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    An update on Julie’s health and post op recovery.

    A Wheeler At Large is out cycling again this time on the Giant Revolt. Gravel Bike with friends enjoying some Gnarly climbs on the Isle of Purbeck.

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    Mike is riding a @RideGiantBicycles Revolt 0 with @elitewheelscycles wheels and 45mm Cintaurato M gravel Tyres.

    MagicShine code: ​wheeler15

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    creek creek creek that’s the bike as well that’s creaking too Sunday morning heading down to sandbanks fa yeah going to go over the a of perbeck uh cor Castle I think is the destination we’ll see anyway this poor Giant needs a good amount of Maintenance I think it’s been creaking to differing degrees for a while that bottom bracket is it’s done two Winters now it’s done really well actually so I think it’s time for some new bearings mostly downhill to the uh Ferry nothing behind me thank you which is a good thing and then it’s flat to the ferry let’s go down on the beach fantastic day loads of people in the water already will we be going up over the top of there or will we be taking the flat route I’m guessing we’ll be going over there one way or the other they’re all [Laughter] back oh dear I like that runner on the back of a t-shirt death before treadmills I kind of feel like that about whift uh slightly into the wind not much wind today actually makes a change has been windy a lot over the last few years actually we have a table tennis table in our garden we used to use it a lot we haven’t been able to use it for about 3 years now cuz it’s just too windy I actually got here quicker than I thought I would maybe I’m not as large and I’m fit as I thought I was no I’m definitely as large as I thought I was good morning good morning oh Mr Kingdon good to see you yeah good to see you great yeah lots of van lifers now whether it’s motor homes or converted Vans just everywhere we found gravel well looks like we’re going the flat route to cor castle where we go after that who knows so this is ramp Stone it’s quite a sort of flat Trail across to uh corve Castle area get out of the rock it’ be better the perex is okay so let’s say the New Forest is manicured gravel tracks it’s about as good as it gets they need vehicular accesss as the working Forest thank you perck a little bit more Rough and Ready but still very ridable okay oh hello rear tires bleeding again there it is hopefully oh no there it goes no it’s not having it is it well okay it’s decided to seal for a minute but I’m going to leave that ready to go because it’s obviously not going to last so when it does go I’ll have a plug at the ready all right yep so far so good all right all right the famous sampit how I a gear that I can push through sand I think I am going try and avoid it as much as possible oh well that was more agreeable than the last few times I come through here it’s been a while things have changed some new additions [Music] hole possibly not the right time to be riding with one hand yeah Julie update on Julie I better do that didn’t I it’s probably why you’re here to be honest anyway everything went well it’s all good she was home after four nights 3 days uh there’s a little bit of swelling around the wound at the minute so we have been back to the hosital hospital but they’re convinced that the antibiotics will sort that out so she hasn’t had to be reopened or anything like that so mostly good what I would say is that I’m used to riding without Julie I’m used to riding without Julie on my own it’s very strange in a group without her anyway we got some great tracks bikes front more and more ebikes coming out on the gravel rid now actually it works quite well bit bumpy just keep the arms loose loose grip on the bars no need to hold on tight hey that was a bit bumpy what fell off nothing no nothing I think it was me uh my excuse for a mud guard flapping around at the back I guess what I’ve done today is I’ve come out with people that I would consider Buddies it makes it better makes it better small group yes it’s nice lots of cameras maybe there’s something going on today swanage steam Railway that could be why all the cameras are here what is that Atlantic Coast Express manston probably means something to somebody so this is the uh the village of cor Castle we’re going out the back way through the farmyard those of you that know it know it yes that big gravel climb and uh we’re going to end up in swanage apparently that’s where we’re stopping for a cafe stop farmyard climb next I’m about two Stone heavier than I was the last time I did it it’s going to be bloody hard I it’s never easy in the first place bloody farmyard climb honestly he told me we’ll go to C Castle get a coffee and come back I’m all of a sudden doing the farmyard climb it’s been a long time since I did this there’s good reason for that I’ve basically chosen not I’ve possibly gone in too easy a gear too soon just means it’ll be slow and long and arduous and torturous all those horrible other things got to pick your line I a gravel B have anyway I apologize in advance for the soundtrack that would accompany this right gets chunky from here look ahead pick the line don’t slide out on the cow so if I looked ahead I’d be there but I didn’t so I’m in the chunky [Applause] bit struggling to keep front wheel on the ground I guess the thing I like about this the most Road here from my front door grip I don’t like stopping at the gate because you still got that and it may not be as Steep and as loose but it ain’t easy done it this is the top of Kingston Hill out of uh cor castle if you’re going by Road and uh I don’t think I’ve ever ridden up it actually on the road been down it bloody scary unlike the nice gentle five and 6% down Hills you get in newa here they’re like 15% now you see this I can do but it’s just like 3% no problem well we’ve decided to stop at the square en Compass worth the Travis sometimes sometimes a dog will appear up on that roof don’t know if it will today a pub with a view all right let’s get this gate for everyone bumpy bumpy bumpy just a loose grip on the bars I don’t need all that banging and vibration going up the arms I just need to control where the bik’s going oh head ah head morning thank you there’s about six of us seven I can’t remember not my job to count oh oh my God it’s A New Path what’s going on they’ve made the path up this used to be a bit of um muddy single track it was amazing and scary all at the same time the crime of this world in the crutch still but don’t go home tonight come [Music] out now out of the seat heroics here that’s a long way to go fantastic downhill this one if only we were s in the middle of the cassette pleased with that I’m going to take another one but pleased with that got that now Julie’s managed to get up here I never have I always run out of traction at the gate if I can get past the gate it’s not actually that steep it’s just it’s very loose by that gate oh well I’ll give it another go see what happens this one beats me technically I run out of traction which is annoying physically no problem it’s just technically that’s always a little bit more disappointing somehow can I keep the front wheel on the ground go on yes I’m through the gate never managed that before okay flattening out I’ve done it first time ever well done bike there’s the Obelisk when we get to the top I’ll show you why we do this there we go look at the look that’s Paul Harbor over there second largest natural Harbor in the world after Sydney and there’s swanage where we just were that’s what Julie says she recognizes people by the bikes cuz when you’re all kitted up with your helmet and everything on she do recognize anyone yes wonderful thank you bloody magic isn’t it glorious is it good for the soul yeah absolutely for shots like that it’s good to have the secret handbrake Rock Garden loose stay loose let your arms take it don’t hold on too tight stay up stay up stay up yeah see what you want here is a motor come on keep going oh quite that was disappointing I thought I had it brute force and ignorance sometimes isn’t it to be hon honest it’s brute force and ignorance a lot of the time of me it’s one of the uh most used tools in my tool box as it were bike was creaking this morning it’s not now a bit of perbeck seems to have uh fixed it just been wheeler spotted on windborn road hi whoever that was


    1. Were you singing Smiths songs on the ride, Mike…?Β Shelia take a bow…?
      Lovely day for quite a challenging ride at times.
      Good to hear Julie is recovering.
      That shot with the dirty doll made me spit out my wine…LOL!

    2. Great ride all – but some brutal looking climbs! The rewards though look excellent – those views!
      That loco is a Battle of Britain Class Bulleid Pacific, or 'Spam Can,' and was built in 1947 apparently. Ugly great things though, not like GWR locos at all 😎 One of the planet's greatest smells to be found there though – steam engines. A heady mix of steam, grease, oil, paint and polish 😍 Other great smells are freshly cut grass, coffee, bread and especially Castrol R 😍😍

      Hello to Julie! πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹ glad everything is on track and going well! πŸ‘

    3. Great ride!! You and your β€œcreaky bike” up that gravel ascent! My foot was reaching out for the floor watching that bit! RESPECT!!! And thanks for the wonderful update on Julie. Nice video to start the day!

    4. Good to see you out and about Mike. Good to hear Julie is home and doing well. Best wishes to you both and carry on recovery Julie. God bless take care.

    5. Lovely video Mike, such a beautiful area. Great news that Julie is home and the recovery is going well. Looking forward to the next update!xx

    6. Awesome ride. And congrats on getting up that one spot for the first time. Great advice for loosing up you arms and grip. I always grab hard. Tell Julie tasha max and I say hello. What a great video.

    7. That was a great route, Mike. I'm watching this the day after you posted it, after returning from my road trip to ride the Route of the Hiawatha. As you folks over the pond would say, that bucket item is done and dusted. It is good to hear that things went well with Julie's procedure. Please give her a hug for me, and let her know there is more positive energy heading her way. I also let out my first yeehaw in the middle of the 1.6 mile tunnel on the Hiawatha. It seemed like it echoed for minutes.

    8. Looks like a fun ride overall! And thanks so much for the update on Julie! So happy that all is going well for her so far! Best wishes to you both. πŸ₯°πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸΎ

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