this is a true hidden gem.
    it’s my go to place .
    no light pollution dark skies if you live anywhere in south Wales go visit .
    if your visiting go visit
    5 mins drive from the beautiful ancient Britton Pub

    #Wales #countryside #mountains #breconbeacons #caving #caves #cycling #southwales #swanseavalley #uk #walking #meditation #tranquility #NoLightPollution
    #ancientBritton #Pubs

    this is without doubt my favorite place probably in the world [Music] [Music] yes come on then come on come on [Music] so um yeah this is pen quilt and it’s in the Swansea Valley it’s just before you get to um craigos castle and it is quite a magical place place and I can walk up here with the dogs for an hour 2 hours and not see a soul I mean other times you might see someone else walking a dog yeah but the silence is deafening all you can hear are the birds on the wind in the trees it is just amazing isn’t it guys so yeah so all you need really are two small dogs a pair of Wellies and a camper van and um yeah I feel really really blessed to have this on my doorstep so if you’re from Swansea or the valleys and you’d never be into pen quilts um come up here for a walk it’s just amazing and there’s a lovely little Pub as well about 5 minutes away from here well on the drive back to Swansea call the ancient Britain so if you know the ancient Britain Pub it’s not too far from there so yeah and it’s somewhere that you can walk completely on your own beautiful beautiful place um yeah come and have a look anyway I thought I’d sort of do a little video and bring you up here and hope you enjoy so yeah you could um not going to attempt to say that name off anyway it’s it is actually a it Reserve just a little bit now that is you sa you over Swansea Valley it’s amazing isn’t it um and over there that’s the CL that’s Breet Breet um it’s originally an Old Quarry in the brick works but now as I say it’s um a nature reserve um I think I think everyone should come and have a walk up here come on come on girls come on anyway did you like it yeah definitely um six of Year may yeah obiously look at that for a view and that’s the other side that is as I say that’s Val oh can you hear the cocko feel like I’ve got to give a shout out as well to Tracy deacon who lives in astun La who’s my friend dog walker extraordinary um because she initially showed me this place brought me up here and I’ve been coming ever since in fact I just Ranger today to say I’m on my way up to our land as we jokingly refer to it um but yeah I love this land it’s just beautiful and what I thought was um again I am a bit of a loner as regards walking I love coming up here or anywhere else really um one with the dogs cuz I mean who’s going to ATT me with these two TR hours um but there are so many hidden gems in in Swansea andne Valley so I thought when I’m out and about walking I shall video and show you look at that VI over [Music] there still takes me breath away so yeah so I thought I’d start to video some of the walks parts of the walks and just show you what is around this area um not always included in serous information such a shame because if you like walking well you walking I think this would you know this is a place to visit [Music] [Music] as you can see myal chihuaha Little Wolves I think really they both rescues um who said little dogs have to be carried in handbags um maybe actually walked to penan so yeah whenever I got there not far behind [Music] me so that’s one of the quaries you can see over there and there’s a car park so these Cottages um they were originally workers cottages who work to the Quarry um but they now belong to the caving Association and over there I just zoom in if you can see that quarry there um if you walk through there there are caves some of them have got locked grids on them because we’re about 10 minutes from jog off caves and apparently the biggest cave system in Europe even bigger than Dano caves he’s actually here in penil um so yeah he so people come and stay The Cottages from the caving Association and people come from all over Europe the world even to go caving here and standing here you wouldn’t know that all of that go all the way here pretty amazing place isn’t it I can hear the winds drops a little bit now but like you can hear I think they’re having a new grip put down on the car pack so that’s what the noise is um so when I started walking it was pretty stormy looking and it seems to have settled now gutted because um there was forecast um thunderstorms this afternoon and I thought wow what place to go if it’s going to thunder and lightting SC the dogs to oh yeah um also it’s worth mentioning if you if you like going out at night um looking for me your right so just looking at the night sky with absolutely no light pollution whatsoever this is the place so um I’ve come here quite a few nights in the van got fire pit out sat in the Quarry it is just spectacular um you can’t see your hand in front of your face so if you scar to the dark don’t do it but yeah it’s just it’s an amazing experience so yeah so I’m going to continue walking around the mountain around the top here so this this route now actually we Circle this go you can see the path over there and go back chabas don’t like walking through water come on you two come on come on come on babies wet [Music] [Music] feet so I you can see these are old railway lines that is the old train station it’s like going back in time when you look inside I believe these were um originally turned into holiday Le Cottages it must have been in the 60s or the 70s because I don’t know if you can see but the furniture and the plates and the table and chairs [Music] everything has just been left as it [Music] was I think that’s the living room see the old armchair that actually looks like a bar old wardrobe oh it’s such a shame isn’t it you see the view out the back so that’s the end of our walk back to the van the drops um but yeah pen Hilt want

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