You can find lots of animal species in Bikini Bottom, from sea snails to scallops to sea bunnies! Here’s a 30-minute compilation of every animal in Bikini Bottom from SpongeBob SquarePants!

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    The SpongeBob Official Channel is the best place to see Nickelodeon’s SpongeBob SquarePants on YouTube! Come follow the adventures of the world’s most lovable sponge and his trusty sidekick, Patrick Star! On this channel, you’ll find all the SpongeBob SquarePants classics you know and love, plus BRAND NEW content featuring the whole Bikini Bottom gang – including Sandy Cheeks, Mr. Krabs, and everyone’s favorite grumpy neighbor, Squidward Q. Tentacles! But wait… there’s more! Tune in every week for series like SpongeBob IRL, 5 Minute Episodes, and exclusive looks at new episodes! So there’s only one question left: “Ahhhhrrrrrr ya ready, kids?”

    [music playing] [gasping] Patrick, they’re here. Good morning, son. Ready to head out? You bet. SpongeBob, don’t leave your luggage behind. That’s not luggage, it’s Patrick. He’s coming with us, remember? Well, shake a leg, boys. The Great Barrier Reef isn’t going to visit itself. Your father’s right, son. They know I’m right. [music playing] Darn it! Hey. I got one! Dirty Bubble, say your prayers. Meow. [music playing] [music playing] [music playing] As it would seem that you aren’t royalty after all. I discovered this coffee stain which, upon removal, reveals that Sir Gary is the true heir to the king’s crown. Well, would you look at that? Gary, you’re royalty. Meow. [music playing] A sea bunny?! [screaming] [music playing] [grunting] The voracious vermin is ruining my French chef fantasy. Why- ah! Grr! Oh, oh, no, no, no, no! I have a ticklish core! [laughing] [music playing] [chirping] All right, quit messing with me. I know you said something. Oh, but it is you that is messing with me. [chirping] That’s what’s messing with us. [chirping] It’s a baby scallop. I’ll take care of this. No, Patrick! It’s totally helpless. It looks like he can’t even fly yet. What’s the matter? Is he stupid? No, Patrick, he’s just a baby. He’s all alone with no one to take care of him. Well, we can’t just leave him out here. You’re right. Come on, let’s take him into the pineapple. [music playing] This is the greatest day of our lives? Boring. You’re right, Patrick, we came to see pearls 100 feet in the air. Right? I’ll try my oyster call. Well, I’m out of here. Thanks for nothing, SpongeBob. [music playing] [ringing] Hello. You’ve reached the house of unrecognized talent. Please start after the… Sounds as though you’ve got a dying animal to attend to, eh, old chum? Squilliam Fancyson from band class? I hear you’re playing the cash register now. Sometimes. Uh, how’s the unibrow? It’s big and valuable. [music playing] Oh. Squidina, what did you bring? Eyeglasses, comic books and action figures. Ugh. Can a person be any nerdier? I can. [music playing] Wow. Primitive. [music playing] Good to meet ya, Mr. Bob. Oh, a pleasure, mademoiselle. [chuckles] Ain’t you a little charmer? [chuckles] Yeah, I am. What you fixin’ to have, honey child? One Krabby Patty, please! A Krabby what? We ain’t got none of those, hon. You don’t serve… Krabby Patties? But we got lots of other tasty vittles. [music playing] Oh, money, you’re always there for me. Hello, Eugene. Mother. What brings you by today? I just wanted to see me favorite son. Eh. How much of my money do you want? Well, I did see the prettiest hat in town today. Oh, look at the time. So sorry to have to rush off. Bye. Ooh, that was a close one. [music playing] And now, back to crustacean crime theater. [laughing] [laughing] Stop! Thief! Which way did he go? He went that way. Let’s get him. There he is. Jump ahead! Jump ahead! I’ll jump in! Curses. Foiled again. [music playing] Good day, sir. Are you yeti to order? Oh, Squidward! What? What? What? Huh? You are not going to believe this. There’s a yeti crab at table seven and he is sniffing out the lazy. [chuckles] Of course he is. Nice costume, Eugene. Couldn’t you at least had it dry cleaned or pressed? [roaring] Didn’t brush this morning, did we? [music playing] Hey, look, everybody, it’s Cousin Plankton. Yeehaw! I’ve been away from home longer than I thought. Oh, howdy, cousin. It’s me, Clem. O’ course, you remember Zeke, Rufus, Jeke, Billy Bob, Billy Jim, Billy Billy Bo Willy Banana Fana Fo Filly, Doug, Enis, Julio, Fletcher McGee, Rainchild, Zeke Junior- Alright, I get it! I mean, uh, come inside. Make yourself at home. [music playing] Mr. Lifeguard, can I feel your muscle? Sure. Don’t scratch the paint. Lifeguard, how’s the tubage? Gnarly, dudes. All right! Yeah! Whoo hoo! Lifeguard, can you point out the snack bar? Right over there. But you guys are way too old and unsightly for my beach. And I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you to leave. So polite. Yes, like we raised him. [music playing] [laughing] For a second there, I mistook you for a threat, but you’re just a dirty little man. So long, shrimp! Curse you, Mr. Krabs! Ow! Ouch. [music playing] [screaming] [splashing] Mommy, mommy, what are those things? Those are undesirables, honey. We only talk to normal people. [music playing] [babbling] To be or- Line? [grunting] Ha. [music playing] As you can see, we’re also covered head to toe in the most extreme of spots. Itchy spots. [laughing] Oh, no! Oh, no! Stop, stop! [laughing] Extreme spots. [laughing] It’s extreme sports, not spots. So, you want to be a Drastical? Let’s see what you got, little dudes. [music playing] Has sort of an old world charm. [shrieking] I guess this is before manners were invented! [music playing] I ain’t gonna lie to you, Meredith. I am not a happy camper. [laughing] We’ll be right back with The Giant Isopod Stuck in the Pet Door show after these messages. [music playing] Don’t you understand? The terrible part is that I can’t go to the dance. Why ever not? Because I have a hideous barnacle growing on the side of my face! [chuckles] Now calm down there, me little Pearl. I’m sure it can’t be half as awful as you- [gasping] Great rusty hinge pin of Davy Jones’ locker. [music playing] [barking] [growling] [shrieking] Hey there, little guy. [barking] Looks like we have a winner. Oh, so cute. What ya gonna call him? He looks like a Spot to me. That name provokes a violent reaction. Spot it is. [barking] [music playing] Help me flip these patties. We’ve got growling stomachs out there. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Then would it be too much trouble to ask his high and mightiness to take these patties out to the customers?! Oh. If only SpongeBob were here. If SpongeBob were here we’d be covered in ick. [music playing] Ah! Ah! Spiders! Spiders! Get them off me! Get him off me! Get him off me! No! Stop! It’s me! [screaming] [music playing] [laughing] Hey, how’s a sea urchin supposed to get any sleep with all these salty tears falling on him? I gotta get out of here. Excuse me, coming through. Hey, watch it, mister. [music playing] Uh… Hi, Kevin. Hi. What is your question? Hi, Kevin. Whatever. Next question please. Hi, Kevin. Hello, loser. All right, you way in the back. Hi, Kevin. [music playing] That’s not the worm. Pardon? That’s not the worm, that’s his tongue. Oh, this is the tongue. And the whole thing is the worm. Run for your life! [roaring] [music playing] I’ll just be here working while you do- [shrieking] Uh, um, I’m sorry, ma’am, but we’re closed. I see you’re hungry but… Uh, but we really are closed. Um, thank you. [music playing] – I-I-I-I-I… – Out with it, boy. What is it? I forgot how to tie my shoes. Ha ha. That’s all? So you’ll show me how? I don’t wear shoes. [gasping] Could you show me how to tie my shoes? Uh, fins. Could you show me how to tie my shoes? Well, I would but, sadly, I am only an eel. [panting] [music playing] Hungry. Still hungry. Still hungry. Still hungry. Still hungry. Still hungry. Still hungry. Still hungry. Still hungry. Still hungry. Still hungry. Still hungry. Still hungry. Still hungry. Oh, dang nematodes. [music playing] Over the lips and through the gums, look out, tapeworm, here it comes. Get ready, Tapey. [laughing] Ah. [music playing] I think something bad happened to Wormie. He left his best friend ribbon behind. [buzzing] [screaming] What is that thing? I don’t know, Patrick, but whatever it is, it must have eaten Wormie! [music playing] I think it’s safe to say you have once again failed your driving test. [laughing] – Uh, but Mrs. Puff, I- – No buts, SpongeBob, you fail this test over and over. I’m beginning to believe you’re simply… unteachable. [laughing] Now, get out of my sight. [groaning] I’m sorry, Mrs. Puff. [crying] Dude. This is like the gnarliest 3D movie ever. [grunting] [laughing] [music playing] Anchovies. What? Anchovies! Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat… Please, please, quiet! Is this any way to behave? Hmm? Eat. Can we show a little decency, and form a neat, single file line in front of the register? Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat! [music playing] Stop right there. Y’all ain’t allowed in here no more. Give us a break, old man. We practically own the place. Not after what you did last time. You wrecked the joint. This is a shark free zone now. What a bunch of hooey. Yeah. What are we going to do, Shark Face? The Sharks can’t allow this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, you know, maybe we should let it slide. There are plenty of clubs in the sea. [music playing] Your spines will break, your teeth will ache, your eyes will be bloodshot. [groaning] You will drive out of this school in style, or you will be carted out in your granny’s hand basket. Everyone will follow the rules of the class. First rule, no talking. Does that mean- [music playing] ♪ This town is filled With many things ♪ ♪ That I’ve come to love. ♪ ♪ From the birds That fly upon the ground ♪ ♪ To the flowers up above ♪ [music playing] [blowing raspberries, groaning] [blowing raspberries, groaning] [music playing] [gasping] A customer. Step right up and get a delicious, hot, fresh… Huh? Krabby Patty. [blowing raspberries] There he is. [music playing] [roaring] Phew. Good thing I thought ahead with that escape door. Try and catch me now, you prissy feline! [laughing] [screaming] No! Nice kitty. Want some chum? [whimpering] [music playing] How does this keep happening? [crunching] Hi. [neighing] [galloping] [neighing] She’s beautiful. [neighing] [galloping] Wow. [galloping] [music playing] Okay, class, as you remember, last week… Hi, I’m SpongeBob. Hi, SpongeBob. I’m going to kick your butt. [laughing] That joke was almost funnier the second time. No. I mean it. [laughing] That time, it almost seemed like… You did mean it. [music playing] [sniffing] Well, Bubble Bass, what do you think? This is pretty good. Only one thing, you forgot the pickle! [gasping] No! The best there is? I don’t think so. You lose. [laughing] [music playing] ♪ We must admit We’re dumb as a box of rocks ♪ ♪ But time permitting We’ll be nitwitting ♪ ♪ Has anyone seen my socks ♪ [music playing] Hey, kids, are you ready to her the winner of this week’s contest? I’m ready, I’m ready. Our winner will receive a special secret collector’s item from the Adventures of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Bo. And the winner is… SpringBoob SquirePin. Aw, I worked forever on those life-sized Krabby Patty mannequins of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy. For these life-sized Krabby Patty mannequins of Mermaid Man and Barnacle Bo. [music playing] Hey there, night feeders. Name’s Barry Blobfish. Good to know ya. Good to meet you, Barry. I’m SpongeBob. [screaming] Oh, that’s my cooking hand. Sorry. Used my spatula arm. [grunting] [music playing] [laughing] [coughing] Hey, my keys. And my throat feels better. You see, doctors, catfish are bottom feeders. The dirt on his face led me to believe he had recently eaten something that irritated his throat. [music playing] [music playing] We see who wears the pants in here. Is that my daddy? I wish. [music playing] Hey. Maybe we should wait for one more. [gasping] [music playing] There’s the guy who took your ice cream. Don’t you want it back? Ice cream. Listen, you, my friend’s got something to say. What? Who said that? Was it you? Tell him off, SpongeBob. Assert yourself. That’s my ice cream cone. Great. Now let him have it! You can have it. Say, thanks. No. [music playing] Good morning, class. Would everyone please turn their chairs around? Yes, Ms. Sturgeon. Huh? What? Oh, for Neptune’s sake. It looks like we have a new student sitting right up front today. Will you stand and introduce yourself to the class? [sighing] Ahem. My name is Squidward Tentacles, and I’ve been playing clarinet longer than you all’ve been alive. And why are you here, Mr. Tentacles? Because of a court order. [music playing] [music playing] [buzzing] [music playing] Wow, four stingers. [buzzing] [buzzing] [screaming] [music playing] Hi, Patrick. Long time no see, man. Hi, Jennifer. Hi, Chuck. [music playing] Everybody in the whole wide world, they have to pay attention to me. It’s all about me, me, And guess who. [chuckles] Me! [chuckles] [thudding] Neptune’s trousers! Morning, daddy. [chuckles] Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer a room on the ground floor? [music playing] Hey, come on, buddy, no cutting. We’ve been waiting here all day. [complaining] You mean you people actually drink this? [murmuring] [music playing] [laughing] You fools! Who are you? [laughing] I am an ancient warrior from long ago. The last of my kind who ruled over the ocean from before the dawn of time. [music playing] So what did we learn today, Patrick? Well, I don’t want any more jobs. They’re too much work. I have found my true porpoise doing my TV show. Really? Then what do I do with this? Let me go, you little… [clicking] Hey, watch your language. This is a family show. The end is so itchy. [music playing] Oh, thanks for the ride, Dylan. No problem, Pearl. You still down for that party tonight? [gasping] Oh, you bet. Nautical. I’ll pick you up at eight. [tongue clicking] [music playing] [rumbling] No, I’m the biggest loser on the beach. They buried me in the sand and forgot me. What happened to you? I lost my best friend. How? When I ripped… my pants. [music playing] Wah! Wah! Wah! [laughing] Slugger, that’s me. What the? [mooing] Yeehaw! Get along, little fishies! Hi, Sandy. Whoa! Hot cat snake in a barn. Look at your eye. Land sakes, that’s quite a shiner you got there. [music playing] Good work, man. [gasping] I see you’ve read my book. Craig Mammalton? The tannest man on TV? [chuckles] None other. [clamoring] Oh, look at those gorgeous wrinkles. What, these? [cheering] Oh, and his skin, it’s so leathery. Well, I don’t mean to brag, but, uh. [music playing] [humming] Hello? Ya! Hi-ya! Hi-ya! Hi-yah! Nice try,SpongeBrain. [music playing] Sorry to bother you, Mister The Cat, I just thought you’d like a bike to- Whoa! Good thing I got this oxygen tank and mask. Otherwise, there’s no way I’d be able to hold my breath as long. [shattering] How could you, Cattie? You broke my heart. Here I was this entire time believing your act, only to discover that it was nothing but a… an act! But, it’s not what you think. There’s no room for thoughts now. Only for tears. [crying] SpongeBob, wait! Whoa! [music playing] You guys talk funny. Say more words. We are the board of directors of Tree Dome Enterprises Limited, and we are here to ascertain if Mr. Cheek’s inventions are up to snuff. Why, everyone in town is benefited from Sandy’s scientific knowledge. Before Sandy showed up, I used to be a scrawny weakling. And I used to be dumb. [laughing] Quiet. [music playing] To the invisible boat mobile. [grunting] Uh, Mermaid Man? Yes, Barnacle Boy? We’re not in the invisible boat mobile, are we? Uh, nope. I told you, making the boat mobile invisible was – a stupid idea. – Come out wherever you are. [music playing] Boating school? I thought this was Spanish class. See you, SpongeBob. See you, big fat meanie. [chirping] Hey, what’d I miss? [music playing] Squack. Potty? You ate all me cookie dough. Scratch. Oh, well, on with the show. [music playing] Huh. It’s just some uncouth natives. Hello. I caught these two a peepin’ through the winda. They’re thieves, trying to steal our illegal hot sauce! Illegal? Our swamp sauce is so spicy, it can blow your head clean off. I assure you, we are not interested in your disgusting hot sauce. Then what’s he doing? [bell ringing, groaning] [whistle blowing] [music playing] [music playing] [birds squawking] [shattering] Attribute! I can’t let the girls see me like this. I gotta get cleaned up. [grunting] Oh, come on. What’s the deal? [grunting] [grunting] Oh, boy. How long was I out? Ugh. Long enough for all this crud to get stuck on my shell. Oh, nasty. Let’s get the show on the road. [humming] Well, there goes the neighborhood. For the better! So long, you big pink loser! [laughing]

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