Hi and welcome to this new bikepacking series. This time I set out east without a clear goal, had to return home though after a couple of days because of tooth aches and after, restarted the trip from Hannover, destination Prague. Bit of a music vibe today as I’ll be riding towards Halle and Leipzig, both cities steeped in music history.
    Hope you like it, enjoy your rides and stay safe out there !
    Next up: Leipzig to Chemnitz
    * If you like the music, unless listed below, it is on epidemic sounds.
    If you use the referral below you get a nice discount:
    *Bach Fugue in c minor
    * Staffan Carlen- Calming Ocean
    00:00 intro
    00:34 the plan
    02:34 ex- football field
    03:00 along the saale
    05:18 Halle
    08:22 bach
    09:20 the route

    Good morning and welcome to WannaGoBiking well I am about to set off for day 7 I think ,could be 6 even I don’t know, of my bikepacking trip to to Prague about to leave Aschersleben yeah stayed in an fabulous – I think newly renovated- apartment . I will put a link down below cuz certainly for the price was absolutely outstanding yeah a long day in the sadle today but I should be visiting Halle which would be nice and ultimately hope to arrive in Leipzig so that’s the plan for today. Now I’ll just try and find a bakery cuz I’m I’m kind of peckish all right see you later look at this place , Rauchen verboten, It said smoking prohibited on two sides so maybe this well this used to be a factory of some kind maybe with some chemicals or maybe it was a smoking plant who knows all right let’s go on well to each their hobbies but it’s always a bit disconcerting for me to hear gunshots not used to them here we are, thoroughly enjoying an old fashioned eastern german road well I’m hoping the local FC are not looking forward to the first home match of the Season cuz there’s some work to be done wow this Saale Radweg it’s quite nice so far so don’t know how long I’ll I’ll be following this one should’ be nice if I could and the only thing missing are a few benches here and there but well fingers cross I’ll I’ll find one soon all right see you live action on the Saale, a boat race I just looked at the map I should be following the Saale for quite a quite a while so yeah Happy Days all right see you in a bit and another nice picnic spot along the Saale fantastic only 3 hours to go wonder if this is an otter? oh how cool wow a bit of wildlife how cute that was oh no what’s this, end of the cyclepath ? oh boy ah that’s a good trick I thought it was the end of the cyclepath but no Happy Days oh I’ve got myself a ferry woohoo okay and now? oh no more cycle lane? great this kind of reminds me of Prague this though is quite unique this is one giant cow that’s funny right that’s it for me from Halle for now cuz I have another 45k to go to Leipzig and I kind of want to be there for 18, 18:30 or so so yeah los geht’s this a rather adventurous track so far I wonder how much worse it will be because this gravel and potholes: not my cup of tea great a dyke road just like the ones we have at home nice okay little pause and then we’ll follow this trail not quite sure what good example those parents are setting? but not going out of the way standing in the way not go going out of the way yay come on guys you can do better it’s a funny funny old building all right I just saw it’s only 2K to the hotel so oh happy days I am well I had a good day my legs felt great today but I’m glad it’s over


    1. Hi everyone, as this series seems to attract very few people I'll be releasing the last couple of episodes shortly. Btw: you can already see them by clicking on the links at the end of each video.Hope the upcoming videos on the provence are doing better because there's a lot of work involved in the end.

    2. Attracting very few people?!? They don't know what they're missing! I think these videos are among your best. Wishing you all the best from South Carolina USA.

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