police bite me please hello Whiskey on the W [Laughter] about go on go [Music] [Music] hi guys welcome back to another vent Brothers wild and today we’re camping on a roundabout yes yes we are we’re mad enough to do it everyone’s asked us to do it so here we go we got the ghilly suit the ready it’s going to be a fun one guys right ni let’s get on with the video well it’s another glorious sunny day in reom uh just walking down just left mine now meet en rich in weather spoons of all places going have a quick cheeky pip before we get started with a bit ALR as you see yeah so yeah today’s Camp we’re basically going to be trying to attempt to camp on a roundabout now it’s quite a big roundabout it’s very very busy roundabout as well it’s called gresford roundabout uh even though it’s still in rexton yeah hopefully this is going to be a good one we’re going to have to sneak in but I think we’re going to have a look around um a couple of places around there as well so it’s not just all about the roundabout yeah anyway that’s enough of me waffling on let’s go and meet rich with this pint [Music] not bad and look at that he’s got a p she M you right good getting alad trated alcad trated was you cheers though Rich that’s a nice decent bite now we’re going to go the shop fill up with some more alcohol tonight for our for our sins and then we’re going to catch this bus oh can’t wait now great day great [Music] day so decided to go with the jurer single M Scotch whiskey we’ve had it before me rich is it hope Mountain no where did we go when he had the jurer it’s near Hope was it was from the Hope shop yeah I think or is it K Girly one of them I don’t know but we know it’s really good and I’ve got Stella R2 filtered unfiltered sorry never tried it so give it a go you go calic export right cheers mate thank you right so we’ve been dropped off at gresford roundabout this the roundabout here all this uh lovely triage forage Greenery triage look that car there we are that’s my ADHD oh look a squirrle yeah so this is the roundabout guys and it’s the busiest roundabout in rexam so we’re never going to get across without not being seen but there’s a little foot path here so they might think we’re not doing anything on toward as yet we’ll see right then let’s get across press the button oh yeah it’s done right there don’t look conspicuous we’ll walk up The Path a little bit we got to find a little bit of flat in there somewhere normal act normal that normal Rich me right this grass is very long is it y councel haven’t been here you watch them come here tomorrow to cut the buy grass you so busy here it’s un real right I’m guessing we just got the dart across in a minute mate Dart straight through I tell you what it’s baking hot today another Sunday out and another Sunny Sunday ain’t it yep Sunny Sunday Sunny Sundays hope there’s no uh massive dips and holes oh yeah that looks promising here rich by these trees so so we just pretend we’re doing an interview yeah this is uh this is Rich from Brothers wild everyone and there’s nothing to see here car probably think it’s a speedometer it’s so busy guys ah it’s crazy so we have to just D through in a minute I don’t think anyone’s going to say anything make sure there’s no police before we do it wait for these lights to change and then we’re going to go don’t want people watching us yeah so come on go green go green go green come on go green there we go right should we just start in yeah let’s go for it go oh oh [ __ ] wonder if we’re going to get any horn beeps oh there’s thistle everywhere mate be careful hello hello h a about H about in we’re in we’re safe so little opening there see the cars there but just come around here Rich there’s some bit more of an opening [Music] here that’s not rubarb is it it isn’t it I was only talking about it earlier I’m sure that’s rubab I said it’s rear season it be very is it don’t know well oh yeah Rich look at this this for spot right here what you think mate so we got a fly over going over us here right there the roundabout and the roads are here nobody’s going to see us at night here so yeah guys we’re going to leave our bags here instead of carrying them everywhere we’re going to hide them I doubt anyone’s going to come up here though no one’s ever been up here um where we going we’re going to hide the bags we’re going to have a quick walk around there’s a couple of places that are around here that of interest to us so yeah leave all our stuff here we don’t want to lug it around just leave it here Rich no one’s going to touch you in the grass lot of pollen there bag bag I might take me bottle of water actually well guys you asked for it and we delivered this is our first roundabout Camp I was told in a kebab house the other night in rexam that you know you’ve made it when you on YouTube doing doing a stealth camp on a roundabout so yeah it’s been asked for we will deliver so yeah all right we need to get out of here now without looking all suspicious as well God here we go right then let’s get back through this this Jungle Act normal Rich okay act normal mate totally normal completely normal inconspicuous right turn you around and show you now there’s the road traffic lights uh green let’s [Music] go I thought you still added on that was funny though fastest cars are going down here mate bombing it a just passing through just passing through nothing to see here guys get on with your day all right then you ever walk up to Pandy first only up road on the yeah there’s a roundabout guys just leaving that behind I was looking on Google Earth earlier and behind this Factory is bit of Forestry and there’s also a river oh bikers nice I think you have to go to the left of it though Rich rightly next Camp hey yeah behind those bushes the head [Laughter] it’s boiling guys beautiful brought me water stay hydrated and the other bottle for the morning after that whiskey yeah um did we just walk straight through that’s the forest tree there see it there’s a foot path somewh is there oh it’s there foot path to you is it I don’t know actually yeah it must be must be just around here then that’s where we are guys almost this roundabout here there’s the fly over going over it’s a very very very busy very very very very busy roundabout always has been there’s a lot of uh accidents on and car crashes um almost every month you hear about someone crashing here don’t you um luckily we’re in a safe spot you know the tonight not going to die tonight yeah right let’s go find this little bit of Forestry In this River be nice oh [ __ ] oh trees were hugging me man this is where it is you just come off this road here there’s a bit of Forestry here it’s supposed to be the river Allen nearby as well it’s nice not to be lugging all the bags around is it yeah weird yeah back feel light as a feather oh there’s Sticky Buds everywhere I just got to be careful of me ankle don’t want to twist it again yeah so guys obviously last week we done the live video because of my leg Rich wasn’t too well L went on um on a longterm uh work um so yeah it was just bit of a rush to get out last week and everything and get out safely so we did the live which went down really well it was nice to share with the followers and get the followers on there too also guys we got the brothers wild fan page on Facebook now as well uh where you can go and put posts um about brothers wild if you wish or any sort of camps that you’ve done and anything really it’s it’s run by the followers and it’s for you followers so uh hit it up it’s Brothers wild fan page that’s what it’s called it’s on Facebook guys get on it and if you haven’t added Rivers’s wild Facebook page add that too I think we’re just sitting at about 500 Subs on there 500 followers so try and get to 1,000 it’ be nice yeah right need your help we need your help oh don’t don’t don’t fall asash oh that’s all right all right where’s this going I’m sure it leads to by the river you know FY yeah oh there’s rocks and everything on this undergrowth can’t see where I’m going yeah we come so far along and there’s B wi here man we get round probably get round by that fence to be fair Rich look at the state of my spot that’s what’s Tri really oh there all THS there up oh yeah we can get around oh just go out straight through this is obviously the the power grid for oh my God don’t touch that touch the just felt static H that will be good there’s no bad buy there was there Rich no at all free to free to roam right do everything by the book decided to come out that little hole there down his foot pth get on the path a bit better still got I got flowers on me now right let’s crack on comeing to a Crossroads here we got a path here steps here it’s this still goes down as well so what you want to do T on all that all roll the dice I think this comes to a road the bridge the dead end that’s the dead end is it oh what’s that oh it’s the railway that’s the railway line there makes sense with the bridge being here cool Bridge another thing there there paths going up here into the forestry try the forestry first yeah and then come back we can go back the other way or whatever may as well have an explore several hours of daylight left even though we what time did we come out 4 was it yeah smell a bit of wild garlic up here what is that another much as looks like a well oh no I’m all right I’m all right I’m all right I’m all right it’s just it’s a nice boulder oh God me and holes look at these holes here though Badger or fox holes maybe rabbit holes rabbit holes probably might have blocked off is it blocked off is it it might have struggling with this foot still struggling it’s not strong enough to be doing this silly ash oh yeah train is it all well mate it’s got to be yeah I wouldn’t even trust that concrete now oh dear me all right let’s get back down now without breaking me leg time for a drink of water beautiful yeah so I’m a bit of an idiot guys just wasn’t looking when I was going had to GoPro my hand and I’ve just jolted me again but luckily it’s not that much in pain it’s fine feels a bit looser actually now might be might have done it some good to be fair I might stretched it out a bit but yeah I’m not hobbling that’s the main thing I can still walk um I did go up to uh Angel Bay over the week to go and see the seals with one’s beloved and it was really nice but I was in a lot of pain a lot of pain killers taken at the time and I Beau Cod them all and oh and I was hobbling everywhere so but I still enjoyed it wish I could uh explode a bit more you know what I mean we are going to go there Camp Angel Bay right under the seals over the seals should I say it’s a factory here now big Factory so I haven’t got a clue where we are but it’s a nice walk either way careful the railway tracks just here guys we fast we often go through here on the train don’t we yep on our travels yeah on our travels it’s the Chester line and obviously we go to CO stols as well which we’re definitely going to do very very soon another one me about me back there’s another guy down here with this dog walking the same route yeah that’s nice there we go yeah very green very hot very nice very nice we can hear the main road now I don’t know if this is the end of the road or what for us is it carry on going this path oh it Carries On It carries on we don’t know where we’re going guys we just going to follow it see where we end up got an idea yeah so much forestry considering it’s between a railway line and a main road there a lot it warm in it lad yeah have the shade now right foot path here or that way that must go down to the I don’t know let’s just have a look over here go there’s the tracks guys right next to us that’s the main road now over the road yeah yeah I don’t know where it leads to just dead ends there have a look at this side well the steps here rich but again leads to the the main road what’s that go down there goes around goes around the bridge ises it and then back up here you want to do that do you minut have a look I assume he went to have a look first to save the ankle right turn this off a guys get down safely [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah I am oh okay think we’re in the qu H in the Quarry yeah I think so oh I’m actually by the river that’s the river down therez I’ve seen it coming up we ever walk up here see what leads Town past someone’s house and there’s about 15,000 dogs barking at us running around we thought we were gone as there oh dear not wanted here are we Rich let uh briskly walk on sir good afternoon yeah [Music] [Music] hello good bite me please helloo right guys Sticky Buds on you I have that problem as well I get them all of my feet yeah no problem put off see you well we’ve come down all the way around and this is the way we need to go over this bridge to get back over here to where we were going back and it’s locked and there’s no access oh hello on this side now yes Brothers wild they’re right yeah you followers you follow us so guys we’ve just done about 70,000 miles uh yeah it was a good walk good explore sort of thing but now we’re ready for the beer we’re actually closer to Rich’s house than we are to our camp but yeah so we’re going to make our way back now and then we’ll probably set up sit down and have a beard I think need one now well needed yeah we put some miles in already yeah foot’s okay no bag no bag nice and light a long hearty Walk we’re finally back probably like 5 mil excuse me yeah done about 5 m at least and we’re just on the other side of this roundabout now so we’re going to get back we’re going to set up yeah hopefully our bags are still there hopefully we a bit [ __ ] yeah and then uh yeah we’ve been moaning at each other how much we want to beer now so we’re going to get our tents up now what time is it it is 256 past 6 not bad we said as long we get back for around 7 to set up so that’s good timing so yeah we’re going to set up now get ourselves a beer wait for Nightfall in between have a chat do a a whiskey on the what roundabout Whiskey on the roundabout yes Whiskey on not wound about right let’s get back in here now I’m also dying for the toilet number one luckily I need to PE badly there we go bags are still here right it’s time to get set up but I it be [Applause] badly police I think they’ve gone past there we have it guys set up tent up I got the back facing the road and I’m facing towards this way nothing to look at really I’m going to put my chair out here in a bit and look out towards that way I just thought with it all being green here I’m going to be completely camouflaged rich is just over here tucked away around the corner so yeah no one’s going to see him whatsoever yeah we’re all set up show you these quickly got some stellers the J show you early on me water me cup got my chair there and set that up everything’s set up Electronics bags tucked away here uh and Rich has brought the food so yeah looking forward to chilling out now and having a can Rich’s got himself a new mat there we go doesn’t matter mate the traffic’s covered in anyway then not no one’s going to hear us up here we can L probably shout from here later now no one’s going to hear us so when we when we’re a bit drunk later a bit louder right yeah the ground is very good nice and soft slads of grassy about to flatten a little bit but you know no one’s coming up here for a nature Walker they so it doesn’t matter uh obviously we’re not going to have a fire cuz it’s stealth Camp uh but yeah I’m ready for a drink you sleeping bag as well oh he’s going all out guys let’s have a look at this oh nice oh that’s similar to mine the one I got now nice summer one let’s feel it you the inside yeah it’s the same nice oh yeah better than the big one is it although that’s a it’s a lifesaver in the winter yeah but yeah I need to start getting a down uh sleeping bag I need that need to make some uh pillow a pillow as well he’s getting everything new he he’s get he’s getting far too into it now it’s the camping bug is stuck him by the testic and uh he’s coughing up a lot of money hey turn around it’s Papa Smith oh yeah that’s me on me little chair chilling out now guys you can see the change there a bit of cloud coming over as well now it’s not as bright as it was earlier on um still got a few hours yet of light yeah I really need this can first time trying Stella atto unfiltered so I’m going to give this a go right now oh time we go 5% this got SE oh my god oh that’s really good Belgium beers can’t beat them unfiltered in Belgium h try that rich that is good that’s really nice it’s got like a sweetness to it a fan of it’s nice is it so when I bring my chair Rich forgets his when I forget my chair Rich brings his L always us it always Mi it you a never sit in anyway do you just no he’ll just sit here now or go on his knees now yeah you’re on the export and you on I should on it oh and he did this we walked some miles we took a wrong turn somewhere or we went down there and near There and Everywhere and then we got to the gate where we needed to get back on the path it was closed but we found some nice horses and goats on the way or yeah goats whatever they were it was it was a long walk in the end um but yeah so as you can hear guys we’re on the roundabout uh we’re covered literally no one can see us sitting down here great little spot no one can see us anywhere 360 round look literally covered by it all so yeah it’s going to be a good stealth camp this we don’t have to be like stupidly quiet cuz no one goes past here and the cars are making too much noise anyway um it’s not going to settle in the night cuz we got the the main road here with the fly over so we’re going to hear that all night uh but there’s been some bad drivers they put you on edge today they’ve been zooming in and out and boy races and that and just overtaking on the wrong side of the road on blind corner it’s just been all day is it it’s just been absolutely five five cars yeah just horrible drivers but uh yeah we we’re not going to get hit if a car even went through this way is is a like it’s a bank coming up to us so we’re very protected oh it comes the midges they’ve smelt the beer I have to close my uh tent door in a minute close my tent door so we get creepy crawlies getting in there oh enjoying this yeah we’ll have a proper chat guys uh and thank yous and all that after when we have a whiskey on the roundabout um yeah we couldn’t have anything else at rhymed with it Whiskey on a wound about Jonathan Ross Elma Elmer food wickle [Music] wabbit they locked when you come then they looked [Music] over oh God right we’re going to try and pull off something really ridiculous in a minute for Content just for you guys uh I’m not going to tell you about it but uh you’ll see it right then guys it’s time for a very quick very enjoyable Whiskey on the wanged about uh today we got the Jura single M you’ve seen us have this before and it’s really really good it’s always good when it’s Single Malt with a c beautiful so good right let’s give you one first [Laughter] oh there we go more for me I think I’ll fill yours a bit more because of what we’re going to do in a minute so basically just put that there grab the camera Rich say quick Cheers Cheers have a sit Che every Budd oh that’s so good oh it’s so good so um normally I go through comments and everything uh but we went through quite a lot last video um and obviously the last week’s video was live so not going to go back on the comments on that but just a quick announcement that we have got a fan page Brothers wild fan page um on Facebook and also the brothers wild um Facebook page itself as well so if you’re not on that if you’re on Facebook guys it’s worth uh following us on there as well um we do put quite a lot of posts up and the fan page is run by the followers so they crack on with that um some of the followers are admins um yeah it’s it’s we’ve only been up a day a day yesterday or the day before before day before two days yeah and uh yeah it’s popping off people are putting stuff on there it’s brilliant uh it’s nice to see the community growing the way it is we got a very kind caring Community funny crazy you know it’s uh it’s yeah I’m really enjoying it it’s nice to see these posts appreciation posts and stuff like that it bigs us up what the comments we need suggestions and yeah suggestions comments or if you want to put Clips on there that you enjoy about the videos or any screenshots or anything I just throw it on there it’s it’s it’s fun you take the piss out was yeah St it’s all good bit of Comedy we love it we all get offended no we never do nothing can offend us very uh what would you call it free speaking Spirits um obviously there’s certain things we can’t say cuz was restrictions but um when the camera’s off our tongues flap and we say we want don’t we we don’t care yeah it’s nice to chill out of Rich today it’s a bit crazy we’re camping on a freaking roundabout um I’ve seen other people do it like and obviously block out doors you know um he’s done it so we’ve done a couple of shout outs a couple of Easter eggs in this video towards him so yeah um left lefts lefts no but um yeah hopefully if we could pull this piece of footage off in a minute it’s going to be hilarious I’m kill myself in the bu probably probably going to get arrested for this we’re probably going to get arrested for this one guys but yeah we’re all chilled out now having this squisy what else did I want to say I wanted to say something else obviously Louis can’t be with us he’s working away um he will get back on the camps as soon as he can um yeah but otherwise yeah weather’s gone a bit dim now it’s gone cloudy now overcast it’s getting a bit cooler so thrown the old uh hoody on hopefully the weather to stays nice we can do more camps when we get a chance yeah that’s it now now the better weather we try and get out don’t we as much as we can um update on me foot it’s not too bad still there still there still hanging on still hanging on but yeah right then guys we’re just going to chill out have a couple of whiskies and we’ll bring you back and then obviously the Feelgood Burgers a bit later on but yeah hopefully still be alive after this yeah cheers Rich cheers and cheers to everyone at home watching [Music] oh [Music] that’s f h ah right so uh yeah we’re going to have a little wonder about in a minute what was that then what was that noise there’s a noise over there there somewhere it’s a rustling what’s that what’s that rustling fell left oh [Laughter] left oh why you being some sort of [Laughter] moped get me on that way it’s old chip chip why why is Chip them sunglasses M you look like you’re from The Matrix why you some sort of Neo oh [Laughter] [ __ ] seing beautiful get that foot through lad hey only only fans foot fetish any interest any interest this is going to be so funny mate this is going to be hilarious oh God I push train we’ve about to smash about half a bottle of whiskey just to do this guys you you better enjoy this as much as we’re going to oh he’s gone this is hilarious so what we’re going to do he’s going to get in the ghillie suit there’s a a button over there we cross the rad we can turn the lights to Red I’m going to like press it I can feel that whiskey kicking in I’m going to press the button right the traffic’s going to stop rich is going to be hiding in the bushes I’m going to cross and then he’s going to chase me out this is going to be Absolut Ely hilarious if I can get the reactions from the Cars I’ll try my best I’m trying to get two angles I’m going to put my phone across the road and then and we going to try with a GoPro like this but yeah let’s see what happens want crash don’t want to make anyone crash this is the craziest [ __ ] we’ve ever [Laughter] done oh [ __ ] this is going to be funny as [ __ ] that L look in there did you see him did you see him oh that was funny as hell he like he like he’s like the red [Laughter] carow oh this is going to be hilarious right you need to get these bushes over here [Laughter] mate you can’t even see [Laughter] [Applause] now oh [ __ ] now oh my God f is out yeah yeah he did it he did it life oh that was hilarious oh [ __ ] the got more Bush on you than the bush stay still oh [Laughter] M oh my God you sh it know looking in the I love it that’s the funniest [ __ ] ever so fun the reactions from those people in the cars there oh my God that was so funny and they’re still going past watches go by there and wave people when when it goes ready stand over there just wave at people want to get the reactions you silly [Laughter] Gilly yeah for you st and everybody else will mental health don’t be TST get get out and have fun stand by there rich I want to get reactions [Music] man yeah yeah baby [Laughter] oh you can’t write [Laughter] this oh no oh my God that’s the funniest thing ever that was those guys in the car those young LS were like what the what’s going on here wave wave [Laughter] wave [Laughter] yeah oh that is hilarious turn [Laughter] around oh my God that is hilarious I love it I’m [Applause] [Laughter] y oh my God hey they love us they really love [Laughter] us let’s go oh up that was funny oh [ __ ] is your dance intro out [Laughter] [Music] pushing that has got to be the funniest footage I’ve ever seen just people’s reactions going past truck drivers beep in their ARS the same Lads in the car went round twice just to see him twice as funny as hell I love it oh what a great sport riches give up to Rich whiskey Rich y hey what is wild so rich just told me that I have got to do it myself cuz that was part of the B so here we [ __ ] go oh my God keep the camera on me [Laughter] mate oh [ __ ] right okay left left where we going here get the reactions yeah ah it’s hold up good walk it doesn’t say walk yet no it’s going look hey hi hey bab you didn’t have the camera on there we go get the camera on the car you what the [ __ ] you what theck oh my God can we get a reaction from the truck driver can we get it come on what the [ __ ] right we need to go back across let’s go R get the camera on me man get the reaction of the car there we go quiet now every day I’m shuffling catwalk hey we got one beep the bus hey The Bu the bus get into beep Rich get into beep Le beep right let’s go back meate oh my God I don’t even think Rich can keep the [ __ ] camera straight I don’t know he’s point out then I like half the time was the sky holy [ __ ] oh right where’s our little path I the you are he’s gone he’s absolutely gone oh my God where’s a oh I see you P here is it that’s not oh that’s where you fell oh it is oh no it’s not that’s why you jumped that’s why you [Laughter] jumped here a honk [Laughter] honk she she’s like yeah she like yeah oh my God absolutely crazy [ __ ] this can we get any more reactions can we get any more reactions B no nothing right let’s try one more before we go back to Camp one more [Laughter] rich is dying in the background look I go there he is yes boy love it love it let’s go just starting to get a little bit dark now guys the midges are out in full force and uh rich is like when do you want to make these Burgers so I was like bring the stuff to me mate we’ll cook away we’ll cook away so I’m going to get my big light out in a minute and we’re going to make some feel good burgers baby let’s go that’s enough whiskey for one day yeah the two at time mate by you enjoying it what a camp this is eh [ __ ] roundabout we’re on a roundabout Rich oh yeah right there [Music] mate one for [Music] and one for me let me catchup if you don’t have it fine I think it’s perfectly fine don’t worry about it lad shut up these burgers are going to be perfect anyway we got pickles we got spicy cheese we got burger and onion onions let’s do it onion that is pure onion onion that that looks good as well how can I cook when I’m pissed with [Music] whiskey gy burgers meat that is the rich special that rich provides I cook we need to get we need to get a burger van mate we need to we need to get a burger van look at that that is absolutely spot on I’m going to use this as my tray there we go squish that down there we go and there’s yours than you very much squish that down so you don’t get it everywhere oh there you [Music] go yours sir yours C look at that Burger guys absolutely stunning get it down you rich he needs it more than me right now is that good spot on spot on right I’m going to devour this guys catch it back in a bit all right Richie boy he’s having a pee he’s having a pee oh those burgers were mint right back to the tunes and chilling out yeah B guys B good morning well it’s morning obviously it’s daytime not a bad sleep but I’m still like waking up it’s half eight half right I better get up oh what the hell bit you okay ni sleep make a alive right come on wake up you big bush oh my God there we are guys all packed up that’s where I slept leave no Trace but well we’re on a freaking roundabout so it doesn’t really matter matter but we’ll still leave no Trad goodbye roundabout has been a pleasure now we got to get out we definitely going to be seen this time oh dear Ready Rich y ready it’s 50 bucks no h on wait for those traffic lights to go I don’t want to go and they’re all just sat in the cars watching ready to go come on Rich busiest time of the morning to leave we’re going to get some lucks coming out of here now not as many looks as we got last night there we go Goodbye Mr roundabout oh I tell you what though the traffic wasn’t bad in the night I didn’t hear much no it’s crazy oh our bus we just missed it oh no there’s our bus there’s our bus going past here have to get the next one so good right guys it’s been a pleasure I’m going to leave you there guys been a great night lots of fun lots of beer just two guys guys getting out into nature is right see you in the next one bye he don’t want nothing he don’t want any of this he nothing nothing nothing no reaction what the [ __ ] going on I got I got I got I’m going to get another HK I can feel it can feel it in my bones right now we need one more we’re going to be all over Facebook tomorrow some guy in a ghilly suit is walking around rex on the gr roundabout oh [ __ ] this is crazy he there he is he’s ping his head ping his head oh this is crazy I can’t breathe with this thing what is going on Rich why did you dare me to do this that’s enough for one night I need more whiskey


    1. Recently been struggling with my mental health your videos have helped me greatly and inspired me to get outdoors again and enjoy nature, great channel and content looking forward to more adventures and videos to come in the future guys!

    2. Another beauty of a video! Love waking up on a satdee mawnin and watching you funny fu**ers go camping… rich in that suit, bloody good television that is. Also, nice shirt Ash, still trying to source one, keep selling out! Bastards!

    3. I came across this video whilst watching wild camping videos and so glad I did. Comedy Gold! I’m now binge watching all your other content. I’m from Chester so familiar with many of the areas you visit. Keep up the good work , you guys are awesome! Thank you 😊

    4. New to your channel after this video randomly showed up for me, and I have to say what a brilliant video it was! Loved the Blot references throughout aswell 😅 Really enjoyed this and what a laugh the two of you are! You've got a new sub 👍

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