Today we start from Eastbourne. The weather seems to be better this morning… kind of sunny but still a little bit cold (15 degrees). First stop was Birling Gap. Wow, really beautiful. The cliff of white rock is gorgeous. Then we continue riding along the sea from village to village. After a time we get back on the highway to go to Stonehenge. Nice, but now enough to pay for 2 tickets to go see those rock at 20 feet. Instead we just stop on the side of the road and take a picture of them. From there we continue our ride and cross the city of Bath. This city is amazing! We did not have time to spend a night there, but if you go there, you should do it. So finally we finish our day in the city of Newport where we have a Super good diner at the restaurant Shoboraj, we recommend that place for sure. Was a nice sunny day!

    good morning internet so this morning it’s uh 8 9 the weather it’s 13° not raining but cloudy so hope we won’t get rain today so we have a 300 kilm right to do today and uh the hotel was uh the room wasn’t so bad but the breakfast really not good but it’s part of the trip so 300 km to do so we’re almost everything back so we’re going to finish our thing and uh ready to leave we have to stop at a motorcycle shop to buy chain loop and to buy locks because apparently a lot of people get their motorbike stole so we’re going to pack and we’re going to hit the road :45 [Music] you have some kind of sun no rain 14 going to have a good day enj r [Music] oh a [Music] okay so we did a stop to buy two cable lock chain loop and then glue for the patch we got a flap it’s a small shop we arrived just on time because it’s close at 1 p.m. oh I’m going to make a small stop and back on the road [Music] a [Music] n [Music] okay my friend we’re at the hotel we ride uh 325 km was a long day but uh the weather was was good not not really hot like 18° C but Sunny a little bit of wind and uh we saw the Stone Edge Rock but we didn’t stop because it’s like uh I don’t know maybe $60 for two person just to go see the rock that we see mostly on the road so we stop side of the road to see The Rock and this morning was beautiful also the the cliff and uh so we are now in Newport and the really small room but it’s beautiful so we’re going to have a dinner now okay uh let me show you on the map uh what we ride today okay so this morning we start from eastborne we drove here we see the white White Rock then there a little bit belong the water it was really long go there Stone Edge where we didn’t stop and then we’re going up and we are here at Newport hope you enjoyed this video if so give a thumbs up subscribe down below and see you in the next one

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