What a mini-adventure this was! Wild camp, 2 top 100 climbs and a sea swim!

    Also my faves Shokz sponsored this video – thanks to them 🙂 but such a fan of them use them pretty much every day.

    New OpenSwim Pro are here: https://shokz.cc/3xjfh8Y

    // Cycling eBook: https://www.ilikemountains.cc/s-h-o-p
    // Instagram: http://instagram.com/katiekookaburra1/
    // Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/3352833
    // My Zwift Club: https://tinyurl.com/4wusdwxp
    // Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/katiekookaburra

    Super happy to have the following brands support me and my ol’ cycling adventures. So you will see some of their products I choose to use in my content 🙂

    Shokz: https://shokz.cc/3Sq4IXJ

    good morning we are awake it’s actually about half nine Juliet just let her M down she’s in it that’s a really good way of doing it though yeah it rained we were both quite cold uh but we survived we are got to get up in a minute there’s a cafe about Juliet tells me about 5 minutes that way and then we’ve got two I thought there were three actually slep in my minutes um two top 100 climbs that we’re going to do look at this beautiful oh and then also yeah the for quite a few hours I couldn’t sleep because I could hear snoring so I was kind of like doing like a little little cough just I she can hear that so she’ll just turn over and then eventually I just went Juliet you snoring well the first time you said it I just sort of went all right and like went you know just didn’t say anything thing and I’m lying there thinking how am I snoring I’m lying on my front I’ve got my mouth closed like how is this possible anyway eventually I fell back to sleep after feeling quite anxious about disturbing you and then you were like you said it again how can I be I’m lying on my front with my mouth closed and then I lay there for a little minute longer and I started hearing this soding owl and I swear it was that it wasn’t me like it wasn’t me was it Juliet or was it the owl but then after that either way the owl must have heard me whoever it was they shut up whoever it was it stopped if you don’t know what a bivvy is I’m going to show you what a bivy is so basically a bivet is just bag it’s it’s basically a bag with a zip on but there’s lots of different versions jul interrupt go on doesn’t always have a zip oh do it not no my outfit one’s got a draw string I think oh so they don’t always have a zip so this one I’ve got is this was it was maybe £200 it’s expensive um The Outdoor Research healing Bey so basically this one’s good because generally they don’t have a hoop in them but this one’s hoop so that when you’re asleep it’s not on your face you don’t feel like you’re in like a a coffin or something but look this is the clip yeah hello sleeping bag terrible I definitely need to get a new one although I think that’s probably how it was most of the night really probably oh I don’t want to take it off it’s cold got temp we’re off to find a cafe I’ve got cims before breakfast and I’ve got I’ve got insulated like winter base layer my jersey Shake dry and then my puffer so I am sweating J said that is uh would come climber woohoo what a cute little village this is oh my gosh Cafe Cafe Cafe it’s got like a full-on veggie little number vegie then I got peppermint tea right so we’ve had breakfast and now we’re going to go up what’s the name of it called whum climb also one thing that I didn’t mention that I B yesterday is this slipstream sham cream I’ve used this for years and years and years and I always bring it on these kind of trips just because it’s the best sham cream I’ve ever used so I’m going to go and put bit on and then we’re going to head up the Steep CL how steep would you say it is uh it’s not very oh it’s not very cuz it look from the distance it looked steep I don’t remember it being that bad we will see I’ll show you where it is look how pretty this little place is just walking around with the sh the reason that I like this one is because like the first ingredient is aloe vera so you can use it before you can use it like after when you’ve ridden it’s just a really good and it’s also not a pot so I’m going to Juliet wants some so yeah look how pretty this is oh I can see the climb there basically the route we’re going to do actually we’re going to go up it to come down it to go to Dart meat up and down that and then back around uh back to bricken it’s only about 50k about about, M this is De Cline it’s not that steep but just come past the sign this a 20% so it’s only like two 2K up it was coming straight back down this is the top it was steep but not not like crazy steep oh wow look at that view so now I’m just going to go back down and carry on our route The View on the way back [Applause] down so this is the start of dark meat climb and you can see on the app it’s actually really good I don’t know you can see it the glare but that is where it starts I’m just going to head up there oh Juliet’s getting readying up 160 m I know it’s hilly but we’ve done 16k 482 M this is so hilly and that was just literally rolling out of the bivvy you’re eager you’re ready to go I need a head start little mountain goat right let’s go this is steep this is the first time able to film anything take a hand off the bar and we are top The Climb that was beautiful the views okay I’ll give that R out of 10 for difficulty I would say maybe if five or six because this first bit is a steep there a cattle grid and then it’s quite Steep and it’s just kind of pretty steady I would say though and this I mean it’s not a competition but I do think Yorkshire has got tougher climbs than dartmore compared to dmore climbs that I’ve done yorkshire’s definitely more brutal let me know what you think D Mall versus uh Yorkshire cuz I think there’s some absolute even more brutes in Yorkshire than there is in Dore but I mean it’s not like a North versus South or is it I wait for her chain came off again on the on the start of the climb hello the chain yeah again start that was so I don’t know how you got going again start then just could hard get my pedal I’ve had enough climbing you’ve had your climbs I’m over it oh you’re such a good sport cuz I know you don’t really like doing him you’ve done them all no honestly Juliet is not fan of the climbs but she’s done them all for me to show me so I appreciate it so much I think the first day that was the hardest I’ve managed to convert Juliet look where we are we’re going back to the Strawberry Fields like it’s a really beautiful like little what would you call it Farm shop a little farm shop and like oh we’ll go there and I was like I’m just going to put in the garage this is nice though like look how pretty this is nice weather and I don’t ever drink coffee and I was like oh this looks quite nice oh this is NI so you know if you haven’t got a pillow if you sleep with your helmet on it’s actually quite ly I want have one of them again it’s a bit almondy so I made it back on we’re going to getb some food there is Julia been telling me there’s a really nice uh sea pool which I’ve never been in so I’m going to head down there uh but thank you so much for the incredible two days riding like so so good those views were just liked it it was thank you for doing the climbs awesome right I’m going to get some grub and then I’ll catch up with you when I’m on the way down to the Sea pool also the roots will be linked below to my strawber so have a little Gander at them and uh see you them more [Music] I’ve never seen anything like this before W this is so cool oh my God this looks so good so so good how blooming good is this this place is phenomenal how do I not know about these pools I cannot wait to actually I can wait I’m a little bit cautious I’m like is it going to be really cold but we shall see uh before I went in because I thought maybe some of you are swimmers as well and you’d like this because this is something that I rode about for years and years and years um and I’ve got some I think you might like so these basically are the shocks um headphones they’re bone conducting so you can still hear traffic they are amazing I use these on pretty much all my rides if you’ve seen me or watched my videos for years you’ll know how much I use these every single day for calls for music when I’m on the bike they’re just amazing but I’m going to go and use it now theyve just brought these out these are the open swim Pro so these are waterproof for 2 hours up to 2 m whereas the open run Pro are like sweat proof Splash proof um so if you are someone that swims or swims or you’re a triathlete and you want to able to use them on the bike and in the pool or in the the sea and they do recommend that you rinse them off after you’ve been in seawat with them um these are going to be amazing if you want that multi-use multiport uh purpose the other thing if you are or just a cyclist I say just a cyclist um is that these have got the ability to have um and to store songs it’s basically they can switch between using Bluetooth which you can use on on the open run Pro um just to connect to your phone to listen to your music these have got internal storage I think it’s 32 gigabytes so you can save up to like 8,000 songs so if you’re someone that wants to go out and not take your phone that’s got the ability to do this you can actually use it and connect it to your phone as you would normally with the others uh but that’s like an additional feature so I’m going to go in now I’ll actually just do like a really quick comparison just showing you the differences between them and then I’m going to get in the pool because I can’t wait any longer okay let’s go let’s go let’s go Juliet has very kindly let me her dry robe as well so okay let’s get in let’s go and do it I’m going to go and try these maybe I’ll get some motivation to musical motivation to get me in the water people always ask like how they actually fit on you don’t even know you’ve got them on honestly right let me go in M okay let’s go [Music] it woohoo a thank you oh it’s so cold what’ you get in is actually really nice oh I wish we had this in Manchester I know we’ve not got the beat but hey I I’m saying I wish we had this in Manchester I have got a little bit of Manchester in my ears right now I’ve got Oasis playing and they’re playing what’s the story Morning Glory I love summer in the UK to do well to do this so far it’s so cold and i’ I’ve not dunked my head yet I might go back in and dunk in a minute or maybe I won’t I’m going definitely going to go back in for another swim though but it’s just been such a nice experience coming I guess exploring a different part of the UK because honestly the UK has got so much going for it I just love how different and varied it is and I think if the weather was like this or yeah I’d never leave um and I’ve got to say a massive thank you to um to Juliet um and her partner Sam for letting me go and stay with them because it’s just been amazing like it’s such a lovely different like part of the of the country tree get like a sea pool like where did you get that it’s so nice so good right I’m going to go back in um I’ll leave a link to um the open twim Pro in the description if you want to go and have a look at them and oh I should say I am sponsored by them you know that probably know that by now I’ve been sponsored them for quite some time so yeah I’m really grateful but I absolutely love them use them every day um okay right I’m want to go back in get back in maybe I’ll dunk maybe I won’t also if you are liking the swimming bit of content I’ve got more tomorrow in the sea so if you want more Sea action content then watch tomorrow’s because you’ll love that I’m so excited tomorrow so yeah getting used to the cold water okay all right I’ll see you tomorrow goodbye goodbye goodbye


    1. You need to get softie elite 3 never been cold in it and packs smaller than ever haha I know I said that in the last video 😂

    2. I can't comment on Yorkshire as I've never cycled there. In my mind, it must be harder work.

      I'm so pleased that you came around to what Devon has to offer. You've made a really nice advertisement for us down here , and that is really appreciated.

    3. .another Supser Cool Vid' Katie stunning part of the world & You & Juliet realky are Ambassadors for All things Cyling & as You rightly point out for such a small Ilse the UK realky does have Variety in abundance & We Dont or Were noy good at Bigging Up All that this Country has to offer!
      Looking forwatd to tomorrows Vid already…You Both..Keep uo the good wotk!

    4. I just finished a 1 week bike packing trip in the SE USA where the temperature averaged 38° C (100° F during the day). So when I see you two ladies wearing your Patagonia jackets I start to feel light-headed, dazed, and confused as if I am suffering from heat stroke. 🥵🔥🥵🔥🥵 Having days that, I love your bikepacking trips with your lady friends. As comfy as you are with your male chums, you seem to be more at ease and confortable being your authentic, hilarious self with your "She Bike Warriors." I LOVE THAT !!! 🥰🥰🥰

    5. You suggested slipstream ages ago, my godi will never use any thing else. Cycling , walking etc it’s blooming brilliant . 👍🏻👍🏻

    6. Another great little adventure which looks so much fun. Enjoyed watching, but noticed you were the only one swimming in the sea pool 😂😂. I imagine there was a reason for that!

    7. After using chamois cream, I was advised by another rider to use aqueous cream from a chemist. You can get a large tub for less than a couple of pound. Well worth it.

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