on ordinary working people they’re keeping those tax thresholds the same if they’re if they’re describing that process under the conservatives as tax Rises on ordinary working people why is that process under the labor party not precisely the same it’s not the same to say that the labor party is going to implement policy that is going to raise taxes when what they’re actually doing is they’re just accepting a a a policy change that has already taken place that’s what they are saying tax Rises that already P whatever but but yeah exactly get what you’re saying and yeah it’s true like could the labor party cut taxes further I’m sure they want to I’m sure they would if they if the finance of the government would allow that but we know very well that there is a massive massive funding Gap right now in the government and and and everyone is asking how exactly is this going to be financed so I find it completely irresponsible and very easy for runak to say that don’t you worry we’re not going to cut spending we are just going to cut taxes because how exactly are they going to do that K calls himself a social so therefore he probably likes tax why would he necessarily want to cut taxes how do you know that for sure well because I know that he says that he doesn’t want to raise taxes for working people and I believe him when he says that is’s a very socialist thing to do well there we go stellar and Mark stay with us uh we’re going to have more developments on the attack on reform UK’s Nigel farage stay with us you’re watching good afternoon Britain we’re on GB news [Music] Britain’s Newsroom weekday mornings from 9:30 I’ve got a Grade Three asona brain tumor um I once I was diagnosed I tried to do my claim with um my insurance company and was rejected um it was then they then also canceled my life insurance and also canceled my wife’s policies as well and this is Zurich Insurance and their point was because you you’d had um some dizzy spells which you hadn’t told them about they say dizzy spells equates to uh brain tumor which there’s no evence to support that I was with King’s College Hospital they ignored them King’s College Hospital were the experts and you expecting £25,000 yeah that was a critical illness claim critical illness you’ve got a critical illness clearly it couldn’t be more critical could Michelle you’ve you’ve got a lovely poorly husband and you’re also worrying about play paying the bills and what the future holds yeah what impact is this having on you on a day-to-day basis I try not to think too much about the future because it does upset me um I’m kind of thinking when John does go I’m left with a mortgage to pay and two young children how old are your kids five and three right yeah so it’s incredibly tough and are you working I haven’t worked since having a children right that’s a decision we made when we had children in the grand scheme of things this amount of money is a drop in for a company like I think they could they could make all this go away I’ve read some of the statement Su we’re sorry to hear of the very difficult circumstances Mr renle is family experiencing you’re terminally ill and they’re calling that difficult Circumstance the people’s Channel I’m Christopher Hope from pop stars of politicians I’ll interview anybody in a pub who’s got political opinion join me every Friday on Spotify Apple podcast YouTube or GB or wherever you get your podcast GB news Britain’s election Channel if you want your news to be straight talking this is the nightmare for the conservatives again down to earth it’s not not just Notting them where this is happening is it and most importantly honest hardworking middle class taxpayers they’ll get the book thrown at them they catch me Mart dney Monday to Friday 3: to 6:00 p.m. on GB news Britain’s News Channel join me Neil Oliver every Sunday night at 600 p.m. on GB news and if an hour is not nearly enough for you go to GB for special extended episodes online every Friday at 9:00 p.m. where we can truly get into the nitty gritty of what’s going on GB news Britain’s News Channel good afternoon Britain some breaking news now as animal Rising activists have graffitied a King’s new portrait as part of their campaign for the rspca to drop their assured Farm scheme yes this is uh quite something this is the portrait that was quite controversial wasn’t it everyone had a view on this uh on this very latest portrait of the Monarch and by the looks of it these animal Rising activists have taken it upon themselves to uh slap some kind of sign it’s grommet from Wallis and grommet isn’t it and I I just find it just just beyond belief that the security in this Gallery can see people wandering with massive sticky uh comedy U stickers uh not just that but big pinch rollers too and think oh nothing’s going on here here these two people uh it’s very normal to walk into a into a portrait gallery with two massive paint rollers I I just find it very very hard to understand quite how we arrived at this situation and why was there a camera set up there with a cameraman hi yeah I can seems a bit seems a bit bizarre no all very odd although I suppose we should say I believe the painting uh it does have glass in front of it I’m not as um egregiously angry at this as I would be if they’d have gone in and sort of smashed it I am we learned from you know milkshake over Nigel farage that’s now turned into construction site debris you know one thing comes after the other if you let people off for this type of thing yeah then you know they feel um feel emboldened somewhat it ising properly yes well the labor party is pledging to add an extra 100,000 Dental appointments for young people in an effort to clear backlogs across England yes so it would see extra slots open up during evenings and weekends paid for by clamping down on tax rolls oh that Old Chestnut well joining Arts now is our political correspondent Katherine forer who hopefully has some details and Katherine you’re on a moving bus let’s hope that this uh this signal holds up but do tell us yes good afternoon from somewhere in North Yorkshire um really not sure exactly where we are at the moment um but yes I was with uh sakir starma and the shadow Health secretary W streeting this morning they were visiting a school and talking about their child health action plan so 100,000 new dental appointments for children specifically they say that last year alone over half a million fewer children were seen by a dentist than just back in 2018 um sakir starma was saying that the most common reason for a child to go to hospital is to have teeth removed so there’s been some criticism hasn’t there about the sort of nanni State element of this he was watching a class have this supervised toothbrushing that labor have said that they will bring in for three to 5 year olds if they get into Power um they’re also saying that they would ban uh very um highly caffeinated energy drinks for under 60 that’s uh not uh things like C 50 migs of caffeine per liter or more so sort of Red Bull that type of things but um saki thas say doesn’t really care about allegations of the Nani State because a bad way but also we were talking to him in view of the conservative um Manifesto about their Manifesto and their tax plans um he was asked about uh tax cuts and the Tor Promises of tax cuts let’s have a look at what he had to say we have been absolutely clear that all our plans are fully costed fully funded uh we will not be increasing income tax National Insurance or vat so no tax increases for working people none of our plans require tax Rises but this is coming from the party that’s put tax to the highest level since you know for 70 years and they’re building this sort of Joby Corbin style Manifesto where anything you want can go in it uh none of it is costed um it’s a recipe for more of the same and that’s why this choice of turn up on this Turn the Page and rebuild with labor it’s so important got six First Steps we’re ready to go uh on July the 5th quite something that Jeremy Corbin referenced wasn’t it because of course it’s not so long since air starma served in Jeremy Corbin’s cabinet and indeed campaigned for him to become Prime Minister twice but now uh what Jeremy Corbin pledged in 2019 is being held up in an example of very very uh you know uh unwise ideas so what a change of Fortunes very interesting indeed Now using that as a bit of a derogatory describing word man a certain leader of the labor party who campaigned pretty vigorously for for Jeremy Corbin remember that told the media Studios saying this is a fully costed Manifesto do you remember that Meme all front bench it was all fully costed so we were told turns out it wasn’t um but coming up we’re not only going to be on board the labor battle bus we’re hearing from the lib Dems as well what on Earth could Ed Davy be possibly up to he’s got to go one up from a theme park uh so that coming up after your news [Music] headlines very good afternoon it’s 1:33 the top stories from The Newsroom this lunchtime Rishi sunak has promised a multi-billion pound pack package of tax cuts in an effort to get his election campaign back on track it includes another two pence cut to National Insurance and to eventually scrap it all together for the self-employed in total the package of cuts would amount to an annual cost of more than 17 billion pound by 2030 sakir starers called it a Jeremy Corbin star Manifesto which he says is unaffordable launching the manifesto earlier the Prime Minister promised what he called called a bold plan we will keep cutting taxes is in the coming years meaning that by 2027 we will have halved National Insurance to 6% that is a tax cut my friends Worth ,300 to the average worker but the labor leader Sakia starma says the conservatives plan doesn’t make economic sense and said that he wouldn’t match that National Insurance cut money is not there for the D the touris desperation um and what they’re producing is a recipe for five more years of chaos and I think that’s why it’s so important that we see this election as a choice because we can’t go on like this we need to turn the page rebuild start with labor we we’ve got six first steps that are ready to go on July the 5th get on with the job roll our sleeves up so that’s the choice before the country man Sakia starm there speaking earlier well let’s take a look at some of the other key pledges from the conservative Manifesto it includes help for first time home buyers with changes to stamp Duty and what’s been called a new and improved helpto buy scheme there was also a pledge to address a shortage of housing by building 1.6 million new homes along with an 8.3 billion pound pledge to fix po [Music] hi there time for a look at the weather with the Met Office for GB news some bright spells today but a lot of cloud is developing and that cloud will give scattered showers in places particularly towards the east in the East we’ve got low pressure towards the West got high pressure that’s going to kill off many of the showers through the rest of the day but always the chance that just about anywhere could see a shower or two but the most frequent showers will be across Eastern and Central parts of England and we also see this continued Northerly Breeze that’s going to make it feel on the cool side particularly for the North Sea Coast just 12° there for sundland towards the Southwest where we’ve got some sunshine coming through and lighter winds 16 17 Celsius not feeling too unpleasant into the evening many of the showers are starting to fade away by this stage particularly for Cornwell and Devon where we’ll see some sunshine Wales mostly dry a lot of cloud but we’ve got these heavy showers across East Anga and the southeast of England also into parts of Northeast England showers continuing through the evening but Northern Ireland Scotland mostly dry aside from some thicker Cloud giving a few light and patchy outbreaks of rain in the far Northeast of Scotland but as I said most of the showers are easing by this stage and as we go into the evening and overnight clear spells will develop particularly across western parts I think will’ll keep fair amount of cloud across Eastern and Central parts of the UK and again one or two showers into the northeast of Scotland and the nor Sea Coast otherwise a dry and clear night for Western areas and as a result temperatures dipping to 8 Cel widely 3 or 4 Celsius in some shelter spots so again a fairly chilly start to the day on Wednesday but some bright weather about first thing as we go through the day plenty of fine weather continuing in the west but shower clouds will once again develop in the east at Eastern England seeing one or two sharp downpours 18 Celsius the afternoon High the latest GB news travel hello again to I’m Jules back let’s go to Mery side first Le the Southwest Road the a572 is currently closed between Parkside Road in goldor Dale and the a49 at Newton lellos that is due to a collision now being investigated for on the hill in Lincolnshire the bypass the a46 block between the hiim roundabout and the wisby road roundabout very slow there’s a vehicle fire there and a spillage of diesel still being dealt with a brand Bron in Lincolnshire the a17 the sleaford road that’s block between brand Bron at straggle Lane to Long Lane in beckingham and King a two car collision there causing delays sturry Hill in Kent the southbound 8291 locked away from pop Lane and qes that’s due to a bump and the Northbound M3 the win roundabout Junction 9 as you head up towards their parts blocked for about 20 minutes there’s an obstruction on the roundabout you can stay up to date throughout the day by visiting our website GB news. [Music] well 138 is the time good afternoon Britain now we go back to our breaking news story the reform leader Nigel farage has had building Rubble thrown at him on the campaign Trail in South Yorkshire let’s get the very latest with our home and security editor Mark White who joins us now now Mark you’ve spoken to Nigel about precis L what happened uh what went on well he was on a campaign bus going through barnesley town center uh when someone in the crowd started throwing objects from a building construction site just by the side of the road here you can see Nigel on the top of that bus uh and then items being thrown there was a cof coffee cup which seems maybe innocuous enough uh items taken out of that um bin there uh wet cement we believe was thrown on um uh Mr farage believes that perhaps Stones were thrown towards him as well you can see that the police very quickly H catch up with this individual and apprehend him according to South Yorkshire police a 28-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of causing uh criminal damage uh on a public order offense uh he has now been taken into custody now Nigel farage was interviewed very briefly just after this incident unfolded and he expressed his frustration and also his concern about just how far uh people that want to make a point like this are prepared to go this is what he said I tell you what I’m worried about let me just make sure it’s the right one if you think about this a week after we commemorate D-Day which was done so that we could live in a democracy where we can agree to disagree we can be very passionate but agree to disagree what we’ve now got is a mob that want to close down all debate a mob that are prepared to use violence to achieve their goals and that for a democratic country is very very worrying indeed be okay me I’m used to it I don’t like it of course not because this is stopping me doing what I want to do you know I’m at my best going out meeting people talking to them having debate with them you know going around the pubs or whatever I do and and and and these violent youngsters are stopping me it’s very very frustrating didn’t hit you this time didn’t hit me this time but um yeah I I mean you do Wonder to what length these people will go and that’s a point I think uh that he’s trying to make is just how far will people be prepared to go in trying to make that point he’s clearly he’s laughing it off in a sense but he is obviously deeply frustrated because his campaigning style takes him right out face to face with the public but he’s not the only politician doing that now because we are in this general election campaign so all MPS are out all politicians and candidates are out there meeting the electorate and trying to get the message across and potentially putting themselves in harms way it’s a difficult one for the police the security services to know where the threats lie and often when it’s a spontaneous event like this incident in barnesley or a week ago in Essex where a milkshake was thrown over Mr farage then it’s difficult to guard against that and although you can see from the pictures there that milkshake of course uh Mr farage’s detractors no doubt sort of laughing and cackling about this but the fact is it could happen to any politician and it might not just be something as innocuous as a milkshake we’ve seen in Europe in Slovakia in Germany some really quite violent incidents where politicians have been targeted by those that disagree with them Mark um great to get Nigel’s instant reaction there uh very interesting it seems he has the attitude of the show will go on um but you say that he’s been arrested on a on a public order of defense is that right not some attempted assault uh what what else could this be well you what you get is a holding arrest in the first instance uh public ORD is as good as any really just to arrest an individual and take him into custody it might be that at a later date he might be charged uh with assault but that’s just uh the process that the police will go through just grabbing someone and arresting them on uh public orders probably the first uh thing that comes to mind in doing that but the person is in custody now they’ll be interviewed uh the police will be reviewing the video that we have and other people’s videos in CCTV as well as interviewing eyewitnesses to find out exactly what was thrown at Mr farage because clearly uh if it was uh objects that could have caused some harm then the potential uh charges that this individual could be facing uh would potentially be more serious as well and this is the point they you know politi politicians just don’t know we know of course there is a tradition in this country of uh protest and vifer protest at events but when it starts uh crossing over into items and objects being thrown at individuals or individuals being physically attacked that’s when it becomes of course much more worrying and a much greater potential threat to the politicians out on the campaign Trail it’s a hugely uh concerning incident but I suppose one silver lining is just the response of the South Yorkshire police there um acting in in a way I think too sadly too many police forces don’t act when uh incidents like this happen the the the tackle that we saw was really quite impressive of course aided by those construction workers who who who helped the police out there and Bravo to them um but Mark White thank you so much for bringing us all the very latest on this developing story uh and and this story that’s becoming part of a pattern yes it certainly is uh yes what happened to just you know debating your disagreements wouldn’t that be nice it would be wouldn’t that be nice you go out to campaign uh for something you believe in and what did you get uh some uh construction debris flying your way what’s wrong with a good old egg when did when did we lose I don’t approve of the egg either I I’m not I’m not entirely against eggs I think I think it’s it’s good old-fashioned British tradition to egg a politician okay I’ll give you an egging when you least expect it I’m not a politician um but anyway anyway yeah rotten fruits eggs that’s okay milkshakes uh construction debris that’s where I draw the line yeah fair enough yeah fair enough each to their own anyway coming up said Davy’s on the campaign Trail in Deon today he’s promoting his plans for a rural GP fund what exactly is that we’ll bring you the [Music] latest this is GB news Britain’s news channel dday was shrouded in secrecy Ken hay was days away from Landing in Normandy and still didn’t know what was happening I don’t think we really appreciated what we were going into actually on dday I was on a 30 m R March and we see the planes going over and that sort of thing and we realized that wherever they were going then we got the news that in fact it was normally and we knew we were scheduled for that he arrived on Juno Beach at corsier s a few days after the main assault the solders role was to push forward into enemy territory I didn’t land on dday I landed shortly after in June I was in the Infantry so I was the rifle landed up the front while on night Patrol on July 7th his unit was attacked my brother was a Corporal in the same platoon and he was out with me he got back 16 of the out of 30 got back five of us got captured and nine got killed Germans put him to work in a p camp in zabas Poland with Soviets advancing the prisoners were forced to March for a, miles at one point along there my leg was chopped I lay down in the snow if it hadn’t been for two guys would fell back in the column and Pi me up I’d have just gone to sleep and and frozen to death two American tanks turned up on the 22nd of April Sunday afternoon and we were liberated Ken feels Pride for the role he played in Normandy and thanks God for keeping him alive people say why did you volunteer for the services it was a completely different atmosphere then you did your bit The People’s Channel this is GB news and we are Britain’s election Channel this vote may seem to be about the politicians and the media but it’s actually about you we won’t forget that join us up and down the country as we follow every moment together more than ever it’s important to hear all sides as you make your decision in the runup to polling day this is GB News the people Channel Britain’s election channel are the newspapers getting you down my wife didn’t divorce me that month struggling to separate the wheat from the chap I know that it’s a bit of a circus at the best of times well don’t worry Headliners has got you covered we’ll take the burden of reading the day’s news and if we get depressed who cares it’s an occupational hazard frankly that’s Headliners on GB news from 11:00 p.m. till midnight and the following morning 5: till 6: a.m. on GB news the comedy channel nah just kidding Britain’s News [Music] Channel well good afternoon Britain uh it is 1:49 now and throughout the election campaign we’re going to hear from people across the United Kingdom to find out what matters to them so is it NHS waiting lists is it the impact of immigration the cost of of living crime and policing or all of the above our reporters have been to meet voters from all four nations and we’re hearing from them regularly before polling day today for the first time we meet Sam Richardson from Cornwall I’m Sam Richardson I’m 29 and I’m from fouth so in fth and Truro the labor party have the best chance at getting the Tories out so I’ll be voting for the labor party this year well I would consider myself to be Center left of center um in my sort of politics I feel like the last 14 years have been a bit of a disaster to be honest uh Food Bank usage is up there’s a really bad housing crisis in cormel everywhere I seem to go there seems to be shops closing down the high streets are dying and I just feel like most things have been really badly handled by the conservative party so I think Karm is quite a serious man which appeals to me I think we need especially at the moment with the world in the state that it is we need someone who can look at the books make sure that the numbers add up he’s someone that I feel like with his pass as a human rights lawyer I think that he’s well suited to the role and well suited to the job at hand I know that there’s an argument that he’s boring but personally I don’t what’s wrong with boring I I yearn for the day where I don’t wake up and worry about opening up my news app and saying something ridiculous that the leader of the country has said it doesn’t have to be this so oper all the time I don’t know that we should ever support one political party anyway I think we should have our own political opinions and then ER towards whoever best represents those I think that’s a much better way of doing it instead of pledging Allegiance like a sports team when you’re 19 there a lot of future left right um so I would say that I’ve actually probably seen more politically engaged young people whether or not that’s around economic or social issues it seems to be more prevalent now than personally what I’ve seen for a long time especially with things like the climate crisis well that was Sam from Cornwall now SED Davy has the liberal Democrats general election campaign with visits to Devon and Somerset today yes he’s promoting the party’s plan for a rural GP fund now they claim that around 1.8 million people cannot reach their GP at the moment so this is a proposal to solve that let’s speak to GB news political correspondent Olivia rley joining us uh live now Olivia you’ve been following the liberal democrats for quite some time I’m surprised that this announcement hasn’t come alongside some giant stunt well absolutely it might be that Ed dve is getting a bit tired of the stuns at this point after paddle boarding cycling uh the roller coaster yesterday this is a hugely ambitious announcement from the lib Dems they want 8,000 more GPS across the country and they want everyone to have the right to access a GP within 7 days or 24 hours if they urgently need one now of course that raises a big question about costing the liberal Democrats Say it’ll cost about a billion how are they going to pay for it well what I’m finding really interesting about the libdems manifesto and their whole campaign this time round is essentially the lib Dems seem to be pitching themselves as the left-wing alternative to the conservatives K Dharma has seized the center ground and it sounds as though he’s going to go pretty softly softly on tax and spend the lib Dems meanwhile are all for increasing public spending this GP plan is hugely expensive their plan social care is hugely expensive too and to do it they are shamelessly saying that they will be raising capital gains tax they’ll be raising other taxes that the conservatives have cut they’ll be pushing uh doubling council tax for people with second homes they’ll be taxing the super rich all those sorts of things which you might expect to hear from someone from the kind of Jeremy Corbin wing of the labor party it’ll be fascinating to see how this Manifesto how the lib Dems go down in this election it does look as though Ed Davy is on track to win sort of 40 or 50 seats which would make the lib Dems an electoral Force again for the first time since about 20110 whether it’ll matter very much is another question if the polls end up narrowing Lots we could just end up in a situation where the Liv Downs become kingmakers but at the moment it looks like labor is set for a pretty substantial majority well thank you very much indeed liia rley our political correspondent there GP is an issue that uh many people are very concerned about of course yes certainly well what did you make of rak’s Manifesto launch did you manage to stay awake through all of those announcements well we’ll be hearing from some of our fantastic viewers who have done what few in this country have dared to do and that was listen to the full speech un edited uh well we’ll be getting those views from our fantastic viewers after this very short break see you shortly a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news hi there and welcome to the latest update from the Met Office for GB news a lot of cloud out there today some of that cloud giving sharp showers particularly in the East but the showers will tend to ease later as an area of high pressure begins to move in from the West however we’ve still got ahead of that high a cool Northerly air flow that’s particularly notable across Northern and Eastern parts of the UK with limited temperatures through the afternoon and quite a lot of cloud with showers running into the east of England and Northeast Scotland those showers will tend to become restricted to coasts overnight and many places will end up drier with clear spells developing the longest clear spells in the west where temperatures in some shelter spots could dip to 3 or 4 Celsius first thing Wednesday however that’s where we’ll see the best of the sunshine first thing some decent Sunny spells for much of Central and Western Scotland Some Cloud affecting Northeast Scotland as well as the C C Bel and Southern Parts but otherwise it’s mostly dry and Northern Ireland see some patchy Cloud but dry conditions as we begin the day a few showers into the western part of Wales and Cornell otherwise for much of England and Wales fine weather continuing but always a chance that we’ll start the day around North Sea Coast with showers and those showers will develop more widely across the Midlands Eastern England and the southeast through the afternoon a few sharp showers once again are possible in between some drier and brighter inludes but towards the West as well as for Scotland Northern Ireland a dry afternoon with sunny spells and lighter winds so feeling more pleasant even if temperatures are still suppressed compared with the June average coming in at 17 or 18 c Wednesday evening sees clear spells for a Time certainly across Central and eventually Eastern Parts but in the west the cloud thickens and then on Thursday a band of rain crosses the country followed on Friday and Saturday by heavy showers that warm feeling inside from boxed boilers sponsors of weather on GB [Music] news we’re making this summer funner with three incredible prizes to be won first a fantastic 15,000 in tax-free cash that you can spend on anything you like next there the latest Ione iPhone 15 with a brand new set of apple airpods and finally £500 to spend at the UK attraction of your choice the summer fun could be on us for another chance to win the iPhone treats and £15,000 cash text prize to 63232 text cost2 plus one standard Network rate message or post your name and number to GB 06 PO Box 8690 Derby d192 UK only entrance must be 18 or over lines close at 5:00 p.m. on the 28th of June full terms and privacy notice at GB newws win please check the closing time if listening or watching on demand good luck GB news is Britain’s election Channel and when the big stories break we’re tackling them on Britain’s Newsroom when we disagree and we disagree a lot even live yeah we’re normal we don’t disagree that much we do his comedy though is revolting I knew unlike you that explains Beverly Turner’s temperament it’s a bit Frosty in here isn’t it he have one of me one day um for D ball practice Britain’s Newsroom on GB news weekdays 9:30 a.m. GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel hi there I’m Michelle jub and I’m going to take a second to tell you all about my show jub Zer we start off with the issues of the day we then bring in both sides of the arguments we get rid of the disrespect and then you throw me into the mix and Trust I’ll tell it exactly how it is and then of course the magic ingredient you at home we mix it all together and what have we got in my opinion the best debate show in town Monday to Friday 6: till 7 on GB news Britain’s news channel are the newspapers getting you down my wife didn’t divorce me that month struggling to separate the wheat from the chap I know that it’s a bit of a circus at the best of times well don’t worry Headliners has got you covered we’ll take the burden of reading the day’s news and if we get depressed who cares it’s an occupational hazard frankly that’s Headliners on GB news from 11:00 p.m. till midnight and the following morning 5 till 6:00 a.m. on GB news the comedy channel nah just kidding Britain’s News Channel this is GB news and we are Britain’s election Channel this vote may seem to be about the politicians in the media but it’s actually about you and we won’t ever forget that join us up and down the country as we follow every moment together now more than ever it’s important to hear all sides as you make your decision ahead of polling day we’re here for you this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s election [Music] Channel good afternoon Britain it’s 2:00 on Tuesday the 11th of June I’m Emily Carver and I’m Tom Harvard Now Rich sunak has unveiled his party Manifesto telling voters they’d be better off under a Tory government he’s promised to cut taxes boost defense spending and clamp down on immigration do the promises add up and crucially will they keep him in number 10 reaction analysis to come meanwhile labor has promised 100,000 extra child’s Dental appointments along with supervised teeth brushing lessons for school children the live demems have also focused on health promising to create greater access to GPS in rural areas elsewhere there’s been another ugly scene for reform UK’s Nigel farage who had building rubble and Stones thrown at him during a campaign event in Yorkshire polit politician safety again at risk we’ll be bringing you all the [Music] details uh it’s interesting because of course we’ve had the big uh conservative launch of their Manifesto over she sunak there how long was it all in all about 45 minutes I’d say with all the questions Yeah the speech about 15 minutes and half an hour for questions they were detailed questions and I think he came a bit more alive actually at the questions than in the speech but we also want to know your views please do keep them we will come to them very soon I promise um but also on some of Labour’s pledges today some might call them a little Nanny State a little Nanny statist uh these are sort of Public Health interventions so supervised toothbrushing at schools we’ve heard that one before but it’s seemingly confirmed today also uh what was it Banning energy drinks yes Banning energy drinks and of course the primary school children all having a free breakfast uh interested to know your thoughts here’s the interesting thing about the Banning of the energy drinks I think this is it might actually be a bit classist they’re not Banning coffee with they’re not Banning Posh coffees from Starbucks or Costa Coffee really with the same caffeine quantity I if you buy a big coffee with the sort of whipped cream and all the nonsense around it and all a Big Mo whatever you get I mean why is that why is that okay but we sneer at a can of Monster or Red Bull so a 15-year-old could buy a frappucino with three shots of coffee but not a monster other brands are available I I think this is just class Warfare well get your views in our children’s health let us know um but let’s get the headlines with [Music] Sam Tom Emily thanks very much and good afternoon to you it’s just coming up to three minutes past two the top story this afternoon rishy sunak has now admitted that people are frustrated with him as he launched the conservatives Manifesto earlier in an effort to get his general election campaign back on track speaking at the launch the Prime Minister promised a multi billion pound package of tax cuts including another two p cut to National Insurance in total those cuts would amount to an annual cost of more than 17 billion pounds by 2030 Rishi sunak says he’s the only leader with bold ideas we will keep cutting taxes in the coming years meaning that by 2027 we will have halved National Insurance to 6% that is a tax cut my friends Worth £1,300 to the average work well some of the other key pledges in the conservative Manifesto include help for a firsttime home buyers with changes to stamp Duty and what’s been called a new and improved helpto buy scheme there was also a pledge to address a shortage of housing by building 1.6 million new homes across the country along with 8.3 billion pounds to fix potholes and resurface roads there’d also be a total ban on smartphones in schools and on immigration there’s a promise to get flights off the ground to Rwanda every month Rishi sunak says that deterrent is key to Britain’s migration plan clearing the Asylum backlog he says within 6 months and ending the use of hotels that is why if you vote conservative on July the 4th the flights removing illegal migrants will depart in July establishing the deterrent that will stop the boats because when people know that if they try to come here illegally they won’t get to stay then they will stop coming and if we are forced to choose between our security and the jurisdiction of a foreign Court including the ECR we will always choose our nation’s security and returning to the matter of tax cuts Sakia starma has called the conservatives plan a Jeremy Corbin style Manifesto and said that he wouldn’t match the National Insurance cut money’s not there for the D the t’s desperation um and what they’re producing is a recipe for five more years of chaos and I think that’s why it’s so important that we see this election as a choice because we can’t go on like this we need to turn the page rebuild start with labor we we’ve got six first steps that are ready to go on July the 5th get on with a job roll our sleeves up so that’s the choice before the Countryman Jamie Oliver has said that a ban on the sale of energy drinks to young people would be a welcome relief for parents and teachers the TV chef says that he supports Labor’s plan which would see children under the age of 16 blocked from purchasing drinks with more than 150 milligrams of caffeine per liter that’s after Studies have shown that high levels of caffeine among young people can cause sleep disturbances as well as behavioral and mental health problems police have arrested a 28-year-old man on suspicion of of public order offenses after objects were thrown at Nigel farage during a campaign event late this morning it’s understood a coffee cup and possibly some building Rubble narrowly missed the reform UK leader was on top of the party’s battle bus in barnesley town center Mr farage was addressing supporters when he was interrupted by a crowd of demonstrators he said that he had been warned by police not to get off the bus for his safety Gary Glitter has been ordered to pay more than5 00,000 in Damages to one of the women he abused the woman who can’t be named is suing the disgraced pop star whose real name is Paul Gad following his conviction in 2015 for abusing her and two other young people between 1975 and 1980 he was briefly released in February last year before being sent back to prison after reportedly attempting to access images of children on the dark web international news now and the Hamas terror group has now accepted a ceasefire proposal that was passed by the United Nations last night the UN Security Council backed the three-phase plan which includes the release of hostages and the withdrawal of Israeli forces a senior member of Hamas says the group will accept the deal and that it’s now ready to begin negotiations over the details and finally they say that elephants never forget but now researchers have found that they’ve got a particular skill for remembering names as well new studies suggest suest the giant animals use individual rumbles to get each other’s attention similar to the way that humans use names evidence shows them recognizing and reacting to certain calls addressed to them and even ignoring other calls addressed to others experts used a specialist signal processing technique to identify the subtle differences in each call that’s the latest from The Newsroom for now another update in the next half hour in the meantime you can sign up to GB news alerts just scan the code on your screen or go to GB [Music] alerts well the big political news today the Prime Minister set out his party Manifesto he’s telling voters they’ll be better off under a conservative government he’s made a number of pledges which include tax cuts a clamp down on immigration as well but do his promises add up and can they persuade voters to back him and remain at number 10 well let’s speak with GB news political editor Christopher hope who has been at the launch uh Christopher I guess the big thing is tax cuts yes hi Tom hi Emily that’s right 17 billion pounds worth of tax cuts the CH of trumping the big headline figure the Bigg new uh idea is abolishing uh National Insurance for self-employed um by the end of this Parliament there’s also 2% off National Insurance for the those the millions of us who are employed by other companies that’s by um 2027 um they could paying this through welfare cuts um to the the saving as much as 12 billion a year in the welfare system there’s a document here prod called a cing document which we’ve been going through with experts behind the scenes from the Tory party um the party here though is is selling itself as bold choices and it does need bold choices to try and to chip away at this 20% plus uh lead for the labor party in the polls and earlier when the PM reg like announced this Manifesto I asked him why his party wasn’t me Bolder about the ECR the European Court of Human Rights and here’s what we had to say thanks Chris I’ve been clear throughout that I believe that our plan is compliant with all our International obligations but I’ve also been clear and the manifesto is crystal clear that if we are forced to choose between in the jurisdiction of a foreign Court including the ECR and our country’s National Security then I’m going to choose our country’s National Security every single time that was Mr sunat talking to us earlier in a question we asked him at the press conference and afterwards we got hold of James cleverly the Home Secretary to ask him why he can’t be bolder and just say we’re pulling out of echr rather than this idea of not being bullied by a foreign Court how many flights will take off how many people might take off by August if you win on July the 4th well the pm has made it clear that if we return a conservative government and only if we return a conservative government we’ll have a regular drum beat multiple flights per month until the boat how many people how many people well there’s no upper limit to the rhanda scheme and we have made it very clear that the only thing that will stop those flights is a labor government thank you they have no upper limits and there’s 100,000 people waiting to be taking out this country maybe go to a third country or to Rwanda and then making very clear to us in briefings that this will this these numbers will carry on the drum beat will take off they need to scale up the flights the planes are ready the air aircraft are ready the airports are ready all the part needs to do is to win the election on July the 4th Chris it’s a hugely um meant to be a big big moment in this campaign it’s meant to be perhaps what could be a turning point in this campaign it was certainly seen that way in 2017 when the labor party Manifesto was leaked people suddenly started reassessing where these parties stood it kicked off something really quite seismic in how polls shifted do you get a sense that anything like that might happen after today well it’s hard to judge isn’t it from silverston and we’re looking of course at the feedback from GB news viewers at our yay section of our website but normally these kind of documents these are moments in The Campaign which are meant to satellite the party’s uh poll to almost put Perpetual into the tank given silveron of the party’s poll rating um the problem I think is that a lot of what’s in this document has been known before it’s been briefed before in the first three weeks of the campaign almost the party’s been just trying to get the engine going and turn the engine on and find a policy which will which will get the get the party moving in the polls I think National Insurance for compuls to National Insurance um for those in their late teens certainly started a debate um in around kitchen tables across in voters and GB news viewers and elsewhere but whether that’s enough I think to fire up um the engine of the pole rating we wait to see I think Thursday is a big day for Labor’s uh announcements and they’ll be challenged quite a lot about costings will they cut for example the welfare budget like the tours are saying they will do today and if not where will you find the money required for your spending program will you borrow more or increase taxes in a ways they haven’t described yet I don’t see it as a moment to cut through but of course we’ll wait and see about the polling polling uh polls at the weekend after this big week has gone past the manifestos yes there may well be uh quite a few self-employed who might rethink considering big tax cuts could be coming their way thank you very much indeed Christopher hope GB news political editor who’s been at the launch for us some of you have got in touch about the manifesto already um someone here lady I think just lady is your name never thought I’d be saying this but the manifesto launch was much better than I’d expected uh worst part was the answer about send in schools that special needs at the end not enough effort made in that response but all in all better than expected um others of you not so impressed well we want to understand of course uh precisely what people really think of these pledges and whether it will be impactful for the electorate yes we’re joined Now by some of our GB voices David B a PT uh from Watford and Adrien gel a former caterer from shopshire uh thank you very much indeed for joining us um shall we start with uh you David uh what did you make of that Manifesto launch was there something in there for you well as you said before uh it’s been known most of this has been leaked over the last couple of weeks anyway uh the tax for self-employed obviously I’m going to employ that one it’s great but I think there’s much more in there which people want to hear about the fact is Rwanda flights will go ahead and if we have to we’ll leave the CHR uh we have women being biologically recognized as women in sport and in life and it’s nothing about anti-trans this is about a biological fact and some women are scared to be uh are scared of what’s going to happen with we have the uh Dad’s Army for of V national service I think most older people are going to applaud that because in fact my mother-in-law who 87 said it should be two years not a year it if we need to bring back some pride and what we have to stop is allowing the negativity of life where a small minority Will shout over everybody else it’s not fair and make the majority feel unsafe or uncared for okay Adrian what did you make of the big announcements today well I thought it was quite interesting and sorry um I think to to start off with you got to remember that five years ago uh the manifesto was written by Boris Johnson uh which was eventually taken over by Rishi sunak over the last two years but the last two years it hasn’t been his Manifesto uh today we’ve been given the opportunity to listen to his Manifesto and uh as David said you know I a lot of this has been uh effectively leaked all already uh I’m not that surprised by much of it I’m slightly disappointed that there is nothing in there about the reduction uh of inheritance tax or getting rid of inheritance tax altoe um I’m disappointed about that but actually and yeah there are things like uh his promise to to get these flights off to Rwanda where we’ve heard that been going on actually for the last two years anyway and but I don’t know quite what the difference is going to be between pre-election and postelection well Adrian what did you make of his Adrian sorry to butt in but I’m interested to know what you made of um his answer to the question on the the European Court of of Human Rights uh he didn’t say that they would pull out of it um but he said that he’d always put the Rwanda flights first were you convinced by that answer um you’re absolutely you’re absolutely right and it and it does worry me slightly I mean I remember looking back David Cameron years ago said that actually he would rather have our own British bill of Human Rights so and I don’t what I would have quite liked to have heard actually almost was was sunak saying we will get out of the EC echr but we will introduce our own Bill of Rights which would have been a conservative Bill of Rights uh that could have dealt with many problems that that we that we face at the moment does he have the balls to to stand up the echr I’m not too sure sure that he does because if he did have why hasn’t he done it already and as you say not saying it as a policy that we will pull out of the echr what he’s saying is that he will stand up to the echr and make sure that our borders are secured by our own laws I find that a little bit wishy-washy of course we did have our own Bill of Rights originally 1689 it was a marvelous document I don’t know why we chucked it um but um let’s turn to you uh David because I suppose in a tighter election where the polls are neck and neck potentially A Moment Like This a Manifesto launch matters more do you think many people will be paying attention given just the gulf in the polls it’s not likely much of this will be implemented uh I think what a lot of people are going to be waiting for is Thursday where labor actually have to say what they will do because at the moment all we’ve had is Bluster and hot air about what everybody else is doing we’ve seen the liberal Democrats Manifesto which basically seems to go play on go funfare with Ed Davey if you really want to have that sort of uh partner uh so it’s going to be interesting to see how labor are going to counteract the conservative Manifesto for the first time probably since Tony Blair’s time we have the labor and the conservatives as two ideologically different parties and we will then have a choice to make on which ideology we wish to follow well thank you very much for taking the time out of your day to speak to us really appreciate getting your response to that Manifesto launch David Bal you are a PT from Watford and Adrian Jael a former caterer from shopshire really good stuff thank you very interesting to hear the instant reaction um some things stick out don’t they they certainly do well up next we’ll be discussing the attack on reform leader Nigel farage after someone threw Rubble stones and building material at him while out on the campaign Trail in South Yorkshire earlier today GB news breakfast every day from 6:00 a.m. joint CEO at the UK sepsis trust Dr Ron Daniels very good to see you this morning why is it with sepsis we we sort of hear very little about it in daytoday life until there’s a either a big story or a big tragedy why is that is it common well it’s astonishing isn’t it we have a condition here that affects nearly a quarter of a million people across the UK each year and claims 48,000 lives and just for context breast cancer and not I’m not diminishing how horrible that can be claims 11,000 lives so sepsis is four times more prolific as a killer I think the reason we don’t hear about it is because it doesn’t really belong to any particular speciality of doctors it touches every aspect of Health Care and therefore there’s no professional group to be championing it which means it needs an advocacy organization like ours my understanding is that is when your own immune system starts to attack the tissues but by the time people realize that their temperature isn’t just flu or something they can often be in quite a perilous state it arises in people um of any age people with whether or not they’ve got under illness and it can arise as a consequence of any infection so it presents hugely differently so what do we do if you’re concerned something is devastatingly wrong there are six key symptoms to look for and they spell the word sepsis s for slurred speech or confusion e for extreme pain in the muscles or joints P for passing no urine no water in a day s for severe breathlessness I for it feels like I’m going to die and people really do say that and and then the final s for skin that’s mtled or discolored or very pale any one of those six in the context of infection it’s go straight to& A the people’s Channel join me Neil Oliver every Sunday night at 600 p.m. on GB news and if an hour is not nearly enough for you go to GB for special extended episodes online every Friday at 9:00 p.m. where we can truly get into the nitty-gritty of what’s going on GB news Britain news channel in the GB Newsroom we bring you the news as it happens with our team of dedicated journalists across the UK GB news brings you accurate reporting of the day’s topical agenda when the news breaks wherever and whenever it’s happening we’ll be there this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s News Channel if you want your news to be straight talking this is the nightmare for the conservatives again down to earth it’s not just Notting in where this is happening is it and most important importantly honest hardworking middle class taxpayers they’ll get the book thrown at them they catch me Martin dney Monday to Friday 3: to 600 p.m on GB news Britain’s News [Music] Channel good afternoon Britain it’s 23 minutes past 2 now the Reform Party leader Nigel farage has had building Rubble thrown at him on the campaign Trail in South Yorkshire well let’s get the very latest with our home security editor Mark White who joins us now uh Mark tell us well Nigel farage was on an open top bus he was campaigning in barnesley town center when a number of objects were thrown towards him now one object we can see the video uh here now one of the objects is clearly a cup but it’s also reported that uh some wet concrete uh and Nigel farage I spoke to him a little earlier he thought that uh there was at least one or more Stones uh thrown at him as well but that’s not been confirmed by the police you can see the man uh quickly pursued by the police uh and then tackled by that officer uh they say it’s a 28-year-old suspect who has now been arrested initially on suspicion of a public order offense he is in police custody and will be questioned as the police obviously uh look at the CCTV look at videos like this one that we’re watching at the moment and interview eyewitnesses to find exactly uh what it was that was thrown towards Nigel farage now Mr farage was uh just moments later interviewed uh in on the bottom deck of that bus and this is what he told reporters I tell you what I’m worried about let me just make sure it’s if do you think about this a week after we commemorate D-Day which was done so that we could live in a democracy where we can agree to disagree we can be very passionate but agree to disagree what we’ve now got is a mob that want to close down all debate a mob that are prepared to use violence to achieve their goals and that for a democratic country is very very worrying indeed be okay me I’m used to it I don’t like it of course not because this is stopping me doing what I want to do you know I’m at my best going out meeting people and talking to them having debate with them you know going around the pubs or whatever I do and and and and these violent youngsters are stopping me it’s very very frustrating didn’t hit you this time didn’t hit me this time but um yeah I mean I mean you do wondered what length these people will go and I think that’s the point there Nigel faraj seeing you wonder to what lens these people might go he was laughing it off but he’s clearly frustrated because it may be you know cups this time or wet concrete or whatever the objects from this construction site were uh but the next time it could be something much more dangerous that could really harm uh Mr farage or another politician uh that objects are thrown out this is a time during a general election campaign when politicians candidates uh to be MPS are at their most vulnerable because they’re out in constituencies across the country coming face to face with the electorate and most people are grown up they realize that you can agree to disagree but there are those that will just go that step further well Mark White thank you very much for bringing us that it’s a certainly a concerning development and appears to be part of a pattern very and on the same day that uh animal Rising uh the activist group decided to take it upon themselves to uh well graffiti vandalize more like um the portrait of the king the latest one the red one in the uh Philip mold Gallery although in London I have to say um they they slapped on sort of a picture of w is the grit and a bit of a a speech bubble over it as well to me that doesn’t Tuggle my heartstrings in the same way that throwing something over doing something wanting imagine if you’re a parent right and your child starts off by flicking bits of sweet corn across the room it’s messy right and you just indulge that you let it go you say oh he’s just being a child he’s just being a child next day he starts throwing his pasta across the room next day starts kicking you in The Shins next day starts you know vandalizing something out in the Town Center these things you know if you if you let them go at the lower level it just gets worse and worse and worse I’m convinced of that yes I completely agree with you crime and punishment in general but I don’t I don’t think this instance is something that is equivalent to those things that are that are violent that are frankly wanly messy for of another word this I don’t know it shows a dis any sense of authority angers me anyway think um have you checked the time it’s nearly 230 230 because the labor party is pledging to add an extra 100 100,000 Dental appointments for young people in an effort to clear backlogs across England yes it would see extra slots open up during evenings and weekends paid for by clamping down on tax rules let’s speak to Mark Jones now the founder of Toothless in England Mark what do you make of these proposals good afternoon lovely to be with you again um proposals are great aren’t they um it’s what is delivered in the end that matters and will matter to tens hundreds of thousands of families across the country who finding it impossible to get their children let alone themselves into to see a dentist and Mark what do you make of this uh other proposal to have uh supervised teeth brushing uh at schools uh for three to five year olds uh is that the nanny State gone mad or is this something that we actually need well I think at the moment you have to take into account where this country is as far as the state of its overall oral health it’s in a catastrophic State we’re in the middle of a dental crisis with dental deserts up and down the country and what we’ve lost and we’ve lost it for quite some time now is the education part and critical part of early Year’s education to try and teach our children children and to get them into good habits undertaking good habits like brushing their teeth regularly uh reducing the amount of sugar they take in so yes supervis uh brushing your teeth in schools um we think it and we’ve said this for quite some time we think it’s a good idea but it has to be it simply must be delivered by Oral Health Care Professionals we can’t rely on already overstretched uh teachers to undertake this uh important work and I think we all recognize that it is important work that we teach our children well no I can totally understand that point of view after all seems that teachers are becoming more and more sort of social workers for children in in far too many parts of the country but Mark obviously your proposal there would would cost a lot more money than what the labor party are proposing with uh just sort of daily toothbrushing lessons I mean if you’re going to bring in external professionals you’re going to have to pay them well I think there’s a an over well of course you have to pay for everything these days um but again we’ve said for a very long time you know the priorities in Westminster need to be focused on putting patient need first for far too long now since uh 2006 uh oral health care provision in this country has been Target Le rather than patient Le and it’s patient needs that must come first and Children’s Health if we get the uh children adopting good habits with regular brush teething uh uh brush uh brushing your teeth their long-term Health into their you know 60s like me at this age and Beyond is going to be far better than not if you don’t have that Early Education good habits regular brushing of teeth then your oral health and overall General Health and well-being will be uh not as good as it should be yes I guess the argument is that uh investment in the early days May uh you know save money in in the longer run I guess that’s the hope I wonder if there’s just a we should just have a massive PR campaign if parents really aren’t you know brushing their children’s teeth and getting them and supervising them in the morning and the evening then maybe a big campaign drive maybe uh thank you very much Mark Mark Jones founder of Toothless in England uh we don’t want kids we’re falling out teeth do we well I mean apart from the milk teeth that’s okay well this is the other thing the L party keeps on saying that the most common reason a child goes to hospital now is for their teeth and it’s like good good that means I mean why else do you want a child to go to hospital this doesn’t necessarily indicate a rise in problems with teeth but but it does indicate a a fool in diseases of other kinds yes that may be true but there may also be a RIS in dodgy teeth uh but anyway coming up we’re speaking to our Royal correspondent as animal Rising vandalize a portrait of King Charles that’s after your headlines with [Music] Sam just after half past two the top stories from The Newsroom this afternoon rishy sunak has promised a multi-billion pound package of tax cuts in an effort to get his general election campaign back on track it includes another two Pence cut to National Insurance and to eventually scrap it all together for the self-employed in total the package of cuts would amount to an annual cost of more than 17 billion pounds by 2030 Sakia starma though has called it a Jeremy Corbin star Manifesto which he says is unaffordable speaking at the conservatives launch event earlier the Prime Minister said he is the only leader with Big Ideas promising to cut taxes we will keep cutting taxes in the coming years meaning that by 2027 we will have halved National Insurance to 6% that is a tax cut my friends Worth £1,300 to the average worker but the labor leader Sakia starma says the conservatives plan doesn’t make economic sense and that he wouldn’t match the National Insurance cut money’s not there for the door the tourist desperation um and what they’re producing is a recipe for five more years of chaos and I think that’s why it’s so important that we see this election as a choice because we can’t go on like this we need to turn the page rebuild start with labor we we’ve got six first steps that are ready to go on July the 5th get on with the job roll our sleeves up so that’s the choice before the country Sak starm there well let’s take a look at some of the other key pledges from the conservative Manifesto that includes help for firsttime home buyers with changes to stamp Duty and what’s been called a new and improved helped to buy scheme there was also a pledge to address the shortage of housing by building 1.6 million new homes along with 8.3 billion pounds to fix potholes and resurface roads there’d also be a total ban on smartphones in schools and on immigration there’s a promise to get flights off the ground to Rwanda every month and a protest group has vandalized a portrit of the King two members of animal Rising entered the Philip mold gallery and stuck images from the animated series Wallace and grommet to the painting the group says it was calling attention to what it says is poor treatment of animals on farms it says they targeted his majesty due to his position as a royal patron of the rspca for the latest stories you can sign up to GB news alerts just scan the code on your screen or go to GB alerts [Music] hi there time for a look at the weather with the Met Office for GB news some bright spells today but a lot of cloud is developing and that cloud will give scattered showers in places particularly towards the east in the East we’ve got low pressure towards the west’ got high pressure that’s going to kill off many of the showers through the rest of the day but always the chance that just about anywhere could see a shower or two but the most frequent showers will be across Eastern and Central parts of England and we also see this continued Northerly Breeze that’s going to make it feel on the cool side particularly for the North Sea Coast just 12 degrees there for Sunland towards the Southwest where we’ve got some sunshine coming through and lighter winds 16 17 Cel not feeling too unpleasant into the evening many of the showers are starting to fade away by this stage particularly for Cornwell and Devon where we’ll see some sunshine Wales mostly dry a lot of cloud but we’ve got these heavy showers across East Anglia and the southeast of England also into parts of Northeast England showers continuing through the evening but Northern Ireland Scotland mostly dry aside from some thicker Cloud giving a few light and patchy outbreaks of rain in the far Northeast of Scotland but as I said most of the showers are easing by this stage and as we go into the evening and overnight clear spells will develop particularly across western parts I think we’ll keep a fair amount of cloud across Eastern and Central parts of the UK and again one or two showers into the northeast of Scotland and the North Sea Coast otherwise a dry and clear night for Western areas and as a result temperatures dipping to 8 Celsius widely 3 or 4 Celsius in some shelter spots so again a fairly chilly start to the day on Wednesday but some bright weather about first thing as we go through the day plenty of fine weather continuing in the west but shower clouds will once again develop in the East and Eastern England seeing one or two sharp downpours 8 18 Celsius the afternoon High the latest GB news travel good afternoon hello I’m Jules Buckle let’s go to Greater Manchester firstly the Northbound m66 struggling is partially blocked from Berry Junction two up to one for Rams bottom and queuing and obstruction there causing delays the a46 the Lincoln bypass chat between the hiking roundabout and the whby road round about this cues a vehicle fire there split of diesel causing big delays on all surrounding routs as well clockwise M25 away from darenth towards swanley Junction 2 to three seen some intimate cues following an earlier breakdown all the lanes are back open and a couple of issues in colore this lunch time the 8:30 between the haymore roundabout and penan shat and obstruction there and the penck road the westbound a390 in St AEL is Shut by the service station to Alexander Avenue in kiring that’s due to a two vehicle collision that’s the latest you can stay up to date throughout the day by visiting our website GB [Music] newws well it’s 2:39 good afternoon Britain now up next at 3 is Martin doy he joins us now um Martin a big day uh what have you got coming up on the show yeah we’ll be casting an eye over that 17 billion pound rishy Sun Manifesto giveaway extraord AR the sakir starmer has called it a Corbin star giveaway he should know he backs two of them one in 2017 and one in 2019 the Spectre of Corbin haunts this election again who the thought is the labor party using it against the tourist and it was things can only get better in 1997 now fangs can only get better why the labor party meddling with our children’s Choppers it’s not their job to take care of our kids is it leave them alone and also political violence now in 19 I was sent to do the Press round the day after Nigel farage was milkshaked in Newcastle it’s getting worse milkshake last week this week today rocks we talk about the far rights being the problem let’s face facts the problem is the radicalize left the be kind Brigade they’re the ones with the real problem what do we do about them and at H pass 3 today the European Championship training session with England kicks off we’ll be live there from Germany looking at to Sunday night’s 8:00 kickoff with Serbia 500 hardcore hooligans are being shipped in will it all kick off on Sunday night that’s all coming on the show 32 six a marvelous lot of stuff there looking forward to it particularly seeing what’s going on in Germany uh hopefully the England team can sort of pick up from from from how we started this tournament I mean my goodness bit bit concerning all of these Hooligans being bust in by the sounds of things oh they really things could kick off it got pretty uh pretty dangerous back in 2016 didn’t it you remember it well I I mean was it was it that bad I think there was fisty cuffs was a bit of fistic cuffs you know we’ll see we’ll see hopefully people will be well behaved I’m sure they will be yes in other news the king’s portrait has been vandalized by animal rights protesters these animal these activists I was about to say these animals well they perhaps some people might think that they are but these activists from animal Rising plastered the face of the cartoon character Wallace from Wallace and grommet in a demonstration attacking the rspca nothing says we like animal rights more than attacking the rspca well joining us now is our Ro correspondent Cameron Walker Cameron this uh portrait was quite controversial uh when it came out um and now this yeah it’s the first official portrait of King Charles III since the coronation as you said unveiled a couple of weeks ago at Buckingham Palace by the king it now hangs in the Philip mold uh Gallery in London and then this afternoon around midday two animal Rising supporters entered the gallery and plastered those two images onto uh the portrait now King Charles is a big fan as we understand it of Wallace and grummet uh animal Rising spokesperson says it’s meant to be a light-hearted protest over a very serious issue because they’re demonstrating about the fact that they they’ve kind of done this investigation um and they found that 45 rspca assured Farms they allege even that there’s breaches of government rules when it comes to animal cruelty now the rspca has been contacted for comments on this uh of course by attacking the King Charles portrait it has created this oxygen of publicity hasn’t it and now everybody is talking about the fact um that they’re all talking about this report and animal Rising protesting against this portrait now it’s the Royal Society of the protection of cruelty to animals King Charles is the Royal Patron uh of the society but as you can probably expect Buckingham Palace are not commenting on this issue I I suspect it’s because they don’t want to give animal Rising any more publicity than they’ve already got by pulling this stunt but if those of you are worried about the portrait I do understand it’s covered in perspects glass you can kind of see the reflection there uh on this video we’re playing now on television so the portrait itself not damaged there we go so not damaged of the portrait I suppose we can only assume that they knew that that was going to be the case um what do you think the king might make of all of this well animal Rising hope that hope the king’s going to find it very very amusing indeed I’m not sure if he will or not we do know he has a keen interest uh in animal rights and the environment as well and he has of course been associated with the rspca for some time and Patron uh since he became king back in September 2022 the caption reads uh that they pasted onto his portrait no cheese grummet look at all this cruelty on rspca farm so the trying to draw attention to the issue whether there’s any truth in these allegations we don’t have rspca’s response but we have certainly contacted them I suspect King Charles isn’t going to give it much notice I suspect he’s got more important issues to deal with like choing the color at the weekends and the g ceremony uh next Monday well quite uh thank you very much indeed Cameron Walker our roal correspondent for bringing us the latest you know I don’t care if there’s any truth to the allegations that’s not the point you can’t just storm into an art gallery and take it upon yourself to uh vandalize in that way doesn’t matter if it’s harmed the picture underneath or not it’s just an outrageous sense of entitlement ridiculous how many far-left activist groups do we have in this country now it’s like there’s a million Splinter groups do you know what I think they’re all the same people it does seem to be they just SW their hats it’s the people who are in the Palestine thing they’re all in extinction Rebellion they’re all in just stop oil they’re all in animal Rising it’s exactly the same people they just swap their hats isn’t there another animal re an animal re rebell animal Rebellion yes a splinter of Extinction yeah that’s the same people but on Wednesdays not Tuesdays right okay so they sort of have you know weekends is the animal rise oh no well sometimes they try and do these joint protests and sort of you had you had the the the stopping oil people doing a Palestine protest and and you know what it wasn’t any larger than a size of a normal just up oil protest because it’s exactly the same people these are professional protesters it’s all that they do then you’ve got Pro Palestinian protesters taking it upon themselves to vandalize 20 I think it is now Barkley’s branches across the country spraying them with red paint a lot of them have had their Windows completely smashed in terrifying for local residents terrifying materially different well I don’t know if it’s all part of the same thing isn’t it people thinking that their cause is so important and that everyone else if they’re not as concerned by it as they are um you know has to put up with this type of thing now we can see here from uh uh some some shops in Bristol that have had the most egregious uh level of violence leveled against them smashed glass red paint uh all in this uh Palestinian protest the front of Barkley’s there completely destroyed yeah and with everything else going on this isn’t this hasn’t had half as much enough press attention I mean it’s really quite incredible this has happened at a number of branches across the country it’s a concerted attempt to intimidate I think think certainly it is that’s that’s highly intimidating absolutely it raises this General sense of of lawlessness let’s hope the people behind it can be locked away for a very very long time indeed well let’s hope so but coming up the Euro start this Friday but England fans have been warned by German police that over 500 Serbian Hooligans uh could Target them at the competition stay [Music] tuned this is GB news Britain’s News Channel today we’ve got two fantastic individuals who have invented a teddy bear to help children who are suffering with mental health yes so Lynn and Samantha krly came up with the idea for the troubl muncher toy following Samantha’s own battle with an eating disorder and OCD yes the teddy comes with a notepad and encourages its owners to write down what’s troubling them and then they can pop the note into the Rock sack on the Bear’s back I struggled with mental health most of my life actually and oh no it’s fine um I’ve got Mom I feel quite sorry for you but um and one one thing I always did was message my mom and it was a thought dis disassociation kind of technique I would message you even now I message you thoughts that come into my mind but massively when I was younger and I thought what happens if you’re younger and you don’t have this um yeah and I think in today’s technology fi world I think we go back to basics and it just helps them to process by writing it down everything’s so instant these days so so it’s like an indirect way of telling your parents how you’re feeling what you’re going through a great idea what’s the feedback being from parents who have uh got a trouble mancher for their kids what you got stor it’s been really good um in one household he sits on the kitchen side and um I think during the day the parents the the children put their worries in or at night and then they know that their parents will look at it during the day and it’s gone into some schools as well you’d imagine you’d want one of these trouble munches in every classroom and at every school up and down the country because children who are being bullied for example who feel like they can’t tell their parents they’re too embarrassed to talk about it this is such an important tool isn’t it for children to communicate that yeah well you were saying mom’s mental health counselor and you had a young young child who was had Snapchat AI so you talk to an AI and Snapchat and that’s what they talk to now the people’s Channel this is GB news and we are Britain’s election Channel this vote may seem to be about the politicians in the media but actually it’s about you and we won’t forget that join us up and down the country as we follow every moment together more than ever it’s important to hear all sides as you make your decision ahead of polling day we’re here for you this is GB news the people’s Channel Britain’s election Channel GB news is Britain’s election Channel and when the big stories break we’re tackling them on Britain’s news room when we disagree and we disagree a lot it’s even lier than normal we don’t disagree that much we do his comedy though is revolting I knew her and unlike you that explains Beverly Turner’s temperament it’s a bit Frosty in here isn’t it he have one of me one day um a d ball practice Britain’s Newsroom on GB news weekdays 9:30 a.m. GB news the people’s channnel Britain’s News Channel [Music] okay it’s 250 good afternoon Britain and the German police are said to be gearing up for 500 Serbian Hooligans who could Target England fans for when teams face off on Sunday in England’s first game of the tournament in the German city of Gilson cushion very well done on that pronunciation I wouldn’t had a clue um officers in Germany are getting ready for the prospect of major fan disorder at what has been branded the most highrisk match of Euro 2024 well this is sparking fears following England’s previous Euros campaigns which have been marred by riots uh most recently before their 2016 opener against Russia as well as the final of the last tournament three years ago yes it did get rather uh there was quite a bit of violence wasn’t there a bit of fistic C so we can get now we can speak to the football writer Harry Harris because Harry How concerned should we be about tensions ahead of this game oh very concerned um I’ve been around the world following England and um most of the tournaments uh we’ve been talking about the Hans more than anybody else um that’s a problem that we’ve experienced all the time um so unfortunately yeah I think we need to be very concerned um uh there will be a massive police presence but what I experience mostly is that because of the Hooligans now know that U the security is so tight in and around the stadium that they congregate at at um uh Railway stations City Center bars um and of course you know England fans don’t do themselves any favors as we can see that they become a target with their behavior you know mostly bare chested um excessive drinking um lcking around throwing chairs around Etc being you know all the bravado we’ve seen in the past and of course we we used to lead the way in hooliganism but we don’t anymore um rival fans are much better organized um and certainly uh volumes and numbers uh and I think the media have a a very interesting role to play here the more we’re talking about it particularly in in in the newspapers the more we we’re inflaming a situation and and inevitably going to cause these riots to happen because um that the the the hudig Gans are going to see it as a challenge so even even genuine fans were going out there with tickets wanting to see the football it will attract Hooligans who have no interest in the football and have no tickets they would just be going out there for for the violence so do you feel uncomfortable talking about it um talking about it in in in the media I mean I was going to ask you to remind us how bad this sort of thing can get well we we’ve seen it with the portrayal of black players in in the bad performance um in the last match that they became the focal point and that became an issue should the media be targeting those particular players um and I think we have to take it to to this point as well how much should the media be um uh you know um highlighting this kind of violence that’s going to take place you know it’s it’s you know fair enough reporting it if it takes place and condemning it and finding solutions to it but previewing it in such a heavy way uh is going to inflame it because it’s a challenge to a lot of hooligans going to go out there ticketless but seeking violence what is it about football that attracts quite often a level of violence wellc because it’s it’s so territorial it’s so you know International we’re talking about International Football in particular um where political aspects um become ingrained into the sport where it shouldn’t be and you know there’s so much chanting that we find with the English fans that is so inflammatory and political and they don’t even know what they’re singing about um so it is a recipe for disaster and yes well Harry thank you very much indeed for joining us and talk to us about that Harry Harris you’re a football writer really great to get your your view that’s it from us today it’s gone lot of the very quickly has indeed we’re back tomorrow at 12 a brighter Outlook with box solar sponsors of weather on GB news hi there and welcome to the latest update from the Met Office for GB news a lot of cloud out there today some of that cloud giving sharp showers particularly in the East but the showers will tend to ease later as an area of high pressure begins to move in from the West however we’ve still got ahead of that high a cool Northerly air flow that’s particularly notable across Northern and Eastern parts of the UK with limited temperatures through the afternoon and quite a lot of cloud with showers running into the east of England and Northeast Scotland those showers will tend to become restricted to coasts overnight and many places will end up dryer with clear spells developing the longest clear spells in the west where temperatures in some shelter SP spots could dip to 3 or 4 Celsius first thing Wednesday however that’s where we’ll see the best of the sunshine first thing some decent Sunny spells for much of Central and Western Scotland Some Cloud affecting Northeast Scotland as well as the central B and Southern Parts but otherwise it’s mostly dry and Northern Ireland see some patchy Cloud but dry conditions as we begin the day a few showers into the west and part of Wales and Cornell otherwise for much of England and Wales fine weather continuing but always a chance that we’ll start the day around North Sea Coast with showers and those showers will develop more widely across the Midlands Eastern England and the southeast through the afternoon a few sharp showers once again are possible in between some drier and brighter inludes but towards the West as well as for Scotland Northern Ireland a dry afternoon with sunny spells and lighter winds so feeling more pleasant even if temperatures are still suppressed compared with the June average coming in at 17 or 18 c Wednesday evening sees clear spells for a Time certainly across Central and eventually Eastern Parts but in the west the cloud thickens and then on Thursday a band of rain crosses the country followed on Friday and Saturday by heavy showers that warm feeling inside from box boilers sponsors of weather 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it’s an occupational hazard frankly that’s Headliners on GB news from 11:00 p.m. till midnight and the following morning 5: till 6:00 a.m. on GB news the comedy channel now

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